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The Students' Motivation In Learning English : a descriptive study of smpn 235 jakarta in the second grade


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THE STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH (A Descriptive Study of SMPN 235 Jakarta in the Second Grade)


Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in Partial Fulfillment of One of the Requirements for the Degree of

S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education



NIM. 101014020832







THE STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH (A Descriptive Study of SMPN 235 Jakarta in the Second Grade)


Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in Partial Fulfillment of One of the Requirements for the Degree of

S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education


EKA MUNIPAH NIM. 101014020832

Approved by Advisor:

Dr. Didik Santoso, MA NIP. 150 270 348








Kepada Yth, Siswa – siswi SMPN 235 Jakarta Di


Dengan hormat

Dalam rangka menyelesaikan tugas akhir skripsi untuk mendapat gelas S 1, saya memohon kepada siswa-siswi SMPN 235 Jakarta agar dapat mengisi angket sesuai dengan pikiran dan perasaan anda. Jawaban yang ada dalam angket ini, tidak berpengaruh dalam nilai bahasa Inggris anda.

Demikian pengantar ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dan atas partisipasinya saya ucapkan terima kasih.



Nama: Waktu: Kelas:

No Pernyataan SS S KS TS STS

1 Ketika guru memberikan tugas saya langsung mengerjakannya

2 Saya merasa pecaya diri dengan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang saya miliki

3 Tugas yang diberikan guru membebani saya

4 Saya merasa bahwa Bahasa Inggris penting untuk masa depan

5 Dengan mengerjakan tugas, saya menguasai pelajaran yang diberikan 6 Dengan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang saya miliki, saya merasa biasa-biasa saja

7 Apabila guru memberikan tugas yang sulit, saya tetap mengerjakan

8 Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kurang begitu penting untuk saya

9 Saya berusaha aktif mengikuti pelajaran yang diajarkan

10 Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler tentang Bahasa Inggris hanya membuat saya bosan 11 Saya selalu berusaha mendapatkan nilai

yang baik dalam Bahasa Inggris 12 Bila mendapatkan nilai Bahasa Inggris

rendah, saya merasa biasa-biasa saja 13 Saya selalu mengulang kembali

pelajaran yang telah diajarkan

14 Kalau bertemu turis, saya akan berbicara Bahasa Inggris dengannya

15 Berbicara dengan turis hanya menyia-nyiakan waktu saya

16 Saya harus mampu berkomunikasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris 17 Saya sering membaca majalah yang

berbahasa Inggris


Inggris dalam waktu 6 bulan

19 Saya jarang berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

20 Untuk menguasai Bahasa Inggris, saya harus praktek dengan teman sekitar saya 21 Bahasa Inggris pelajaran yang

membosankan saya

22 Saya selalu berbicara Bahasa Inggris walau saya masih banyak kesalahan 23 Saya tidak memperbaiki kesalahan yang

dikoreksi oleh guru

24 Sewaktu guru mengoreksi, saya langsung memperbaikinya

25 Saya tidak mau bicara Bahasa Inggris karena takut salah

26 Kalaupun saya belum memahami pelajaran, saya tetap bersabar untuk mencari solusi

27 Bila ada materi yang belum jelas, saya tidak menanyakannya kepada guru 28 Bila saya tidak paham apa yang

dijelaskan guru, saya akan

membahasnya setelah pelajaran usai 29 Saya harus menguasai tata Bahasa

Inggris untuk mendukung Bahasa Inggris saya

30 Saya berusaha mencari berbagai sumber agar saya paham betul materi Bahasa Inggris



In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. All Praise be to Allah The Lord of The worlds who has been giving mercy and blessing until the writer can completing this “skripsi” without any obstacle in her opportunity. Peace and Salutation be upon to the Nobel Prophet of Islam, Muhammad SAW, his household, his companions and his faithful followers.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express her greatest love to all people who have helped her to finish this “skripsi”, especially to her beloved parents, H. Iik Miski and Hj. Lilis Kholisoh, brother, sister (Mahbub, Pupun, Anis, Mila, Ayus, Dadan) grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle who always give their love, motivation and moral encouragement to finish the writer’s study.

