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A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree Sarjana Pendidikan

By :

Cintya Hadi Iswara 20120540113

English Education Department Faculty of Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Reading has many beneficial effects in language acquisition. It is supported by

Chang and Gould (2008) who explained that reading facilitates language development. It means that the more a person reads, the more they will develop

their language like grammar and vocabulary knowledge. This research aimed to find out the habit of reading journal article of the students in EED of UMY students’ batch 2013, reveal the vocabulary mastery of the students in EED of UMY students’ batch 2013 and identify the correlation between the habit of

reading journal article and 2013 EED of UMY students’ vocabulary mastery. This

research used a descriptive quantitative research to find the correlation. The population numbers of this research were 194 students batch 2013. The sample of research was 49 students. Moreover, this research used two instruments namely

questionnaire and vocabulary test. This research also used the validity and reliability test. The analysis technique used product moment correlation.

The research found that the students of EED of UMY batch 2013 had in average

categories in the habit of reading journal article. It was supported by mean value in the habit of reading journal article of 2.02. Furthermore, the research also found

that the students of EED of UMY batch 2013 were in the fair categories of vocabulary mastery. The last result showed that probability value was 0.537 and the number of significant correlation in this research was 0.090 which was in very

low in correlation category. It means that the correlation between the habit of reading journal article and 2013 EED UMY students’ vocabulary mastery is not

significant and in very low in correlation category.


the background of the problem which explains why researcher chose this topic

research. Then, the chapter also explains about identification and limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, purpose of the study and the last significance of the study.

Background of the Problem

Reading is very important in language skill, so it should be mastered by the

students. In addition, students can get information widely without going anywhere by reading. Reading forces the reader’s brain cell to work on a regular basis as

this will keep the reader sharper and smarter (Laddoo, 2007). When the students

read more and more, they will get more information and enable students to improve their critical think. English Education Department (EED) of UMY has

many reading subjects. The lecturer usually use books, novel, magazine and journal article in reading class.

Based on the researcher experience, EED of UMY often used journal article

in reading class, such as in Academic Reading and Writing class, Writing for Career Development class, Interpretive Reading and Argumentative Writing class,

International Language Testing class and Issues in Language Teaching and

Learning class. In that subject, the student usually read many journal articles to do the assignment and have test like close book journal. However, many students


important than others. This is supported by Thornbury (2004) who stated that

without grammar very little idea on a statement can be conveyed but without vocabulary no idea on a statement can be conveyed. It means that, if we just spend time to study grammar, we cannot improve our language much. But if we focus on

vocabulary, we can see that vocabulary will improve our language. Based on the researcher experience, the students in EED of UMY have only small size of

vocabulary. When the students found new words, they did not try to find the meaning. Their vocabularies did not increase. When they had a new vocabulary, they should have tried to use the vocabularies in their activity.

Based on the background above, the researcher aimed to conduct the

research in EED of UMY batch 2013, entitled “The Correlation between the Habit of Reading Journal Articles and 2013 EED of UMY Students’ Vocabulary


Identification and Limitation of the Problem

Reading journal is applied in reading subject at English Education

Department of UMY. The reading focuses on reading journal or reading scientific

journal. By reading journal articles, the students get a lot of knowledge and information. Thus, the researcher found some problems which was faced by students in EED of UMY in reading subject especially reading journal article.


understand the meaning of the text. Moreover, reading gives many advantages for

students especially university. The advantage of reading journal articles is to develop and increase students’ vocabulary. Then, the students are helped to write

and get knowledge about sentence like sentence structure and complex sentence.

Automatically, reading journal article was influence in vocabulary mastery. However, the problem in this research is limited to only on finding the correlation

between the habit of reading journal articles and 2013 UMY students’ vocabulary mastery.

Formulation of the problem

There are three research questions in this study. Here are the researches questions:

1. What is the habit of reading journal article of the students in EED of UMY batch 2013?

2. What is the vocabulary mastery of the students in EED of UMY batch 2013?

3. Is there correlation between the habit of reading journal article and 2013 EED of UMY students’ vocabulary mastery?

Purpose of the Study

Based on some research questions, there are three purposes of this research: 1. To find out the habit of reading journal article of the students in EED of UMY


2013 EED of UMY students’ vocabulary mastery.

Significance of the Study

The researcher hopes that this study can give benefits to:

Teachers. For the teachers, it gives significance in using of journal article in reading activity to develop students’ vocabulary mastery in teaching and learning process. Furthermore, it can give information about the students’ difficulties in

learning vocabulary.

Students. For the students, the results will give the understanding on reading journal article as a way to get more new vocabulary. They can understand

and identify their difficulties of vocabulary learning by reading journal article. Moreover, this research of course attracted the students to often read many journal

articles to gain many new words.

Other researchers. This research will give advantage for other researchers. The result of this research can be one of the references for doing next research


Chapter Two Literature Review

In this chapter, the researcher tries to give clear description of theoretical framework. The subs are reading that consist of definition of reading, benefits of

reading, type of reading, reading habit and reading journal article. It followed by vocabulary that comprised of the role of vocabulary, vocabulary mastery and kind of vocabulary. Next is conceptual framework and at last is hypothesis.


Definition of Reading. Reading is a process of constructing meaning that can be achieved through dynamic instruction among the following aspects like reader’s prior knowledge, the information provided by the text and the context of

the reading situation (Klingner, Sharon & Alison, 2007). Moreover, reading is a

constructive process which the prior knowledge and experience affects the

reader’s comprehension of the text (McEntire, 2003). It means that in reading,

prior knowledge and experience are important to get proper understanding of the information in a text.

