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Academic year: 2017



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Aida Syahfitri IDN 4123111004

Bilingual Mathematics Education Study Program


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





Aida Syahfitri was born in Sidodadi Ramunia on March 8th, 1994. Her

father’s name is Wikanto and her mother’s name is Marinem. She is the second

child from 2 children. She has old brother, his name is Rial Rinaldi. In 2000, she

started her study in Elementary School at SDN No 105345 Beringin and

graduated in 2006. Then, she continued her study in Junior High School at SMPN

1 Lubukpakam along three years and graduated in 2009. In 2009, she continued

her study in Senior High School at SMAN 1 Lubukpakam and graduated from

senior high school in 2012. After graduated from Senior High School, she was

following the examination of Written SNMPTN test and become the student of

University of Medan in Bilingual Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of






Aida Syahfitri (ID. 4123111004)


The aim of this research is to know whether student’s Mathematics Problem Solving Ability taught using Contextual Teaching learning is higher than Realistic Mathematics Education for Grade XI in SMA Negeri 1 Lubukpakam at Academic Year 2016/2017. Sampling techniques that is used in this research is purposive sampling. There are two samples in this research those are, Class A is XI MIA 3 taught by CTL and Class B is XI MIA 5 taught by RME. Each of class consist of 30 students. Technique of analyzing data is consisted of normality, homogeneity, and hypothesis test. Based on normality and homogeneity test, the data was taken from normal distribution and homogeneous population. Hypothesis test is done by using analysis of t-test. The result of t-test show that tcalculated = 2.878 and t(0.5)(58) = 1.672. Consequently tcalculated > ttable, then H0 is rejected. So, we can conclude that students’ mathematics problem solving ability taught using Contextual Teaching Learning model is higher than taught using Realistic Mathematics Education.




Praise and thanks to Allah Subhanallahu Wata’ala Who has give for all

the graces and blessings that provide health and wisdom to the author such that

the author could finish this thesis well. This thesis which entitled “The

Comparison Of Students’ Mathematics Problem Solving Ability Between

Contextual Teaching Learning and Realistic Mathematic Education On Subject

Program Linear on Grade XI SMAN 1 Lubukpakam Academic Year 2016/2017”

is submitted in order to get the academic title of Sarjana Pendidikan from

Mathematics Department, FMIPA Unimed.

In this part, the author would like to thank for all supports which gained

for completion of this thesis. Special thanks to Prof. Dr. Edi Syahputra, M.Pd. as

thesis supervisor who has provided guidance, direction and advice from the

beginning until the finishing part of this thesis. Great thanks are also due to Prof.

Dr. P. Siagian, M.Pd, Drs. Zul Amry, M.Si, Ph.D. and Dr. Faiz Ahyaningsih, M.Si

as thesis examiners who have provided builded suggestion and revision in the

completion of this thesis. Thanks also extended for Prof. Dr. Asmin, M.Pd as

academic supervisor and also for all lecturers in FMIPA Unimed.

The author also expressed sincerely thanks for Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom,

M.Pd as Rector of Unimed, Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd as Dean of Mathematics and

Natural Sciences Faculty, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si as Coordinator of Bilingual

Program, Dr. Edy Surya, M.Si as Head of Mathematics Department, Drs. Yasifati

Hia, M.Si as Secretary of Mathematics Education, and all staff employess which

supported in helping author.

Appreciation also present to Drs. Ramli Siregar, M.Si as Headmaster in

SMA Negeri 1 Lubukpakam, Drs. Geviner Harianja and Robert Purba S.Pd as

Mathematics teacher who has provide guidance when the research was held and


Another thanks expressed by the author to all of students in SMA Negeri 1

Lubukpakam for cooperative and helping when the research.

Most special thanks especially would like to express for my beloved

father Mr. Wikanto and my mother Mrs. Marinem S.Pd also one and only brother

Rial Rinaldi S.Kep. Ns, my both grandmothers, my aunties, my uncles, and all

family who have supported, material, prayed, and gave the author encouragement

and funding to complete the study in Mathematics Department.