The writer would like to address her greatest gratitude to Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd as her advisor for his patient, guidance, suggestion and corrections during the writing of this “skripsi”.

The writer also would express gratitude and appreciate to:

1. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.Pd., as the Dean of The Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers Training State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 2. Drs. Syauqi, M.Pd., as the head of English Department.

3. Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd., as the Secretary of English Department. 4. All the writer’s lecturers of English Department who have taught the

writer during the study at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

5. The Headmaster of SMPN 235 Jakarta Mr. Abdul Somad, who has given the permission to the writer to do the research and also to Mrs Dameria Ritonga as the English Teacher.


7. Iim and the couple Agus, Ihat and Emil, Mbak Marni and Kak Deden, Any, Ina, Pepeng, Eni, and all lovely friends who cannot be mentioned one by one for their contribution to the writer, during finishing her skripsi.

Jakarta, March 08





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION B. Background of the Study ... 1

C. Identification of the Study... 2

D. Statement of the Problem ... 2

E. Significance of the Study ... 3

F. Organization of Writing……….. 3


1. Definition of Motivation ... 2. Source of Motivation ... 3. Kind of Motivation ... B. Learning ... 11

1. Definition of Learning ... 2. Types of Learning ... C. English Language ... 11

1. Definition of English Language ... CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Objective of the Research ... 13

B. Place and Time of the Research ... 13

C. Method of the Research ... 13

D. Population and Sample ... 14

E. Instrument of the Research ... 14



A. Data Description... 16 B. Interpretation ... 19






Background of the Study

Many people in the world speak English as a first language or as a second language. Formally, English is studied from Junior high school till university. In Indonesia, English subject especially in junior high school has already become as a compulsory subject and it is one of the requirements to pass to national exam.

Therefore, students are expected to master English. However in reality most students are not able to master English. This can be proven by the average of students’ grades are categorized low. Besides that through the writer’s experience when teaching in the classroom, she still finds that the students are still incapable to use English well whether in oral or in written.

For instance, the students’ reading ability still become a problem, their understanding in comprehending the reading text is low. In listening, they cannot understand what the speaker said; in writing they still have some mistakes in using grammar and in organizing the idea. In speaking, they have difficulty in pronouncing the words and they cannot express what they want to utterance. There are so many factors that can affect the low of level the students’ ability in English.

Externally, the factors that can influence the English students’ ability are environment, parent, teacher, method, media etc. Internally, the factors that can affect English ability are interest, attitude, intelligence, personality, and learning style including motivation. Motivation is one of the factors that are regarded as factors that can cause the low level of student ability.


that many factors the obvious importance in determining the success of a second language learner, and one of the factor is motivation.1

In teaching learning process, motivation is the important factor, because motivation can make the students interest to the lesson. For students who have a high motivation, they will have energy to learn. Therefore, the students who have a high intelligence are not being granted to be successful in learning process.

Motivation can be function as a drive to achieve the goal. Someone act something because she/he has a drive to achieve the actor’s goal.

B. Identification of the Problem

There are so many problems that can be identified in this research, there are: what is the student’s motivation in learning English, what is the factor that make a student has a lack motivation, and what is the solving problems to raise the student’s motivation. But to make it more comprehensible one, the writer limits on “How high the student’s motivation in learning English is?”

C. Statement of the Problem

In line with identification of the problem above, the researcher’s problem can be formulated as follow: “How high the student’s motivation in learning English is?”


Significance of the Problem

The writer hoped this skripsi would be useful for:

a. The student: as an input for the students to increase motivation in learning English.

b. The teacher: this skripsi is used to improve the student motivation

c. Principal: to make a policy in order to increase a student motivation in learning English.



d. Other researcher: to continue this research about the student’s motivation in learning English.


