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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh





By Halusah

Theoretically, learning English vocabulary is complete since this particular element of the target language has many components to scrutinize. They are, among others, components dealing with to do part of speech such as, noun, verb, adjective, and verb. It is very common that most of learners are not succesful in developing their vocabulary, especially in class seventh of Nurul Islam Jati Agung South Lampung.

The objectives of the research were to find out whether the pictures cards was applicable to improve the students vocabulary achievement especially in noun and verb and to increase the students’ participation during teaching learning process while pictures cards was implemented. The research was conducted at SMP Nurul Islam. The subjects of the research were students of the seventh grade in academic year 2013/2014 which consisted of 25 students.

This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation and interpretation, analysis and reflection. The researcher used two indicators in this research. They were learning process and learning product. For learning process the indicator is 80% of the students actevely involved in teaching learning process. For learning product the indicator is 60. In the students’ vocabulary test in cycle 1, there were 15 students (60%) could get score of ≥ 60. Meanwhile, in the students’ vocabulary test in cycle II, there were 21 students (84%) could get score of ≥ 60 and passedKKM in the second cycle.For the learning process, the students’ participation during the teaching learning process, in cycle I there were 15 students (60%) who did activity in teaching learning process. Meanwile in the cycle II there were 18 Students (84%) who did activity in teaching learning process.






A Classroom Action Research

Subbmited in a Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for S- 1 Degree


The language and Arts Depertement of

Teacher Training and Education Faculity




Halusah is the fourth child to five children of a handsome father, Komerdo and beautiful

mother, Sumini. He was born in Margadadi on 09 of Fubruary 1990 Jati Agung south


When he was 7, he went to school at SDN 3 Margadadi, South Lampung in 1997. Then, in

2003 he continued his study at SMP Piri Margadadi and graduated in 2005. After graduating

from Junior High School. He enrolled in Senior High School of PIRI Margadadi and

graduated in 2008.Then, he went to Jakarta to work for two year. He continued his study in

Diploma 3 at Dian Cipta Cendikia (DCC) and graduated in 2010.

In 2011, he taught at SMP Nurul Islam Jati Agung South Lampung until now. In 2012, he

continued his study at Lampung University. He joined S- 1 English Education Study



I would like to dedicate my script to :

My mother Sumini and father Komerdo

My brother and my young sister

Sugresno, Daroyo and Prastika and Pujiyanti.

My friends



Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, aim for excellence



Prise to Allah SWT, That the writer is able to complete his scripsi “Improving Students’

Vocabulary Mastery Through Pictures Cards at the Seventh Grade of SMP Nurul Islam South

Lampung”. This script is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing the S-

1 degree at the Departement of Language and Arts of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty, University of Lampung.

This script will never come to existence without any support, ancouragement and guidance

from several dedicated persons. The writer is highly indepted to both his advisors, Dr. Ari

Nurweni, M.A, his first advisor and Drs. Dedi Supriyadi, M. Pd., his second advisor who

gave their assistance and guidance in the writing process of this script,and also Drs. Huzairin,

M. Pd. As examiner.

He also would like to address his thankfulness to the Headmaster of SMP Nurul Islam Jati

Agung South Lampung, Aisyah,S. Pd. And English teacher, Imam Saputra, S, Pd. for their

guidance and suport during the research. His appreciation is also extended to the students of

SMP Nurul Islam for their participation and involvement during the process. His sincere


beloved big family for their constant encouragment and motivation to him to finish this


Last but not least, l would also like to express my thankfulness and indebtedness to my

parents who have prayed and supported me during my study.

