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Character Portrayal In L.A. Meyer’s Novel Bloody Jack


Academic year: 2016

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Supervisor, Co. Supervisor,

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama NIP.19630216 198903 1 003 NIP.19561214 198601 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Suamtera Utara on………..

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies




Time has been passing so fast it seems like yesterday when I for the first time came to

this faculty as a new student in English Department. Now in my last grade in English

Department, I have responsibility to write a paper on the requirement of completing

my study at Sarjana Sastra. For all of this, I would like to thank the Almighty Allah

S.W.T who gives everything, especially health, knowledge and opportunity to finish

my thesis entitled Character Portrayal in L.A. Meyer’s Novel Bloody Jack.

Then I would like to express my sincere gratitude and high appreciation to :

1. Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara.

2. Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S, as the Head of English Department, and also

Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M.Hum as the secretary.

3. Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum as my supervisor, for his friendly

cooperation in completing this thesis. For his precious time, his patience and

seriousness in completing this thesis.

4. Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama as my Co – supervisor, for her seriousness in

completing my thesis.

5. To all the lecturers of English Department, for their valuable knowledge and


6. Thank to Kak Rizki Arafah who lent me the novel as the source of my thesis,

and also to Bang Amran who helped during my study.

7. My beloved parents, Zulfikar and Hilma Aboebakar, my brother Fariz Zulfikar and my man Rudy Ardiansyah Putra who have patiently given their

moral and financial, advice, support, love and paryers for me so that I can

finish my study at the university.

8. To all of my best friends Yaumil Rizki Adinda, M. Savrizal, Nur Alfisyahri,

Nurhasanah, Erna Januarini and all of my classmates whose names I cannot

tell one by one. Thank you for the help and time we shared together in our


Finally, I realize that this thesis may have many weaknesses; therefore I open

my mind to constructive critic and suggestion in order to make this thesis


Medan. 25th July 2013

The Writer



I, Ade Adrina Zulfikar declare that I am the sole author of this thesis except where references is made in the text of this thesis. This thesis contains no material published

elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for

or awarded another degree. No other person’s work has been used without due

acknowledgements in the main text of this thesis. This thesis has not been submitted

for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :





Qualification : S-1/Sarjana Sastra

Department : English

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction of the discretion of

the librarian of Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of

Sumatera Utara on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation

under the law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed :



Skripsi ini berjudul “Character Portrayal in L.A. Meyer’s Novel “Bloody Jack”.

Penulis mencoba untuk menganalisis penggambaran tokoh utama yang pada novel

Bloody Jack karangan L.A. Meyer. Penggambaran tokoh terlihat melalui karakter

individual. Bab I skripsi ini mencakup penjabaran tentang sastra yang dilengkapi

dengan latar belakang permasalahan, tujuan pengkajian, batasan pembahasan, dan

metode penelitian yang digunakan. Bab II menampilkan defenisi novel, defenisi

karakter, dan jenis-jenis karakter. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dijelaskan dalam

Bab III, kemudian pada Bab IV menganalisis tentang karakter utama dan juga

beberapa karakter pendukung. Skripsi ini ditutup dengan kesimpulan-kesimpulan dari

analisis serta saran bagi pembaca bahwa sangat penting mengetahui karakter

seseorang. Lampiran-lampiran yang berupa ringkasan cerita dan biografi penulis



This thesis is titled "Character portrayal in LA Novel Meyer's "Bloody Jack". The

author tries to analyze the portrayal of the main character in a novel written by

Bloody Jack LA Meyer. Figures seen through the portrayal of individual character.

Chapter I of this thesis includes a description of the literature that comes with the

background of the problem, objective assessment, discussion of limitations, and the

research methods used. Chapter II displays a novel definition, definition of character,

and character types. The method used is described in Chapter III, then in Chapter IV

analyzes the main character and also some supporting characters. This thesis closes

with the conclusions of the analysis and advice to the reader that it is very important

to know a person's character. Appendices in the form of a summary of the story and








1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ... 4

1.3 The Objective of the Study ... 4

1.4 The Scope of the Study... 5

1.5 The Significance of the Study ... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Definition of Novel ... 8

2.2 Definition of Characters ... 8

2.2.1 Main Character ... 10

2.2.2 Minor Character ... 11

2.3 Character Traits ... 11

2.4 The Types of Character ... 12


2.4.2 Flat Character ... 12


3.2 The Technique for Collecting Data ... 17

3.3 the Technique of Analyzing Data ... 18


4.2 James Emerson Fletcher ... 31

4.3 Rooster Charlie ... 34

4.4 Liam Delaney ... 37


5.1 CONCLUSION ... 39

5.2 SUGGESTION ... 41




Skripsi ini berjudul “Character Portrayal in L.A. Meyer’s Novel “Bloody Jack”.

Penulis mencoba untuk menganalisis penggambaran tokoh utama yang pada novel

Bloody Jack karangan L.A. Meyer. Penggambaran tokoh terlihat melalui karakter

individual. Bab I skripsi ini mencakup penjabaran tentang sastra yang dilengkapi

dengan latar belakang permasalahan, tujuan pengkajian, batasan pembahasan, dan

metode penelitian yang digunakan. Bab II menampilkan defenisi novel, defenisi

karakter, dan jenis-jenis karakter. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dijelaskan dalam

Bab III, kemudian pada Bab IV menganalisis tentang karakter utama dan juga

beberapa karakter pendukung. Skripsi ini ditutup dengan kesimpulan-kesimpulan dari

analisis serta saran bagi pembaca bahwa sangat penting mengetahui karakter

seseorang. Lampiran-lampiran yang berupa ringkasan cerita dan biografi penulis



This thesis is titled "Character portrayal in LA Novel Meyer's "Bloody Jack". The

author tries to analyze the portrayal of the main character in a novel written by

Bloody Jack LA Meyer. Figures seen through the portrayal of individual character.