Organization of Writing

This "skripsi" is divided into five chapters as follow:

The first chapter explains the introduction, which consists of five parts, they are: background of the study, identification of the problem, statement of the problem, significance of the study and the organization of writing.

The second chapter is divided into three parts that discuss about theoretical framework. They are: motivation, which involves general concept of motivation, definition of motivation, source of motivation, and kinds of motivation. The second part is learning which involves definition of learning and types of learning. Third part is English language that involves the definition of English.

The third chapter explains research methodology, which consists of fi This "skripsi" is divided into five chapters as follow:

The first chapter explains the introduction, which consists of five parts, they are: background of the study, the limitation and formulation of the study, objective of the study, method of the study and the organization of writing.


discussion, the types of group discussion and advantages and disadvantages of group discussion.

The third chapter explains research methodology, which consists of five parts, they are: purpose of the research, place and time, population and sample and research instruments. Research instrument involves observation, teaching learning process and interview.

The fourth chapter explains research finding consists of data description, data analysis, and data interpretation.






1. Definition of Motivation

The term motive however, is often confused with the use of term ‘need’, ‘drive’, or ‘purpose’. In psychological literatures these term are often used synonymously. Mouly,2 for example, explicitly states that he uses these terms synonymously in his book “Psychological for Effective Teaching”. Thus is not surprising if these determinants of behavior are encompassed under the umbrella of motivation. In other words, whatever impetus underlie human behavior, whether called needs, motives, drives, or purpose, they are grouped under the discussion of motivation; since it is argued that motivation is hypothetical construct postulated by psychologist to explain behavior.

The word “motivation” is familiar to us that are commonly used in our society. But definitely what the word actually refers to is not as simple as it’s uttered. Based on Cheryl, motivation is the psychological process that arouses, directs, and maintains behavior toward a goal.3 Psychological process means, series of actions carried out from the mind’s command to do or achieve something.4 Penny Ur says that is easy to comprehend the motivated learner than motivation it self. The motivated learner, who is willing or even eager to


George, J. Mouly, Psychology for the Effective Teaching, (USA: Holt. Rinehart and Winston. Inc. 1964),p. 63


Sdorow Cheryl, Lesler M and A. Rickabaugh, Psychology, (USA: Mc. Graw Hill Company, 2000), p. 326



invest effort in learning activities, makes teaching and learning process more pleasant and easier. There are some characteristics of motivated learner: 5

a. Positive task orientation. The learner is willing to tackle tasks and challenges and has confidence in his or her success.

b. Ego involvement. The learner finds it important to succeed in learning in order to maintain and promote his or her own (positive) self-image. c. Need for achievement. The learner has a need to achieve, to overcome

difficulties and succeed in what he or she sets out to do

d. High aspiration. The learner is ambitious, goes for demanding challenges, high proficiency, top grades.

e. Goal orientation. The learner is very aware of the goals of learning or to learning activities, and directs his or her efforts towards achieving them

f. Perseverance. The learner is very consistently invests a high level of effort in learning and is not discourages by setbacks or apparent lack of progress

g. Tolerance of ambiguity. The learner consistently invest a high level of effort in situation involving a temporary lack of understanding on confusion, he or she can live with this patiently, in the confidence that understanding will be come later.

Motivation is probably the most frequently used catchall term for explaining the success or failure or virtually any complex task. It is easy to assume that success in any task is due simply to the fact that someone is motivated. It is easy in second language claim that a learner will be successful with the motivation. Such claims are of course not erroneous; for countless studies and experiment in human learning are shown that motivation is a key to learning.



Meanwhile, Jeremy Harmer says “motivation is some kind of internal drive that encourages some body to pursue a course of action.6 Internal drive means a tendency within an organism toward a goal is based on the changes in the organism process.7

In addition, Brown defines motivation as inner drive, impulse, emotion or desire that moves one to a particular action.8 An inner drive is a force within the organism and pushes them to do certain actions toward the goal.9

Based on those definitions above the writer concluded that motivation is an internal and external drive, which pushes a person to do something toward a certain goal.

