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Academic year: 2017



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Marshela Risdanti

Vocabulary is an important element in learning a language, especially in learning English as a second/foreign language. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to choose a good media when teaching vocabulary in the class. Students can use vocabularies based on the context when they are practicing a language. In this research, the researcher tried to use flashcard as media for teaching vocabulary for young learners.

The aim of this research was to find out whether there was a significant improvement of the students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught by using flashcard. This research was quantitative research which used one group pretest posttest design. The sample of this research was class B in Little Elephant Kindergarten School consisting of 15 students. The data were obtained from the pretest and posttest to find out the increasing of students’ vocabulary achievement.



A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty




Marshela Risdanti




Marshela Risdanti was born in Jakarta, on March 13th, 1993. She was growing in harmonious and happy family from the greatest couple, Rislan Tonny and Solhawati. She has the only beloved sister named Aparel Sheka Risdanti, S.Pd.

She attended TK Kristen Harapan Bunda in West Jakarta before continuing her study to SDN Kamal 02 Pagi Jakarta Barat in 1998. Then, she moved to Bandar Lampung and continued her elementary school to SDN 2 Palapa Bandar Lampung and graduated from elementary school there in 2005. Then, she continued her study in SMPN 25 Bandar Lampung. She graduated from junior high school in 2008. After that, she entered SMAN 03 Bandar Lampung and finished her study there in 2011.




By offering my praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for His abundant blessing to me, I’d proudly dedicate this piece of work to:

1. The greatest people ever in my life, my father and mother, Rislan Tonny Ali and Solhawati.

2. My only beloved sister, Aparel Sheka Risdanti, S.Pd. 3. My brother-in-law, Taufan Juliano Siregar, S.T.

4. My beloved family in Medan: Harry Pahlawan S.E., M.Si. and Luvina Susilawati.

5. My bundle of joy, Adimas Rizky Suryadharma, A.Md. 6. My unchangeable friends CABOCA






Alhamdulillahirrobbil’alamiin, praise is merely to Allah SWT, The Almighty

God, for His blessing and mercy to the writer with health so that the writer was able to finish her script. This script, entitled Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Through Flashcard for Young Learners in Little Elephant

Kindergarten School is presented to English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Lampung University as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for S1 degree.

It is important to be known that this script would never have come into existence without any support, encouragement, and assistance from several dedicated people. Here, I would like to address my gratitude and respect to:

1. Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A., as the writer’s first advisor, for his willingness to give assistances, ideas, and encouragements within his time during the script writing process.

2. Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A., as the writer’s second advisor, for his kindness in guiding the writer finishing this script.



5. Miss Alin as the headmaster of Little Elephant Kindergarten School, and Miss Fefi as the English teacher of the second grade of Little Elephant Kindergarten School for their kindness toward the writer to carry out the research.

6. All students in B class of Little Elephant Kindergarten School 2015/2016, for their participation as the subject in this research.

7. My beloved parents, Rislan Tonny and Solhawaty, thank you for your love, support, pray and everything that they give to me till this time and may Allah always give you His never ending blessing.

8. My the only lovely sister, Aparel Sheka Risdanti, S.Pd., thank you for the spirit and your guidance to make me always do the best.

9. My beloved brother- in-law, Taufan Juliano, S.T., thank you for always support me to finish this script.

10. My beloved family in Medan: Bou Luvina and Amang Boru Hari Pahlawan Siregar, thank you for giving a ton of supports and sincere cares.

11. My bundle of joy, Adimas Rizky Suryadharma, A.Md., for your pray, patience, care, trust, motivation, and lovely support in accompanying every step to reach the greatest achievement.

12. My lecturers at English Education Program University of Lampung for sharing knowledge, experience, and spirit all of this time.



unforgettable moments in my life. Thank you for sharing every laugh, every tear, every the best condition or even the worst, and every support that I could not get from others except all of you. I love you badly.