Bandar Lampung, January 2015

The writer,






Table 1.The frequency of students’ vocabulary Pre Test……….. 29

Table 2.The frequency of students Who Achieved Indicator Pre Test…….. 30

Table 3.The frequency of students’ vocabulary mastery in cycle 1………. 31

Table 4.The Frequensi of Students Who Achieved Indicator in cycle 1…. 32

Table 5.The Number and Percentage of Students

Joining Each Activity in Cycle I………. 33

Table 6. The Frequency of Students Vocabulary Mastery in Cycle II…….. 42

Table 7.The Frequency of Students Who Achieved Indicator in Cycle II… 42

Table 8. The Number and Percentage of Students

Joining Each Activity in Cycle II ………. 42

Table 9. The Frequency of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Through Pictures Cards Technique in Cycle I and Cycle II……... 48

Table 10. The Frequency of Students’ Participation

in Teaching Learning Process In Cycle I and Cycle II…………... 49

Table 11. The total Number of Students’ Right Answer of Each Type of

Vocabulary in cycle I and cycle II ……….. 50

Table 12. The Frequency of Students’ Participation

in Teaching Learning Process in Cycle I and Cycle II………... 52





This chapter discusses about background of the problem, statement of the

problem, purpose of the the study, uses of the research, scope of the study,

significance of the study,and definition of key term.

1.1 Background of the Problem

English is one of foregn languages for Indonesian students, that must be

learned in school since the kindergarten level until the university level. English is

considered as a difficult subject forin Indonesian students, because English is

completely different from Indonesian language looked from the system of

structure, pronuncation and vocabulary. Almost all countries have adapted English

as a compulsory subject at schools. People realize that teaching English at this

level becomes very important and needs much concern.

Vocabulary is a complex aspect in learning a language, including English as a

foreign language. This is true, because vocabulary has some elements, to be

purposely achieved in order to be able to use them in real communication. The

aspects in teaching learning vocabulary are spelling, meaning, pronuncation, use



For the seventh grade, learning vocabulary is the first step in learning language

skill. It is impossible to learn a language without vocabulary, learning a language

means learning its vocabulary. It shows that vocabulary is one of language

components that cannot be separated in learning language. From the explanation

above, vocabulary means the words used to communicate effectly.

For junior high school students of Nurul Islam JatiAgung, especially at the

seventh grade of Nurul Islam learning English is difficult. They get poor scores in

vocabulary tests. It happened because they do not have adequate vocabulary and

the students in class are passive in following the activity in teaching learning


According to Fries (1974: 4) Vocabulary divided into four types, these are content

words, function words, substitute words and distributed words. From these types

of English vocabulary, the content words (nouns and verbs) were taken as the

material in teaching vocabulary. In memorizing world list, students cannot

remember the words immediately, but it needs a process, after remembering the

words from the list words, students are able to remember them. The lack of

students’ vocabulary is also caused by the lack of strategy to arouse their attention

and motivation to study. In addition, an alternative way of teaching vocabulary is

really needed. The researcher realizes that an interesting way can encourage

students to learn vocabulary more easly. There are many ways, which can be used

to develop students’ vocabulary achievement, such as flashcard, game, picture,



students’ vocabulary mastery especially pictures cards, because through picture

students discover and intreat with their environment. Picture makes the foreign

language immediately useful to the students.

Language is means of communication that it made up of sentences that convey

meaning. At school, learning language means learning its vocabulary. It means

that vocabulary takes an important part in language in which the vocabulary will

make a language meaningful. Moreover, Setiyadi (2006) states that structure and

vocabulary seem to be the heart or foreign language learning. Vocabulary is a

very essential part in learning language, because to be able to master a language

we automatically have to master in vocabulary.

Because English is so widely spoken, and while it is not an official language in

most countries, it is currently the language most often taught as a foreign

language. As foreign language in Indonesia, English has been officially taught

since 1967 under deceition of Minister of Educational and Cultural. In the present

time, English language has been introduced since the level of elementary school

or even in play groups. It is also a compulsory foreign language taught in junior

high school and senior high school.

Students of elementary school particularly, are young learner. As young learners,

children are better than adults when tempting to learn foreign language. As in the

common observation, memory ability of every young child seems to be

unparalleled, in that they can absorb phenomenal data. It seems that children tend

to rely more on memory. Therefore it is important to introduce and teach English



There are four skills in English, those are listening, speaking, reading and writing.

