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the Perice's object modes analysis in a brochure of PT.Metland Cibitung : job training report


Academic year: 2017

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1. Profile

Name : Anggit Nur Ulfah

Address : Gegerkalong Tengah, Gang Haji Ridho 2, No. 24 A. Bandung 44153

Place/ Date of Birth : Garut, 22nd February 1991

Sex : Female

Religion : Islam

Phone : 08999487722

E-mail : anggitnurulfahss@yahoo.co.id

2. Educational Background 2.1 Formal Education

No Year Institutions

1. 2009- present English Department Indonesia University of Computer 2. 2006-2009 SMA Negeri 2 Tarogong Kidul


32 2. Informal Education



Years Institution

1 2010 Seminar on Copywriting I (Certified) 2 2010 Seminar Public Speaking (Certified) 3 2011 Seminar on Copywriting I (Certified)

4 2011 Seminar Feminist, Feminine and Text (Certified) 5 2011 Seminar and Workshop of Semiotics in Literature

and Media

6 2012 Character Building Training (Certified)

3. Competency

The competencies the writer had as follows:


The Pei

rce’s Object Modes Analysis

in A Brochure

of PT.METLAND Cibitung

Job Training Report

Submitted to fulfil one of the course requirement

Anggit Nur Ulfah 63709009

English Department

Faculty of Letters

Indonesia University of Computer




First at all, the writer gives praise and thankfulness to Allah S.W.T because His blessing and grant this report can be finished, and also to our prophet, Muhammad S.A.W. The writer expresses acknowledgement for the following people:

1. Dr. Juanda.. As the Head of English Department Faculty of Letters, Indonesia University of Computer.

2. Muhamad Rayhan Bustam S.S. As my advisor, thank you for your time, advice, guidance and patience in guiding me during the writing to this report.

3. Asih Prihandini, S,S. M.Hum. The Coordinator of Job Training, thank you for your support.

4. All staff of PT. Metropolitan Land. Thank you very much.

5. My parents, who always encourage me during the writing of this report and doing my job training.

6. To my husband Dikdik Kurniawan ST, who always support me at every time I am felling give up and you’re my spirit. Thank you very much. Love you so much, my hubby.



8. And for SI-01 student of ’09, for being my classmate. Thank you very much.

The writer expects that this paper will be useful especially for the writer, and generally for the readers. Hopefully, by reading this paper, it will also be useful for readers to expand their knowledge about this topic. The writer is also looking forward for the critics and advices.

Bandung, December 2012




2.1 Description of PT. Metropolitan Land

2.2 Job training position, coordination and responsibilities


ix 2.2.1 Job position

2.2.2 Coordination and responsibilities 2.4 Description of job training position CHAPTER III THE DESCRIPTION OF THE TOPIC




Chandler, Daniel, 2002, the basics of semiotics, Rutledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN

Ratna, Nyoman Kutha. 2006. Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar








This chapter presents general descriptions of background, scope, and objective, significant to knowledge, the framework of theory, research method, place and time of the job training.

I.I Background to the topic

Brochure is one of ways for promoting products of company. Yet the use of brochure is not effective if it is not accompanied by an explanation of the things which are contained in the brochure; this is because many symbols or other things in the brochure that are not understood by customers. It is exactly that makes a company assigns marketing promotion to explain content of the brochure, and the writer did job training for that position in PT. Metropolitan Land Cibitung.



The brochure will make easier for customers to understand the product. The target to introduce and promote the product can be achieved then. A picture in the brochure can be a representation of something, and that is very important for the promotion, it is useful for the customers to understand the pictures or symbols on the brochure, especially brochure of residential in PT. Metropolitan Land.

Based on the statement above, the writer assumes that it is important to learn the brochure trough the Semiotics theory. In this case, the writer will analyze the brochure by using Pierce’s theory about the object modes. Thus, the writer chose the title “The pierce’s object modes analysis in a brochure of PT.

Metropolitan Land Cibitung” for this job training report.

I.2 Scope

The scope for this job training report will be on how object modes of sign used on the brochure and how the brochure can influence the customers to buy the product.

I.3 Objectives

There are many objectives in doing the job training and choosing the topic in this paper, those are:

1. To find the symbol, iconic and index from pictures with the terms of the data source, i.e. brochure.



3. To understand the meaning of symbol/symbolic, iconic and index of the brochure.

I.4 Significant to Knowledge

This report is expected to give explanation about semiotics especially object modes to student of English Department and how the object modes on the brochure were used when the author did the job training.

I.5 The Framework of Theory

The purpose of the writer chose the topic for the job training report is to give information about how customers understand brochures at residential. Thus, we must know the types of picture on that brochure and the function of every picture on that brochure.

