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Transfering Imperative To Declative In Guiding


Academic year: 2017

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Process” describes the process how to transfer imperative to declarative while the writer conducting the job training in the Museum of the Asian-African Conference Bandung as a guide.

The paper uses descriptive method to explain the data. Observation is the technique of collecting the data. The focus of this paper is to transfer imperative to declarative when writer became tour guide in the Museum of the Asian African Conference.

The results of this analysis show that to make the tourist more understand about the rule in the museum, especially in the Permanent Exhibition Room, the writer transfer the imperative sentence to declarative sentence in order to make visitors feel more comfortable.




Laporan ini berjudul “Transfering Imperative to Declarative in Guiding” memaparkan proses bagaimana mentransfer kalimat mperative ke dalam kalimat declarative ketika penulis melaksanakan Praktik Kerja Lapangan di Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika sebagai pemandu wisata.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Deskriptif untuk menganalisis data. Teknik dalam mengumpulkan data adalah dengan cara observasi. Fokus utama dalam laporan ini adalah mentransfer imperative ke dalam deklaratif ketika penulis menjadi pemandu wisata di Museum Konferensi Asia-Afrika.



In this occasions the writer would like to appreciate this paper to the following:

1. Allah Swt, for Your mercy to me up to now as You always help me whenever I need You. May Praise Always Be to You. Our prophet Muhammad Saw, for the guidance;

2. My family especially my parents, thank you very much for you support, it is very helpful, and I love you so much;

3. Mr. Isman Pasha, Thanks for all helps Mr. Desmon, Mrs. Diah, Mrs Dedeh for giving me advise in how to conduct the Job Training in Museum of the Asian-African Conference. I learn a lot from you; 4. My little brothers, Yanuar, Bayu and Agung thank you very much for

make me comfortable when I confuse with all assignment, for your funny jokes is very helpful;

5. Dwi, thank you very much for your help to print my job training report ;

6. Dr. Juanda, thank you very much for your help in finishing the job training report, I cannot finish my report well without your help;



8. My lovely friends, they are Erna Susilawati, Sri Wahyuni, Widya Yuliana, Ernawati Maryam, and all my classmate that cannot be mentioned one by one;

9. For my partner when job training in the Museum of the Asian and African Conference, you are a good partner, thank you very much for your help;

Writer hope, This paper is expected to give benefits for the readers and also the writer in the future.

Bandung, October 2010







History of Museum of the Asian-African Conference

Asian-African Conference was held at 18th-24th April 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia, this conference also known as Bandung Spirit. This conference was very success in creating peace in Asia and Africa countries, because before Asian-African Conference held colonialism and apartheid still happen in Asia and Africa, only a few countries get their independence before Asian-African Conference held. The result of this conference is Dasasila Bandung which become orientation for countries in the world which cannot get their independence. Asian-African Conference was very success not only when the even was held but also after the conference held, until the Bandung Spirit became important factor in determining world history. After this conference there are a lot of countries in Asian and Africa publish their independence. It makes colonialism and apartheid which held in Asia and Africa destroyed.



Establishment of the Museum of the Asian-African Conference

Since there are a lot of questions about Gedung Merdekaand Bandung, they make an idea to establish a museum in Gedung Merdeka, Bandung. Prof.Dr.Haryati Soebadio made meeting with committee to celebrate 25th years of Asian-African Conference, there is an idea to establish a museum in Gedung

Merdeka. Luckily, President Soeharto agree with the idea and he asked Joop Ave

(Head of committee in celebrating 25thAsian African conference). After heard the instruction, they make communication with Director General of protocol, Consular of Abroad Department cooperation with Providing Information Department, Educational and Cultural Department, Government of West Java, Padjajaran University, and PT. Decenta , Bandung is a creator of this idea.

Museum of the Asian-African Conference was legitimated by President Soeharto in 24 April 1980 as summit of Asian African Conference.

The Purpose and Function of Museum of the Asian-African Conference There are purposes and function of Museum of the Asian-African Conference, such as:

1. To save, to collect, to protect, to better, to present inheritances and informations which are related to Asian African Conference.


Africa to carry politic, social, and culture to make research about problems that appears in Asia and Africa.

3. To support an effort in expend nasional culture, educational for young people, and to expend tourism in Indonesia.

4. to support an effort in solidarity, and unity of people in Asia and Africa.


Based on historical value, Museum of the Asian-African Conference located

inGedung Merdeka, Jl. Asia Africa No. 65, Bandung.

Museum of the Asian-African Conference

Museum of the Asian-African Conference consist of a lot of rooms that very useful for public. Those are: a Permanent Exhibition Room, the room exhibit three dimension collections, picture when conference was held.


In 1985, Abdullah Kamil ( was Ambassador of London) has an idea to make a library. There are a lot of books about social, history, politic and culture related to countries in Asia Africa and other country; Documents related to Asian African Conference, and Continuity Conference; Magazine and Newspaper.