Furthermore, Grabe and Stoller (2002) stated that reading is also to do with

purposes, experiences, strategies, skills and even attitude towards reading. It means that reading facilitates a writer to share knowledge, ideas and feelings with

reader. It also indicates that reading is not only to get messages from a text but also utilizing the reading purposes and strategies.


development. It means that the more they read, the more they can develop their language like their grammar and vocabulary knowledge. As Harmer (2007)

acknowledge, reading can also help students improve their spelling and writing skills. When they fail an English reading test, they may feel disappointed and

discouraged but it does not mean that they are poor readers. They fail the English reading test simply because they do not know enough words in order to

understand texts and answer the comprehension questions.

Types of Reading. There are two types of reading. According to Richards and Schmidt (2002), types of reading are intensive reading and extensive reading.

Intensive reading is related to further progress in language learning under the teacher’s guidance. It provides a basis for explaining difficulties of structure and

for extending knowledge of vocabulary and idioms. Then, reading of journal

article included in intensive reading because the students either get instruction or assistance from the teacher. Whereas, extensive reading is reading in quantity in

order to gain a general understanding of what has been read. Thus, extensive reading is the activity that people do for pleasure. The readers can freely choose the text that they like, such as a novel, magazine and others. It is intended to

develop good reading habits, to build knowledge of vocabulary and structure and to encourage a liking for reading.


techniques to get information. According to Beatrice and Linda (2004) there are ten techniques of reading:

Previewing. The aim of previewing is to find out what are the students going to be reading before they actually read. Then, the students preview to get an

idea of what they will find in the text. Their brain can begin making connections, and their comprehension will be faster and better.

Scanning. Scanning is aimed at finding specific information from the reading text quickly. Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases. Thus, it also used when the students first find

a resource to determine whether it will answer their questions.

Skimming. Skimming is a high speed process and involves visually searching the sentences of a page for clues to meaning. In addition, skimming is

one of the reading skills that is aimed at finding the general idea quickly. It is what you do when you are searching for something particular in the text the way

you might read a phone book or dictionary. Used to find a specific reference, locate new material, locate the answer to a specific question, and get the main idea of a selection or review.

Using vocabulary knowledge (guessing). Sometimes in a passage, the students find the unknown or difficult words. Ask the students to guess the words.

The teacher can help the students to describe the word in English or give the similar meaning of the words.


the writer’s ideas. This is especially important when some ideas are not directly

stated. Making inferences also help a reader get around difficult vocabulary or

sentences structure.

Finding topics. In order to understand what you are reading, you need to connect it to something you already know. To make this connection, you need to be sure that you know what it is that you are reading about. That is, you need to know the topic.

Discovering topics of paragraphs. It is important to be able to find the main idea in a paragraph. The main idea tells what the paragraph is mostly about. All of

the other sentences are details that tell more about the main idea.

Understanding main idea. Understanding the main idea or gist of a piece of text is a sophisticated reading task. Textbook chapters, articles, paragraphs,

sentences, or passages all have topics, main ideas, and supporting details. The topic is the broad, general theme, message or what some call the subject. The

main idea is the "key concept" being expressed. Details, major or minor, support the main idea by telling how, what, when, where, why, how much, or how many. Locating the topic, main idea, and supporting details helps readers understand the

points the writer is attempting to express.

Identifying patterns of organization. Finding the pattern help you find the main idea and remember the important details. Thus, looking for patterns is a way to improve your comprehension while reading.


the major supporting points of what you have read, does not include minor details and your own ideas or opinions.

Reading Habit. The activity of reading is regarded as a habit when it is repeatedly carried out. In measurable terms reading habit is often considered as

terms the amount of materials being read, the frequency of reading as well as the average time spent on reading (Wagner, 2002). Moreover, Shen (2006) identified reading habits, as how often, how much and what the readers read. According to

Thanuskodi (2011) defined reading habit into two; reading and habit. He

explained reading as an activity of a person who reads, and habit is the product of

the activity. The activity becomes a habit when it is done frequently, repeatedly and constantly. Thus, the habit of reading is the activity which is done

continuously and frequently will become a behavior or routine.

Besides, reading is an important language skill in human, therefore the reading habits need is grown in every human being. By the habit of reading a

person will gain extensive knowledge and insight as human beings will not be separated from the need for information that is generally found in the form of reading. Tampubolon (1990) stated that “the habit of reading is one of the

deciding factors in the ability to read” (p. 243). Automatically, if the reading is

often performed the reading skills we will also be getting better.

Reading Journal Article. Journal is a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or profession (Oxford Dictionary, 2011). It means that every journal has a specific subject. For example, if we search about education so


recognized that journal can be defined as an academic magazine which has available on a regular schedule. That was includes the articles which is written by

experts in a field of the study. Those articles can be written by the students or teachers that have had great specific vocabulary and science. Additionally, a

journal article also can be called as scientific article.

The reading journal article did not contain any part where students could write new vocabulary from their reading. However, a student indicated that they

can learn new vocabulary from reading journal article. Nation and Newton (1997) stated that to remember a word, a learner has to keep meeting the word by doing

reading in large amounts which was made possible by the reading journal article. Furthermore, journal log model suggested by Lyutaya (2011) was utilized in the reading journal article used in this study. The reading journal article in this study

consisted of six parts, namely: (1) Title of the book, text or article, (2) Prediction of content based on the title, (3) An intriguing sentence or passage, (4) Inferential

or critical questions, (5) Opinion about the story, and (6) Summary or plot. Reading journals articles are logs where students record their comments on the assigned readings. They may react, question, argue, provide additional

examples, or write about what the readings mean to them personally. Some teachers prefer to use more structured reading journals articles where they



The Role of Vocabulary. Building up a useful vocabulary is central to the learning of a foreign language at primary level (Cameron, 2001). Someone who has a lot of vocabulary of foreign language could learn language easily. Since

vocabulary is all about words, and good mastery of vocabulary helps someone understand language. Langan (2002) stated that “if you have a poor vocabulary, it

will make you have slow reading speed and limit your comprehension” (p.341).

Not only that, vocabulary is important because it gives significant impact on reading comprehension (Athans & Devine, 2010).