The author also thanks to Girls’ Generation members Aisyah Tohar,

Erika A. Simbolon, Febby Faudina Nestia, Mutiara Naibaho, Rahima Azzakiya,

Shinta Bella G.S and Windy Erlisa who have made my life was happy, enjoyable

and memorable and I hope we can always together until Jannah. For my best

friend Nurhalimah Simbolon that has been with me since in Junior High School,

thanks for moment that we spend together and sorry for the fault that I have ever

done, because human nothing perfect, right? For my roommate Naimah Lubis,

Yusrina Azizah, sister Masliana, sister Nita, sister Mayang, Endang and Vira

thank you for your patience with me for the last few years. Also big thanks for

second family of BilMath 2012: Adi, Desy, Friska Elvita, Friska Simbolon, Bowo,

Rudi, Dillah, Rani, and Totok for all support, sadness, happiness and togetherness

during first semester until eight semester. For all partner of PPLT Unimed 2015 of

SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi, those are Mutiara, Nesya, Dwi, Syifa, Biuti,

Rimbun, and Yudis thanks for the support during PPLT, for my senior BilMath

2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 thanks for the guidance during the lecture and my junior

BilMath 2013, 2014, all my students when I was doing practice in SMAN 1

Tebing Tinggi thanks for the support and motivation to finish my study.

And the last, thanks for all the lecturers of State University of Medan in

Mathematics Department that have taught us along four years. It’s a lot of

knowledge and experience to try understanding, solving the problem every subject

and matter that exist along the lecture. Thanks for the patience in teaching us,


your knowledge that have been transferred to us in our daily life especially in

teaching mathematics.

At last, the author has finished and maximally to complete this thesis. But

certainly there are still some imperfection in this research. The author receive

welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for this thesis

perfectly. The author also hope the content of this research would be useful in enriching the reader’s knowledge. Thank you.

Medan, September 2016


Aida Syahfitri

ID. 4123111004



1.2Problem Identification 9

1.3Problem Limitation 10

1.4Problem Formulation 10

1.5Research Objective 10

1.6Research Benefit 10

1.7Operational Definition 11


2.1 The Theoretical Framework 12

2.1.1 The Learning of Mathematics 12

2.1.2 Problem in Mathematics 14

2.1.3 The Problem Solving in Mathematics 15

2.1.4 Mathematical Problem Solving Ability 16 Understanding the Problem 17 Make a plan to resolve the problem 17 Implement problem solving 17 Check the answers which’s obtained 18

