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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan

By :


Registration Number : 2102121004






First of all, the writer would like to thank to the Almighty Allah SWT for

His blessings, so the writer is able to accomplish her thesis as a partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at the English

Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) in State University of Medan


In completing this thesis, the writer realized that she faced some problems

and she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got

a lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore, the writer

would like to express her gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature Department.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd, S.S, M.Hum., the Head of Education Program of English Department.

Drs. Willem Saragih, Dipl. Appl., M.Pd., her Thesis Consultant.  Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd., her Academic Consultant, and Dr.

Rahmad Husein, M.Ed,. the Reviewer and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Reviewer and also Indra Hartoyo, S.Pd, M.Hum., the Reviewer, the writer is also very grateful to all lecturers who have taught, Guided, and advised her throughout the academic


Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd and Pantes, the administration staff of English and Literature Department who always help the writer



 A special thanks is given to Muhammad Zubir Nasution, S.Ag., the principal of MTS Al-Jam’iyatul Washliyah and Evi Astuti, S.Pd., the English teacher who helped her during the research in the school, and

also for students in VIII-E and VIII-F for their attention and

participation during the research.

 Her beloved parents, Drs. Muhd Yunus and Syafniwati Marbun for their love, great support, pray, and financial support during

completion of her study.

 The writer’s special gratitude also goes to her dearest young sister,

Dede Nurul Hidayah who has given her a support to finish her study.  Her beloved friends during completing this thesis, Afsyah Trimida

Sari, S.Pd., Yuni Khairani, S.Pd., Nurlaila Amalia, S.Pd., Debbie Ivanalies Tampubolon, S.Pd., Rizki Apriliani Sitanggang, S.Pd., Ika Sari, S.Pd., Nita Wardani Siregar, S.Pd., Desi Jayantri, S.Pd., Muhammad Hanif Sikumbang, S.Pd., thank for the motivation and support. And all her friends in Dik B of English Education 2010.

 Special thank to Nurfitriani Padang, S.Pd., Arsi Zahiri, S.Pd., and Sosa Irza Yuliana, S.Pd., who never let down and love her so much. And all of those that can’t mentioned one by one, thank you for their

motivation, support, and also helping.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis can give contribution to the English

Education students and further pedagogical research.

Medan, September 2015

The Writer




A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 7

C. The Scope of the Study ... 7

D. The Objective of the Study ... 7

E. The Significance of the Study ... 7


A. Theoretical Framework ... 9

1. Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement ... 9

2. Approach, Method, Technique and Strategy...10

3. Reading ... 11

4. Reading Comprehension ... 12

a Reading Comprehension Process ... 12

1) Developing a textbase ... 13

2) Building a mental model ... 13

b Levels of Comprehension ... 14

1) Literal Comprehension ... 14

2) Interpretive Comprehension ... 14

3) Critical Comprehension ... 15

4) Creative Comprehension ... 15

c Strategies on Reading Comprehension ... 16

d Students Difficulties in Reading Comprehension ... 17

1) Appropriate Use of Background Knowledge .... 17

2) Vocabulary ... 17

c The Generic Structure and Language Features of Recount Text ... 23

4. Semantic Mapping Strategy ... 25

a. The Procedure of Semantic Mapping Strategy ... 26



c Classroom Application of Semantic Mapping

Strategy ... 29

1. Pre-Reading ... 30

2. During Reading ... 30

3. Post-Reading ... 31

B. Conceptual Frame Work ... 32

C .Hypothesis ... 33

C. Instrument for Collecting Data ... 36

D. Scoring the Test ... 36

E. The Procedure of Research ... 37

1. Pre-Test ... 37

2. Treatment Procedure ... 37

3. Post –Test ... 39

F. Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 39

1. Validity of the Test ... 39

2. Reliability of the Test ... 40

G. Technique for Analyzing Data ... 41

H. Statistical Hypothesis ... 42


A. Data ... 43

B. Data Analysis ... 46

1. Analyzing the data Using T-test Formula ... 46

2. The Testing Reliability of the Test ... 47

C. Testing Hypothesis ... 47

D. Research Finding ... 48


A: Conclusion ... 50

B: Suggestion ... 50





Table Page

Table 3.1 Randomized Group Pre-Test and Post-Test ... 34

Table 3.2 Specification of Test Item ... 36

Table 3.3 Treatment Procedure ... 37

Table 4.1 The Result of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Group ... 43





I.Appendix A ... 55

1. The List of Score Pre-Test and Post Test by Experimental Group ... 55

2. The List of Score Pre-Test and Post Test by Control Group ... 56

II. Appendix B ... 57

1.The Calculation of The Reliability of The Test ... 57

III. Appendix C ... 59

1.The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of Experimental Group ... 59

2. The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of Control Group ... 60

IV. Appendix D ... 63

1. Lesson plan of Experimental Group ... 63

2. Lesson plan of Control Group ... 80

V.Appendix E ... 96

1. Test for Experimental and Control Group ... 96

VI.Appendix F ... 106





A. The Background OF Study

There are four skills that must be mastered in English. They are speaking,

listening, reading and writing. In learning English, students can be a versatile

learner by mastering every language skills. One of the important skills that should

be mastered by the students is reading. Reading is one of the important skills to be

taught to students because through reading the students can get more information

from the text which can improve their knowledge. Reading is not only about

reading the words but also understanding the information from printed text.