Based on Neuman and Dawyer (2009) cited in Bintz (2011), vocabulary can be defined as the words we must know to communicate effectively like words in speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive vocabulary). Then, Linse (2006) cited in Bintz (2011) stated that “vocabulary is the collection

of words that an individual knows” (p. 121). While, learning vocabulary is

important as a part of learning English or other foreign languages since learners learn vocabulary first before they master more complex structure. This is

supported by Richard and Renandya (2002) that “vocabulary is a core component

of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write” (p. 255).

Vocabulary Mastery. Vocabulary is one of the language aspects which should be learnt. Learning is important because in order to be able to speak, write, and listen learners have to know vocabulary first. According to Cameron (2001)


when they see it. It means that in learning vocabulary learners have to know the meaning of it and also understand and can use it in sentence context. Vocabulary

mastery is a great skill of knowledge about a set of words known by a person as a part of specific language. Harmer (2001) states that vocabulary mastery is one of

the most obvious components of language and one of first things applied linguistics turned their attention.

On other hand, Grabe (2009) also stated that raising the students’ awareness

of the new words that they encounter in texts represents an important learning goal. Furthermore, he reported in his research that anew issue of current review

about vocabulary mastery stressing on the importance of making students aware of use the new words they encounter and motivating the students to learn and use the new words, more ever the students need to be collectors of words either by

listing words which are interesting or difficult, or by noting possible connection between new words and known words or trying to use the new words in some

interesting way.

Based on Hirsch (2003) found that knowing at least 90 percent of the words of a text enables the reader to get the main idea from the reading and guess

correctly what many of the unfamiliar words mean, which will help them learn new words. Then, Harmer (2001) said that there are some aspects that have to be

discussed in vocabulary, namely: word meaning (synonym, antonym, connotation, and denotation), extending word use such as idioms, word combination or


and adverb. It means that, every student can learn some aspect like vocabulary by reading.

Meaning. The meaning can be classified according to the form they attach to. It can be classified into three forms: lexical meaning, morphological meaning,

and syntactic meaning. Lexical meaning is the meaning that attaches to words as word. Whereas, morpheme is the smallest unit that are carries information about meaning or function. And the meaning that attaches to the word arrangement in a

sentence is the syntactic meaning.

Synonym. The term synonym derives from Greek are syn- + -nymy. The two

parts mean same and name. Synonym deals with sameness of meaning, more than one word having the same meaning, alternatively the same meaning being

expressed by more than one word. In other words, synonym is words whose

denotation is the same but has different connotation.

Antonym. Antonym is the opposite of meaning. Antonyms are not

differentiated for formality or dialect or technicality; antonyms occur within the same style, dialect, or register.

Denotation. Based on Keraf (1984) said that denotative meaning is also

called as some terms such as denotational meaning, cognitive meaning, conceptual meaning, ideational meaning, referential meaning, or proportional


Connotation. Connotation is more complicated than denotation. Widarso (1989) state “denotation is the meaning of a word which has added the component

of meaning related to emotional overtones” (p. 69).

Use. According to Nation (2001), there are some ways to draw the attentions to the use of words by quickly showing the grammatical pattern the word fits into countable or uncountable, transitive or intransitive, giving a few similar collocates, mentioning any restrictions on the use of the word like formal,

informal, impolite, only used with children, and giving a well known opposite or a well-known word describing the group or lexical set it fits into.

Spelling. Spelling is the writing of a word or words with the necessary letters and diacritics present in an accepted standard order, an arrangement of letters that form a word or part of a word and the process of forming words by

putting letters together.

Pronunciation. According to Hewings (2004), pronunciation of a language is the main components of speech which combine together. These components range from the individual sounds that make up speech, to the way in pitch or the rise and fall of the voice is used to convey meaning.

Sounds. The building blocks of pronunciation are the individual sounds, the vowels and consonants go together to make words. The consonants such as /b/ and


Syllables. Vowel and consonant sounds combine into syllables. It can be helpful to think of the structure of English syllables as consonant (s) + vowel +

consonant (s). This means that various combinations of vowels and consonants are possible like vowel only (e.g. in a), consonant + vowel (e.g. in me), vowel + consonant (e.g. in eat) and consonant + vowel + consonant (e.g. in bag)

Words. A word can be either a single syllable (e.g. cat, own) or a sequence of two or more syllables (e.g. window, about [two syllables]; lemonade [three

syllables] or electricity [five syllables]). When a word has more than one syllable, one of these syllables is stressed in relation to other syllables in the word, while other syllables are said to be unstressed. For example, in “window” the first

syllable is stressed and the second is unstressed, while in “about” the first syllable

is unstressed and the second is stressed.

Kinds of Vocabulary. Lehr and Osborn (2001) explained two kinds of vocabulary description as follow. First, words come in two forms, oral and print.

Oral vocabulary includes the words that are recognized and used in listening and speaking. Whereas, print vocabulary are includes the word that are recognize and used in reading and writing. Second, word knowledge is composed of two forms,

receptive and productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words that are recognized when we hear or see them. It is the ability to comprehend passive


Review of Related Studies

To support this research, many researchers which are relevant with this

research are presented here. Those are:

The first research is research from Bastian (2013) entitled “A Correlation

Study between Student’s Reading Interest toward their Vocabulary Mastery of the

Fourth Semester of English Department Students of Salatiga in Academic Year of 2012/2013”. The aims of this research are to know the score of reading interest,

the score of vocabulary mastery, and to proven the significant correlation between reading interest and vocabulary mastery. This research using a descriptive

quantitative research. The researcher using questionnaire to finding the score of student’s reading interest, and the writer applied test to finding the score of

vocabulary mastery of the Fourth Semester of English Department Students of

Salatiga. The result of this research showed that score of reading interest of the Fourth Semester of English Department Students of Salatiga is good. It can be

seen from the result of reading interest score is 77.31%. In this research also showed that score of vocabulary mastery the respondents is excellent. It was known from the result of score of vocabulary test is 83.70%. Then, the result of

correlation formula showed that the r-calculation is 0.483. To know the

significance of variable X to variable Y, r-calculation is compared with r-table

with the number of sample (27) students and the level of significance 5% (0.05), which is 0.381. It proved that r-calculation is almost the same with r-table

because r-calculation is 0.483 while r-table is 0.381. It also proved that there was


