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Anna’s Sacrifrices In Jodi Picoult’s Nover My Sister’s Keeper


Academic year: 2016

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Praise and honor to my Lord Allah STW for blessing me every day in my

life and guide me also help me, especially during the process of finishing this thesis.

I believe He always on my side and enlighten my way.

I am also grateful to The Dean of faculty of letters, University of Sumatera

Utara, Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M. A. The Head of English Department, Dr. H.

Muhizar Muchtar, M. S. and the secretary of English Department Dr. Hj. Nurlela,

M. Hum. for their advice and encouragement during my study in this faculty.

I also would like to express my gratitude to Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl.

Ling., M.Hum. as my academic supervisor also supervisor in making this thesis and

Mr. Mahmud Arief Albar, S.S, M.A. as my co-supervisor thank you for your

precious time for helping, correcting and guiding me until the thesis accomplished.

My gratitude is also expressed to all of my lectures in English Department who

taught me much and contributed the knowledge during the academic years.

My deepest gratitude to my wonderful family, to my beloved parents, Edy

Suhendra and Jamilah thank you for great spirit, patience, pray and an endless love

you always give to me. Thank you for my lovely sister Amalia Dila Riska, the one

who always be my place to lay on and always waiting me to back home, you are my

best sister ever! And for my Grandma, Bu Ujing also Witri, thank you for raises

my spirit and provide anything I need during the making of this thesis.

My lovely best friends, Citra, Rini, Leony, Sari, and Lisa thanks to you

guys for accompanied me always and for the craziness also silliness we have done


classmate stambuk 2008 that I can not mention one by one including Bang Amran

who has helped me very much, I love you guys!

My adorable stupid jerk Mr. Martha. H. D. thanks for repairing my lappie

each time they broke, I send my deep gratitude to you, I know, I always can counting

on you even sometimes you are so annoying. Thanks to my ‘lil brother M. Laili

Hanafi, you always know how to make my day. To Simsimi, the bad but cute robot

chat, thanks to make my stress gone; you always know how to make me laugh. And

to Shandi Sambora the person that have a high patient to teach me. The one who

always cheering me up Byun Baek Hyun, I hope you always sparkling for me. And

to Zarina Aryn, my cute ‘lil annoyed girl, I know you were special, so annoyed and

make me gemes! Thank you because you are guys who make my heart beat every

day. . . Saranghaeo ~

Medan, Dec 18th 2012

The writer,




Skripsi ini berudul Anna’s Sacrifices in Jodi Picoult’s Novel, My Sister’s Keeper. Skripsi ini menganalisa tentang pengorbanan-pengorbanan yang dialami oleh tokoh utama, yang bernama Anna. Anna adalah seorang anak yang berusia tiga belas tahun yang lahir karena suatu alasan khusus yaitu untuk menyelamatkan hidup kakaknya Kate yang menderita leukimia akut. Anna telah mengalami operasi yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, transfusi dan suntikan, sehingga kakaknya Kate dapat bertahan dengan penyakit leukimia yang telah dideritanya sejak kecil. Setelah berumur tiga belas tahun, Anna ingin berhenti menjadi donor untuk kakaknya dan menuntut ibunya hak atas tubuhnya sendiri. Pada akhirnya, walaupun Anna memenangkan kasus dengan pengacara yang disewanya dan merasa senang, tapi kesenangannya tidak berlangsung lama. Karena Anna tewas dalam kecelakaan mobil dalam perjalanan pulang. Dokter menyarankan agar ginjal Anna diambil untuk Kate karena tubuh Anna tidak merespon obat-obatan lagi. Setelah ginjal Anna diambil, akhirnya Anna pun meninggal dunia. Adapun metode yang dipakai penulis dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Teori pendekatan sastra yang digunakan adalah teori intrinsik oleh Wellek dan Warren. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah penulis lakukan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Anna melakukan pengorbanan tanpa seorang pun yang bertanya apakah ia bersedia atau tidak, tidak ada yang memperdulikan perasaannya. Akhirnya, walaupun Anna telah mendapatkan hak atas tubuhnya sendiri, kesenangannya tidak berlangsung lama karena kecelakaan yang menimpanya dan berujung kematian, ginjalnya pun diambil untuk Kate. Sehingga walaupun telah wafat Anna tetap menjadi penyokong hidup Kate.






