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Academic year: 2017



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The objective of research is to find out about the implementation of 3 strategies of active learning approach can help students to study vocabulary and also the effectiveness of 3 strategies in active learning approach in teaching vocabulary process. The subject of this research were 30 students of social program at the first year of MAN 1 MODEL Bandar Lampung. This research was held on September, 11th until 25th 2014. This research was classroom action research.

The instrument used to gather the data were observation for observing the entire process of learning vocabulary through Student-centered Learning for knowing the problem and as a guideline to develop the learning strategies for the next cycle.

This research divided into 3 cycles. The result of the 1st cycle of the research showed that the students’ difficulties were in paying attention and hard to memorize the new words, they are also shy to express their idea. While in the 2nd cycle the researcher resolve the previous problem by implementing the different way in the learning strategies, and the result the students were paying attention and could memorize the words even though there were still many students who could not express their ideas. In the 3rd cycle the researcher resolve the previous problem by implementing another learning strategy and the result the students were start to express their idea.






A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement for S-1 Degree


The Language and Art Education Department The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education




Bassma Baligrna was born in Bandar Lampung, on May 15th 1992. She is the second

daughter from three siblings of a couple, M. Yuhendra, S.H and InoSusanti, S.H.,

M.H. She has two sisters named, Angelino Vinanti and the youngest sister Inara

Aliyah Yuhendra.

She started her education in SDN 2 LabuhanRatu in 1997 and graduated in 2003. In

the same year, she continued her Junior High School at SMP N 8 Bandar Lampung

and graduated in 2006. Then, she decided to continue her study at SMA N 3 Bandar

Lampung in 2006 and finisihed in 2009.

Also in the same year, she was accepted at S1 English Education Study Program of



This bachelor thesis is proudly dedicated to :

1. My beloved Yaiand Nyaiwho always love and support me to finish this thesis.

2. My beloved Baba and Mama who always remind me to finish this thesis, give

me a strength to become a good, tought and independent girl and never give

up about life.



Bismillah al rahman al rahim

"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate".


Praise is merely to the Almighty Allah SWT for the gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enables the writer to accomplish this bachelor thesis entitled: Developing Students’ Vocabulary Through Student-Centered Learning at The First Grade of MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. This bachelor thesis is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing S-1 Degree in English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, University of Lampung.

It is important to be known that this bachelor thesis would never come into existence without any supports, encouragements and assistances by several generous people. Therefore, in this occasion the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude and deep respect to Prof. Ag. BambangSetiyadi, M.A., Ph.D as her first advisor, for his support, ideas, and suggestions for the writer during the completion of bachelor thesis. Her appreciation is also due to her second advisor, Drs.Huzairin., M.Pd, who helped her in finishing this bachelor thesis. The writer also would like to express his deep gratitude to her inspiring examiner, Hi. HeryYufrizal., M.A., Ph.D,who has given his suggestions and criticism as well as his constructive ideas in improving the content of this bachelor thesis.

Furthermore, the writer would like to say thanks to AntoniIswantoro, S.Pd, M.Ed, the headmaster of MAN 1 Model Bandar Lampung for providing the opportunity to conduct the research, and also, Meirita, S.Pd the English teacher in MAN 1 Bandar Lampung, for being helpful during the research process who gives chance to conduct this research in her class and the students of X IPS 3 for their willingness to cooperate and participate in this research.

The greatest honor and appreciation would be finally dedicated to her beloved grandparents, heryaiProf. Dr. SanusiHusin., S.H., M.H and her nyaiSukirahKanos for their unlimited love and motivation.

For her beloved parents, father M. Yuhendra, and her mother InoSusanti. It is truly undoubted that loves, cares, spirits, motivation, patience and willingness to wait for her graduation and timeless prayers during days and nights are everything for her. Her sincere thanks and love are also dedicated to her beloved sisters, Angelino Vinanti and Inara Aliyah. Also for her nephews, YussofTaqy and AttariqHafidz.


Thank you for her junior in English Departement, Cah Bocah Members, Nita, Luh Ayu, Sofie, Atih, Lala and all of them that can’t be mentioned, for their time and spirit to finish and get graduation together. Thank you, girls!