2.1.5 Contextual Teaching Learning 18



2.1.7 The Implementation of CTL Approach in the Classroom 24

2.1.8 The Advantages and Disadvantages of CTL 25

2.1.9 Realistic Mathematics Education Learning 25

2.1.10 The Characteristics of Realistic Mathematics

Education Learning 26

2.1.11 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Realistic

Mathematics Education Implementation 31

2.1.12 The Summary of Material Summary 33

2.2 Relevant Research 37

2.3 Conceptual Framework 38

2.4 Hypothesis 40


3.1Time and Location of Research 41

3.2Population and Sample 41

3.2.1 Population of Research 41

3.2.2 Sample of Research 41

3.3 Variables and The Instrument of Research 41

3.3.1 Independent Variable 41



3.5 Procedure of Research 45

3.5.1 Stage Preparation 46

3.5.2 Stage Implementation 46

3.5.3 Stage Final 46

3.6 Techniques of Analysis Data 48

3.6.1 Normality Test 48

3.6.2 Homogeneity Test 49

3.6.3 Hypothesis Test 49


4.1. The Result of Students’ Mathematics Problem Solving Ability 51

4.1.1 Post-test of Experiment Class A and Experiment Class B 51

4.1.2 Normality Test of Student’s Mathematics Problem

Solving Ability 52

4.1.3 Homogeneity Test of Student’s Mathematics

Problem Solving Ability 52

4.1.4 Hypotheses Test of Student’s Mathematics Problem

Solving Ability 54

4.2. Discussion of Result 55

4.2.1 Mathematics Problem Solving Ability 55

4.2.2 Contextual Teaching Learning 55

4.2.3 Realistic Mathematics Education 55

4.2.4 The Weakness of The Research 56


5.1. Conclusion 57

5.2. Suggestion 57






Table 2.1 The Syntax of Contextual Teaching Learning 23

Table 2.2 The Syntax of Realistic Mathematics Education 30

Table 2.3 The Differences between RME and CTL 32

Table 3.1 Scoring Capabilities of Problem Solving 42

Table 3.2 Research Design of Randomized Control Group Only 45

Table 4.1 Data Post-test of Student’s Mathematics Problem Solving

Ability of Class A and Class B 51

Table 4.2 The Statistic of Data Post-test of Student’s Mathematics

Problem Solving Ability of Class A and Class B 52

Table 4.3 Result of Normality Data Post - Test in Class A and Class 53

Table 4.4 Result of Homogeneity Test of Data Post-Test

in Class A and Class B 53

Table 4.5 Hypotheses Test of Student’s Mathematical Problem





Figure 1.1 The Students’ Answer Sheets in Diagnostic Test 4

Figure 2.1 Horizontal and Vertical Mathematization 28

Figure 3.1 Procedure of Research 47

Figure 4.1 Graph of Hypothesis Result 54





Appendix 1 Lesson Plan I (CTL) 60

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan II (CTL) 66

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan I (RME) 71

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan II (RME) 76

Appendix 5 Student Activity Sheet I (CTL) 81

Appendix 6 Student Activity Sheet II (CTL) 91

Appendix 7 Student Activity Sheet I (RME) 96

Appendix 8 Student Activity Sheet I (RME) 105

Appendix 9 Alternative Solution of Student Activity Sheet I (CTL) 110

Appendix 10 Alternative Solution of Student Activity Sheet II (CTL) 118

Appendix 11 Alternative Solution of Student Activity Sheet I (RME) 123

Appendix 12 Alternative Solution of Student Activity Sheet II (RME) 131

Appendix 13 Post Test 136

Appendix 14 Alternative Solution of Post Test 138

Appendix 15 Blueprint of Post Test 153

Appendix 16 Validity Sheet of Post Test 155

Appendix 17 Validity Sheet of Post Test 156

Appendix 18 Validity Sheet of Post Test 157

Appendix 19 Rubric of Scoring 158

Appendix 20 Procedure to Calculate the Normality 159

Appendix 21 Procedure to Calculate the Homogeneity 162

Appendix 22 Procedure to Calculate the Hypotheses Test 163

Appendix 23 List of Critical Value for Liliefors 165

Appendix 24 Table t Distribution 166

Appendix 25 List of Area Under Normal Curve 0 to x 168





Table 2.1 The Syntax of Contextual Teaching Learning 23

Table 2.2 The Syntax of Realistic Mathematics Education 30

Table 2.3 The Differences between RME and CTL 32

Table 3.1 Scoring Capabilities of Problem Solving 42

Table 3.2 Research Design of Randomized Control Group Only 45

Table 4.1 Data Post-test of Student’s Mathematics Problem Solving

Ability of Class A and Class B 51

Table 4.2 The Statistic of Data Post-test of Student’s Mathematics

Problem Solving Ability of Class A and Class B 52

Table 4.3 Result of Normality Data Post - Test in Class A and Class 53

Table 4.4 Result of Homogeneity Test of Data Post-Test

in Class A and Class B 53

Table 4.5 Hypotheses Test of Student’s Mathematical Problem





Figure 1.1 The Students’ Answer Sheets in Diagnostic Test 4

Figure 2.1 Horizontal and Vertical Mathematization 28

Figure 3.1 Procedure of Research 47