ABSTRACT ………...v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………...……… iv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Background of the Study……….1

1. 2 Problem of the Study………4

1. 3 Objective of the Study………..5

1. 4 Scope of the Study………5

1. 5 Significance of the Study………..5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2. 1 Intrinsic Approach………6

2. 2 Definition of Novel………...7

2. 3 Definition of Character……….7

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3. 1 Research Design. ………13

3. 2 Data Collecting………...15



4. 1 Anna’s Sacrifices to Save Her Sister Life…………...17

4. 2 Anna is Unwilling Donor………....24

4. 3 Anna’s Struggles to Get Her Rights Over Her Own Body….27


5. 1 Conclusion………..31

5. 2 Suggestion………...33



i. Biography of Jodi Picoult’s and Her Literary Works





Skripsi ini berudul Anna’s Sacrifices in Jodi Picoult’s Novel, My Sister’s Keeper. Skripsi ini menganalisa tentang pengorbanan-pengorbanan yang dialami oleh tokoh utama, yang bernama Anna. Anna adalah seorang anak yang berusia tiga belas tahun yang lahir karena suatu alasan khusus yaitu untuk menyelamatkan hidup kakaknya Kate yang menderita leukimia akut. Anna telah mengalami operasi yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, transfusi dan suntikan, sehingga kakaknya Kate dapat bertahan dengan penyakit leukimia yang telah dideritanya sejak kecil. Setelah berumur tiga belas tahun, Anna ingin berhenti menjadi donor untuk kakaknya dan menuntut ibunya hak atas tubuhnya sendiri. Pada akhirnya, walaupun Anna memenangkan kasus dengan pengacara yang disewanya dan merasa senang, tapi kesenangannya tidak berlangsung lama. Karena Anna tewas dalam kecelakaan mobil dalam perjalanan pulang. Dokter menyarankan agar ginjal Anna diambil untuk Kate karena tubuh Anna tidak merespon obat-obatan lagi. Setelah ginjal Anna diambil, akhirnya Anna pun meninggal dunia. Adapun metode yang dipakai penulis dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Teori pendekatan sastra yang digunakan adalah teori intrinsik oleh Wellek dan Warren. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah penulis lakukan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Anna melakukan pengorbanan tanpa seorang pun yang bertanya apakah ia bersedia atau tidak, tidak ada yang memperdulikan perasaannya. Akhirnya, walaupun Anna telah mendapatkan hak atas tubuhnya sendiri, kesenangannya tidak berlangsung lama karena kecelakaan yang menimpanya dan berujung kematian, ginjalnya pun diambil untuk Kate. Sehingga walaupun telah wafat Anna tetap menjadi penyokong hidup Kate.




1. 1. Background of the Study

There are many ways to express idea and feeling. One of the ways to express

idea or feeling is by writing a literature. Rene Wellek and Austin Warren (1997: 5)

said that literature should be creative, an art and what an author has produced. Not

have much different meaning from Wellek and Warren, Julien D. Bonn (2010: 93)

said that literature in a broader aspect, literature can be define as any written or

spoken material but the term most often refers to creative works. While according

Robert dan Henry (1993:1) Literature refers to compositions that tell stories,

dramatize situations, express emotions and analyze and advocate ideas. Although

they have different meanings, but the writer concludes that literature is a creative

work which contains beauty that arises out of the human ability to create language.