Chapter I of this thesis includes a description of the literature that comes with the

background of the problem, objective assessment, discussion of limitations, and the

research methods used. Chapter II displays a novel definition, definition of character,

and character types. The method used is described in Chapter III, then in Chapter IV

analyzes the main character and also some supporting characters. This thesis closes

with the conclusions of the analysis and advice to the reader that it is very important

to know a person's character. Appendices in the form of a summary of the story and




1.1Background of the Study

Literature is considered as the reflection of human imagination. It is

commonly known as a written of art. Literature is writing which expresses and

communicates thoughts, feelings, and attitudes to life. Literature may consist of texts

based on factual information (journalists or non -fiction), as well as an original

imagination. In literature, there are three branches of literature such as drama, poetry,

and prose. Prose is a type of literature that is written expression without rhyme

scheme or lyrical structure. Meanwhile, prose can also divided into novel, short story,

romance, etc.

In this thesis, the object to be discussed is a novel. Richard (1981-46) says,

“novel is a normally a prose work with a quiet length complexity which attempts to

reflect an express something of the quality of value of human experience.” In other

words, novels are long prose works with a great amount of detail on every page. The

effect of this detail is that the readers can recognize the complex reality of a character

or event in the story. Novels, however, are long works with great amount of detail on

every page. They present all the complicating facts that need to be taken into account

before we can reach any sort of judgment. The effect of this detail is that we come to


Novel is a long prose contains a series of stories of one’s life with the people

around him by accentuating the character and nature of each actor. Novel tells of an

amazing event of the characters, the events which made something different that

change the fate of the characters. Novel tends to expand and emphasizes complexity.

Expand and complexity means is dispositive in this case, the problems experienced

by the character, and the expansion of the background story. So, novel is a fiction

depicting the life story of characters through a complex series of events and changes

the fate of the character.

Novel presents characters and actions as representation of real life condition

and situation of the human. The characters or the people in the real have ambition,

desire, joy, sadness, egoism, feeling, thought, and many things that deal with fact of

human life. In other words, the novel is the combination of the real life experiences

and the imagination of the author. Therefore, literature may offer life lessons that the

novel teaches. Novel contains many aspects that reflected based on the human real

life. This aspects commonly concern with emotion, feeling, problems, etc. The

elements that build up novel are character, setting, plot, and theme. Character is

people in a story are referred to as characters and also representative of real life.

Setting is the place and time in a work of narrative. Plot is a literary term defined as

the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern.

Theme is one of the big components of literature along with things like the plot and

characters. The theme can be the meaning or lesson that a story is trying to convey.


Character is one of the important parts of novel. The people in a novel are

referred to as characters. Characters are representative of real life, such as human life,

hope, sadness, happy, and others which deal with real life.

From the description above, I sympathize with the main character in the novel

that I discuss, the character Mary Faber. Because of the character of Mary in the

novel is very interesting to be discussed, as well as other characters. In the novel, the

character of Mary is described as a very nice girl, smart, and strong in the face of

problems in her life.

Character is very important in real-made creation of literary works such as

novel, drama or even some of poems. The nature of character presentation gives a

positive impact for readers to find out what is going on and what is it for. Character,

disposition, and character, referring to the attitude and the nature of the figures as

interpreted by the reader, it refers to the personal qualities of a leader. Personalities

and characterization often equated meaning with character and disposition refers to

the placement of certain figures with a certain character in a story.

In this thesis, I will analyze the main characters in L.A. Meyer’s novel

“Bloody Jack”. There are many characters in the novel, but here I just want to

analyze Mary ‘Jacky’ Faber and James ‘Jaimy’ Emerson Fletcher as main characters

and also there are some of minor characters. The reason why the middle name of

Mary is Jacky because she followed the UK ship as a lackey and on that ship there is


follow the ship to survive her life. And also the reason of middle name of James is

Jamie because he didn’t want if everybody called him as James, because it just made

him remembered with his father who made James work on that ship. The reason to

choose this topic I based on the recognition of the main characters as human being

who have their own personality which is concerned with moral and mental qualities.

Some facts of the moral life are such that everyone has to make decision continuously

in a world where there are right and wrong ways of doing this. Our actions and

decisions affect others as well as ourselves. Moral practices and standards depend on

the stage of social development. Morality grows out of life itself and is an attempt to

discover and live the good life. But in this thesis I examine the character through their

behavior, like main character behavior.

In the discussion to find a character in a novel we need to use an intrinsic

theory. Because the character is one of the building elements literature included in

intrinsic. And also to find a character in a novel we need to use qualitative research

method. Because the type of analysis is words that will take a sentences to prove how

the character is described.

Having read the novel, the characters portrayed are important to analysis.

Finally, I want to explain about the main characters portrayed and a little about the


1.2Problem of the Study

The problems of the study in this thesis are:

• How are the main characters personal behavior portrayed?

• How are mental of the main characters portrayed in the novel?

1.3The Objectives of the Study

• To identify the main characters behavior through their behavior

• To explain the mental of the main characters behavior through their


1.4The Scope of the Study

In this thesis, I would like to focus the main characters portrayed in L.A.

Meyer’s novel Bloody Jack; they are Mary ‘Jacky’ Faber, James ‘Jaimy’ Emerson

Fletcher. I was interested by the courage and effort in maintaining Marry Jacky life

by following the UK Ship as lackey. Her personality grows and changes from day to

day, but the other characters remain the same from figures the beginning. There are

many characters portrayed in the novel Bloody Jack. Such as character portrayed of

Mary ‘Jacky’ who very brave girl in her life, James which is very close himself from

the others, Liam Delaney who always help Mary if she get trouble with someone and

there are also some characters that are wicked, greedy and others. But in this thesis I


1.5The Significance of the Study

Theoretically, this analysis to add the literary understanding of literature

works and also characters through the novel. This analysis is supposed to enrich the

material study of literature academically.

Practically, this thesis can be applied to know about character portrayed

through the novel “Bloody Jack”. It also can be used for everyone who wants to




2.1 Definition of Novel

According to Reeve (1975:26) novel is a picture of real and manners and of

the time in which it was written. Taylor (1981: 62) says that novel is a prose work of

quiet some length and complexity which attempts to reflect and express something of

the quality or value of human experience or conduct.

