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Improving students’ skill in writing descriptive text through clustering technique: a pre-experiment research at the second grade of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan


Academic year: 2017

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Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata I (Bachelor of Art) in English

Language Education








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Drs. Syauki, M.Pd.

19641212 199103 I 002

Isrnalianing Eviyul iwati, M.Hum. 1g740723 200003 2 001

tangan di bawah ini, Rifqa Mumtazati

I 090 r 4000 I 80

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Griya Arafah. Jl. Keang Risin


No. lg2, Rt. 002/Rw. 0l

Kab. Tangerang

Legoso. Kel. Pisangan. Kec. Ciputat Timur, Selatan. Prov. Banten.


Improving Students,



Writing Descriptive Text

Through clustering Technique (A pre-Experintent Research

at the Second Grade of MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan)

Dengan ini menyatakan bahrva skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri

dan saya bertanggung jarvab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqasah.

Jakafta, December 26th, 201 4

Mahasiswa Yb6.









Pre-Experiment Research


the Second Grade


MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan), written by RIFQA MUMTAZATI students registration number 109014000180 was examined


the examination





tarbiyah and Teachers' Training, Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta on December 241h,2014. The Skripsi has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of "S.Pd." (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education at the English Education Department.

J akarta, December 24th, 20I 4


CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki. M.Pd.

NIP. 19641212 199103




NIP. 19761007 200710



EXAMINERS I: Dr. Atiq Susilo. M.A.

NIP. 19491122 197803




NIP. 19690912 200901 1 008


Dean of Tarbiyah and Teachers'


Dra. N t:


Tangerang Selatan)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata I (Bachelor of Art) in

English Language Education




Approveti by:



19740723 200003 2 001










Writing Descriptive Text Through Clustering Technique: A Pre-Experiment Research at the Second Grade of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan. Skripsi of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatulah Jakarta, 2014. The advisors are Drs. Syauki, M.Pd and Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M.Hum.

Keywords: Writing, Descriptive Text, Clustering Technique.

This research is conducted to find out wether clustering technique can improve student’s writing skill in writing descriptive text at the second grade of MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan in academic year 2013/2014. The subject of this research is class VIII-BP Junior High School, which consists of 23 students. By using action research methodology, the writer applied the method for student of class VIII-BP Junior High School.



the Second Grade of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan. Skripsi S1. Fakultas Ilmu tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014. Pembimbing (1) Drs. Syauki, M. Pd dan pembimbing (2) Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M.Hum.

Kata Kunci: Writing, Descriptive Text, Clustering Technique.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan secara empiris tentang penggunaan teknik clustering dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif di kelas II MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan pada tahun akademik 2013/2014. Penulis menggunakan penelitian pre-experiment. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII-BP SMP terdiri dari 23 siswa. Dengan menggunakan metodologi penelitian pre-experiment, penulis menerapkan metode untuk siswa kelas VIII-BP SMP.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful

All praises be to Allah, Lord of the world, for the health and the strength that Allah has given to the writer in writing this „skripsi‟. Peace and salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions as well as his followers. Firstly, the writer also would thank to her beloved parents, Dr. H. Hasan Basri, M.A and Zuriati, S.H who always never stop teaching their precious meaning of life, giving their knowledge, giving their time and who always pray her every time; her beloved brothers, Rikza Muntazari and Ramza Munfajari, who always give support and motivation to her.

Secondly, the writer would like to address her thank and great gratitude to Drs. Syauki, M.Pd and Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M.Hum, as the writer‟s advisors, who give consultation with full of patience, help and guidance as valuable advice

during developing this “Skripsi” and completing her work, may Allah SWT

respond to their kindness much better.

Thirdly, the writer thought that she would never finish this skripsi fluently without their supports and their helps. Her gratitude also goes to:

1. Nurlena Rifa‟i, M.A., Ph.D,, as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers


2. All lecturers of English Education Department for teaching precious knowledge, sharing philosophy of life and giving wonderful experiences. 3. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., as the Head of English Education Department.

4. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of English Education Department. 5. Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A. and Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the writer‟s examiners, who help

and guidance as valuable advice during developing this “Skripsi” and



6. Suardin, S.Sos.I, as the Headmaster of MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan for giving permission to the writer to conduct the research.

7. Eneng Sumarni, S.S, as the English teacher at MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan, for all sincere help, time, and guidance.

8. The students of second grade of MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan for being participants in this research.

9. Her beloved best friends; Fakhrul Radhi, Eka Fitriana, Vesi Sarwenda, Ipit Charunnisa, Erni Darwati and all of her friends in English Education Department 2009 academic year, especially E class, who have always been in the writer side in facing all laughter and tears during her study.

10. All of her friends in IMAPA (Ikatan Mahasiswa dan Pemuda Aceh) Jakarta. 11. To all of people whose name can not be mentioned for their contribution to

the writer during finishing her skripsi.

Finally, the writer admits that her writing is still far from being perfect. Therefore she hopes some suggestions and criticism from the reader for this

paper. Hopefully this „skripsi‟ will have some values for her and the reader.

