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By Dian Setya Rini

This research was conducted: (1) to find out how the teaching reading using authentic materials, (2) to find out how the students’ perceptions in reading activities by using authentic materials, (3) to find out what problems the students face in the implementation of teaching reading using authentic materials. The data were taken from one class only of the first grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah Krui Pesisir Barat.

Since the focus of this research was on the process of students’ problems as well as their opinions and feelings towards the media, the researcher employed the descriptively qualitative research design. She used a non-participant observation. As instruments in collecting the data, the writer used observation and interview. In the first day, the writer did observation and first interview. Then, in the second day, she did the second interview.

After analyzing the data that have been collected of the research, most students did not know what the authentic materials were. Therefore, they could not understand English text well in the magazine as one kind of authentic materials. After the writer explained the authentic materials, they feel interest in reading. Concerning with the students’ opinions and feelings, the writer found that they were impressed that authentic materials use can make them more diligent to read.

Based on the conclusions of this research, the writer suggested that authentic materials should be used by the students of Senior High School especially.




(A Script)

Dian Setya Rini









A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty






The writer would like to acknowledge her countless thanks to the Most Gracious and the

Most Merciful, Alloh SWT. Shalawat and salaam are addressed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family. This research report, entitled “The Implementation of Authentic Materials Use at the First Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah Krui Pesisir Barat”, is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing the S-1 Degree Program at the

Department of Language and Arts of teacher Training and Education Faculty, University of


Among many individuals who gave generous suggestions for improving this script, first of all

the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude and respect to:

1. H.M. Ujang Suparman, M.A., Ph.D., as my first advisor, for this patience,

encouragement, and who has been willing to spend his time to assist me in

accomplishing this script.

2. Budi Kadaryanto, M.A., as my second advisor who has contributed and given his

evaluation, comments, suggestion during the completion of the script.

3. Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd., as my examiner, for his encouragement and contribution during

the seminar until this script is finished.

4. Dr. Muhammad Fuad, M.Hum., as the Chair Person of Language and Arts



5. Dr. H. Bujang Rahman, M.Si., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of Lampung University.

6. Prof. Ag. Bambang Setiadi, M.A., Ph.D., as my academic advisor, not only for giving

advices, but also for deepening my knowledge during my study.

7. My Lecturers and Administrative Staff of Language and Arts Department.

8. Hendra Effendi, S.Pd., as the headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah for giving

me chance to conduct and manage the time of the research.

9. My lovely family, Mama, Papa, Udo Alfian Huda Utama, Yuni Mastika, Erica Apriani, thank you for the endless love, prays, and best support in accomplishing my


10.My close friend, Marta Chandra, thank his time, participation, and best support during

accomplishing my study until this script is finished.

11.My lovely friends, Musfina Rahma, Ratna Purnamasari, Christina Kurniawati CP,

Rima Mauli AD, Candra Cahyani Gani, Yoannita Suherman, Fenny Widyawati, Reti

Wahyuni, Karina Rabiula, Rachmat Pradicta, Rio Sanjaya, and all friends of English

Education Study Program Department 2010, thanks for them greatest motivation.

12.My friends in PPL and KKN, Angga Yudana Saputra, Pandu Saputra, Rika Syafitri,

Erliani Pratiwi, Renita Dwi Astuti, Beti Tri Astuti, Rani Oktarina, Hanni Hanifah, Siti

Suarlin, thanks for giving me happiness.

13.My beloved sister, wo Siska Purnamasari, ngah Mitha Wibowo, wo Pepi Elian, kak Marselia Ginting, mba Ria Aprilenta Hutabarat, mba Ira Aziska,

14.My friends Sonya Hervina Okthiara, Enni Sumarni, Susanti, Catrin Angrianuari, Cory

Frisca, Haryanti, Nurmala, Yesti Asmara, Selvita Sari, Dica Yulyana, Herlin Desy,

Sulas Viana, Leni Widya, Dwi Susanti, Yeli Oktavia Sari thanks for your motivation



Hopefully, this script would give a positive contribution to the education development or

to those who want to carry out further research.

Bandar Lampung, 2015

The writer,




The researcher’s name is Dian Setya Rini. She was born in Bekasi on January 26th 1992. She is the oldest daughter of Mr. Samsul Huda and Mrs. Masdiana. She has

only one young sister name is Yuni Mastika.

She joined Bunga Mayang Kindergarten Way Sindi in 1996. Then she entered

Elementary School in SD Negeri Laay, Krui in 1998 and graduated in 2004. She

continued her study at Junior high School level in SMP Negeri 1 Karya Penggawa,

Krui in 2004 and graduated in 2007. After that, she was registered at Senior High

School in SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah, Krui in 2007 and graduated in 2010.

