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Academic year: 2017



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1.1Background of the Problem

One of the most difficult aspects of learning a foreign language is the retention of vocabulary. Vocabulary learning plays a major role in English language learners’

success. Vocabulary is one of the aspects of language because it is impossible to learn language without vocabulary. Vocabulary cannot be separated from language because vocabulary is a part of language. Thus, vocabulary is an essential part of language, which makes the language meaningful. Therefore, vocabulary has an important role in learning a language.

Vocabulary is important for learning language because of several reasons. First, the ability to understand the target language greatly depends on one’s knowledge

of vocabulary. Second, vocabulary acquisition is an important aspect to master all language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Edge, 1993).


receive words in reading and listening. It is impossible for the learners to perform their English well if their vocabulary is very poor or limited. They will find many difficulties in expressing or mastering their language skills because of having too limited vocabulary.

Vocabulary must not be neglected by anyone who learns a language. It even needs to be mastered if learners want to master the language. It is so important that the teaching of vocabulary must be considered as the most important thing in the English language teaching.

Vocabulary is considered important for those who learn a language since it is one of the aspect the students should acquire to communicate effectively. The mastery of structure of the language without adequate mastery of vocabulary could not guarantee a capability of communication in English. Vocabulary is very important to be mastered since it is an essential means for conducting communication. Therefore, vocabulary mastery must be on the first priority in English language teaching and learning. Without mastering the vocabulary, the learners will be difficult to master the other language skills.


learning language. For example; they became lazy to learn language, what else Due to that condition, the students may lose their courage to study vocabulary.

Another possible problem is that the way teaching and learning vocabulary used by the teacher is monotonous. It can make the students feel bored in teaching learning process.

Therefore, the English teacher has the responsibility to create and determine the way of teaching which is effective to improve the students’ vocabulary. English teacher is forced to be creative to implement such an interesting and existing way of teaching that may create a good atmosphere in the classroom. It is hoped that the students pay attentions to the lesson and the process of vocabulary acquisition will be successful.

A better strategy in teaching vocabulary should be used in order that the teaching of the vocabulary useful so that it enables the students to achieve as many vocabulary as they can. It is hoped that vocabulary in students’ minds would work on over a longer period of time in their memories. The students are expected to learn words meanings at a deeper level of understanding which can be considered as an important of sustained vocabulary growth.

In teaching-learning process, the teacher should present the materials to the students well. It will be more effective if the teacher uses tools or devices that can help the students catch the material easier.


junior high school. It is easy to handle, fun and very motivating, it also helps the students to learn vocabulary easily. By using logico, the teacher helps her students become self- directed learners, it is also ideal for differentiated, individualized and independent learning.

Meanwhile, Crossword puzzle is a word puzzle that can be applied as interesting means for improving the students’ vocabulary in which words have to be guessed from contextual clues and written in spaces in a grid, as it gives the students pleasure. While they play the crossword puzzle and get some pleasures on it, they also improve their vocabulary.

Based on the paragraphs above, logico and crossword puzzle can be used for teaching vocabulary in order to attract students’ attention and to increase students’


Realizing the importance of students’ vocabulary mastery in learning language,

the researcher is interested in investigating the use of logico and crossword puzzle. Therefore, the present study compares students’ vocabulary achievement between those who are taught through Logico and those taught through crossword puzzle.

1.2The Identification of the Problems

The problems that she found during the field practice were: Several problems can be identified:


3. The students were still passive in the class.

4. The students do not have good self confidence in learning English. 5. The teacher was lack of appropriate teaching media

1.3 The Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problems above, the researcher limited the problem about media that was used by teacher; the researcher was interested in investigating whether there is any difference of vocabulary achievement of students if they were taught by interesting media in teaching vocabulary. Logico and crossword puzzle were two media that would be used to teach vocabulary to investigate whether these media could be used to increase students’ vocabulary achievement or vice versa. The researcher also wanted to identify which one was better to teach English vocabulary, logico or crossword puzzle. The researcher chose teaching vocabulary through logico and crossword puzzle at SMP Negeri 21 Bandar Lampung.

1.4 The Formulation of the Problems

In line with the limitation of the problems, the research problems are formulated as follow:

 Is there any difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between those who are taught through logico and those taught through crossword puzzle?


1.5 Objectives of the Research

Given from formulation of the research problems above, the objectives of the research are:

 To find out whether there is a difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between those who are taught through logico and those taught through crossword puzzle.

 To investigate which one of these two media is more effective to teach vocabulary.

1.6 Uses of the Research

This research is expected to have the following uses: 1. Theoretically

The results of this research may be used as a contribution for further research development in increasing students’ vocabulary through logico and crossword puzzle.

2. Practically


1.7 Scope of the Research

The materials that were used in this quantitative research were the vocabulary that referred to content words which only focus on concrete noun and verb. The materials taught were based on the KTSP 2006 English curriculum of SLTP, which were focused on vocabulary of variety of jobs. The materials covered the words which were related to profession especially about kinds of job would be taken from the text book “The Bridge English Competence for SMP I” ( Kistono, et all). This research was conducted at seventh year students 2011/2012 of academic year in SMP Negeri 21, Bandar Lampung. The research was conducted in three meetings in which experimental class (class VII I) was taught through logico, and control class (class VII J) was taught through crossword puzzle. Another class (VII H) was taken as try out class. The focus on this research is to investigate which media (logico and crossword puzzle) is more effective for vocabulary teaching.

1.8 Definition of terms

Some terms are defined in order to give basic understanding of the related variables and concepts. These are stated below:

Vocabulary is a component of language that maintains all of information about the meaning and the using of word in language.


Crossword puzzle is a puzzle in which words have to be written vertically (clues down) and horizontally (clue cross) in spaces on chequered square.



2.1 Concept of Vocabulary

Vocabulary has an important role in learning language because it allows you to communicate clearly with other people. Vocabulary is a tool that must be mastered by people to express their feelings, ideas, thoughts, opinion, etc in both spoken and written way (Edge, 1993). It is a means for people to communicate each other using it. People need to have an expanded vocabulary to help correctly convey the way their feels with different words.


to build the language. Literally vocabulary is a total number of words which with rules for combining them to make up language.

