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The Correlation Of Students' A Chievement In Vocabulary And Reading Ability At Islamic Junior High School : A Case Study at Second Year Students' of MTs Al Kaairiyah,South Jakarta Academic Year 2008 /2009


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(A Case Study at Second Year Students’ of MTs Al Khairiyah, South Jakarta Academic Year 2008 / 2009)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of “Sarjana Pendidikan” In English Language Education



NIM. 102014023739






2009 M / 1430 H




(A Case Study at Second Year Students’ of MTs Al Khairiyah, South Jakarta Academic Year 2008 / 2009)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of “Sarjana Pendidikan” In English Language Education



NIM. 102014023739






2009 M / 1430 H





A “Skripsi”

Presented To the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of “Sarjana Pendidikan” In English Language Education


Fifit Fitriyah

NIM. 102014023739

Approved by the Advisor

Prof. Dr. Hadjid Harnawidagda, M.Pd NIP. 150 011 332






2009 M / 1430 H




(A Case Study at Second Year Students’ of MTs Al Khairiyah, Jakarta

Academic Year 2008/2009)


Presented To the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of “Sarjana Pendidikan” In English Language Education


Fifit Fitriyah

NIM. 102014023739

Approved by Advisor:

Prof. Dr. Hadjid Harnawidagda, M.Pd NIP. 150 011 332








The exmination committee of the faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training certifies that the scientific paper (skripsi) entitled ”The Correlation Of Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary and Reading Ability at Islamic Junior High School” (A Case Study At Second Year Students’ Of MTs Al Khairiyah, Jakarta Academic Year 2008/2009), written by Fifit Fitriyah, student’s registration number 102014023739 was examined by the committee on June 19, 2009 and was declared to have passed and therefore, fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education in the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, June 2009


Chairman : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd (_______________)

NIP. 19641212 199103 1 002

Secretary : Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd (_______________)

NIP. 150 293 236

Examiners : 1. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd (_______________)

NIP. 19641212 199103 1 002

2. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd (_______________) NIP. 150 041 070

Acknowledge By:

Dean of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Faculty


















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The writer, on this occasion, would like to express her greatest honor and acknowledgement to her beloved parent, H. Marullah Jaelani and Hj. Zikro Abdullah Musa, who always encourage the writer with all of their heart, also for their support, compassion, advice and motivation. The writer also likes to convey her great gratitude to Prof. Dr Hadjid Harnawidagda, M.Pd. as the advisor, who has given the writer his patience and careful guidance as well as valuable advice during the writing of this “skripsi” until its completion.

Alhamdulillah, the writer has finished the “skripsi”. Absolutely it is not only an effort by her self alone, there are many hands help her. In this occasion, she presents great gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Dede Rosyada as the Dean of Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, the head of English Education Department, Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training.

3. Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd, the secretary of English Education Department, Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training.

4. All lectures and officers of English Education Department, who introduce the world of education and have given contribution, support and have been being a good role model for the writer.

5. All her sister’s and brother’s, K’ Iba - K’ Husein, K’ Iwan - K’ Ria, K’ Evi - Bang Apank, K’ Elly - Mas Hasbi, K’ Heri - K’ Liez, K’ Riza - Irha, K’Yan, Reni, and Adlan who always encourage the writer with all of their heart, for their support, compassion, advice and motivation.


7. H. A. Soelaiman, BA, the Head Master of MTs Al Khairiyah, Jakarta, for all his support and kindness.

8. All teachers’, staff and students’ at MTs Al Khairiyah, Jakarta, especially for Iwan Syafei, S.Pd as English teacher for second year students’.

9. The librarian of State Islamic University and American Corner, Syarief Hidayatullah, Jakarta, the librarian of National library, the librarian of Aminef, Jakarta, and the librarian of Soemantri Bojonegoro, Jakarta, for allowing her to copy, borrow and read books.

10. For my Aa, I hope you’ll be my soul mate forever, amien…… Thanks for being with me, your support, compassion, advice and motivation… For every laugh and tears……

11. To all her best friends, Vheea, Nina, Shofa, Umi, Farah, Diah, Diana, Komariah, Nia, Selly, Isdha, Jime and Bang Amrie, thank you very much for giving support, sharing their time and being good friends.

12. To any other person who have given their help for the writer to finish her “skripsi” and for all friends who can not be mentioned one by one.

The words are not enough to say appreciate for their help and contribution in writing this “skripsi”. May Allah, the almighty bless them all, amin. Finally, the writer realizes that this “skripsi” is not perfect yet. Therefore, the writer would like to accept any constructive suggestion to make this “skripsi” better.

Jakarta, June 2009



Fifit Fitriyah

The Correlation of Students’ Achievement In Vocabulary And Reading Ability At Islamic Junior High School (A Case Study at Second Year Students’ of MTs Al Khairiyah, South Jakarta Academic Year 2008 / 2009)

One of the purposes of teaching English in Junior High School or Islamic Junior High School (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) is to make students able to read English text. So its teacher’s jobs to make the students were able to read and increase their knowledge and skill by reading English. Vocabulary actually has an important role in improving reading skills. The first thing that students should learn is some stock of words, vocabulary. Vocabulary is one aspect in learning a foreign language. By having and mastering the vocabulary, student’s ability in reading, writing, speaking and listening increase too.

The writer analyzes the data from the experiment and makes some conclusion. The data is carried out from vocabulary test and reading test. The subject of the study is the second B year students’. The analysis is done by Pearson Product Moment formula (describe the data, analyze and make hypothesis and interpretation about the data). The result of the research is showed that there is significant correlation of students’ achievement in vocabulary and reading ability at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al KhairiyahThe result of the analysis of the research shows the value of


xy is higher (0.770) than the value of






Fifit Fitriyah

Hubungan Dari Prestasi Siswa Dalam Menguasai Kosakata Dan Kemampuan Membaca Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam (Studi Kasus Pada Kelas Dua Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Khairiyah Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009)

Salah satu tujuan pengajaran bahasa inggris di sekolah menengah pertama atau madrasah tsanawiyah adalah untuk membuat siswa bisa membaca teks berbahasa Inggris. Jadi sudah menjadi tugas guru untuk membuat siswa bisa untuk membaca dan meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan kemampuan mereka dengan membaca bahasa Inggris. Kosakata sebenarnya mempunyai peranan penting dalam meningkatkan kemampuan seseorang dalam membaca. Hal pertama yang siswa pelajari dalam bahasa asing adalah kumpulan kata, yaitu kosakata. Kosakata adalah salah satu aspek di dalam belajar bahasa. Dengan menguasai kosakata, maka kemampuan siswa akan memahami ketika membaca, menulis, berbicara dan mendengarkan akan meningkat juga.