She was accepted as the S1 regular program of the English Education Study Program

of the Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lampung University through PKAB

in 2010. From July through September 2013, she did the Teaching Practice Program

(PPL) and KKN at SMP Negeri 3 Sukau, Lampung Barat for three months. She did



“Difficult times can make you stronger in the end, even though it may not always be easy to say”

-Dian Setya Rini-

“Seek the knowledge from the cradle to the grave” -H.R. Muslim-

“The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow, life is crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed”




This script is fully dedicated to:

My Beloved Parents, Samsul Huda and Masdiana

My Brother and Sister, Alfian Huda Utama and Yuni Mastika

My beloved Big Family, Kajong, Tamong, Uncles, and Aunts

My Close Friend, Marta Chandra

My Second Family, Students of English Department 2010










MOTTO………. vi




I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Problems……… 1

1.2. Identification of the Problems………. 5

1.3. Limitation of the Problems……….. 6

1.4. Formulation of the Problems………... 6

1.5. Objectives of the Research……….. 6

1.6. Significance of the Research……… 7

II.THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1. Review of Previous Research……….. 8

2.2. Review of Related Literatures……… 10

2.2.1. Reading………. 10

2.2.2. Teaching Reading………. 13

2.2.3. Concept of Teaching Reading……….. 14

2.2.4. Teaching Reading Using Authentic Material………... 16

2.2.5. Concept of Authentic Material……… 17

2.2.6. Procedure of Teaching Reading using Authentic Material……….. 18

2.2.7. Advantages and Disadvantages Using of Authentic Material……… 19 Advantages of Using Authentic Material………... 19



3.1. Setting of the Research……… 22

3.1.1.Place………... 22

3.1.2.Time……… 22

3.2. Research Design……….. 23

3.3. Source of Data………... 23

3.4. Data Collecting Technique……….. 24

3.4.1.Interview………. 24

3.4.2.Observation………. 24

3.5. Subjects of the Research……….. 25

3.6. Research Procedures……… 25

3.6.1. Determining the Research Problems……….. 25

3.6.2. Determining the Subject of Research………... 26

3.6.3. Selecting and Determining the Materials……….. 26

3.7. Data Analysis………... 26

IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Result of the Research……….. 27

4.1.1.Learning Process……….. 27

4.1.2.Implementation……… 28

4.1.3.Evaluation……… 29

4.2. The Result of the Observation ………... 31

4.2.1.Observation Sheet of First Meeting……… 31

4.2.2.Observation Sheet of Second Meeting………... 34

4.2.3.Observation Sheet of Third Meeting……….. 36

4.3. The Result of the interview ………... 38

4.3.1.Opinion Specification of The Interview Result……….. 40

4.4. Findings……….. 43

4.4.1.Finding of the Implementation Authentic Materials Use in Reading………… 44

4.4.2.Finding of Students’ Opinion About Implementation Authentic Materials Use in Reading……….. 45

4.4.3.Finding of the Problems Faced By Implementation Authentic Materials Use in Reading……… 46

4.5. Discussion……… 47

V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1. Conclusions ………. 48

5.2. Suggestions ………. 51

5.2.1. For Teaching………. 51

5.2.2. For Further Researcher………. 52






1. Observation Guidelines 1 ……… 55

2. Observation Guidelines 2………. 57

3. Observation Guidelines 3………. 59

4. Interview Guidelines ……… 61



This chapter discusses the following points: introduction dealing with background

of the problems, identification of the problems, limitation of the problems,

formulation of the problems, objectives of the research, uses of the research,

definition of the terms.

1.1. Background of the Problems

Unsustainably, Language is a means of communication which is very important

for us to adapt to the society. Language is used by human beings to interact with

others and to express feeling and thought. It is their tool for carrying on their

affairs, working, trading, and living together. So, we can say that language is very

important for individual to live in a society in order that they can survive.

As it is known, language is an important tool used by the people in the world to

communicate each other. Actually in Indonesia, the students from junior high

school through senior high school should learn language in the school. Generally,

the language is used like Lampung as province language, Indonesia as national

language, and English as international language.

In fact, English is one of widely spoken languages in the whole world, that is the



language, English is used in many fields all over the world. It is also a fact that

English is widely needed by people, for example to transfer new modern science,

technology, and information. Transferring new modern science, technology, and

information can be done through reading process. Based on these facts the writer

considered as the first foreign language.