2. Source of Motivation

The source of motivation can be divided into the internal drive that can be obtained from the society, the significant others, the teacher, and the method.

1. Society

The society is called as the source of internal drive because people live in environment, and their attitudes from their society will influence their views of language learning, whether these attitudes are thoroughly positive or somewhat negative.

2. Significant others


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman, 1991), p.3


J.P. Chaplin, The Psychological Dictionary, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2000), p. 148


H. Douglas Brown, , Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1993), p. 152.



A part from the culture of the world around students, their attitude to language learning will be greatly affected by the influence of people who are close to them. The attitude of parents and older siblings will be crucial.

3. Teacher

The attitudes of a student’s peers are also crucial, if they are criticizing of the subject or activity. The student’s own motivation make they are enthusiastic learners, however, they will be enjoy in learning.

Clearly the major factor of the student’s motivation is the teacher. Here it is worth pointing out that his or her attitudes to the language and the task of learning will be vital. An obvious enthusiasm for English learning, in this case, would seem to be prerequisites for a positive classroom atmosphere.

4. Method.

It is vital that both teacher and students have some confidence in the way of teaching and learning take place. When either loses this confidence, motivation can be disastrously affected, but when both are comfortable with the method being used, success is much more likely. All of those sources are an interrelated between one to another. The environment without the attitude of parents can’t motivate students to get a good role. The teacher without a good method in teaching can’t motivate a student to like his lesson as well as possible till he gets a good result in learning.

3. Kinds of Motivation


(motivation that is derived from external incentives) both of these have an important part to play in classroom motivation. And both are at least partially accessible to teacher influence.10

a. Intrinsic motivation those who learn for their own self-perceived needs and goals are intrinsically motivated. According S. Nasution states11 intrinsic motivations are inherent in the learning situations and meet pupil need, and purpose.

Intrinsically motivated are ones for which there is no apparent reward except the activity it self. Intrinsically motivated behaviors are aimed at bringing about certain internally rewarding consequences, namely, feeling of competence and self-determination. Intrinsic motivation includes desire, interest, need, goal and hobby.

1. Desire.

The students will be motivated to learn if he or she has a desire to learn, but if he or she does not have in him or her self, she or he will be lazy to learn. They are encouraged to show their intrinsic motivation. S. Nasution says: “ Hasil belajar akan lebih baik, apabila pada anak ada hasrat atau tekad untuk mempelajari sesuatu” (Achievement would be better if the student has desire to learn something)12 As like Jeremy harmer says “ thus person might be motivated by enjoyment of the learning process itself or by a desire to make them selves feel better.13

2. Interest.

Interest is the second factor, which determines ones attitudes in working, or studying actively learning process goes well. Interest are closely related to habit motives in that acquired as a result of satisfying experiences in a given activity, and once established,


Penny Ur. A Course…p. 237 11

S. Nasution, Didaktik Asas-Asas Mengajar, ( Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1995),p. 77 12

S. Nasution, Didaktik …p. 80



tend to perpetuate them as long as they are effective from the stand point of the persons goals and purposes14. If the student will study effectively and they have a high interest, they will be success, as David R. Stone and Elwin C. Nielson”…on personal positive interest…will increase the change for success”.15

3. Need.

The term ‘need’ defines as “circumstances in which something is lacking or necessary or require some course of action”16 According to H. Douglas B17: ”the need concept or motivation in some ways belongs to all three school of thought: the fulfillment of need is rewarding, requires choices, and in many cases must be interpreted in a social context.

Jeremy harmer says that motivation is closely bound up with a person’s desire to achieve a goal.18 Almost all people have aim or goals in all activities that she/he in his/her daily life.

4. Goal.

Goal can lead someone to do or to avoid something not related to the


5. Hobby.

According to dictionary, hobby is activity done for pleasure during

ones free time. That means that hobby refers to like or pleasure


George, J. Mouly, Psychology…p.276.