Vocabulary is one of the components of language and there is no language exists without words (Napa 1991:6). The small part of sentence is word. Words are part of vocabulary. Words are symbol for ideas. These ideas formulate knowledge is gained largely through words. So, vocabulary is the words of language known to certain people and used by them to communicate. So in brief, vocabulary can be defined as a number of words used by people to produce a language in their life and also as the language for communication. Students should master a great number of words, so they can perform the language well. Burton (1982:98) states that a large number of words help him to express his idea vividly, precisely, and without repeating the words.

According to Lehr (2005), he suggests that words come in two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary involves the words that we recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary involves the words that one recognizes and uses in reading and writing. He also adds that word knowledge also comes in two forms, receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words that one recognizes when one hears or sees them. Productive vocabulary includes words that one uses when one speaks or writes. In other words, he states that vocabulary is the knowledge of words meaning in both oral and print language and also in productive and receptive forms.


“One can see from our example sentence that words play different roles in a text. They fall into one of eight different word classes:

a. noun : bits, pieces, record, player b. pronouns : I, them

c. verbs : like, looking, doing, to look

d. adjectives : old, second, new

e. adverb : up

f. prepositions : for, like

g. conjunction : and

h. determiner : -

Vocabulary also can be defined as a set of lexeme including simple word, compound words and idioms (Lamb, 1963:9). According to Lamb, a single word is a single word that may or not have a prefix and/or suffix, for example: pen, ruler, table, etc. Trask (1999:120) states that compound word is two or more existing words which are simply combining. Compound word can be written as one word two words or as hyphenated word, such as policeman, fisherman, etc. Idiom is a group of words with a meaning, which is different from the individual words and often difficult to understand from the individual words, for example:

give up, look at, carry out etc.

Furthermore there are some types of vocabulary in English. Fries (1974:4) divides vocabulary into four types:


verbs (teach, treat), and the qualities of these things, that is: adjectives (good, smart).

2. Function words are those words which are used as means of expressing relation of grammatical structure such as: conjunctions (and, but), articles (a, an, the), etc.

3. Substitute words, those that represent no individual things or specific actions, but function as substitutes for whole form classes of words, that are indefinites (anybody, anyone).

4. Distributed words, those that are distributed in use according to grammatical matter as the presence or absence of a negative, such as:

some, any, either, etc.

Then vocabulary as a language component has many forms which basically refer to part of speech. Part of speech comprises some component they are: pronoun, noun, verb, adjective, and adverb.

Bailey (1965) in Algeo (2001) states that each component of part of speech has various a characteristic. Such as:


2. Noun. Noun has a part of speech inflected for case signifying a concrete or abstract entity. Nouns also change form to show number and possession (boy, boy’s, boys, boys’). They are used primarily as substantives that is, word that designed person (teacher, lecture, etc), animals (dog, horse, bird, etc), places (house, school, office, etc), things and idea.

3. Verbs. Verbs have a part of speech without case inflection, but inflected for tense, person and number, signifying an activity or process performed or undergone. Verbs typically have four or five forms (walk, walks, walked, walking, etc), the function of which are too complicated for a brief description. They are used primarily to make statement about nouns and pronouns.

4. Adjective. Most short adjective has three forms to show degree (pretty, prettier, and prettiest). Such words as a beautiful and terrible have no inflection. Adjective is used to modify nouns and pronouns.

5. Adverb. Adverb has a part of speech without inflection, in modification of or in addition to a verb. Adverb also does not change form, but has characteristic forms of its own. It is used to modify anything but nouns and pronouns.


2.2Concept of Noun

Noun refers to all things either concrete or abstract those are available in our environment. The noun is one of the most important parts of speech. It is arrangement with the verb helps to form the sentence core which is essential to every complete sentence. In addition, it may function as the chief or “head” word

in many structures of modification. Frank (1972) classifies types of noun.

1. Proper Nouns

A proper noun begins with a capital letter in writing. It includes: a. Personal name: Mr. John smith, etc.

b. Geographic units: Holland, Paris, etc.

c. Nationality and religion : Dutchman, Muslim, Christianity, etc

d. Name of holiday : Thanksgiving day, etc

e. Name of time Units: Monday, March, etc.

2. Concrete or Abstract Noun

a. A concrete noun is a word for physical object that can be perceived by the senses. We can see, touch, and smell the object: flower, girl, doctor.


3. Countable and Noncountable Nouns

a. Countable noun are words that stated in a divided quantity. It also can be made plural by the addition of s : cupboard, one girl, two girls.

b. Noncountable noun are words that stated in an undivided quantity:

coffee, sugar.

4. Collective Noun

A collective noun is a word for a group of people, animals or objects considered as single units: audience, committee, class, crew, family.(Frank,1972).

In relation to the theories above the researcher specified the noun that would be taught, that is concrete noun. Concrete noun is the noun that can be touched, seen, and defined, for example: man, teacher, student (Frank,1972). Then Webster (1988:928) defines noun as any class of words naming or denoting a person, thing, place, action quality, etc (woman, water, Paris, talking, beauty). While Collins and Brash (1982) states noun as a word or group that refers to person, or things. From the definition above, it is clear that noun refers to all things either concrete or abstract those are available in our environment.


2.3.2 Concept of Verb

Frank (1972) defines verb as any of a language class of words that serve to indicate the occurrence or performance of an action, the existence of a state or condition. The verb is the most complex part of speech. Its varying arrangement with nouns determines the different kinds of sentences, statements, questions, commands, exclamations.

Frank (1972) describes differ types of verbs according to the kind of complement they may have. Because these types may cut across each other, a verb may belong to more than one type.