14. My friends since I studied in senior high school, Meta Mutiara Putri, A.Md., Meri Handayani, and Tira Hardaning, thank you for your support.

15. My beloved family of English Education Study Program’11, especially on class B, thanks you for assistances, support, and suggestion.

16. My beloved team KKN-KT 2014, Helda Siregar, Elva Retnawati, S.Pd., Nourma Ervitasari, S.Pd., Nurdiana, S.Pd., Choirul Umam, S.Pd., Afif Suryatama, and Megyan Pratama, thank you for your care, support and suggestion.

17. My EF Holic, All of teachers and staffs and Bu Tissa as a ‘fairy Godmother’, thank you for supporting me and giving me a chance to learn and to have the greatest teaching experience there.

Hopefully, this script will give a positive contribution to the educational development and also for those who want to carry out further research. The writer is completely aware that this script is far from the perfection. Therefore, constructive input and suggestion are expected to compose better script in the future.

Bandar Lampung, July 2015


viii 1.3 Objective of the Research………..…………... 1.4 Uses of the Research………...………..

2.1 Review of Previous Research...………...……….

2.2 Vocabulary…….……….. 2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Flashcard……….……... 2.8 Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners………….……….... 2.9 The Age of Young Learners……….………. 2.10 Theoretical Assumption………...………....

2.11 Hypothesis………..………. 3.5 Validity of the Instrument..……….. 3.6 Reliability of the instrument……….




4.1 Result of the Data Analysis……….……….. 4.1.1 Result of the Pretest………...…………. 4.1.2 Result of the Posttest………... 4.1.3 The Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement….. 4.2 Discussion………..………...

35 35 37 39 43


5.1 Conclusions………...

5.2 Suggestions………...

5.2.1 Teaching Implication………..…. 5.2.2 Further Research………..…

50 51 51 52






4.1 Distribution of the Pretest………..………...……….. 4.2 Distribution of the Posttest……….. 4.3 The Improvement of Three Aspects of Students’ Vocabulary

Achievement from Pretest and Posttest………. 4.4 The Mean Score of the Pretest and the Posttest of the Students’

Vocabulary Achievement………..………. 4.5 The Significant Differences between the Pretest and the Posttest …....




1. Research Schedule……….……..

2. Lesson Plan………... 3. The Test for Pretest and Posttest………...…..

4. Answer Key………...…………..

5. SPSS………

6. Inter Rater Reliability of Pretest Score……… 7. Inter Rater Reliability of Posttest Score……….……… 8. Result Pretest and Posttest of Pronunciation Test………... 9. Result Pretest and Posttest of Meaning Test and Use Test……….

10. Total Score of Pretest and Posttest……….

11. Students’ Voice Transcription in Pretest………

12.Students’ Voice Transcription in Posttest……….. 13.The List of the Words for Pretest and Posttest………





4.1 Distribution of Students’ Pretest Score by the Aspect of Vocabulary…... 4.2 Distribution of Students’ Posttest Score by the Aspect of Vocabulary…..

4.3 Improvement from the Pretest to the Posttest……...……...………..



This chapter describes the background of the problem which includes the reasons for conducting the research, the problems, the objective, uses, scope of the research, and definition of terms.

1.1.Background of the Problem

Vocabulary is an important element of language. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to choose a good technique when teaching vocabulary in the class. Therefore, students can use vocabulary based on the context when they are practicing a lan-guage.



The higher level of achieving vocabularies for students, the better students understand a language.

Today, the teacher should help the students to learn the vocabularies by finding the meaning of vocabulary by themselves. On the other hand, Ko (2012) L2 learners could not make intelligent guesses in the same way as native speakers due to their lack of vocabulary knowledge or general proficiency level. Also, a given context of-ten does not provide sufficient clues to L2 readers. Learners need to know the sur-rounding words well in order to guess words correctly. Teacher should make the stu-dents understand the vocabulary in the context and make the stustu-dents use the vocabu-laries when they are practicing the language skills. It makes the teacher choose a good technique when the teacher is teaching so that all aspect of language can be covered and understood by the students.