In this case, this study chooses English in her study. It is a language that should be

learnt by the senior high school students. Good English usage may help the

students easier to learn some of the language skills. Other reason is that English as

an important and interesting tool to communicate with other people globally.

English should also be known to get the good job. There are four skills of

language to be mastered in learning English i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. Based on the interview with the students, it is important to read

information which is mostly written in English. Reading dominates the teaching

materials in almost English textbook.

Based on pre-observation and interview to the first year students and English

teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah on 5th December 2013, it got information

that for the students, reading is a kind of boring activity compared to three other

skills like listening, speaking, and writing. It was found that most of students feel

bored in reading activity. They assume that when they read a text, they also must

understand about the meaning of words. For them, a text is full of printed words.

Besides that, they must read based on the correct pronunciation. When the teacher

asks them is come to the front of the class, they feel afraid of being at laughed by



vocabulary, inappropriate use of media, ineffective strategy used by the teacher,

and the minimum availability of learning facilities. Those factors are dependent

on each other and may affect the process of reading. Due to this condition, the

researcher focuses on one of those factors i.e. the media. As it has been found, the

teachers in the school do not teach reading comprehension using an appropriate

use of media to help the students more enjoy in learning of reading, so they can

achieve their motivation in reading.

So, Reading is a naturally complex of decoding in order to construct or derive

meaning. It is a means, of communication, and of sharing and ideas. Like all

language, it is a complex interaction between the text and the reader which is

shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language

community which is culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires

continuous practice, development, and refinement. In addition, reading requires

creativity and critical analysis.

In reality, for the students, reading is a more boring activity than three other skills

like listening, speaking, and writing. Usually in reading, the students feel bored

cause in the text just showing many full article that it just make they are confuse.

Cause that, the students are very hard to find the main idea, vocabulary, and the

specific sentence. This condition might be due to a number of factors such as lack

of vocabulary, inappropriate use of media, ineffective strategy used by the



Considering those facts above, when the students consider reading as a boring

activity, the teacher should be able to solve this problem. According to the

researcher, one way that is teaching the students by using media. Media is an

important tool to make a learning effectiveness and make activity is easier. It is

important since the effectiveness of learning happens when students are actively

engaged in meaningful tasks, interacting with the content.

This study chooses authentic materials as media. She has reasons that authentic

material usage can make the students enjoy in their learning process in reading.

Another reason is that authentic material is full of colors, interesting pictures, and

it has no many articles in the text. It can be stated that the students would be enjoy

and they can be more diligent in reading.

Authentic material is intensively used to make the student more interested and

enjoy in studying reading. Actually, the researcher would try to solve the

problems by having a media in teaching reading using authentic material. The

researcher uses this media to find out whether the implementation of teaching

reading by authentic material usage is, the students and English teacher perceive

in reading activities by authentic material usage, and problem in the

implementation of teaching reading by authentic material usage interesting.

SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah Krui Pesisir Barat would be chosen as the

population of the study, based on consideration that students at this school still

have difficulties in teaching the reading text. Another reason is that SMA Negeri 1



media in teaching learning process. It would be expected that learning process

using authentic material can help students’ reading in learning process.

With reference to the problems above, the researcher tries to find out whether

there students’ problems in reading implemented by using authentic material, to find out whether there are the students perception in reading activities by using

authentic material, and to find out whether there are problems in the

implementation of teaching reading using authentic material. Finally, the

researcher apply the title of script is “The Implementation of Authentic

Material Use in Reading at The First Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah

Krui Pesisir Barat”.

1.2. Identification of the Problems

In line with the background of the problems, the following can be identified:

1. Students tend to assume that reading is a very boring activity because a text

does not contain an interesting image or color that would be added interest in

their reading.

2. Students tend to be very lazy to read the text because the text is like an article.

3. Students have low motivation to learn English.

4. Students have negative attitude toward learning English.

5. Students lack vocabulary.

6. Students feel bored when the teacher teaches them too monotonously in

learning English.

7. Students always get too many assignments every meeting by the English



1.3. Limitation of the Problems

In line with the identification of the problems above, the researcher would be

focused the research on the classroom activity by using authentic material:

1. The use of authentic material.

2. The students’ perceptions about the use of authentic material. 3. The problems faced by the students while using authentic material.

1.4. Formulation of the Problems

In line with the limitation of the problem, the researcher tried to formulate the

research problems as follows:

1. How is the teaching reading using authentic material?

2. How are the students’ perceptions in reading activities by using authentic materials?

3. What problems the students’ face in the implementation of teaching reading using authentic material?

1.5. Objectives of the Research

Given the formulation of the problems above, the objectives of the research are:

1. To find out how the teaching reading using authentic material intended.

2. To find out how the students’ perceptions in reading activities by using authentic material.

3. To find out what problems the students face in the implementation of teaching



1.6. Significance of the Research

The findings of the research are expected to be beneficial theoretically and


1. Theoretically, the results of this research are expected to verify the previous

theories dealing with teaching reading using authentic material and to be used

as a reference for further research.