A novel according to the encyclopedia of American International is:

“Novel tells of even within the range of ordinary of experience and avoids

supernaturalism and their stories are original, not traditional or mythic. Novel plots

involve numerous character, who usually are not grad or heroic figures often quit the

opposite. Most novels use language close to that of the colloquialism of normal daily

speech. “

2.2 Definition of Characters

Character is one of the important parts of novel. The people in a novel are

referred to as characters. Characters are representative of real life, such as human life,

hope, sadness, happy, and others which deal with real life. According to Reader and


“ The characters in a good novel are interesting, exciting, convincing, complex and realistic. If the author has created a particularly genius or individualistic character, than we, as readers, will find that character interesting regardless of whether or not we sympathize with him or her.”

Character is very important in real-made creation of literary works such as novel,

drama or even some of poems. The nature of character presentation gives a positive

impact for readers to find out what is going on and what is it for. According to



character not to denote a fictional person, but the quality of the person acting in the

story and reacting to its situations. And he also writes:

“But the most important of these is the structure of the incidents. For tragedy is a representation not of human beings but of action and life. Happiness and unhappiness lie in action, and the end (of life) is a sort of action, not a quality; people are of a certain sort according to their characters, but happy or the opposite according to their actions. So (the actors) do not act in order to represent the characters, but they include the characters for the sake of their actions".

In literature, characters guide readers through their stories, helping them to

understand plots and ponder themes. The art of creating characters, as practiced by

actors or writers, has been called

an analysis of its relations with all of the other characters in the work. The relation


in society and its ideas about human

The main character is called the protagonist and the villain is called the

antagonist. The terms protagonist and main character are variously defined and,

depending on the source, may denote different concepts. In fiction, the story of the

protagonist may be told from the perspective of a different character. An example

would be a narrator who relates the fate of several protagonists, perhaps as prominent

figures recalled in a biographical perspective, the protagonist in a

same person as the

intrigue alone is what the audience feels toward a focal character, while a sense of

empathy about the character's objectives and emotions is what the audience feels

toward the protagonist. Although the protagonist is often referred to as the "good

guy", it is entirely possible for a story's protagonist to be the clear villain, or

of the piece. The antagonist may be the story's hero; for example, where the

protagonist is a criminal, the antagonist could be a law enforcement agent that tries to

capture him. In this thesis the protagonist character is Mary ‘Jacky’ Faber as the main


In this thesis, I would like to analysis characters portrayal which has


• a word picture of a person's appearance and character

• acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the

character by speech and action and gesture

• a representation by picture or portraiture

• any likeness of a person

• representation by drawing or painting

2.2.1 Main Character

In reading the novel, the author usually presents several characters for the

reader that will appear in the novel when the reader read the entire story of the novel.

Main character also called protagonist its leading actor, therefore, there could be only

one in a novel. All the characters that the author of the novel present to the reader has

different function and role to each characters that the author created in a story. The

characters whose appearance is the most frequently appear in the story usually hold

the most important part of the story in the novel, and their traits as the center the

action and the theme of the story. These characters are called as the main characters.

2.2.2 Minor Character

Minor characters as the supporting characters of the main characters that their

function is to illuminate the main characters. Role of the main characters are also not

too important as the role of the main characters, although the minor characters


flat or two dimensional characters. They have only one or two striking qualities; their

predominant quality is not balanced by an opposite quality. They are usually all good

or all bad; such characters can be interesting or amusing in their own right.

Sometimes referred to as static characters because they do not change in the course of

the story. The appearance of minor characters is usually infrequently, it is so much

different from the appearance of the main characters in the story who always

dominate for the entire story.

2.3 Character Traits

Sometimes, the traits we encounter are minor. But often a trait may be a

person’s primary characteristic which not only in fiction but also in real life.

Characters may be ambitious or lazy, aggressive or fearful, thoughtful or

inconsiderate, confident or self-doubting, kind or cruel, quiet or noisy, careful or

careless, open or secretive, visionary or practical and also humorous, respectful,

self-confident, creative, intelligent, honest, friendly, hard-working, shy, little, busy, lazy,

successful responsible, helpful, dreamer, happy, leader, gentle, loving, proud, wild,

ambitious, quiet, curious, disagreeable, arrogant, inventive, patriotic, fun-loving,

loner, joyful, lovable and still much again.

2.4 The Types of Character

There are two major types of character: they are round character and flat


2.4.1 Round character

Is a character with a complex and realistic personality; often called

"three-dimensional" or "multifaceted" characters. A round character is a character whose

changes throughout the story. Let's say at the beginning he was afraid but at the end

he faced his fears. Round characters usually play a main role in a story; round

characters are often called the hero or heroin. Many main characters are heroic, and it

is because preferable to use the more neutral word protagonist. Round characters are

both individual and sometimes unpredictable, they are dynamic. The round characters

also known as the main characters because they play a main in a story of novel.

2.4.2 Flat character

Is a minor character in a work of fiction that does not undergo substantial

change or growth in the course of a story. And also often called "one-" or

"two-dimensional" characters or static characters. Flat characters play a supporting role to

the main character that as a rule should be round. Flat characters do not grow; they

are static because they end where they begin. Usually, flat characters are minor,

although not all minor characters are necessary flat.

Flat characters sometimes are prominent in certain types of literature, such

police, detective, and cowboy stories, where the focus is less on character than on

performance. These kinds of characters might be lively and engaging, even though


their roles and exhibit conventional and unindividual traits. When the authors bring

characters into focus, however, no matter what roles they perform, they come from

flatness and move into roundness. It means that the ability to grow and develop, to be

changed by circumstances, makes characters round, without of these traits makes

characters flat.

According to Millie and Yates (1982:228), there are at least six methods by

which an author can show the characters. They are:

• By what the person say

• By what someone else says

• By his or her action

• By indicating his or her thoughts

• By the way that other people treat him or her

• By the author’s direct words

A character in a work fiction may realize in a character in a work of in a

number of ways. Character, after all, has been constructed to make out reported

actions the words they are give to say and the commentary made of on them by their

creator. Character is revealed by how a character responds to conflict, by his or


In analyzing this thesis, I use intrinsic and extrinsic approach. Intrinsic

approach leads to understand more about the language, style, symbols, images,


is meant to help to strengthen the understanding and to enlarge the appreciation of

work. Both intrinsic and extrinsic approaches lead me to get a deeper understanding

about novel. Qualitative research is a method of inquiry employed in many different

academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research

and further contexts. Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding

of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. Point of qualitative

research. Data is collected from selected research participants, and providing in

narrative description.