The second research by Chen (2011) in her research on “The Impact of EFL Students’ Vocabulary Breadth of Knowledge”. The purpose of this study was to

investigate whether EFL students’ vocabulary breadth knowledge influences their

literal reading comprehension. To accomplish this study, the mixed methods

design was used. All the participants in this study were given a set of tests which included vocabulary levels test and reading comprehension tests. Individual interviews were conducted after the quantitative phase and were used as

supportive data. The quantitative results indicated that vocabulary breadth of knowledge was positively and significantly correlated to literal reading

comprehension. The qualitative findings showed that the majority of participants agreed breadth of vocabulary knowledge played a greater role in their literal reading comprehension process. The interview results determined the participants

relied more on breadth of vocabulary knowledge than others, for example syntactic knowledge, during literal reading. Moreover, the interviewees who had

better language proficiency tended to utilize more literacy skills in interpreting the content of reading passages than did lower language proficiency learners.

The third research is by Naimatun (2015) conducted a research on “The Correlation between Reading Habits and Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at

English Education Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta”. The

objective of this research is to identify the students’ reading habit, to reveal students’ vocabulary mastery and to find out the correlation between reading habit

and vocabulary mastery. This research was conducted in English Education


population of EED UMY batch 2013 was 194. There are 106 students of EED UMY batch 2013 participated in this research. This research used quantitative

approach and correlation as the methodology. Moreover, this research used two instruments namely questionnaire and vocabulary test. The research found out that the EED UMY students’ batch 2013 had good reading habit. It was supported by

the students reading habits mean value of 3.09. The research also found out that the vocabulary mastery of EED UMY was in good category since the mean value

of vocabulary was 3.54. The last result showed that the correlation between EED UMY students’ reading habit and vocabulary mastery is in very weak criteria of

correlation. It means that the correlation was positive but not significant with the correlation value was 0.106 and the probability value was 0.278.

Conceptual Framework

Based on literature review, vocabulary is one of the important components in language learning. Four skills in English language learning need much of

vocabulary. The vocabulary mastery is not a spontaneous process which is easy to be done. We know that first language comes from the mother tongue. The process of vocabulary mastery begins when someone like reading. English vocabulary

learning cannot run successfully without English ability (English skills) because both of them are very important in English teaching and learning process. Then,


From the discussion above, the researcher thinks that the students can learn and get more new vocabulary by the reading. Furthermore, reading divided in two

types like intensive and extensive reading. Intensive reading is the language learning under teacher guidance. While, extensive reading is reading in leisure

time. Then, reading journal article belonging in intensive reading. The habit of reading journal article became a means that encouraged students to read regularly, one book and one article of their choice every week that gave them more

opportunities to encounter new vocabulary more. The students feel easier to understand something faster. Actually, it has many benefits for students who learn


Figure 2.1

Conceptual framework of the research

The Correlation between the Habit of Reading Journal Articles and 2013 EED of UMY Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Reading journal


Reading Habit Vocabulary


Frequency Type of reading

Intensive Extensive



Based on the problems above, the hypotheses of the study are stated as


1. Alternative Hypothesis

H1: There is a significant correlation between the habit of reading journal

articles and the student’s vocabulary mastery in EED of UMY batch


2. Null Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant correlation between the habit of reading journal


Chapter Three Methodology

This chapter presents research methodology. The research methodology consists of research design, research setting, population and sample, research

instrument, data collection method and data analysis. Research Design

The researcher was intended to find the correlation between the habit of

reading journal article and vocabulary mastery, so this research used quantitative design as the research design in order to get correlation. It is supported by Burns

and Grove (2005) who stated that quantitative research is as a formal, objective, systematic process to describe and test relationships and examine cause and effect interactions among variables. It is cause the researcher investigated two variables

then quantitative research is suitable for this research.

Research Setting

The researcher chose EED of UMY as the researcher setting. The first reason is EED of UMY applied some reading subject like academic reading and writing, reading and writing for career development, interpretive reading and

argumentative writing and issues in language teaching and learning. In that subject, students should read some journal articles, so it was easier for the


Population and Sample

Population. The population of this research was EED of UMY students’ batch 2013 who passed at least 4 semesters in EED of UMY and got some experiences to read a journal article in teaching and learning process. This is

supported by Nunan and Bailey (2009) that population is representing entire or all subject research. Population is grand total of subject research which can be

consisted of by the human being, object, animal, flora, and symptom, assess the

test or event as data source owning certain characteristic in a research. Population numbers of this research were 194 students in batch 2013.

Sample. According to Arikunto (2006) “sample is a part of the population which is investigated” (p.131). The researcher used the method of population

research, if the research subject less than 100 is better to take all of it. Thus, it is

regarded as a population research. If the research subject more than 100, the researcher can takes 10-15% or 20-25% from the population (Arikunto, 2006). It

is cause the population of this research were 194 students, so the researcher takes 25% of the total population which is 49 students.

The research sampling that was used is convenience sampling. Cohen,

Manion, and Morrison (2011) stated that convenience sampling is known as accidental or opportunity sampling. Convenience sampling gives the opportunity


Research Instrument

In collecting the data needed, the researcher used two instruments namely

questionnaire and vocabulary test to identify the purpose of the study. Questionnaire. Kothari (2004) argued that questionnaire is a set of

questions focused on specific topic or specialized area. This questionnaire can be divided into sub sets depending on the sub topics of specialized area. This method is generally adopted by research workers, private and public organizations, as well

as government organizations also. However, questionnaire in this research was in form of statements about the habit of reading journal article to get information

about how many journal articles that was read by them in learning activity. The questionnaire consisted of 16 items of statements and designed in Indonesian language to make respondents was easier in filling the questionnaire. The

questionnaire items were divided into three classifications. The classifications items are as follow.