Penulis menganalisa data dari penelitian dan membuat beberapa kesimpulan. Data diambil dari test kosakata dan test membaca. Subjek penelitian diambil dari siswa kelas dua B. Analisa menggunakan rumusan Pearson Product Moment. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang pasti dari prestasi siswa dalam menguasai kosakata dengan kemampuan membaca di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Khairiyah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai dari


xy lebih besar (0,770) dari nilai


table (0,393).



MOTTO ……….. ii

DEDICATION ………. ………. iii





A. The Background of Study ……….. 1

B. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem …... 4

C. Objective of Study ………. 4

D. Methodology of Research ……….. 4


A. Reading ………. 6

1. The Definition of Reading ……… 6

2. The Types of Reading ………... 8

3. Factors Affecting Reading Comprehensions ……… 9

B. Vocabulary ……… 12

1. The Definition of Vocabulary ………. 12

2. The Kinds of Vocabulary………. 14

3. Teaching Vocabulary………16


C. Relation Of Vocabulary and Reading………… 18

D. The Hypothesis of Study ………19


A. Research Methodology………... 20

1. The Purpose of Research………... 20

2. Operational Definitions of Variables…….... 20

3. Place and time of Study……….... 21

4. Method of Study………... 21

5. The Technique of Sample Taking………….. 22

6. The Technique of Data Collecting…………. 22

7. The Research Instrument……….. 28

8. Technique of Data Analysis……….. 29

B. Research Finding………. 30

1. The Description of Data……….... 30

2. The Analysis of Data………. 43

3. Test of Hypothesis……… 47


A. Conclusion ……….. 49

B. Suggestion ……….. 50




Table 1 : Kisi-Kisi Dan Butir Soal Test Vocabulary Bahasa Inggris

Kelas VIII ………... 23

Table 2 : Kisi-Kisi Dan Butir Soal Test Reading Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII ………. 25

Table 3 : Score of Students’ Vocabulary Tests ……….... 31

Table 4 : Score of Students’ Vocabulary Test from the High Score to the Low Score ……….. 33

Table 5 : Score of Students’ Reading Tests ………..…… 35

Table 6 : Score of Students’ Reading Test from the High Score to the Low Score ……….. 37

Table 7 : Score of Students’ Vocabulary and Reading Tests ………... 39

Table 8 : Frequency of Vocabulary ………... 41

Table 9 : Frequency of Reading ……… 41

Table 10 : Interval Vocabulary ………41

Table 11 : Interval Reading ………... 42

Table 12 : The Result of Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary and Reading Ability by Pearson Product Moment Table ……….. 44




A. The Background of Study

In every language course including in English course as one of these school subject,

there are four skills that should be mastered by the students, these skills are: listening,

speaking, reading and writing. All of the skills should be practiced by students which cannot

be separated from each other if one expects to be able to communicate freely in English.

Reading is one important role among other skills in language learning; it is good

thing in life because it is a factor of great importance in the individual development and the

most important activity in school. It is needed in every level of field of study. Particularly in

cases when students have to read English materials for their own special subject. As Harry

Madox said that “Reading is the most important single skill in study.”1

One of the purposes of teaching English as a foreign language to Indonesian people is

that they can read, grasp the idea and understand the book written in English. To achieve

those purposes, students need a lot of words of English. The more they learn and memorize

some stock of words, the more they get easy in their communication.

Being able to read in English is very important as it is known that success in reading

is the most necessary because it is a basic tool of education. The ability to understand the

subject in school such as mathematics, science, language and others depends on the subject

ability to read. In high school and collage, reading ability becomes even more important.

Through reading we acquire new ideas, obtain needed information, seek for our ideas and

broaden our interest. We can also get the message that the writer had expressed. The ability

to read helps to distinguish human being from other animal.

Vocabulary is one important aspect in learning a foreign language. With a limited

vocabulary anyone will also has a limited understanding in terms of speaking, reading,

listening and writing. It is true that it might be impossible to learn a language without



mastering vocabulary. When we read something it will sound good if we understand the

words or vocabularies in our reading.

Vocabulary is one of the problems confronted by English language learners. Because

of the limited vocabulary, the learners can not communicate to others clearly. As Norbert

said “……vocabulary is one of the most important skills in language”.2 Good mastery of

vocabulary is important to anyone who learns the language used in listening, speaking,

reading and writing. A learner of a foreign language will speak fluently and accurately, write easily or understand what he or she reads and hears if he or she has enough vocabularies and

has the capability of using it accurately.

According to H. G. Tarigan, “Kualitas keterampilan berbahasa seseorang jelas

tergantung pada kuantitas dan kualitas yang dimilikinya maka semakin besar kosakata yang

kita miliki maka semakin besar pula kemungkinan kita terampil berbahasa.”3 (The quality of

language skill depends on the quantity and quality of vocabulary. The more we have, so

become bigger our possibility to use the language).

Vocabulary actually has an important role in improving reading skills. The first thing

that students should learn is some stock of words, vocabulary. Mastering vocabulary is the

ability to get or to receive a lot of words. By having and mastering vocabulary we will know

the meaning of vocabulary in the context. Measuring vocabulary helps to avoid making

mistakes in understanding. So, to achieve the success in language teaching learning process

especially in English, vocabulary is one of important factors in all language teaching.