1. Predicating or Linking Verb

A predicating verb is the chief word in the predicate that says something about subject. The predicating word (or predicator) has traditionally been called a verb of “action”. Example: I remember her; she needs more

money. The term “event” is probably a more way to refer to what is

denoted by a predicating verb (Frank :1972)


2. Transitive or Intransitive Verb

A transitive verb takes a direct object (he is reading book). For an intransitively does not require an object (He is walking in the park). Only transitive verbs may be used in the passive voice, because transitive has object in the sentence. Many verbs also may be used either transitively (he is writing a letter) or intransitively (he is writing at library) for example;

read, write, look. Other verbs of transitive only and must be follow by an object, for example; have, like, need, owe, remember.

3. Reflexive Verb

A reflexive verb requires one of the compounds with –self (reflexive pronoun) as its object. For example: He washed himself and dressed

himself quickly.

4. Auxiliary or Lexical Verb

The auxiliary verb acts as a “helping” verb to the lexical verb by adding

either (1) a structural element that marks differences in tense, or (2) a semantic coloring such as ability, possibility or necessity (modal auxiliary).


Auxiliary combines with lexical verbs that are in simple (unchanged) form (will open), in- ing form (is opening), or in- ed form (was opened). A lexical verb may have no auxiliaries (he opens, he opened), one auxiliary (he will open), two auxiliaries (he has been opening), or three auxiliaries (he may have been opening). Only, be and have, the verbs that may be used independently, can indicate person and number.

5. Finite or Non-finite Verb

The form for these verbs is determined by the function which the verb has in a sentence. A finite verb is lexical verb with or without auxiliaries that acts as the full verb in the predicate. It is limited by all the grammatical properties.

Non- finite (or infinite) verbs are incomplete verb forms that function as other parts of speech than verbs. They consist of the infinitive forms (to + the simple form of the verb) and the participial –ing or –ed forms. Thus, in

The boy talking to the teacher is my brother, talking is a participle used as an adjective to modify boy. In He likes talking to the teacher, talking is a noun (gerund) used as the object of likes.


2.3 Vocabulary for Junior High School

English curriculum 2006 (Depdiknas, 2006: 277- 278) states that Junior High School students are encouraged to comprehend number of texts which prerequisites them to master numbers of vocabulary. There is no explanation which words that should be comprehended by the students. Besides, the required vocabulary should be mastered too by students in order to fulfill the qualification of basic knowledge of listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

In Indonesia, based on general outline of curriculum of English (KTSP for English), graduates of junior high school students are expected to master English language skills with vocabulary at the level of 1500 words with appropriate grammar.

The program of teaching vocabulary is the objective of learning vocabulary, the use of vocabulary, the list of words, and the activity of learning language.

2.4 Concept of Teaching Vocabulary

The word teaching according to Brown (2000) is “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge causing to know or understand”. Finnochiario (1967:69) says that “teaching and learning vocabulary is an activity where the

teachers introduce some vocabulary items in many times with all the structures and in the entire situation in which they can be logically be used”. It means that


Relating to the vocabulary teaching, it is important to decide what vocabulary will be taught. This information should be provided in the curriculum. Teacher has to be careful in selecting the vocabulary that she will teach. This step is essential because it will influence the achievement of the goal of learning a language, in this case student’s capability to communicate in the target language. According to

Harmer (1991:145) a general principle of vocabulary selection has been that of frequency. Teacher can decide which words they should teach of how frequently the words that are used by the speakers of the language.

One important thing in teaching vocabulary is that teacher should realize that learning a language always deals with a large numbers of words that it is difficult for the students to memorize such a large numbers of words. Then, teachers need to know the things that influence the students in memorizing process. Twining (1991: 209) says memory failure may be caused by lack attention, interference from environment or inappropriate strategies for study.


The vocabulary that should be taught for the students is the vocabulary that should be relevant to the bulk of the content being learned. In this research, the researcher chose “Kinds of jobs” as the topic, because it was taken from students’ books. The topic is learnt by junior high school students in learning vocabulary.

Therefore the teacher can provide the students with new word of the target language. Then before teaching, hence, the teacher should choose what to teach. The teacher should be aware that students’ needs of vocabulary are different from

others at different levels.

While Pusat Pengembangan Kurikulum dan Sarana Pendidikan Pedoman Kerja Perbaikan Materi Kurikulum Pendidikan Dasar Menengah (1984:3) states that in order to reach successful in increasing the students’ vocabulary achievement,

everything should be well prepared and selected. The following are four criteria in selecting vocabulary to be taught to the students;

1. Frequency of Occurrence


2. Simplicity

Vocabulary should be appropriate for the students’ level of difficulty or

knowledge. The vocabulary which is considered difficult for the students should be avoided. By following the English curriculum, which is appropriate for the students’ level mastery, the students will be prevented from the very difficult

vocabulary. The vocabulary that will be given should be in accordance with SMP Curriculum.

3. Relevancy

Vocabulary is prepared or selected by the teacher should be relevant to daily life phenomenon, because it is easy for the students to remember and to practice both in spoken and written communication.

4. Quantity

Presenting a large number of vocabulary should be avoided so that the students will not get confused. It is based on the consideration that the process of mastery vocabulary will be successful if it is done step by step. Moreover vocabulary learned in small numbers will stay longer in the students’ mind.


In order to achieve the goal of language teaching, the learners are able to communicate in target language, it is impossible to teach all the vocabulary in one time. The useful way in teaching vocabulary is to teach the meaning of words and how they are used. As Harmer (1991) said that if we are really to teach students what the words means and how they are used, together with other words, in context.

Before teaching, hence, the teacher should choose what to teach .Then the teacher should be aware that students’ needs of vocabulary are different from others at

different levels.

Furthermore, according to Nation (1990:18) there are three things to be taught on teaching vocabulary:

1. Teaching the words form, those are spelling and pronunciation. The teacher can teach the spelling of the words by writing it on the whiteboard, while in teaching pronunciation the teacher pronounce the words loudly and asks the students to repeat it after the teacher.