Figure 4.1 Graph of Hypothesis Result 54





Appendix 1 Lesson Plan I (CTL) 60

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan II (CTL) 66

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan I (RME) 71

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan II (RME) 76

Appendix 5 Student Activity Sheet I (CTL) 81

Appendix 6 Student Activity Sheet II (CTL) 91

Appendix 7 Student Activity Sheet I (RME) 96

Appendix 8 Student Activity Sheet I (RME) 105

Appendix 9 Alternative Solution of Student Activity Sheet I (CTL) 110

Appendix 10 Alternative Solution of Student Activity Sheet II (CTL) 118

Appendix 11 Alternative Solution of Student Activity Sheet I (RME) 123

Appendix 12 Alternative Solution of Student Activity Sheet II (RME) 131

Appendix 13 Post Test 136

Appendix 14 Alternative Solution of Post Test 138

Appendix 15 Blueprint of Post Test 153

Appendix 16 Validity Sheet of Post Test 155

Appendix 17 Validity Sheet of Post Test 156

Appendix 18 Validity Sheet of Post Test 157

Appendix 19 Rubric of Scoring 158

Appendix 20 Procedure to Calculate the Normality 159

Appendix 21 Procedure to Calculate the Homogeneity 162

Appendix 22 Procedure to Calculate the Hypotheses Test 163

Appendix 23 List of Critical Value for Liliefors 165

Appendix 24 Table t Distribution 166

Appendix 25 List of Area Under Normal Curve 0 to x 168





Words of education, counseling, teaching, learning, and training are

technical terms concerning to activities united in educational activity. Education is

one of the basic needs for human life, because through education human can change a person’s attitude and ethics code in daily life. Furthermore, education is investment in human resources who have a long-term strategic value for the

survival of human civilization in the world. As well as the presentation, the quality of nation’s human resources in general can be seen from the quality of the nation’s education. History has proven that the progress and prosperity of a nation in the world is determined by the development in the filed of education.

Therefore, almost all countries put education variable as something

important and major in the context of nation building. Likewise, Indonesia put

education as an important and major. It can be seen from the contents of the fourth

paragraph of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution which asserts that one of the

national goals of Indonesia is the intellectual life of the nation.

Mathematics as one of the fundamental science education develop in people’s life and very needed in the development of science and technology. Therefore, mathematics can be said as the mother of all science, so mathematics is

very important to be taught. As proposed by Cockroft (1982: 1-5) that “Mathematics should be taught to students because of (1) is always used in life; (2) all fields of study require skills appropriate mathematics; (3) is a powerful

means of communication; (4) can be used to present information in a variety of

ways; (5) improve the ability to think logically, accuracy, and awareness spatial;

(6) provide satisfaction to solve business challenging problem.

Because mathematics is very important to learn, so mathematics is

considered as the main lesson in education, so time lesson for mathematics is

much than the other lesson. Even though mathematics lesson is very important to



2014 : 11 ), he said that the competence that be hoped can be reached by students


1. Showed the understanding mathematical concept that be studied,

explained the relation between concept widely, accurately, efficiency,

and right in problem solving.

2. Have the ability to communicate the idea using symbols, tables,

graphs, or diagrams in explaining the problem.

3. Using reasoning in pattern, characteristic or do manipulate

mathematics in make generalization, arranging the fact or explaining

idea and mathematics statement.

4. Showing the strategy ability in making (formulating) the model of

mathematics in problem solving.

5. Having the respect in used mathematics in daily life.

Based on the competences that be hoped by Depdiknas, problem solving

ability must be have by students in study mathematics in school. Because of

problem solving ability was very important to have by students, the problem

solving ability must be one of the factors that students have in mastering and

understanding of mathematics especially in solving the problem.

Problem solving is considered central to school mathematics as being

states from NCTM (in Chapman, 2005):



appropriate strategies to solve problems; and monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving.