David R. Stone & Elwin C Nielson, Educational Psychology, (Oxford University Press, 1987), p. 165


AS. Hornby, Oxford Advance Learner Dictionary of Current English, (Oxford University Press, 1987), p. 586


H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (USA: Longman, 2000), p. 161



doing something for wasting time. Example, Eka’s hobby is singing a

song; she always tries to sing whenever she is.

Intrinsic motivation is inherent in the learning situation and meet pupil need, and purpose. It means, it does not need stimulate from outside, because in every person there is support to do some thing. An example a man who likes reading need not command or support, he or she has diligently to look for some books to read it.

Intrinsic motivation is the innate propensity to engage one’s interest and exercise one’s capacities. And in doing so, seek out and master optimal challenges. It emerges spontaneously from organism psychological need, personal curiosities, and innate strivings for growth. As such, intrinsic motivation provides a natural motivational force that faster learning and development, and it can motivate behavior without the assistance of the extrinsic reward and pressures. Functionally intrinsic motivation provides us with an innate motivational force to engage our environments and to exert the effort necessary to exercise and develop our skill and capabilities.

b. Extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is caused by any number or outside factors, for example, the need to pass exam, the hope for financial reward or the possibility of future travel.19 Penny Ur states that extrinsic motivation is that which derives from the influence of some kind of external incentive, as distinct from the wish to learn for its own case or interest in tasks.20 Extrinsically motivated behaviors are carried out in anticipation or a reward from outside and beyond itself. H. Douglas Brown says that typical extrinsic rewards are money, prizes, grades, and even certain type’s positive feedback.


Jeremy Harmer The Practice,…p. 51



According to Penny Ur, the external motivation is affected by teachers’ action, they are:21

1) Source and its rewards. This is perhaps the single most important feature in rising extrinsic learners who have succeeded in past. With that, the task will be more succeeding, and more likely to preserve in their effort.

2) Failure and its penalties. Failure, is not just a matter of wrong answer, learners should be aware that they failing if they have done significantly than they could have, and also if they are making unsatisfactory progress or not taking care. Failure in any sense is generally regarded as something to be avoided, just as success in something to be sought. But this should be taken too far for one thing; success cases its sweetness if it is too easily attained and if there is no real possibility or experiences of failure.

3) Authoritative demands. Learner is often motivated by teacher pressure. They may be willing to invest effort in task simply because you have told them to recognizing your authority and right to make this demand, and trusting your judgment. Younger learners on the whole need to exercise of such authority more adult less, but even adults to be faced with a clear demand.

4) Test. The motivating power of test appears clear learners who know they are going to be tested on specific material next week with normally be more motivated to studying carefully that they had simply been told to learn it.

5) Competition. Learners will often be motivated to give their best not for the sake of the learning itself but in order to be at their opponent in a competition.

Extrinsic motivation is important in teaching learning process, to improve or to support their student in learning English. Intrinsic



motivation, however, is more important for the student rather than extrinsic.

Extrinsic motivation is motive which active and function if there is stimulate from outside self. For example, a person studying English because she wants a get a good position in job. Thus the important not a good value well in order to get a good a job if be seen from purpose activities inside which be done, indirect with essential what be done it. Therefore extrinsic motivation can be called as motivation which there are activities studying begun and to be continued based on the drives from outside self which relevance with study activity.

Extrinsic motivation is that which derives from the influence of some kind of external incentives, as distinct from the wish to learn for its own sake or interest in task. Many sources of extrinsic motivation are inaccessible to the influence of the teacher.

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, arises from external contingencies, whenever we act to gain a high grade, win a trophy, is extrinsically motivated. In essence, extrinsic motivation is an environmentally created reason to initiate or persist in an action. Extrinsic motivation does not mean a good or important because, possibility of the student’s condition is dynamic, changes and may be other components in teaching and learning process is minus interest for the students.