2. Teaching the meaning of the words. In teaching the meaning the teacher can tell the students with sentences that related with the words. For example: what a shoe is? What is the function? Where can we use it? 3. Teaching the use of the words. In teaching the use of the words, the

teacher may provide the students with the real example in sentence form and provide them some exercises in using the words.


the meaning of the words. Firstly, they should consult or ask new words to the teacher. Secondly, they are followed to bring and use dictionary during studying English (Allen & Rebecca, 1977:155). Moreover, the students may ask the English teacher if they do not know the meaning of the new words, but firstly, they should guess by themselves. So, the students must be trained to solve their problem by themselves.

Based on the preceding statement, the students are asked to use English dictionary and the students are trained to try guessing the meaning first before opening dictionary.

2.5 Concept of Learning Vocabulary

Brown (2000) explains that learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill from study, experience, and instructions. Learning is acquisition or getting, learning is retention of information skill, and learning involves some forms of practice, perhaps reinforced practice (Brown, 2000:7).

Moreover, “Learning is a relatively permanent change in an individual’s knowledge or behavior that results from previous experience” (Hamilton and

Ghatala, 1994:7).

There are many ways in learning vocabulary. Those have purposes that learning vocabulary will be successful in increasing students’ vocabulary.


1. Activity- The teacher lets the students decide many choices by themselves what they want. The teacher can choose any techniques which are able to make their students to be creative in producing vocabulary.

2. Context clues- The teacher can use the context clue in word recognition by figuring out the meaning of a word based on the clues in the surrounding context. The teacher can give synonyms, antonyms, or definition of words to the students.

3. Guessing- The teacher can encourage the students to guess and to consult the words learned. To guess correctly, a student should have a good rationale. The teacher can give example by pronouncing a sentence, and then the students guess the word the teacher means.

4. Definition- The teacher guides the students to define the meaning of words and to arrange the words into the correct sentences.

5. Derivation- The teacher involves the four classes of word in the position of occurrence in English sentence patterns. Then the teacher asks the students to derive the words, for example; to differentiate (verb), difference (noun), different (adjective) etc.


Krashen (1981) in Nation (1990) believes that certain conditions must apply for such learning to occur. Those are:

1. The learners must be interested in understanding the message.

2. The message should contain some items that are just outside the learners’ present level of achievement.

3. The learners should not feel worried or threatened by their contact with the foreign language.

Nation (1990) defines in term of what is involved in learning vocabulary a distinction is made between receptive and productive learning. Productive learning makes the students able to produce the foreign word by speaking and writing. Receptive learning involves being able to recognize a word and recall its meaning when it is met by listening and reading. In productive learning, the development of the quality of learning a small number of vocabulary is important. Intensive practice in using vocabulary in speech and writing is therefore a useful activity. While in receptive learning, the quantity of vocabulary is the main goal.


occur even though the learner’s attention is not directed toward vocabulary

learning. Krashen (1981) in Nation (1990:2) calls this the input theory of language learning.

Therefore, the present study focuses on learning vocabulary through context clues, and direct vocabulary learning in teaching vocabulary. Since logico and crossword puzzle are two examples of both learning vocabulary through activity and direct vocabulary learning.

2.6 Concept of Media

In order to keep teaching- learning process running more effectively and efficiently, the teacher often uses media. It is expected that she can transfer her instructional materials easily. The use of media can arouse students’ motivation and desires to know about the subject being discussed. So it can help the teacher to reach instructional aims.

According to Gagne (1994) in Soekartawi (1995) media is a learning source to motivate the students to learn. Meanwhile Sulaiman (1981) says that media are all of important learning instruments used by the teachers in the classroom or in other learning conditions. Media is a learning instrument used by the teacher in teaching and learning process in the classroom. The use of media is important to arouse the intrinsic motivations of the school learners.


classroom condition. Such a condition provides a great opportunity for two sides, teacher and student’s interaction each other, or sharing one another among the students themselves.

Media is used to ease the description of any written and spoken words. Here, the media are used to make any spoken and written words easier to learn, so that the learners are able to reach the meaning easily. This shows the importance of media in an effort of learning words.

Furthermore, according to Soekartawi (1995), media consist of any kinds of learning utensils such as books, pictures, chats or electronic device and the like usually used to transfer instructional contents from the written information to the learners. It means that media is a potential bridge flowing cognitive information from instructional materials to the learners. This shows the importance of media in an effort to transferring the instructional contents to achieve the instructional purposes which teacher or instructor has already planned before.

Media also makes the students able to understand the instructional material. Media are very useful if they are:

1. Easy to use

2. Suitable and relevant to the material given 3. Essential and necessary

4. Saving in effort and time.


Media are usually provided to the student by means of teaching aids used during teaching and learning process. Further Soekartawi (1996:73) states that the advantages of media are as follows:

1. To provides any different types of learning condition, so that it does not make the learners bored.

2. To provide more systematic learning order, so that the teacher can present the learning materials.

3. To reinforce the learner’s cognition in the learning contents.

The above statements show the importance of the use of media in learning process for both teachers and learners. Not only the teachers can transfer the subject contents efficiently, but also make their students understand them easily.

2.7 Concept of Visual Media

Broadly, there are two kinds of media: visual media and audio visual media. The former refers to something used in which concern with the learner’s sight sense, the late refers to the material which may be accompanied by sound (Corder, 1996: 34). The aim of using visual aid or media in teaching English is to help teacher improving teaching learning process, including motivating students.

Oliver (1962: 253) classifies types of visual media consisting of any of the one can see. They are:

1. Writing or fronting on the blackboard, easel pad or paper.

2. Simple picturing of the data: photograph, charts, graphs, maps, line drawings and cartoons.


4. Actual objects: samples, models, realia. 5. Live models: people, insects, bird, animals.

Furthermore, logico and crossword puzzle are visual media since they concern with the sense sight of the learners.

