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Laoli, Citra Indah Maharani. Registration Number: 2121121001. Developing Procedure Text Materials for the Eleventh Grade Students of Computer and Network Engineering.

The objective of this study is to develop suitable procedure text materials for reading skill, for computer and network engineering students. It was found that procedure text materials provided in the students’ textbook were not suitable to the needs and interests of computer and network engineering students. This research was conducted based on educational research and development (R&D) through five steps, namely: gathering data, analyzing data, developing procedure text materials, validating procedure text materials, and revising procedure text materials. The subject of this study was XI-3 TKJ students at SMK Harapan Stabat and the instruments used to collect the data were observation list, questionnaire, and interview. Based on the needs analysis conducted there were 6 procedure texts related to computer and network engineering developed. These texts were accompanied by vocabularies and 12 varied exercises. These developed procedure text materials had been validated by two experts and the average score gotten is 4.18. It is categorized “Good” since the mean is within the interval 3.40 < ≤ 4.19. It means that the developed procedure text materials for reading skill are suitable for the eleventh grade students of computer and network engineering.




The researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ, the Almighty, for His wonderful mercy and grace given to the researcher so that she finally accomplished her Thesis entitled: “Developing Procedure Text Materials for the Eleventh Grade Students of Computer and Network Engineering”.

This Thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In accomplishing this Thesis, the researcher realizes that she faced some problems and she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and also a lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore, the researcher would like to express her gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature Department as well as her Examiner for her valuable input to furnish this Thesis. during the process of accomplishing this Thesis.

Indra Hartoyo, S.Pd., M.Hum., her Examiner for his valuable input to furnish this Thesis.



Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd. and Pak Pantes, the Administration Staffs of English Department.

H.M.T. Wahyu Amami, K.JD. M.Pd., the Headmaster of SMK Harapan Stabat for giving the permission to conduct this research at that school.  Zulia Fitri, S.Pd., the English teacher of Computer and Network

Engineering at SMK Harapan Stabat as well as her validator for helping the researcher during the research and reviewing the product of this research; and all of the students of SMK Harapan Stabat, especially XI-3 TKJ students for being the subject of this research.

Her beloved parents, Yasozaro Laoli, SH. and Rosmanriang Telaumbanua for their abundant love, trust and prayers. May their lives full of happiness.

 Her comrades in arms “The Black Ribbon, Berman Lumbannahor, Bertha M. Silalahi, Betharia S. Pandia, Frikson Siburian, Malawita, and Petrus L. Simamora for the great experiences during these 4 years of togetherness and friendship.

Her classmates in Education 12 Regular C, especially Theresia Manalu and Yeslika D. br. Bangun and everyone who cannot be mentioned one by one for sharing care and support to the researcher in accomplishing this Thesis. May God bless you.

The researcher realizes that this Thesis still has the paucity, she conveniently welcomes any suggestions, comments, and advice that will improve the quality of this Thesis. She hopes that this Thesis would be useful for those who read and for those who are interested in the field of this study.