Jakarta, December 26th, 2014

The Writer

Rifqa Mumtazati







ABSTRAK ... vi







A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 3

C.Limitation of the Study ... 4

D.Formulation of the Problem ... 4

E.Objective of the Study ... 4

F.Significance of the Study ... 4


A. Meaning of Writing ... 6

1. Definition of Writing... 6

2. The Purpose of Writing ... 9

3. The Process of Writing... 10

B.Descriptive Text ... 13

1. Definition of Descriptive Text ... 13



C.Clustering Technique ... 15

1. Definition of Clustering Technique ... 15

2. The Steps of Using Clustering Technique ... 17

3. Teaching Writing Using Clustering Technique ... 20

D. Previous Study ... 21


A. Place and Time of the Research ... 24

B.Research Design ... 25

C.Population and Sample ... 24

D.The Research Method ... 25

E.The Subject of the Research ... 26

F.The technique of Collecting Data ... 26

G.The Technique of Data Analysis ... 27


A. Research Finding ... 31

1. Finding of the Preliminary Study ... 31

a. Test Result of Interview ... 31

b. The Result of Pre-action Test ... 32

2. Finding of the Action ... 34

3. Finding After Implementing The Action ... 36

a. The Result of Post-Interview ... 37

b. The Result of Formative-Test ... 37

c. The Result of Post-Test ... 39

B. The Interpretation of Data ... 43


A. Conclusion ... 45

B. Suggestion ... 45




Table 3.2 The Analytical scoring rubric

Table 4.1 The Students’ Writing Score of Pretest

Table 4.2 The Students’ Writing Score of Posttest 1

Table 4.3 The Students’ Writing Score of Posttest 2



Figure 2.2 Sample of Clustering 2

Figure 3.1 Cyclical AR model based on Kemmis and McTaggart (1988)



Appendix 2 Lesson Plan of the First and Second Meeting

Appendix 3 The Sample of Students’ Writing Paragraph in the Preliminary Study

Appendix 4 Students’ Writing Scores in the Preliminary Study

Appendix 5 The Sample of Students’ Writing Paragraph After Implementation of Clustering Technique (Formative Test)

Appendix 6 Students’ Writing Scores in the Formative test

Appendix 7 Field Notes in the First Meeting

Appendix 8 Field Notes in the Second Meeting

Appendix 9 Lesson Plan of the Third and Fourth Meeting

Appendix 10 The Sample of Students’ Writing Paragraph After Implementation of Clustering Technique (Post Test)

Appendix 11 Students’ Writing Scores in Post Test

Appendix 12 Field Notes in the Third Meeting

Appendix 13 Field Notes in the Fourth Meeting

Appendix 14 Interview for English Teacher after Implementation of Clustering Technique

Appendix 15 Documentation of the research

Appendix 16 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi

Appendix 17 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian



of problems, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, objective of the study, and significance of the study.

A. The Background of the Study

English is an international language which has very significant role in communication among people in almost entire world. As a lingua franca, people surely tend to master it for competition in this globalization era. Because of this importance, English as one of compulsory subjects must be taught from junior high level to the next, senior high school.

In English subject, students will learn the four skills of language, those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. An important tenet of structural linguistics was that the primary medium of language is oral: speech is language. Since many language not have a written form, the learners learn to speak before

learn to read or write, it was argued that language is “primarily what is spoken and

only secondarily what is written”.1 Because of that, the language skills are taught in order of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.2

Writing is considered as the last skill which will be learned after the previous three, it is based on the assumption that language mastery starts from oral to written skill. Students practice to produce their language actively in speaking before they are going to learn their language into a piece of writing. Therefore, writing is the complicated one.

Actually, writing is one of important skills to be mastered by the students. Learning to write involves being able to communicate and convey ideas


Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Methods in Language Teaching: Second Edition, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992), p. 49.



meaningfully.3 Students use it to communicate to each other, as a means of ideas and emotional expression, because when they write their ideas and emotion creatively, they are communicating on paper in their very way and purposes. But in practice, there are some problems that may arise during the learning process, especially in terms of writing.

Based on the result of the test before the writer applying clustering technique, she found some problems faced by students second grade in MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan when they were writing, especially in writing of descriptive text. There are some problems that make writing is being one of difficulties skill faced by Junior High School students at second year. These problems can be influenced by some factors. The factors cause low skill of the students in writing descriptive text among other things are; first, lack knowledge of method or technique in teaching writing, because some teachers taught writing just by giving explanation and exercises. It makes students less comprehended, less interest in writing, and makes students bored. Second, they are not capable to make a good descriptive writing; students are having problems in organizing ideas what they are going to explain. Third, they are also confused to transform the ideas from their minds into descriptive writing. So they need much time just to think what they are going to write. In addition to that, they are also having poor vocabulary and lack knowledge of grammatical rules. Therefore, English teacher should find solutions to cope with those problems.

These problems are important to be solved, therefore, students get more comprehension in learning of writing, also can make students think that writing is an interesting learning. To help students‟ solved these problems, it needs another technique more interesting in teaching writing. There are a lot of technique in teaching writing. The writer would like to propose a technique which is

“Clustering Technique” in teaching writing of descriptive text.



Clustering, Based on Gabriele Rico‟s statement is uncensored brainstorming combined with doodling. To begin, take a fresh sheet of paper and write a general subject in the center. Then circle the word. As each new thought bursts forth, jot it near the word that prompted it. Circle the new word. Next, draw a line between the two. Repeat the procedure.4 Based on the definition, it can be summarized that clustering is making visual map to produce a topc related to each other.

Based on the Gabriele Rico‟s statements, the writer sum up the strenght of

clustering technique in teaching writing will make student easy to discover his/her ideas and widen horizon in creating and beginning writing, compared to other methods, clustering teaching method will be easier applied by student in expressing his/her main ideas and making the writing design or frame before structuring and composing a paragraph. Clustering technique will stimulus

students‟ ideas, also they can make a good pharagraph in every types of writing.

Therefore, the writer will do the research about Applying Clustering

technique to improve student‟s skill in writing of descriptive texts. To find the

answer, the writer will do a research at the second grade students of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan.

B. Identification of Problems

Based on the background the problems, It can be identified that students deal with some problems when they are writing, especially in writing descriptive text, the problems as follows:

1. Students were not capable to make a good writing. The reason they could not make it because they have difficulties in organizing idea of what they were going to write, and then transform it from their minds into a piece of writing.

2. Furthermore, Based on the result test and teacher‟s report, students were also having poor vocabulary and lack knowledge of grammatical rules.