There are many factors that make the students’ vocabulary low; they came from the

internal factors and external one. The internal factors are from the inside of the students them

selves such as motivation, interest, intelligence, etc. And the external factors are from the

outside of the students that effect their learning process such as economic background,

learning materials, teachers’ performance including their teaching methods.

Most of us if we find the difficult word, we still just continue our reading in the hope

that the word we read is not really important or that it’s meaning will become clear later on.


Norbert Schmitt., Vocabulary in Language Teaching (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997) P. 40 3


But sometimes the word that we passed usually as the key of our reading and understanding,

we cannot catch and grasp the idea from our reading as well as possible. So looking up the

difficult words in dictionary is better for us, but the skillful is the reader can understand as he


Based on the description of vocabulary and reading above, it shows that they have

close relation. To get empirical data about it the writer will organize the test result to prove

the influence of student’s achievement in vocabulary and reading. By getting the grades, the writer will try to find an answer that student’s achievement in vocabulary influencing


B. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem

To make the problem clear, it is necessary for the writer to limit the problem. The

limitation of the problem as the follows:

1. The subject of the research is the second grade students of MTs Al Khairiyah,


2. The students’ achievement in vocabulary and reading ability will be obtained from

the result of test given.

Based on the statement above, the formulation of this study is the writer wants to

analyze if there is any correlation of students’ achievement in vocabulary and their reading


C. Objective of Study

The objectives of the study as below:

a. The writer wants to know how far vocabulary support the students in reading

b. The writer wants to know whether students who have a good result in vocabulary test

also have a good result in reading.


In the process of writing this skripsi, the writer uses two ways; library research and

field research. In library research, the writer collects the data by searching materials from

books that are correlated with the topic.

In field research, the writer carries out the observation at MTs Al Khairiyah, Jakarta and gives some test of vocabulary and reading, and then the test calculated. At the same time

the writer will also interview to English teacher of that second year students’.

After scoring of such test, the writer will calculate the correlation. Then the writer

will have some concerning with the students’ score vocabulary and reading. The writer tries

to determine that are there any correlation of students achievement in vocabulary and

reading? These scores will use the formula of Pearson Product Moment Correlation




B. Reading

1. The Definition of Reading

Reading knowledge is broadened and well-informed by reading. Reading is really

crucial our knowledge is usually broadened and informed by reading activities, and the

activity of reading can be found in the internet, book, etc.

Students’ should practice their reading more and more, so that their reading ability

and their reading experience will be improved. They may find difficulty and frustrating, but

if they keep practicing, they will have a good sense of English and will help them to grasp

the total meaning of the words. Another thing should be remembered in reading that students

should not open a dictionary too often because it will slow down their reading rate and can

make them bored. If they find new words, they should try to guess the meanings by trying to

find out any clue words according to the context in the passages.

One of the major problems in reading instruction skill is definition of reading itself,

as we know that reading is a complex process. Because of its complexity, it is apparent that

one simple definition will not be sufficient, for those reason reading would be described and

defined in various ways.

Generally, reading can be defined as an interaction with a printed massage. It

means that reading is not passive action; there are some intellectual energy to be expended.

Furthermore, Frank G. Jennings states in his book that reading is the art of transmitting the

ideas, facts and feelings from the mind and soul of an author to the mind and soul of a

reader, with accuracy and understandings, and much more.4

Reading is the process to get, to understand, to catch the content of the reading by

the reader. And also reading is a process to understand a written text which means extracting

the required information from it as efficiently as possible.



Straufter identified five answers responding to the questions about what are the

definitions of reading, which are:5

1. Reading is a complex process.

2. Reading means to get information from the printed page.

3. Reading is the ability to pronounce and comprehend the printed word.

4. Reading is interpreting sounds, letter or symbols by assigning meanings to them.

5. Reading is receiving ideas and impressions from an author via printed words.

While Sandra Silberstein stated that reading is complex information processing

skill in which the readers interact with text in order to recreate meaningful discourse.6

According to Lado “Reading in a foreign language consist of grasping meaning in

that language though its written representation”.7 Furthermore F. Dubin explained the

meaning of reading as “Reading is primarily a cognitive process, which means that the brain

does most of the work”.8

Reading is a developmental process; the first stage is learning sound symbol

correspondences either directly or by reading aloud sentences and words that have been

mastered orally, and then we learn to read these some words and sentence patterns in new


Those statements above show the various definition of reading, they mean

generally. But a simple conclusion may give easier understanding; reading means a complex

process of thinking in assigning meanings from printed materials which involve most of the

reader’s intellectual act such as pronunciation and comprehension in order to receive ideas or

information extended by the text.

2. The Types of Reading


Walter T. Petty and Julien M. Jesen., Developing Children’s Language (Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc, 1980), P.207


Sandra Silberstein., Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), P. 12


Robert Lado., Language Teaching As A Scientific Approach (New York: Mc Graw Hill inc, 1964) p. 132 8


Depending on the purposes of reading it also can be classified into two types of

activities, intensive and extensive reading.9

A. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading means reading shorter texts to extract specific information. This activity is likely more to emphasize the accuracy activity involving reading for detail. The process of

scanning takes a more prominent role here than skimming. Reader is trying to absorb all the

information given, example: reading dosage instruction for medicine, reading business

magazines, etc.

B. Extensive Reading

Extensive reading deals with a longer text as a whole, which requires the ability to

understand the component part and their contribution the overall meaning, usually for one’s

own pleasure. This is a fluency activity, mainly involving global understanding. Example:

reading newspapers, poems, article, short story, novel, Internet websites, etc.

Francoise Grellet defines two ways in reading to find out the information in the

text, these are skimming and scanning. Skimming is quickly running one’s eyes over a text

to get the gist of it, while scanning is quickly going through a text to find a particular piece

of information.10 So, if a person wants to get an address, phone number, a date in a book

over paragraph in order to locate a special piece of information, that activities is called

“scanning” but if he reads all the passage in order to know about what it deals about his

reading, that is called “skimming”.