2.8 Concept of Logico

LOGICO is a sequential readiness program that helps children get a jump start on the critical skills necessary for school success. LOGICO provides lots of practice for those who need additional reinforcement, offering more challenges to those who are ready to advance. LOGICO is so much fun that children will not even realize they are developing skills in visual discrimination, pattern awareness, sorting and classifying, sequencing, number sense, and letter recognition ( Grolier International Pvt. Ltd in http://www.grolier.co Retrieved in March 16th, 2011)

Logico is a self checking play addressed for children. Self checking means when the children try to match the definition and the picture, they don’t need a teacher

to know the right answer, but only by changing the back page to be the front page. By doing this, they can determine by themselves which the right or the wrong answer is which is suitable with their answer.


In addition, the researcher also discovers the advantages and disadvantages in using Logico as a vocabulary learning strategy to facilitate reading. Logico has several benefits for vocabulary learning. First, Logico supports the incidental vocabulary learning. It is acknowledged that learning vocabulary through reading is the best way because the students do not realize that they learn vocabulary when they do reading. Second, Logico has an important role to substitute the dictionary to get the meanings of difficult words. Young learners have not been ready to use dictionary effectively to facilitate their learning. The use of Logico helps young learners to understand the new words. Third, Logico can build the interactive reading strategy. Students have to recognize the words (bottom-up) first, then, comprehend the text using their own intelligence and experience (top-down).

Although Logico has many advantages, it also has disadvantage. First, the needs of more than one Logico set for more than five learners. Second, logico is too small when it is used in a big class. Third, it is difficult to play Logico by five or more learners. Fourth, in a class which consists of 5 – 10 learners, it needs at least three Logico sheets and frames.


think of the answers from various questions (http://mainan-cerdas.blogspot.com) in Ambarwulan (2010).

Learning with logico is easy and motivating. The logico frame is compact with an attractive design. No part can get lost.

The following are logico milestone:

1. In 1993, Logico was published in Germany with first title for mathematic and reading in primary school.

2. In 1994, the International WORLDIDAC association granted logico the WORLDDIDAC Silver Award. WORLDDIDAC is a global trade association for companies providing product for education and training at all levels.

3. In 1994, the first foreign educations of logico were published in Europe, 4. In 1996, publication of logico Rondo for learning at home for a children

from 3-6 years.

5. In 2000, logico was nominated for the Game Award in the Netherlands. 6. In 2001, The Pedagogical University of Lisabon, Portugal, recommended


7. In 2005, logico was one of the finalists in the Distinguished Achievement Award of the AEP (Association of Educational Publishers), USA. Logico received the Teachers’ Choice Award 2006 in Eva Marissa Safitri (2010).


countries worldwide. Logico has been translated into 22 languages and is available in over 30 countries all over the world.

2.9 The Advantages and Disadvantage of Using Logico

The advantages of using LOGICO based on (Grolier International Pvt. Ltd in http://www.grolier.co Retrieved in March 16th, 2011)

2.9.1 The Advantages of Using Logico

1. It helps to improve child's IQ by developing their 10 skills of perception, logical sequencing, problem solving, idea association, recognition, comparison, categorization, logical thinking, eye and hand coordination and concentration.

2. It is stalked in considering psychology children development. 3. It tends to be enjoyable as fun game.

4. It grows creativity and imagination.

5. It sharps logical thinking ability which aims to solve the problems. 6. It develops ability in identifying problem through visual.

7. It grows enthusiasm which is not surrender.

8. It offers immediate self-checking, students can check by themselves the answers they choose correct or not, because it provides the answer too. 9. In group work, it develops ability to interact with other students through

discussion and fun debt.

10.As media communication practice in group work.


12.It is easy to play.

2.9.2 The Disadvantages of Using Logico

1. Logico is too small when it is used in a big class. In a class which consists of 5 – 10 learners, it needs at least three Logico sheets and frames.

2. The cost of one unit of logico is expensive for some people.

2.10 Procedures of Teaching Vocabulary through Logico

1. Put questions sheet to the board.

2. Make sure all colour pin located underside the board.

3. Pay attention to the colour of pin with colour at the questions picture. Colour of pin at questions picture marked with the same colour circles that located underside the board.

4. Find answer to the each question with available answer choice. 5. Shift colour pin to the correct answer beside.

6. Use that way until all questions answered.

7. To check answer, look at the side of questions sheet that is answer sheet. 8. If all colour pin which have been shifted to right side board equal to

answer sheet paper, meaning all questions have been finished rightly.

2.11 Concept of Crossword Puzzle


whenever possible. So from the statement before, we can conclude, that crossword puzzle is useful at all levels and for all subjects.

Crossword puzzle is great way in improving vocabulary. It is a word puzzle for improving the students’ vocabulary in which words have to be guessed from

contextual clues and written in spaces in a grid. This was in line with the objective of this game which is to make as many words as possible, spelling grid from vertically and horizontally.

Crossword puzzle trains the learners to solve problems or answer questions then put the answer in the given boxes of the answer sheets. Students have to guess or find suitable words according to the context clues. The clues can be sentences with a word missing, definition, synonym, or antonyms. Therefore, the students should answer the crossword puzzle. Crossword puzzle will give the students pleasure. While they play the crossword puzzle and get some pleasures on it, they also improve their vocabulary. For example: spelling, letter sequences, in words and phrases, etc.

From the statement above, we can conclude that the form of the puzzle consists of two parts. The first part consists of some grids with a certain arrangement and the second is clues. The grids are arranged based on the number of the letters of each clue answers both vertically and horizontally.


clues, because some letters in grids were connected each other. So, they learn how to recognize their mistakes and fix it.

2.12 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Crossword Puzzle 2.12.1 The Advantages of Using Crossword Puzzle

According to Jones (2007) the advantages of crossword puzzle as a media of teaching learning process would be as follows:

1. Crossword puzzle solving involves several useful skills including vocabulary, reasoning, spelling, and word attack skills.

2. Crossword puzzle is a good way to teach and enrich vocabulary because the definitions or synonyms of the words/ clues are right there to provide reinforcement.

3. Crossword puzzles can also be used to encourage the use of a dictionary or thesaurus or to learn terminology used in particular subject. They can be used as a quiz.