Table 3.1

The classifications of 16 items

No. Classifications Items

1. Benefit of reading 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

2. Types of reading 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13

3. Frequency of reading 14, 15, 16


only consisted of 11 items. The questionnaire items also divided into three classifications. The classifications items are as follow.

Table 3.2

The classifications of 11 items

No. Classifications Items

1. Benefit of reading 1, 2, 3, 4

2. Types of reading 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13

3. Frequency of reading 15

Furthermore, the research used Likert scale in questionnaire. The definition of Likert Scale according to Sugiyono (2009) is the scale used to measure attitude,

opinion, and perception of someone or group toward the social phenomenon. In this scale, respondents stated their agreement and disagreement. The researcher

decided to use 1- 4 scales namely strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. The criteria of questionnaire items are as follow.

Table 3.3

The criteria in questionnaire item

Description Scale

Strongly Disagree 4

Disagree 3

Agree 2

Strongly Agree 1


Vocabulary Test. In this research the vocabulary test consisted of 35 numbers of words. It is cause the researcher find the size of vocabulary then

vocabulary test is suitable for this research. In addition, the researcher adapted and modified vocabulary test from book of Meara (2010). The researcher modified

vocabulary test by adding translation. If the respondents understood the word, they wrote the translation. It measured how many size of vocabulary that they acquired. In the vocabulary test, the respondents should write the each and

provide the translation of word in Indonesian language. The researcher modified the vocabulary test to make test and get the data more reliable.

Validity of the Instrument. After the researcher got the data, the researcher analyzed the item validity of questionnaire in SPSS Program version 22. Before the researcher distributed the instruments to respondent, the instruments had been

piloted to check whether the instrument could be used or not to measure by the supervisor. Then, the researcher piloted the instrument to 15 students to know

whether the instrument could be used to measure the habit of reading journal article and vocabulary mastery. The data were analyzed to identify the r value and the researcher compared the r value and r table (0.514). The questionnaire items


Table 3.4

The criteria of item validity

r value > r table =valid

r value < r table = not valid

Source: Arikunto (2006)

After analyzed the criteria of item validity, the researcher found some

invalid items. From 16 statements of questionnaire, there were five invalid items. The invalid items were deleted and the questionnaires only consisted of 11

statements. Furthermore, the vocabulary tests also used of item validity. From 100

words in the vocabulary test, more than a half of total of words in the vocabulary test not valid. The detailed number of validity is attached on the appendix. The

table of valid items number of questionnaires and vocabulary test are as follow.

Table 3.5 Valid Item Number

No. Categories Valid Not valid

1. Benefit of reading 1, 2, 3, 4 5

2. Types of reading 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 9,10

3. Frequency of reading 15 14, 16

4. Vocabulary test 6, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 40,

41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 50, 51, 54, 57, 60, 68, 75,

1, 2, 3,4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19,


77, 79, 80, 84, 85, 90, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99.

36, 37, 38, 39, 45, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61,

62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72,

73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88,

89, 91, 92, 93, 96, 100.

Reliability of the instrument. Reliability showed the finding consistency of the research. Based on Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2011) reliability refers to the dependability, consistency and reliability of a research. Additionally, in this research used Cronbach’s Alpha to check the reliability of the data. Sekaran


(2000) divided the reliability indicator into three levels:

Table 3.6

The Criteria of Reliability (Alpha)

1. 0.8 – 1.0 Good

2. 0.6 – 0.799 Moderate

3. < 0.6 Not Good


reliability in moderate criteria and suitable to use in this research. The reliability of 11 items is reported the table below.

Table 3.7 Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.650 11

Data Collection Method This research used questionnaire and vocabulary test to collect the data

correlation. It is cause the researcher wants to get information about how many journal articles that was read by the students and find the size of vocabulary then

that instruments are suitable for this research. The researcher gave questionnaire and vocabulary test to the 49 students of EED of UMY batch 2013. Then, asked permission to the lecturer first before coming to the class and to the students to

become respondents in this research. The researcher explained how to answer and fill the questionnaire and vocabulary test. After getting the data from the

distributed questionnaire and vocabulary test, the researcher analyzed the data using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.

Data Analysis

The research used a computer program called Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 and it was used as a tool. Then, according to scale of


for analysis. Automatically, in SPSS the research using Pearson's Product-Moment Correlation. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (Pearson’s correlation, for short) is a measure of the strength and direction of

association that exists between two variables measured on at least an interval

scale. Thus, in this research have two variables. There are the habit of reading journal article and vocabulary mastery. The first variable is the habit of reading journal article and the score took from test like reading habit questionnaire. The

second variable is vocabulary mastery and the score took from test like vocabulary mastery test.

After get the score from both of them, the score was input in SPSS to get statistical analyses and to calculate descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics usually helps the researcher for explain to the other people what is happening in

the data. Then, it could be done by using SPSS program which consist of frequency, testing reliability, validity, includes several mathematic calculations

like mean. Moreover, prerequisites test in Pearson product-moment correlation are normality and linearity test. It was conducted before analyzing the data. Normality test was done to determine whether the data variable of research was normal or

not. Therefore, linearity test was to determine the linear relationship between independent variables and the dependent variables. The data was correlated in

SPSS to get the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient is a number between –1 and +1 that determines whether two paired sets of data are related. The number of coefficient shows –1 was indicated the correlation is strong


variable y also increase. Then, the number of coefficient shows +1 was indicated the correlation is strong positive linear correlation. It be concluded that when the

variable x increase, the variable y not increase. If a value near zero means that there is no correlation between the two variables. Thus, the data can interpret by

the result in SPSS.