C. Limitation of the Problem

To make it deeper, the problems will be limited in the implementation of clustering technique in teaching descriptive writing in the second year of MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan (Islamic Junior High School) Tangerang Selatan, and the

student‟s improvement in learning writing of descriptive text through clustering


D. Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above about the using of clustering technique in teaching writing of descriptive text in the second year student of MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan. The problem of this research as follows: can clustering technique improve student‟s skill in writing descriptive text?

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out whether clustering technique can

improve students‟ writing skill in writing descriptive text.

F. Significance of the Study

The results of this study provide useful information for: 1. English teachers.

The result of the study can be useful information about implementing clustering technique in teaching writing of descriptive text and get clear description how it is applied in the classroom. Moreover, they can bring and apply the technique into their classrooms.

2. Students.


3. School principals.

This research will be a feedback for them to improve and develop qualities of the students. They can ask English teachers to elaborate some writing techniques to make various learning in the classroom in order to

make a good learning process. If the students‟ learning process is better,

the quality of students will be higher. 4. Next researchers.

This research will be a source for those who want to raise the similar case. From this research, they can obtain some basic information about clustering technique, writing and descriptive text. They can also get brief description how the technique is applied in the classroom. Therefore, it will be a guidance for them to describe and explain some procedures of the research part by part.

5. The writer

She gets many experiences in doing the research and helping the English

teacher to solve the students‟ problems in writing by proposing a



refer to some significant theories of writing. To make it more constructive notion, it is very essential to discuss and explain theoretically about writing, descriptive text and clustering technique.

A.Meaning of Writing

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is one of the most significant cultural accomplishments of human being, writing allows us to communicate at a distance, either at a distant place or at distant time. Writing is a progressive activity, this means when someone first writes something down, he/she has already been thinking about what he/she is going to say and how he/she is going to say it. Then after he/she finishes writing, he/she reads over what he/she has written and makes changes corrections.

Anyhow, writing capability is very important in studying English. This can motivate students to elaborate ideas and information so that other people can understand very well. Besides, the writing can be said as a tool to express the ideas to the public community; and even it can be referred by those who are eager to practise their English in the field of life. In this context, Dietsch states that

“writing is a process of discovery. As you write, you will discover thoughts and ideas that lie beneath the surface of your mind. You will become more aware of your own beliefs and values, what is important to you.”1

There are a lot of definitions stated by the experts. One of them, for instance, is the definition stated by Gelb. According to Gelb, “writing is clearly a system of human intercommunication by means of conventional visible marks.”2 It means that writing is the way to communicate to each other for expressing their


Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Well: Fourth Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006), p. 5.



thinking and feeling. In addition to this, writing is the skill to express ideas and information to worlwide. Without writing, it is difficult to grasp any information emerging inf daily life; and no one can understand any issue of current event.

Furthermore, according to Henry Roger, writing can be defined as the use of graphic marks to represent specific linguistic utterances.3 Another definition proposed by Barnet and Stubbs. In a view of them, writing is a physical act, it requires material and energy, and like most physical act, to be performed skillfully, to bring pleasure to both performer and audience, it requires practice.4 It can be mentioned that writing is not simply a way to express ideas, but a way to acquire them.

In reality, every vital message is delivered through writing. So many people can easily read any written information and speak out of what they have read. By reading written information, people are able to enrich and broaden horizon of knowledge. Of course, this is rather ideal for a student, but he can upgrade himself through learning by doing, because he proceeds a progress step to higher level of writing skill. This skill can be said as an achievement of study. In the classroom, for instance, students can discuss together by reading the text material to make a broad sight to see the world. In addition, they can also try to write what they listen and understand; then convey it to others through descriptive text and clustering technique. By doing so, they are accustom to sharing ideas and experience academically and explicitly; thus they can step by step construct their own knowledge.

When students try to construct the descriptive writing through clustering technique, at the same time they actually study collaboratively. This learning method is regarded as an effective approach in learning process; and even will enhance and enrich understanding of English, specifically writing skill.

As far as Hedge is concerned, writing is more like a „recursive‟, even messy, activity, where we move around among the different stages and carry out


Henry Rogers, Writing Systems: A Linguistic Approach, (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005), p. 2.



each stage several times, with great personal variation.5 In this case, when a student, for example, wants to express his ideas he actually performs any activities and shows at once that he still exists in this world. He also will be glad when other people read his ideas and responds them. If this situation happens, the goal of writing as a skill of expression of ideas has achieved. In this connection, the students will find himself as part of the intellectual or academic environment and they are able to contribute ideas to the perfection of knowledge and experience.

The term “nobody is perfect”, in this context, can be interpreted as “trial and error” so that they are brave to express ideas to society.

The another expert, Alaistair Fowler says that the writing someone invents will largely derive from previous reading and thinking, some of it imperfectly remembered.6 This can be understood that something new of writing comes from previous study both from the books and the result of reasearch. The more someone reads, the more information can be delivered. So many people in the world are searching information every day. They even will find out the important point of view through reading and writing. In short, writing will enrich knowledge and experience of what happens and what is solution. That is why writing is not only expressing ideas but also discovering a new solution of any emerging problem of life. In social context, writing can invite people to do something good and benefit.

From the many definitions given, it can concluded that writing is not only a collection of sentences which have no connection between each other, but it should be an expression of ideas or feeling in a consecutive way in the form of a connected series of sentences which are grammatical and logically, writing should be seen as at the way to express ideas freely from knowledge and resource without copying else, certainly without forgetting the linguistic rule, so the writing will be full meaning. This is a proof that writing can drive the students to construct their knowledge and understanding deeply.


Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw, Materials and Methods in ELT, (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1993), p. 186.



