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Academic year: 2017



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( A Classroom Action Research)



The existence of vocabulary is considered important since it should be acquired to express or share ideas to other people effectively. Word Search Puzzle is regarded as one of the effective games in learning vocabulary. Nation (1074: 253) states that puzzles are teaching techniques, which brings the learners’ motivation. It combines teaching students’ definition by giving the students experience in writing the words they are learning, which is an effective part memorizing vocabulary.

The researcher experience is English teacher at Fourth Grade at SD N 1 Sukamulya South Lampung, it was revealed that the students could not do reading exercises well because they had lack of vocabulary. Most of them got difficulties in understanding the content of the text. They spent a long time to consult the dictionary to get the meaning of most of the words in the questions. It also happened that most of the students were reluctant to speak because of their limited number of vocabulary. They often felt frustrated when they were asked to tell or express something.

In line with the problems above, the researcher conducted a classroom action research at the fourth grade of SD N 1 Sukamulya South Lampung. The subject of this research was class IV which consist of 20 students. The teacher was the researcher. The objectives of this classroom action research are to find out whether word search puzzle game is able to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery especially in noun, verb and adjective to improve the quality of the teacher’s teaching performance and to improve the students’ participation during the teaching learning process while word search Puzzle game is implemented.


iii which covered the students’ participation during the teaching learning process and the teacher’s teaching performance. To collect the data of the learning product, the writer used vocabulary test as the instrument and to collect the data of the learning process, the write use observation checklist. The indicators showed that 70% of the students had to gain score 66 or more, the teacher had to reach score 80 in the teacher’s teaching performance and 80% of the students had to be actively involved 90% of the teaching learning process.

Student’s vocabulary scores at cycle 1 showed that only 8 students (40%) could get score > 66. Meanwhile, after cycle 2 had been conducted, there were 12 students (60%) who passed the KKM (KriteriaKetuntasan Minimal). Meanwhile, for teacher’s performance, the teachers achieved score 65 at cycle I, and achieved score 81 at cycle 2.







Classroom Action Research

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training an Education Faculty





Erna Septiana was born in Palas on September 11th,1991. She is the second of two children of Parmono (Alm) and Mutmainah. She has one brother, Muhammad Febrianto.

She had her Elementary school at SD N 1 Sukamulya and graduated in 2004. She continued her study at SMP PGRI 1 Palas and finished in 2007. In the same year she continued her study at SMA Negeri 1 Palas and graduated in 2010. After finishing her school, she decided to continue her study at English Department in Teaching Training and Education of DCC Bandar Lampung (D3 Program) and graduated in 2013. After that she continued her study to S1 Degree at English Education Program Teacher Training at Language and Education Faculty of University of Lampung and graduated 2015.



With love and appreciation , this script especially dedicated to.

My beloved father, Parmono (Alm) and mother, Mutmainah

My beloved, Sukamdhi, S.Pd who keep on praying for my success and life

My beloved brother

My beloved lecturers

My beloved friends




Educated generation is great Generation




Praise is merely to almighty god for gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enable the researcher to accomplish this research project. This paper is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing the S-1 degree at the Department of Language and Arts of Teacher and Training Education Faculty in the University of Lampung.

The recearcher would like to dedicate her gratitude and respect to Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A. Ph. D. and Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A. for being her first and second script advisors. She also extends her gratitude to Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd as her examiner. Her sincere appreciation is also due to Jumadi, S.Pd. the headmaster of SD N 1 Sukamulya who gave chance to for the researcher to conduct the research and managing the time of the research.

The write would like to give her deepest gratitude to her lovely father and mother and for being her inspiration in stepping her ways in this world, all family for their love, support and encouragement in finishing her study. She also wishes to thank her beloved friends in English Departement 2015 : Hayati, Melisa, Septi, Vivi, and all her omrades and her brother who have given countless beneficial experiences and admirable memories.

Hopefully, this script would give a positive contribution to the educational development or those who want to carry out further research.