Medan, March 2017 The researcher,



E. The Significances of the Study ... 7


A. Theoretical Framework ... 8

1. English at Vocational Secondary School ... 8

a. Computer and Network Engineering ... 8

b. Curriculum ... 9

2. Reading ... 11

a. Definition of Reading ... 11

b. Reading Comprehension ... 13

c. Barrett Taxonomy ... 13

d. Types of Reading Text ... 15

3. Teaching Materials ... 17

4. English for Specific Purposes ... 18

5. Needs Analysis ... 20

6. Materials Evaluation ... 22

7. Materials Development ... 24



b. Principles of Materials Development ... 25

c. The Advantages of Materials Development ... 26

d. The procedures of Materials Development ... 27

B. Relevant Studies ... 28

C. Conceptual Framework ... 30


A. The Research Design... 33

B. The Subject of the Study ... 33

C. The Instruments of Data Collection ... 34

D. The Techniques of Collecting Data... 35

E. The Techniques of Data Analysis ... 35

F. The Procedures of Materials Development ... 36


A. Gathering Data ... 42

C. Developing Procedure Text Materials ... 51

D. Validating Procedure Text Materials ... 54

1. Validation Score from the Lecturer... 55

2. Validation Score from the Teacher ... 56

E. Revising Procedure Text Materials ... 57


A. Conclusions ... 59

B. Suggestions ... 60




Table 2.1 Procedure Text ... 16

Table 2.2 Components of the Systems Approach Model ... 27

Table 3.1 Data Conversion Table ... 40

Table 4.1 Students’ Responses to the Existing Procedure Text Materials ... 44

Table 4.2 Questionnaire Analysis ... 46

Table 4.3 Interview Analysis ... 49

Table 4.4 Developed Procedure Texts ... 54

Table 4.5 Validation Score from the Lecturer ... 55







APPENDIX A Questionnaire ... 65

APPENDIX B Interview ... 69

APPENDIX C Questionnaire Analysis ... 70

APPENDIX D Interview Analysis ... 75

APPENDIX E Syllabus ... 76

APPENDIX F Existing Procedure Text Materials ... 80

APPENDIX G Developed Procedure Text Materials ... 93

APPENDIX H Validation Score from the Lecturer ... 109

APPENDIX I Validation Score from the Teacher ... 113

APPENDIX J Revised Developed Procedure Text Materials ... 117





A. The Background of the Study

Reading is one of the four language skills besides listening, writing, and speaking which should be mastered by students in learning English. Reading is

defined as the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately (Grabe and Stoller, 2002:9). Moreover, according to

Cline et al. (2006) reading is decoding and understanding text for particular reader purposes. Readers decode written text by translating text to speech, and translating directly to meaning. To understand written text, readers engage in constructive

processes to make text meaningful, which is the end goal or product.

In the learning of reading, the selection of reading text is very important. The content should not be contrary to the students’ own cultural values because it

seems that it is easier to read what is interesting and ideologically compatible than to read what is boring and ideologically incompatible. It is also easier to learn to

read when the cultural background is familiar so that students can draw on cultural information in the decoding process. Besides, students also need the vocabulary of what is relevant to their world (Paulston and Bruder, 1976:159). In addition,

Hutchinson and Waters (1986:121) state that the text given to students should be suited to their needs and interests.



secondary school (SMA) and vocational secondary school (SMK). General secondary school focuses on knowledge expansion and skills improvement of

students, and preparing students for further education while vocational secondary school focuses on the development of skills that apply to a certain specific

occupation, and preparing students for employment as well as developing professional attitude.

Considering this fact, the materials given to general secondary students

and vocational secondary students should be differentiated based on their needs and interests, including the reading text materials. In this study, the word “interests” refersto “major”. The reading texts given should relate to the students’

major because students’ major actually affects the reading texts that the students


The act of giving relevant reading text materials to the vocational secondary students is also demanded by the curriculum implemented, Curriculum

2013. The rationale of Curriculum 2013 development in Law No. 70 of 2013 on the Basic Framework and the Curriculum Structure of Vocational Secondary

School and Islamic Vocational Secondary School states that:

Penguatan materi dilakukan dengan cara pendalaman dan perluasan materi yang relevan bagi peserta didik.

There are many kinds of major in vocational secondary school. One of those is Computer and Network Engineering or in Indonesian called as Teknik

Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ). It is an expertise program that aims to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to be competent in installing



The reading texts given to Computer and Network Engineering students should relate to computer and network engineering because their need in relation to their major is computer and network engineering knowledge. It also includes

the examples of procedure text given to them. Based on Curriculum 2013, procedure text is one of the types of reading text learnt by the eleventh grade

students of vocational secondary school. It can be seen from one of the basic competences of English subject stated in syllabus:

4.9 Menangkap makna teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, berbentuk manual dan kiat-kiat (tips).

Additionally, procedure text is a type of text which is often applied in the teaching and learning process of Computer and Network Engineering. It can be seen when the students learn how to install computer, remove virus, make a

program, and so on.

The suitable procedure texts will motivate students in reading because they are truly motivated to study only if teaching materials constantly address their

need that is computer and network engineering knowledge (Blagojevic, 2013). Furthermore, they will be easier to comprehend the texts because they already

have background knowledge about computer and network engineering.

In addition, the adaptation of procedure texts to be suitable to the students’ needs and major relates to the process of reading itself. Procedure texts should be suitable to the students’ needs because reading is an evaluating process in that the

reader must decide if the information being read is coherent and matches the purpose for reading. This evaluation also extends to the reader’s motivations for



likely success or failure with text comprehension, and the reader’s expectation

that the information from the text will be useful (or interesting, or enjoyable) (Grabe and Stoller, 2002:18).