2. Practically, the results may provide information to the English teachers,

especially at SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah Krui Pesisir Barat whether



This chapter concerns the following points: review of previous research, review of

related literature, reading, teaching reading, concept of teaching reading, teaching

reading using of authentic material, concept of authentic material, procedure of

teaching reading using authentic material, and advantages and disadvantages

using of authentic material.

2.1. Review of Previous Research

Considering the previous research above, it can be states that authentic material

can be used to help students are easier reading comprehension significantly. The

relation to the research that the researcher are applicable the authentic material in

her research, because authentic material can make student more enjoy to read a


Some previous research Verhoven and Snow (2001:170), Soanes & Stevenson

(2005), Pinheiro (2005:42), Nilsson (2005:42), and Ulfa (2008) prove that

authentic material is an effective media for teaching reading easily and more fun.

Verhoven and Snow (2001:170) state that to make sure that the students are

motivated, the teacher allows students to take part in the choosing of the text, they



At the same time, letting students take some responsibility helped them to reflect

on their own learning process. It encourages them to think about what they

actually want to learn about and how they want to do this. The teacher help plan

the students’ learning process to be more motivated in the classroom and hereby

create a better learning and class environment. By doing this, the teacher should

teach them how to learn and this would be helped the students in their studies

further on.

Soanes and Stevenson (2005) state that for teaching purposes this refers to English

books, novels or articles that have been written by an English speaking author to a

native audience or speaker, in these cases the language used has not been altered.

Pinheiro (2005:42) state that textbook is useful both to students and teachers. She

believes that school material offers structure and guidance to students on how to

read and learn. She further believes that through this kind of material the teacher

saves some time when preparing the lessons.

Nilsson (2005:42) states that students’ motivation in reading texts is higher than

using text which full of article when the teacher using authentic texts in the

classrooms. He further states that students today need situations where they can

read, write about and discuss different issues they find important.

On the other side, previous research has been done by Ulfa (2008) at SMP

Muhammadiyah 3 Bandar Lampung. She made an experiment using fairy tales to

investigate whether it might increase students’ reading comprehension. In her



learning about authentic material usage as well as their opinion and feelings

toward the material. The result of her research is that most students are still

confused about reading using authentic material.

So, authentic material usage can make the students more motivated. It also can

help the teacher to learn in the classroom. Authentic material is easy media and

its’ content is interesting.

2.2. Review of Related Literatures

For further explanation about the students’ and English teachers’ perceptions in

authentic material usage, the researcher will explain some related literatures about

the reading comprehension.

2.2.1. Reading

According to Murcia (2002) states that reading is a skill that everyone needed

whether in elementary, secondary, and university. In other words, reading is an

important skill that must be achieve by the students in all education level.

Concerning to Howart (2006) reading is just as a communicative as any other

form of language. It means that in reading, there is an interaction between the

researcher try to encode the messages to the readers. Then, the readers try to

decode the messages that sent by the researcher.

Furthermore, Walker (2004) states reading is a result of the interaction between

the perceptions of graphic symbols and the written language form. In reading



There are various definitions of reading. Reading is an intrinsic part of the

classroom teaching of the content. It means that the content of the curricula would

be showed the importance of teaching students how to obtain information along

with teaching subject matter. Reading, arguably the most essential skill for

success in all educational contexts, remains a skill of paramount importance as we

create assessment of general language ability (Brown, 2004:185).

Cameron (2001:125) said that reading bring together visual information from

written symbols, phonological information from the sounds those symbols make

when spoken, and semantic information from the conventional meanings

associated with the words as sounds and symbols. It means that when reading a

text, the reader find new thing that he/she might not know yet and he/she also

learns about new information that would be added his/her knowledge. He/she may

also find information that would be helped him/her in learning something.

Moreover, reading is essentially about understanding, that the readers would be

understanded texts that they read by constructing a meaning for themselves, and

that writers would be tried to ensure that their readers are able to understand what

they write (Cameron, 2001:125). The writer is the encoder and the reader is the

decoder. The decoder has a message in his/her mind (it may be an idea, a fact, a

feeling, an argument, etc) that he/she wants somebody else to share. To make this

possible, he/she must first put his/her ideas into words or in the written form as a

text. The text is accessible to the mind of other person who reads it. Once it is

decoded, the message enters the mind of the decoder and communication is



It means the reading is the process of interaction among the writers, the text, and

the reader. In this process, the reader tries to receive the message from the writer

through the text as well as possible.