Palas, March 2015 The writer,



2.1.Vocabulary for Elementary School ... 6

2.2. The Teaching of Vocabulary ... 7

2.2.1. Definition of Vocabulary ... 7

2.2.2. Types of Vocabulary ... 8

2.3. Technique for Teaching Vocabulary ... 9

2.4. Puzzle for Teaching Vocabulary ... 10

2.5.The Advantage and Disadvantage of Using Puzzle for Teaching Vocabulary .. 11

a. Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary Thought Word Search Puzzle ... 12


Research Method ... 15

3.1. Setting of the Research ... 15

3.2. Description of the Research ... 17


1. Planning ... 18

2. Implementation ... 18

3. Observation ... 18

3.4 Indicators of the Research ... 19

1. Learning Process ... 19

2. Learning Product ... 19

3.5. Instrument of the Research ... 20

3.6. Data Analysis ... 24


4.1 Result of The Research ... 25

1. Cycle 1 ... 25

a. Planning ... 25

b. Action ... 26

c. Result of Observation And Interpreted ... 30

d, Teacher Performance ... 36

e. Reflection ... 37

f. Recommendation of Revision for Cycle 2 ... 38

2. Cycle 2 ... 39

a. Planning ... 39

b. Action ... 40

4.2 Discussion ... 45


5.1 Conclusion ... 47

5.2 Suggestion ... 48 REFERENCE




Table Page

1. Table of Specification of Vocabulary Test ... 20

2. Student’s Observation Checklist ... 21

3. Observation Sheet For Teacher’s Performance ... 23

4. Student’s Vocabulary Score in Cycle 1 ... 31

5. Student’s Observation sheet in Cycle 1 ... 33

6. Student’s Observation sheet in Cycle 2 ... 42




Appendices Page

1. Lesson Plan of Cycle 1 (First Meeting) ... 49

2. Lesson Plan of Cycle 1 (Second Meeting) ... 52

3. Lesson Plan of Cycle 2 (First Meeting) ... 55

4. Lesson Plan of Cycle 2 (Second Meeting) ... 58

5. Observations Sheet of Students Activities in Cycle 1 ... 61

6. Observations Sheet of Students Activities in Cycle 2 ... 62

7. Students’ Vocabulary Score in Cycle 1 and 2 ... 63

8. Improvement of students vocabulary score from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2 ... 64

9. Students' Vocabulary Score ... 65

10.Students vocabulary achievement at Cycle 1 ... 66

11.Students vocabulary achievement at Cycle 2 ... 67

12.Students vocabulary achievement at Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 ... 68

13. Observation Checklist For Teacher’s Performance ... 69

14.Vocabulary Test Cycle 1 ... 70



In this chapter, the writer discusses about :Background of The Study, Statement of the Problems, Objectives of the Research,Scope of the Research, Definition of Key Terms.

A. Background of the Study

The purpose of teaching English language at school is develop the student’s

language skill. It means that after following a set of English instruction at school, the students should be able to use English for both spoken and written language production actively and effectively that is to communicate to each other by giving or receiving any information from the speaker to the writer to the audience or to the reader (the Guidelines of English of Specific Program, 1994)



can sometimes made learners frustrate when they have to remember or to memorize a list of new words at once. Schmite and Mc. Carthy( 1997 : 6) say that vocabulary has an important role in language skills. In the first case study in Indonesia, that type of vocabulary learning made the students bored, less motivate and cause lack of vocabularies and fluency.

Therefore , English is very important. Especially, in dialogue between foreigners. Because of that, English became an important thing to be learnt. But to students, English is difficult to learn. Therefore, the researcher tried to introduce new technique in order to made student easy to understand about English and it can made students enjoy when they follow the English subject.



Vocabulary plays an important role in learning English. As stated by Wallace (1988:9), vocabulary is the vital aspect of language. One should master a number of words to listen, speak, read or write something in English well. A small number of words can be used effectively to express an enormous number of ideas as in the case with speaking, it is important to get leaner be able to use a small productive vocabulary. Therefore, the mastery of adequate vocabulary was needed in using English written or oral texts.

They should be condition to be interest in English by introducing English when they are still in elementary school with a teaching technique and material which are able to arise their interest in learning English. Based on the background state previously, the researcher focuses her classroom action research on teaching vocabulary by Word Search Puzzle media in teaching vocabulary. It is hoped that the teaching learning process through by Word Search Puzzle media technique can increase student vocabulary achievement and the quality of teacher teaching performance.