According to the basic of semiotics book, Charles Sanders Peirce told about a sign

in specific object modes analysis on the brochure. He divided the sign into three essential

parts, i.e. Symbol/symbolic, Icon/iconic and Index/indexical. After we know what the parts consisted in the pictures of the brochure, we can explain it clearly and more

effective to customers.

The writer will analyze the brochure based on Peirce’s perspective about object

modes namely:



Icon/iconic: a mode in which the signifier is perceived as resembling or imitating the signified (recognizably looking, sounding, feeling, tasting or smelling like it) – being similar in possessing some of its qualities: e.g. a portrait, a cartoon, a scale-model, onomatopoeia, metaphors, realistic sounds in ‘programme music’, sound

effects in radio drama, a dubbed film soundtrack, imitative gestures.

Index/indexical: a mode in which the signifier is not arbitrary but is directly connected in some way (physically or causally) to the signified (regardless of intention) – this link can be observed or inferred: e.g. ‘natural signs’ (smoke, thunder, footprints, echoes, non-synthetic odours and flavours). (the basic semiotics, Chandler. p.36, 2002)

I.6 Research Method

In writing the report, the writer uses descriptive analytic method. The descriptive analytic method is a method performed with describing the facts and followed by analysis (Kuta Ratna, 2004:53). To collect the data, the writer directly observed from the source book (the basic semiotics, Chandler, 2002), and some data from the company of the job training.

I.7 Place and Time

The writer took the job training activities in PT. METLAND Cibitung





In this chapter the writer will explain about general description of PT. Metropolitan Land (METLAND) such as history of PT. Metropolitan land

(METLAND), Job training position, coordination and responsibilities.

2.1 The description of PT. Metropolitan Land

PT. Metropolitan Land Tbk (METLAND) was established on February 16, 1994, and commenced its operations on October 28, 1994. Since then, the

company keeps focusing on residential and commercial development. The success

of METLAND nowadays is shown in customer satisfaction, good quality of

products, professional management and also good relationship with subsidiaries environment and partnership. PT Metropolitan Land has some projects at around

Jakarta such as METLAND Menteng, METLAND Puri, METLAND Transyogi,



As a trusted development company, PT. METLAND has experienced more than 15 years in the property sector. This success is mainly because of their

capability in delivering finest property products for customer satisfaction.

In developing their properties, PT. METLAND not only builds quality

housing, but also helps to create a beautiful and comfortable environment with the concept of green living.

2.2 Job Training Position, Coordination and Responsibilities

2.2.1 The Job Position

The writer’s position in doing the job training was as an assistant of marketing promotion division at PT. METLAND Cibitung. The writer explained some brochures to customers who wanted to know the specification about the products. The products were houses with variant types. Thus, costumers often asked about prices, facilities, and the material of the houses.

2.2.2 The Coordination



Kurniawan, he is an inspector who helped the writer to know detail specification of houses when the writer came to the project at the field. To know more detail about the

writer’s coordination, let’s see the organization structure below.


The writer‘s position in doing the job training was as an assistant



marketing promoting manager. The writer explained some brochures to customers who wanted to buy the product and gave the detail to costumers

about rules of the company such as the costumers should pay for the land

first then the company will build the house.

Based on the fact above, it was important to the writer as the marketing promotion to know and understand about the brochure because

from the brochure customers will get a lot of information about the house.

Also, we should keep persuading the customer to build his/her interest to

buy our products.





This chapter explains about the description of the topic. The explanation is about the analysis object modes a brochure PT. Metropolitan Land Cibitung, including the main picture and the blueprint and then, problem and solution while the writer did the job training.

3.1 The Peirce’s Object Modes Analysis in a Brochure PT. Metropolitan Land Cibitung

3.1.1 Explanation

A brochure (also referred to as a pamphlet) is a type of leaflet.

Brochures are advertising pieces mainly used to introduce a company or

organization, and inform about products and services to a target audience.

Brochures are distributed by mail, handed personally or placed in brochure

racks. As its function to inform and promote a product brochure cannot be effective if it is not accompanied by an explanation of the things contained in it; this is because many symbols or other things that are sometimes not understood by customers. Thus, the writer uses an approach of Pierce’s perspective about the object modes to analyze the




1. Symbol/symbolic: a mode in which the signifier does not resemble the signified but which is fundamentally arbitrary or purely conventional – so that this relationship must be agreed upon and learned: e.g. language in general (plus specific languages, alphabetical letters, punctuation marks, words, phrases and sentences), numbers, Morse code, traffic light, national flag.

