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Academic year: 2017



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1.1 Background of the Problem

Speaking has important role in social life. Speaking is used for communication among people in society in order to keep the relationship. According to Byrne (1984) speaking is oral communication. It is two way process between speaker and listener and involved productive and receptive skills of understanding. In other word, the listener will try to understand the speaker‟s ideas from the first person through the

communication between them. People will find difficulties in appreciating their ideas if they never try to make a communication with other people. Meanwhile, Melty (1976) states that speaking is the main skill in communication. Based on these ideas, it is understood that through speaking one can communicate or express what he wants in order to understand one another.


Referring to the objectives of the 2006 Educational Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) for SMP class VIII especially for speaking skill, the students are expected to be able to ask and give information in the acceptable grammar, do a short conversation fluently and accurately, describe things, people, place or chronological cases in simple words and express feeling and opinion.

In fact, based on the writer‟s observation during teaching English in the SMP

Kartikatama Metro, most of the students in that school are not able to speak, reluctant to speak and have low ability in speaking, because they think that speaking is

difficult. That is why their speaking score has not been achieved the standard

speaking (KKM) in the school yet. This problem makes the writer interested in doing the classroom action research to improve the students‟ speaking ability and hopefully the standard score for speaking will be achieved.

Based on the situation above, the writer assumes that to anticipate this condition the teacher has to choose an appropriate technique in teaching speaking, because a suitable technique can give students‟ interest and then it will improve their speaking


How can the teacher involve all the students in the use of language? Murcia

(1979:321) says that a possible solution to this dilemma is increasing the opportunity for students‟ participation by cutting back on the amount of teacher talk in the lesson.


the class. As Rebecca (in Joiner and Westphal 1978:89) says that if the teacher wants the students to learn to speak another language, he must give them opportunity to practice to use language by using dialogue. As Finocchiaro (973:111) says that dialogue is especially suited well for practice to use language in communication situation.

Dialogue would make the students practice and use the language according to the language function and situation. As we know that the language function is for communication, so in dialogue someone speaks or communicates to someone else. McReady (1975:51) says that dialogue is any oral interchange between two or more people. So dialogue can be used as a technique to practice and use a new language for the students.

There are many kinds of dialogue technique that can be used by the teacher in teaching speaking. One of the techniques is Self-Directed Dialogue technique. According to Joiner (1978:157), the Self-Directed Dialogue technique is an activity that combines a role-playing or simulation strategy with a vehicle for real

communication or contextual practice. There is a combination of role-playing and contextual practice in the Self DirectedDialogue technique.


the students opportunity to use their own sentences in making the dialogue. By using their own sentences, the students will understand more what they are talking about, as it is more familiar to them. So the Self-Directed Dialogue is an appropriate technique in speaking class, because the conversation just between the students (pair) and it helps the students to reduce their fright and their shyness.

For this reason, the writer proposes a title of her research in order to show the effectiveness of Self-Directed Dialogue technique in improving the quality of speaking class.

1.2 The Formulation of the Problem

Having discussed the background above, the writer formulates the problem of the research as follows:

1. How can the implementation of Self directed Dialogue Technique improve speaking achievement of the second year of SMP Kartikatama Metro? 2. How can the implementation of Self Directed Dialogue Technique improve

students‟ participation during the teaching learning process?

3. How can the implementation of Self Directed Dialogue Technique improve the quality of teacher‟s teaching performance?

1.3 The Objectives


1. The implementation of Self Directed Dialogue Technique can improve speaking achievement of the second year of SMP Kartikatama Metro.

2. The implementation of Self Directed Dialogue Technique can improve students‟ participation during the teaching learning process.

3. The implementation of Self Directed Dialogue Technique can improve the quality of teacher‟s teaching performance.

1.4 Uses of the Research

This research aims at having such uses as follows: Theoretical uses:

 To verify the previous theory dealing with the theories of Self Directed Dialogue


 To be used as a reference for the next researcher who will concentrate on students‟ speaking achievement, students‟ participation in teaching learning process and teacher‟s teaching performance.

Practical uses:

 As the information concerning with whether there is improvement of students‟ speaking achievement, students‟ participation in teaching learning process and the quality of teacher‟s teaching performance in the implementation of Self directed

Dialogue Technique.

 As a help to English Teachers in finding an appropriate way to increase students‟ speaking achievement, students‟ participation in teaching learning process and


1.5 Scope of the Research

This research was conducted at the second grade of SMP Kartikatama Metro, which consists of 30-36 students. The reason why the writer chose the second grade of SMP Kartikatama Metro because she thought that the second grade students have some knowledge about English when they are learning in Elementary and first grade before.



2.1 Concept of Speaking

Byrne (1984:8) defines speaking is a two-way process between speaker and listener and it involves the productive skill and receptive skill of understanding. It means that in speaking process, people try to communicate with each other and use their

language to send their message to the second person. In this case, the speaking

process needs at least two people, one as a speaker who produces information and the other as a listener who receives information.

Before that in another occasion Welty (1976:47) says speaking is the main skill in communication. Referring to this statement, it can be said that from the four language skills listening, reading and writing, speaking become the first stress.


Based on the explanation above, it is obvious that speaking is very crucial.

Furthermore in the globalization era, Indonesia needs a person who is capable not only in mastering the science and technology but also in mastering the tool to present the science and technology, that is English.

2.2 Concept of Speaking Skill

Speaking is a language skill which has been developed since the earliest stage of human‟s life (child) and its development has only been preceded by the child‟s

listening ability and during this time the speaking skill is exercised (H.G Tarigan 1984:5). Furthermore, Tarigan clarifies that speaking is the ability to produce sound or words to express, to state, and to show thoughts, ideas and feeling. Therefore, speaking is not merely the utterance of sound symbols or words. Speaking is a tool for communicating ideas which are arranged and developed in accordance with the listener‟s need. It is clear that the main objective of speaking is for communication. In

order to express thought effectively, the speaker should know completely what he wants to say or to communicate.


Analyzing this description of speaking skill, it is clear that speaking skill is very significant in language learning. So speaking skill must be mastered by every language learner in any level. Thus it is also the responsibility of English teacher in SMP to provide any English teaching technique that requires students to speak. It means that they are accustomed to speak in the language.