Thank you for her childhood-friends who still be her side and keep asking about her graduation; SEKUTU, Aal, Uli, Nina, Soli, Adit and Angga.

Thanks to AIESEC Unila which has provided valuable experience and an opportunity as a second place to learn many things and also made her forgot to finish her thesis. There is also thanks to her ex-leader Sartika ( the most inspiring person in AIESEC ) , Mpittorah ( her first team member ) , Tiara ( her partner in every situation ) , Riska , Memet, Ferryansyah ( aka Loli Jupe ) , Dirga, Rana, Baok , Elidun, Dede Jihan, Nada (for helping her and give her motivation to finish the script).

For her RIC team, Ajel, Sinta, Laeina, Paula, Yezzie, Novita, Dita, Tari, Oji, Atun, and Rina thank you for their understanding and their prayer for my graduation.

And last but not least, the writer would give all her love and thankful to her belovedt win, Asep Saepul Waton, who motivate her finishing her thesis.

Hopefully this thesis can give benefits to the readers and those who want to carry out further research.

Bandar Lampung,



2.4 The Cycle of Action Research...19

2.5 The Purposed Model...20

III. RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Setting of the Research...24

3.2 General Description of the Research...25

3.3 Research Procedure...25

3.4 The Indicator of the Research...30

3.5 The Instrument of the Research...31



This chapter mainly discusses certain points; introduction deals with background

of the problem, research problem, objective of the research, uses of the research,

scope of the research and definition of term. Classified like the followings.

1.1Background of Problems

Language is an important tool of communication. Now days, it has

become a need for us especially young generations for mastering it; not

only Bahasa, but also foreign language such as English. Considering

English is a global language, there are four components of language skill

that we need to master it. One of its components is vocabulary. In order to

master this language, all the components and skills should be learn well.

Considering vocabulary to be important is because the larger number of

vocabulary acquiring, means that it’s become a big chance to students

being successful in learning language.

It becomes an important thing because it can list of the words used in some

enterprise, a language user’s knowledge of words and the system of

techniques or symbols serving as a means of expression. Vocabulary also

the set of words they are familiar with in a language. A vocabulary usually

grows and evolves with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool


Rivers (1981:462) states that it would be impossible to learn a language

without vocabulary. We can assume that without vocabulary, we will not

be able to master the language well. By mastering a large number of

vocabularies, a learner may be easier to learn language. When we want to

construct a sentence to express our idea, we need to know adequate

vocabularies that are able to represent our idea. We will get difficulties in

expressing or understanding a language especially in communication

without adequate vocabulary.

The English language has a very large vocabulary, between 450,000 and

750,000 (Stahl, 1999; Tompkins; 2005) Students must learn 3000 words

per year. Nowadays, many learners get difficult and not interested to learn

vocabulary. They think that the vocabulary in English is difficult to

understand. The biggest problem of them is still confused about the

meaning of the word.

Actually the students can learn all the words they need; they can find the

meaning of difficult words by themselves, as looking for those words in

dictionary. But for all that action, they need a motivation to be a booster

for gain their feeling and emotion to learn by them. The problem here is

how the students are able to know the meaning of new words, remember

their words and practice them in real situation. It is hard for them to

understand new words including pronunciation, spelling, and the meaning



mispronounce and hesitate in expressing their ideas when the teacher asks

them directly. All of the problems above make the students feel boring and

did not have motivation in learning English, especially in learning


There are several studies in teaching vocabulary strategies, EdelmanConch

a Pique (2000), reveals that ruled the ball of vocabulary learning by

turning the classroom into a positive and fun learning experience, making

language both more significant and more memorable. It also encourages

students to be active, enthusiastic, and animated.

It means that students have to follow the teaching-learning process based

on what have expected by the teacher before. But sometimes, we are still

found some students who have low of motivation and low of interest in

following teaching learning process itself. It can be caused by many

things, like students feel bored with the process of learning, afraid to speak

up, or actually they do not have any chance to practice it first.

Facing the problems above, teachers are suggested to use a method that

has more room and time for students to practice their skill continuously

without feeling insecure or shame. It my directly increase their motivation

and participation in teaching learning process, especially in vocabulary. As

stated by Wilkin (1983:14) that teachers have to find out any method that


interest and then it will motivate them to pay more attention and more

active in teaching learning process.