4. Crossword puzzle in the classroom is that they are associated with recreation, and can be less intimidating for students as review tools. 5. Puzzle solving is a much more active type of learning, and will engage

students with the material more than passive types of review techniques do.

6. Crossword puzzle also has the advantages of appealing to different learning styles.


 Auditory learners enjoy step-by-step reasoning, so they also benefit from the sequential steps of completing a crossword.

 kinesthetic learners enjoy the multi-task strategies required to solve a crossword

2.12.2 The Disadvantages of Using Crossword Puzzle

1. Constructing crossword puzzle may become, for students, frustrating and time consuming because the students often have trouble matching up the squares.

2. The teacher should be aware that crossword puzzles do not become busy work. The teacher should like the use of all educational games, have some purposes in mind, even if the purpose is fun. So it needs long time for some students to finish it.

2.13 Procedures of Teaching Vocabulary through Crossword Puzzle

The researcher will propose some sequences of material presentation through crossword puzzle game in the classroom as follows:

1. The students are divided into small groups consisting of 3-4 students 2. The students are given some instructions and explained how the puzzle

works and the rules. Such as;

Please fill in the crossword puzzle based on the word missing or definition of the words.

3. Each group is given crossword puzzle.


5. The students are forbidden to work it out of their group. 6. While the students are playing the teacher monitor them. 7. The students are asked to submit their works.

8. The students are asked to exchange their works with other groups. 9. The teacher and the students discuss together. The winner is the group

which has more correct answers.

10. Spell the letter, pronounces the words and asks the students to follow her.

2.14 Theoretical Assumption

Based on the discussion above, the researcher would like to compare those two media and see which one is more effective in teaching vocabulary.


2.15 Hypothesis

Before the researcher presented forward the hypotheses, she would like to give an explanation about what a hypothesis was. A hypothesis is a tentative statement about how to deal with the defined problems Bernard Philips (1974) in B. Dubey (2008). Using a hypothesis enabled the writer to focus her work so she could gather the data she needed in order to come to some conclusions.

Based on the frame of theory and theoretical assumption above, the researcher formulated the hypothesis. These hypotheses were used to prove whether the hypotheses propose in this research is accepted or not. The researcher used SPSS (Independent T-test). The hypothesis would be analyzed at the significant level of 0.05 in which the hypotheses were approved if sign <α. T means that the probability of error in the hypotheses are only about 5%.

The hypotheses were:

1. There is significant difference of vocabulary achievement between the students who are taught through logico and those who are taught through crossword puzzle.



1.1 Research Design

The research was a quantitative research. Hatch and Farhady (1982) stated that quantitative is kind of research in which the data used tend to use statistics as measurement in deciding the conclusion. In this research, the researcher used pretest posttest control group design which belongs to the true experimental designs. There are three basic characteristics of true experimental designs into three:

a. A control group is present.

b. The students are randomly select and assigned to the groups. c. A pretest is administered to capture the initial differences between

the two groups.

(Hatch and Farhady (1982:22)

These three characteristics allow us to avoid almost all the problems associated with external and internal validity.


G1 (Random) T1 X1 T2

G2 (Random) T1 X2 T2


G1 = Experimental class G2 = Control class T1 = Pretest T2 = Posttest

X1 = Treatment by using logico

X2 = Treatment by using crossword puzzle (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 25)

This design used pre-test to find out students’ achievement on vocabulary treatments. Afterward, the researcher gave three treatments by using logico and Crossword Puzzle. Finally, the researcher administered a post-test to find out the students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught by using Logico and

Crossword Puzzle. The mean of the result of pre-test in experimental class and control class were identified.

Then, the mean of the result of post-test in experimental class and control class were identified as well. The gain score from post-test results in experimental class were compared to the gain score from post-test result in control class , in order to see whether there is a significant difference between the student who are taught through Logico and Crossword Puzzle or not.


was held before all the tests and the treatments were given to students.

1.2 Research Procedure

The procedures of the research are:

1. Determining the population and sample. 2. Constructing the try-out items.

3. Administering try-out test.

4. Analyzing the result of the try-out test. 5. Giving pretest.

6. Conducting the experiment.

7. Administering Post test to the two groups. 8. Analyzing the data.

9. Reporting the result.

3.3 Population and Sample

The population of the study was the seventh grade students of SMPN 21 Bandar Lampung in the 2011/2012 academic year. There were ten classes of VII grade. Two classes were taken as the sample of the experimental class and control class. Each class consists of 30-33 students. The total numbers were 315 students. The characteristics of the population were:


In this research, before the researcher decided the sample, she made complete list of the population so that all of the population had the same opportunities to be chosen as the sample. The researcher selected the sample by using simple probability sampling. In simple Probability Sampling the class was selected randomly by using lottery. It was used based on the consideration that every class had the same opportunity to be selected and in order to avoid the subjectivity in the research (Setiyadi, 2006:39).

In this case, the researcher asked the leader of each class to take a small piece of paper in order to know the class would be experimental class or be control class.

In the research, after conducting the pretest for both classes, experimental class and control class, the result was compared. It was purposed to measure the two classes` had the same ability. In the other word, they had equal ability. The result of the homogeneity of the scores between the two classes was carried out by using T-test, in which the hypothesis for the homogeneity of the variance test is:

H0 : There is no significant difference

H1 : There is significant difference

3.4 Variables


1. The students’ vocabulary mastery (achievement) as dependent variable (Y). 2. Logico and crossword puzzle (X1 and X2) as independent variables.

3.5Data Collecting Technique

The data of this research is the students’ vocabulary achievement relates to kind of jobs before and after treatment. The researcher used test as the instruments. There are two kinds of tests.

1. Pretest

A Pretest of vocabulary is administered to the students before the treatment was given to measure how far the students’ preliminary ability and competence in vocabulary before being treated, and to know whether both experimental class and control class were equals or not in basic of vocabulary achievement before the treatment was given. Pretest which was given in both classes was the same. The number of item in this pretest was 30 in multiple choices. One was the correct answer and the rests were the distracters. The pretest conducted in 90 minutes.