2. The Purpose of Writing

Successful writers do not plan their writing in a vacuum. Instead, they consider the context in which their writing occurs. When someone writes something, he or she has purposes for writing. Each writer has his own purpose, in accordance with the text of which was planning to write. In addition, according to Dietsch, writing has four general purposes; to inform, to persuade, to express, or to certain. First, writing to inform purposed to educate the readers about a topic of which we have some knowledge, it means that writers share interest knowledge to readers knows. Second, writing to persuade, it means that writers convinoe the readers to accept the ideas. Third, writing to express,it means that writer can express her/his feelings, opinion, and also experience. And the last is writing to certain, it means that is writer can make readers certain about her/his argument to explain ideas to readers. When ideas are organized very well, they will be pleasant to read and even to enjoy. 7 Whether they are writing a love letter or a term paper, they write to inform, to persuade, to express, and to certain.

Beside general purposes, writing also has the specific purpose, according

to Bernstein‟s, specific purpose of writing is to inform readers of the guiding

editorial philosophy of something.8 In short, when the writer is going to write something, the writer should make his writing to provide information to the reader, so that his writing be useful for others. If writing can benefit students to be more active and creative, it can promote their skill in writing perfectly. However, practising this skill is not easy. Moreover, some of students do not comprehend all informations they read. If so, they should master adequate English vocabolary completely. As far as I am concerned, writing is so different from reading. Writing has special requirements and has heavy responsibility, like moral accountability, due to the level of difficulty. While reading has no so difficulty to do because everyone can easily read; but difficult to write. This can be formulated

that “reading is easier than writing.”


Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Well: Fourth Edition, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2006), p. 7.



When people are going to write they may think that the purpose of writing a paper is to complete the assignment or to get a good grade. However, these

purposes don‟t tell someone what to do in their paper. They might try asking

themselves brief questions to increase the purposes: To whom am I writing? Why will they read this piece of writing? How might they feel about the subject? How will they react to my point of view? How much do they need or want to know?9 Because of that, the writer must have a concept of writing, the concept should be designed before writing, because the initial concept of writing greatly affect the contents of the writing, writing not only fill the paper with graffiti without meaning, but how to make the writing has the meaning and benefits to readers, so that, writing makes the reader enjoy reading and get something from the text.

3. The Process of Writing

It cannot be denied that writing has its certain process. The process of writing will allow students to do something different from one to another. For example, when some students focus their concern to read the text book,, the active students can do more than reading. This because they are accustom to writing so that they have no difficulty to make a complete composition in academic writing. If students want to be an experienced writer, they may want to experiment with the order and details of some smaller steps of this process. This process will continue along with comprehending the notion of text and context. In this connection, the students are trained to create their abilitites and capabilities in practice. As far as instructional approach is concerned, this type of effort can be considered as an ultimate goal of learning activity.

The process of writing sees it as thinking, as discovery. Writing is the result of employing strategies to manage the composing process, which is one of gradually developing a text. It involves a number of activities: setting goals, generating ideas, organizing information, selecting appropriate language, making



a draft, reading and reviewing it, then revising and editing.10 In other words, the writing process determines a writer who has the ability in writing by showing ideas and creativity in making an essay. According to Calkins, there are four distinct phases of the writing process: prewriting, writing, editing, and revising.11

According to Barbara, there are four distinct phase of the writing process: prewriting, composing/drafting, revising and editing.12 It means that writing is not just a collection of words or sentences but also conceptualized well, with writing concept through the writing process as prewriting, composing/drafting, revising and editing, then writing will give clearer meaning to the readers. This is also mentioned as a design of writing. By designing it the writer will take a way to be safe in preparing composition accurately. This effort can be proceeded thorugh, at least, five steps: observing, questioning, exploring, discussing, and communicating.

Observing is the first step to have information and problem of thing that can drive someone to seek an answer. This activity compries seeing, feeling, and experiencing after observing the object. Afterwards, the observer asks the questions as the second step; these questions can lead him to search and gain the answer in relevant to the problem. The next step is exploring. This step means making an effort to seek and have answer of the question through researching and experimenting. To do this activity needs skill how to formulate sense of curiosity and knowledge simultaneously in order to have a complete and deep understanding. After gaining the answer through exploring, the further step will be discussing. The purpose of discussion is to verify whether the findings of research are accurate or not; this is so important to make sure that readers have no doubt to read. In the context of learning process, the students can apply their writing proficiency to expose and describe the result of study. The final step if


Tricia Hedge, Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 302.


Judie Haynes and Debbie Zacarian, Teaching English Language Learners: Across The Content Areas, (Alexandria, Virgina: ASCD, 2010), p. 93.



communicating. This step is a realization and socialization of knowledge and experience. In this case, the students try to communicate their knowledge and findings to others. If this step can be implemented perfectly, they will be successful to share and spread information and ideas to society and public environment.

Furthermore, theoretically, prewriting is the first stage of writing is simply setting forth ideas in whatevet shape or form that is handy for fragments, lists, sentences, or cluster. The purpose of prewriting is to capture and preserve ideas. 13 In composition classrooms, teacher also focused on the initial stages of writing, often called pre-writing, they began to teach pre-writing strategies that allowed their students to generate ideas and to arrange those ideas successfully.14 Learning this sequence will give students confidence when the time comes to write. They will know that they can use prewriting as a way to think on paper and to gradually discover just what ideas they want to develop. In other words, prewriting is any activity designed to help students generate or organize their ideas before writing.

Connected to the step of observing as above mentioned, prewriting is preparation to write carefully and accurately. Certainly, it needs a senses of curiosity and notion of designing. The students are trained to design the writing scientifically and can produce creativity in writing text. This as if making a dialogue with the text how to communicate to the raders. This step very much depends on the ability of students in combining knowledge and skill.