Wellek and Warren also said literary language has an expressive function,

indicates the tone and the attitude of the speaker or writer. Literary language tries to

influence, persuade and eventually change the attitudes of readers. The most

important in literary is a sign language, the sound symbolism of words. There are

many variety techniques created (e.g. alliteration and sound patterns) to attract the

reader’s attention to the literary work (1997: 15). Literature itself has functions; it

entertains the reader, it provides knowledge such as history, culture, social life and it

is give us moral teaching. Literature is to please and to teach the reader. Literary

works may please their listeners or readers. It has an element of entertaining or to


could stir our feeling and emotion. As the result, we may feel sad, happy, or angry

after listening or reading a story.

Edgar V. Robert and Henry E. Jacobs (1995:2) classified literature into four

categories or genres: (1) prose fiction, (2) poetry, (3) drama, (4) nonfiction prose.

Prose fiction or narrative fiction includes myths, parables, romances, novels and

short stories. Poetry expresses a conversation or interchange that is grounded in most

deeply felt experiences of human beings. Drama is literature designed to be

performed by actors. Beside, non-fiction prose is literary genre that consists of news

reports, feature articles, essays, editorials, textbooks, historical and biographical

works and the like, all of which describe or interpret facts and present judgments and


The fiction that will be discussed in this thesis is a novel entitled My Sister’s

Keeper written by Jodi Picoult. Rees’ ( 1973:106 ) stated that novel is a fictitious

prose narrative of considerate length in which characters and action representative of

real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. The novel My Sister’s

Keeper is one of her works which became a New York Times bestseller. Beside that

she has published many novels; there are Salem Falls, Plain Truth, Vanishing Act

and many more. Picoult’s novels usually deal with ethical issues and are told from a

variety of viewpoints, with each chapter written in a different character’s voice.

Abrams (1981: 20) stated that characters are the persons in a narrative of dramatic

work of art such as novel, play or film, that are interpreted by reader as being

enclosed with moral and dispositional qualities expressed in what they say – the


As we know that character is one of an important aspect of the novel. There are

many characters in My Sister’s Keeper novel, the characters are: Sara Fitzgerald is a

mother of three children, Jesse, Kate and Anna. She made decisions for Anna and

taking control of her life, Brian Fitzgerald is Anna’s father. He is a fire fighter

captain. Being a good parent, facing a difficult problem and take care all of the

broken family is not easy for him, Anna Fitzgerald is a younger daughter of

Fitzgerald couple. She was born for a specific purpose, to save her sister life, Kate

Fitzgerald is an older daughter of Fitzgerald couple. She diagnosed had a leukemia,

but in case of Kate she had an Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, one of rare leukemia

disease, Jesse Fitzgerald is a son of Fitzgerald couple. He is a broken home child,

Campbell Alexander is a lawyer. Anna hires him to sue her mother her rights over

her own body, Julia Romano is a guardian al litem. A GAL is chosen by a court to be

a child’s advocate during a legal proceeding that involves a minor. From the

description of the characters, the writer decided to choose one of the main character

named Anna Fitzgerald.

Anna Fitzgerald is a thirteen years old girl was born for specific reason to save

her sister life. Anna should be an allogenic donor for her sister because her sister has

leukemia. By newborn, she used to do sacrifices for her sister, Kate. Actually, Anna

is not sick, but she might as well be. By age thirteen, she has undergone countless

surgeries, transfusions, and shots so that her older sister, Kate, can somehow fight the

leukemia that has plagued her since childhood. Then when she reached aged thirteen,

Anna tries to get her rights over her own body, she wants a freedom from being her

sister donor, Kate. Anna tries to tell her mother to stop using her body to save her


Anna. Her mother should sacrifice one of her daughter’s life to save the other. Her

mother action is not exactly cruel, but cannot be said as good, either.