There are many ways of teaching vocabulary, such as teaching vocabulary

through games, songs, and so on. But here the researcher chose some

activities from Active Learning method. These activities are simply that

having a student’s engage in some activity that forces them to think about and comment on the information presented. Students won’t simply be

listening but will be developing skills in handling concepts in our

disciplines. They will analyze and evaluate information in discussion with

other students through asking questions.

From the explanation above, the researcher is interested to investigate

students’ participation in learning vocabulary. The researcher wants to know the students’ participation in learning vocabulary and whether or not the students’ participation can be improve by using Active Learning.

1.2Formulation of The Problem

Based on the background above, the writer formulates the problem:

 How can of active learning strategies improve the students’

participation of learning vocabulary

 How can active learning strategies improve students’ vocabulary in



1.3Objectives of The Research

In relation to the formulation above, the objectives of the action research

are to know how:

 The implementation of active learning strategies can improve

students’ participation

 The implementation of active learning strategies can improve

students’ vocabulary

Besides, this research will also be used to revise/ adapt the model based on the

problems occurred in the learning process.

1.4Uses of The Research

The finding of this research will be expected to give valuable contributions

to the followings:

1. Theoretically, this research is expected to show whether the result is

relevant or not with the theories, moreover, this research also to be

used as a reference for the next researcher who will concentrate on the

similar scope of research.

2. Practically, this research hopefully can be the consideration to

contribute useful information for the students about 3 strategies of

active learning approach can help students to study vocabulary

especially in single word types.

1.5Scope of The Research

This research will be conducted in the first grade senior high school with

one class from six classes. This research focus on how 3 strategies of


analyze the influence of 3 strategies of active learning approach in

improving their vocabulary especially single type words at the second

grade of the MAN 1 Bandar Lampung.

1.6Definition of Terms

Vocabulary is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receving and processing information (Brown,

1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997). It means that vocabulary is an action of

people to tell about their feelings and ideas.

Active Learning is a process rather than outcomes. It requires people to become involved in the process of their own learning. Contemporary

views of learning, as put forth by the National Research Council’s

approach to the new science of learning, recognize the importance of

allowing children to take control of their own learning by engaging in

active learning, meta-cognition and transfer of knowledge (Stringer: 1996)

Teaching is showing and helping someone to learn how to do something by giving instruction, guiding in the study of something with knowledge



This chapter discusses certain points, i.e. literature review that deals with

definition of speaking, aspects of speaking, function and purpose of speaking,

type of classroom speaking performance, delivery and assessment method of

speaking, concept of motivation and the concept of Active Learning. Classified

the followings.

2.1Concept of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the key elements for understanding an entire subject.

When the language learns, students see what they have to see before and they

can communicate in ways that are unique from one subject to the next.

Hornby (1989:959) claims that vocabulary is the total number of words which

make up the language and a word means a sound ( the written or printed

symbols), forming a unit of grammar or the vocabulary of the language.

While Webster (1988:1101) states that vocabulary is a sum or stock of words

using in language by class, individual, or in field of knowledge. This implies

that by having a good stock of vocabulary, we can express our ideas in any

kind of situation.

Furthermore, Wilkin (1983:20) says that without grammar little things can

convey, without vocabulary nothing can convey. Based on the statement


understanding the language whether in written or in spoke form, without

increasing vocabularies it will be useless because nothing can convey without

it. Without getting and understanding the vocabulary we cannot practice

language even in learning itself.

In learning English as a foreign language the learner should, first of all,

master the sound system, the basic structural patterns and a limited number of

vocabulary items. Therefore, anyone who wants to learn a language

successfully must enlarge his or her vocabulary mastery. This tells us that the

size of vocabulary has learned affecting the learners to be success in learning

a language.

Mastering vocabulary is a significant asset. It allows us to use precise words

that exactly what they intend to say. It also enables us to understand correctly

what we hear and listen. In addition, with a good mastery of vocabulary we

may able to score well on employment and intelligence test.