In skimming a reader must ask himself what the text is talked about. He must move

his eyes quickly over the text, looking especially at the main title, the beginning and the end,

and the first sentence of paragraph. In scanning the reader must ask himself weather or not the text contains what he is looking for and if any, he must find where is located, he moves

also his eyes more or less quickly over the text for specific items.

3. Factors Affecting Reading Comprehensions


Jeremy Harmer., How to Teach English,( England: Person, Longman Group, 2007) P. 99 10


The essence of reading act is comprehension; it becomes a primary challenge in

teaching or learning of reading skill. In order to learn or understand the massage of the

author, the students are hoped to have the ability to comprehend the written textbook.

Comprehension means understanding the meaning or the point of a topic, F. Dubin, D.E. Eskey and W. Grabe show a more specific explanation, comprehension means relating what

we do not know or new information, which is not random collection of facts but a “theory of

a world” in each of our heads.11

As it has already been shown, reading comprehension need some intellectual ability

to master it. There are six basic factors that influence the students’ ability in comprehending

written materials.

a. Background Experiences

Students who have little experience may have some difficulties in comprehending

many ideas and activities with other children are familiar before they learn in school. For an example, a student who never sees or hears about the mountain, and in some occasions

dealing with it will find the story hard to follow, so he must have experiences in his

background that enables him to bring personal meaning to the events and feelings of the


b. Intellectual abilities

Second aspect of comprehension is the students’ ability to think, it all depends on his

intellectual development. Although the teacher gives the same textbook and same purpose

of reading, the result of reading may be different. The number of ideas that they understand

and the depth of their understanding will be largely dependent upon their general capacity

to learn. The slow learning or dull-normal students cannot be expected to show same

reaction or gain the same appreciations as the bright students when they read together for pleasure or to gain information.

c. Language abilities

The third aspect is the students’ language abilities, including semantics or word

meaning and grasp of syntax. Understanding of semantics comes from experience with

words in various, personally meaningful settings. A grasp of syntax is needed to recover

the structure of the language, so the students have to master syntax which links deep and

surface structure.



d. Affection

Such as personal interest, motivation, attitudes, beliefs, feelings; students will attend a

better understanding to the story about a topic if they find personally interesting. The cause

of greater understanding is also affected by reader’s attitude and beliefs, readers could

understand materials better when it matches their own attitudes and beliefs on a topic. This

affection is usually linked to each other.

e. The purpose of reading

This fifth factor also determines the comprehension ability, student could also have

difficulties to understand the story if he reads it with no particular purpose in mind.

Comprehension is always directed and controlled by the needs and purposes of an

individual12. If that so, they must establish their own purpose before reading and commits

the entire story to memory.

f. Skills of comprehending

Another factor which influences the depth and the amount of comprehension is the

skills that the students have developed for that purpose; the ability to comprehend develops

gradually from the simple to the complex skills. The teacher give a balanced program,

include direct teaching of techniques which will aid the student in developing attitudes and

skill of thoughtful, purposeful reading.

From all the factors, the writer only discussed the problem of the students’

language ability that includes vocabulary as the main subject. Yap (1979) concludes that

there are causal links probably do exist between vocabulary and comprehension and that

vocabulary is likely to be predominant causal factor. Davis (1968, 1972) also did extensive

investigation into the question whether there are identifiable sub skills within the over all

ability to read and he found that vocabulary was the most important and had the strongest


C. Vocabulary

1. The Definition of Vocabulary


F. Dubin, D.E. Eskey and W. Grabbe, Op Cit, P. 14 13


When we consider by what we mean with vocabulary, the first idea that probably

occurs to our brain is “words”, we may have pretty clear idea of what the words are. It is a

sequence of letter bounded by spaces.14 Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown states that

vocabulary is a list or set of words for particular language and a list or set of word that individual speaker might use.15

Vocabulary is a basis of language; it is the “first of language”.16 Vocabulary as one

of the language aspects have to be learned when people are learning a language. Good

mastery of vocabulary is important for anyone who learns the language used in listening,

speaking, writing and reading besides grammar. A learner of the foreign language will

speak fluently and accurately, write easily or understand what he or she reads or hears if he

or she has enough vocabulary and has capability of using it accurately.

It is obvious that vocabulary is very important in learning a language, especially in

English, because the English vocabulary is extremely large and varies as well. Therefore, it

is highly essential for English teachers to help their students’ in mastering vocabulary.

Norbert Schmitt gave the definition of vocabulary as a basis of a language; it is

very important to be mastered first. We cannot speak well and understand written materials

if we do not master it.17

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines “vocabulary means all the

words that someone know, learn of uses or the words that are typically used when talking

about particular subject or a list of words with the explanation of their meanings in a book

for learning foreign language”.18

In some literature, we found the meaning of vocabulary. There are some definitions

of vocabulary. A. S. Hornby in “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current

English” states that vocabulary is:

1. Total number of words which (with rules for combining them) make up a language.


Nobert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), P.1 15

Evelyn Hatch and Cherryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995)P.1


David Crstal, the Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English language (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1995) P.116


Norbert Schmitt, op cit. P.2 18


2. (Range of) words known to, or used by a person, in a trade, profession, etc.19

In Webster’s new World College Dictionary, defined vocabulary as a list of words

and, often, phrases, abbreviation, inflectional forms, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical

order and defined or otherwise identified, as in a dictionary or glossary.20 In addition, according to Penny Ur, vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in

foreign language.21

Based on the definition above, the writer can conclude that vocabulary is a list or

stock or collection of words, terms, codes and phrases arranged and explained to make up

the language used by a person class or profession.

2. The Kinds of Vocabulary

Vocabulary varies in four skills of language, listening, writing, reading and

speaking. Generally, a student will absorb listening and speaking vocabulary before

coming to the reading and writing vocabulary. But in real situation, the process may

change, especially in foreign language teaching. Reading vocabulary may become the first

stage before processing the speaking and listening vocabulary.