2. Posttest

After giving the treatment, the posttest administered after they got treatment in order to investigate the effect of the treatments towards the student’s vocabulary


difficulty level as pretest.

3.6 Procedures of Collecting Data

In collecting the data, this research used the following procedures:

1. Determining Research Problem

In this research, the researcher determined 2 research problems. Those were:

 To find out whether there is significant difference of vocabulary achievement between students who are taught through Logico and those who are taught through crossword puzzle.

 To investigate which media is more effective to teach vocabulary.

2. Determining the Population and Sample of the Research.


3. Selecting Instrument Material

In this research, the researcher chose concrete noun and verb that refer to kinds of jobs. The researcher chose kinds of jobs vocabulary, because it consisted of words that were familiar for the students and easy to understand for them who were the seventh grade of junior high school. It also related with topic of their book.

4. Administering Try-out Test to Another Class

The try out was conducted to measure the level of difficulty, discrimination power, validity and reliability of pretest and posttest. The purpose of try out was to know the quality of the test which was used as the instrument of the research and to determine which item should be revised for pretest and posttest. This research used the result of the try out test to measure the level of difficulty and discrimination power, to find out the validity and reliability. This was multiple choices test. The numbers of the test items were 50 with four alternative answers for each (A, B, C, and D), one was as the correct answer and the rest were the distracters. The try out was conducted in 90 minutes. The aim of try out test was to make sure the quality of validity, reliability, level of difficulty.

5. Administering The Pre-Test


optional answers for each (A, B, C, and D) One was the correct answer and the rests were the distracters. The pretest was conducted in 90 minutes.

6. Conducting the Treatment

In conducting the treatments, the researcher applied logico in teaching vocabulary for the experimental class and the control class used crossword puzzle .The treatment was administered 3 times for each group. The treatment was conducted 90 minutes. The researcher also prepared the materials and the lesson plans.

7. Administering The Post-Test

Posttest is conducted to measure the students’ mastery of vocabulary after being

giving treatment by teaching through logico and crossword puzzle. The test was in form of 30 items multiple choices test with 4 optional answers for each (A, B, C, and D) One was the correct answer and the rests are the distracters. The posttest was conducted in 90 minutes.

8. Analyzing the Test Result (Pretest and Posttest)


sciences (SPSS) version 17.0.

9. Testing Hypothesis

After analyzing the data, the researcher tested the hypothesis.

3.7 Instrument of the Research

The instrument for collecting the data was objective vocabulary test. The instrument was held for pretest and posttest. Pretest was applied before the treatment in order to identify how far the students’ achievement in vocabulary

related to content words (concrete noun and verb) with title kinds of jobs, and posttest was applied after presenting the treatment in order to identify the improvement of students’ vocabulary achievement related to content words

(Kinds of jobs). The test was in the form of multiple choice tests. The items of pretest and posttest were the same. It was based on the result of try out test. The Test evaluated the meaning of vocabulary. The vocabulary that was included in the test was related to content words. The validity of the test concerned with the content and constructs validity.

3.8Try Out Test


was given to the try out class before the pretests in experimental class and control class were administered.

After that, the result of try out test showed which items that could be taken as pretest and posttest, because those items were included into the criteria of good test.

The items which did not fulfill the criteria of the good test, those would not be used for pretest and posttest. The try out was conducted in 90 minutes.

3.9 Criteria of Good Test

In this research, to prove whether the test had good ability, it would be tried out first. The test could be said have a good quality if it has a good validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and discrimination power. The try out test was given to the students to know how the quality of the test which was used as the instrument of the research. The try out test was given to another class that was not included in the sample. The data gained were analyzed to judge the level of difficulty, discrimination power, validity, and reliability of the test.

1. The Validity of the Tests


from content validity and construct validity.

a. Content Validity

According to Heaton (1991:160) the test should be constructed as to contain a representative sample of the course. It means that the tests should represent the materials that have been taught to the students. This research applied one material for the treatments. The test should represented those materials. To know whether the test has a good content validity the items of the test. In the content validity, the materials were given which suitable with the curriculum. To fulfill this validity, the researcher saw all the indicators of the instrument and analyzed them whether the instrument had represented the material that would be measured or not.

The researcher used the table of specification to check content validity of the test items. Gronlund (1981:101) stated that table of specification was to illustrate how such table was used to check on content validity.


Table I. Table of Specification of the Try out Test

No Word Classes Vocabulary Number of items Percentage

1 Concrete Nouns Postman, cheerleader, attendant, painter, typist, ability. According to Setiyadi (2006:26) if the instrument just measure one aspect, for example vocabulary, the construct validity can be measured by evaluate all items in the test. If all items have measured vocabulary mastery, the instrument has fulfilled construct validity.

c. Reliability

“Reliability refers to extent to which the test is consistent in the score and gives us an indication of how accurate the test score are” (hatch & Farhady, 1982:244). To


researcher used Pearson Product Moment formula as follows:

rxy : coefficient of reliability between odd numbers and even numbers items

2 Farhady, 1982:286) to know the coefficient correlation of whole items.

The formula is as follows:

If the result of the reliability us less than 0.50 the items would be revised. (Hatch & Farhady, 1982:247)

d. Level of Difficulty

Level of difficulty (LD) relates to how easy or difficult the item from the students’


The formulation is as follows:

LD =



LD : level of difficulty

R : the number of students who answer correctly

N : the total number of students who take part in the test.

Criteria of level difficulty as follows:

LD< 0.30 : difficult LD= 0.30 – 0.70 : satisfactory

LD>0.70 : easy

(Shohamy, 1985:79)

e. Discrimination Power

Discrimination power is used to indicate the discrimination of the failure and the success of the students. It refers to the extent to which the item differentiates between high and low level students on that test.

To find out the discrimination power this research used the following formula:

D = correct U – correct L

1/2 N

D = Discrimination Power


1. If the value is positive discrimination, there are a larger number of more knowledgeable students than poor students who get the item correct. If the value is zero, it means that there is no discrimination.