Krashen (1983:155) cited in Tumana (2000:11) describes the importance of

vocabulary as follows :

Vocabulary is basic to communication. If acquires do not recognize the

meaning of the key words using by speakers who address to them, they will

be unable to participate in the conversation. And if they wish to express some

ideas or ask for information, they must be able to produce lexical items to

convey their meaning. In learning a language we will learn the words of the



plays an important role in a language, without vocabulary nothing can be


In other words, it is impossible to understand what one says, and it will be

difficult for us to communicate with the other if we have no good vocabulary

and that’s why vocabulary becomes an important part, components and skills

for mastering language, especially English language.

2.2Concept of Learning Vocabulary

Learning and remembering a set of words is prerequisite in learning a

particular language (Nation, 1990:21). According McCarthy and O’dell

(1999) the essential area of language learning is the lexicon or vocabulary of

the language.

Vocabulary is very important in learning, we as a teacher should aware that

learning vocabulary is not only memorize the words, it should be taught in

meaningful context and practice.

Wallace (1988:12) adds that learning vocabulary is something more that

memorizing list of words. It is the teachers’ responsibility to determine

technique so that students find it easier and more useful for them.

Thombury (2002) gives five possible ways of learning vocabulary namely,

1. Learning vocabulary through derivation.


3. Learning vocabulary through guessing.

4. Learning vocabulary through context clues.

5. Learning Vocabulary through creativity.

From these possible ways of learning vocabulary stated by Kustaradjo, the

researcher suggests that the teachers of English use these techniques.

Learning vocabulary is something more than memorizing and knowing the

meaning of a list of words. Learning vocabulary needs a good rationale so

that they are able to determine the precise meaning of words; perseverance;

learn vocabulary continually; and creativity of the learner, means their way in

order to be easy in learning vocabulary.

2.3Concept of Active Learning

Class time is brief and precious time. The information we want to

communicate to students is important. Since we don’t need to explain clearly,

Active learning is simply that having students engage in some activity that

forces them to think about and comment on the information presented.

2.3.1 Definition of Active Learning

Active Learning is an umbrella term that refers to several models of

instruction that focus the responsibility of learning on learners.

Active Learning refers to a method of learning where active student

participation is encouraged through project-based exercises. One

unique characteristic of active learning is that the teacher acts as a



information. Examples of active learning include in-class debates and

discussion circles on reading assignments. They will develop their

skills, they will analyze synthesize and evaluate information in

discussion with other students.

It is an experiential, mindful and and engaging learning. A learning

experiences that can make learning process be more effective and

interesting. Start with defining content (what to study) and

establishing your activities (what to learn)

There are 3 (three) steps in active learning activity listening

With iintentionally focused on who you are listening to. As the

listener, you should then be able to “replay” or repeat back in

your own words what they have said.

For example in group work, not only does peer discussion help

students understand and retain material, but it helps them

develop better communication skill, whether listening or

speaking. They will learn about listening to another opinion an

answering also giving comment. seeing

By looking some images like graphs, pictures and maps. Try to

understand the use and importance of each image. It can help


By looking some information like that also can make them

have a greater sense of commitment to the class. They will

analyze with their brief questions that require explaining the

major concept with their own example or analogies. This

strategy will help students to stand on their foot and

independent. and hearing

In addition to PowerPoint lectures, multimedia and movies

have the advantage of illustrating reading and lecture content

in new (engaging) formats.

Demonstrations and field trips build on classroom experiences

and can provide you as an individual with a shared learning

experience on a topic.

Like debates, role plays and simulation require students to

place themselves in particular situation or take a committed

position on a key issues. Like for example students might

become players in a historical event and they can argue for

certain action or decision. Also in case studies that place

students in the role of decision maker. They contain the data

students need to make sense of the situation.

Active learning is strategic and innovative. It facilitates the students to

be active in the learning process to develop their potential and put



because students are not bound by classroom learning also teachers as

their measurement of learning objective

2.3.2 Types of Active Learning Active Learning Activities

Following are various active learning activities that you might use

in conjunction with the traditional lecture format. These activities

are viable for classes of any size.

Questions: Questions are the simplest form of interaction and can occur at any time during the lecture. By asking questions, you not

only turn students into active participants, but you can also get a

sense of their interest and comprehension. You might try asking

questions at strategic points or asking for comments or opinions

about the subject. Vary the timing of your questions though to

avoid creating a known pattern for students which can lull them

into passivity.