To provide any English speaking teaching technique that requires students to speak by using the language, the teacher must concern the factors that influence the speaking, they are: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency.

(Harris 1974:84).

The more details about the concept of those speaking aspects are:

1. Pronunciation refers to the intonation patterns of speaking (Harris 1974:81). 2. Grammar is students‟ ability manipulate and to distinguish appropriate

grammatical form in appropriate ones (Heaton 1978:5)

3. Vocabulary refers to the selection of words that suitable with the content of the speaking (Harris 1974:68-69)

4. Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small numbers of pauses (Brown 1997:4)

2.3 Previous research on speaking through self-directed dialogue


To improve the students‟ speaking skill, the teacher needs to give the students a lot of practice speaking. One of the best ways to improve the student‟s speaking skill is by

using dialogue.

Dialogue would make the students practice and use the language according to the language function and situation. As we know that the language function is for communication, so in dialogue someone speaks or communicates to someone else. McReady (1975:51) says that dialogue is any oral interchange between two or more people.

As the writer mentioned in the previous chapter, dialogue would make the students practice to use language in communication. Also dialogue is suitable technique for practicing to speak. It is supported by Bonomo (1973:111) that dialogue is especially suited well for practicing to use language in communication situation.

Then Allen (1972:94) says that most programs in English now use dialogue to show how words work in „real-life‟ situation, and help become acquainted with the


which practice a new language. So dialogues are very helpful in language learning whether the language becomes alive in the context of dialogue and it is because the dialogue represents real communication of ideas from one person to another.

Based on illustrations above, the writer can notice that dialogue can help the students to learn English as a foreign or a second language. Dialogue would give the students opportunities to practice and use language according to the language function and situation. So it is important for the English teachers to use dialogue in their English class.

There are some kinds of dialogue that the teacher can use, such as dialogue

memorization, spiral-dialogue, grammar-demonstration dialogue, mini-dialogue, self-directed dialogue, etc. In this paper, the writer would like to find out the effectiveness of the self-directed dialogue on speaking achievement.

2.3.2 Concept of Self-Directed Dialogue

In the Self-Directed Dialogue, the students are asked to play role in which the


and the conversation based on the prop. Then the students are asked to make the questions based on the prop and the students use it in making the conversations.

According to Joiner (1978:157), Self-Directed Dialogue is an activity that combines a role-playing or simulation strategy with a vehicle for real communication or

contextual practice. Based on the definition above, there is a combination of role-playing and contextual practice in the self-directed dialogue.

Welty (1976:54) stated that role-playing is a type of creative dramatics in which the players take on the characteristics and problems of members groups other than themselves. It means that in role-playing the students are given a certain role and supported to play or to perform it. Zelson (in Joiner and Westphal 1978:50) says that in role-playing a situation is presented to a small group of students who may prepare their parts, if necessary, and act them out.

A vehicle for real communication or contextual practice means that there is something used as prefatory in communication, for instance, photograph, a list of menu, train schedule, an outline, etc. So there is something that can convey thought or feeling in real communication. Zelson (in Joiner and Westphal 1978:50) also says that contextual practice in pairs or small groups use a focal point for practicing


The Self-Directed Dialogue gives the students opportunity to use their own sentences in making the dialogue. By using their own sentences, the students will understand more what they are talking about, as it is more familiar to them. Of course, this could be attained through the teacher‟s guidance by giving the students a prop to help them

make or build the conversation.

In the Self-Directed Dialogue, the students are asked to work in pairs. The writer assumes that this is good formation because a small group will give the students more opportunities to practice and use language. However, the dialogue must not be too long. It is supported by Rivers (1978:29) that short dialogue is more useful than longer dialogue.

So the Self-Directed Dialogue is an appropriate technique in speaking class, because the conversation happens between the students (pair) and it helps the students to reduce their fright and their shyness. As Disick (in Joiner and Westphal 1978:136) says that conversation in a small group of friends help to reduce the tension learner feels when asked to speak a foreign language.

2.4 The Procedure of the Self Directed Dialogue Technique

The procedure of the self-directed dialogue technique based on Joiner (1978:157) are as given below :


- The teacher gives the prop

- The teacher and the students discuss the prop together - The students make the conversation based on the prop - Each student is given an identification card

- The students make the conversation different from the prop but the topic is same with the prop

- The students tell the information in conversation in narrative - The teacher shows the correct form of question and answer.

2.5 Procedure of Teaching Speaking through Self-Directed Dialogue Technique

Teaching speaking by using Self-Directed Dialogue is done by dividing the students into pairs, and they asked to complete a given task, so the students in the class are involved in the class directly in communicative activity.

The procedure of teaching speaking through Self-Directed Dialogue technique as follows:

Pre activities

- The teacher greets the students


- The teacher builds the background knowledge of the materials which is going to be learned.

For example: “Do you have a best friend? Can you describe him? What does he

look like? How old is he? What are his hobbies? etc.

While Activities

- The teacher introduces the technique to the students.

Teacher explains first that the students will get the prop and they should build the conversation based on that prop.

- Divided the students in pairs - Teacher gives the prop

After the students are divided into pairs, teacher gives the prop to each pair, so one prop is for one pair. The teacher read the prop sentence by sentence and asked the students to follow her. It is intended to help the students pronounce the words in prop.

The example of the prop for describing someone is: I have a best friend. His name is Iwan. He is 15 years old. He is handsome, tall and diligent. His hobbies are

playing football and reading novel. He lives at Riverside Drive, 27 Bandar Lampung. I like being his friend because he is honest and always helps me discuss the lesson.

- Discuss the prop together


guides the students to understand the content of the prop by giving some questions related with the prop.

- Student practice the conversation with their partner

After the students discuss the prop together with the teacher, the students are asked to build the conversation based on the prop by create some questions like the teacher did. In short, they practice the conversation still based on the situation in the prop. Teacher will give 10 minutes to the students for this activity.

- Each student is given an identification card.

The next step is the teacher gives an identification card to each student. An identification card is for one student. This card is used when the students interview his partner later. The function of it is to note all the information that is given by his partner. So, when student A interview student B, A must note the information that is given by B. For example: B has a best friend. His name is C. He is 14 years old………..