But before learning any further about the four skills, it isneccesary to know the

vocabulary. Napa (1991:6) states that vocabulary is one of the language

components and that no language exists without words. Learning new words or

vocabulary is important part of learning new language. Even children learning

their native tongue usually learn isolated words or phrases before them together

into more complex utterances. Learning some words and phrases in a new

language allows people to start communicating at once. Wilkins (1983:3 ) says

that without grammar little thing can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing

can be conveyed. So, as beginners of language learners, learning vocabulary is the

first step on learning English language.

Knowing that young language learners seem to pick up another language very

quickly just by exposure, media are needed to be used in the classroom. There are

many media that can be used for teaching vocabulary, for example using games,

song lyrics, and even pictures. Pictures especially are believed very effective to

improve students’ vocabulary. Picture is visual, it is very effective to stimulate

the eagerness of students in learning language. Using pictures in teaching and

learning will help students pay attention to things they have not seen, which one

related to their subject. Teachers can use any picture like posters, paintings or any

printed pictures as they are very easy to find. As a good teacher we can filter kinds

of pictures that are appropriate and related to the topics chosen before they study

in the classroom. Appropriate and interesting pictures are very effective for



Therefore, based on the assumption that pictures cards can improve students’

vocabulary in the level of Junior High School, especially at the seventh grade

students of Nurul Islam Jati Agung South Lampung.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based on the background above, the researcher would like to answer the following

question below:

1. Can the use of pictures cards improve English vocabulary mastery for

theseventh grade students ofSMP Nurul Islam Jati Agung?

2. How is the implementation of teaching vocabulary by using pictures cards?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is as follows:

1.To find out whether the use of pictures cards can improve the students’

vocabulary mastery atthe seventh grade students of SMP Nurul Islam Jati


2. To see the process of the teaching vocabulary by using pictures cards.

1.4 Uses of the Research

This result of the research can be used as follows :

Theoretical uses :

1. To verify the previous theory dealing with the theories of pictures cards.

2. To support and extend the previous theory about pictures cards in teaching




1. To develop students’ achievement by using pictures cards

2. As a help to students in improving their vocabulary

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of this research needs to be elaborated as following to avaid miss

perception dealing with this reearch. The subjects of this reserch at the seventh

grade students of SMP Nurul Islam Jati Agung South Lampung which consists of

25 students. This research was conducted in the second semester of the academic

year 2013/2014. This class was taken as the subjects because most of the students

of this class have already learned basic vocabulary in their extra curriculum class

and most of them failed in doing vocabulary test in middle test, because they have

a little vocabulary mastery. This research was conducted to improve the students’


In this research, the writer limited teaching vocabulary about content words,

which consist of noun and verb. The researcher proposed to focus only on noun

and verb in this research, because content words werethe most important parts of


1.6 Significance of The Study This study is hoped to be useful to:

a. Encourage the English teachers to use many kinds of picture in teaching

English for vocabulary.



c. Give more experience or input for readers that pictures can be used as a

technique in teaching English vocabulary.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding of some words in this research, it is important

to give some explanations or definitions as follows:

1. Picture

Picture is a representation (as Person, landscape, and building) on canvas, paper,

or other surfaces produced by printing, drawing, ore photography (Webster,


2. Media

In the development of education and technology, a teacher must potentially have

enough knowledge about teaching aids (Arsyad, 2006). He also said that teaching

media are equipment phsyically used to deliver a lesson such as book, tape

recorder, film, slide, picture, graphic, television, computer, etc. Moreover, media

are components of learning sources that motivated students to learn.

3. Vocabulary

According to Aeborsold and Field (1997) classified vocabulary into active and

passive vocabulary.

a. Active vocabulary refers to put items, which the learner can use appropriately

speaking or writing and it is also called as productive vocabulary.

b. Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and

understood in the context of reading or listening and also called as receptive





This chapter discusses about concept of vocabulary, concep of teaching

vocabulary, technique of teaching vocabulary, prosedure of teaching vocabulary

through pictures cards, the advantages of pictures cards for teaching vocabulary.