B.Statement of the Problems

The research is conducted under 3 major questions. They are as follow:

1. Can the use of Word Search Puzzle improve students vocabulary mastery at Elementary School?



3. What problem do students find in learning vocabulary through Word Search Puzzle?

C.Objectives of the Research

Derived directly from the mentioned research questions above, the objectives of this research are:

1. To find out whether the use of Word Search Puzzle can significantly improve students vocabulary mastery at Elementary School.

2. To find out the students responses toward the use of Word Search Puzzle in improving their vocabulary mastery at Elementary School.

3. To find out the students problems in learning vocabulary.

D. Scope of the Research

The research is focuss on the use of Search Word Puzzle in improving students vocabulary, especially of noun and verb. Because research think this material easy and many example in we are around. The research is conducted at the Three grade students of SD Negeri 1 Sukamulya.

E. Definition of Key Terms

To avoid the drawback or misunderstanding of some words in this research, it is important to give some explanations or definitions as follows:



2. Improvement to become better than before ; to make something or somebody better than before. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

3. Vocabulary, according to Aeborsold and Field ( 1997 ) classified vocabulary into active and passive vocabulary.

a. Active vocabulary refers to put items, which the learner can be use appropriately speaking or writing and it is also called as productive vocabulary.

b. Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading or listening and also called as receptive vocabulary.




In this chapter, the writer discusses about :Vocabulary for Elementary School, The teaching of Vocabulary, The Advantage and Disadvantage of Using Puzzle for Teaching Vocabulary

2.1Vocabulary for Elementary School

Since mastering vocabulary is a process, it will be better if the process begins at the earliest stage that is since elementary school age; Scoot (1991:1-5) states that 5-7 years old area all at level one, the beginner stage. The 8-9 years old may also be at the beginner stage. Since the students in grade five are about 9-10 years old, in this case they are called beginner.



goal of KTSP. The government hopes that the implementation of English can increase human resource if the students master English for communication.

Furthermore, Pinnochiro (1974: 234 in Alwasilah (1985) administrates that mastery the language skill such as stated above, the language users should practice and doing as much exercise as possible. Because when the language users are able to produce the four skills, intelligibility he/she must be better in thinking and acting. It was clear now how the skills are related to each other, as well as they cannot be apart from vocabulary.

2.2. The Teaching of Vocabulary

Learning new words is important part of learning a new language. It was impossible to made sentences when speaking a language without knowing words/ vocabularies. Learning some words and phrases in a new language allows people to start communicating at once. Knowing vocabulary seems to be the basic things in learning language, even children learning their native tongue usually learn isolated words or phrases before piecing them together into more complex

utterance. ”The fact is that while without grammar very little can be conveyed,

without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (Wilkins ; 1972: 111).



2.2.1. Definition of Vocabulary

To understand vocabulary, below are the definitions:

a. Vocabulary is a component of a language that maintains all of information about meaning and using word in language. HarimurtiKridalaksana (1993:127) b.Vocabulary is one of important factors in all language teaching, students must

contunually be learning words as they learn structure. (Edward ;1997).

2.2.2. Types of Vocabulary

According to Nation in Rojali (2005:20) deals with vocabulary items consist of two types, receive vocabulary and productive vocabulary. Nation defines receptive vocabulary as word which can be recognized when it is heard (what is the sound like), when it is seen (what is it look like). In the other word, it knows all thing of that word. Meanwhile, productive vocabulary is word which is able to be pronounced, to be written, to be spelled, how to use grammatical pattern. However and whatever the terms are used by the language experts. It refers to recognition and production of word when the person does communication to the other; they usually refer to some meanings.

Another type of vocabulary items stated by Gorrel and Laird in Novalia (2007: 8) as almost everyone has at least four basic of vocabulary items” they are as follow :



b. Reading vocabulary. Types of vocabulary which allow to people to know and to use vocabulary little large speaking vocabulary.

c. Writing vocabulary, which includes the word in speaking vocabulary, pus other words that can call up. This stage is much larger than speaking and reading vocabulary.

d. Acquaintance vocabulary, the large vocabulary include speaking vocabulary, reading vocabulary and writing vocabulary it include also a considerable number of word which the owner has been seen or heard before but does not do know about his/her may remember about them so that he can usually guess heir meaning contextually.