Pro and Con Grid: The Pro and Con Grid lists advantages and disadvantages of any issue and helps students develop analytical

and evaluative skills. It also forces students to go beyond their

initial reactions, search for at least two sides to the issue, and weigh

the value of competing claims. Let students know how many pros

and cons you expect and whether they should use point form or full


Brainstorming: In this activity, students generate ideas which you record on the blackboard or overhead. When beginning a new

topic, you might begin by saying “Tell me everything you know

about…” You may decide to put the students’ comments into

categories, or you might ask students to suggest categories and

comment on the accuracy and relative importance of the array of

facts, impressions, and interpretations. The main rules of

brainstorming are to acknowledge every offering by writing it

down and save any critiquing until after the idea generation time is


Formative (ungraded) Quizzes: This technique involves writing quiz questions on the board, an overhead projector, or a handout

and giving students an appropriate time to respond. You may wish

to collect anonymous responses, or if the question entails multiple

choices, students can raise their hands in agreement as you

announce each response. A quiz at the beginning of class allows

you to determine how familiar students are with important terms,

facts or concepts prior to the lecture, while a quiz that follows a

lecture segment can reveal how well students understood the




ideas. They then share their results in a large class discussion.

Think-pair-sharing forces all students to attempt an initial response

to the question, which they can then clarify and expand as they

collaborate. This process should take five to ten minutes,

depending on the question’s complexity. An extension of this

format is to have two pairs join each other and compare answers.

One-Minute Paper or Short Writes: Punctuating your class with short writing assignments is a powerful way to assess the degree to

which students understand presented material. You might ask,

“What was the most important thing you learned during this class?”

“What questions remained unanswered?” or “Summarize the main

point of today’s lecture in one sentence.”

Problem Solving: Demonstrations, Proofs and Stories: Begin a lecture with a question, a paradox, an enigma, or a compelling,

unfinished human story. Solving the problem, depending on what it

is or in what field, may require a scientific demonstration, a

mathematical proof, an economic model, the outcome of a novel’s

plot, or a historical narrative. You refer back to the problem

throughout the lecture, inviting students to fill in imaginative

spaces in the story (or model) with their own solutions. Students

fill in their successive answers passively, or the instructor elicits


questions include: “What do you think will happen?” “Which

solution, outcome, or explanation makes the most sense to you?”

Modeling Analytical Skills: This involves viewing and analyzing passages of text, paintings, sonatas, graphs, charts, artifacts, etc.

together with your students. You should make sure students have a

copy of the document in front of them (or visual access through

slides or overhead transparencies), and then follow three steps:

model the analysis, let the students practice it, and then give them


Debates: Debates allow you to add a participatory dimension to your lecture without compromising your control of the class. One

strategy is to divide students according to where they happen to sit.

Another approach is to ask them in advance to seat themselves in

the section representing a particular side of the debate. When some

students refuse to choose one side or the other, create a middle

ground and invite their reasons for choosing it. Before concluding,

you should ask two or three volunteers to make summary

arguments for each side.

Role Playing: The first step in this lecture variation is to give a mini-lecture to establish the context and setting for the role playing.



sizes (if you have a large class, you may have to assign duplicate

roles). Each group is assigned a clearly delineated role and given a

specific, concrete task – usually to propose a position and course of

action. To bring closure to the topic, a debriefing exercise is

necessary to help identify what students learned and make the

transition to the next topic.

These are variety of Active Learning activities that can be used by

researcher in learning process. In this study, researcher will use

several teaching activities as design of model for students. The

selection of the activities are based on the needs of each phase

required, than after that will be fixed in the next cycle

It refers to the level of academic students engagement in and out of

the classroom. This techniques are intended to make the students

active in learning activities

2.3.3 The advantages of Active Learning

Nowadays, there are so much attention to active learning. Several

reasons are been put forward for greater emphasis on active as

opposed to more passive form of learning. It can be more attractive for

learners because they can become more motivated and interested

when they have a say in their own learning and when their mental

activity is challenged.