Baleghizadeh & Naeim (2011) states that a good example of a meaningful technique, on the other hand, is “inference” or “guessing” techniques where learners are asked to infer, or at other time, guess the meaning of a certain word in a context, using any clues provided before or after that word in the context or even any other strategies (e.g. examining the root, prefixes, or suffixes) which might be helpful to arrive at the meaning of the unknown word) or we might use the technique that allow the students to find their own word to be learned. Teacher just lead them by using a word as a core-word then asks the students to develop it based on their knowledge.

Nation (1990) points out that if the teacher’s aim is to get the learners to remember

the word form and its meaning, then it is useful to attract the learners’ attention and to

encourage them to make an effort. When a teacher is able to make an impression and

bring the students’ experience about language knowledge in teaching learning pr

o-cess, students can learn and develop it based on their own interest. It will make the students easier to remember the materials that have been discussed in the classroom. And also it will make the students get higher level of vocabulary achievement. Be-cause vocabulary is language knowledge, it will be a possibility if the students learn based on their own interesting. They will develop their ability to capture many vo-cabularies unconsciously not only in teaching learning process but also in their daily activity.



their students’ current interests so that they can use them to motivate the children.

Therefore, it is a challenge for teachers of young learners to think creatively in teach-ing vocabulary to find activities which provide a fun and enjoyable situation, so that the learners are able to understand the materials easily.

One of many ways to make young learners interested to learn vocabulary is by using media. Flashcard may be one of the alternative media that can be used by the teacher.. A flashcard or flash card is a set of cards bearing information, as words or numbers, on either or both sides, used in classroom drills or in private study. Flashcards can bear vocabulary, historical dates, formulas or any subject matter that can be learned via a question and answer format. Flashcards are widely used as a learning drill to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition.

Based on the cases above, the researcher tries to find out how far flashcard, as an in-structional media, can increase students’ vocabulary achievement. The vocabularies are tested in the kindergarten are daily objects. It is hoped that by using flashcard the students are able to memorize and reproduce the words they have learned easier than by memorizing a list of words.

1.2. Research Question



1. is there any significant increase of students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught using flashcard at Little Elephant Kindergarten School Bandar Lampung?

1.3. Objective of the Research

In line with the research questions above the objectives of the research are to find out:

1. Whether the use of flashcard can increase students’ vocabulary achievement.

1.4. Uses of the Research

The findings of the study are expected to be beneficial for both theoretically and prac-tically:

1. Theoretically

The results of this research are expected to support the existing theories about vocab-ulary and learning media in this case is flashcard media that will be discussed in chapter 2.

2. Practically

The result of the research are hoped to be practically beneficial for students, teacher, and school. Those are explained as follows:



b.Teachers: this research hopefully can be the consideration in teaching vocabulary and can inform the teachers about the process and benefit of flashcard media. c.School: this research hopefully can be consideration of vocabulary aspect of school in determining the strategy for running the successful English learning.

1.5. Scope of the Research

The research is focused on finding which how far flashcard could be used to increase

students’ achievement. The students’ achievement in learning vocabulary is tested

using a pre-test and post-test to know the students’ achievement before and after they were given a treatment. The vocabulary was focused on content words especially in concrete noun. This research was conducted in the kindergarten students at Little Ele-phant in class B that consisted of 15 students with the same range of ages about 4-5 years old.

1.6.Definition of Terms



a. Vocabulary is a list of words that included in part of speech which has meaning when it is used to construct a sentence to express human ideas in order to be un-derstood by other people.

b. Teaching vocabulary is a process to make the students understand the meaning of word in different language and use it in appropriate context by using some kind of techniques.



This chapter explains about some theories related to the research. The theories will be the references for the writer in conducting the research. The theories that will be explained are about vocabulary, teaching vocabulary, content words, flashcard, advantages and disadvantages of using flashcard, theoretical assumption, and hypothesis.