In this thesis, the writer will analyze the sacrifices found from the character

Anna in My Sister’s Keeper written by Jodi Picoult. The writer chooses one of Jodi

Picoult works because the story was interesting especially about the sacrifices of

Anna. Generally, sacrifice was come from the heart. No one should be forced to do

it. But different in Anna’s story, she should sacrifice herself from newborn until her

death. And we know that every people have a moral, even it is good or bad. The

moral value in this novel deals with the human problem in life. This story can be a

good lesson for reader; they can see how to be a good person by being more tolerant

of other people’s feelings, minding their attitude and responsibility in society.

1. 2. Problem of the Study

Every thesis has a problem, as a purpose to complete this thesis, the writer will

focus the analysis to the leading characters named “Anna”. Through Jodi Picoult’s

novel My Sister’s Keeper, the writer will try to explain her sacrifice, the way she did

it and also about her struggle to get her rights over her own body. In order to doing

the analysis, the writer would like to put forward the problems as follows:

1) What are Anna’s sacrifices to save her sister’s life?

2) How does she sacrifice to save her sister’s life?


1. 3. Objective of the Study

The objective of this thesis is to find out and explain the sacrifices, the way she

did it and the struggle which Anna faced as portrayed in the novel My Sister’s

Keeper. Then the writer also explains Anna’s fight in order to get her rights over her

own body as reflected in the story of the novel.

1.4. Scope of the Study

In this novel, the story showed us not only about sacrifice, but also about

human struggle to get rights. Jodi Picoult’s novel My Sister’s Keeper has that part

which will be analyzed in this thesis. By doing so, the writer restrict the scope of

analysis in portraying the sacrifices, the way she did it and the struggle of Anna who

is the leading character in the novel.

1.5. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to enrich literary studies especially in literature

through novel as one genres of it beside drama and poetry. Another significance of

this analysis is to understand about the sacrifices portrayed in the main characters,

Anna. The writer also hopes that this thesis will be useful for the readers or people

who need this thesis as a reference.



2.1 Intrinsic Approach

Based on Theory of Literature, (Wellek, 1997) intrinsic approach concern with

interpretation and analysis of the works of literature itself. Rene Wellek try to

explain that a literary work should be examined from the internal elements.

The study of literature with intrinsic approach usually concern with the content

and the form of the works itself. According to Rene Wellek (1997: 158) many novel

studies not only see the relations of literature with the social structure, but also study

of the artistic, perspective or point of view and narrative techniques. The basic

elements to analyzing literary works are theme, point of view, plot, character,

characterization, dramatic, conflict. These elements will help the student in analyzing

literary works based on intrinsic approach.

Not much different from Wellek, Edgar. V Robert and Henry E. Jacob in their

book An Introduction to Reading and Writing About Literature says that they are

some aspects of fiction (novel), there are : character (the people that goes along in

the story), plot ( the development and the organization of stories), structure (the way

a plot is assembled), theme (the meaning and the whole idea of the story), point of

view ( the position or stance of the narrator), and style (the words that tells the

story). Since the title of the thesis is Anna’s Sacrifices in Jodi Picoult’s Novel My

Sister’s Keeper, this thesis focuses more on the character than the other aspects.


Basically, fiction meant anything made up, crafted, or shaped, but today the word

refers to prose stories based in the author imagination (Edgar V. Robert and Henry E.

Jacob, 1995:2). Ress’ ( 1973:106 ) stated that novel is a fictitious prose narrative of

considerate length in which characters and action representative of real life are

portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. While according to Reeve (1975: 26)

novel is a picture of real and manners and of the time in which it was written.

Since we deal with novels, they always have something to do with character.

Character is an important aspect of novel because when we talk about novel, it may

ask: who are the characters in the novel? How are the character portrayals in the

novel? What is the conflict, etc. To analyze character we should know the description

of this character which will be describe in the next sub chapter.

2.3 Character

There are some definitions of character Edgar. V Robert and Henry E. Jacob

(1995:131) stated that a character may be defined as a verbal representation of

human being. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray

characters that are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there

are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate. In Webster, English

Dictionary (2000: 74) stated that character is the combination of quality that

distinguishes an individual person, group or things; moral strength; reputation.