According to the basis of frequency, vocabulary can be divided into two kinds;

namely high frequency vocabulary and low frequency vocabulary.22

a. High frequency vocabulary consists of words that are used very often in normal

language use in all four skills and across the full range of situation of use. It consists of

most of the function words of English and the most of contents of words. High

frequency vocabulary consists of 2000 words families, which about 87% of the running

words in formal written text and more that 95% of the words in informal spoken text.

b. The low frequency vocabulary on the other hand, covers only small proportion of the

running words of a continuous text, it means that low frequency vocabulary is rarely


A.S. Hornsby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Revised and Updated, (Oxford University Press, 1987) P. 959


Merriam Webster, Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th edition, (Cleveland: Wiley Publishing Inc, 2002) P. 1600

21 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching (Practice Theory), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996) P. 60



used in common activity of English language. This group includes well over 100.000

word families.

Besides, Evelyn Hatch and Cherly Brown divide the vocabulary into:

a. Active Vocabulary is words which the students understand, can pronounce correctly and uses constructively in speaking and writing.

b. Passive Vocabulary is words that students recognize and understand when they occur in a context of reading or listening, but which he can not produce correctly himself.23

I. S. P. Nation distinguished vocabulary into increasing vocabulary and establishing

vocabulary. Increasing vocabulary means introducing learners to new words and thus

starting their learning. Establishing vocabulary means building on strengthening this

initial knowledge, which is encouraging the knowledge of particular words to develop and


Meanwhile Djalinushah and Azimar Enong divided vocabulary into two, namely

general vocabularyandspecial vocabulary. General vocabulary is the words that are used

in general. There is no limit of field and user. Special vocabulary is the words that are used

in the certain field and job, profession of special science and technology.25

From the explanation above, we know that every experts in every book is different

in classifying the kind of vocabulary, because every person has different way in showing

and telling their opinions and ideas. Some of them who emphasize vocabulary to the items

which the learners can use appropriately in speaking or writing and to the language items

which the learners can use appropriately in speaking or writing and to the language items

that can be recognize and understood in the context of reading and listening and some of

them classify vocabulary that they have made are different, but the point is the same,

because their classification are based on different sides and aspects.

3. Teaching Vocabulary 23

Evelyn Hatch and Cherryl Brown, Op Cit. P. 370 24

I.S.P. Nation, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, (New York: Heinle & Heinle Publisher, 1990), P. 6 25


Because the importance of vocabulary, it needs a serious attention in learning

vocabulary from both learners and teachers. It becomes a great challenging act for the

teacher to teach vocabulary, what kind of methods they use, and what kind of vocabulary

that they give or how many vocabularies that they should teach. There are some key principles of teaching vocabulary:26

1. Build a large sight of vocabulary

2. Integrated new words with previous words. 3. Provide a number of encounters with a word. 4. Promotes deep level of processing.

5. Facilitate imaging.

6. Make new word “real” by connecting them to the student’s word in some way. 7. Use variety techniques.

8. Encourage independent learning strategies.

As it has already mentioned at the beginning that there is no right or best way to

teach English skill, it all depends on the type of the students, the school system and

curriculum, the word that are targeted and many other factors. The choice of vocabulary to

teach is also limited to the learner’s need, experiences and interest.

4. Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary

The successfulness in learning process can be visible from the reached

achievement. If the achievement has fulfilled the targets, which have been determines

previously, it can be told that he is successful. On the contrary, if he hasn’t yet fulfilled the

target, it means that he hasn’t yet success.

From time to time, students’ in schools try and practice English to get wider range

of vocabulary. By having wider range of vocabulary in their mind, it can help them to

communicate in English better.

Bachman defined the vocabulary ability includes both knowledge of language and

the ability to put language in context. Thus, its three components are as follows:

1. The context of vocabulary use.



2. Vocabulary knowledge and fundamental process.

3. Metacognitive strategies for vocabulary use.27

In the correlation between vocabulary and reading, according to Robert Lado, a

2000-word vocabulary represented the opinion of these leaders as to the size of minimum

vocabulary for reading. In fact, 2000 words seem to be the most commonly cited initial goal

for learners. In addition, to allow basic comprehension this number of words is seen as

providing a solid basis for moving into more advanced study.

Vocabulary refers to words students need to know to communicate effectively.

Vocabulary takes two forms: oral vocabulary and reading vocabulary. When we speak or

listen, oral vocabulary is used. Reading vocabulary are words we use or recognize in text.

Vocabulary plays an important role in comprehension of print. A word that is not part of a

student’s oral vocabulary causes difficulty in grasping the meaning of what the student is

reading. The National Reading Panel (2000), after an extensive research review, indicated effective instruction allow for both incidental and planned instruction that includes a variety

of methods for acquiring new vocabulary and extending the depth of vocabulary learned.

Vocabulary is important in learning to read. Students have to understand vocabulary

to understand the academic content they encounter in school. Reading can be easier and a

student can maintain the pace as the reading load increases if automaticity of a large group of

words has been acquired early on in school. Recognizing words and phrases on sight

improves reading fluency and comprehension.

When students read or study about a topic, students understand or relate to what is

being studied if they understand the basic vocabulary. When this background knowledge is

non-existent, then difficulty is encountered when information is read or heard. Evidence

indicates that some students may have gained the background knowledge needed through exposure at home and other experiences.

D. Relation Of Vocabulary and Reading

Vocabulary is one of the problems confronted by English language learners.

Because of the limited vocabulary, the learners cannot communicate to others clearly.

Vocabulary plays an important part in learning to read. Vocabulary is one aspect in learning



foreign language. With a limited vocabulary anyone will also has a limited understanding in

terms of reading, writing, speaking and listening. By having and mastering the vocabulary,

student’s ability in reading increase too. As beginning readers, children use the words they

have heard to make sense of the words they see in print. Reading involves much more than word recognition, the ability to recognize the sound and meaning of the printed symbol is

basic to the reading process.