Brown (2001:306-310) defined strategies for reading comprehension as follows:

1. Identify the purpose in reading.

2. Use grapheme rules and patterns to aid in bottom up decoding (especially

for beginning level learners).

3. Use efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension

(for intermediate to advanced levels).

4. Skim the text from main ideas.

5. Scan the text for specific information.

6. Use semantic mapping or clustering.

7. Guess when you are not certain.

8. Analyze the vocabulary.

9. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.

10.Capitalize on discourse markers to process relationships.

From the references of definition above, reading comprehension in this study is

defined as the process of getting message from the author through a written text.

The message may be an idea, a fact, a feeling, an argument, etc.

So, from the statements above, we conclude that reading is a cognitive learning



Reading also an active process because in there is an interaction between taught

and language to get the information for the readers.

2.2.2. Teaching Reading

From this statement, we can see that emphasizes has been given on the relations

among teaching variables. Grabe and Stoller (2002: 20) state that reading is a set

of common underlying processes that are activated when we read. In other words

that reading can make the students recall what we look before it, so they can

understand the meaning from what they look.

According to Brown (2001) recent research on teaching reading has shown that a

combination of top-down and bottom-up processing, so called interactive reading,

is almost always a primary ingredient in successful teaching methodology because

both processes are important. From the statements above, the researcher can be

said that teaching reading is a job for an expert. Contrary to the popular theory

that learning to read is natural and easy, learning to read is a complex linguistic

achievement. For many children, it requires effort and incremental skill

development. Moreover, teaching reading requires considerable knowledge and

skill, acquired over several years through focused study and supervised practice.

Consider what the classroom demands of the teacher. Children’s interest in

reading must be stimulated through regular exposure to interesting books and

through discussions in which students respond to many kinds of texts. For best



explicitly to decipher words in print, all the while keeping in mind the ultimate

purpose of reading, which is to learn, enjoy, and understand.

2.2.3. Concept of Teaching Reading

Reading is viewed as the most important skill to be gained by the students besides

the other skills. According to the 2006 SMA English curriculum, the objective of

teaching reading in SMA is to enable the students to read (to comprehend in to

interpret) any English reading texts.

It is also explained that the teaching of reading should emphasize on skill for

comprehending various kinds of the text and increase the students’ mastery is

vocabulary and structure. In teaching English (reading), the teachers have to

believe in their ability to choose the material we would be used for our classroom

(Dubin, 1979:30).

But when the teacher choose the material as their tools of teaching reading, they

must pay attention to student’s level, method, knowledge, background, situation,

experience, and material itself. The absence of several points above would make

teaching less successful.

Brown (2004:185) says that for learners of English, two primary hurdles must be

cleared in order to become efficient readers. First, they need to be able master

fundamental bottom up strategies for processing separate letters, words, and



comprehension. Second, as part of that top down approach, second language

readers must develop appropriate content and formal schemata background

information and cultural experience to carry out those interpretations effectively.

Harmer (2004:68) said that reading texts also provide opportunities to study

language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and we construct sentences,

paragraphs and texts. Lastly, good reading texts can be the springboard for well

rounded, fascinating lessons.

It is also explained that the teaching of reading should emphasize on skill for

comprehending various kinds of text and increase the students’ mastery in

vocabulary and structure. In teaching English (reading), the teachers have to

believe in their ability to choose the materials that they would be used for their


But when the teachers choose the materials as their tools of teaching reading, they

must pay attention to the students’ level, method, knowledge, background,

situation, experience, and material itself. The absence of several points above

would make teaching less successful.

Brown (2001:313-315) gives principles for designing interactive reading

techniques as follows:

1. In an interactive curriculum, make sure that you do not overlook the



2. Use techniques that are intrinsically motivating.

3. Balance authenticity and readability in choosing texts.

4. Encourage the development of reading strategy.

5. Include both bottoms up and top down techniques.

6. Follow the “SQ3R” sequence.

7. Subdivide your techniques into pre reading, during reading, and after

reading phases.

8. Build in some evaluative aspect to your techniques.

2.2.4. Teaching Reading Using Authentic Material

Since it has been mentioned previously on the background, the researcher would

like to try teaching reading by using authentic material. She hopes she may find

something valuable during the implementation in authentic material usage in their

reading comprehension. Here, the process of teaching as Williams (2005)

proposes can be conduct such in the following steps:

1. The teacher starts by introduce and explain the definitions of reading and

also tell advantages and disadvantages.