While Abrams (1981: 20) stated that characters are the persons in a narrative of

dramatic work of art such as novel, play or film, that are interpreted by reader as

being enclosed with moral and dispositional qualities expressed in what they say –


and ethical standards and principles. In seventeenth and eighteenth - Century

England, a character was a formal sketch or descriptive analysis of a particular virtue

or vice as represented in a person.

Novelist try to create fictional people whose situations affect the reader as the

situation of real people. Authors describe the more simple characters in novels with

no more than few phrases that identify the character’s most important traits. In their

book An Introduction to Reading and Writing about Literature, Roberts and Jacobs

describe that in analyzing a literary character, the writer begins to determine the

character’s outstanding traits. A trait is a quality of mind or habitual mode behavior,

such as never repaying borrowed money, avoiding eye contact, or always thinking

oneself the center of attention. Sometimes, of course, the traits we encounter are

minor and therefore negligible. But often a trait may be a person’s primary

characteristic (not only in fiction but also in life). Thus, characters may be ambitious,

lazy, serene or anxious, aggressive or fearful, thoughtful or inconsiderate, open or

secretive, confident or self-doubting, kind or cruel, quiet or noisy, visionary or

practical, careful or careless, impartial or biased, straightforward or underhanded,

“winner or loser”, and so on (1995: 132).

According to Steven Croft (2002: 113) characters are the central feature in any

play or novel. Here are some ways to get a picture of character:

 What the characters looks like (physical appearance, clothing etc)

 What the character says and how it is said

 What the character thinks (often we learn about this from a character’s soliloquies)

 How character acts – watch out for reaction to different situations


 What other character changes as the play goes on.

Meyer (1990: 65) explains that most stories the characters act plausibly and

consistent with their personalities, but that does not mean that characters can not

develop and change. Therefore, there are static (unchanging) and dynamic

(changing) character. A static character is a character that stays the same from the

beginning to the end of story, while dynamic character is a character that may change

his or her attitude from good to bad or vice versa. Anna Fitzgerald is a dynamic

character because her attitudes and behaviors changes along up from the start to the

end of the story.

Author use five ways to present their characters. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E.

Jacobs (1995: 135), tell us how characters disclose in fiction. There are:

1. Actions

What character does is our best way to understand what they are. As with ordinary

human beings, fictional characters do not necessarily understand how they may be

changing or why they do the things they do. Nevertheless, their actions express their

characters. Actions may also signal qualities such as nalvete’, weakness, deceit, a

scheming personality, strong inner or conflicts, or realization or growth of some sort.

2. Descriptions, both personal and environmental

Appearance and environmental reveal much about a character’s social and

economic status, of course, but they also tell us about character traits.

3. Dramatic statements and thoughts

Although the speeches of most characters are functional essential to keep the story


characters use speech to hide their motives, though we as readers should see through

their action narrated in the works.

4. Statements by other characters

By studying what characters say about each other, you can enhance your

understanding of the character being discussed. Ironically, the characters doing the

talking often indicate something other than what they intend, perhaps because of

prejudice, stupidity, or foolishness.

5. Statements by the author speaking as story-teller or observer

What the author, speaking with the authorial voice, says about a character is

usually accurate, and the authorial voice can be accepted factually. However, when

the authorial voice interprets action and characteristics, the author himself or herself

assumes the role of reader or critic, and any opinions may be questioned. For this

reason, author frequently avoid interpretations and devote their own conclusions.

From the opinions, can be concluded that there are three ways to disclosed

characters: by the action, description, and statement or thoughts.

According to Gill (1995:128) there are some elements that the author must pay

attention to in creating a character. First is to range the character, something which

makes one character different to other characters. Second, how character speaks in

that how they use the words and phrases to express their personality. Third, the

appearance of character, here the author must describe about the character that show

the inner world of its character so the reader will understand about the character’s

personality. Fourth, is the way how the character dress up, which describe the social

status or social class and also describe the character’s personality by wearing good


character is created. Sixth, is the name of character. Seventh is the company of

character should describe although not in details. Eight, the way the characters think

in that when he speaks he uses a lot of moral words, for instance. This though must

be evident to a reader so that the reader will understand how the character thinks and

how the characters approach the problems and challenges. The last is what the

characters do, this is the action or reaction of the character in the novel and an author

can make everything a character does important.