2.1 Concept of Vocabulary

Vocabulary as one of the language aspects has to be learned when people

are learning a language. Good mastery of vocabulary is important for anyone who

learn the language used in listening, speaking, writing and reading besides

grammar. A learner of the foreign language will speak fluently and accurately,

write easily, or understand what he or she hears if he or she has read or hear if

heor she has enough vocabulary and has a capability of using it accurately.

According to Carrier (1982 ) When a student has mastered the foudamental

grammatical patterns of language, his next task is to master its vocabulary, or at

least that of its vocabulary that he need. It is obvious that vocabulary is very

important is learning a language, especially English, because the English

vocabulary is extremely large and varies as well. Therefore, it is highly essential



Vocabulary is considered as the most important part on learning a language. It is

impossible for the students to read, write and speak a foreign language without

having enough knowledge of vocabulary. Learning the new vocabulary does not

only mean memorizing the form of the word but also understanding its meaning.

Generally, vocabulary is a set of lexeme including a simple word, compound

word, and idiom. Lamb (1963) defines a simple word as a single word that may or

may not have a perfix and / or sufffix, for exemple: wings, colors, and honey, etc.

While a compound word is a joined from two or more other words.Trask

(1999:120) also says that compound word may be written as one word, two words

or as hyphenate word. Idiom is a group of words with a meaning which is

different from the individual words and often difficult to understand from the

individual words.

Vocabulary is such a crucial thing for everyone that needs to be learned in order to

understand someone else’s utterance. Napa (1991:6) states that vocabulary is one

of the language components and that no language exists without words.

Meanwhile, Harimurti (1999:6) states that vocabulary is a component of language

containing information about the meaning and the using of word in language.

Learning vocabulary plays an important contribution in learning a language,

which must be considered by the teacher in order to be careful in selecting

vocabulary that will be taught. Teacher must decide which word to be taught since



In any activity of learning language, students are trying to use the language by

using vocabulary into certain sentences in order to be able to communicate and

transfer their ideas. Wilkins (1983:3) says that without grammar little things can

be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. We can understand

the language even if we know nothing about grammar. Besides that, the language

will tell us nothing, if we do not know anything about vocabulary.

In teaching vocabulary for junior high school students, teacher have important

task in introduce new words. Learning vocabulary plays an important contribution

in learning a language which must be considered by the teacher in order to be

careful in selecting the vocabulary that will be taught. Teacher must decide which

words should be taught since there are many kinds of words that belong to types

on vocabulary.

There are some types of vocabulary in English. Fries ( 1974:4 ) classifed English

words into four groups, namely:

1. Content Words which are classified into four types,

a. Noun (butterfly, legs, wings, etc.). The examples in the sentences:

1. Butterfly has many colors

2. Kangaroo lives in the forest

b. Verb (fly, eat, run, etc.). The examples in the sentences:

1. Butterfly can fly

2. Kangaroo can jump



1. It is a beautiful animal

2. Kangaroo is big animal

d. Adverb for instance: adverb of frequency (seldom, always, sometimes), adverb

of degree (too, fairly, quite), adverb of manner (carefully, beautifully), adverb of

time (now, yesterday, last week), adverb of place (here, there). The examples in

the sentences:

1. Kangaroo is jumping now

2. Butterfly is seldom in the forest.

2. Functional words

Functional words are those words which are used as a means of expressing

relation of grammar structure, such as conjuction (and, but, etc.) articles (a, an,

the,) and auxiliaries (do, does, did).The examples in the sentences:

1. Vina and Ria like butterfly because it has beautiful colors

2. Kangaroo has a long tail

3. Do you love animals?

3. Substitute words

Substitute words are, which representto individual things or specific action, but

function as substitute for whole form classes of words. Indefinite article (anyone,

somebody, and someone). The examples in the sentences:

1. Someone who playing football is my brother

2. Anyone who like job is a work heard

4. Distributed words

Grammatically, distributed words usually show grammatical restriction and



1. Do you have any problem?

2. Kangaroo is a big animal too

In this research the writer only focused on vocabulary classified into the content

words ( noun and verb) because content words is easy to understand for the junior

high school students and the most important part of speech.