2.3. Technique for Teaching Vocabulary

Harmer (1991: 154) states “one of the problems of vocabulary teaching is how to

select what word to teach”.Furthermore, Harmer (2001: 159) states “some which

the language teacher can use to encourage the students to really learn a word, i.e.

(1) active and passive, (2) interaction which word and (3) discovery techniques”.

a. Active and Passive Vocabulary

A distance frequently made between “active and passive” vocabulary active



vocabulary, which student can learn most of the early words will be constantly practiced and so can presumably be considered as active.

b. Interaction with Words

Experiment on vocabulary seems to suggest that students remember bet when they have actually done something with the words they are learning. However there is a define advantage in getting students to do more than just repeat them. Task such as changing them to means theirs opposites, making a noun, an adjective, putting

word together etc. help to fix the word in the learner’s minds. Then it seems that

we should get students to interact with words. We should get them to “adopt” word that they like and want to use. We should get them to do thing with word so that they become properly acquainted with them.

c. Discovery Techniques

Discovery techniques use with vocabulary material allows students to activate previous knowledge and to share what they know (if they are working others). They also provoked the kinds of interaction with words which we have said desirable.

2.4. Puzzle for Teaching Vocabulary



order and show the words hidden in the grid so you can quickly page through the list and find one that meets your needs. The words can be in several directions or only forward and down if you need something for the youngsters.

To view or print a History word search puzzle click on its title. Once you've clicked a title you see a link to separate answer grid page with hints for the teachers that show where the words start. Our most important instruction is that we want you to be sure to have fun while we learn. A puzzle consisting of letters arranged in a grid which contains a number of hidden words written in various directions.

Word search games, also know as word find games, are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling. Word search can be played online or users can create a printable word search.

2.5. The Advantage and Disadvantage of Using Puzzle for Teaching

Vocabulary 1. Advantages

a. Students are able to learn how to solve problem in which they are involved.



c. Game can created a big interest through realistic participation, because this game involves the students directly.

2. Disadvantages

a. The are interested in the game, not in the subject matter the game represent.

b. The game is time consuming.

c. The game requires only a few people to play.

a. Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary Thought Word Search Puzzle

Word search Puzzle it is the game of category word, where the students have to match pictures and words on the Word Search Puzzle paper. The game begins when the student match pictures and words on Word Search Puzzle paper . This game can be used at any level of student. It is based on the teachers material that will be given. They can exchange their knowledge about vocabulary by change the pictures. Therefore, it can make students easy to memorize the words and store

longer than study by using student’s worksheets or course books. Puzzle game is a



game by Word Search Puzzle media in teaching vocabulary as the technique of teaching a game as follows:

a. Pre- activity

1. The teacher greets the students

2. The teacher checks the attendance list.

3. The teacher involves the students in small talk to build up their schemata about material which is going to be discussed. For example: do you have

pet in your home”? what kind of cat do you have”?

b. While- activity

Explain the rule of game, there are a. Divide the students into many groups

b. Each group will be given picture and Word Search Puzzle paper in the correct answer.

c. If they have finished, the teachers will correct the answer students by change the picture.

d. If they have finished, the teachers will correct the answer students by change the picture.

e. Ask students to spell the words and know the meaning of other thems



c. Post- activity

a. Teacher reviews the vocabulary target including the spelling and the prononciation.



In this chapter, the writer discusses about : setting of the research, description of the research, research procedure, indicators of the research, and data analyzed.

3.1 Setting of the Research

In this research, the research was used classroom action research method. This research was done at the fourth grade of SDN 1 Sukamulya. The subject of this classroom action research is the students of the fourth grade in second It consist of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.