Similarly, Kilpatrick et al (2001: 420) explained,

Studies in almost every domain of mathematics have demonstrated that problem solving provides an important context in which students can learn about number and other mathematical topics. Problem solving ability is enhanced when students have opportunities to solve problems themselves and to see problems being solved. Further, problem solving can provide the site for learning new concepts and for practicing learned skills.

From some explanation above, we know that problem-solving ability is a

process of applying the knowledge that has been acquired prior to the new

situation that has not been known. Problem solving method is a way of learning to

exposes students to a problem to be solved or resolved. Problem solving in

mathematics learning is an approach and goals are achieved. Used as a

problem-solving approach to discover and understand the material or mathematical

concepts. While solving the problem as the expected destination for students to

identify elements that are known, were asked and the adequacy of the required

elements, to formulate the problem and explain the results according to the origin

of the problem. In solving the problem students are encouraged and given the

widest possible opportunity to take the initiative and systematic thinking in the

face of a problem with applying the knowledge gained previously. Polya

illustrates the problem solving ability of students is constructed include the ability

of students to understand the problems, plan solutions, resolve the issue according

the plan and to re-examine the results of the settlement procedure.

Problem solving has the main function in the activity of teach and learn

mathematics. By mathematical problem solving, students can try to interpret the

concepts, theorems and skills that be studied. (Hudojo, 2005)

From the description above can be concluded that problem solving plays

an important role and needs to be improved in learning. But the facts on the field

show that the problem solving ability of students is still low. For example, as seen



problem solving on the subject probability in class X SMA Negeri 1 Lubukpakam

T / A 2015/2016 as follows:

Ani menerima kembalian uang Rp 300 berupa tiga buah uang logam. Ia melemparkan ketiga uang tersebut secara bersamaan. Jika sisi uang logam tersebut berupa gambar (G) dan angka (A) maka tentukanlah ruang sampel dan banyak ruang sampel dari kejadian tersebut!

The question story above is an example of matter for problem solving, to

solve the problem students often do not know how to make a mathematical model

so that the matter is considered difficult to do. To resolve the problem with the

necessary steps students must understand the problems, develop mathematical

models and finishes with the basic knowledge then they draw conclusions from

the settlement. Here are the answers to the students of one of the problems that






From the students’ answer above it can be seen that the answer is incomplete yet. The answers are from two students in different class. At figure a) the answer didn’t use the steps of problem solving. The students was directly answer without trying to understand the problem first. So we did not know how to

solve or how to determine the sample space and the point space of the problem. And for the students’ answer in figure b), the student had been known how to understand the problem by classifying the solution into known, asked, and

answer. It means that the student understand what are being known from the

problem, what are being asked from the problem and the last try to solve the

problem. But in process to answer, it can be looked that the student did not know

how to solve it. The student can not relate one item to another item and the student can’t to give conclusion or another way that may be can be used to solve the problem in the last solution of that worked.

From the answers which’s shown, it can be seen that the students do not fully understand the problems that exist while these materials are basic probability

subject that already exist in their current ninth grade material, but they are not yet

fully understood in the problem of solving the problem.

In solving the mathematics problem, it can be denied that we must

understanding what the problems are, what the questions are, what is plan to solve

it, how to solve it and is there any another way to solve the problem or not? All of

that contents are so important to be applied in solving mathematics problem. The

step below can be applied in solving the given problem.

a. Understanding the problem

Known : three coins are thrown simultaneously

Picture side as G and number side as A

Asked : Determine the sample space and the number of sample


b. Devising a Plan

For knowing the sample space of this event, we have to draw the tree



c. Carrying Out the Plan

We have devise to solve this problem, we have to make the tree line.

d. Looking Back

From the tree line above it can be seen that the sample space of the

event are (AAA), (AAG), (AGA), (AGG), (GAA), (GAG), (GGA),

(GGG). And if we count that the sample space so the total is 8. So the

number of sample space n(S) is 8.

