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A Thesis



Registration Number : 8146111057

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora

A Thesis Proposal





Losi, Rizky Vita. Registration Number: 8146111057. Modernization of Javanese Personal Names in Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, State University of Medan, 2016.

This research dealt with the Javanese personal names in Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia. The objectives of this descriptive qualitative study were (1) to determine the sources of name of Javanese personal names, (2) to describe the forms of modern names, and (3) to explain the reasons of name choice that the Javanese parents chose their children’s name as the way they did. The data were obtained from Javanese children’s personal names and Javanese parents’ interview result. The data were identified, analyzed and categorized based on (Rasekh, 2012), (Sahid, 2013) and (Virkkula, 2014) theories. The findings of the study showed that: (1) there were thirteen sources of name were found in Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia, Medan namely names of motherland, personal features, occupations, the time of birth, objects around, traditions or local customs, variations of another name, geographical places, names of important people, names ofancestors, names based on nature, harmonyof names, and innovation names, (2) three forms of modern name were found as well in Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia, namely names with a Javanese influence, the use of western name elements and names with an Islamic influence, (3) the reasons of name choice were found as tradition and family, international names, aesthetic values and positive meanings, current names and parents’ name identity.



Losi, Rizky Vita. NIM: 8146111057. Modernisasi Nama Masyarakat Jawa di Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia. A Thesis. Prodi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan, 2016.

Penelitian ini berhubungan dengan nama masyarakat Jawa di Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia. Tujuan dari penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini adalah (1) untuk menentukan sumber nama masyarakat Jawa, (2) untuk menggambarkan bentuk nama modern, dan (3) untuk menjelaskan alasan dari pemilihan nama yang orangtua suku Jawa pilih sepeti yang mereka lakukan. Data diperoleh dari nama anak-anak Jawa dan hasil wawancara orangtua suku Jawa. Data diidentifikasi, dianalisis, dan dikategorisasikan berdasarkan teori (Rasekh, 2012), (Sahid, 2013)dan(Virkkula, 2014). Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) ada tiga belas sumber nama yang ditemukan di Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia, Medan, yaitu nama tanah air, penampilan pribadi, pekerjaan, waktu kelahiran, objek sekitar, tradisi atau adat lokal, variasi nama lain, lokasi geografis, nama orang penting, nama nenek moyang, nama berdasarkan alam, nama harmoni, dan nama inovasi, (2) tiga bentuk nama modern ditemukan juga di Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia, Medan, yaitu nama dengan pengaruh Jawa, penggunaan elemen Barat dan nama dengan pengaruh Islam, (3) alasan pemilihan nama ditemukan sebagai tradisi dan keluarga, nama internasional, nilai estetika dan makna positif, nama terbaru dan identitas nama orangtua.



Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, the greatest thank is dedicated to Allah

SWT, the Almighty and Most Beneficial for His Grace, Guidance, Praise, Honor and Mercy that has been given to the writer so that she finally accomplishes her thesis as fulfillment of the final academic requirement to gain master degree of English Applied Linguistics Study Program (LTBI), State University of Medan (UNIMED). Moreover, she would like to express her deepest gratitude to the Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the dark to bright life.

During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she finds many difficulties during finishing her thesis and it cannot be accomplished without God blessing and supporting from many beloved people. In this occasion, the writer would like express her sincere gratitude to all those who gave her possibility to complete this thesis.


supervising the process of writing this thesis, and she is also very grateful to all lectures for their advice and guidance during her academic years in English Applied Linguistics Program 2014-2016. They are her inspiration to keep study anything in her life until the end of her ages because learning cannot be ended and always move on.

The writer also would like to express the profound gratitude her examiners, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. and Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. for their detailed reviews, correcting, revising, and suggestions in her thesis.

Her greatest and sincere thanks are fully dedicated to her beloved family, her father Susilo, her mother Susiani for their love, support, patience, and their praying in finishimg her study. Her parents are everything in the world. The greatest thank also to my beloved sister Nanda Tia Losi who always give her

support and laugh during finishing the writer’s thesis.

Special and sincerest gratitude are addressed to her motivation,

Azahari, S.Pd. for his amazing support, love and affection for the writer to finish her thesis soon.

The writer also would like to thank to her friends: Lisa, Muslim, Sari, Aisyah, Fitri, Wita, Malle, Gadis, Uti, Rini and all of ‘abang-kakak’ in A3 class of English Applied Linguistics Study Program for the joy, laugh and all of the

moments. The writer won’t forget every single moment they’ve been through.