(29) are motivated. Being involved in the decision about learning they can connect to their own prior knowledge

and their own needs and interest. They will find out things

independetly, their own interest and motivation. It is easier to

learn when we are enjoying ourselves. person takes responsibility for their learning. This process can make they learn about making decision and taking

responsibility. Morever this is important because of

opportunities for learning to learn. Students can learn how to

learn by practising how to do it. Giving them responsibility for

parts of the decision that can or should be made is one way to

teach them how to learn. The challenge of the Active Learning

model is that no one has the right or wrong answer so people

can interpret the answer for themselves and apply it to their

own circumstances. is flexible and thereby relevant. Students are not bound by classroom learning also their teacher as their meassurement of

the objective learning but it can help to build a principal that

people produce themselve in social experience so that learning

is not only on classroom or school but also in social life and it



appropriateness is easily accomplished through variations and

adaptations that can be made to the activities. is increased. By using the Active Learning approach we avoid the 'preached to' effect and draw the

principles and application of the principles from the

participants thus enabling the information to become easier for

them to hear, accept and apply.

2.4 The Cycle of Action Research

In Action Research cycle is a characteristic that distinguishes it from other

types of research. Therefore, the cycle must be carried out correctly. Cycle

is essentially a series of "research-action-research-action-..." which does

not exist in regular research (non AR). In the study there is only one

non-AR and the action research then concluded. In non-AR results have not been

good cycle should be repeated until successful.

Cycle consists of (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and

(4) reflection and re-planning. Outlined in the cycle only parts that are

changed or modified through PTK, not the entire learning process.

Modifications or changes in total rarely done in large-scale TOD class


Stages of the research are implemented carefully, the pre-research cycle

means that researcher identify problems that exist in learning through

models are developed. After implementing the pre-research, the

researcher conducted the collecting data. The aim of collecting data is to

determine the weaknesses of method that used in pre-research before. By

keeping identify the weakness in ever cycle and then repairing the model

in the next cycle, the researcher will produce a more effective model of

learning in every learning process itself.

The implementation of CAR start with the first cycle of four activities as

mentioned above. If already known action successfully in the first cycle and

as expected (the results have been improved as desired researcher), the

second cycle should still be held to confirm or corroborate the results

already obtained in the first cycle. This is in accordance with the opinion

Arikunto (2008), which explains that the activity in the second cycle of

activities which may be the same as the previous activity when directed to

repeat success or to ensure / reinforce the results. But does not mean the

cycle only stops in the second cycle. If the second cycle the results are still

not satisfactory researchers could continue its cycle until the desired results


2.5 The Purposed Model

Active Learning is intende to optimize the use of all the potential of the

stuents so that all students can achieve satisfactry learning outcomes



intended to keep the attention of students remain focused on the learning


According Machmudah (2008), the following is the syntax or steps of

acive learning model

 Phase 1 : Introduce the objective and motivation of students.

- In this phase the teacher delivering all learning objectives to be

achieved in the lesson and motivate students.

 Phase 2 : Presenting Information

- In this phase the teacher convey a general description about the


 Phase 3 : Organize students into a group/ another active learning

activity while their study

- The teacher will divide students into a group or peer to discuss

about the material

 Phase 4 : Guiding studens work working and learning

- The teacher will control students’ work

 Phase 5 : Evaluation

- Ask students to present their work

 Phase 6 : Giving comment or suggestion

- The teacher will give comments and suggestions about the


Based on that, also inspire the researcher to make a model for learning vocabulary

using Active Learning. The following phase have been develope by caring some

of Active Learning acivities which consider by students needs

1. Questioning and Brainstormming

In the first phase said that the teacher will explain the purpose and

motivation in learning. It’s also become the early activity in learning

process. It’s also said that Active Learning is a student-centered learning

amd this activity (Questioning and Brainstormming) will help students to

be more active and participate in learning activities at pre-activity of

learning process. The students also will attempt to answer questions that

will teacher/ researcher provide.

2. Modeling Analytical Skill

The researcher will use Modeling Analytical Skill for phase two. In phase

two or while activity the researcher will give the material to be discussed.

Not only based on what will be explained by the teacher, students will also

be given a model of the material and asked to analyze it issue an opinion.