- Starting make the conversation

When the teacher has given an identification card to the students, the students are asked to make the conversation like they did before. The information is different from the prop but the topic is same. In this case, they make a dialogue simultaneously. So each student in turn must ask questions and supply answers. For instance, there is “Iwan” in the teacher‟s prop, so the students will make questions about his/her partner‟s name, etc. The dialogue is hoped by the teacher

as below:


B : “Yes I have.”

A : “What is his name?” B : “His name is C.” A : “How old is he?” B : “He is…………”

A : “……….”

B : “………”

Then the student B, is in turn to ask, and A answer.

In this step each student must note the information about his/her partner in the identification card.

- Some students who are chosen with randomly are asked to tell in narrative

After the students finished interview/conversation activity, teacher chooses some students (randomly) to tell their partner‟s information in narrative. They tell the

information based on the note in their identification card. - Showing the correct question-answer form

The last step in this technique is the teacher shows to the class what such a correct question and answer form looks like which is built from the prop. It is intended to clarify to the student if they made the incorrect question-answer form when doing the interview activity before. For example: for question “What does he look like?” there may the students say “What he looks like?” which is incorrect and be told “He short,…….”. In this case, the students will correct their incorrect answer after


Post Activities

- The teacher asks them whether they have some difficulties related with the topic. - The teacher asks them what they have learnt and asks some students to conclude

the topic.

- The teacher ends the class

The researcher assumed that all activities above can be used in teaching learning process in order to encourage the students to speak or improve their speaking skill.

We can see that teaching speaking through Self-Directed Dialogue technique can increase the students‟ speaking skill. The writer assumes that by using the

Self-Directed Dialogue, the students will have more opportunities to use English to communicate to each other, so the students‟ speaking skill will improve. This is

because in the Self-Directed Dialogue, the students are forced to make a dialogue by using their own sentences.



3.1 Research Design

This research was intended to find out the result of applying self-directed dialogue technique as media to increase on the problem faced by the students when they were in speaking class. Researcher found that students in second grade of SMP

Kartikatama Metro had difficulties in speaking class. This problem was found when researcher gave students oral test of speaking.

The subject of the research was students in second grade of SMP Kartikatama Metro. There were six classes for the second grade in this school. The researcher used one class form those class, which is class VIII A, which consists of 30 students. The reason why the researcher chooses class VIII A for her subject because this class got the lowest score for speaking test than others classes. Based on the researcher‟s observation, researcher found that students have low ability in speaking, especially in grammar, fluency, vocabulary and pronunciation. It can be seen from the result of oral test, when teacher ask students to describe someone‟s personality, many of them


There were only about 20 % of students who have passed the passing grade of the test.

In this Classroom Action Research, the researcher act as the observer who was accompanied by a partner as a teacher. The researcher made a lesson plan which applies self-directed dialogue as the media of teaching speaking. The aspects of speaking that focused on this research were grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and pronunciation aspect.

3.2 General Description of the Research

Classroom Action Research was characterized by problems in class and actions done to solve problems. Based on the problem identified by the researcher, she found that she needs to examine the problem causes and try to find the problem solution.

3.2.1 Identification of the Problem

Based on pre-research that had been conducted by researcher, she found that most students in second grade of SMP Kartikatama Metro have difficulty in speaking, especially in grammar, vocabulary, fluency and pronunciation. Researcher gave students test of speaking, by asking them to describe someone‟s personality. The


that most of the students are unable to gain the passing grade of Harris rating scale. The passing grade used here is 60 (twenty).

Another finding from the pre-research activity was researcher found that the way teacher delivered the material was still unable to attract students with the subject. When researcher did classroom observation, she found that the students didn‟t pay attention to the teacher‟s explanation.

Researcher conclude that students‟ problem in pronunciation may be because inability

of teacher to attract students to study this subject. It can be because inappropriate technique and media which were applied in this class.

3.2.2 Problem Solution

Problem solution that was conducted by the researcher was by teaching speaking through self directed dialogue. The teacher taught the students based on the lesson plan. Then, the researcher noted the important thing related to the teaching learning process. The researcher also used observation sheet to analyze classroom activity and the effectiveness of the lesson plan. After that the researcher distributed the


3.3 Research Procedures

Classroom action Research consists of one or two cycles. Every cycle has four stages: planning an action, implementation of action, observing, and analysis and reflection (Arikunto, 2006:16).

The procedures involve in this study were: planning the action, implementing the action, observing, and analysis and reflection.

1. Planning the Action

As stated previously, this study was conducted in two cycles: the planning stage is explained by separating the two cycles.

In cycle 1, the researcher did three things, they were: determining audience/purpose-related pronunciation ability, designing lesson plan, and making indicator of success.

Determining audience/purpose related to speaking, the researcher gave the action in the form of a speaking test. In this cycle, the researcher asked all students to speak, which the material was provided by the researcher. The result of the sounds

production was recorded and the researcher analyzed it.


standard competence and the basic competence to achieve. It also contained the procedure of presenting the lesson, activities, and assignments in each meeting. The material will about describing someone personality. The researcher prepared

observation sheet. It was aimed to analyze the process of teaching learning.

The researcher made the indicator of success which its aim was to assess the students‟ ability in speaking correctly. The indicator of success was made to determine whether the actions throughout the first cycle had been successful or not.

2. Implementing the Action

The second step of Classroom Action Research was implementing the action.

Researcher gave certain treatment. The learning process must be run naturally. In this step, the teacher taught the students based on the lesson plan that has been made. Prop (text) was being chosen to teach speaking to the students. Vocabulary and grammar were also become the focus of the teaching learning process. In teaching, the teacher involved the students‟ participation, so that the students got accustomed to the way to identifying the text. It also was done in order to make the students familiar with the new words. Teacher also read the text in front of the students with correct


3. Observing the Action

The researcher was helped by her partner as a teacher. While the teacher was

implementing the technique, the researcher was monitoring the learning process and the student‟s activity. The observer also observed the teacher‟s performance in

teaching speaking through self directed dialogue technique. The important thing was noted. In addition, the test was given also to the students in order to get the data accurately.