In addition, to know the students’ habit of reading journal article the researcher divided the mean value into five categories. The first category is very

high which was ranged from 4.01-5.00. The second category is high which was ranged from 3.01-4.00. The third category is average which was ranged from

2.01-3.00. The fourth category is low which was ranged from 1.01-2.00. The last category is very low which was ranged from 0.01-1.00. The categories of

students’ habit of reading journal article of this research were presented in the


following table.

Table 3.8

The categories of mean value

Source: Alimi (2013)

No. Category Value

1. Very High 4.01 – 5.00

2. High 3.01 – 4.00

3. Average 2.01 – 3.00

4. Low 1.01 – 2.00


Moreover, the categories of the vocabulary mastery were divided into five, because the number word is 35 so that the range is 7. The first category is

excellent which was ranged 29-35. The second category is good which was ranged from 22-28. The third category is fair which ranged from 15-21. The


fourth category is low which was ranged from 8-14. The last category is very low which was ranged from 1-7 point. The categories of vocabularies mastery were in the table below.

Table 3.9

The categories of vocabularies mastery Source : Meara (2010)

No Number of vocabulary Category

1. 29-35 Excellent

2. 22-28 Good

3. 15-21 Fair

4. 8-14 Low

5. 1-7 Very low

Then, the researcher analyzed the data using SPSS program version 22 to reveal the correlation between those two variables. Thus, the researcher used


Table 3.10

The correlation category Source: Sugiyono (2011)

No Coefficient interval Correlation category

1. 0.80-1.000 Very strong

2. 0.50-0.799 Strong

3. 0.40-0.599 Moderate

4. 0.20-0.399 Low


Chapter Five

Conclusion and Recommendation

In the last chapter, the researcher presents the summary of this research. Then, the researcher also gives recommendation of this research for the readers.


This research found that the students of EED of UMY batch 2013 had average categories in reading journal article habit. The mean value is 2.02. The

students did strategies in reading, especially reading journal article. They felt that reading developed their knowledge, improve spelling skills, get many new words

and help their assignment in reading subject. While, the students also like to did extensive reading, intensive reading or both of them.

Furthermore, the students of EED of UMY batch 2013 also had fair

categories in the vocabulary mastery. The category level in vocabulary test

showed that 17 students which were in the fair category. It followed by16 students

which were included in the low category. Then, 9 students were included in the very low category. There were 4 students were included in the good category and the last 3 students were included in the excellent category.

To be highlighted, this finding showed that the correlation between the habit of reading journal article and 2013 EED UMY students’ vocabulary mastery is not


of correlation. It means that, the habit of reading journal article is not the only way to gain vocabularies.


Based on the result about the correlation between the habit of reading

journal article and 2013 EED of UMY students’ vocabulary mastery, this research provided several recommendations for the students, the teachers and the other researcher.

For students. Students improve and increase their habit in reading journal article. Reading has many impacts to develop skill, like get some new words,

spelling skills and grammar. Although, an English journal article is often used in the reading class, so, it can be easier to understand an English journal article if the student master the vocabulary.

For teachers. The teacher should be a good motivator to the students and support their interest in reading journal article. The teacher should help the

students to master vocabulary by using appropriate reading based on characteristic of the student. Then, the teacher should have many variants or journal article themes, so it students will be more enthusiast in reading journal article.

For other researchers. Other researcher could conduct the same study on wider area. The result would give more advantages. Besides that it can use


Chapter Four Findings and Discussion

In this chapter, the researcher shows the findings and discussion of the research. The finding describes the result of the three research questions. Then,

the discussion also describes the findings with detailed explanation. Findings

Students’ habit of reading journal article. First research question is “how is the habit of reading journal article of the students in EED of UMY batch 2013”.

There were 11 statements that reflected benefit of reading, frequency of reading


and types of reading. The respondent responses are presented in the table below.

Table 4.1

I read to add knowledge

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 29 59.2

Agree 20 40.8

Total 49 100.0

Based on the statement “I read to add knowledge” most of the students

chose strongly agree on the statement. It was 29 students (59%) and 20 students (41%) chose agree on the statement. It can be concluded that reading can add


Table 4.2

I employ various strategies in reading

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 2 4.1

Agree 28 57.1

Disagree 14 28.6

Strongly Disagree 5 10.2

Total 49 100.0

From the table 4.2, the statement is “I employ various strategies in reading”

showed that two students (4%) chose strongly agree about that statement. Then, 28 students chose agree, it is around 57%. There were 14 (29%) students chose

disagree and five students (10%) chose strongly disagree for that statement. It proved that there is also students did not strategies in reading.

Table 4.3

I read to language development, like vocabulary knowledge

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 25 51.0

Agree 22 44.9

Disagree 2 4.1


Based on table 4.3, the statement is “I read to language development, like

vocabulary knowledge” showed that 25 student (51%) chose strongly agree about

that statement. Then, 22 students chose agree, it is around 45%. However, there were two students (4%) chose disagree for that statement. It proved that most of


the students felt reading give positive contribution in language development.

Table 4.4

I like reading to improve my spelling skills

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 13 26.5

Agree 24 49.0

Disagree 11 22.4

Strongly Disagree 1 2.0

Total 49 100.0

In the statement “I like reading to improve my spelling skills”, the finding

showed that the biggest numbers of students chose agree. There were 24 students (49%). It is almost a half of total students who voted agree. While, only one

student (2%) voted strongly disagree for that statement. However, there were 13 students (26%) who voted strongly agree and 11 students (22%) voted disagree


Table 4.5

I like reading in leisure time

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 10 20.4

Agree 22 44.9

Disagree 17 34.7

Total 49 100.0

From the table above, there were 10 students (20%) chose strongly agree

and 22 students (50%) chose agree. However, there were 17 students (35%) chose disagree for that statement. It can be concluded that most of the students

like reading in leisure time.