2. If the value is negative, it means that there are more low-students than high level students who get corrects item.

3. In general, the higher discrimination index the better. In classroom situations most items should be higher than 0.20 or negative the test will be revised.

3.10 Scoring System

In scoring the result of students’ test, the researcher will use Percentage Correct (Lyman, 1971:95). The percentage correct score is used in reporting the result of classroom achievement tests. The researcher calculated the average of the pre-test and post test by using this formula:

T R X%c 100

(Lyman, 1971: 95) Where:

X%c = percentage of correct score


The researcher analyzed the data in order to investigate whether there is significant difference of the students’ vocabulary mastery or not.

The steps of the data analysis of this research were: 1. Scoring the pre-test and post-test

2. Tabulating the result of the thesis and calculating the mean of the pretest and posttest. To compute the average score or mean of the pretest and posttest, the researcher will use a very simple statistic formula as follows:


: mean (average score)

∑x : total number of the student’s score N : total number of the students (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:5)


not. As stated by Setiyadi (2006; 168-169), one of the assumption should be fulfilled in using

T-Test is the data should be taken from random sample in population. In this case, the researcher used mean as the cut point run test.

The hypotheses for random test formulated as follow: H0 : (the data is not random)

H1 : (the data is random)

In this research, H0 is accepted if Sign>α. In this case, the researcher used

the level of significance of 0.05

5. Administering the normality of the test was used to measure whether the data in experimental class and control class were normally distributed or not.

The hypotheses for the normality test were as follows: H0 : the data is not normal distribution

H1: the data is normal distribution

In this research, the criterions for the hypothesis were:

H1 is accepted if sign>α. In this case, the researcher used the level of

significance α = 0.05.


H0 : there is significant difference in the level of ability (not equal)

H1 : there is no significant difference in level of ability (equal)

3.12 Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis analyzed at the significant level of 0.05 in which the hypothesis would approve if sign<@. It meant that the probability of error in the hypothesis was only about 5%.

The hypotheses were:

Ho : There is no significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between those who are taught through logico and those are taught

through crossword puzzle.

H1 : There is significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between those who are taught through logico and those taught through crossword puzzle.

(Hatch & Farhady, 1982: 111)

The criteria were:

1. If the t- value is lower than T-table: Ho is accepted. There is no significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between those who are taught through logico and those taught through crossword puzzle.

2. If the t- value is higher than T-table: H1 is accepted there is significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between those who are




5.1 Conclusions

Given the results of the data analysis and discussion, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. There is a significant difference of the students’ vocabulary mastery in terms of concrete noun between the students who are taught through logico and those taught through crossword puzzle. It could be seen from the results of hypothesis test which showed that the value of two tail significance was smaller than alpha (sign<α, 0.000<0, 05). It was also supported by the data of the total increase of the students’ score from both

classes. In the experimental class the total increase gained up to 17, 33 while in the control class the total increase gained up to 8. It means that the use of Logico gives higher result of students’ vocabulary achievement than crossword puzzle for teaching vocabulary.


increase their passion for learning and strengthen their determination to tackle new challenges. The process learning through this media is effective, because the students can see the real object they learnt by seeing picture in logico, then they have to match picture with definition, and it will stick in students’ mind. This research shows that by using logico, the teacher could give enthusiasm for students to learn vocabulary, because it consists of colorful pictures and attractive board. Meanwhile the students who were taught through crossword puzzle got fewer increase than who were taught through logico. It was because of some students found difficulties to guess the meaning from contextual clues and to match the letters in the grids of crossword puzzle, because the letters in the target word connect each other with the other target words in the grids. Then they became lazy in learning vocabulary through this process.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the result of research and conclusion stated above, the researcher would like to give some suggestions for readers in general and especially for English teachers.


they have good attention, it is easy for them to learn English and to participate in learning. Besides, colorful pictures make students interested in learning the material.

2. English teacher should be careful in making the crossword, because there are some considerations such as the level of the students’ vocabulary; the

clues and the grids of crossword should be carefully analyzed to avoid misinterpretation.




Praise be merely to Alloh SWT, for the blessing and mercy so that the writer is able to accomplish this script entitled A Comparative Study of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Between those Who Are Taught through Logico and those Taught Through Crossword Puzzle at The Seventh Grade of SMP Negeri 21 Bandar lampung.

This script is submitted as a compulsory fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining S1 degree of The English Education Study Program at The Teacher Training and Education Faculty, University of Lampung.

Gratitude and honor are addressed to all people and institutions that helped and supported the writer until completing this script. Here, the writer would like to acknowledge her sincere gratefulness to Ujang Suparman, M.A., Ph.D. as her academic supervisor and her first supervisor who has given assistance, guidance, ideas, encouragement and scientific knowledge within the process of accomplishing the script, and also as the academic advisor, who was led her from the beginning until the end of her study in this lovely University.

Her thankfulness is also due to Drs. Ramlan Ginting Suka, as a second advisor, who patiently had given support, input, help, and correction to improve this script. Her sincerity is due to Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A as the examiner, who has given suggestions and ideas to make the script better and valuable. The writer says great thanks and honor to all English lecturers who have educated and broadened the writer’s knowledge, especially about English during her study and also to all staffs and members of Language and Arts Department who have been cooperative with the writer.

Her appreciation is given to Juminto Haryadi, S.Pd, the headmaster of SMPN 21 Bandar Lampung who has given time. The writer also appreciates to Hendro Hermansyah, S.Pd, The English teacher of SMPN 21 Bandar Lampung who supported her to finish her script, helped her to conduct the research and also for all students of 7H,7I, and 7J in academic year 2011/2012 at SMP Negeri 21 Bandar Lampung.



inspiring and challenging time to pass each day with and also for all generation who care and help. Anyone who cannot be mentioned directly who has contributed in finishing this script.

Finally, the writer realizes that this script might have some weaknesses. Therefore, criticism and suggestions are welcomed for its improvement. Hopefully, this script can give benefits for the readers or those who want to carry out further research.

Bandar Lampung, February, 2012

The writer,



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