2. Then the teacher demonstrated the material used an overhead transparency

of the text concerned. Demonstrated will be done by presenting texts

marked-up and discussing with the students about reading involved. It is to

indicate to the students more motivate and feel interest in reading activity



3. The teacher presented a text and asked the students to identify. In this

stage, the students work on the text in two or three, comparing and

discussing their worked with the teacher as a roving consultant.

2.2.5. Concept of Authentic Material

G. Martinez (2002) authentic material is a real life material that a student

encounters in everyday life but that weren’t created for educational purposes.

They include newspapers, magazines, and web sites, as well as driver’s manuals,

utility bills, pill bottles, and clothing labels. So, we can see that authentic material

is very important to the students, it also interesting media because it can be a real

life material so that the students can be easier to understand this media.

Authentic material is material created for native speaker of the language and use

in a class in its original form and design. In other words, they are not changed in

any way. Whereas genuine materials are authentic materials adapted for a class, e.

g. jumbled paragraphs, cut out headlines etc. From this statement, we can see that

authentic material not only used by the reader only but it also used by the native


So in this case, we would like to conclude that authentic materials are any

materials that exist in the real world for native speakers in English. Examples of

authentic materials include: newspapers and advertisements, bills and receipts,

official letters and forms from governments or businesses, maps and directions,



The researcher can use authentic material in the classroom. She will hand out

material to each student and would have them work individually. However,

experience has shown that having students work in pairs is a better approach

because they tend to be more enthusiastic and work harder. The researcher gives

each pair the authentic material and a question handout. Interestingly, the student

with the stronger command of English is not necessarily the one who is able to

extract the most information from the material.

Students of different abilities tend to complement one another and, as a result, do

not get bogged down easily. Students tend to contribute individual strengths to the

completion of the task. The researcher usually tell students that question handouts

will be collected since this keeps them more focused on the completion of the

exercise. The teacher's personal background information should be shared before

the students begin concentrating on the material in the narrative text.

2.2.6. Procedure of Teaching Reading using Authentic Material

Other factors worth taking into consideration when choosing authentic material

for the classroom can include whether the text challenges the students’

intelligence without making unreasonable linguistic demands, does the language

reflect written or spoken usage, is the language in the text natural or has it been

distorted in order to try and include examples of a particular teaching point. It is

also important that the text lends itself to being studied, can good questions be



student want to read for them, tell themselves self something they don’t know as

well as introduce new and relevant of ideas.

The first, there is suitability of content. Here, the teachers have to consider so

many things. For example the text can make the students can be interest, the

second that material which used by the teacher is relevant for the students, and the

last that the material can be represent by the students although use at outdoor the


The second is exploitability. Here, the people have to consider so many things.

For example the text whether it is easy or difficult. After that, the teacher also has

to see whether the text is too demanding or complex.

The last, the text whether it has new contain vocabulary or relevant. The last is

presentation. Here, the teacher has to consider so many things. For example the

text is look of authentic, people also have to see whether the text is attractive, the

text can be grabbed the students’ attention, and the text can make the students

want to read more.

2.2.7. Advantages and Disadvantages Using of Authentic Material Advantages of Using Authentic Material

Using authentic material in the classroom, even when not done in an authentic

situation, and provided it is appropriately exploited, is significant for many

reasons. Some of them are: Students are exposed to real discourse, as in videos of



They provide exposure to real language:

1. Authentic materials have a positive effect on learner motivation.

2. Authentic materials keep students informed about what is happening in the

world, so they have an intrinsic educational value. As teachers, we are

educators working within the school system, so education and general

development are part of our responsibilities (Sanderson, 1999).

3. Textbooks often do not include incidental or improper English.

4. Authentic materials can produce a sense of achievement, e.g., a brochure on

England given to students to plan a visit.

5. The same piece of material can be used under different circumstances if the

task is different.

6. Language change is reflected in the materials so that students and teachers can

keep abreast of such changes.

7. Reading texts are ideal to teach/practice mini-skills such as scanning, e.g.

students are given a news article and asked to look for specific information

(amounts, percentages, etc.), basic students listen to news reports and they are

asked to identify the names of countries, famous people, etc. (Martinez, 2002).

8. Books, articles, newspapers, and so on contain a wide variety of text types,

language styles not easily found in conventional teaching materials.

9. Authentic materials can encourage reading for pleasure because they are likely

to contain topics of interest to learners, especially if students are given the

chance to have a say about the topics or kinds of authentic materials to be used

in class.