Abdullah Kamil also has an ideas to establish an audiovisual room, the room usually use to play documenter movies about world condition until 1950s, Asian-African Conference, also Continuity Conference , also cultural movies from Asia and Africa.

Museum of the Asian-African Conference has a Permanent Exhibition room to exhibit all collections in the Museum of the Asian-African Conference.

Development in 1992

In order to welcome the visit of delegation of the Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi X non-aligned movement in 1992, in Indonesia. As head of non- aligned movement, Indonesia made a diorama when Asian-African Conference was held.

The diorama shows situation when President Soekarno gave his opening speech, behind him sat Vice President of Indonesia Mohammad Hatta with five prime ministers of sponsor countries, they are : Ali Sastro Amidjojo from Indonesia, Jawaharlal Nehru from India, U Nu from Birma, Sir John Kotelawala from Srilanka, Mohammad Ali from Pakistan. The diorama was exhibited in Permanent Exhibition Room.

in 2005


Jakarta at 18th-23rd April 2005. After that, all delegates visited Gedung Merdeka

in Bandung.

The Structure of Organizations Duty and Function

Museum of the Asian-African Conference has a lot of duties and functions, they are :

a. Collection, storage, protection, maintenance, and perpetuation of collections or documents which contain historical value, Culture, related to public diplomacy.

b. Publication of research result of historical collections for educational, informational importance to perpetuation cultural value in order to get public supports.

c. Giving guidance, elucidation of museum collections for Indonesian and abroad visitors.

d. Making cooperation with government institute or private institute which are related with diplomation activity.

e. Carrying out of Administration Museum of the Asian-African Conference .



1. Administration

2. Public section and promotions value of the museum. 3. Preservation section and Public Diplomation Documents. 4. Functional section.

Gedung MerdekaHistory

Gedung Merdeka located in Jl. Asia Afrika, Bandung, was only a simple

building in 1895. The building became place when “Sociated Concordia” ( an association for European stayed in Indonesia , especially Dutch ) made meeting and party.

In 1992 the name of building was Sociated Concordia was renovated became “Super Club”, the building became the biggest, complete, exclusive and modern in Nusantara by architect C.P. Wolff Schoemaker in Art Deco Style. In 1940, the building was renovated in making it looks more interesting , the architect is A.F. Albers in architecture International Style. The function of this building is for recreation.





1.1 Background

Communication is a process whereby information is enclosed in a package and is channeled and imparted by a sender to a receiver from some medium. The receiver then decodes the message and gives the sender a feedback. All forms of communication require a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, however the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication in order for the act of communication to occur. Communication requires that all parties have an area of communicative commonality. There are auditory means, such as speech, song, and tone of voice, and there are nonverbal means, such as body language, sign language, paralanguage, touch, eye contact, through media, i.e., pictures, graphics and sound, and writing. Based on description about communication above, writer try to make good a communications with other people especially with people who come to the Museum of The Asian and African Conference to see the collection there.


In this paper , writer focuses in transferring imperative to declarative in guiding.

1.2 Objectives

There are some objectives in doing this job training, those are:

a. To report the job training which was conducted in the company, b. To apply the knowledge that is getting in the college,

c. To share about problems that faced during job training, especially in transferring imperative to declarative in guiding, and also to share the solution of this problems.


The method used in the writing of this report id descriptive. According to Fatimah Djajasudarma in her book entitled Metode Linguistik (2006,p.16), “

Deskripsi merupakan gambaran ciri-ciri data secara akurat sesuai dengan sifat

alamiah itu sendiri. Data-data yang dikumpulkan bukanlah angka-angka, dapat

berupa kata-kata atau gambaran sesuatu.” Writer chooses this method in writing

the report because the data would be explained and described in this paper.



Museum of the Asian and African Conference, writer should transfer the role to more polite sentence in order to keep them comfortable and enjoy the tour.

1.4 Place and Time of Job Training




In this chapter, the writer will describe about the division when Job Training conducted in the Museum of the Asian-African Conference and general descriptions about Museum of the Asian-African Conference.

Asian-African Conference was held at 18th-24th April 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia, this conference also known as Bandung Spirit. This conference was very success in creating peace in Asia and Africa countries, because of Asian-African Conference succeed in creating peace , there are ideas to make a museum of Asian-African Conference. To celebrating 25th Asian-African Conference, the committee has an idea to make museum about Asian-African Conference. Luckily, President Soeharto agreed with that idea, in 24 April 1980 Museum of the Asian-African Conference was legitimated. There are a lot of divisions in the museum, they are Section of Administration, Section of Publication and Promotion of Asian-African Value, Section of Publication and Documentation of Public Diplomacy, Functional Group, and Museum Expert staff, even though there are sections in Museum of the Asian-African Conference, but the writer worked under Section of Publication and Promotion of Asian-African Value.



tour guide when job training conducted to give publication and promotion to the tourists that comes to the museum. Giving informations about Asian-African Conference is the most important thing when the writer became tour guide there, but it is not the only one assignment was given, the writer also asked to translate Labeling of Indian Exhibitions, and to be a receptionist when Museum held some events.