3. Think-Pair-Sharing

Researcher will use think-pair-sharing. In this phase (while acivity phase),

the researcher will provide a work for students. Think-pair-sharing is

expected to help students to be able to solve problems with their own

mind. It can also teach students to be able to listen to others opinion.

4. Pro and Con Grid

After students do their work, students will have opportunity to explain



next phase (post activity), the researcher hopes that student can develope

analyticaland evaluative skills. It also can help students to defend their

opinion and face suggestion from other students.

After the learning process ends, researcher will provide comments and suggestion

about their result of students’ work. These comments and suggestion given will



This chapter discusses certain points; research method deals with research design,

subjects of the research, data collecting technique, validity of the data, reliability

of the data, research procedure and data analysis. Classified like the followings.

3.1 Setting of the Research

In this research, the researcher use Action Research. This research takes place at

MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. It is based on the problem faced by students and the

teacher when they are in class. Based on the problems, the researcher examines

the cause of the problems and then finds the solution for the problems.

The subject of this research is the first grade students of MAN 1 Bandar

Lampung. In this classroom action research, the researcher act as observer, who

observe what is happening during the lesson while the teacher of English at MAN

1 Bandar Lampung act as teacher who will apply Active Learning in teaching

vocabulary. The research provides the lesson plan on the procedures of the



3.2 General Description of the Research

Based on the problem identified by the researcher, the researcher examine the

cause of the problems and finds the solution with using the cycle of action

research Researcher will make lesson plan and vocabulary test, and observe

students’ activities in teaching and learning process at the first pre-research cycle

for get the data of the class. After that, the researcher and teacher discussed the

observation result during teaching and learning process and learning result

(vocabulary test) to find the problem in learning process.

This research will be done by researcher and the English teacher. The researcher

acts as observer also a teacher who teaches and tries to revising also reflecting the

mode using a new way to develop students’ ability. The result of vocabulary test

and the observation data would be discussed together to decide whether or not the

next cycle needs to be done and what should the researcher do to develop the

model to become an effective one.

3.3 Research Procedure

In conducting the research, the researcher uses the procedure of action research

design by Arikunto. The research procedure in action research consists of

planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting (2006:16). Therefore the


1. Planning

Based on the students’ vocabulary problem in the classroom, the

researcher prepares the lesson plan and selects the material based on

syllabus. Then, researcher also prepares observation sheets and vocabulary

test for the students.

2. Implementing

The researcher implements the material by using Active Learning method

in teaching English vocabulary. The teacher teaches about how students

can be more active in the classroom for following the learning process and

they can easy to understand about the material. The researcher observes

the situation in the class and makes some necessary notes.

3. Observing

Observation will do by the researcher and collaborator during the teaching

and learning process. The researcher observes the students’ activities and

then the result of the observation is filled into the observation sheet.

4. Reflecting

The researcher and the teacher discuss about the strengths and the

weaknesses of the implementation of Active Learning process. Therefore,

the researcher and the teacher can determine what should improve for next


The research will develops the model by set a model in the classroom and then

first the researcher will do pre-research to find out the problem and the difficulties

that happen in the classroom and make students less of motivation to study



revise the model of teaching and reflecting to the classroom. In this cycle, or we

can call first cycle the researcher try to fix out the problem with plan a new

concept of learning and try to accomplish the learning process. In this cycle too,

the researcher will still find out the problem and still collect the data to find out

whether the model still need to be revised or not. Because in this research,

researcher try to make an effective learning process with doing revisement and

accomplish the model to be an effective learning process which can make students

are motivated in learning vocabulary.

Here is the illustration of the cycles in Classroom Action Research :

The cycle of Classroom Action Research (Suyanto in Wiliyanti, 2007: 33)

Reflection Planning



Cycle 2

Setiyadi (2013: 61)

Based on the chart of cycle above we can see that this action research will have 3

cycles. First is pre-experiment which is the researcher will make the first model

that will be implemented in learning-process. After that the researcher will collect

and analyze the result of the model and the model will be improved on the final

step of this cycle. Next cycle, the model that has been improved will be applied in

this cylce, first cycle. Gathered the result and being analyzed this model also be

improved again. After all cycles have done, in second cycle the researcher will get

new model that have been improved in the previous cycle. Planning

the revised model

Testing model Reflecting and revising the


Collectin g and


3.4 The Indicator of the Research

To measure whether this action research achieves the target or not, the researcher

determines the indicator dealing with the motivation of learning and learning


1. Learning process

The observation of the process of learning process is based on the lesson

plan and the real process in the classroom. In learning process the

researcher concern with student’s activity. It covers pre-activity,

while-activity and post-while-activity.