1. Definition of Learning

According to Henry Smith, learning is the acquisition of new behavior or strengthening or weakening of old behavior as the result of experience.22 New



behavior here means a new action and activity that is done by an organism. He also said that one of the important learning processes is motives or drives.23

David defines learning, as the process whereby an organism changes it is behavior as a result of experience.24 Experiences can be gained from learning. Because students can get knowledge and skill that are very important for students’ life.

Meanwhile, Ray lore defines learning as a relatively permanent change of behavior that occurs as a result of experience or practice.25 Changes in behavior may occur because of a change in the level of motivation of individual. None of those changes can be considered as learning. Some changes of behavior occur of reason other that experience or practice, some changes of behavior occur as a result of maturation and some of the result of fatigues. Any changes of behavior that occur as a result of experience or practices is regarded as learning, whether or not the changes is correct or wrong, good or bad.

Based on the definition above, the writer summarize that learning is the acquisition of a new behavior, that occur as the result of relatively permanent changes and the organisms’ experience or practice.

2. Types of Learning

Theories of learning of course do not capture all of the possible elements of general principles of human learning. Beyond the four learning theories just considered are various taxonomies of types of human learning and other mental process universal to all. The educational psychologist, Robert Gagne (1965), for example, ably demonstrated the importance of identifying a number of types of learning, which all human beings use. Types of learning vary according to the context and subject matter to be learned, but a complex task such as language learning involves every one of Gagne’s types of learning-from simple signal


Henry Smith, Psychology, …p. 260


N.L. Gage & David. C. Berliner, Educational Psychology, (Chicago: Rand Mc nally College Publishing Company, 1975), p. 86



learning to problem solving. Gagne (1965:58-59) identified eight types of learning.

1. Signal learning. The individual learns to make a general diffuse response to a signal. This is the classical conditioned response of Pavlov.

2. Stimulus-response learning. The learner acquires a precise response to a discriminated stimulus. What is learned is a connection or, in Skinnerian terms, a discriminated operant, sometimes called an instrumental response. 3. Chaining. What is acquired is a chain of two or more stimulus-response

connections. Skinner has also described the conditions for such learning. 4. Verbal association. Verbal association is the learning of chains that are

verbal. Basically, the conditions resemble those for other (motor) chains. However, the presence of language in the human being makes this special types because internal links may be selected from the individual’s previously learned repertoire of language.

5. Multiple discrimination. The individual learns to make a number of different identifying responses to many different stimuli, which may resemble each other in physical appearance to a greater or lesser degree. Although the learning of each stimulus-responses connection is a simple occurrence, the connections tend to interfere with one another.

6. Concept learning. The learner acquires the ability to make a common response to a class of stimuli even though the individual members of that class may differ widely from each other. The learner is able to make a response that identifies an entire class of object or events.

7. Principle learning. In simplest terms, a principle is an chain of two or more concept. It functions to organize behavior and experience. In Ausubel’s terminology, a principle is a “subsumer”-a cluster of related concepts. 8. Problem solving. Problem solving is a kind of learning that requires the




1. Definition of English Language

Brendon L. Carroll defines English as a language of essential tool for communication and whereas grammatical pattern play a crucial role in communication, the prime need almost learners is not for theoretical or analytical knowledge of the target language, but for an ability for understand an be understood in that language within the context and constraints of peculiar language using circumstance.26 Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols that permit all people in a given culture, or other people who have learned the system of that culture to communicate or to communicate.27.

Based on Moody, English is a language.28 It means that English language is developed technique of communication. More generally, the use of English we say is to facilitate communication, to promote understanding between languages, to enable useful, appropriate, and efficient action to take place.

In addition, Brumfit defines English as an international language in that it is the most widespread medium of international communication both because of the number and the geographical spread of its speakers, and because of the large of number of non native speakers who use it for part at least of their international context.29

International language its means a language that already spoken in the whole of the world, as an effect of globalization era. People have to master the


Brendon J. Carol, Testing Communicative Performance an Interview Study, (Oxford: Perganon Press,1980), p. 7


H. Douglas Brown, , Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (USA: Prentice Hall Regents, 1993), p. 7


H.L.B. Moody, Varieties of English, (Singapore:Longman House Group, 1970),, p. 1



international language in this case is English, in order to make easier in socialize in business, interact, job, etc.





Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to describe the motivation of second year students of SMPN 234 Jakarta.


Place and Time of the Study

The research of this study was conducted at SMPN 235 Jakarta which is located on Pesanggrahan Raya, Pesanggrahan Jakarta-Selatan. This research was started in May 2, 2007 and was finished in July 8, 2007


Method of the Study

In this skripsi, the writer uses a descriptive quantitative. Descriptive quantitative aims at exploring and classifying the phenomena or social facts, by describing some variables related with the research problems.30


Population and Sample

The population of this study is the second grade students of SMPN 235 Jakarta of 2006-2007 academic years, namely 200 students. The sample of this study is 39 students, taken by using random sampling technique. From the 39 students as a sample, only 37 of them are analyzed because the two of the students did not fill the questionnaires because they were sick.


Instrument of the Research



To collect the data, the writer uses questionnaires. The questionnaires is ‘closed’ in the sense that respondents only marking a checklist on the given answer. The questionnaires consist of 30 items. The items consist of positive and negative question. A positive question has 18 items and a negative question has 12 items. In this instrument the answers are: sangat setuju (strongly agree), setuju (agree), Ragu-ragu (In doubt), tidak setuju (disagree), and sangat tidak setuju (strongly disagree).

Table 1. The Answers of the Instrument Score Alternative of Answers

Positive Negative

Strongly agree 5 1

Agree 4 2

In doubt 3 3

Disagree 2 4

Strongly disagree 1 5

1. Conceptual Definition

Motivation is an internal and external drive, which pushes a person to do something toward a certain goal

2. Operational Definition

Scores obtained by the students after they filled out the questionnaires about the students’ motivation in learning English, which consist of the following indicators: positive task orientation, ego involvement, need for achievement, high aspiration, goal orientation, perseverance and tolerance of ambiguity.


Table 2. Indicators of Motivated Learner Score

No Indicators

Positive Negative Total Items

1 Positive task orientation 1,5,7 3 4

2 Ego involvement 2,4 6,8 4

3 Need for achievement 9,11,13 10,12 5

4 High aspirations 14,16,17,29 15 5

5 Goal orientation 18,20 19,21 4

6 Perseverance 22,24 23,25,30 5

7 Tolerance of ambiguity 26,28 27 3

Total 18 12 30


Technique of Analyzing Data





Data Description


In this chapter, the writer will give a report as the data description. These data are obtained from the questionnaire about the student’s motivation in learning English of SMPN Jakarta in the Second Grade. The respondents consist of 37 students. After collecting the data, the students’ motivation shows that the highest score is 50 and the lowest score is 30.

Table 3. The Frequency Distribution in Learning English Interval Frequency Percentage

121 – 150 3 9 %

71 - 120 33 91 %

30 - 70 - -


The above table shows that the students’ motivation is categorize medium. The students who has high motivation are 3 persons or for about 9 %. Even while the students who has medium motivation are 33 persons from 37 students or 91 %.

Table 4. The Result of Questionnaires

No Student Score

1 A 81


3 C 89

4 D 92

5 E 92

6 F 95

7 G 95

8 H 97

9 I 97

10 J


11 K


12 L


13 M


14 N


15 O 100

16 P 101

17 Q 101

18 R 102

19 S 102

20 T 102

21 U 102

22 V 111

23 W 111

24 X 111

25 Y 112

26 Z 112

27 a 115


29 c 116

30 d 116

31 e 116

32 f 118

33 g 118

34 h 118

35 i 125

36 j 128

37 k 135

After collecting the data, it can be shown that the maximum score is 135 and the minimum score is 81, with mean 105,38, median 102,00 and standard deviation is 12,368. The data can be seen from the table below.