The Way of Character Disclosed in Novel

There are five ways to present the characters in a novel. As the readers, we

must use our own knowledge and experience to make judgments’ about the qualities

of characters being revealed.

1. Actions

What character does is our best way to understand what or who they are. As

the ordinary human beings, fictional characters do not necessarily

understand how they may be changing or why they do things they do

nevertheless, their actions express their characters.

2. Descriptions

Appearance and environment reveal much about character’s social and

economic status, but they also tell us more about character traits.


Although the speeches of most characters are functional – essential to keep

the story moving along – they provide material from which we can draw

conclusions. Often, characters use speech to hide their motivate, though

we as readers should see through such a ploy.

4. Statements by other character

By studying what characters say about each other, we can enhance our

understanding of the character being discussed.

5. Statement by the author speaking as story teller or observer

What the author says about the character is usually accurate, and the authorial

voice can be accepted factually. However, when the authorial voice

interprets actions and characteristic, the author himself assumes the role of




3.1 Research Design

Each scientific writings should have a certain kind of method to analyze the

problem that is taken. So does this thesis. It uses an approach to discover accurate

information about character portrayal on L.A Meyer's novel entitled "Bloody Jack". I

use some steps to identify and analyze the problem, collect data, and revise theories.

Data collected can be analyzed using statistical technique and would also be

considered qualitative descriptive research. Descriptive research can use qualitative

or quantitative methods to describe or interpret a current event, condition and

situation. But in this thesis I used qualitative descriptive method.

The research was conducted by two ways, the first way is library research

which is done by reading some references related to it and the second way is field

research which is done by analyzing the novel. The method that is used in this thesis

is library research which done within intrinsic and extrinsic approach to analyze


3.2 Data Collection

When all data and supporting information are collected by reading all

references, then it will be selected to the most significant data that will be used in the

process of finishing this thesis. Of course, the first step is to read the novel, Bloody

Jack, as the main source. I read the novel for several times to understand the novel

clearly. Then I also read other supporting sources related to the topic as mentioned

above. After data collected, selected, and analyzed the object with used descriptive

analysis method.

3.3 Data Analysis

The next step is to analyze the primary data is L.A Meyer's novel entitled

"Bloody Jack". The analysis is carried out with the help of other supporting data, such

as from the internet, some data from the other books which supporting this thesis, and

also, I take some data from a thesis which is all of that supporting my thesis. From

the internet, I take data about the meaning of character portrayal and I take about the

novel. And also I take some data from a thesis which is supporting my thesis. So, this


The Way to Analyze


Source of Data

Novel Bloody


Data Selection

Quotations, words,

phrase, Sentences,









4.1 Mary Faber

Mary Faber is the main character in Bloody Jack. She is ten years old. She

comes from a middle class London family. She is the daughter of Jack Faber and

Nancy Faber, and she has a younger sister, Penny, who is seven years younger than

Mary. Mary has long curly hair and the colour is dirty blonde and her skin colour is

pink and speckled on her face. And she has brown eyes. Mary has little body so her

friend called her little Mary.

For the first ten years of her life, she live with her parents and her younger

sister and she lives like the other girls at that time. Lives like the other means that

Mary happy with her life and she can play with her friends like usual, she can get

anything she want like new and the best dress, the best shoes and others. Until one

day that she called “That Dark Day”, where for the first she lost her father because of

pestilence and finally died.

’’ Back on That Dark Day when my poor dad died of the pestilence and the man dragged him out of our rooms and down the stairs, his poor head hanging between his shoulders and his poor feet bouncin’ on the stairs, and me all sobbin’ and blubberin’ “


For a young girl it’s hard to lose her father because father was an important

figure to our lives. Because of the figure of father is like a foundation for our lives,

and also father like a handle for our lives. So, if we lose our father it same like we

lose our lives foundation and we don’t have grip anymore. Not only mothers who

give love for her child, but also father. Sometimes father over protective to his child

especially his daughter, but there is a reason why he does that, that’s all because of he

love his child very much. And now Mary cannot get attention and protect anymore

from her father. There is so many influence of father in the lives of his children,

especially for a young girl such as making her feel so confident and also he will be an

example for his daughter when she was building her own life. Like Mary, her father

likes her teacher also who always teaches Mary to read. It’s important can reading

because with reading become more open, have a sharper mind and other things which

is related to the brain. We can get the information about anything happen in this

world and also we know about something which is we don’t know before. Reading is

very good for our health, both physically and mentally. Mary’s father is a teacher and

always teaches Mary to read that’s why Mary can read although she never gets in to

the school.

The corpse of her father bring by a man named Muck. Muck is the messenger

of a doctor named Grave who told Muck to collect the bodies of orphans and adults to

be dissected and used as research material with reasons for doctor world progress.

And after they finished their work, the bodies are used as research material was


they are supposed to treat the body properly. Like, if they have finished using the

bodies as research material they have to bury the dead properly not just thrown their


Muck brings the body of Mary’s father with his feet bouncing on the stairs.

Why Muck brought the corpse of Mary’s father like that? That’s all because of Muck

thinks that it’s not necessary to bring out the corpse with the good way moreover

people who died because of the pestilence. So, Muck brought the corpse of her father

like that but it’s not good. Just like what I’ve told above that we must treat the corpse

with properly, didn’t care of how they died and because of what.

Mary feeling sad and lose her father, but she was not hopeless because she

still has mother and sister and she thinks that she can live even though only with

them. Indeed, even though Mary lost her father as foundation of her lives, but she

may not become hopeless because she thinks that still have mother who always

beside her and giving support of what she want to do. But the situation did not last

long. Because Muck said that he’ll be back and would take her mother and sisters

who are also struck the pestilence and they’ll die as soon as possible.