2.2 Concept of Teaching Vocabulary

Mastering English vocabulary is very important in order that we can

communicate with others. Vocabulary is also an important factor in all language.

There are some important points to be considered in teaching vocabulary. These

are spelling, meaning, and pronunciation. In this research, the researcher will take

about spelling and meaning.

In teaching vocabulary for junior high school students, the teacher must teach

three things. First, teacher must teach the shape, or form of the word. Second, the

teacher must teach the meaning of the word. Third, the teacher must teach that the

form and the meaning of the word together. According Harrmer (1991:154) states

“one of the problems of vocabulary teaching is how to select what word to teach”.

Meanwhile, Allen and Vallete (1983:116-117) state that teaching vocabulary can

be meaning full if the teacher can conduct the teaching process by combining the

available technique of teaching. It’s hope that a good technique will be more

enjoyable, interesting and motivating. So, the students will not be bored in the



2.3 Technique of Teaching Vocabulary

Sutarjo (1988:24) classifies there are five possible ways in technique of teaching

vocabulary, they are:

1. Teaching vocabulary through creativity

By using technique, the teacher allows the students to decide what they

want to learn. Teacher can make such as technique. This enables the

students to be creative in producing vocabulary, such as showing picture,

puzzle, providing key words, game, etc.

2. Teaching vocabulary through context clues

In this technique, the teacher can use a context clue in word recognition by

figuring out the meaning of a word based on the clues in the surrounding

context, for example by giving antonym, synonym, etc.

3. Teaching vocabulary through translation

This technique is considered as an ancient one. The teacher teaches the

meaning of the word through translation. The example, “animal” in

Indonesia is “binatang”.

4. Teaching vocabulary through guessing

In this technique, the teacher can encourage the students to guess the word

first and then consult it. To guess the right word, a student should have a

good rationale. The teacher can draw five pictures on the whiteboard, and

then the teacher pronounces a word.



This technique requires the teacher to involve the four classes of word on

the basis of their position of occurrences in English sentences pattern. The

teacher can give noun, verb, adjective and adverb.

According to five possible ways of teaching vocabulary above, in this research the

researcher take the teaching vocabulary through creativity. One of the techniques

in teaching vocabulary through creativity is picture, so picture is included in

teaching vocabulary through creativity.

2.4 Procedures of Teaching Vocabulary Through Pictures Cards The procedures of teaching vocabulary through pictures cards as follow:

1. The teacher greets the students

2. The teacher check the students’ attendance list

3. The teacher asks some question to students related to the material

4. The teacher divided students into five groups, one group consisted of five


5. The teacher showed pictures of material and asked the students mention

based pictures cards. The teacher asked students to spelling.

6. After that the teacher prepared two tables in the front class, right table and

left table. Right table is noun and left table is verb. It’s mean that, when

the teacher says

“Butterfly” the students take “butterfly picture” on the table and put it on



7. After that, teacher wrote all of vocabularies that had been learnt in the

whiteboard and pronounced them together.

8. Finally, teacher gives students vocabulary test

9. The teacher does a reflection by asking the students what they have learnt.

10. The teacher closes the meeting

The researcher used this procedure in teaching vocabulary through pictures cards.

The researcher assumed that pictures cards could be created good atmosphere in

the classroom that might motivate the students to sustain their interest and work in

learning language. So, the students paid more attention and could be master more

vocabulary in teaching learning activity.

2.5 The Advantage of Using Picture for Teaching Vocabulary The advantages of picture for teaching vocabulary mentioned as follows:



5. Using picture cards as class aid for teaching vocabulary can create long-term

memorization. Instead of learning vocabulary trough word memorization





This chapter discusses about the research method, such as: setting, research

procedure, indicator of the research, instrument and data analysis.