Reflecting CYRCLE 1 Implementing



Reflecting CYRCLE 11 Implementing




3.2 Description of the Research

The researcher identified, she examined the cause of the problem and tried to find the solution. The solution which was conducted is teaching vocabulary using Word Search Puzzle games. The researcher made lesson plan and taught student’s worksheet to the lesson plan. Then, the collaborator observed student’s activities

in teaching and learning process. Furthermore, the researcher and collaborator analyze and discuss the observation result during teaching and learning process. This research is conducted by the researcher and the English teacher of the first grade of Elementary School 1 Sukamulya South Lampung. A collaborator the researcher as the teacher made the lesson plan, taught the using the technique and conducted the evaluation. While the other teacher acted as the collaborator who observed the process of the teaching and learning in the classroom including student’s activity to be input for better process in further cycle. While the

researcher applies the vocabulary using Word Search Puzzle, the collaborator observes the students activities. Both of them observed the weaknesses of the first cycle in order to make improvement on the second cycle.

3.3 Research Procedure




Based on the students vocabulary problem in the classroom, the researcher prepared the lesson plan, selected material from text book that will be relevant to the curriculum of Elementary School, for teaching learning process. The material was noun vocabulary in form of a simple question from text book and 2006 English curriculum for SD. The researcher also prepared the observation sheet and also picture test for the students in the form of picture or search word.

2. Implementation

The researcher implemented the material through word search method by using word search puzzle in teaching English vocabulary. The teacher taught material about noun. In teaching, the she taught about profession, fruits, animals and noun around the classroom. The collaborator observed the situation in the class and made some necessary notes.

3. Observation



3.4. Indicators of the Research

In order to find out whether the use of Word Search Puzzle can increase the students’ vocabulary mastery or not, the researcher determine the indicator

dealing with the learning process and learning product :

1. Learning Process

The observation of the process of teaching is based on the lesson plan made by the teacher and the real process in the classroom. It consist of pre-activity, while-activity and post activity. The target is that 80% of students are active during teaching and learning process. The students are involved in each activity and respond to teacher’s instruction appropriately. Students activity is

measured written report of the collaborator in observation sheet. Whereas the researcher was teaching, the collaborator observed the teaching and learning process in the classroom and focused on the participation and the involvement of students in the activity.

2. Learning Product



3.5. Instrument of the Research

In getting the data, the researcher employ two kinds of instruments. The first instrument is the main source of instrument of information and the second one support the analysis itself. The instrument use here were (1) vocabulary test and (2) observation sheet.

1. Vocabulary Test

The first instrument used in getting the data was vocabulary test. Vocabulary test was chosen as the instrument because it required students to measured their vocabulary achievement. Vocabulary test can also motivated the students to improved their English. The researcher using vocabulary test propose by Heaton (1991). The test assessed the student’s understanding and the students vocabulary by choosing the correct answer. It was tried out and it was a good reflection of what had been taught of the knowledge which the teacher wanted the student to know, the teacher compared it with a table of spesification. If the table represented the materials that the teacher wanted to test, then it was considered to be a valid test.

Table 1. Table of Spesification of Vocabulary Test

Word Class Cycle 1 Cycle 2

Concrete Noun 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,16,17,18, 1,3,4,5,6,7,13,14,16,17,18,19

Adjective 2,10,12,14,15,19,20 2,8,9,10,11,12,15,20



2. Observation Sheet

In this research, observation was conducted during the teaching learning process. The teacher and the rater observation the process happening in the classroom. The observation was to found out the students interested to follow the class, students attention to the teacher explanation, their focuss on vocabulary achievement and the teachers performance in implementing teaching vocabulary through Word Search Puzzle game. The observation sheet used to determine whether or not students were active in the class and whether or not the next cycle was needed to be done.

Bellow was a table of specification of the observation sheet adapted from Haggard (1982) and Ruddell, M.R., & Shearer, B.A (2002)

Table 2. Students’ Observation Checklist

No Students’ activities Students’ code Note

a b c d e 1 Pre-activity

a. Interested in the opening of the class b. Respond to the topic enthusiastically 2 While-activity

a. Responding to the lesson explained by the teacher

b. Answering the teacher’s question

c. Following the teacher’s instruction (discuss the picture)

d. Practicing writing procedural text based on the picture sequence

3 Post-activity

a. Able to respond to the teacher’s questions



Table above showed that students did two activities: participating actively in the opening of the class and responding to the teacher’s questions about the topic

enthusiastically. More over, they also must do several activities during while activity: Responding to the lesson explained by the teacher, answering the teacher’s question, following the teacher’s instruction (discuss the picture)

practicing search word based on word search puzzle. Meanwhile, in post activity, students do a vocabulary test individually.