4. Reflection

In this step, the researcher and the teacher analyzed the result of the speaking of the students as the learning product. The researcher also analyzed everything occurred in the teaching learning process based on the observation sheets. It was done to find out the improvement after the teacher treats the students by using the self directed

dialogue as media to teach speaking, and also to know the problems faced by both teacher and students during teaching and learning process. By doing so, the researcher and the teacher knew what should be improved for the next cycle. If the indicators of the research hadn‟t been fulfilled in the first cycle, the researcher together with the


After analyzing the learning process and learning product, the researcher together with the teacher did reflection to discover the weaknesses and strength of

implementing Self Directed Dialogue technique and to find out the problems faced by both teacher and students during teaching learning process. By doing so, the researcher and the teacher knew what should be improved for the next cycle. Since the indicators could not be fulfilled in the second cycle, third cycle was held to make betterment. Those steps in action research form a cycle. And the cycle is followed by other cycles like spiral.

Identification of problem Analysis of the problem Formulation of the problem

The Cycle of Classroom Action Research (Suyanto in Wiliyanti, 2007:33) Planning

Action Observation &



3.4 Indicator of the Research

To find out the success of this Classroom Action Research, the researcher determined the indicators, which deals with the learning product and the learning process.

1. Learning Process

In learning process, the student‟s activities become the focus of this research. The

target of the learning process is 80 % of the students actively involved in the learning during the implementation of the teaching speaking through self directed dialogue technique. It was based on the result of discussion with another English teacher as researcher‟s partner in conducting this research. The target of the learning product determined by the researcher and the teacher is 15 (for each aspect by using the scale of Harris for speaking) or more. Scale of 15 will multiple 4(because there are four aspects that will tested) so it will be same with 60. It is done because 60 is the standard score of KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Murid) stated by the school for English subject. So, if at least 80 % of students‟ scores can reach 60 or more for the speaking test., it means that the self directed dialogue technique can improve the students‟ speaking ability.

2. Learning Product


The target determined by the researcher concerning the students‟ activities is 80 %. So, if 80 % of students are actively involved in teaching and learning activities when self directed dialogue is being implemented, it means that self directed dialogue as media to teach speaking can make the students active in teaching learning activities. The researcher decides to set 80 % as the target since according to Arikunto (1993:210), if more than 75 % of students are actively involved in teaching and learning activities, it can be categorized as a good level. To set the target of the success of this CAR, the researcher also did a discussion with the English teacher of that school.

Learning product was focused on the production of sound/students‟ speaking for certain aspect that students mostly have difficulty in speaking. Here, the teacher recorded the students when they were speaking a dialogue, in pair.

There were some aspects that will be observed in the scoring system, promoted by Harris (1974:81). The aspects were as follow:


25 Has few traces of foreign accent.

20 Always intelligible though one is conscious of s definite accent. 15 Pronunciation problems necessitate concentrated listening and


10 Very hard to understand because of pronunciation problem must frequently be asked to repeat.

5 Pronunciation problems too severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible.


25 Make few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order. 20 Occasionally makes grammatical and/or word order errors which

do not, however, obscure meaning.

15 Make frequent errors of grammar and word order, which obscure meaning.

10 Grammar and word orders make comprehension difficult must often rephrase sentences and/or restrict him to basic patterns. 5 Errors in grammar and word order to severe as to make speech

virtually unintelligible.


25 Speech is fluent and effortless as that of native speaker problems. 20 Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language


15 Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by language problems.


5 Speech is as halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible.


25 Use of vocabulary and idiom is virtually that of native speaker

20 Sometimes uses inappropriate terms and/or must rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies

15 Frequently uses the wrong words, conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary

10 Misuses of words and very limited vocabulary make comprehension quite difficult

5 Vocabulary limitation to extreme as to make virtually impossible


The researcher would evaluate the aspects of speaking ability based on the table below. The lowest score was 5 and the highest score was 25.The total of the score was multiple 4.


The score of speaking ability based in four elements can be shown in percentage as follows:

Pronunciation………25 % Grammar………25 % Fluency………..25 % Vocabulary……….25 %

--- Total percentage 100 %

For example :

Grammar Fluency Pronun Voc Total Scorer 1 20 15 10 20 65 Scorer 2 15 20 20 25 80

145 : 2=72,5

So, the student‟s score is 72,5

The score of a student was taken by the two teachers, they were researcher and observer, and the score was totaled and divided by the number of the teacher to get the final score. The calculation as follows :


The standard of the score will be at level 15 (for each aspect) Harris‟s rating scale. It refers to the ability of students in producing English speaking, in better way, hearable, understandable although with some different native speaker‟s speaking.

3.5 Instrument of the Research

To collect the data, the researcher needed three kinds of instrument; 1) observation sheets, 2 ) speaking test and 3) questionnaire. Each kind of instrument was explained as follows:

1. Observation sheet

Observation was conducted in every cycle during the teaching learning process. When teaching and learning process occurred, the researcher helped by her partner to observe the process happened in the classroom. The researcher used structured observation to know the students‟ activities and also the teacher‟s performance in the classroom. So there were two

kinds an observation sheets that was filled out by the observer, that were, the observation sheet for the students‟ activities and for teacher‟s


2. Speaking Test

The test was conducted by asking students to speak about one topic (describing someone) and it was recorded, and the two observers

(researcher and observer) analyzed the result based on Harris rating scale. The test was administered at the end of every cycle in the learning process. The speaking test was done in front of the class, the students with his pair was called in turn, while they were practicing their dialogue, the observer recorded it and after that analyzed their speaking based on rating Harris scale.

3. Questionnaire

After the researcher applied the technique, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students. It was done in order to find out the student‟s

perception about the self directed dialogue technique. The researcher wanted to know whether the students feel interested in self directed


3.6 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher classified the data into two categories; they were the data of the learning process and the learning product. The data analysis was done during and after the data had been collected form every cycle ( 1st, 2nd

, ….) If the data form the first cycle had been collected, the researcher as an observer together with the teacher analyzed the data and did reflection based on them. From the analysis and reflection, the researcher knew the weaknesses and the strengths form the first cycle. Besides, both teacher and observer knew what should be improved for the next cycle.