The Writer,


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 Background of the Study ...1

1.2 The Problem of the Study ...5

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ...5

1.4 The Scope of the Study ...5

1.5 The Significance of the Study ...6


2.1.1 Types of Personal Names ...8

2.2 Javanese Traditional Personal Names ...11

2.2.1 Forms of Traditional Name ...13

2.2.2 Functions of Traditional Javanese Personal Names ...15

2.3 Source of Names ...17

2.4 Modernization of Javanese Personal Names ... 19

2.3.1 Forms of Modern Names ...21

2.5 Reasons of Name Choice ...24

2.6 Related Studies ...35

2.7 Conceptual Framework ...36


3.2. Source of Data ...40

3.3. The Technique of Data Collection ...41

3.4. The Instrument of Data Collection ...41

3.5. The Technique of Data Analysis ...42

3.6. The Trustworthiness of the Study ...45

3.6.1 Credibility ...45

3.6.2 Transferability ...46


3.6.4 Confirmability ...47


4.2 Data Analysis ...48

4.2.1 Sources of Name ...50

4.2.2 Forms of Modern Name ...58

4.2.3 Reasons of Name Choice ...61

4.3 Findings ...68

4.4 Discussions ...69


5.2 Suggestions ...73




Table 1Types of Personal Name ... 8

Table 2 Association Behalf of the People of Java... 20

Table 3 The Table of Data Analysis ... 44

Table 4 The Frequency of Source of Names ... 50

Table 5 The Frequency of Forms of Modern Names ... 58







Appendix I ...77

Appendix II ...78

Appendix III ...84

Appendix IV ...89




1.1The Background of Study

William Shakespear ever said in his famous literature, Romeo and Juliet,

“... what‟s in a name?”. It looks like that a name is just an ordinary thing but it

also can be as an important thing to consider. A name can be defined as a word of

a group of word to identify and call people, animal, thing and place (Robert and

Henry, 1990:8). A name is can be said as a self-identity of everyone. Names carry

a lot of information. Kasof (1993) states that they can be diagnostic of social

categories such as race, ethnicity, gender, and class; while Mehrabian & Piercy

(1993) states that they can influence impression formation on a range of attributes

including success, warmth, morality, popularity, cheerfulness, and masculinity–

femininity. Names are generally viewed as cultural words or words that refer to

elements deeply rooted in the culture of a speech community. Yet, the study of

proper names within the framework of cultural literacy has not received much

attention in the body of linguistic research.

Personal identifying names are found in every known culture, and they

often pass from one language to another. Naming is in reality a process of labeling

persons or places whereby some meanings or concepts are poured into a linguistic

form permissible by the phonological, morphological as well as the semantic

rules of a given language system. The act of naming whose purpose is to identify

and modify the referent relies heavily, as we believe, on borrowing in that the



characteristics of a physical object and/or certain abstract concepts representing

values and virtues are borrowed. It is true that different cultures may reflect

varied views of the world of experiences; yet, similar conceptualizations of both

the physical as well as the cultural world are still available cross-culturally and


Java is one of ethnic groups in Indonesia which has its own tradition in

giving name to their children. Javanese have various systems for naming. Many

Javanese have only one name and no surname. Name giving is an important

process for some people. In Javanese, for instance, a name is an important part of

his/her life. Every name which is used by a Javanese should have a meaning

behind it. A name is given by following some kind of rules. Koentjaraningrat

(1984:105) stated that name giving for a Javanese depends on the social status.

Wibowo (2001:45) said that a name can be divided into one word; such as

Welasono, two words; such as Triwati Rahayu, three words; such as Teguh Jaya

Santoso. A name also can convey a meaning which the parents wish to, for

instance a man who is given a name ‘Slamet’. The word Slamet means safe or be

far away from the dangerous thing. Through the name there is a wish that the man

can be safe and get bless from God as long as he‟s alive. Uhlenbeck (1982:372)

stated that there are some patterns in giving a name in Java tradition, such a name

is ended by –em/–en with a-i-e formulation, such as Sarijem. Another pattern, for

example, a name is ended by –i to show that the owner of the name is a woman

and a name is ended by –a/–o to show that the owner of the name is a man, for



From that view above, it means that in giving the name, Javanese follow

some rules and they also insert their wishes through the name for their children.

Their wishes are manifestated through the meaning of their children name.

Javanese also give their children‟s name in one, two or three words. Javanese also

give their children name by looking at their social status, such as using Roro,

Raden and so on.