2.1. Review of Previous Research

There have been several studies dealing with teaching vocabulary. Firstly, Yosephus (2012) conducted a research about teaching vocabulary by using flashcard in

elementary school. He used flashcard to see the increasing of students’ achievement

in vocabulary. The finding showed that the use of flashcard was effective in

increasing students’ vocabulary achievement.

Secondly, Ari (2007) conducted her research about teaching vocabulary. The results

showed that the students’ difficulties in learning vocabulary were in understanding



Thirdly, Rossy (2012) conducted a research about teaching vocabulary to young learners. The results showed that there were significant sequences conducted in teaching vocabulary to young learners. When the teacher needed flexibility to give knowledge by using some interesting medias, the teacher could use flashcard or song.

Based on the previous studies above, it can be inferred that flashcard was able to

improve students’ achievement of vocabulary. However, the researcher concerning

the use of flashcard for teaching vocabulary to young learners has never been explored.

2.2. Vocabulary

Every language in this world has a list of words. This word is used to express human feelings or ideas in oral and written form. Every word in a language has specific meaning, both literal and semantic meaning. And people will use suitable vocabularies to express their feelings or ideas in order to be understood by other people. By using vocabulary people can communicate each other in order to ask or deliver information. This is why vocabulary has an important role in language use.

The word “vocabulary” generally represents a summary of words or their



„post-office’ consists of two words and still expresses one idea. Vocabulary teaching

is one of the most important components of any languages class.

The main reason is the fact that it is a medium, which carries meaning; learning to understand and express the meaning is what counts in learning languages. There has

been increased focus on teaching vocabulary recently, partly as a result of “the

development of new approaches to language teaching, which are much more

word-centered.” (Thornbury 2004: vi).

Wallace (1986:1) states that vocabulary is the vital element of the language. Vocabulary has been considered important who learn a language, since it in a term that should be acquired by the students in order to communicative effectively. Vocabulary is important for learning a language, if the students cannot master vocabulary; the students will fail to use the language both in oral or written form. Therefore, students must learn vocabulary well so that they are able to master the language.



Table 1. The Aspects of Vocabulary



with this one?


use with this one?

Based on the statement above, the writer assumes that vocabulary is the basic element of

language in form of words which will make a language meaningful. Knowing vocabulary

seems to be the basic things in learning language, even children learning their native

tongue usually learn isolated words or phrases before piecing them together into more

complex utterance.

2.3. Classification of Words

There are some types of vocabulary in English. Fries (1970:45) classifies English words into four groups, they are:

a. Content words

Content words represent the name of subject or things, that is called noun (table, cupboard, radio), action done by with these thing, that is called verb (pray, eat, love), and the qualities of these things, that is adjectives (big, small, pretty).

b. Function words



c. Substitute word

Substitute words are those which represent the individual things or specific action as substitutes for whole form classes of words (anybody, anyone).

d. Distributed words

Distributed words are those words which are distributed in use according grammatical matter as presence of a negative, such as, an, either, too, or, yet.

From explanation above, the researcher conducted the research dealing with content words especially focused in nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs. As we know, the four of them are basic in English that are used in our daily life. For young learners, learning something that are found and used in their daily life, are easier to remember and to understand.

2.4. Content words

Content words are words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that refers to some object, action, or characteristic.

a. Noun



identified by using our five senses. Example: There are table, chair and book in that room.

b. Adjective

Adjective is a “describing word”, the min syntactic role of which is to qualify a noun

or noun phrase, giving more information about the object signified. Example: The table in there is big.

c. Adverb

An adverb is a word that changes or simplifies the meaning of a verb, adjective, other adverb, clause, or sentence expressing the manner, place, time, or degree. Adverbs are words like slowly, now, soon, yesterday. An adverb usually modifies a verb or a verb phrase. It provides information about the manner, place, time, frequency, certainty, or other circumstances of the activity denoted by the verb or verb phrase. Example: I went to school yesterday.

d. Verb



Since vocabulary for the very beginner level usually belong to content words, the researcher will focus with students attention on the vocabulary dealing with concrete noun. Those vocabularies which will be taught in the kindergarten are the content words that they usually find and use in their daily life.