To know whether the target of the indicator of this classroom action research has already been achieved or not after implementation of word search puzzle. It explained and showed the process of the student’s activities during the teaching

learning process on the next chapter.

3. Teacher’s Performance

It was similar to the students activities there was also improvement on the teacher’s teaching performance in each cycle. If the teacher’s performance in the

first cycle was unsatisfactory, it means there were still some weakness in her teaching performance which influence the students’ vocabulary mastery and the student’s activities. However, after implementing the solution to cover the weakness, not only the teacher’s teaching performance was already improved but




No Aspects


1 Pre-activities

 Doing an apperception

 Informing the competence that will be achieved to the students

 Attracting studentds’ enthusiasm about the topic

 Giving clear explanation about the material 2 While-activities

Mastery of Learning Material

 Giving explanation about text analysis and building class activities.

 Involving the students in using media.

 Building active participation of the students in group discussion.

 Giving positive responds to the students’ questions.

 Building active participation of the students in text analysis activity.

 Facilitating interaction between teacher and students in the text analysis activities.



3.6. Data Analysis

According to Setiyadi (2006:254), data analysis is process of organizing the data in order to gain regularity of the pattern from the research. In this research, the teacher validated the data by using vocabulary test and observation. After getting the data from the test and observation, the teacher analyzed the data based on the limitation of the problems and objectives of the research.

The data relevant to the research question are selected. All of the collected data classified into two categories, data from observation (learning process) and those from the test (learning product). The data was interpreted and drawn into conclusion. Based on the analysis and reflection, the weakness and strenght can be identified from the first cycle, and improvement can determined for the next cycle.

To see the percentage of student who gets >65 the formula is: Number of students who get >65 X 100%

Total in number of students




Based on the data that researcher got from her research from cycle 1 to cycle 2, the researcher provides some conclusions and suggestion :

5.1. Conclusion

Based on the writer action research to teaching vocabulary using word search puzzle at the first of SD N 1 Sukamulya, the researcher draws the following conclusion :



2. In cycle 2 the students participation improved into 84%, whereas in cycle, the average score of students participation is 56.63%. it means students participation improves by 27.37%.

3. Word search puzzle can also improve the teachers performance. The total score of teacher performance in cycle 1 is 1043 and the average is 74.5 (good). In cycle 2 the teachers performance is 1129 or 80,64. It means that she could teach the students better after implementation word search puzzle game.

5.2. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, some suggestion are recommend as follow : 1. The teacher is recommend to implement word search puzzle game in

improving the students vocabulary through word search puzzle game, the students are given a word search puzzle game that will attract them learning new vocabularies. Students high interest will motivate them join every activity instructed by teacher so that they can improve their English and also improve their activities in the classroom.



Aeborsold, Jo Ann.and Field, Mary Lee. From Reader to Reading Teacher. NewYork : Cambrige University Press

Depdiknas. 2006. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan: Jakarta.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. How to teach English. England : Person Education Limited Edition.

Hornby, A. 1986. Oxford Advances Learnes Dictionary of Current English. New York : Oxford University Press.

Kemmis, S. and McTaggert, R. 1982. The Action Research Planner.

Kridalaksana, Harimurti. 1993. Kamus Linguistik. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nation, I, S. P. 1990.Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Boston: Heinle Heinle Publishers.

Schmit, N.1997.Vocabulary in Language Teaching. USA : Canbrige University Press.

Scoot, Wedy A. And Yetreberg, Lisbeth.1993. Teaching English to Children Longman Keya to Language Teaching. New York : Longman Publishing Group.

Setiadi.Ag. Bambang, 2003. Teaching English As a Foreign Language. Bandar Lampung : Unila Press.


Figure 1.The cycles of the classroom action research. Adapted from Kemmis, 1982 : 5
Table 1. Table of Spesification of Vocabulary Test
Table 2. Students’ Observation Checklist


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