There are some studies had discussed about the name giving in Java

tradition and also its own meaning. Saddhono and Sahid (2012) found that the

development of personal naming practice, ideas, cultural taste, and various

other changes which are taking place in the Javanese society from one era to

another. Astri (2014) found that the semiotic meaning of Java children‟s name

showed the parents‟ wish. She stated that Java society in Bandar Khalifah used

various ideology in giving their children‟s name such as wish, the day and month

of birth, important occasions and so on.

Based on the previous studies above, a different phenomena was found in

the way of Javanese giving name to their children. It was found that Javanese

doesn‟t follow the same way in this day. The parents‟ names are in Java words but

the children‟s names aren‟t in Java words as well, for instance the father‟s name is

Jaya which means glorywhile the daughter‟s name is Rizka which isn‟t used the

Java word. Another case is the parents‟ form name is ended by –em/–en with a-i-e

formulation such as Raminten, but the son‟s name isn‟t in the same form like that,

her son‟s name is Rudi. It seems that there is development of the form and



Mulia. The researcher found a child‟s name which is influenced by western and

Islamic name, namely Oscar Kristanto, Muhammad Owen Eka and Willy Rizky

Danianto. It was also found from the girls‟ name, like Chelsy Rahayu, Sabila

Nurul Imanda and Marsha Kirana. This preliminary data is supported by a

previous study which was done by Sahid (2013) who stated that Javanese personal

names in the north coastal region of Java have undergone various developments

in form, meaning, and function along with the developments that have taken

place during different eras of human civilization.

It is also found that most of Java teenager isn‟t given a name by following

Java tradition. Their parents and grandparents don‟t keep maintaining to give a

name by using Java tradition. The cases above shows that there are shifts and

changes in form, meaning, and function of Javanese names from one era to

another. It is interested to know the source of names that influence the

development of Javanese names up to present time. The researcher found a name

which is influenceed from the abbreviation of her parents name and it became

Rasya which consists of some last letters of her parents‟ name (Laras and Surya).

This kind of name giving shows a new innovation in order to show the modern

names development.

Relating to the cases, the study focuses on three points, (1) The source of

names that affect the modernization of Javanese personal names in Kelurahan

Tanjung Mulia, (2) The forms of modernization of Javanese personal names in

Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia, and (3) The reasons of name choice that the Javanese



1.2 The Problems of Study

Based on the background of the research, the problems of the research are

formulated as the following:

1. What source of names do affect the modernization of Javanese personal

names in Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia?

2. How are the forms of modernization of Javanese personal names in

Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia?

3. Why do Javanese parents choose their children‟s name as the way they do?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems of the study, the objectives of the study are:

1. to determine the source of names that affect the modernization of Javanese

personal names in Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia,

2. to describe the form of modernization of Javanese personal names in

Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia, and

3. to explain the reasons of name choice that the Javanese parents choose

their children‟s name.

1.4The Scope of the Study

This study will be focused on the discussion of the source of names of

Javanese modern names, the forms of modernization of Javanese personal names

and the reasons of name choice in Kelurahan Tanjung Mulia. The personal names



1.5The Significance of the Study

Findings of the study are expected to be useful and relevant theoretically

and practically. Theoretically, the findings of the study are expected to justify or

to refuse theories of modernization of Javanese personal name. In addition, the

findings are expected to add more horizons in language planning issues.

Practically, the findings are expected to make modern Javanese names

are a medium for discovering the „living‟ thoughts and feelings of

Javanese people as they continue to move dynamically up to this time. In

addition, the findings are relevant to language planners in efforts to develop the





5.1 Conclusions

From the data and findings in the previous chapter, it concluded that:

1. The Javanese children’s name were derived from various sources of name.

The sources of name which were found, namely: names of motherland,

personal features, occupations, the time of birth, objects around, traditions

or local customs, variations of another name, geographical places, names

of important people, names of ancestors, names based on nature, harmony

of names, and innovation names.

2. There were three forms of modern names found in Kelurahan Tanjung

Mulia, namely: namely names with a Javanese influence, the use of

western name elements and names with an Islamic influence.

3. There were five reasons which were chosen by the parents to give their

children’s name, namely: tradition and family, international names,

aesthetic values and positive meanings, current names and parents’ name


5.2 Suggestions

Dealing with the findings of the research, suggestions are stated as


1. It is suggested that the Javanese parents should maintain and develop their



way in giving a name to their children. Even though, there are still

Javanese influences, the parents can combine the names by using the

western and islamic elements as the result of modern names.

2. It is suggested that other researchers should be more concerned with to the

traditional personal names but it is manifestated by the modern concept.

3. It is suggested that the linguists should write more books or references

about modernization of Javanese personal names.





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Table 1Types of Personal Name ................................................................
Figure 1 Conceptual Framework ................................................................


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