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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 2123321046







Pulungan, Maysarah. 2123321046. Designing Interactive Learning Media for Writing Skill by Using Macromedia Flash 8. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2016.

The aim of this study are: 1) to design interactive learning media for writing skill by using Macromedia Flash 8, and 2) to investigate the eligibility product of interactive for writing skill by using Macromedia Flash 8. Research and development is used as the research method. This research took place at MAN 2 Model Medan. The product has validated by expert validations (material and media). The instrument for collecting data by using questionnaires with Likert scale 1-4. The data was analyzed based on expert validation to revise the product. The result shows that: 1) the material in interactive learning media for writing skill with the average 3.9 (Very eligible, no need revision), and 2) the interactive learning media is eligible, no need revision with average 3.2. Therefore, the product of interactive learning media is appropriate to use as interactive learning media in teaching learning English process.




Beyond words, the writer would like to thank Allah SWT and the Prophet

Muhammad SAW for countless blessing, knowledge, and opportunity so that the

writer can finish the academic year. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department,

Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In complementing this thesis, the writer realized that she faced some

problems and she had received the academic guidance, and a lot of assistance and

moral support from people. Therefore, the writer expresses her gratitude and

special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Language and Art,

State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education

Study Program, and her Second Thesis Advisor.

Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., her First Thesis Advisor.

Ariatna, S.S., M.A., her Academic Consultant

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D. and Immanuel Prasetya Gintings, S.S., M.Hum., her Reviewers.



a. The Characteristics of Learning Media ... 7

b. The Functions and Benefits of Learning Media ... 8

c. The Types of Learning Media ... 10



a. The Types of Computer Based Learning Media ... 12

b. The Advantages of Computer Based Media in Learning ... 13

c. The Disadvantages of Computer Based Media in Learning ... 14

3. Macromedia Flash ... 15

a. The Terms in the Program Flash Pro 8 ... 16

b. The Advantages of Macromedia Flash ... 17

c. The Disadvantages of Macromedia Flash ... 18

4. Writing ... 18

a. The Types of Genre Writing ... 19

b. Narrative Genre ... 22

1) The Text Elements and Rhetorical Structure of Narrative ... 23

2) The Example of Narrative ... 23

B.Related Studies ... 25

C.Conceptual Framework ... 26


A.The Research Design ... 29

B.The Process of Designing ... 30

C.The Location and Time of Research ... 32

D.The Subject of Research ... 32



F. The Validation of Instruments ... 33

G.The Techniques of Data Analysis ... 34


A.Findings ... 36

1. The Process of Designing Interactive Learning Media ... 36

2. The Product of Designing Interactive Learning Media ... 37

3. The Process of Using Interactive Learning Media ... 46

4. The Data of Analysis ... 47

a. The Result of Material Expert Analysis ... 47

b. The Result of Media Expert Analysis ... 49




A.Conclusion ... 52

B.Suggestion ... 53





Table 2.1: The groups of media ... 11

Table 2.2: The terms in the program Flash Pro 8 ... 16

Table 3.1: The validation criteria of questionnaire ... 35

Table 4.1: The data of material expert validation ... 47





Figure 2.1: Front page Macromedia Flash Professional 8 ... 16

Figure 4.1: The introduction view ... 38

Figure 4.2: The main menu ... 39

Figure 4.3: The SK & KD button ... 40

Figure 4.4: The first layer in material button ... 40

Figure 4.5: The second layer in material button ... 41

Figure 4.6: The third layer in material button ... 41

Figure 4.7: The exercise 1 button ... 47

Figure 4.8: The exercise 2 button ... 47

Figure 4.9: The exercise 3 button ... 42

Figure 4.10: The vocabulary button ... 44

Figure 4.11: The home button ... 44

Figure 4.12: The exit button ... 45

Figure 4.13: The voice-speaker button ... 45

Figure 4.14: The silent-speaker button ... 46

Figure 4.15: The next button ... 46





Scheme 2.1: Stages of designing interactive learning media by using

Macromedia Flash ... 28

Scheme 3.1: Ten Phases of Research & Development (R&D) ... 29




Appendix 1 The Observation Letters’ FBS

Appendix 2 The Draft Interview of English Teacher Appendix 3 The Material Expert Validation Sheet Appendix 4 The Media Expert Validation Sheet Appendix 5 The Observation Letters’ School Appendix 6 The Result of Interview