2.1. General Description About Section of Publication and Promotion of Asian-African Value

When the writer done the Job Training in the Museum of the Asian-African Conference, the writer worked under Section of Publication and Promotion of Asian-African Value which has job desk as bellow :

a. Coordinating official to guide visitors who come to Permanent Exhibition Room in the Museum of the Asian-African Conference.

b. Socialization values of Museum of the Asian-African Conference to school especially the school which are never come to the museum.

c. Implementing activities with invite students or other organizations to follow discussions, simulations, or other educational activities.

d. Implementing reception visitors from Indonesia or visitors from other country.






a. Since writer worked in Museum of the Asian-African Conference , the coordinator gave some assignment that have been finished by writer. Such as translating Labelling of Indian Exhibition, and tour guide which became the focused of the job training.

b. Since the writer worked as a tour guide in the Museum of the Asian-African Conference, the knowledge of English got in the university was applied to the job and was very helpful in accomplishing the job until writer able to finish the job training.

c. The most important thing when writer became a tour guide in the Museum of the Asian-African Conference is when writer tell about the rule especially in the Permanent Exhibition Room, writer transfering the imperative sentence to declarative sentence that heard more polite.



b. In order to large the knowledge of the student, faculty is expected to conduct a seminar or some training concerning Tour Guide, in order to make students have knowledge to guide tourist.

c. To be a great tour guide a student should have more chance to speak with native speaker in order to make student able to speak English well.





The description of the activities is the focus of this chapter to describe activities during writer had job training in Museum of the Asian-African Conference.

3.1 Job Position and Coordination

There are many activities was given by coordinator in Museum of The Asian-African Conference when writer did job training, in this section the job position and coordination was described comprehensively.

3.1.1 job position

The job position was given by coordinator to writer in the Museum of the Asian-African Conference are:

a. A guide of visitors in Museum of the Asian-African Conference. b. A receptionist in opening ofFestival Konferensi Asia Afrika.

c. A translator for “labeling Indian Exhibition”.


3.1.2 Coordination

Coordination was organized by two people, they are: Mr.Desmon Satria Andrian

Job Position : Parts Acquisition

Job Responsibilities : To guide the members of Job Training in Conducting theirs given job

Ety Mulyati

Job Position : Personnel matters, correspondence and archives.

Job Responsibilities : Signing the attdiraendence

Diah Puspitasari

Job Position : Equipment

Job Responsibilities : Signing the attendance

3.2 Responsibilities

There are several responsibilities gotten in Human Resources Development Division as follows:



b. To be a MC in opening of Indian Exhibition.

c. To be a receptionist in opening ofFestifal Konferensi Asia Afrika.

d. To translate labeling of Indian Exhibition.

Although there are four responsibilities that writer received in the Job Training. This paper was concerned on guiding activities, when writer must tell some rules to visitors.

3.3 Transfering Imperative to Declaratove in Guiding

3.3.1 Explanation

The activities would be the case about writer experience during guide visitors. Everybody know that there are different rule in different place, and also in the Museum of the Asian-African Conference. There are rule that must be obeyed by everyone visit the museum, writer Transfering Imperative to Declaratove in Guiding to make visitors feel comfortable when they look at the collection.

3.3.2 Transfering Imperative to Declaratove in Guiding


Merdeka, history of Asian-African Conference and told them rule that should be obeyed.

Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is an ordered sequence of symbols. As a concept, however, information has many meanings. Moreover, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, and representation.

Etymologycaly the English word information comes from Latin accusative form (informationem) of the nominative (informatio): is verb in english word "informare" (to inform) in the sense of "to give form to the mind", "to discipline", "instruct", "teach": "Men so wise should go and inform their kings." (1330)

Informitself comes (via French) from the Latin verbinformare, to give form to, to

form an idea of. Furthermore, Latin itself already contained the word informatio

meaning concept or idea, but the extent to which this may have influenced the development of the wordinformationin English is not clear.

However, when writer try to inform rule in the museum it should be done by great communication. “Communication is a learned skill. Most people are born with the physical ability to talk, but we must learn to speak well and communicate effectively”(Wikipedia ensiklopedy).



question, or express an exclamation.) An imperative sentence ends with a period or an exclamation point.