Indeed, because a few days later Muck comes and take her mother and sister

but he did not bring little Mary because at that time Mary still healthy. Mary feels so

sad, because for the first she must lost her father and now she lost her mother and her

younger sister. Mary now lived alone and she try to be more self supporting even


she still ten years old because basically a girl who still ten years old still need support

and attention from her family. Why she still need support is because if she want to do

something difficult and she not sure to do that, at that time the existence of her

parents is very important to give support and make sure that she can do it. And why

she still need attention because usually a children who did not get attention from their

family usually they do something bad to get the attention such as drunk, use the drug,

or always make trouble. So, every child must get support and attention from what

they want to do. Not only ten year old who still need figure of father and mother but

also adults like me still need the support of my parents. Especially, when we have to

take a decision that may be though to think by our self, we need advice from our

parents to finish it. And the great one is Mary won’t give up even though she lived

alone. And finally she decided to join into a gang in London which is all the

children’s are orphans like her. She join the gang because she has no one in her life

and she don’t know what to do and where to go. We know that everyone can’t live

alone because surely we need someone beside us to survive. For a little girl like Mary

it’s hard to live alone because life outside is very dangerous and not safe for her. So

she choose to join in the gang to survive.

“I’ve been with Charlie and the gang for four, maybe five, years since

That Dark Day when my world was changed forever.”


Charlie is a leader in the gang. Charlie always protects his friends from the

other gang who want to make a trouble and try to take their place. Actually, Mary did

not sure enough that she can survive with her gang. But, she always tries to make sure

herself that she can pass everything by joining the gang even though she never lives

like that before. In the gang, Mary is the little one even though she is not the youngest

one. And also she is cleverer than the others. In Mary’s gang always happens at

changes like losing a friend because of starvation and then they get new friend who

joined the group.

Live in a gang is really wild because we must do something bad and not

suitable to do. For example to survive every child in a gang must survive by begging

with every people. Usually their begging for money and sometimes they ask for some

food. Begging is really bad action and it can be bad habit if always do that.

Sometimes there are some people who hate that action because their always thinks

“why they are not try to do something that can make them get some money”, for

example try to get job or help someone and finally give them money. So, not all

people will give good response for person who always begging. So they are not

always success and get outcome from their action. And the other action is stealing.

There are so many things can be the object of stealing such as a things like wallet,

beg, necklace and others. To get that entire thing usually people who want to steal

defraud it from the owner if they are careless. And the other object to steal is food.

Just like Mary and the gang do, they are stealing food from a restaurant or another


people who buying some food. Because they can’t get that from begging and they

choose to steal that food.

Actually, Mary hate to beg and steal, but she must do that to survive herself

and her friends. Begging and stealing is a bad habit that should be avoided by

everyone. Because it can annoying and disruptive the mindset of a person’s and the

character of a person’s moreover is done by a children who didn’t have parents as the

foundation and guidance in their life.

After take a long time, finally Mary feel comfortable join with Charlie’s gang,

because Charlie as a leader always protects his friends from the others especially if he

protects Mary from the other gang who want to get her. And also Mary feels so

comfortable if she near with Charlie. She considers Charlie as her brother and also

her family. But, Mary cannot feel comfortable for a long time, because Charlie died

by Muck and Muck bring his corpse to Dr. Grave to become research material. That’s

all started when Charlie came to Muck as if daring. And finally Mary feels sad for the

third time.

‘’ Ah, Charlie, you was a good one, you was. You looked out for

us in your way and took care of us in your way and always

shared even though you didn’t have to and was always happy

in spite of all. “ (Bloody Jack, page: 27)

The sentence of “Ah, Charlie, you was a good one” means that Charlie is a good boy


friends. So, when Charlie died, all his friend feeling sad especially Mary as his close

friend. Charlie’s known as a brave boy who protects his friend from another group

and to keep their place from them. Before Mary left Charlie on the street, she take

Charlie’s clothes and shiv as memento of Charlie.

Since the death of Charlie, Mary leaves the group. The reason why she left the

group because of she didn’t want end like Charlie. And also she want to repair herself

be better because if we look from her experience join in the gang it make her has bad

habit like stealing and begging. Although she do that for survive but it stay bad action

which is not good for children because it can make her become wild and has bad

habit. She disguises herself as a boy named Jacky. For a boy, name Jacky has

meaning a brave boy and clever in face the world. Maybe everyone who his name is

Jacky can find the way to survive his life even though he is an orphan. Mary plans to

join into the war ship. But before, she cut her hair until look like a boy. On her way to

the sea, Mary through a place where we can find something to eat and she heard a

man called her and gives a job for her that is keep his horse until he finish his lunch.

And then, when the man finishes his lunch he came into Mary and takes his horse and

also he pay Mary because she has kept his horse. A place where Mary stays right

now, a boy can get a job easier than a girl. Because a young woman or a girl are

regarded as bad luck. Of course she won’t if everybody knew that she is a girl not a

boy because it just makes her like dirt in their eyes. And finally she decided to


‘’ It’s easier being a boy, because nobody bothers with you. Like, I couldn’t have gone into that tavern yesterday as a girl cause they would have shouted “get out of here, you filthy girl”. It’s easier being a boy, cause no one remarks upon me being alone. It’s easier being a boy, cause when someone needs something done like holding a horse. It’s easier being a boy, cause I don’t have to look out for no one but me.” (Bloody Jack, page: 33 and 34)

Mary feels that easier being a boy because there is no one that will disturb her.

She feels freer live without teasing from the others who hate girls. Mary also feels

comfortable become a boy because she can go anywhere she want, not like girls who

always kidnapped and used as beggars, thieves or others. And Mary thinks that easy

for a boy to get a job so they can survive their live without begging and stealing like

she done when she still joined with Charlie’s gang. For the proof, when on the way to

the sea, there is a man who needed her helps to keep his horse and he pays Mary

when he finished his lunch. If at that time Mary’s come as a girl, surely they will

shout to Mary and ask Mary to go far away from that place. And also they will say

something that can hurt Mary as a girl. Because, all the people who stay at that place

thinks that a boy is more important than a girl because a boy is more useful than a


Finally, Mary arrived at the sea and she looks at to a ship named Dolphin and

decides to follow that ship as a lackey. And when a man ask her what she can do,

directly Mary said that she can read better and when they ask about her name faster

Mary said that her name is Jacky. Actually that’s not the begin’ from she changes her


also when there is a man needed her help, she comes as a boy not a girl. On that ship,

she got new friends which is also comes as lackey; they are Benjy, Tink, Willy, Davy

and James. She also meets Liam Delaney and the other cadets on that ship. Even

though their just a lackey they must look clean and better than their condition when

they came on that ship. So, there is a cadet that gets instruction to clean them all. Of

course that condition makes Mary afraid if her camouflage would discover and she

would throw up.