2.4.1. Types of Noun

Nouns are the name of subject or things which have a part of speech infected for case signifying a concrete or abstract entity. According to Frank (1972:6) noun can be classified into five types:

1. Concrete noun is a noun that names anything (or anyone) that can be perceived through physical sense. Concrete noun (flower, girl) such as in: 1) He gives me a fragrant flowers, 2) She is my brothers’ girl friend.

2. Abstract noun is usually the name of quality, state, or action.

a) Quality, for examples: goodness, kindness, darkness, brightness, honesty, wisdom, bravery, etc.

b) State, for examples: childhood, boyhood, youth, freedom, poverty, health, sickness, death, life, etc.



3. Proper noun is the name of some particular person, place, or thing. A proper noun always begins with a capital letter, for example: Mr. John Smith, Paris, Dutchman, Thanksgiving Day. As in: 1) Mr. Smith is an English lecture in my college, 2) Paris is the capital city of French, 3) My parents celebrate Thanksgiving Day of

my younger sister.

4. Countable noun (count noun) is noun with both a singular or plural form, and it names anything (or anyone) that can count. For example: chair, table, and book. As in: 1) This class has 5 red chairs, 2) The only table in my room is green, 3) She brings 3 books from the library.

5. Non countable noun is a noun which does not have a plural form and which refers to something that could not count as usual. A non-countable noun always takes a singular verb in sentence. The examples of non countable noun (sugar, sand) such as in: 1) I need some sugar for a cup of my tea, 2) My brother makes a sand palace in a beach.



Based on the types of noun above, the researcher chose concrete noun to be the nouns that are tested by using flashcard. The researcher assumed that it was appropriate for kindergarten students since they are easily understand to learn the new words that the words are related to their daily life.

2.5. Teaching Vocabulary

In language learning, vocabulary becomes the most important things to be improved when the learners want to be success in using the language skills. When the students have a lot of vocabulary they will have many ways to express their ideas. Vocabulary should be learned and skills should be practiced.

Kriedler (1963) states that in modern method of language teaching, vocabulary learning no longer consist of memorizing of list of words in isolation, but words are usually introduced in a meaningful context and practiced in appropriate sentence pattern. It is important that when the teacher teaches vocabulary he/she should make the students understand not only the meaning of vocabulary itself, but also how to use it in appropriate sentences.

Rivers (1970:462) says that it would be impossible to learn a language without learning

its vocabulary. It suggests that vocabulary has very important role in learning a language.

Therefore, in order to help students master a new language, they have to master an

adequate number of vocabularies in other words, we can say that the quality of the



vocabulary that the student have. Learning and remembering a set of words are

prerequisite in order to learn a particular language (Nation, 1978:2). The more and better

vocabulary they gain, the more skillful the language they can perform.

Therefore, vocabulary should be taught in context. The students will understand the meaning and know when to use it in appropriate sentence because the same vocabulary will have different meaning when it is used in different context. It should be a focus for the teacher to be successful in teaching vocabulary.

Kustardjo (1988) says that there are five ways of teaching vocabulary as explained below.

1. Teaching vocabulary through creativity. Hence, the teacher should allow the students to decide what they want to learn. Teacher can make such technique which enables the students to be creative in producing the vocabulary such as picture, puzzle, game, etc.

2. Teaching vocabulary through derivation, which involves noun, adjective, and adverb. For example to work (verb), worker (noun), etc.

3. Teaching vocabulary through translation. This method is considered as ancient one. Here the teacher teaches the meaning of the words through translation. For



4. Teaching vocabulary through guessing. Here the teacher can encourage the

students to guess first and then consult their dictionary. To guess right, a students should have a good rationale. The teacher can draw five pictures on the board. Teacher then pronounces the word and asks one of the students to point out one of the picture, students think relevant to the word pronounced by the teacher.