Appendix 7 The Syllabus

Appendix 8 The Flowchart of Designing Interactive Learning Media Appendix 9 The Storyboard of Designing Interactive Learning Media Appendix 10 The Research Letters’ FBS

Appendix 11 The Research Letters’ School Appendix 12 The Media Validation Letter





Table 2.1: The groups of media ... 11

Table 2.2: The terms in the program Flash Pro 8 ... 16

Table 3.1: The validation criteria of questionnaire ... 35

Table 4.1: The data of material expert validation ... 47





Figure 2.1: Front page Macromedia Flash Professional 8 ... 16

Figure 4.1: The introduction view ... 38

Figure 4.2: The main menu ... 39

Figure 4.3: The SK & KD button ... 40

Figure 4.4: The first layer in material button ... 40

Figure 4.5: The second layer in material button ... 41

Figure 4.6: The third layer in material button ... 41

Figure 4.7: The exercise 1 button ... 42

Figure 4.8: The exercise 2 button ... 42

Figure 4.9: The exercise 3 button ... 43

Figure 4.10: The vocabulary button ... 44

Figure 4.11: The home button ... 44

Figure 4.12: The exit button ... 45

Figure 4.13: The voice-speaker button ... 45

Figure 4.14: The silent-speaker button ... 46

Figure 4.15: The next button ... 46





Scheme 2.1: Stages of designing interactive learning media by using

Macromedia Flash ... 28

Scheme 3.1: Ten Phases of Research & Development (R&D) ... 29




Appendix 1 The Observation Letters’ FBS

Appendix 2 The Draft Interview of English Teacher Appendix 3 The Material Expert Validation Sheet Appendix 4 The Media Expert Validation Sheet

Appendix 5 The Observation Letters’ School

Appendix 6 The Result of Interview Appendix 7 The Syllabus

Appendix 8 The Flowchart of Designing Interactive Learning Media Appendix 9 The Storyboard of Designing Interactive Learning Media

Appendix 10 The Research Letters’ FBS

Appendix 11 The Research Letters’ School Appendix 12 The Media Validation Letter





A. The Background of the study

Learning is a process interaction from sender to recipient of message

information to get knowledge, information, and comprehension of science.

Generally learning happened in formal place such as course and school. Learning

process occurs because communication between man and man such as teacher and

students, students and students, and or man and environment which include tools

or learning media. Media are an intermediary tool that is used by the teacher in the

learning process to deliver material to students. According to Gagne in Manurung

(2012: 10) media are a form of the various types of components in the student

environment that can stimulate students to learn. Therefore, media gives an ease

in activity of teaching learning process to get knowledge from the material that


In technology era, 21 century, learning constantly evolves; it can be seen

from the changes in conventional to modern or technology learning. In the

conventional learning, the teacher is the only source of learning in delivering the

materials while students are as receivers of information. The situation makes

students do not have the opportunity to present their views and has little

interaction in the learning process. This is in accordance with opinion of Surip and

Oky (2013:168) as follows:



process that does not use the media in which students are not ready condition, will increase the chances of occurrence of verbalism”.

The above utterance reflects that the old way of learning is ineffective and

need change for the better learning. In modern era, teachers are required to use a

computer as an interactive learning media for making communicative learning

environment as a sign of the development of human resources. It is a challenge for

teachers to be able to integrate computer technology into the learning system, so

that learning can be more quality, meaningful, and fun (Rusman, 2013:1). It

means that interactive media are important to be applied to make teaching

learning process is more inovated by teachers, especially English teacher.

In teaching English especially in writing, a teacher is important for

choosing media in writing activities which have a chance of engaging to the

students for developing their ideas in writing. An engaging writing activity is one

that involves students not just intellectually but emotionally as well; it amuses

them, intrigues them, or makes them feel good (Harmer, 2004:62). Moreover, a

teacher can encourage students for writing by using interactive media.

Interactive media are the integration of digital media including

combinations of electronic text, graphics, moving images, and sound, into a

structured digital computerised environment that allows people to interact with the

data for appropriate purposes (England and Andi, 2011:2). An interactive media

are operated by computer. According to Kitchakarn (2015) computer can support

and facilitate the roles of the teacher in order to enhance students’ skill to perform

well in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In addition to computer, the other



Macromedia flash is one of software which is able to create a learning

media in the form of audio and visual. Walisda, Asfah, and Haryanto (2015) states

Macromedia flash animation learning method is learning system using software

and hardware which serves simplify the process of data in the form of picture,

video, photography, graphic, and animation, in collaboration with sound, text, and

voice data interactively controlled by computer.