‘’ I’m thinking of how I’m gonna be discovered in the most humiliating way, all starker’s out there on the deck to the hoots and cries of all till they puts me overbroad. I’ve heard they have put girls over the side as they’re supposed to be bad luck and I hopes they at least gives me a barrel to cling to and.”

(Bloody Jack, page: 57, 58)

Mary afraid if her camouflage would discover but at that time when that cadet

cleaned them all Mary try to stay calm and didn’t do anything that can discover her

camouflage. Mary thinks if her camouflage will discover she must get some teasing

from all of them and she will throw up to the sea. Because like I said first there is no

girl that can following the war ship. For that, she do the same like her friends done,

she do that for keep her camouflage stay save, and also her body still look like a boy

so it’s no problem if she open her clothes like the others but she must hide the

important part of her body to keep save. And right, after they cleaned her camouflage

still save. Mary is smart girl because she can keep her camouflage stay save and she


A week since Mary following that war ship, Mary unconsciously that from the

beginning she had felt comfortable if she more close with James. Mary feel that same

like when she near with Charlie.

“And I manages to wriggle up next to him. I don’t know why I want

to, but I do and I gets it done.”

Actually, Mary want always more closer with James, but she must keep her

distance from James because she didn’t want if her camouflage discover. And also

she didn’t want to make James thinks that Mary is a strange boy. Mary always tries to

get the way for close with James, like midwatch together or just a little chat with

James. If she did it, she will be very happy with that condition and didn’t want to far

from James. What Mary’s feel it’s pure from her heart, just like another girl who fall

in love with someone when there’s interaction between both of them like eye contact

or just sit beside him and feels so comfort it’s enough to make them fall in love. But

that made her different from other girls is the condition of Mary being a boy now, so

for a moment she can’t tell James that she fall in love with him.

There are some cadets on that ship who always make Mary in trouble, they are

Bliffil and Sloat. Sloat is homosexual; he always tried to rape Jacky/Mary. Until he

knows that Jacky who is known as a boy is a girl. While Bliffil is a cadet who always

bullying the new children who following the ship like Mary and friends.The cadet

should give a good example to all those new members, such as teaching a few things


are two cadets who always make trouble on that ship, didn’t care who their opponents

is it a children or the oldest than them. But, in this novel the victim was always Mary,

there is no other children. Maybe because of she looks little than the other so they just

disturb Mary. When Sloat tried to rape Mary he was surprised of what he saw.

‘’ Well, well, what have we here? Not a little rooster, but a little hen,

my…Well, well, even better. Got a little henhouse there Jacky?

A cuckoo’s nest? Such fun.” (Bloody Jack, page: 170)

Sloat becomes happy knows that and he trying hard to rape her. Mary tried to

fight it by putting a shiv of Charlie’s to the Sloat stomach. Mary’s bravery proves that

she didn’t want if something bad happens to her. And finally Sloat tumbled and

finally plunged into the sea. I think that Sloat behavior to Mary is one of the wicked

acts of moral and it can damaged mental of Mary. And the other cadet is Bliffil. He

never does like Sloat do, but he just always kicked Mary and he was battered to

Mary. Because of that thing, Bliffil broke Mary’s nose, some of her tooth and one of

her hand. There is no reason why Bliffil do that only to Mary. If someone ask him he

just laugh and won’t to answer that question. Since that accident, if Mary wants to go

to a part of that ship her always with one of her friends, he won’t to go alone

anymore. Because she still afraid if Bliffil comes and attack her against. What Bliffil

and Sloat done of course can damage mental of Mary and also her physic. Damage

her mental from what Sloat done to her it’s so bad and if that’s happened to other girl

of course that girl would hopeless and some of them choose to end their life. We can


mental of victim the incident also damage their family. Damage her physic from what

Bliffil done to Mary. Bliffil bullying Mary with beat up her face and bodies. Lucky

Mary, because every Mary got attempted from Sloat and Bliffil, her sea dad always

come and brought her out from that situation. Sea dad is like her father, which is

gives her lessons and protect her from difficult time.

What Sloat and Bliffil done is a crime. A crime is defined as any act that is

contrary to legal code or laws. There are many different types of crimes, from crimes

against persons to victimless crimes and violent crimes to white collar crimes. With

each type of crime also come different

profiles. For example Crimes Against Persons. Crimes against persons, also called

personal crimes, include murder, aggravated assault, rape, and robbery. Personal

crimes are unevenly distributed in the United States, with young, urban, poor, and

racial minorities committing these crimes more than others. But in this thesis the

crime is rape and bullying with a person. The other crime is Crimes Against Morality.

Crimes against morality are also called victimless crimes because there is not

complainant, or victim. Prostitution, illegal gambling, and illegal drug use are all

examples of victimless crimes. In this thesis the morality crime such when Sloat tried

to rape Mary and also he is homosexual. Because when he try to rape Mary, he don’t

know that Mary is a girl, but when he opened her pants finally he know that.

Mary is smart girl and friendly. She is brave also. She can face of the world

although without her parents. She also helpful, she always help the people who need


feelings from the others like if she feels afraid if her camouflage be discovered. And

also she can sew now, and she tries to make new clothes for herself. It’s good if a

little girl like Mary can learn much in the place like that. Because it’s so unusual a

little girl can learn much especially sewing their dress by herself. In this modern era,

so many girls won’t to sewing because they think that’s embarrassing. I don’t know

why they said sewing is embarrassing, because I think sewing is important for all

girls in this world even though we can ask someone to do that. Mary also can play a

flute and now she makes herself look nice and she still trying to keep her camouflage.

4.2 James Emerson Fletcher

James is the second child of a first class family in England. James was put on

a ship when he was twelve because of a fall in his family's income in the wine

industry. Actually, James did not want to join in the Dolphin ship. But he was forced

by his family was in financial difficulties and debts and also he is a son who has

responsibility so he want to help his family out of that condition. His father tries to

make sure and give him support without words just put his hand on James shoulder,

although he know that his son hate it.