Student’s activity is measured by scores of the vocabulary test as a

reference. It will be a consideration whether the students has a problem in

learning process or not. If there is something problem in learning process,

the researcher will be revised the students. If the students need to revise

the researcher will find out the problem and find the solution. So, this

learning process will be effective.

2. Learning Product

The target of the learning product is based on the result of the test. It

means that after applying the Active Learning in teaching learning

process, it is hoped that the students’ vocabulary is better than the

previous. So, if the students’ vocabulary increases after being

implemented by the method, it means that Active Learning is effective and



students’ score are low, it will be found out by and it is used as a reflection

to revise the model for the next cycle.

3.5 The Instrument of the Research

1. Observation sheet

The observation sheet is filled by the researcher during the process of teaching

and learning. The observation sheet aims to determine whether or not students are

active in class and whether or not the next cycle is needed to be done.

2. Vocabulary Test

The tests are in form of multiple-choice items. Before conducting the research, the

researcher distributes 20 items of multiple choice tests in order to check the

validity of the test. To measure the coefficient of reliability between odd and even

group, this researcher use Pearson Product Moment Formula, and to find out the

reliability of the test the researcher use Spearman Brown Formula.

3.6 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher classify the data into two categories, those

are: the data of motivation of learning and learning process. The researcher will

analyze the data and do reflection based on them. From the analysis of model and

the reflection, the researcher will get the weakness and strengths from the first


1. Participation in Learning Process

For analyzing the learning process, the researcher uses vocabulary test. It will

be analyzed after every cycle is conducted. In analyzing the data of observing

the students’ learning activities, there are following step will be done:

1. Identify the problems occurred in learning activities done by the

students. In this step the researcher identifies what happen in the

learning activities from all aspects and find out why. The aspect that is

analyzed covers the students’ activities in pre-activity, while-activity,

and post-activity.

2. Making a description from the data that had been analyzed. In

analyzing the students’ activities, the researcher makes a description

from the collected data which could enrich and support the result of the


2. Learning Product

To know the increasing on the learning product, the researcher used

vocabulary test to collect the data. If the students’ get increasing in their

vocabulary, it can be assumed that Active Learning is effective and applicable

to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery. Not only for seeing the

effectiveness of active learning, the researcher will also find out if there are



why students can get good score and low score while they already learn



This chapter presents conclusions and suggestions based on the result of the

research and discussion.

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the result of the learning product and learning process, the researcher

draws some conclusions, as follows:

1. Active Learning Strategies can improve students’ participation in learning

vocabulary. It can be said like that, because there were some improvement in

each of cycle. It can be seen from the result of observation sheet which

shows that from cycle 1 to cycle 2, the students who did not pay attention to

the teacher and not involved in certain steps of learning started to pay

attention and become active, also brave in sharing his/her idea while doing

brainstorming and analyzing. From cycle 2 to cycle 3, the students who are

passive become more active and most of them has involved in every stage of

learning. The observation sheet can be seen in the appendix.


Active Learning Strategies can help students to improve their vocabulary. It

can be said like that because there were improvement in vocabulary test in



5.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusions, the researcher puts forward the following suggestions:

1. English teacher of senior high school should consider implementing 3

strategies of Active Learning model in teaching vocabulart to help students

collect their vocabulary and learn about vocabulary, students' participation during

the teaching learning process, As discussed in the previous section, because this

model can be used to make students actively involved in the learning process so it

automatically improved the learning product.

2. English teacher should be creative in developing the implementation of this

model to find an effective way of teaching. Because this strategies consists of

some steps which requires more times in implementing the whole steps, the

teacher has to be flexible in applying this model so the students will not get

bored and the learning process will be more effective without wasting so many


3. For the next researcher who will apply this model in language learning, it is

hoped that this research can contribute as a reference in developing each phase of

Active learning model, also in developing this model to be used in other skills, i.e.



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