According to Anthony, Pearson, and Rapheal (1993) as cited in Suci (2009:34) in

which reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic

interaction among the reader’s existing knowledge, the information suggested by

the written language, and the context of reading situation. Therefore, reading

means to find out the message or the required information that the writer puts in

the text as much as possible.

The essence of reading is comprehension. Reading comprehension is

process of readers combining information from a text and their own prior

knowledge to build meaning. Without comprehending the text, the readers do not

understand the text well and are not able to get the meaning from the text.

In Educational unit Educated Curriculum (KTSP) and written in the

standard competence in the syllabus of the second year of junior high school,



informally text in the forms of Narrative, Procedure, Descriptive, and Recount in

daily life context. Therefore, an ability to comprehend the text is one should be

mastered by the students in the second year of junior high school.

In fact, most of the students are not able to fulfill the expectation of the

curriculum. Based on the writer’s experience in teaching practice program (PPL),

the same case also at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Washliyah. Most of the students

are confused to read the text because according to them reading comprehension is

difficult to do because the students are lack of vocabulary and the students are

difficult to get idea in comprehending the text.

It’s also in line with the writer researcher’s previous conducted in

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Washliyah grade VIII. It was found that most of the

students get difficulties in comprehending a text. Regarding this, the students have

problem in understanding the words and sentences in the text. They do not know

how to activate and develop their prior knowledge. And also the reading method

that is used by the teacher was not effective. The teacher usually asked the

students to translate whole reading material and to answer the question given by

the teacher. In short, the students get bored and lazy to study English.

Considering the condition above, the writers wants to try to carry out

research in teaching reading. In order to make teaching and learning process

interesting and effective, teachers need a good technique, method, or strategy in

teaching reading. By using an appropriate technique, method, or strategy, it is



The strategy that can be applied in improving students’ achievement in reading is

Semantic Mapping Strategy.

Semantic Mapping Strategy can be described as a web like graphic

display. According to Antonnaci (1991:174), Semantic Mapping is a visual

representation of knowledge, a picture of conceptual relationship. It means that

semantic mapping can be a visual representation of knowledge that support

students to create their own understanding of certain text into their own work by

drawing a figure, table or chart which represent the content of the text. And Zaid

(1995:6) said that, “the students who use semantic mapping manifest considerable

improvement reading comprehension, written expression and vocabulary

development. It means that not only students’ reading comprehension will be

improved by the application of semantic mapping but also the students’ writing

ability. It can also be used in teaching other skills such reading and writing

because it displays the interrelationships among ideas. And the writer believes that

by using semantic mapping strategy in teaching reading and by choosing Recount

Text as the target text in the research will develop students’ comprehension in


Previous researchers have investigated this Semantic Mapping Strategy in

order to improve students’ reading comprehension. Improving Students’ Reading

Comprehension Through Semantic Mapping Strategy has been done by Muhtar

(2010). The research was done SMP Negeri 1 Sine. The researcher found that

more than 50% of the students cannot achieve the minimum completeness criteria



comprehending English texts and they got difficulties in identifying the implicit

and explicit information of the text. At the end of the research, after applying the

Semantic Mapping Strategy, the students’ achievement in reading comprehension

is improved.

And another research was conducted by Kumala (2013) on The

Effectiveness of Using Semantic Mapping Strategy in Teaching Reading

Comprehension of Narrative Text of Eight Grade students’ at SMP Negeri 6

Semarang (2012/2013). The researcher used pre-experimental design in this study,

which single group post-test only design. The researcher found that most of

students had a difficulty in comprehend reading a passage. Most of students could

read the passage well but they did not understand the content of the text. At the

end of the research after applying the Semantic Mapping Strategy it was helped

the students more actively engaged in learning and their result of her research

showed that the mean score of experimental class which was taught by using

Semantic Mapping Strategy was higher than control class which was taught

without Semantic Mapping Strategy.