21 Disadvantages of Using Authentic Material

It can be stated that learners are being exposed to real language and they feel that

they are learning the real language. These are what make us excited and willing to

use authentic materials in our classrooms, but while using them, it is inevitable

that people face some problems.

The disadvantages mentioned by several researchers are:

1. Authentic materials may be too culturally biased, so unnecessarily difficult to

be understood outside the language community.

2. The vocabulary might not be relevant to the student’s immediate needs.

3. Too many structures are mixed so lower levels have a hard time decoding the


4. Special preparation is necessary which can be time consuming.

5. Too many different accents can be heard which can cause some confusion.

6. The material can become outdated easily, e.g. news.

7. There are many headlines, adverts, signs, and so on that can require good

knowledge of the cultural background.

From the explaining of advantages and disadvantages of authentic material above,

it can be conclude that it can make the students can be interest, attractive, and also

it so easy to used by them because the material is relevant and it can be used

anywhere. Generally, the authentic material usage can make the students more




This chapter discusses the methods of research used in this study: setting of the

research design, subject of the research, research procedure and data analysis.

3.1. Setting of the Research

3.1.1. Place

This research would be carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah Krui Pesisir

Barat which is suitable for the problem of the research. The researcher chooses

SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah as the population of the research because in this

school the students’ reading motivation is still low.

3.1.2. Time

The implementation of teaching the recognition of learning reading would taken

place two times in a week with the duration of 90 minutes for each meeting. The

researcher would be last for 90 minutes for each meeting because such amount of



3.2.Research Design

In this research, the researcher uses a descriptively qualitative research design

because in this study, the researcher wants to see the process of this study.

Suparman (2009) states that qualitative researchers report the result obtain from

qualitative analysis through detail descriptions of the processes which the

researchers used in arriving at the categories and patterns of the research. It is

intended to describe what the students’ problems are, and how their feelings and

opinions are toward teaching the recognition of reading. The data of this research

would be gathered from observation and interview. The qualitative research would

be chosen to make the data analysis become easier since the data that would be

taken at the first year students of SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah Pesisir Barat.

3.3. Source of the Data

This research would be conducted at the first year of SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir

Tengah Krui Pesisir Barat. It would be carried out in dividing the students of class

XH. The implementation of teaching reading takes place twice a week with the

duration of 90 minutes for each meeting. During the presentation, the teacher does

some activities in each meeting as describes in the following:

1. First meeting, the focus is on giving the first interview about the authentic

material is given by the teacher.



3.4. Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher would be used the instruments as follows:

3.4.1. Interview

It is known as one of the most popular means of collecting data. The reason for

using this interview is that, it is easy for the researcher to construct and it does not

either consume time or cost money. The reasons of interview would be done by

the researcher are to know how the students’ and the English teachers’ perceptions

in reading activities by using authentic material.

3.4.2. Observation

Observation is an instrument that can help researcher to collect the data in

qualitative research design. Hammersley and Atkinson (1995) as Suparman

(2009:73) quoted describe that observing in a particular setting is a special skill

requiring (1) management of issues, such as the possibility of deception of the

people being interview, (2) impression management, and (3) the potential

marginality of the researcher in strange setting. When observing the class, the

researcher would do a lot of notes to ensure that is collect is rich. Here, instrument

used to get data about the process of learning process.

The observation would be conducted by entering the class directly and

investigating the teacher and learners during learning process in the class and

keeping detail records in observation from both objective observation



It would be taken the researcher four meetings of the class. In short, the

observation is occurs for two days. The analysis of observation would be

conducted during the data collecting.

3.5.Subject of the Research

Directly, the researcher would be chosen a class as a subject of this research. They

are XH of SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah Krui Pesisir Barat. In X8 have 35


Based on the teachers’ statements at SMA Negeri 1 Pesisir Tengah Krui Pesisir Barat, X8 has problems in reading.

3.6.Research Procedures

To make this research run well, it is suggested that the procedures of the research


3.6.1. Determining the Research Problems

The problem of this research is intended to see whether the researcher would be

tried to solve the problems by having a media in teaching reading using authentic

material. The researcher use this media to find out whether the implementation of

teaching reading by authentic material usage, the students and English teacher

perceptions in reading activities by authentic material usage, and problem in the



3.6.2. Determining the Subject of Research

The population of this research would be the first year students of SMA Negeri 1

Pesisir Tengah Krui Pesisir Barat. There are 37-40 students. The researcher would

be chosen X8 directly.

3.6.3. Selecting and Determining the Materials

The materials in this research are handout book for first grade of SMA and

magazine. The material would be taken from textbook and internet. The topic is

about reading. The researcher used one type of reading text.