1. Learning Product

To know the learning product, the researcher used speaking test to collect the data. There were some aspects that will be used to analyze the data from the test.

a. Giving the speaking test to the students, by using speaking about one topic.

b. Giving the scores of the result of the test

c. Calculating the number and the percentage of the students who get score that is 15 (for each aspect) or more.

To know the percentage of the students who get > 15, the following formula is being used:

Number of students who get > 15

____________________________ X 100 % Total number of students


2. Learning Process

To get the data form the learning process, the researcher used observation sheets. The result of observation sheets were analyzed after every cycle had been conducted.

2.1 Students’ Learning Activities

After gathering data from observing the students‟ learning activities, counting the number

of activities done by the students is the step that was going to be done in this activity.

2.1.1. Calculating the percentage of the students‟ activities

For calculating the percentage of the students‟ activities, the following formula was


% A: percentage of students‟ activities A : number of students‟ activities observed N : number of students in the class

% A = A Χ 100% N

2.1.2 Making description for the data that have been analyzed.

2.2 Teacher’s Teaching Performance

Meanwhile, in analyzing the data from observation of the teacher‟s performance, the researcher made the description for the data that had been analyzed.

It was similar to analyze the students‟ activities, to analyze the teacher‟s



This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles only. The steps of every cycle will be described as follows:

A. Cycle I

This cycle was done in accordance with the problems found by the researcher, when she did the pre observation. The steps of this cycle are as follows:

1. Planning

The planning step in the first cycle covers:

1.1 Preparing the learning material.

The material was about describing someone personality in the form of monologue. In preparing the material, the researcher did it in collaboration with the teacher because the teacher herself taught the material to the students.

1.2Making the lesson plan in which the Self Directed Dialogue technique was


1.3 Preparing the speaking test for the students.

1.4 Preparing the learning media and other things that were useful for the teaching and learning process.

1.5 Preparing observation sheets to observe the teacher‟s performance and students‟ activities.

1.6Preparing a recorder to record to the student‟s voice .

2 Action

The first cycle was done on Wednesday, January 27th, 2010. The meeting was held for 4 x 40 minutes and it was followed by 30 students. The processes in this step cover pre activities, while activities, and post activities.

2.1 Pre activities

At the beginning of the teaching and learning process, the teacher greeted the students in English and then checked the students‟ attendance. Since the teacher

usually greeted the students in English, the students did not have any difficulties to respond to the teacher in English too. After that the teacher informed the students the competence that would be achieved after the teaching and learning process in Bahasa Indonesia.

Having informed the competence, the teacher stimulated students‟ apperception in



Teacher : “If you want to describe someone personality, kalau kalian ingin

menceritakan tentang seseorang, informasi apa yang diberikan ? Students : “Nama!”

Teacher : “Yes, name!, What else?” Students : “Alamat!”

Teacher : “Yes, address! What else?” Students : “Karakteristiknya?” Teacher : “Like what?”

Students : “Hair, tall, face dan lain-lain.”

The teacher kept asking the students to get some information from them. This was done to make the students active. However, when the teacher asked some questions to the students, there were very few students who were brave and confident enough to raise their hands and answer the teacher‟s questions. The rest were only able to answer the teacher‟s questions together, even there were a few students who kept


2.2 While activities

To start the lesson, firstly the teacher showed a prop to the students. Besides, the teacher notes the information in the prop on the white board.

The prop for describing someone personality :


Drive, 27 Bandar Lampung. I like being his friend because he is honest and always helps me discuss the lesson.

Then the teacher began implementing the self directed dialogue technique by giving the students a prop and guides them to understand the content of the prop. The teacher discussed the prop with the class. So they can write down the information thing in that prop.

After the students had already understood the content of the prop, the teacher write down the information on the white board to make students more understand what they should do.


Teacher : “And know, I want to ask something, does the writer have a best friend?”

When the teacher asked that question, there was only one student who could answer the question.

Student : “Yes Miss!”. Teacher : “Yes, others?”

After hearing their friend‟s answer, it seemed that the other students began to understand the teacher‟s question but they were still not confident to answer the



Teacher : “Td Miss nanya, apakah si penulis mempunyai seorang teman baik? Kalau punya, namanya siapa?

Students : “Oh yes Miss, namanya Iwan.”

The teacher continued asking the students till the information in the prop had been discussed. The teacher guided the students by giving questions and let the students by giving the answer based on the information on the prop.

After getting the information needed, the teacher divided the students in pair and let them to practice the conversation like the teacher and the students did before. For the first time, they should build the conversation based on the situation on the prop. The teacher gave 10 minutes for this activity. One student as interviewer and others as giver information. They did the conversation in turn.


Student A : “Do you have a best friend? Student B : “Yes, I do.”

Student A : “What is his name?” Student B : “His name is Iwan?” Student A : “How old is he?” Student B : “He is 15 years old.”


their showing their ability in English. That was why, the other students will be more understood what they should do later.

Having shown the students what to do, the teacher gave the students a few minutes to create their new conversation. The topic is same with the prop before, but the object is different. For example, there is Iwan in teacher‟s prop, so the students should find

the different name for his conversation, the name of the object is depend on the name of his best friend. The students can improve the question and answer form in the conversation, but the expressions that were used should appropriate in order to find the information about the characteristics of someone. Each student should have one name for his best friend, like they did before, one student as interviewer and other as giver information, they did it in pair. After they understood with their new task, the teacher would give a student an identification card. It is used for note all the

information while the student interviewed his friend.

During the speaking practice, the teacher walked around to help the students if they had any difficulties, for example, the difficulties in vocabularies, pronunciation, fluency or even grammar used to do describe someone personality.


After the teacher made sure that her students had done her order, she started the speaking test. She asked the students in pair to come in front of the class to practice the conversation. Waiting for their turns to introduce themselves, the other students paid attention to their friend who was practicing their conversation. The teacher asked the other students to keep silent while their friend practiced in front of the class, it is hoped that in recording process the record voice more clearly.

2.3 Post activities

After all students had practiced their conversation, the teacher did a reflection by asking them some questions related to the material they had learnt that day. As usual, the students answered the teacher‟s questions together even though they had different

opinions. Nevertheless, the teacher continued asking the other questions without caring about the understanding of each student. The following dialogue is the example of reflection did by the teacher:


Teacher : “Do you have a best friend?” (She pointed one of the students and asked him to answer her question.) Student : “Yes.”