Table 4.6

I like reading under teacher guidance

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 4 8.2

Agree 24 49.0

Disagree 19 38.8

Strongly Disagree 2 4.1

Total 49 100.0

From the statement “I like reading under teacher guidance”, the finding


students (49%). It is followed by students who disagree, 19 students (39%). Then, four students (8%) who argued strongly agree and two students (4%) who argued


strongly disagree with that statement. It can be concluded that students read by themselves.

Table 4.7

I like reading in leisure and under teacher guidance

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 4 8.2

Agree 20 40.8

Disagree 21 42.9

Strongly Disagree 4 8.2

Total 49 100.0

From the statement “I like reading in leisure and in teacher guidance”, there

were four students (8%) strongly agree and 20 students (40%) agree. Whereas, most of students stated disagree, 21 students (43%) and the last is students who stated strongly disagree, four students (8%). It can be concluded that students


Table 4.8

I read an English journal article

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 13 26.5

Agree 30 61.2

Disagree 6 12.2

Total 49 100.0

As seen in table 4.8, the statement “I read an English journal article”. The

data showed that 30 students (61%) agree with that statement. It means that the students read an English journal article in the class. Then, 13 students (26%) said

strongly agree and six students (12%) disagree about that statement.

Table 4.9

I read an English journal article to acquire many new word

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 16 32.7

Agree 31 63.3

Disagree 2 4.1

Total 49 100.0

Based on the statement “I read an English journal article to acquire many


(33%). Then, two students (4%) argued disagree for that statement. It can be concluded that read an English journal article is a way to get many new word.

Table 4.10

I read an English journal article to help my assignment in reading subject

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 13 26.5

Agree 23 46.9

Disagree 13 26.5

Total 49 100.0

Based on the statement “I read an English journal article to help my assignment in reading subject” showed that 23 students (47%) agree and 13

students (26%) disagree. The last is students who said strongly agree, it is same

with students who said disagree. There were 13 students (26%) said strongly agree that read an English journal article to help their assignment in reading


Table 4.11

I read an English journal article at least one article every day

Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 1 2.0

Agree 11 22.4

Disagree 33 67.3

Strongly Disagree 4 8.2

Total 49 100.0

The statement “I read an English journal article at least one article every

day”, the finding showed that the biggest number of students is argued disagree,

33 students (67%). It is followed by students who agree, 11 students (22%). Then,

four students (8%) argued strongly disagree and only one student (1%) argued strongly agree on that statement. It can be concluded that not to all of students

read an English journal article at least one article every day. Table 4.12


Frequency Percent

Valid Strongly Agree 2 4.1

Agree 44 89.8

Disagree 3 6.1


Based on the average above, it can be seen that there are 44 students (90%) chose agree. It almost from the total 49 respondents who chose agree. Then, it

followed by three students (6%) who chose disagree and only two students (4%) who chose strongly agree. It can be concluded that the reading habit of students is

not bad because the average is almost from the total 49 respondents. It is

supported by the mean value 2.02. Based on the criteria of mean value is belong to in the average category of reading habit. The mean value was presented in the


figure below.

Figure 4.1

The histogram of the habit of reading journal article

Students’ vocabulary mastery.The second research question is “how is the vocabulary mastery of the students in EED of UMY batch 2013”. There were


Table 4.13 Finding vocabulary test

Category Frequency Percent

Very low 9 18.4

Low 16 32.7

Fair 17 34.7

Good 4 8.2

Excellent 3 6.1

Total 49 100.0

Based on the table above, it showed that there were 17 students (35%) which were included in the fair category. It followed by 16 students (33%) which were included in the low category. There were nine students (18%) which were

included in the very low category. Then, there were four students (8%) which were included in the good category and three students (6%) which were included

in the excellent category. It can be concluded that vocabulary mastery of students of EED of UMY batch 2013 is fair.

The correlation between the habit of reading journal article and their vocabulary mastery. The third research question is “is there correlation between the habit of reading journal articles and 2013 EED of UMY students’ vocabulary

mastery”. The researcher used SPSS version 22 refers to the Pearson correlation


variables, the assumption test namely normality and linearity test were conducted. The normality test of this research was presents in the table 4.14 and 4.15 below.

Table 4.14 Tests of Normality (Habit of reading journal article)

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Habit of

reading journal article

,121 49 ,070 ,969 49 ,223

Table 4.15 Tests of Normality (Vocabulary mastery)

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Vocabulary

mastery ,106 49 ,200

* ,937 49 ,011

Normality test result of the research showed that all research variables such as habit of reading journal article and vocabulary mastery was normal. The

significant values the habit of reading journal article were 0.070 and 0.223. Thus, the significant values of vocabulary mastery were 0.200 and 0.011. The

significant values of greater than 0.05 in (sig > 0.05), it can be concluded that all

of the variables in this research were normally distributed.

Another way to test the data was by analyzing the data distribution using


Furthermore, according to Sugiyono (2011) there are five categories of correlation. The result of the Pearson correlation is 0.090. It means that the result included to very low correlation because the coefficient interval between value

0.00-0.199. Thus, the correlation was not significant if the probability value is >0.05 and it was significant if the probability value is <0.05. The result of

probability value is 0.537. It means that the result of probability value is >0.05, whereas Ho (null hypothesis) is accepted and Ha (alternative hypothesis) is rejected. It can be concluded that there is no significant correlation between the

habit of reading journal articles and 2013 EED of UMY students’ vocabulary mastery. The correlation value was presented in the table below.



The researcher did the research to get the result of the habit of reading journal article and vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, after got the data the

researcher analyzed the data then explained the calculation. In this part explain the discussion about previous result.