In this study, the writer reuses this strategy. Here, the writer will research

whether there is a contribution of Semantic Mapping Strategy to second grade of

junior high school students in reading recount text. If it is compared with previous

researchers as the writer mentioned above, it is very clear that there are some

differences between the study of the writer and the previous researchers. The

differences are genre of text that is used and the sample or students that will be



high school students. Based on syllabus of junior high school, recount text is used

for the second grade of junior high school students whether in the second semester

in improving students' reading comprehension. Muhtar (2010) had researched the

second grade of Junior high school students and only focused on Descriptive text.

Kumala (2013) applied this strategy for Eight grade of junior high school students

and focused on narrative text.

In this case, it is very clear that the level of comprehension among students

of junior high school is different. The previous researchers had successfully

conducted a study of junior high school students by using the same strategy but

different genre of the text and it has been proven that there is a contribution of

Semantic Mapping Strategy in improving students' reading comprehension.

Hence, the writer wants to prove whether Semantic Mapping Strategy can provide

a significant improvement especially in reading comprehension of recount text of

second grade junior high school students.

In this study, the writer chooses recount text as a genre of the text that will

be researched. Reading a recount text is a boring activity for the students. There

are so many an unfamiliar words or vocabularies and it makes the students feel

confused. They have to depend on the dictionary to know the meaning of words. It

seemed to be boring for them. As a result, they stop finding the meaning in the

dictionary. They spend most of their time to find the meaning of the words than

understand what the text talks about. Besides that, the teachers do not care about

the prior knowledge and understanding the students’ reading comprehension of



fact, the students have a different prior knowledge of the text. For example, one of

the students has a good prior knowledge to comprehend the text. The other

students have no ideas about the text. But, the teacher considers that all of the

students have the same prior knowledge. So, it just part of the students can

understand about the text. The other students are difficult to comprehend the text

and to conclude the ideas of the text. As a result, students lose their pleasure in

reading recount text. It becomes a tedious activity for the students. In this case,

Semantic Mapping Strategy can help the students to comprehend the text easily,

build vocabulary or unfamiliar word. Semantic Mapping Strategy can be used to

help students in comprehending the recount text. Semantic Mapping Strategy

serves as a way to develop the topic of the text through active students’ prior

knowledge’s students that related to the topic. The writer chooses this strategy

because this strategy can develop the students’ thinking skills and reading


In relation to the problem, the writer gives a suggestion to the teacher to

use the suitable strategy in teaching reading. Therefore, the writer would like to

use an alternative strategy by choosing “Semantic Mapping” to improve students’

achievement in reading. Semantic Mapping is a helpful strategy for the students

who want to expand their ideas or comprehend the text. It can also avoid bored of

passive students, and make them more enjoyable because Semantic Mapping can

build the connections and establish the association between the students and the



B. The Problem of Study

Based on the previous discussion in background of the study, the research

problem is formulated as follows: “Is there any significant effect of applying

Semantic Mapping Strategy on students’ achievement in reading Recount Text?”

C. The Objective of Study

The objective of this study is to find out the significant effect of applying

Semantic Mapping Strategy on students’ achievement in reading Recount Text.

D. The Scope of Study

The research is focused on Semantic Mapping Strategy on students’

achievement, and the type of text to be research on is only recount text.

E. The Significances of Study

The study is conducted in order to know about Semantic Mapping Strategy

and the findings are expected to have both theoretical and practiced importance to

the English teacher, students and the next researchers.

1. Theoretically, this study is to increase the theories for teaching reading,

especially for junior High School level.

2. Practically, this study are expected to:

a. Help to students to increase their reading skill



c. Make students more active in managing their lesson in their teaching

learning process.

d. Provide the English teachers to plan and conduct a better and

interesting strategy in learning process.

e. Make the teacher knows and understands the characteristics of his

students, so he can handle during teaching learning process well.

f. The next researchers as a candidate of the teacher could help to apply a





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, it was concluded that there was significant effect

of teaching reading by applying Semantic Mapping Strategy on students’ reading

comprehension achievement. The score of the students who were taught by

applying Semantic Mapping Strategy was higher than the score of students who

were taught without applying Semantic Mapping Strategy. It was proved by the

result of t-test. The result of the t-test calculation showed that t-observed value

(3.4) was higher than t-table value (1.990) with α = 0.05 and df =78, which

implies that the alternative Hypothesis is accepted.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, some suggestions can be recommended for:

1. English teachers should be creative so they can improve their ability in teaching reading by using suitable strategy to increase students’ reading

comprehension. In this case, Semantic Mapping Strategy which is help the

teacher and the students work together to developed understanding of the

text, so that the students can comprehend what they had read.

2. Students should be more active and cooperative when they learn about a text

by using Semantic Mapping Strategy because it will help them become

more independent readers, capable of handling increasingly sophisticated



3. Other researchers to conduct further study dealing with Semantic Mapping




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