Students : “Salah. Seharusnya He is short…” Teacher : “Good…..”

The teacher tried to discuss the question form of the conversation once more in order to made the students more understood what they should use when asking and giving someone personality. So, when there were some students made the incorrect question-answer form when doing the practicing conversation before, they can correct their incorrect For example: for question “What does he look like?” there may the students

say “What he looks like?” which is incorrect and be told “He short,…….”. In this case, the students will correct their incorrect answer after they find the correct one which is given by the teacher.

When the teacher was sure that her students were able to answer her questions, she closed the class.

3. Result of Observation and Interpretation

Since the focus of this research lies on the learning product and the learning process, so there are two kinds of data that were observed. The learning product is the data of the students‟ speaking ability, meanwhile, the learning process covers the data of the students‟ learning activities. The result of observation from the learning product will


3.1 Learning Product

Learning product is the students‟ scores from the speaking test. The indicator of the students‟ achievement is, if at least 80% of the students can reach score 60 for the


speaking test, it means that the implementation of self directed dialogue technique is applicable to improve the students‟ speaking ability. The following table will show the frequency of students with the speaking scores they got:

Table 1. Table of Frequency of the Students‟ Speaking Scores in Cycle 1

No Scores Frequency Percentage

1 80-100 0 0%

2 70-79 1 3.33%

3 60-69 12 40%

4 50-59 12 40%

5 40-49 5 16.67%

Total 30 100%

From the table above, there is one student (3.33%) who reaches 70-79 in the speaking test. The student got the score since she was able to practice describing someone personality in the form of dialogue well in pronunciation, fluency, grammar and vocabulary.

Meanwhile, there are 12 students (40%) who get 60-69. These students were able to practice giving their personal information in the spoken form. Even though they were not as good as the student who got 70 but their speaking ability was good enough.


vocabulary. However, their weaknesses did not cause a communication break down when they practiced describing someone personality.

So, in line with table 1, there are only 13 students (43.33%) whose speaking scores have achieved the target of the indicator. While, there are 17 students whose scores are under the target, the details are as follows:

There are 12 students (40%) who reach 50-59. It means that the students‟ speaking ability was not good because these students had several serious errors when they were speaking. There were also a few weaknesses in their pronunciation, fluency, grammar and vocabulary.

In addition to the above explanation, there are 5 students (12.67%) who are only able to reach 40-49. This means that the students‟ speaking ability was poor. They had many weaknesses in the pronunciation, fluency, grammar and also vocabulary. The weaknesses caused a communication breakdown when they practiced describing someone personality in the form of dialogue.

Even though the indicator of the research has not been fulfilled in the first cycle but the data of the learning product has shown that there is an improvement of the students‟ speaking ability if it is compared with the data got by the researcher when


However, the second cycle must be conducted in order to fulfill the indicator of the research for the learning product, that is, 80% of the students must be able to reach 60 for their speaking ability.

In addition, because this research used an analytical scoring to score the students‟ speaking ability, the researcher identified the students‟ scores per each component of

speaking, that is, pronunciation, fluency, grammar and vocabulary. It was done in order to know which component of speaking became an obstacle for most students to achieve the target of the indicators in the first cycle (see appendix 7). The data in the table of students‟ score was explained as follow:

3.1.1 Pronunciation

For pronunciation, there were only two students (6.67%) who got 20. It means that her pronunciation was very good because it was only very slightly influenced by mother-tongue.

There are 17 students (56.67%) who got >15. Their pronunciation was slightly influenced by the mother tongue and most utterances they said were correct. Most of these students were not right in pronouncing the word “like”. In fact, this word

must be pronounced /laik/ but they pronounced it /lik/. In addition, these students were still confused in pronouncing “old”. This word must be pronounced /owld/ but


Meanwhile, 11 students (37.67%) reach <15. Though their pronunciation was still moderately influenced by the mother tongue but they did not have any serious phonological errors. The words which were pronounced wrongly by them were almost similar to the words pronounced by the students who got >15 but there were some other words additionally. For example, they said /lIp/ instead of /lIv/ for the

word “live”. Besides that, they also had difficulties in pronouncing the words in plural forms like “being”. When they pronounced them, they add the letter with –r,

so they pronounced the word became /bring/.

Based on the data in the table 2, there were 19 students whose pronunciation scores have achieved the target of the research indicator. It is shown in the table that there are 11 students (36.67%) who get <15. It means their pronunciation was still poor. Their pronunciation was influenced by the mother tongue but they had only a few serious phonological errors. The mistakes made by them in pronouncing the words were almost the same as the mistakes made by the students who get >15 but they absolutely did more mistakes than the students who get >15. If the students who get >15 did not read the letter /like/ became /lik/, the students whose pronunciation was still poor not only did it, but they also pronounced the word “being” wrongly. Some

students said /bring/.

3.1.2 Fluency


expression and she searched for words occasionally but only one or two unnatural pauses.

In addition, there are 18 students (60%) who get >15. This means that their fluency was good. In speaking, they made an effort at times to search for words,

nevertheless, very smooth delivery on the whole and only a few unnatural pauses.

There are also 4 students (13.33%) who reach <15. They made an effort and searched for words but there were not too many unnatural pauses and it was fairly smooth delivery mostly.

Meanwhile, there are 2 students (6.67%) who get 10, which mean their fluency was poor since they made an effort for much of the time. They often had to search for the desired meaning and rather halting delivery and fragmentary.

It means that their fluency was very poor because there were long pauses while they searched for the desired meaning with frequently halting delivery and fragmentary. They almost gave up for making the effort at times.

3.1.3 Vocabulary


Besides that, there are 12 students (40%) whose vocabulary was also good so they get >15. Their word and general meaning were fairly clear, though there were a few interruptions by listeners for the sake of clarification.

There were also still 12 students (40%) who reach <15. It means that their vocabulary was enough. In speaking, their words clear but there were several interruptions by the listeners to help them to convey the message or to see the clarification.

3.1.4 Grammar

For grammar, there were 13 students (43.33%) who get >15. It means that their grammar was very good because it was easy for the listeners (teacher, researcher, and students) to understand their sentence.