5. Teaching vocabulary through context clues. Here the teacher can use a context clue in word recognition by figuring out the meaning of a word based on the clues in the surrounding context, for example, by giving synonym, antonym, etc.

Teaching vocabulary will be less effective if the teacher cannot match the technique. A good technique will make the students interested in learning vocabulary and easier to remind the meaning. Regarding to the five ways of teaching vocabulary above, the writer interested in teaching vocabulary through creativity. Furthermore, teaching vocabulary is a process to make the students understand the meaning of word in different language and use it in appropriate context with the correct pronunciation by using some kind of techniques and medias.

2.6. Concept of Flashcard



native language word on one side and the second language word on the other. Flashcard is a card with a picture on one side and a word of phrase in the second.

Flashcard is a card bearing number, word, or picture that someone briefly display to another as learning aid (Webster 1988:514). Wright (1968:73) also says that flashcard is printed with words and picture which can be handled easily by the teacher. It means that the teacher could create the flashcards and the size of the flashcards could be determined.

It is visible that is designed for increasing student’s learning ability. Thus, the

function of flashcard in teaching speaking English is one visual aid. Weaver (1959:1) says that visual aid is any specially prepared drawing, illustration model, motion picture, or other devices that will be easily learnt through the sense of vision.

The ides above clearly show that flashcard as one of visual aids is very important in teaching speaking English. As stated before, flashcard is one visual aids, the message of the card is brief and to do point. Flashcard is card bearing numbers of words or pictures that someone briefly displays to another as learning aid.

2.7.Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Flashcard



brought everywhere because the size of the cards is not too big. It gives variation in teaching. The teacher is not only to teach and explain the lesson verbally but also students are asked to express words on their own sentences. The message of flashcard

is brief and to the point. Flashcards are very helpful to refresh the students’ mind

before starting new lesson.

The disadvantages of using flashcard were as follows; Flashcard cannot be used at all level. For those who already have a large amount of vocabulary, flashcards are not effective. Teacher who wants to make flashcards has much time in presenting flashcards as well as making the cards.

2.8. Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners



Madylusa (2004) gives several steps on how to present new vocabulary to the

children: (1) “present concrete words”. It shows that the teachers should give the

clear meaning of the new words. The teachers should avoid the use of mother tongue

in English classroom; (2) “implement pronunciation/drilling”. The teachers should

give the correct model pronunciation to the students. The students also have to get a lot chances to say the words in order to get used to pronouncing the words correctly;

(3) “practice”. The students should practice to use of the words in their activities so

they will get accustomed using the words correctly in their life.

Cameron (2001) describes four “essential steps” in teaching vocabulary to the

children: (1) “having sources for encountering new words”; (2) “getting a clear

image”. The image consists of audio, visual or both of them in the form of the new

words; (3) making a strong connection memory between the form of the words with

the meaning of the words; (4) using the words in the children’s life.

2.9. The Age of Young Learners



also be beginners, or they may have been learning the foreign language for some time, so there are both level one and level two pupils in the eight to ten age groups.

Teaching to young learners is difficult. In order to teach English successfully to young learners, the teacher has to consider the characteristics of young learners and try to make appropriate technique, so they are motivated and enjoy in teaching-learning process. Scott and Ytreberg (1990:5-6) state what should be done by an English teacher in his teaching to children namely; 1) Words are not enough, 2) Play with the language, 3) Variety in the classroom, 4) Routines, 5) Cooperation.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the basic principle of teaching vocabulary are applying activities that are enjoyable but still full of educational contents, presenting clear images that contain audio, visual or both of them, interacting with the children using the object in the learning process, giving the correct model of pronunciation, and practicing the words in their activities in order to make them get accustomed to use them correctly.