3.1 Setting

The Researcher, as the class teacher, conducted the research at the seventh grade

student of SMP Nurul Islam Jati Agung South Lampung. He took one of his

classes in which the students had lower average score and low motivation. They

also were not active when they were following English subject. Based on the

teacher’s experience during teaching learning process and result test in vocabulary

test, the teacher found problems such as incapability of the students in answer the

vocabulary test well. After finished the problems, he examined the problem

solution. The problem solution was teaching vocabulary through pictures cards.

This a classroom action research, the students problem was that most of them



because they have a little vocabulary mastery. Most of the students got poor score

when they did vocabulary test.

The reseacher and teacher decided to use pictures cards in teaching English to

increase the students’ vocabulary mastery. The pictures cards, which used in this

research related to the topic. The topic in this reserch are butterfly and kangaroo.

The subject of this research was the students at the seventh grade of SMP Nurul

Islam Jati Agung South Lampung. This class consisted of 25 students. Their

vocabulary are relatevely low. The standard score of KKM stated by SMP Nurul

Islam for English subject at the seventh grade is 60.

In this classroom action research the writer acted as a teacher and his collaborator

acted as a researcher. The writer made lesson plan and the teacher implemented

pictures cards in teaching vocabulary. After that, the researcher observed the



3.2 Research Procedure

This research was done in two cycles.The first cycles was conducted in line with

problem found in the pre- observation.Each cycle ( cycle 1 and cycle 2) of the

research consist of some stages, they are : Planing, Action, Observation and

Interpretation, Analysis and Reflection.

The Cycle Of The Classroom Action Research



1. Planing

The first step in this stage was identification of the problem. The researcher

identified the problem based on the researcher’s experience as the English teacher

in the classroom. Having found the problems, he formulated and analyzed the

problems that were important to be treatment. Then, the researcher made lesson

plan based on the formulation of the problem by using picture cards.

2. Action

After making lesson plan, the researcher as the teacher through the students by

pictures cards. In this activities, the teacher give some question related to the

material to develope the students’ mind to the material. After that, the teacher

explained the material related to the topic.

3. Observation and Interpretation

Observation and Interpretation were done during teaching learning process using

pictures cards in the class. The observation was done at the time same with the

action that had mentioned before. The research observed the students’ activity.

The researcher used observation sheet and interpreted the result of teaching

learning process.

4. Analysis and Reflection

The researcher analyzed the result of the class observation during and after

teaching learning process. This stage was done to see the weakness or strengs in



3.3 Indicator of the Research

The researcher used two indicators in this research, they were learning process

and learning product. They used to see whether pictures cards could be used to

improving the students’ ability in vocabulary. For learning process, the indicator

is 80% of the students’ actevely involved in teaching learning process and for

lerning product the indicator is 60%. It is based on the standard score of KKm

stated by SMP Nurul Islam for English lesson.

1. Learning process

To know the implementation of pictures cards during teaching learning process,

the researcher observed the whole activities in the classroom and filling the

observation form. The observation conducted to know the students’ activity

during the learning process and it was divided into three activity, they are: pre

activity, while activity, and post activity. In the pre activity, the aspect observed

were students’ interest in following the class and responding to the topic. In the

while activity, the aspect observed was students’ attention to the teacher

explanation, their respond to the teacher’s question and following the teacher’s

instruction. Meanwhile, in post activity, the aspect observed was the students’

ability in responding to the teacher’s question.

2. Learning Product

In line with the standard score KKM stated by SMP Nurul Islam for English

subject, the indicator of the learning product for seventh grade is 60. The



80% of the students get score 60 or higher in the test, it was assumsed that

pictures cards was able to faster the learning product.

3.4 Instrument

In getting data, the writer imployed two kinds of instrument. They are as follows.