Besides that, there are 11 students (36.67%) whose grammar was good enough so they get <15. Even tough their sentence and the using of grammar still made the researcher confused, but the point that they mean still be understood.


In line with the above explanation about the students‟ scores for each component of speaking, that is, pronunciation, fluency, grammar and vocabulary, it can be

concluded that the students‟ scores of the three components (vocabulary,

pronunciation and grammar) are still under the target. It is so because there are only approximately 13 students (43.33%) whose scores are 15 or more for grammar. In addition, for vocabulary, there are also 14 students (46.67%) whose scores are 15 or more, and for pronunciation there are only 19 students (63.33%) whose scores are 15 or more. Meanwhile, the students‟ scores for fluency have fulfilled the target of

the indicator because there were 24 students (80%) whose scores are 60 or more. However, the second cycle must be held since the students‟ scores for

pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary are still under the target.

3.2 Learning Process

In this classroom action research, the learning process covers the students‟ activities

during the teaching and learning process.

3.2.1 Students’ Activities

As mentioned on chapter III, the indicator of the students‟ activities is, if at least

80% of the students did at least 80% of the activities during the teaching and learning process, it means that the students‟ learning activities are good when the

self directed dialogue technique is implemented. There are six activities that must be done by the students, that is, responding to the topic enthusiastically, giving

responses to the lesson explained by the teacher, answering the teacher‟s questions,


making the new conversation, etc), practicing describing someone personality in dialogue

form, and able to respond to the teacher‟s question. The information of the activities done

by each student and the percentage of each student‟s activity can be seen in Appendix 3.

To know whether the target of the indicator of this classroom action research has already been achieved or not after the implementation of self directed dialogue technique, the following explanation will show the process of the students‟

activities during the teaching and learning process: Pre-Activities

When the teacher did an apperception, there were about ten students who responded to the topic enthusiastically. Though they responded to the teacher‟s questions together but at least they had shown their interest to the topics. Actually some other students also answered the teacher‟s questions but their facial

expression showed that they felt bored with the topic. Meanwhile, the rest of the students in that class only became the viewers of their friends. While Activities

For while activities, there were about four activities that became the focus of the observation, that is, giving responses to the lesson explained by the teacher,

answering the teacher‟s questions, following the teacher‟s instructions (noting the

information on an identification card, making the new conversation, etc), and practicing


When the teacher started doing the self directed dialogue technique, there were approximately 13 students who gave responses to the lesson explained by the teacher. They looked eager to follow the class, moreover, when they were asked to describe their best friend. Nevertheless, there were still six students who were busy with their own world like day dreaming, and drawing something on the desks.

Then when the teacher asked some questions related to the material, there were only 11 students who answered the questions voluntarily. Meanwhile, the other students only answered the questions when they were asked by the teacher. They felt shy and afraid of being laughed at by their friends if they gave silly answers.

Nevertheless, since the teacher was very strict so when the students were asked to follow the teacher‟s instructions like noting the information on an identification card,

making the new conversation, doing the self directed dialogue technique, and

practicing describe someone personality in pairs, all the students did the instructions.


identification, they started doing the conversation activity to practice their new ability.

Having enough practice, the students were asked to practice introducing themselves in front of the class. All students did this activity since the teacher called the students in pairs. Some students looked unconfident when they practiced describing someone personality because when they made mistakes the teacher directly corrected the mistakes. Post Activities

For the last activity, the researcher only observed the students‟ ability to respond to the teacher‟s question. From 30 students, there were only 12 students who responded to the teacher‟s questions voluntarily. They raised their hands and

answer the teacher‟s questions. The other students were only able to respond to the teacher‟s questions together.

From the explanation of the activities done by the students during the teaching and learning process in cycle 1, the researcher got the data, that is, there were 17 students (56.67%) of 30 students who did 80% of the activities observed by the researcher. It means that the students‟ learning activities in the first cycle are still

poor during the implementation of the self directed dialogue technique in the speaking class, in other words the indicator for the students‟ learning activities


The activities which were not done by most students in cycle 1 are responding to the topic (pre activities), and answering the teacher‟s questions (while and post

activities). Due to this reason, the second cycle must be held in order to achieve the target of the indicator.

3.2.2 Teacher’s Performance

The indicator of the research for the teaching performance is, if the teacher can get score at least 70 for her teaching performance, it means that the teacher‟s teaching performance is good. The process of teaching done by the teacher in cycle 1 will be explained as follows: Pre-Activities

In pre activities, actually the teacher was quite good in doing the apperception. She tried to make the students remember their previous lesson about describing someone that the students‟ have learnt when they were at the first grade, and she

also asked the students some questions related to the topics. However, there were still many students who were not interested in the topic.

After doing the apperception, the teacher informed the competence that would be achieved to the students. The teacher was good enough at doing this activity because she clearly informed the students what they would be able to do after doing the teaching and learning process.


In observing the teacher‟s teaching performance, the researcher emphasized on the teacher‟s mastery of learning material, the learning strategy used by the teacher, the use of learning media, the students‟ involvement and the evaluation did by the teacher. The explanation of the teacher‟s performance in

while-activities is as follows:

a. The Mastery of Learning Material

When the teacher taught the students how to describe someone‟s personality, she

told the students the utterances usually used to give the personal information like names, addresses, ages, and hobbies. The utterances were quite simple so the teacher assumed that some of her students must have ever heard them in their daily life. So for correlating the material with the real life, the teacher had done it well.

Besides that, the teacher was also good at achieving communicative competence. During while-activities, the teacher implemented the self directed dialogue technique in which she invited the students to describe their best friend about his/her identities (names, addresses, ages, hobbies). The students also responded to the teacher by giving their opinions in simple sentences, short phrases, even in single words in English. By doing so, the teacher had stimulated the students to communicate.


vocabulary, grammar, and fluency. Even though she did not use them all the time but she was able to use the language components well.

b. The Learning Strategy

For the learning strategy used by the teacher, there are several aspects observed by the researcher, that is, doing a teaching & learning process which is suitable with the competence, doing a teaching & learning process which is suitable with the students‟ needs, doing a teaching and learning process which can build the

positive attitudes, doing a coordinated teaching learning process, emphasizing on using English in the teaching & learning process, emphasizing on teaching the language skills integrated, and doing a teaching & learning process which is suitable with the time allocation.