Descriptive Statistics

37 81 135 105.38 12.368

37 Score

Valid N (listwise)

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Statistics Score 37 0 105.38 2.033 102.00 102a 12.368 152.964 54 81 135 Valid Missing N Mean

Std. Error of Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Variance Range Minimum Maximum


The Graph of frequency and the scores from questionnaires.


Interpretation of The Result

From the result in the data description, we can see that the students have medium motivation, namely 91 %.


exam last year was 8,0. So we can say that the students’ motivation in learning English of SMPN 235 Jakarta is categorize medium until high.

Based on arousal theory, humans are motivated to maintain a comfortable level of arousal. If they are under stimulated, they act to increase their arousal. If they are over stimulated they act to bring their level of arousal down.31

Optimal arousal theory explains that a performance is best when stimulation of arousal is intermediate. And according to Marlow’s theory, higher motives emerge only after the more basic ones have been largely satisfied. He arranged motives in a hierarchy, from lower to higher, there are: physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization.32For example a person who is starving does not care what people think of her table manner.

Many factors caused the students’ motivation are still categorizing medium. Maybe the student’s environment are not support them to speak up the Language it self, their parents are still ignore their study in English, the teacher’ method are not encourage them to be motivated learners etc. But next, we must to minimize that, and we should increase the students to be high-motivated learners.


Camille Wortman, Elizabeth Loftus, Charles Weaver, Psychology 5th Edition,

(Singapore: Mc. Graw Hill,Inc,1999), p. 368







Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the student’s motivation in learning English of SMPN 235 Jakarta in the second grade is still categorize medium. Motivation is divided in two: there are internal motivation and internal motivation. The source of internal motivation are: interest, need, goal, desire, hobby, and source of external motivation are: source and its rewards, failure and penalties, authoritative demand, test, and competition.



Based on the conclusion above, it can be suggested that: 1. Students should increase their motivation in learning English

2. It is necessary for the head master to make an effort, in order the students are more motivated in learning English

3. Teacher should creative and innovative, to increase the student’s motivation in learning English



Brendon J. Carol, Testing Communicative Performance an Interview Study, (Oxford: Perganon Press,1980)

Camille Wortman, Elizabeth Loftus, Charles Weaver, Psychology 5th Edition, (Singapore: Mc. Graw Hill,Inc,1999

Charles.G. Morris, Albert A. Maisto, Understanding Psychology, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003

C.J.Brumfit, English for International Communication, (Oxford: Perganon Institute of English, 1982)

David R. Stone & Elwin C Nielson, Educational Psychology, (Oxford University Press, 1987)

G.Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (USA: Longman, 2000)

George, J. Mouly, Psychology for the Effective Teaching, (USA: Holt. Rinehart and Winston. Inc. 1964)

Gilhotra, Manjit S and Gillian Callender, The Role of Individual Factors in Second Language Learning by Adult Migrants, (Oxford University Press. Oxford. 1977

Goleman Engen and Davids, Introductory Psychology Second Edition, (Random House, Inc: New York, 1982 ),

Henry Smith, Psychology in Teaching, (USA: Prentice Hall, 1962)

H.L.B. Moody, Varieties of English, (Singapore : Longman House Group,1970) H. Yul Iskandar.,Phd, Tes Bakat, Minat, Sikap dan Personality MMPI DG

(Jakarta: Yayasan Darma Graha, 2004)

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman, 1991)


Martin. H Manser, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995)

M. Ray Loree, Psychology of Education, (New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1965)

N.L. Gage & David. C. Berliner, Educational Psychology, (Chicago: Rand Mc nally College Publishing Company, 1975)

Penny Ur. A Course in Language Teaching-Practice & Theory, (GB: Cambridge University Press. 1996

Prof.Dr.H. Syamsir Salam, MS, Metodologi penelitian Sosial, (Jakarta: UIN Jakarta Press,2006)

Sdorow Cheryl, Lesler M and A. Rickabaugh, Psychology, (USA: Mc. Graw Hill Company, 2000)


Table 1. The Answers of the Instrument
Table 2. Indicators of Motivated Learner
Table 3. The Frequency Distribution in Learning English


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