The second stage of writing is drafting. Drafting is primarily a stage of discovery and exploration. While drafting, writer transform ideas into sentences in a semiorganized manner. Here the purpose is to let the ideas develop, expand, and form connections. Drafting is primarily a stage of discovery and exploration.15 No one is able to write a perfect first draft, even people who tend to write very strong first draft, even people who tend to write very strong first draft essays realize the need for revision and redrafting.


Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Well: Fourth Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006), p. 11.


Joy M.Reid, Teaching ESL Writing, (New Jersey: Regents/Prentice Hall, 1993), p. 5.



Drafting is also very vital in constructing ability to understand descriptive text in clustering technique. The students will create a great contribution of high quality of writing if they are accustom to composing good sentence and structure of the language both gramatically and communicatively. That is why in learning process students are taught how to read critically, take notes, interpreted and write papers to react and respond the situation and make a solution of the problem.

And then is revising, revising is reading over a draft and fixing spelling and punctuation.16 In this stage, the writer should be rechecking and correcting writing letters or less exact spelling so that the writing are made easy to understand and really conveyed the intent of the text to the reader. Moreover, the writer can revising by making the best points stand out, by adding needed information and by eliminating irrelevant information.

The last step is editing, editing is check for and correct errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.17 In this stage, the writer recheck and ensure the perfection sentences of writing, correct spelling sentences (includes checking grammar, punctuation and capitalization) or less precise and fine-tune the overall writing.

B. Descriptive Text

1. The Definition of Descriptive Text

Description has been defined by philosophers as “a mode of perception,” a

means of knowing. It is a way to impose order upon the confusing complexity of the real world and to understand it, at least partially.18 Description is a powerful strategy, one that allows the writer to exercise a great deal of control over the

reader‟s perceptions.19

It means, by writing a description, the author can describe


Barbara Fine Clouse, A Troubleshooting Guide for Writers: Strategies and Process, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2005), p. 5.


John Langan, College Writing Skills: Sixth Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005), p. 34.



something to the reader and invites the reader has read the same picture of something that is described by the writer in accordance with the writer desired.

Effective description evokes the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures that inform experience. Carefully chosen sensory details are the tool writers use to re-create experiences for their readers.20 By considering these organizing, the description becomes the major writing strategy.

Description is a recording of concrete details that you see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. A good description is a word picture; the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her mind.21 In sum up, descriptive text is a text which can tell the characteristic of something or someone living or no living for the purpose that the reader could interpret it well. Descriptive tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds.

When description is the chief writing strategy, it delivers a paramount impression, a mood that remains throughout the piece for a purpose. Then description reinforces the notion by supporting factual details provide support for the major idea. In scientific writing, much description is based on unbiased and objective observation. Its aim is to reproduce for the reader exactly what the

writer observed without reference to writer‟s feelings about the subject. The aim

of subjective description is to share feelings and ideas with the readers. Sharing ideas and information with the readers will become a great inspiration and

motivation. It reflects the essential meaning of understanding of the writer‟s ideas.


Donald Pharr and Santi V. Buscemi, Writing Today: Context and Option for the Real World, (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2005), p. 136.


William Stong and Mark Lester, Writer’s Choice Grammar and Composition: Teacher’s

Wraparound Edition, (New York: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 1996), p. 120.



2. The Purpose of Descriptive Text

Every writing form has its purposes. Descriptive has its own purpose as well. According to Andrew and James the purpose of descriptive text is to present a measured and verified. Most objective description in descriptive text are aimed at relatively narrow audiences and people who will design, produce, or use whatever is being described.22 According to Dietsch, there are three general purposes: First, to create imagery, a mood, or an aura of a place. Second, to stimulate understanding and convince, and Third, to urge the listener to action.23 It means that the purpose of descriptive text is to guide the emotional responses of readers by describing details and imagine within story that readers read.

C. Clustering Technique

1. The Definition of Clustering Technique

When people are going to write rely heavily to find out what they know about topic. One of strategies which can be used in teaching writing in the classroom is clustering technique. Clustering is an invention activity which reveals possible relations among facts and ideas. Unlike listing (the next mapping strategy), clustering requires a brief period of initial planning.24

Clustering is also known as diagramming or mapping, is another strategy that can be used to generate material for a paper and expressing ideas or concept in writing. This method is helpful for students who like to do their thinking in a visual way. Moreover, clustering can make the process of writing is easier because it will help the writers to construct their ideas or notion to sistematic and then they are able to develop them into a paragraph. By applying this method they can create the concrete thought into sequent details of concept. Afterwards, they can connect one paragraph to another sistematically and continuously. Their ideas


Andrew W.Hart and James A. Reinking, Writing for Career Education Students: Third Edition, (New York: St. Martin‟s Press, 1986), p. 124.


Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Well: Fourth Edition, (New York: Mc Graw Hill, 2006), p. 140.


Rise B.Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, Guide to Writing, New York: St.Martin‟s Press,


will flow smoothly by following the clustering technique. Shortly, in this context, clustering technique will guide writers to construct and arrange strategy to be easier in writing.

In clustering, the writer uses lines, boxes, arrows, and circles to show relationships among the ideas and details that occur to the writer.25 Based on the above definition of clustering technique, it can be said that this technique becomes a strategy to understand the lesson sharply in general and to comprehend the writing technique in particular. The prosedure should be taken is planning, diagramming, mapping, and listing the certain keywords. When these keywords are understood, the students are able to perceive the use of them in practice to continue writing and seeking the relevant case of the topic.

By understanding the way to make planning, for example, the students will be able to focus on what they want to write. Then they try to map a list of words to guide them to enrich the ideas in completing the writing. After that they also create other clues to make easy to bridge one sentence to another; and one paragraph to another until they have a complete construction of notion and idea. In this case, they can use keywords stipulated in the map or diagram to gain a continuity of writing. In short, by using this technique they will have no difficulty to write any idea they have; then this will be as a skill after training themselves by practising the cluster technique. In doing so, the teacher should motivate the students to master this technique so that they are accustom to writing and using it in writing the articles academically and scientifically.