For doing the teaching learning process which is suitable with the competence, the teacher did it very well. She taught her students about describing someone, like telling the students the utterances used to introduce their friend, asking the students to describe their friend one by one, etc. Those activities are very relevant to the competence which must be achieved, that is, the students should be able to introduce themselves in English.

Besides that, to teach speaking with the topic describe someone, the teacher had applied the teaching and learning process which was suitable with the students‟


self directed dialogue technique is supposed to be the suitable technique to teach speaking to the second grade students of Junior High School because the students like to tell about the things in their environment and they like to share what they want to tell to others. So, for doing the teaching and learning process which is suitable with the students‟ needs, the teacher had done it well.

The teacher was also good at doing a teaching learning process which can build the positive attitudes of the students. During the teaching and learning process in which the self directed dialogue technique was implemented, the teacher provided a chance for students to work in pairs. At that time the teacher asked the students to practice describing his friend to their partners. In each pair, when one student was talking, another student must keep listening. By doing so, the teacher had trained the students to be cooperative human beings. Besides, the teacher had made her students learn to respect other people who were talking to them.

However, during the teaching learning process, the teacher could not do a

coordinated teaching and learning process well. Though she was strict enough to her students but sometimes she could not control the class, for example, when the teacher asked some questions to the students, the students answered the questions by shouting very loudly. Besides, when the teacher asked the students to make a dialogue based on the prop, the teacher ignored some students who were talking to their friends and asking for further explanation about what they should do. These two facts made the class not conducive and disturbed the students‟


In addition, the teacher did not emphasize on using English in the teaching and learning process since she assumed that it was hard for her students to understand it. For that reason, she used English very little. She only used English when she mentioned the utterances used to describe someone and when she gave an example of how to describe someone but when she gave explanation, she used Bahasa.

Though the teacher did not emphasize on using English in while activities, she emphasized on teaching the language skills integrated well. She united all the language skills even though the focus of teaching was on the students‟ speaking

ability. As the example, before asking her students to speak, she asked the students to listen to her when she was giving an example of how to describe someone, then she also asked her students to understand their prop before giving more explanation to them, and at the end she asked her students to write the new dialogue about the characteristics of their friend.


dialogue. To make matter worst, since the time was spent unwisely, the length of time to do the activity like interviewing his friend in became shorter, whereas, this activity is important to develop the students‟ speaking ability

c. The Learning Media

In teaching speaking through the self directed dialogue technique, the teacher used a prop as the media. Though the media was so simple but the teacher‟s attempt to use it was good enough. Through the media the teacher tried to stimulate the students to be creative in making the dialogue by using the text in the prop.

Nevertheless, in spite of the simplicity of the media, the teacher could not create an interesting message from it. Besides, the students were not so interested in the media that they did not focus on the media. The students just looked at the teacher and listened to what she was talking about. Due to that reason the students could not get the message from the media.

Even though the media could not make the students interested but the teacher still involved the students in making and using the media well. The process of making and using the media was done after the teacher herself gave an example of how to make a dialogue based on the prop. Having shown the students what to do, she let the students practice the dialogue in pair. That fact has shown that there was the students‟ involvement in using the media.


To know how far the teacher involved the students during the teaching and learning process, the researcher observed the teacher‟s teaching performance

which covers building the active participation of the students in the teaching & learning process, giving positive responses to the students‟ opinion, facilitating the interaction between teacher-student and student-student, showing a conducive interpersonal relationship, and growing the students‟ enthusiasm in learning,

In involving the students during the teaching and learning process, the teacher was quite good at building the active participation of the students. The teacher tried to stimulate the students‟ activeness by asking them some questions which were very closely related with the students‟ world so the students were interested

in answering the questions. Besides, the teacher also asked the students to work in pairs, and the teacher only became an observer at that time.

Meanwhile, the teacher was poor in giving positive responses to the students‟ opinions. It was very seldom to hear praises from the teacher to the students. After the teacher listened to the students‟ answers or opinions, she just said “yes” to

good opinions or right answers from the students, the teacher would directly say “no” to the incorrect answers from the students. Actually, to be a good teacher,


On the contrary, the teacher was good at facilitating the interaction between teacher-student and student-student. In facilitating the interaction between teacher-student, the teacher asked her students questions and the students then answered them, besides the teacher let the students ask some questions when they were facing difficulties and the teacher also answered them then.

While in facilitating the interaction between student-student, the teacher gave a chance for the students to work in pairs. At that time the teacher let the students to share their ideas to their partners.

However, since the teacher was rather strict, she was not so good at showing a conducive-interpersonal relationship to the students. She got bad tempered easily when the students made mistakes, for example, when the students did not do what she asked to do, when the students did not bring books or dictionary. For that reason, she looked so strict that some students were rather afraid of her.

Even though the teacher was rather strict to the students but, since she

implemented the activities which were interesting and different from the activities she used to implement, the students were enthusiastic in learning. They began giving their ideas or opinions when the teacher asked some questions. In addition to do it, the students looked happy when they describe their best friend.

e. Evaluation

For doing the evaluation, the teacher was good at monitoring the students‟ improvement. She provided the time to monitor the students‟ improvement after


some questions to the students to know how far her students have understood the lesson.

The final evaluation she did was very suitable with the competence. Because the competence that must be achieved was the students must be able to describe someone so for the final evaluation, the teacher asked the students to practice the dialogue in the form of describing someone. Post Activity

At the end of the teaching and learning process, the teacher did a reflection. She was quite good in doing the reflection since she involved the students in

summarizing the lesson they learnt that day, and the students freely shared their ideas by telling what they got from the teaching and learning process.

Besides doing a reflection, actually the teacher must do a follow-up by giving direction or tasks as a remedy but in doing the follow-up, the teacher just asked the students to learn more about describe someone at home but she did not give a special task for the students who were still weak in speaking English especially in describing someone.


Table of Rating Sheet Score
Table 1. Table of Frequency of the Students‟ Speaking Scores in Cycle 1
Table 3. Table of Frequency of the Students‟ Speaking Scores in Cycle II


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