Meanwhile, procedure texts also should be suitable to the students’ major because reading is interactive in the sense that linguistic information from the text

interacts with information activated by the reader from long-term memory, as background knowledge. These two knowledge sources, linguistic and background are essential for building the reader’s interpretation of the text (Grabe and Stoller,


The adaptation of reading texts to be related to the students’ needs and

major is actually the application of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Richards (2001:28) states that the concern to make language courses more relevant to students’ needs leads this period to the emergence of ESP. Strevens (1988), in

Evans and John (1998:9) summarizes the advantages of it with the following four points: 1) being focused on the learner’s need, it wastes no time, 2) it is relevant to

the learner, 3) it is successful in imparting learning, 4) it is more cost-effective

than general English. Therefore, the selection of reading texts which are suitable to the students’ needs and major should not be neglected.

But unfortunately, some research findings at some schools, namely: SMKN 3 Magelang, Darul Arafah Islamic Boarding School Lau Bakeri, and SMK Harapan Stabat show that the reading texts given to the students are not suitable to



their major so, the texts given are considered being useless for them. Some examples of text below show that they have nothing to do with the students’ major. Thus, it is contrary to the theory of ESP that the materials are expected to

be relevant to students.

First, research finding at SMKN 3 Magelang by Purnamasari (2015) finds

that the English materials given to the Beauty Study Program students are not contextualized to their study program. There are no particular input texts and technical terms of Beauty Study Program.

Second, research finding at Darul Arafah Islamic Boarding School Lau Bakeri by Kulowani (2015) finds that the reading texts given to the students of Islamic Boarding School like “BJ Habibie’s Biography” and “Malin Kundang”

are not suitable to the students’ needs and major.

Third, based on the researcher’s observation at SMK Harapan Stabat

(2016), it is found that the students use the English textbook which is published by the Ministry of Education and Culture but unfortunately, the textbook is also used by the general secondary school. It can be seen from its cover which is written “Bahasa Inggris - SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester 2”. So, it can be

concluded that there is no differentiation of materials between general secondary

school and vocational secondary school. Moreover, the reading texts especially the procedure texts given to the Computer and Network Engineering students are totally unsuitable. The procedure texts like: “How to Make Orange Juice”, “How



For that reason, the development of reading text materials to be suitable to the students’ needs and major is conducted in order to give students the materials

which motivate them in reading and make them easier to comprehend the

materials so that, the basic competence in English subject can be achieved. It is also conducted to fulfill the demand of Curriculum 2013 that the relevant

materials should be given to the students. The development is conducted by selecting texts related to computer and network engineering from internet and book and then adapting (modifying) them to the needs in order to provide suitable

texts for the students.

In this study, procedure text materials for reading skill which are related to

computer and network engineering for Computer and Network Engineering students are developed in order to meet the students’ need in relation to their major. Procedure text is chosen to develop by considering the fact that procedure

texts given to the students are not suitable whereas procedure text should be mastered by them as stated in syllabus. Besides, procedure text is a type of text which is really related to the students because it is often applied in the teaching

and learning process of Computer and Network Engineering.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study elaborated above, the problem of the study is formulated as follows: “What procedure text materials for reading skill



C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is: “To develop suitable procedure text materials for reading skill, for Computer and Network Engineering students”.

D. The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is developing procedure text materials for reading skill based on the students’ need in relation to their major that is computer and network engineering knowledge. It is conducted for the eleventh grade students of

Computer and Network Engineering at SMK Harapan Stabat.

E. The Significances of the Study

Theoretically, this study is expected to give further information and theories about the development of procedure text materials for reading skill, for

Vocational Secondary Students which relates to the application of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Practically, this study is expected to:

1. Students, to give them suitable procedure text materials which will

motivate them in reading and make them easier to comprehend the materials. Moreover, it will support the achievement of basic competence

in learning English.

2. Teachers, to give them references of suitable procedure text materials which will make them easier to impart the materials to their students.




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Table 2.1 Procedure Text .....................................................................................
Figure 2.1 Procedure Text ....................................................................................


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