Vocabulary and reading can’t be separated, because both of them relate to each

other. As the writer explain before, by having and mastering vocabulary we will know the

meaning of vocabulary in the context. It can also help to avoid making mistake in

understanding. Vocabulary is very important to reading comprehension. Readers can’t

understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean. As

children learn to read more advanced texts, they must learn the meaning of new words that

are not part of their oral vocabulary.

One reason why children find reading in some subject fields difficult because of

their lack of vocabulary. Where as in fact of vocabulary is the most important thing in reading skill. Most of us if we find the difficult word, we still just continue our reading in the

hope that the word we read is not really important or that it’s meaning will become clear

later on. But sometimes these word that we passed usually as the key of our reading and

understanding. We can not catch and grasp the idea from our reading as well as possible. So

looking up the difficult words in dictionary is better for us.

E. The Hyphothesis of Study

A hypothesis is a statement about the relationship among variables in a study.

Based on the description above, the writer’s hypothesis are:

A. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is a significance correlation between students’ achievement in vocabulary and their

reading ability.

B. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no significant correlation between students’ achievement in vocabulary and their




C. Research Methodology

9. The Purpose of Research

The first purpose of the research is to know whether there is any correlation in the

achievement of students’ vocabulary and reading, and the second is to get empirical data

about the correlation of students’ vocabulary achievement and reading ability at the second

grade students’ of Islamic Junior High School (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) Al Khairiyah,


10.Operational Definitions of Variables

There are two kinds of variables in this research, the first variable is the students’

vocabulary achievement score which is taken by how many vocabularies that they know

from the test given; it is considered as independent variable (variable X). The second

variable is their reading ability score which is taken from their comprehension in reading

with the texts; we considered it as dependent variable (variable Y).

The students’ vocabulary achievement and reading comprehension is resulted from

the test of vocabulary that is carried out by English book for Junior High School Students’

The Bridge English Competence for SMP grade VIII, Yudhistira, Ringkasan Materi dan

Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/ MTs kelas VII, VIII dan IX, Yrama Widya and Seri

Pendalaman Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP dan MTs, ESIS.

11.Place and time of Study

The research took place at Islamic Junior High School (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) Al

Khairiyah, Jakarta located at Jl. Mampang Prapatan IV No. 71-74, Jakarta.

The research was carried out from December 13th up to December 20th 2008. after

getting an agreement of the school principal and than consult to an English teacher who is


12.Method of Study

In completing the data, the writer used two kinds of method, library research and

field research. In library research, the writer read some books dealing with the study in order to find out the theoretical data that support the study.

In the field research, the writer conducted the research for the students at the second

grade of MTs Al Khairiyah, Jakarta academic year 2008/2009. The writer gave a test to the students and asked them to answer the question that she made refers to standard competency

and indicator of KTSP 2006.

This research uses the correlation method, with the analysis of Product Moment

according to Karl Pearson. It is usually used to correlate two variables based on its

correlation coefficient value. It is useful to describe and find out the significance of the

correlation between those two variables, variable X and variable Y.

13.The Technique of Sample Taking

The population of the study was the second year students’ of MTs Al Khairiyah,

Jakarta. There are four classes of each grade with the population of the second year is about

168 students, the classes are 2nd A, 2nd B, 2nd C and 2nd D. From them, the writer just takes

one class as the population and sample of experiment class. There are about 42 students’ as a

sample from the class 2nd B but the writer only took 40 students’ and all of them were tasted

as a sample through random sampling system.

14.The Technique of Data Collecting

In completing the data, the next step of this research is collecting the data; the

function of data collecting is to determine the result of the research. In collecting data, the

writer uses some techniques.

a. Observation

The first is by observing directly to the location where the research is carried out. The

purpose is to ask the permission from the head master to do research in that place and to


b. Testing

Since the writer wanted to investigate the correlation between two kinds of test,

vocabulary and reading comprehension, so the writer uses test method. The test is divided

into two parts; the first is vocabulary, which consists of 20 items and the second is reading


comprehension, which also consists of 20 items.

Table 1


Standar Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar

Indikator Uraian Materi /


No. Soal

Kosa kata

Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana sesuai dengan tema Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingungan sekitar Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait tema/topic bacaan

Review kosa kata dan tata bahasa terkait jenis teks

Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek Mengembangkan kosakata, tata bahasa terkait topik

Friendship 9





Kosa kata

Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana sesuai dengan tema Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingungan sekitar Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait tema/topic bacaan

Review kosa kata dan tata bahasa terkait jenis teks

Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek Mengembangkan kosakata, tata bahasa terkait topik

Travelling 11

12 13 14 15 16 20 Kosa kata Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana sesuai dengan tema Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingungan sekitar Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait tema/topic bacaan

Review kosa kata dan tata bahasa terkait jenis teks

Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek Mengembangkan kosakata, tata bahasa terkait topik

Health 1


Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount 3 4 5 6 7 8 Table 2


Standar Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar

Indikator Uraian Materi /


No. Soal


5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingungan sekitar Merespon makna dan langkah Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Makna gagasan

Friendship 21





retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount Makna tekstual dalam teks descriptive dan recount Langkah retorika teks descriptive dan recount Tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive dan recount Ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive dan recount Membaca

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingungan sekitar

Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Makna gagasan Makna tekstual dalam teks descriptive dan recount Langkah retorika teks descriptive dan recount

Travelling 34





dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount Tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive dan recount Ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive dan recount Membaca

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingungan sekitar

Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan Makna gagasan Makna tekstual dalam teks descriptive dan recount Langkah retorika teks descriptive dan recount Tujuan komunikatif teks descriptive dan recount Ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive dan recount

Health 24


15.The Research Instrument

The research instrument plays an important role to collect the data. The instrument

used in this research is an objective test and the writer used an objective test, multiple-choice

type. The tests can be scored objectively and can measure learning out come directly.

In this research, the test considered of 40 items which consists of 20 items in

vocabulary with multiple choices type and 20 items in reading comprehension with multiple

choices type. In multiple choices there are four alternatives include one correct answer and

three wrong answers. There are six passages and from each passage the writer makes a

question on reading comprehension including question of main idea, detail, not detail and

inference. The test of vocabulary is not only based on the contents of the passage in the text

book but also taken from another book which is correlated to their study and syllabus.