Mapping or clustering is a way of visually analyzing the parts of a subject.26 According to Julia and Marjorie, they stated that clustering technique is another strategy that can help the reader generate ideas on a subject.27 Because through clustering technique, a writer could be easily to give an idea of what will be written especially helpful for visual learners. In a cluster, diagram the central


John Langan, College Writing Skills with Readings: Fifth Edition, New York: McGraw-Hill Company, 2001), p. 29.


Robert Keith Miller, Motives for Writing: Fifth Edition, (New York, McGraw-Hill Companies, 2006), p. 11.



events or components of an essay are presented visually, more detailed events branch off the main events to provide a visual overview of the entire. Clustering can be useful for any kind of writing. Writers use it in the early stages of planning in order to find subtopic in a topic of to organize information. They may try and discard several clusters before finding one that is promising. Writers also use clustering to plan brief sections of an essay as they are drafting.

2. The Steps of Using Clustering

Clustering, also known as diagramming or mapping is another strategy that can be used to generate material for a paper. This method is helpful for people who like to do their thinking in a visual way. In clustering, the readers can use lines, boxes, arrows, and circle to show relationships among the ideas and details that occur to the readers. Begin by stating your subject in a few words in the center of blank sheet of paper. Then, as ideas and details come to the readers, the readers can put them (ideas) in boxes or circles around the subject and draw lines to connect them to each other and to the subject. Then, the readers can put minor ideas or details in smaller boxes or circles and use connecting lines to show how they relate as well. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way of clustering or diagramming. It is way to think on paper about how various ideas and details relate to one another:28

In Clustering, the readers can write the topic in the center of a piece of paper, then write ideas suggested by the topic around it, connecting these to the topics with lines. Follow the same procedure with subtopics.29 To make it simple, clustering work as follows: first, In a word or phase, write the topic in the center of a piece of paper, circle it. Second, Also in a word or phrase, write down the main parts or central ideas of your topic. Circle these, and connect them to the topic in the center. Third, the next step is to generate facts, details, examples, or


John Langan, College Writing Skills: Sixth Edition, (New York: Mc Graw Hill, 2005), p. 27.



ideas related in any way to these main parts of the topic. Cluster these around the main parts. Bellow is an example of clustering technique:30

Figure 2.1



Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, Loc. cit., p. 462.

Detail Detail









Fact Detail


Example Example

Main Part or Idea


Main Part or Idea


Main Part or Idea

Detail Fact


Detail Detail







The other way to apply clustering technique in descriptive writing, as follow: first, to begin, take a fresh sheet of paper and write a general subject in the center. Then circle the word. As each new thought bursts forth, jot it near the word that prompted it. Circle the new word. Next, draw a line between the two. Repeat the procedure. The sample cluster began with the subject of birds. That central idea branched out, leading to the specific topic of birdwatching.

Figure 2.2



Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Well: Third Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003), p. 27.

Land birds Game

birds Season

Songbirds Time Perching Pets Birds Birdwatching

Birds of prey


3. Teaching Writing Using Clustering Technique

According to Barbara, the followings steps in teaching writing using clustering technique:

a. Step 1: Introduce the concept of clustering technique to students. Tell them that clustering technique would help them in generate ideas when they started to write.

b. Step 2: Leading students to generate ideas in form clustering technique on the whiteboard as a model. Put the topic in the center by using box, elips, rectangle or other shapes to make it more interesting, and put keywords

related to the topic by using lines or arrows. Students don‟t have to worry

in generating ideas; it is free for them to organize their ideas as long as related to the topic.

c. Step 3: Ask students to write the first draft based on the design of clustering technique samples that have been made on the whiteboard to know that students have easy when started to write by using clustering technique.

d. Step 4: After sudents are able to use clustering technique, ask them through selected topic to make a procedural descriptive text. Give students an evaluation to check their ability in writing and to know their problems in writing.32

Based on the above mentioned elucidation, it can be concluded that clustering technique is easy to be implemented in teaching writing to the students. By using clustering technique in writing descriptive text, it will facilitate the students to construct their ideas before they organize and compose sentences into a paragraph.



D. Previous Study

The first previous study is taken from Rini Khomariah‟s study, about the

improvement of students writing skill in descriptive text by using communication

game as written on her article “Improving Students Writing Skill In Descriptive

Text Through Communication Game at the Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Babadan Ponorogo in the Academic year of 2012/2013”.33 The researcher conducted the research by using action research design in two cycles, She used four research instruments, they are; test, questionnaire, observation check list, and field note. She applied the strategy for the eight grade students of class VIIIB that consisted of 33 students at SMP Negeri 1 Babadan Ponorogo. She found that Communication Game improve the students writing skill in descriptive text at SMPN 1 Babadan Ponorogo as in the post test mean score (72.50) of students was higher than the pre-test mean score (66.00) at the 6.50 level of significance. Moreover, students were being active in teaching and learning process and the students interested in writing descriptive text using communication game through rank order strategy.

The study above has differences and similarity with the writer‟s. The differences are on the place, population and sample, technique of collecting data, technique (method) of the study, and research design. The similarity with the writer‟s study is on the use of descriptive text as material.

The second related study is “Using Bits And Pieces Game To Improve

Students’ Writing Skill On Descriptive Texts (A Classroom Action Research at the

Seventh Grade of MTs Darul Mujahadah Prupuk-Margasari-Tegal in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)” by Nurkhayatun.34 The objectives of this study are; firstly, to describe the implementation of Bits and Pieces game to


Rini Khomariah, Improving Students Writing Skill in Descriptive Text through Communication Game at the Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Babadan Ponorogo in the academic year of 2012/2013, Skripsi, October 20th, 2012, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo.