To solve the that problem we can not jus using the tree line but we

can using the table of probability .

The explanation above are the way to solve the given problem by focusing in students’ understanding in solving the problem by steps. If we compare the solution above with the students’ solution are very different. So we can know that the students’ problem solving ability in mathematics subject is still low.



researched that there are some learning model which able in increasing the students’ mathematical problem solving ability. Some of them are problem based learning, contextual teaching learning, cooperative learning, realistic mathematic

education, etc.

There are some learning model that looked like very similarity. Some of

them is Contextual teaching Learningand Realistic Mathematics Education. Both

of them are applying the mathematics learning model that focus in problem of

mathematics which relate with daily life context. And there are some of

researchers have researched that both learning model able to increasing the student’s mathematical problem solving ability. This is reinforced by the relevant research conducted by Yeni Septiani Rambe 2013 states that Contextual Teaching Learning can improve students’ mathematical problem solving ability. It means that, Realistic Mathematics Education and Contextual Teaching Learning can improve students’ mathematical problem solving ability. As well as research conducted by Iwan Prakasa in 2013, the results showed that the implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education can improve students’ mathematical problem solving ability.

Another research by Julham Sahmulia state that there are significant differences in both learning model. From his research, he got that the students’ outcomes which’s taught by the Contextual Teaching Learning is better than the students’ outcomes which’s taught by the Realistic Mathematics Education those were taught in VIII grade. These make the researcher would like to do the

research between that two model learning in difference school level and difference


Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a concept that helps teachers

link the content of subjects to real world situations and motivate students to make

connections between knowledge and application in their lives as family members,

citizens, and workers

Elaine B. Johnson (in Trianto, 2009) said contextual learning is a system

that stimulates the brain to compose patterns that embody meaning. Furthermore,



that produce meaning by linking academic content to the context of the daily life

of students. Thus, contextual learning is an attempt to make students active in

pumping ability without losing ourselves in terms of benefits, because the students

are trying to give the concept of simultaneously apply and relate it to the real


Contextual Teaching is a teaching that allows students kindergarten till

high school to strengthen, expand, and apply their academic knowledge and skills

in a variety of arrangements in and outside the school in order to solve the

problems of the real world or simulated problems. (Trianto,2009: 104 – 105)

Meanwhile, according to Hans Freudenthal (in Wijaya, 2012: 20) realistic mathematics learning approach is “mathematics is a human activity”. Statement “mathematics is a human activity” shows that Freudenthal not put

mathematics as a ready product, but rather as a form of activity or process.

According to Freudenthal mathematics should not be given to students as a ready

product that is ready to use, but rather as a form of activity in constructing mathematical concepts. Freudenthal familiar with the term “guided reinvention” as the students are actively committed to rediscover a mathematical concept with

teacher guidance. Furthermore, do not put mathematics as a closed system but

rather as an activity called mathematize.

A realistic problem is not necessarily a real-world problem and usually found in daily life of students. A problem called “realistic” if the problem can be imagined or real in the student’s mind (Wijaya, 2012: 20-21). Realistic problem presented by teacher at the beginning of the learning process so that the idea or

mathematical knowledge can appear from the realistic problems. During the

process of solving realistic problems, students will learn problem solving and

reasoning, in the discussion the students will learn to communicate. The results

obtained during the learning process will be easy to remember because

mathematical ideas students find themselves with the help of the teacher. In the

end, the students will have respect for mathematics because with realistic problem

related to real life day-to-day learning process of mathematics not directly to the



their ideas and solve problems in mathematics. Using realistic mathematics

education starts from a realistic problem is expected that students will be able to

construct their own understanding and will make learning more meaningful so that students’ understanding of the material more depth that would be beneficial to enhance the ability in problem solving.