The man has his hand on the boy’s shoulder and the boy has his head

down and is looking powerful grim. He’s doing a lot of gulping and


From the quotation above, we know that actually his father feel so hard to let

his son following the war ship, but he must do that. Because his family was in

financial difficulties and debts. There is no father want to steam their son to left them;

moreover they still a little boy who needed attention and love from their family. His

father tries to makes sure and gives support to his son even though without word, he

just put his hand on James shoulder like convince his son about that. So do James. It’s

hard for him left his family and following the ship, but he can’t do anything. As a

boy, he wants to help his family out of that situation. So, even though it’s hard for

him joining the ship he tries to accept that for his family.

James is very uncommunicative. He never wants to tell everyone about his

past. Even though Mary and the others told each other about their past, James still

didn’t want to tell them about that. He chooses to be quiet and just listen to what are

they talking about. And also they won’t to ask James about his past. After a long time

join into the war ship, James look a little comfort with the condition and he is not

look awkward anymore. He begins to tell about his past, but not at all. One night,

when Mary and James midwatch together, James starts talking about his family and

the reason why his father let him join with the war ship.

Since Mary had an incident with one of the cadets on the ship named Sloat,

James began strange like getting away from Mary and chose to be with the others.

And usually if they went to bed Mary and James always share about anything but

now he never say anything. Because James feel that Mary made that cadet do


right and left following the rhythms of billow and she don’t know that what she done

has made the cadet be tempted and do degenerate thing to Mary.

Sloat has twice to tries do degenerate thing to Mary. But for the second he

failed and died on Mary’s hand because Mary stuck the shiv to his stomach. Since the

second incident of Mary and Sloat, finally James wants to talk again to Mary. And

after a minute they were talk, James concede that he was interested to Mary and

actually he want to try to do something like Sloat do to Mary. But James always tries

to avoid that thing with do something that Mary hated/unlike.

“When I was mean to you….. I thought I…. I was becoming

one of those sodomites. Not with anyone else. Just with

you.” (Bloody Jack, page: 185)

Mary surprised heard that. She didn’t know that James had a plan which same

degenerate like Sloat do. But, she was happy and feel calm because even though

James had plan like that, he was trying to not to do that. As a normal man, James has

to fulfill his biologic needs although by sodomites like he want to do to Marry.

After James said that things, Mary ask him to help her to try her new dress

which is made by her. For a second, James looks so confused and ask to Mary

“Whose dresses that?”. And then after Mary had try the dress she didn’t want to

waiting for long time until James say something to her, finally she said that if James


“What we are going to do Jacky?

Well, Jaimy. You can kiss me if you love me”

(Bloody Jack, page: 186)

And that’s the begin James knows that Jacky is not a boy, but a girl and her

real name is Mary. James knows that he loves and likes Mary even from Mary still a

boy. And finally, Mary and James have a relationship as a new couple and no one

knows about that. Of course Mary feels so happy, because now she can more closely

with James without afraid if James things that Mary is a strange “boy”. And also

James feel happy because of he knows that Jacky is a girl he must not keep his

distance and always try the way to get the distance with Mary. Both of them are

happy now. And we know from the sentences that actually James is a real man who

still like and want a girl. So when he thinks he want to sodomites Mary that’s all just

because of he want to fulfill his biological needs.

Since James knows that Mary is a girl, he’ll become more over protective to

Mary. And also because of he is a man who has big responsibility and didn’t want to

lose Mary he becomes more protective to Mary. Because he didn’t want if Mary get

disrupt ion from everyone who want to hurt Mary.

When Mary dropped from the ship and will leave James she ask James to

come back and find her and then take her with him. James said he’ll be back and take


“Come back and find me, Jaimy, and take me away,.

I will, Jacky, I will.” (Bloody Jack, page : 288)

It proves that James is faithful man. Because he didn’t want to lose Mary and

he’ll bring Mary and then they’ll get married.

4.3 Rooster Charlie

Rooster Charlie is an orphan boy. He is fourteen years old. He is the leader of

a gang which all of the members are an orphan child, including Mary and also he is

Mary’s closest friend. Actually, it’s bad if a little boy like Charlie has been a leader in

a gang. Because a little boy like him should be still get the attention from his parents

and he should study at school. Actually, a little boy like Charlie might have feels live

likes the other child such as play with his friends and do something which usually a

child done. But, because of the death of his parents and he lost his guidance in his

lives he don’t know here to go and what he must do. And finally he chooses to live at

the street and becomes a leader gang there. They lived at London Street. His friends

choose Charlie because of Charlie always responsible and protect them good enough.

He is called Rooster Charlie because of his red hair and it falls to the side and his last

name is Brewster. Rooster Charlie is a boy who has big confident. He is small but


Charlie always takes care of his friends we can see from how he keeps his

friends from another gang around them. If there is a gang wants to make a trouble or

try to take their place, Charlie and his friend named Hugh always managed to protect

their friends. Hugh utilizes his big body to face them and Charlie uses his shiv to face

their enemies and always succeed to keep their place. Charlie has a dream that he

want to be a soldier and he’ll change his shiv become a great gleaming.

Charlie was always fair to his friends, like if he buying food he’ll bring that to

their home and share fairly to his friend. He loves his friend so much and he didn’t

want if anybody hurt them. Charlie always want to make his friends happy, so if he

has something that can he gives for his friend he will give it to them. For example, if

he has a piece of bread for the first he give that bread to his friend and than if there is

a remnant of that bread he’ll take it.

Charlie has a closest relationship with Mary. He didn’t want to lose Mary. So,

when Mary asks him why they must beg to survive, whereas they can read to get

some money. Charlie’s thinking for a while, than he said that he won’t to lose Mary.

He is too afraid if the other gang stole her.

” Alright Mary, I’ll be telling you straight. You’re smart and you

could understand my mind. I don’t want you stolen, is why.”

(Bloody Jack, page: 17)

Charlie loves Mary like his sister. He didn’t want to lose Mary so he gives


want if Mary look so sad if she remember about her family. If Mary sad, he always

try to make Mary laughing again and makes Mary feel comfort beside him. Charlie

always looking out for Mary, he was too afraid to lose Mary or the other tries to take

her from Charlie.

One day, Charlie comes to a place where a man named Muck stay there.