1. Vocabulary Test

The first instrument used in getting the data taken from a vocabulary test. The

vocabulary test is chosen as the instrument because it require students to measure

their vocabulary achievement. Vocabulary test can also motivate the students to

improve their English. The researcher uses vocabulary test proposed by Heaton

(1991). The test assessed the students’ understanding and the students given

vocabulary test by choosing the correct answer.

2. Observation

Observation is data collection technique in which the activities of subject are

visually observed. The purpose of observation is to explain the situation being

investigated, activities, people, or involved in an activity andthe relationship

among them (Setiyadi,2006). Observation is done to get a clear image of a certain


The subject of this research was the seventh grade of SMP Nurul Islam Jati Agung

South Lampung. Observation was conducted during the teaching learning process.

The observer observed the process happening in the classroom. The observer



Table 1. Students’ observation checklis.

No Students’ activity Students’ code

Data analysis is processing of information or data that have been gathered in order

to draw conclusions. It is a process of organizing the data in order to gain form of

the research. In this research, the researcher validated his data by using learning

process and learning product.

Having collected the data from learning process and learning product, the

researcher analyzed the data based on the limitation of the problems. In analyzing

and interpreting the data, the first step that the researcher made abstraction of all

collected data. Then, selected the data that related to the research question and

classified them into one category. The last step made a report. The writer



3.5.1 Learning Process

In order to find out the learning process, the researcher analyzed one aspect,

namely students’ learning activities.

Students’ Learning activities

In analyzing the data from observation to students’ learning activities, the

researcher counted the number of activities done by the students and then

calculated the percentage of the students’s activities. The formula that was used is

as follows:

% A = A x 100% N


% A = Percentage of students’ activity

A = number of students’ activities observed

N = number of students in the class

3.5.2 Learning Product

In order to find out the learning product, the researcher used vocabulary test to



The researcher made multiple choices test based on the material. The researcher

give multiple choices test, to know the students’ vocabulary master after teaching

learning process.

In validating the data, the researcher used vocabulary test and observation sheet

about students’ activities. He analysis the data based on the limition of problem

and objectives of the research. To determine the subjects’ vocabulary test score,

the researcher directly act as judge or rater since the test was objective form. After

validating the data, the researcher determined averange score by using the formula

proposed by Hatch and Farhaddy (1982:55) as follows:

X = ∑X N


X = mean

∑X = students’ score

N = total number of students

After that, the average score at test 1 (cycle 1) was compared with the average

score at test II (cycle II).To calculate the number and the percentage who get ≥ 60,



Number of students who get ≥ 60

X 100% Total Number of Students

The vocabulary test used to know how many students can get 60 score. If least

80% the students’ get score 60 or higher in the test, it can be assumed that the

teaching learning using picture cards is successful. But if the students’ get score

60 is less than 80%, it means that the use pictures cards to improve students’

vocabulary is unsuccessful in cycle one. Therefore, the researcher decide to do the




5.1 Conclusion

Considering all data gathered from this classroom action research and the

discussion, the researcher has some conclusions as follows:

1. Pictures cards are able to increase students’ vocabulary mastery. It can be seen

from the results of the pre test and the post test. The results of the post test was

better than of the pre test.

2. a. Learning vocabulary by using pictures cards motivated students to learn

vocabulary. It can be seen from their enthusiasm during the teaching learning

process. They were very interested in the teaching learning process by using

pictures cards and they made the students active to answer the question in the


b. By implementing pictures cards, the students became more active in joining



5.2 Suggestion

Referring to the data in the previous chapter and the conclusions, some suggestion

are recommended:

1. It is suggested that English teacher suse pictures cards in teaching

vocabulary, since they can give better results than the explanation.

2. Using pictures cards in the teaching learning class caused noise in the

classroom and it can disturb other classes in the school, so it is

recommended for teachers to have a good management of the class to keep

the students in learning, for example controlling and helping the students



Aeborsold, Jo Ann. And Field, Mary Lee. 1997. FromReader to Reading Teacher. NewYork: Cambridge University Press.

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Table 1. Students’ observation checklis.


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