Because Contextual Teaching Learning and Realistic Mathematics

Education have some similarity especially that both of learning model start from

the contextual problem that related to the human daily life, so the researcher want

to know whether between of both models is better in helping the students to

understanding the mathematics especially in solving the problems that always

exist in mathematics.

Based on the description above, the researcher has interested in

conducting research entitled “The Comparison of Students’ Mathematical

Problem Solving Ability on Contextual Teaching Learning and Realistic Mathematics Education Implementation on Grade XI in SMAN 1 Lubukpakam Academic Year 2016 / 2017”

1.2Problem Identification

Based on the background above, some problems can be identified as


1. The students ability to solve the mathematics problem are still low.

2. Mathematics students outcome are still low because the problem

solving ability of students are still low.

3. For some students, mathematics is still as a difficult subject.

4. Students still dominant passive and tend to only receive information

from the teacher.

5. Many of students still argue that mathematics can’t be applied in their

daily life.



7. The contextual teaching learning and realistic mathematics education

are two models that looked similar.

1.3Problem Limitation

Based on the problem identification and the relevant research that have been described before, the research is limited on students’ mathematical problem solving ability in SMAN 1 Lubukpakam using Contextual Teaching Learning and

Realistic Mathematics Education for Probability subject.

1.4Problem Formulation

Based on the problem limitation above, then the problem can be

formulated as follows:

“Is the students’ mathematical problem solving ability in the classroom taught using Contextual Teaching Learning is higher than students’ mathematical

problem solving ability in the classroom that using Realistic Mathematics Education?”

1.5Research Objective

Specifically, the objectives of the research is to know whether the students’ mathematical problem solving ability in the classroom taught using Contextual Teaching Learning is higher that students’ mathematical problem solving ability in the classroom that taught using Realistic Mathematics


1.6Research Benefits

1. For teachers mathematics:

To be an alternatives sources for teacher in selecting the appropriate instructional model in the classroom to enhancing students’ mathematical problem solving.

2. For school:

To be as reference that can be used by the other teacher.

3. For students:



4. For other researchers:

To be inspiration or comparison to do or develop the similar research.

1.7Operational Definition

1. Students’ mathematical problem solving ability is the ability of students in

solving problem in mathematics, starting from understanding the problem,

devising the plan, carrying out the plan till looking back to the problem.

2. Contextual Teaching and Learning is a kind of instructional that helps

students to understand the significance of the subject matter learned by

relating the material to the context of their daily lives and help teachers

relates instructional activities to subjects matter.

3. Realistic Mathematics Education is a procedure used in discussing

mathematics materials that have characteristics using context, model,

students contribution, interactive activities, has related material between

guided reinvention and progressive mathematization principles, learning




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result and discussion of research in the previous chapters,

can be concluded that In Hypothesis test, the data are processed based on

difference of pre-test and post-test shows � � = 2.878 and = 1.672

then � � > that it’s mean H₀ rejected. So, can be concluded that students’ mathematics problem solving ability taught using CTL is higher than taught using RME.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the conclusion and relevant study of this research, there are

some suggestions as follows:

1. For mathematics teacher, to implement the contextual teaching learning in the learning activity such that students’ problem solving ability can be increased the students’ problem solving ability.

2. For students, to cooperate with teachers by following the steps of learning process and don’t ignore the steps of problem solving ability.

3. For next researcher, to observe another students’ ability of mathematics

which can be affected by using contextual teaching learning and another

choices of learning model.

4. From the research that was held, Contextual Teaching learning should be

implemented as the one of the learning model in class and Realistic

Mathematics Education can be implemented too in class as the other source

of learning model.

5. Because in this research the learning models are implemented to subject

Program Linear, it is suggested to try another topic of mathematics and relate




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Table 2.1 The Syntax of Contextual Teaching Learning
Figure 1.1 The Students’ Answer Sheets in Diagnostic Test
Table 2.1 The Syntax of Contextual Teaching Learning
Figure 1.1 The Students’ Answer Sheets in Diagnostic Test


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