Charlie say something which made Muck get angry to him and he like dare to Muck.

Because of that, when Charlie’s walking on Lambert streets to get some food for his

friend, Muck comes and hit him on Charlie’s back head with the hard thing like wood

and finally Charlie died on Muck’s hand. Muck bring Charlie’s corpse to Dr. Grave

place to become a research like they want. The death of Charlie of course made Mary

feel so sad, because she didn’t want to lose a leader and also a brother. But Mary

can’t do anything, she just crying if she remembers that incident. That’s all happened

because of Charlie’s carelessness on his attitude and words of the Muck. He should

be able to better maintain his attitude and words to Muck because of Muck’s job is

collect the bodies to become research material doesn’t mean that he can act arbitrarily

to Muck. Because whatever work of someone we should cherish it, because they did

it to survive just like Mary and friends done.

4.4 Liam Delaney

An Irishman and skilled sailor, he is Jacky's overseer and "sea dad" who gives

her tips and rescues her from ill-intentioned men on board. Liam never makes Mary


meeting, he teaches Mary to make ropes. Liam is tall and strong. His hair is as black

as the coal. He can plays a flute which is has six holes and also he teaches me to play

it. Liam ever reminded Mary of a thing:

“Up in the rigging in the sunlight is the safe place for a ship’s boy, not

crawling around down in the dark hold. You listen to your old sea dad.”

(Bloody Jack, page: 69)

I think why Liam always remembered Mary to stay at the open place like that

it just fro to keep Mary from every bad habit which can beat her down on that ship.

Liam has assume Mary like his daughter, so he was always remembered Mary about

what she must to do and what she must let it. Like the caution of Liam on the

quotation above. But, Mary like didn’t care about Liam caution, she stay crawl on the

dark part of that ship.

When Mary’s friend Benjy’s died because of the war between their ships with

the pirates, Mary more closely with Liam. Because, she feels comfort beside him so

she spends much time with her sea dad. Liam always let Mary cry but that’s not takes

a long time. Because Liam didn’t want if Mary prolonged sadness.

“Jacky. You’ve got to let them go after a while, you know. You grieve

for your mates what have passed on for a decent time and then you

have to let them be.”


From the quotation above, we know that Liam didn’t want if Mary always sad

because of the death of her friend. Liam want Mary let her friend because after all

Mary cannot crying all the time because of that. Liam ask Mary to think about the

best time that ever they made together not the sad time with him and also Liam want

Mary didn’t always think about the death of her friend. Even though Mary still feels

sad, she always try to accept that and try to do what Liam want her to do.

Liam just like a savior for Mary. When a cadet named Sloat come to disturb

Mary, Liam come and save Mary from Sloat. He knows that Sloat would sodomize

Mary. He is really angry to Sloat until he said that he’ll kill Sloat if he disturbs the


“Touch any boys again and I’ll kill you where you stand.”

(Bloody Jack, page: 159)

The quotation above, prove that Liam really care of all the children and he

always protects them. Especially Mary which is like his daughter. Liam really know

every misdeed of the people on that ship especially Sloat which homosexual. Every

Mary get the misdeed from the cadets on that ship, Liam always come and tries to

help Mary out of the situation, let Mary out of from the people who want to hurt her.

Liam didn’t want if Mary gets hurt because of them. But, not only Mary that he didn’t

want to hurt but also the other child that is Mary’s friend. Liam always tried to

remembered them do not come into the dark part of that ship and he always try to


Since that incident, Liam always gave more protects to Mary and the others

child. He didn’t want if any child get abuse from Sloat or another cadet who want to

sodomize them. Mary is very happy to known and close with Liam. And also Mary




Based on the analysis of the main character portrayal in L.A Meyer’s Novel

Bloody Jack, I compile the conclusion and sugge stion as follows:

5.1 Conclusion

In L.A Meyer’s Novel Bloody Jack, the characters are fictitious human

beings; they are Mary ‘Jacky’ Faber, Rooster Charlie, James ‘Jaimy’ Emerson

Fletcher and Liam Delaney.

Having analyzed the characters, I conclude that the main character portrayed

is a nice and brave girl. Beside that she is also friendly, smart and cheer full girl. Her

family call her Mary, in her gang her friends call her little Mary and then when she

follow the warship they call her Jacky because she is changes her name and her

appearance look like a boy. Mary join in a gang because she lose her family and live

alone so she choose to join in that gang. In the gang Mary survive by begging and

stealing. Mary never do that before but now she must because she live in the wild

world without her parents who always teach her to do something good. Wild world is

very dangerous for a little girl like Mary because it can kill her anytime. The leader in


because of his red hair and how it falls to the side. He is brave boy and really care

with his friend. His friend choose him be a leader because he has leader characteristic

and he is responsible with his friend. Because of his bravery make afraid all of their

enemy and didn’t want to attack them and take their place anymore. But, the end of

his life is really tragic, he kill by Muck and his corpse become a material research.

The other character is James Emerson Fletcher, twelve years old and come from the

first class family. He is uncommunicative, shy, and quiet boy. He also a brave one

even though he never show it in front of his friend. He join the ship to help his family

out of economic trouble. He falling in love with Mary and finally they have

relationship. And the last is Liam Delaney. He is one of the cadets on that ship. He

has fatherhood characteristic and great man. He is Mary’s sea dad and always keep

Mary from everyone who want to hurt her. He is brave confront of everyone who

always try to make trouble with him and Mary. So far he is great father and a brave


5.2 Suggestion

L.A. Meyer’s novel Bloody Jack is worth reading. The presence of the main

character portrayed and the immoralities from one of the characters in the novel in

this thesis show the value which reflects as human concerns. The usefulness of

reading the novel is meant to help us stay survives although without our family. And

the main characters such as Mary Faber who can survive without her family even

though she still ten years old. She makes sure herself that she can survive in the cruel

world for a little girl like her. This novel taught us to be a brave person to face the

risk in our life. Never hopeless even though we are just alone in the world. And we

must more respectful of a woman/girl. Because there is no different between a boy

and a girl. Both of them can do anything to survive themselves. But in this novel

show that a girl means nothing for everyone, they like a dirt and they more care with

a boy even though they are stupid. So, we must more brave, smart to face the world


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