To avoid the invalid question from these tests, the writer takes all questions that have

significant correlation with the students’ compulsory book, like The Bridge English

Competence for SMP grade VIII, Yudhistira, Ringkasan Materi dan Bank Soal Bahasa

Inggris untuk SMP/ MTs kelas VII, VIII dan IX, Yrama Widya and Seri Pendalaman Materi

Bahasa Inggris SMP dan MTs, ESIS. So the questions of the test calculated are relevant to

the objective of the course.

16.Technique of Data Analysis

To find out the influence of the students’ achievement in vocabulary to their reading comprehension ability, the writer uses a Person Product Moment Correlations. The

correlation technique is an analysis technique to evaluate hypothesis concerning correlation

between two variables that are examined statistically.

In the correlation technique, the variables are compared to know whether the

correlation is very significant or it only happen by chance. The formula of Product Moment

Correlation is28:


xy = N ( XY ) – ( X ) . ( Y )

[ N X² - ( X )² ] . [ N Y² - ( Y )² ]




xy : The number of index correlation ‘r’ product mean N : The number of respondent

XY : The sum of multiplication between deviation of variable X scores and deviation of variable Y scores

X : The sum of X score Y : The sum of Y score

X² : The sum of squares of vocabulary scores Y² : The sum of squares of reading scores

D. Research Finding

1. The Description of Data

As it has been mentioned in chapter one, the writer conducted both library research

and field research. He held field research by taking the scores of 40 students randomly and

analyzed those scores in order to find out whether there is any correlation of students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension ability by using the Pearson r formula.

So, in total there are 40 scores because the samples had 2 set of scores.

The first score is vocabulary that consists of 20 items and the second one is reading

comprehension that also consists of 20 items, the scoring is 5 for each correct answer and 0

for the wrong answer. The data of vocabulary and reading test score result can be seen in the