34 Nurkhayatun, Using Bits And Pieces Game To Improve Students‟ Writing Skill On


improvestudents‟ writing skill on descriptive texts. Secondly, to identify the

improvement of students‟ writing skill on descriptive texts after being taught

using Bits and Pieces game. This research in this study is Classroom Action Research as an research design. It was done through three cycles. The researcher used observation checklist, documentation and test to collect the data. Then, the researcher used descriptive quantitative to analyze the data. Result of the study shows

that by using Bits and Pieces game can improve students‟ writing skill on descriptive

texts at the seventh grades of MTs Darul Mujahadah in the academic year of 2010-2011. It can be seen from the post test average score in third cycle (65.48) is higher than second cycle (63.83), first cycle (51.41) and pre cycle (46.71). Finally the

result of this study showed that students‟ writing on descriptive texts improved in

each cycle after they were taught by using Bits and Pieces game. It was singed by their improvements of each test result.

The study above has more differences than similarity with the writer‟s

study. The differences are numbers of cycles as procedure of the research, place of the research, population and sample, technique of collecting data, and technique (method) of the study. The similarity with the writer‟s study is on the use of descriptive text as material.

The last related study is “Improving Students’Ability in Writing

Descriptive Text Through Wholesome Scattering Game (A Classroom Action Research with the 8th Grade Students of MTs. Sunan Ampel Patean Kendal in the

Academic Year of 2010/2011)” by Widodo Hami.35 The objective of this study is

to find out the improvement of the students‟ writing ability after being taught

through using wholesome scattering game. This research is action research study and was done in two cycles. The researcher used written test and observation for collecting data. The result of the research shows that the students improve their ability in writing descriptive text through wholesome scattering game with the



mean of the second cycle score (67.6) is higher than first cycle score (50.7). The students are better in writing and arranging the words than in pre-test.




In this chapter, it will be described methodological activities to examine the teaching of writing descriptive text through clustering technique. This chapter concerns with Place and Time of the Research, Research Design, Population and Sample, The procedure of the Research, The Subject of the Research, The Technique of Collecting Data, and The Technique of Data Analysis.

A. Place and Time of the Research

This research was conducted at second grade of MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan which located in Jl. Talas I Rt 001/010 Kelurahan Pondok Cabe Ilir . It was done for about a month, March 2014 to April 2014.

B. Research Design


In this research, the writer uses a quantitative research, because the writer wants to know the effectiveness of clustering technique to improve students’ writing ability. This study was held in pre-experiment study. In this study involved one class of the eighth grade (VIII-BP) in MTs. Khazanah Kebajikan. The test were given to the students in VIII-BP class were pretest, formative test and post test. Pretest was given before implementation of clustering technique. Formative test and Posttest were given after implementation of clustering technique. The process of the research can be presented as in the table below:

Table 3.1

The Process of Pre-Experiment Research


The Process of Pre-Experiment Research

Pretest Treatment Formative test Post test

Experiment Class




Y : The Pre-test before implementation of clustering technique

X : Treatment (Implementation of clustering technique)

Y1 : The Formative test after implementation of clustering technique

Y2 : The Post test, the final test after implementation of clustering technique

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population in this research are the students of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan in the second grade academic year 2013/2014.

2. Sample

Sample of this research were taken throught purposive sample from the VIII-BP class MTs Khazanah Kebajikan Tangerang Selatan. The purposive sample were taken because the number of students in VIII-BP class were 23 students. Based on the number of students, sample in this research were involvedall of students in the VIII-BP class.

D. The Research Method

Before implementation of clustering technique, the writer conducts the preliminary study before entering the stages of activity. It is aims to gain data about problems faced by teacher and students in teaching-learning activities and needed to be solved. Beside, the researcher conducted interview to the English teacher in terms of the techniques and activites employed in teaching writing. After the preliminary study was conducted, the researcher begins the research.


model of Clustering technique, preparing material and media. The next phase is the writer taught writing based on lesson plan prepared in planning phase. The writer acts as the English teacher who taught writing through Clustering technique and English teacher acts as observer. During the teaching and learning activity, the writer observed all of activities that happen in the class. The aspect in observation are source of data, the instrument used in collecting the data, and technique for data collection. So, this phase discusses about the process of recording and gathering all relevant data occured during the implementation of the clustering technique. The writer use field note or unstructured observation sheet as a guideline while observing. And the last activity is reflect the data that have been collected to determine whether the implementation of clustering technique is successful or not. It is necessary for evaluating to hold implementation on the next meeting be accomplished. This phase carried out collaboratively with the teacher to discuss some problems in the classroom that occured during teaching writing descriptive text through clustering technique.

E. The Subject of the Research

The subject of this research was the second grade students of MTs Khazanah Kebajikan, which the total number of students were 23 students.

F. The Technique of Collecting Data

Technique of collecting data in this study is quantitative data (number-based). The writer uses interview to English teacher during the preliminary study proccess and field notes to record activities during the teaching and learning of writing through clustering technique in the classroom. While quantitative data consists of students’ final writing as a pre-test (this test do before implementing clustering technique) and post test (this test is implemented after using clustering technique). The completely explanation as follows:

1. Interview


technique used by teacher wether writing activity. The interview also to know the teacher’s response toward the idea of clustering technique. Before implementing the clustering technique, the writer asks the teacher to know students’ difficulties in writing skill, students’ condition involving in writing activity, and the method or kinds of strategies usually adopted by the teacher in teaching writing. The interview also will be carried out after implementing the clustering technique to know the teacher’s response toward the idea of Clustering Technique in teaching writing.

2. Field Notes

The writer used field notes to record activities during the teaching and learning of writing through Clustering technique in the classroom. Including description of classroom, class situation as writing activity, atmosphere and students’ attitude during study activity, and students’ respons concerning the use of clustering technique. In general, all of the need aspects that should be noticed is to make sure whether the teacher learning process in line with the lesson plan or not.