2. Icon/iconic: a mode in which the signifier is perceived as resembling or imitating the signified (recognizably looking, sounding, feeling, tasting or smelling like it) – being similar in possessing some of its qualities: e.g. a portrait, a cartoon, a scale-model, onomatopoeia, metaphors, realistic sounds in ‘programme music’, sound effects in radio drama, a dubbed film

soundtrack, imitative gestures.

3. Index/indexical: a mode in which the signifier is not arbitrary but is



3.1.2 Analysis of brochure:

On the brochure there are two pictures to be analyzed, namely: 1. The main picture of brochure

2. The blueprint of brochure



There are three houses on the brochure above. The first house is without number, (because the number cannot be seen on the picture). The second and third house are numbers 7 and 8.

The picture on the brochure shows 99% of the houses that will be built later. That house, which will be built, is almost exactly like the picture on the brochure. According to Peirce perspective, the picture like that is called icon/iconic. Icon/iconic is a mode in which the signifier is perceived as resembling or imitating the signified (recognizably looking, sounding, feeling, tasting or smelling like it)- being similar in possessing some of its qualities i.e. a portrait, a cartoon, a scale-mode. (Chandler. 2002. P.36,). The complete analysis of the brochure can be seen at the table below.

Houses Iconic, Imitating. The house’s pictures in the brochure are 99% as imitating of real house.

Birds Iconic, Resembling. The bird’s picture in the brochure is not exactly like a real one.

Tress Iconic, Resembling. The picture of tress in the brochure is not exactly like a real one.

Grass Iconic, Resembling. The picture of grass in the brochure is not exactly like a real one.

Tricycle Iconic, Imitating. The picture of tricycle in the brochure is 99% as imitating of real tricycle.

People Iconic, Imitating. The picture of people in the brochure is 99% as imitating of the real one.

Car Iconic, Imitating. The picture of car in the brochure is 99% as imitating of the real one.



The picture in the brochure is made in 3D for making the details of picture clearly to see and for attracting costumers (at least they will be interested in reading the brochure). Thus, the picture of brochure is made by resembling as the original or Peirce calls icon/iconic ‘imitatingas the original’. Then, in the brochure, the writer did not find symbol and index.

1. The Blueprint of Brochure

Figure 2.1 the blueprint of brochure

On the brochure, the blueprint image is made in 3D image. The purposes are to make costumers understand the blueprint of brochure and to know the detail of the houses.



like original. It is shown in the other pictures on the blueprint of brochure; there is the picture of the kitchen, the dining room having the dining table like an original, the living room which consists of sofa, television, etc., and the picture of car like original.

Almost all of the pictures are icon/iconic but there are three symbols. According to Peirce, Symbol/symbolic is a mode in which the signifier does

not resemble the signified but which is fundamentally arbitrary or purely

conventional – so that this relationship must be agreed upon and learned: e.g. language in general (plus specific languages, alphabetical letters, punctuation marks, words, phrases and sentences), numbers, Morse code, traffic light, national flag.(Chandler. 2002. P.36,). The writer will explain the meaning of the symbols below:

Direction to open the door

Red bricks installed pull up until Meet with metal truss

Rows praktis for fasten up red bricks.

Figure 2.2 examples symbol on the brochure



shown on the brochure, the first symbol is the directions how we open the door or the way the door opens; the second is the symbol of a long line black and white, and the last small squares symbol at each end of a long line black and white color.

Although, people, costumers of residential, do not understand the symbols really, it is important to know that the symbol gives the information interpreted through the pictures.

3.2 Problems and solutions

The problem and solution found during the job training are: 3.2.1 Problems

Since the first time doing the job training, the writer got some problems in analyzing object modes on the brochure; the writer found a difficulty in understanding some pictures or sign. Then, it was hard to find out the difference ways to compare symbol, icon, and index on the brochure.

3.2.2 Solutions





This chapter describes the summaries in the activity of the job training. The conclusion and suggestion would be explained generally, as follow:

4.1 Conclusions

After finishing the research, the writer concludes that it is important to understand about types of sign such as symbol/symbolic, icon/iconic and index. In the brochure, the writer did not find about index/indexical, the writer only found symbol and icon because index is like ‘natural sign’ such as if there is a smoke, there is a fire. The writer found symbols in the brochure such as the picture of houses, birds, tricycle, people, and windows. Then, the writer found symbol in the brochure such as symbol of walls, rows praktis and direction to open the door.


There are some suggestions which the writer has, as follow: 1. Company



2. Faculty of Letter

The faculty should give more introduction/explanation about the job training and also the procedure how to take the job training before the student is placed in an institution.

3. English Department

The English Department should be better to have a list of companies where the students can apply for their job training.

4. Student


Figure 2.1 the blueprint of brochure


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