Students’ habit of reading journal article. The researcher got the data of

the habit of reading journal article by using the questionnaire values. This research found that the reading habit of journal article of students is average. It

can be known from the mean value is 2.02. There were 44 out of 49 students (90%) chose agree. Then, it followed by 3 students (6%) who chose disagree and


only 2 students (4%) who chose strongly agree. It can be concluded that the reading habit of students is in the average category.

Table 4.16 Correlations Value

Reading Journal Article

Vocabulary Mastery

Reading Journal Article

Pearson Correlation 1 .090

Sig. (2-tailed) .537

N 49 49



Pearson Correlation .090 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .537


According to Thanuskodi (2011) the activity becomes a habit when it is done frequently, repeatedly and constantly. It means that the activity which is

done continuously and frequently will become a behavior or routine. It supported the result of the questionnaire that explained students read an English journal

article. However, half of students did not read an English journal article at least one article every day.

Students’ vocabulary mastery. In this research the researcher used

vocabulary test which has many categories. Based on the vocabulary test, showed that there were 17 students (35%) which were included in the fair category,

biggest than the other frequency. Then, it followed by16 students (33%) which were included in the low category. There were 9 students (18%) included in the very low category, 4 students (8%) were included in the good category and 3

students (6%) which were included in the excellent category. It can be concluded that the vocabulary mastery of students of EED of UMY batch 2013 is fair.

Hirsch (2003) stated that knowing at least 90 percent words of a text enables the reader to get the main idea from the reading and guess correctly what many of the unfamiliar words mean, which will help them learn new words. It can be

concluded that to have vocabulary mastery the students should read more to know the unfamiliar word. This is supported by the categories result, it showed that

vocabulary mastery of students of EED of UMY batch 2013 in fair category.


accepted and Ha (alternative hypothesis) is rejected. However, the correlation between the habit of reading journal articles and 2013 EED of UMY students’

vocabulary mastery is in the very low category. The result of the Pearson

correlation is 0.090. It means that the result included to in the very low correlation

because the coefficient interval between value 0.00-0.199. Based on probability value and Pearson correlation, it can be concluded that there is no significant correlation between the habit of reading journal articles and 2013 EED of UMY students’ vocabulary mastery.

In spite of theory and previous research between the habit of reading journal

articles and vocabulary mastery has significant correlation, this research has no significant correlation. It means that the habit of reading journal articles was increase, the vocabulary mastery was not certainly increase or opposite. That is

happen because there are factors which is influence the finding. The possible factor that cause of the research has no correlation is the validity instrument. The

researcher assumes that the instrument inapplicable such as vocabulary test. The vocabulary test adapted from Meara who basically learnt British language. However, basically accent that used in EED of UMY is America language, so it

makes the instrument difficult to answer by the respondent. The other factor is contextual the students. Every student has different skill about the reading and


Chapter Five

Conclusion and Recommendation

In the last chapter, the researcher presents the summary of this research. Then, the researcher also gives recommendation of this research for the readers.


This research found that the students of EED of UMY batch 2013 had average categories in reading journal article habit. The mean value is 2.02. The

students did strategies in reading, especially reading journal article. They felt that reading developed their knowledge, improve spelling skills, get many new words

and help their assignment in reading subject. While, the students also like to did extensive reading, intensive reading or both of them.

Furthermore, the students of EED of UMY batch 2013 also had fair

categories in the vocabulary mastery. The category level in vocabulary test

showed that 17 students which were in the fair category. It followed by16 students

which were included in the low category. Then, 9 students were included in the very low category. There were 4 students were included in the good category and the last 3 students were included in the excellent category.

To be highlighted, this finding showed that the correlation between the habit of reading journal article and 2013 EED UMY students’ vocabulary mastery is not


of correlation. It means that, the habit of reading journal article is not the only way to gain vocabularies.


Based on the result about the correlation between the habit of reading

journal article and 2013 EED of UMY students’ vocabulary mastery, this research provided several recommendations for the students, the teachers and the other researcher.

For students. Students improve and increase their habit in reading journal article. Reading has many impacts to develop skill, like get some new words,

spelling skills and grammar. Although, an English journal article is often used in the reading class, so, it can be easier to understand an English journal article if the student master the vocabulary.

For teachers. The teacher should be a good motivator to the students and support their interest in reading journal article. The teacher should help the

students to master vocabulary by using appropriate reading based on characteristic of the student. Then, the teacher should have many variants or journal article themes, so it students will be more enthusiast in reading journal article.

For other researchers. Other researcher could conduct the same study on wider area. The result would give more advantages. Besides that it can use



Reading has many beneficial effects in language acquisition. It is supported by

Chang and Gould (2008) who explained that reading facilitates language development. It means that the more a person reads, the more they will develop

their language like grammar and vocabulary knowledge. This research aimed to find out the habit of reading journal article of the students in EED of UMY

students’ batch 2013, reveal the vocabulary mastery of the students in EED of

UMY students’ batch 2013 and identify the correlation between the habit of

reading journal article and 2013 EED of UMY students’ vocabulary mastery. This

research used a descriptive quantitative research to find the correlation. The population numbers of this research were 194 students batch 2013. The sample of research was 49 students. Moreover, this research used two instruments namely

questionnaire and vocabulary test. This research also used the validity and reliability test. The analysis technique used product moment correlation.

The research found that the students of EED of UMY batch 2013 had in average

categories in the habit of reading journal article. It was supported by mean value in the habit of reading journal article of 2.02. Furthermore, the research also found

that the students of EED of UMY batch 2013 were in the fair categories of vocabulary mastery. The last result showed that probability value was 0.537 and the number of significant correlation in this research was 0.090 which was in very

low in correlation category. It means that the correlation between the habit of reading journal article and 2013 EED UMY students’ vocabulary mastery is not

significant and in very low in correlation category.


Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework of the research
Table 3.1 The classifications of 16 items
Table 3.2 The classifications of 11 items
Table 3.4 The criteria of item validity


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