Declarative sentences are used to convey information or to make statements. As writer told above that a tour guide should keep visitors interest with all collections in the museum, to keep visitors feel comfortable when they look at collections there, writer transferred warn sentences such as:

No flash or tripod!”

it changed to “I would like to inform you that you may not turn on the flash of your camera and thank you for not use the tripod to keep quality of the

collection” and “To keep quality of the collection, you are asked to turn of the

flash of your camera”.

Not only in Permanent Exhibition room , but also inGedung merdekaand all room in the museum there are same rule such as:

Don’t taking photo on artefacts!”

writer transferred the warn sentences to : “I would like to inform you that you may not take photo on artefacts because these are secret document which are

protected by government” and “To protect the artefact you may not take photo.”

When communicate the rule writer communicates it politely.

“No filming or video taping!” writer communicates the rule with transfer to “I would like to inform you that you may not record the collection because these are

secret document which are protected by government” and “ To protect the


Don’t touch the artefacts!

Writer transfer the sentence in communication with visitors to : “I would like to inform you that you may not touch the artefacts to keep quality of the

artefacts.” and “To keep quality of the artefacts, you just may take a look the


No smoking!

Writer transfers the warn sentences to :” I would like to inform you that you

may not to smoke to keep pleasure of another visitors.” And “You may not to

smoke here but if you want to smoke I will show you the smoking area.”

No food allowed!

Writer transfers the warn sentences to : “I would like to inform you that we

have special area where you can eat.” And ”We have to keep the museum clean ,

so I will show you a special area where you can eat.”

No arms allowed!

Writer transfers the warn sentences to : “I would like to inform you that you may not bring arms to the museum.”

No pets allowed!

Writer transfers the warn sentences to : “We afraid pets will make other

visitors not comfortable, so you may not come with your pets.” And



Writer transfers the warn sentences to : “We have to keep the museum clean,

there are trash over there if you want to throw rubbish.” And “Cleaning is very

important, so you may throw rubbish in the trash there.”

Set ring call off!

Writer transfers the warn sentences to : “I would like to inform you that keep silent in the museum is very important, so would you like to set your ring call off,


Keep quite!

Writer transfers the warn sentences to : “I would like to inform you that keep silent in the museum is very important, so would you like to see the collection

quietly, please.”

Keep clean!

Writer transfers the warn sentences to : “thank you for keep cleaning of the museum!”

When writer said like a sentence above , the visitors obeyed the rule, and still feel comfortable to see collection in the museum. The imperative sentence was changed by writer to declarative sentence, the purpose of this transformation are to make visitors feel comfortable when they see the collection in the museum of the Asian-African Conference; to keep their feeling; to make them enjoy the tour. Comfortability is very important because when people enjoy their time and have good mood, they will pay attention to the information that given by tour guide.


Konferensi Asia Afrika, there are also some rule that should be obeyed by guest come there such as:

Don’t be noise!

Writer transfers the warn sentences to : “Thank you very much for keep silent when this event held!

Take your snack and don’t litter!

Writer transfers the warn sentences to : “Thank you very much for coming, enjoy your snack, and thank you for still keep cleaning inside!

Writer also given an assignment to translate Labeling of Indian Exhibition, and it is a great experience because writer can apply knowledge that get in the college. Translation of Labeling of Indian Exhibition it self was taken to Malaysia because the Indian Exhibition is going to held there.

3.4 Problems and Solutions

1. a guide even writer do not have enough knowledge abut it, but luckily writer have a great coordinator, he gave informations about the Museum of the Asian-African Conference, the way to be a good guide, and also practice translation, writer often practice translation in the college with lecturer. It lead writer have a lot of information about theory which is very helpful when translated labeling of Indian Exhibition in the museum.



a tour guide there, writer have a lot of different and unforgettable moment when guiding visitor of the Museum of the Asian-African Conference.


Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements

Sulistia Megawati 63707004






Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements

Sulistia Megawati 63707004






Djajasudarma, Fatimah. 1996.Metode Linguistik: Ancangan Metode Penelitian

dan Kajian. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama.



a. Name : Sulistia Megawati

b. Address : Komp. Pandanwangi Blok P.21

Ciwastra, Bandung.

c. Place and Date of Birth : Pandeglang, 23rdJuly 1989

d. Sex : Woman

e. Religion : Moslem

f. Phone : 08572056593

g. E-mail : sweetymyut@gmail.com

2. Educational Background Formal Education

No Year Institution

1 1993 - 1995 TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Atfal

2 1995 - 2001 MI Muhamadiyah kubang kondang 3 2001 - 2004 MTS Mathlaul Anwar

4 2004 - 2007 SMU Negeri 4 Pandeglang

5 2007 - sekarang



3. Competency

There are some competencies that the writer has. They are as follows: a. Translation form English to Indonesia and the reverse.

b. Public Speaking c. Computer

d. Commercial English

4. Organization and Work Experiences

No Year Organization

1 2004-2005

Member of PMR(Palang Merah Remaja) in SMAN 4 Pandeglang


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