Table 3

Score of Students’ Vocabulary Tests

NO. Name X

1 Ade Agus Maulidi 85

2 Ahmad Baihaqi 65

3 Ahmad Reza Sidqi 75

4 Ahmad Yamani 70

5 Akhmad Dzuhri 85

6 Alfi Syahri 80

7 Andhita Rachmawati 70

8 Chairiyah 65

9 Dimas Rizky Fauzan 90

10 Dina Atra Sina 75

11 Dwi Merdekasari 60

12 Dyta Medina 70

13 Fachrul Rozi 70

14 Fitri Febriani 65

15 Ida Faridah 65

16 Jeffry Irwansyah 85

17 Khoirun Nisa Halfa 60

18 Lukman Hakim 80

19 Maisaroh 70

20 Mishfa Afifa 70


22 Muhammad Sahrudin 85

23 Naila Qonita 90

24 Noerdiana 65

25 Nur Ani Kurniyati 60

26 Nur Aziziah 80

27 Nur Cholis 85

28 Nurul Avivah 65

29 Nurul Jannah 70

30 Panca Prasetyo 65

31 Rian Saputra 65

32 Rieke Ardiana Saputri 75

33 Rizky Reza Afriyanto 85

34 Sumaya 65

35 Trisna Surya Ekatama 90

36 Yuliana Putri 75

37 Zairinah 70

38 Zaki Firmansyah 60

39 Zakiah 60

40 Zulkifli 85


Table 4

Score of Students’ Vocabulary Test From the High Score to the Low Score

NO. Name X

9 Chairiyah 90

23 Muhammad Sahrudin 90

35 Sumaya 90

1 A. Ferdi 85

5 Ahmad Yamani 85

16 Ida Faridah 85

22 Muhammad Rio 85

27 Nur Aziziah 85

33 Rieke Ardiana Saputri 85

40 Zulkifli 85

6 Akhmad Dzuhri 80

18 Khoirun Nisa Halfa 80

21 Mishfa Afifa 80

26 Nur Ani Kurniyati 80

3 Ahmad Baihaqi 75

10 Dimas Rizky Fauzan 75

32 Rian Saputra 75

36 Trisna Surya Ekatama 75

4 Ahmad Reza Sidqi 70

7 Alfi Syahri 70

12 Dwi Merdekasari 70

13 Dyta Medina 70

19 Lukman Hakim 70

20 Maisaroh 70

29 Nurul Avivah 70

37 Yuliana Putri 70

2 Ade Agus Maulidi 65


14 Fachrul Rozi 65

15 Fitri Febriani 65

24 Naila Qonita 65

28 Nur Cholis 65

30 Nurul Jannah 65

31 Panca Prasetyo 65

34 Rizky Reza Afriyanto 65

11 Dina Atra Sina 60

17 Jeffry Irwansyah 60

25 Noerdiana 60

38 Zairinah 60

39 Zaki Firmansyah 60

Total Score 2930


N=40 Mean X 73,25

Table 5

Score of Students’ Reading Tests

NO. Name Y


2 Ahmad Baihaqi 70

3 Ahmad Reza Sidqi 75

4 Ahmad Yamani 80

5 Akhmad Dzuhri 85

6 Alfi Syahri 80

7 Andhita Rachmawati 65

8 Chairiyah 70

9 Dimas Rizky Fauzan 85

10 Dina Atra Sina 75

11 Dwi Merdekasari 60

12 Dyta Medina 70

13 Fachrul Rozi 75

14 Fitri Febriani 70

15 Ida Faridah 60

16 Jeffry Irwansyah 75

17 Khoirun Nisa Halfa 70

18 Lukman Hakim 75

19 Maisaroh 70

20 Mishfa Afifa 65

21 Muhammad Rio 75

22 Muhammad Sahrudin 80

23 Naila Qonita 85

24 Noerdiana 70

25 Nur Ani Kurniyati 65

26 Nur Aziziah 75

27 Nur Cholis 80

28 Nurul Avivah 70

29 Nurul Jannah 70

30 Panca Prasetyo 75

31 Rian Saputra 80

32 Rieke Ardiana Saputri 70

33 Rizky Reza Afriyanto 80


35 Trisna Surya Ekatama 90

36 Yuliana Putri 80

37 Zairinah 70

38 Zaki Firmansyah 65

39 Zakiah 70

40 Zulkifli 75


N = 40 Y =2945

Table 6

Score of Students’ Reading Test from the High Score to the Low Score

NO. Name Y

35 Sumaya 90

5 Ahmad Yamani 85

9 Chairiyah 85

23 Muhammad Sahrudin 85

4 Ahmad Reza Sidqi 80


22 Muhammad Rio 80

27 Nur Aziziah 80

31 Panca Prasetyo 80

33 Rieke Ardiana Saputri 80

36 Trisna Surya Ekatama 80

1 A. Ferdi 75

3 Ahmad Baihaqi 75

10 Dimas Rizky Fauzan 75

13 Dyta Medina 75

16 Ida Faridah 75

18 Khoirun Nisa Halfa 75

21 Mishfa Afifa 75

26 Nur Ani Kurniyati 75

30 Nurul Jannah 75

40 Zulkifli 75

2 Ade Agus Maulidi 70

8 Andhita Rachmawati 70

12 Dwi Merdekasari 70

14 Fachrul Rozi 70

17 Jeffry Irwansyah 70

19 Lukman Hakim 70

24 Naila Qonita 70

28 Nur Cholis 70

29 Nurul Avivah 70

32 Rian Saputra 70

34 Rizky Reza Afriyanto 70

37 Yuliana Putri 70

39 Zaki Firmansyah 70

7 Alfi Syahri 65

20 Maisaroh 65

25 Noerdiana 65

38 Zairinah 65


15 Fitri Febriani 60

Total 2945


Mean Y 73,625

Table 7

Score of Students’ Vocabulary and Reading Tests

NO. Name X Y

1 Ade Agus Maulidi 85 75

2 Ahmad Baihaqi 65 70

3 Ahmad Reza Sidqi 75 75

4 Ahmad Yamani 70 80

5 Akhmad Dzuhri 85 85

6 Alfi Syahri 80 80

7 Andhita Rachmawati 70 65

8 Chairiyah 65 70

9 Dimas Rizky Fauzan 90 85

10 Dina Atra Sina 75 75

11 Dwi Merdekasari 60 60


13 Fachrul Rozi 70 75

14 Fitri Febriani 65 70

15 Ida Faridah 65 60

16 Jeffry Irwansyah 85 75

17 Khoirun Nisa Halfa 60 70

18 Lukman Hakim 80 75

19 Maisaroh 70 70

20 Mishfa Afifa 70 65

21 Muhammad Rio 80 75

22 Muhammad Sahrudin 85 80

23 Naila Qonita 90 85

24 Noerdiana 65 70

25 Nur Ani Kurniyati 60 65

26 Nur Aziziah 80 75

27 Nur Cholis 85 80

28 Nurul Avivah 65 70

29 Nurul Jannah 70 70

30 Panca Prasetyo 65 75

31 Rian Saputra 65 80

32 Rieke Ardiana Saputri 75 70

33 Rizky Reza Afriyanto 85 80

34 Sumaya 65 70

35 Trisna Surya Ekatama 90 90

36 Yuliana Putri 75 80

37 Zairinah 70 70

38 Zaki Firmansyah 60 65

39 Zakiah 60 70

40 Zulkifli 85 75

Total 2930 2945

N=40 73,25 73,63

Based on the table above, the writer makes the calculation as follow:


Mx = X = 2930 = 73. 25

N 40

b. Determining Mean II (Reading ability) with formula:

My = Y = 2945 = 73. 63

N 40

c. Interval Data

From the table above, the data from the score test are:

Table 8 Table 9

Frequency of Vocabulary Frequency of Reading X frequency Y Frequency

90 3 90 1

85 7 85 3

80 4 80 7

75 4 75 10

70 8 70 13

65 9 65 4

60 5 60 2

Total N=40 Total 40 = N

Interval Data:


Table 10


interval frequency (f) X X² fX fX²

90-94 3 93 8649 279 25947

85-89 7 87 7569 609 52983

80-84 4 83 6889 332 27556

75-79 4 77 5929 308 23716

70-74 8 73 5329 584 42632

65-69 9 67 4489 603 40401

60-64 5 63 3969 315 19845


Table 11


interval frequency (f) X X² fX fX²

90-94 1 93 8649 93 8649

85-89 3 87 7569 261 22707

80-84 7 83 6889 581 48223

75-79 10 77 5929 770 59290

70-74 13 73 5329 949 69277

65-69 4 67 4489 268 17956

60-64 2 63 3969 126 7938

total N=40 FX= 3048 FX²=234040

d. Modus from the data:

Modus for vocabulary test is 65

Modus for Reading test is 70

e. Median of the data

Median for vocabulary test is = (70+70): 2 = 70

Median for Reading test is = (75+75): 2 = 75

f. Class Interval

1. Interval 60-64 the class interval is: 5 (this is sufficient score). Midpoint from interval

60-64 is: (60+64) : 2 = 124 : 2 = 62

2. Interval 65-69 the class interval is: 5 (this is sufficient score). Midpoint from interval

65-69 is: (65+69) : 2 = 134 : 2 = 67

3. Interval 70-74 the class interval is: 5 (this is sufficient score). Midpoint from interval


4. Interval 75-79 the class interval is: 5(this is sufficient score). Midpoint from interval

75-79 is: (75+79) : 2 = 154: 2 = 77

5. Interval 80-84 the class interval is: 5(this is sufficient score). Midpoint from interval

80-84 is: (80+84) : 2 = 164 : 2 = 82

6. Interval 85-89 the class interval is: 5 (this is sufficient score). Midpoint from interval

85-89 is: (85+89) : 2 = 174 : 2 = 87

7. Interval 90-94


Table 2
Table 3 Score of Students’ Vocabulary Tests
Table 4


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