Based on the interview to English teacher grade ten of MAN 2 Model

Medan, there are some information that the most difficult material which is taught

to the students is writing. The students have difficulties in English writing. It is

indicated through the following indicators: 1) the students have low-confidence in

English writing and are lazy to create writing task; 2) they get difficulties in

connecting sentences; 3) they get difficulties in exploring idea for their writing; 4)

they lack of understanding of grammar and punctuation; and 5) they have little

vocabulary. In addition, the students are less like the material because they are not

interested in the material that will be presented.

Various media of teaching English writing have been applied by teacher

such as PowerPoint, Computer, Radio, Film, Material Views etc. Some of which

are considered effective in teaching writing. Some of them are considered

effective to appeal students in teaching English writing. However, the problems

above are assumed from less precisely the teacher in choosing teaching media.

The research presumes that media used in teaching learning process just

give one sense to the students such as only visual or auditory. Yunus in Arsyad



and better able to ensure understanding of people who only listen is not equal

level of understanding and duration to survive what they understood compared

with those who see, or see and heard. Learners can retain 5% what is heard, 10%

what is read, 20% of what is obtained in audio-visual presentations between and

the retention rates can be increased to 70% and above when encouraging the

learners to do hands-on practical work in learning process (Dale in Leow and Mai

(2014)). In addition, the media which used by the teacher has just for herself not

for students individually. It makes students less of motivation to restudy at home.

From the interview, the researcher also got the information, the teacher does not

know about interactive learning media Macromedia Flash yet and the teacher also

does not have interactive learning media Macromedia Flash yet. This is the

opportunity for the researcher to design an interactive learning media Macromedia

Flash-based for writing skill.

B. The Problem of the Study

In accordance with the background of the study, the problem of the study

is formulated as follows:

1. How are interactive learning media designed for writing skill by using

Macromedia Flash?

2. How is the eligibility product of interactive learning media for writing



C. The Objective of the Study

In line with the problem, the objectives of the study are:

1. To design interactive learning media for writing skill by using

Macromedia Flash, and

2. To investigate the eligibility product of interactive learning media for

writing skill by using Macromedia Flash.

D. The Scope of the Study

The study is focused on developing interactive learning media for writing

skill by using Macromedia Flash in grade ten of MAN 2 Model Medan.

E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be relevant and useful

theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings of the study are expected

to be useful for the readers to enrich and to broaden their knowledge in theories of

learning English and can be reference for further studies.

Practically, the findings of this study are expected to be useful for:

1. English teachers, to give new sight in teaching English by using

interactive learning media Macromedia Flash based, enhance quality of

teaching English, and new teaching aids in English.

2. English learners, as an English learning material individual and

increase the attractiveness of students in learning English.

3. The readers, this research is useful to increase their knowledge about

interactive learning media by using Macromedia Flash.





This chapter discusses about conclusion and sugestion on the basis of the

research finding and discussion presented in the previous chapter.

A. Conclusion

Based on research findings, it is concluded that:

1. Designing interactive learning media for writing skill by using

Macromedia Flash 8 follows R & D phases of Sugiono (2013) which is

simplified into: (1) need analysis, (2) determine the material, (3) design of

product, (4) expert validation (media and material), (5) revision of product,

(6) test of product, (7) revision of product, and (8) production.

2. The product of designing interactive learning media for writing skill with

English material about narrative genre for grade ten of MAN 2 Model

Medan has validated by expert validation (material and media). For the

material the average is 3.9 with category very eligible, no need revision

and for the media the average is 3.2 with category eligible, no need

revision. With the result that the interactive learning media for writing



B. Suggestion

From the conclusion above, there are some suggestions that are proposed

that probably can help for English teachers and further researchers:

1. Location of research. The location of research should have good facility

such as computer laboratory; it would help the researcher in finishing the

research. Then, in the computer has to have flash player, it has function to

make sure that the program is running well. In addition, this interactive

learning media has validated by expert validation, English teacher is hoped

use the media into teaching learning process.

2. Other researcher. This media consist of one material; Narrative genre and

one skill; writing skill. For other researcher can be adding another English




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Table 2.1: The groups of media  ..............................................................
Table 2.1: The groups of media  ..............................................................


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