2.10. Theoretical Assumption



meaning in context. Understanding the meaning of vocabularies in context will make the students easier to use it to practice language skills. Based on the assumption above, the writer thinks that one of the media between flashcard media and hand puppet media will give a good impact for students understanding in learning vocabulary. It will make the students understand vocabulary more.

2.11. Hypothesis

Based on the frame of theory and theoretical assumption above, the researcher formulates the hypothesis as follow:

1. There is significant increase of students’ achievement in learning vocabulary by



This chapter discussed about research methods which consist of design, subject, instrument, data collecting technique, validity and reliability, procedure, data treatment, and hypothesis testing. These topics are explained as follows.

3.1. Research Design

In conducting this research, the researcher used experimental method. The researcher used the One group pretest posttest design, in which there was one group as the sample (Setiyadi, 2006). The class got the treatment from the researcher and also got pre-test and post-test. In order to see whether flashcard could be used improving the students’ vocabulary achievement was determined by the difference scores of pre-test

and post-test.

This research design is represented as follows: T1 X T2

Which are :

T1 : Pre-test

X : Three Times Treatment



3.2. Population and Samples

The samples of this research were the students in the kindergarten at Little Elephant Bandar Lampung. There were six classes of the kindergarten in Little Elephant 2014/2015 academic year and had almost the same age from 3 until 6 years old. The class that I used as a sample consisted of 15 students. Most of them were not able to write, to speak clearly, or to read.

In this research, the researcher only took one class as the sample of the research. The sample was taken randomly by using lottery.

3.3. Instruments

In this research, the researcher used several instruments for conducting her research. The instruments were tested by using oral test. The instruments that were used as follow:

1. The pre-test



another was the English Teacher in that school. In pronunciation, the teacher showed the flashcard and the student mentioned the name of the object based on the flashcard.

2. Treatment

In this term, the researcher taught vocabulary by using flashcard. Researcher took 3 meetings to teach the concrete nouns of vocabulary to find the difficulties and the increasing of students’ vocabulary achievement after they were taught through


3. Posttest

The researcher administered posttest after the treatment. It was aimed to see the significant difference of the students’ vocabulary achievement after they were taught

by using flashcard. The aspects of vocabulary aspects which tested in this research are pronunciation, meaning, and use. There were 30 items of concrete noun that were tested in the posttest. The posttest was similar to the pretest.

3.4. Data Collecting Techniques



was recorded by teacher from pre-test, after they were given the treatment, and post test. Then, the researcher scored the test so the data was in form of interval data. After conducting pre-test and post test, the researcher compared the result to find out the students’ achievement in vocabulary and to analyze whether flashcard as a media has a better improvement. Further explanation about pre-test and post test of vocabulary were explained as follow:

1. Pre-test

The goal was in order to know the students’ vocabulary knowledge before they were given the treatment. It was administered in order to know the quality of the class. It was used to see whether the classes have equal background knowledge or not. The aspect of the vocabulary that researcher used was content words and it was focused on concrete noun. In this case the researcher used an oral test by using flashcard. For scoring meaning and use, the teacher showed three pictures from the flashcard and called the student randomly. The student chose the suitable picture based on what teacher said. For scoring pronunciation, the teacher showed the flashcard and the student mentioned the name of the object based on the flashcard. In this test, the researcher used 30 words of concrete noun that it was related to things that students could be found in their daily life e.g. stationeries, clothes, and part of body.

2. Post-test



3.5. Validity of the Instrument

In order to get the data, the researcher tried to use an appropriate instrument to measure the result of the research. The good research is a research which the instrument is based on validity. The researcher conducted the test in order to know the validity of the instrument. This test consisted of 30 items of concrete nouns that it was divided into 5 meetings by using the picture that it was an oral test for young learners. Here, the researcher gave a brief explanation about validity.

a. Validity



3.6. Reliability of Instrument

Reliability of the test is consistency which a test yields the same result in measuring whatever it does measures. So, a test cannot measure anything well unless it measures consistently (Haris, 1974:14). Reliability of the pre test and post test speaking are examined by using statistical measurement proposed by Shohamy (1988:213).