3. Test

The test used in this study is pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is done before implementing Clustering technique. Meanwhile, post-test is implemented after using Clustering technique. The test is used to measure students’ writing ability and to know the effectiveness of clustering technique to improve students’ writing ability.

G. The Technique of Data Analysis

According to Weigle there are five components presented in the analiyical scoring rubric for writing, i.e: content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.1 The writer uses analytical scoring rubric to analyze the data



related to the students’ paragraph writing test of writing ability. The analytical scoring rubric using as follows:

Table 3.2

The Analytical Scoring Rubric

Components of

Writing Scores Indicators

Content 4

3 2


Relevant to the topic and easy to understand

Rather relevant to the topic and easy to understand. Relevant to the topic but is not quite easy to understand

Quite relevant to the topic but is not quite easy to understand

Organization 4 3 2 1

Most of the sentences are related to the main idea Some sentences are related to the main idea Few sentences related to the main idea The sentences are unrelated to each other Vocabulary 4




A few errors in choice of words, spelling and punctuation

Some errors in choice of words, spelling and punctuation

Occasional errors in choice of words, spelling and punctuation

Frequent errors in choice of words, spelling and punctuation

Grammar 4

3 2 1


Mechanic 4 3



Few errors of spelling and capitalization.

Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. (meaning not obscurred)

Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. (meaning confused or obscurred). Dominate by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, handwriting illegible or not enough to evaluate.

To get the mean of students’ wrting score uses the formula:2

Mx : Mean

X : Total of Individual Score N : Number of Cases (students)

To get the class percentage which passes the minimum mastery criteria: 70 (seventy), the writer uses the formula: 3

P : The class percentage

F : Total of frequence percentage score N : Number of Cases (students)

In analyzing students’ score of writing from pre-test up to post-test score in cycle 1 and cycle 2, the writer uses formula: 4


Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006), p. 81.



P : Percentage of Students’ Improvement y : Pre-test Result

y1 : Formative test

P : Percentage of Students’ Improvement y : Pre-test Result

y2 : Post-test





In this chapter, the researcher describes the data that have been obtained in the implementation of clustering technique process.

A. Research Finding

1. Findings of the Preliminary Study

a. The Result of Interview.

In pre-interview, the writer used unstructured interview in conducting preliminary study. It was held on Friday, March 14, 2014 started at 10.00 A.M. and finished at 10.40 A.M. The writer asked to the teacher some questions which divided into three categories. They are the general condition in English class especially in writing class, the difficulty faced by students in writing ability, and the strategy used by the teacher to solve students’ difficulties in writing ability. The first category, the writer discussed about the general condition in English class especially in writing class. The teacher said that every student has a different attitude when learning English. Most of students who did not like English class because they gained low competence in English, and still faced obstacle in following the English lesson. Moreover, the teacher stated that most of them were nardly to pass the Minimum Mastery Criterion.

Second category, the writer discussed about the students' difficulties in writing ability. The teacher told that writing skill was one of the most difficult faced by students in learning English. The teacher mentioned the difficulties for some students VIII-BP class in writing skill because students are confused on generating ideas, organizing into paragraph, and less vocabulary. Consequently, they are lazy to do the task of writing and lack of their score in passing the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM).


teacher had been looking for an alternative-way to teach writing and to engage students actively in teaching learning process. At last, the writer proposed to implement Clustering technique; it might be able to improve students' writing -ability.

The conclusion of the interview in term of the students' difficulties in writing was the students' of VIII-BP class still have difficulties in writing in term of generating ideas, and organizing ideas into paragraph.

b. The Result of Pre-action Test

The pretest had done before implementation of clustering technique. It was conducted on Thursday, March 20th, 2014. The students assigned to write descriptive text in a single paragraph. To get the result of pretest, firstly, the writer calculated the mean score:

After that, to get the class percentages which pass Minimum Mastery Criterion criteria 70 in 75% of 23 student, the writer use the formula:


Table 4.1

The Students’ Writing Score of Pretest


1. Student 1 70

2. Student 2 75

3. Student 3 65

4. Student 4 70

5. Student 5 50

6. Student 6 55

7. Student 7 35

8. Student 8 55

9. Student 9 60

10. Student 10 60

11. Student 11 65

12. Student 12 50

13. Student 13 55

14. Student 14 70

15. Student 15 50

16. Student 16 65

17. Student 17 60

18. Student 18 50

19. Student 19 50

20. Student 20 55

21. Student 21 50

22. Student 22 70

23. Student 23 70

Total 1285


2. Findings of the Action

In this phase, the writer and the teacher made a planning for the action based upon the problems faced by students toward writing ability. In this case, the writer determined the selected material and exercises into a lesson plan using Clustering Technique. The writer also prepared field notes to observe the students' and the teachers' activities in teaching learning process whether it was in line with the lesson plan had made before or not. And the writer also prepared the formative test to collect the data; to know whether there are some students' improvement scores from pretest to posttest.

The writer implemented the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan had been made. In the first meeting, the teacher started to convey what materials that would like to be learned by students and explain the concept of Clustering Technique, she began class presentation. The' writer taught descriptive text through Clustering Technique and asked the students to make clustering technique of descriptive text based on the topic given and collected it. In the second meeting, the students were asked to edit their draft, and collect the final draft. The final draft was the data for the formative test.

During teaching and learning process, the observer observed the teaching learning process through field notes; it might be about class situation, students' response, and teacher's performance in presented the material. Related to the students' response, some of students did not pay attention on teacher explanation, therefore they just chatted with their friends when teacher gave a task. Then, they gave up and are lazy if they are not find some words or vocabul


Table 3.1    The Process of Pre-Experiment Research
Figure 3.1 Cyclical AR model based on Kemmis and McTaggart (1988)
Figure 2.2 book


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