3.7. Data Analysis

The data would be gathered from observation and interview. They would be

classified, analyzed, interpreted, and described as clear as possible to become the



This chapter covers the conclusions of the data analysis and also suggestions for

improving the students to finding out the implementation of authentic material.

5.1. Conclusions

According to the research finding, the conclusion can accordingly be stated as


1. Based on the result of data analysis the teaching reading using authentic

material, the researcher has found from the teacher intended to the class

that many students feel afraid, curious, and also there are feel enthusiast.

The description of the Process on Reading: first, the researcher observed

the process the happened in the class. In the opening meeting, the teacher

began the class by greeting the participants then the teacher checked the

participant attendance lists, and found that all of the participants came to

the class. The teacher began the class by giving apperception about the

material such as: “Do you know authentic material? What is authentic

material?”. The students assume that the text has full of article which can

make them confused. They said that they like reading authentic materials,



authentic materials which has many pictures are colorful. Then, the

researcher gave article which has no picture and colorful one by one. To

see their participation, the researcher asked many students to come to front

of the class. For the first student, the researcher found that the student feels

afraid to come to front of the class. This problem arises from the

researcher call the student’s name. The next, the researcher call the other

students to come in front of the class too. This second student has many

problems that she read the article not clear, she always asked to the

researcher why the text to read. From many of students which called by

the researcher, the researcher think that the article made them bored,

confused, afraid, and etc. From seeing the condition of the class, the

researcher tried to use the authentic material to solve their assumptions of

reading activity. They think that reading was very bored to do that. The

researcher gave them the magazine one by one. The researcher hoped that

this media can make the students enjoy and more diligent in reading. And

the next section after she gave the students article, she gave them the

magazine. The result from this section, she found that the student very

enthusiast, they prefer like the magazine than article. So, the researcher

resume that this media can solve the students’ reading problem.

2. The students’ perception in reading activities by using authentic materials,

is that they prefer reading magazine than article. They like this media

which is given by the researcher although before that they afraid,



their ability in reading skill. They also not afraid like before that. Surely,

the students enthusiastically follow the learning style like that. They can

be more accepted the new media, e.g. magazine. They started to read enjoy

without feel lazy and boring.

3. The problems the students faced in the implementation of teaching reading

using authentic materials are: (1) some of students feel uncomfortable and

afraid when the teacher asked them to come front of class to read the

magazine, (2) when they read the authentic materials, many of them

cannot read the authentic materials are not clear because they lack of

vocabulary, (3) many of students too lazy to found the meaning of the

statements in the magazine because in there too many pictures which is

make them enjoy, (4) sometimes they have problem in pronounce the

statements in the authentic materials itself, and (5) many of students

always asked the meaning word by word to the researcher which can make



5.2. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, the writer would like to propose the following


5.2.1. For Teaching

1. The teacher should provide different magazine topics language learning in

teaching reading in the classroom as supplementary material. The high

interest of students will motivate them to join every single activity

instructed by the teacher so that they can improve their capability of

reading English language through reading aloud by good skimming in

different magazine topic language learning.

2. The teacher should modify the media which is suitable for the students to

improve their motivation in learning, especially in reading. The teacher

should provide the students with feedback as needed. So that the students

can be easier to understand with the material that given by the teacher in

the classroom. In the other side, the students not feel afraid and ashamed to

the teacher and the other students when she or he coming front of the class

and asked by the teacher about the lesson. In other words, the good

feedback also important needed between the teacher and also the students.

3. The teachers are suggested to manage the class as well as possible in order

to invite the students to explore their opinions and the ideas. The teacher

also should help the students to improve their reading. In other words, the

teacher should make the students to understand about authentic material



4. The teacher should apply the authentic materials, so that the students can

learn more. In other words, they can be more feel comfort and fun to learn

anything in English. Authentic material usage also can be covers the

teacher’s monotonous.

5. The students should be exposed to various English reading media at

schools in order to train them to be familiar with authentic materials, so

that they can be more diligent and interested in reading activity because

their material not makes them bored. This achievement can be achieve

their education quality of English in the school, especially in SMA Negeri

1 Pesisir Tengah Krui Pesisir Barat. English reading media is one of the

important needed which must have by the school. If there is many media

usage, so teaching and learning there can achieve well, especially in


5.2.2. For Further Researcher

It is advisable that this research is replicated by further researcher in the

regular classroom. The next researcher should apply another more

interesting magazine for each topic which can stimulate students to

interact and practice their language in the classroom and make the

discussion more interesting. He/she also should search for other

interactional contribution categories which are used by students while




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