The statistical formula is: R=1-6.(∑d2)



R : Reliability

N : Number of the students

d : The difference of the rank correlation 1-6 : Constant number

The Standard of Reliability :

a. A very low reliability ranges from 0.00 to 0.19 b. A low reliability ranges from 0.20 to 0.39 c. An average reliability ranges from 0.40 to 0.59 d. A high reliability ranges from 0.60 to 0.79 e. A very high reliability ranges from 0.80 to 1.00



In this research, it was found that the result of inter ratter reliability of pretest and posttest was as follows:

Inter rater Reliability in Pretest :

R=1-6.(∑d2) N.(n2-1) R = 1-6(10) 15(152-1)

R = 1-6(100) 15(225-1)

R = 1-6(100) 15x224

R = 1-600 3360

R = 1-0.17

R = 0.83 (A very high reliability)

Inter raters Reliability in Posttest :



R = 1-6(100) 15x224

R = 1-600 3360

R = 1-0.17

R = 0.83 ( A very high reliability)

3.7. Scoring Criteria

This researcher used oral test in scoring pretest and posttest to see the improvement of vocabulary for young learners. This is the explanation in how the researcher did the scoring:

3.7.1. Pronunciation



3.7.2. Meaning and Use

In this research the researcher used oral test by using multiple choice to score meaning and use. In this research, the researcher used objective scoring, so the score is absolute. The score of meaning and use calculated by using as follow:

S= r x 100 n

(Henning, 1987) Where:

S = The score of the test

r = The total of the right answer n = The total of test items

Aspects Score Qualifications

50 If speech is fluent and effortless as that of native speaker.

40 Refers to pronunciation and self correction in misunderstanding.

Pronunciation 30 Denote that if it is always intelligible though one is conscious of a definite accent.

20 Indicate that it is very hard to understand because of pronunciation problem most frequently asked to report.



The score of vocabulary achievement based on the three aspects can be compared in percentage as follows:

a. Pronunciation……….33.3%

b. Meaning………..33.3%

c. Use……….33.3%

+ Total percentage………99.9% (100%)

3.8. Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis analyzed by using Repeated Measure T-Test with SPSS version 16.0. The level of significance is 0.05, and the probability of error in the hypotheses is 5%. The researcher states the hypothesis as follow:

H0 : There is no significant increase of students’ achievement in learning vocabulary after being taught using flashcard.

H1:There is a significant difference of students’ achievement in learning vocabulary after being taught using flashcard.

The criteria are:

1. If p < 0.05: H1 is accepted



This chapter deals with two major points namely conclusions and suggestions.

5.1. Conclusions

Based on the results of the data analysis and discussion, the researcher would like to state the conclusion as follows:

There was a significant increase of the students’ vocabulary achievement before and after pretest and posttest after being taught by using flashcard. Flashcard was applicable to encourage the students to improve their vocabulary achievement in vocabulary aspects namely: pronunciation, meaning, and use. It can be proved

from the increase of the students’ mean score in the pretest and the posttest. The



5.2. Suggestions

Considering the finding of the research, the researcher would like to recommend some suggestions as follows:

5.2.1. Teaching Implication

a. Since there is an improvement of the students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught by using flashcard. The English teacher is required to use this

media (flashcard) to increase the students’ vocabulary because by using this

media the teacher will easier to find activities which provide a fun and enjoyable situation, it will be easier to understand to catch the material.



5.2.2. Further Research

In this research, the researcher found that some students still hard to pronounce the vocabulary better. Sometimes the students still forget about the vocabularies that they have learned before. They were also felt bored when the teacher only asked them to mention the name of things without any kind of activities that can be conducted by using flashcard as a media to learn new vocabularies. Therefore, in conducting the young learners class, the further researcher should try some attractive activities to catch students’ attention from the first, so they can feel enjoy and absorb the material well. It can make the students more interested with the material and to minimize



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Table 1. The Aspects of Vocabulary


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