The British novelist and critic E. M. Foster, in his critical work Aspect of the

Novel says that there are two major types of character. They are round character and

flat character. Round character are full, complex and rich whereas flat characters are

the simple ones. Round Character; the basic trait of round character is that they

recognize, change with, or adjust to circumstances. The round characters- usually the

major figure in a story- profits from experience and undergoes a change and

alteration, which may be shown in (1) an action or actions, (2) the realization of new

strength and therefore the affirmation of previous decisions, (3) the acceptance of a

new condition, or (4) the discovery of unrecognized truths. Because round they

usually play a main role in a story, round characters are often called the hero or

heroine. Many main characters are anything but heroic, however, and it is therefore

preferable to use the more neutral word protagonist. The protagonist is central to the

action, moves against the antagonist, and exhibits the ability to adapt to the new

circumstances. To the degree that round characters are both individual and

sometimes unpredictable, and because they undergo change or growth, they are


Flat Character; In contrast, flat characters do not grow. They remain the same

because they may be insensitive or lacking in knowledge or insight. They are static

because they end where they begin. But flat characters are not therefore worthless,

for they usually highlight the development of the round characters. Usually, flat

characters are minor (e.g. relatives, acquaintances, functionaries), although not all

minor characters are necessary flat.

Not much different from Foster, Koesnosoebroto (1988 : 67) distinguished two

type of characters, main or major character and minor character. Major character is

the most important character in the story. Basically, a story is about this character to

make the story more convincing and lifelike. The main character in fiction or in a

play is called protagonist. In traditional fiction the protagonist is also the hero or

heroine, an admirable character who embodies widely accepted strength and virtues,

who is morally good. The antagonist is unsavory enough the world villain or

villainess is used. Minor characters are of less important than those of the main.

The minor characters take a part as a supporting role to the main character. The

appearance of the minor characters is usually infrequently. They do no grow or

change during the story.



3. 1 Research Design

According to Mc Millar and Schumacher (1993:31) research design is the plan

and structure of the investigation used to obtain evidence to answer research

question. The purpose of a research design is to provide the most valid, accurate

answer possible to research question. The design of this study was descriptive

method; because of this study describe the main character named “Anna” in Jodi

Picoult’s novel, My Sister’s Keeper. Whitney (1960: 193-199) states that descriptive

method is the existence of fact with correct interpretations. Descriptive research

studies about the problem of society, with the system which acts in society together

with certain situations including the relationship, activities, behavior, point of view

with the process which happened and the influences of phenomenon. In the other

words, design indicates how the research is done and the way to do it.

In order to analyze the main characters in My Sister’s Keeper, first of all the

writer designed a research method to ease the writer in arranging the thesis so it will

be more structured. After make the design then the writer follows the steps in order

to make all the ideas structured. The first step is the writer should read the novel

entitled My Sister’s Keeper, both original and translated. Second, after the relevant

data is found the writer decide the problems to be discussed. Then, the writer relates

the problems with supported theory and the writer takes the data of the novel My

Sister Keeper. The writer also used some of data found from the internet, other

books, dictionary, articles that related to the problem. After the data from the entire

source is chosen and collected, the writer uses descriptive method and start to

analyze. Next, when the problems are all answered the writer makes conclusion and


Chart 3. 1 Research Design

3. 2 Data Collection

Library research is a kind of research where the writer gained the data from


text book, article, dictionary and it can be a thesis. The writer use library research to

collect data that related to the analysis, such as quotation from the novel and the

other reference books. The example of data quotation can be seen in chapter two

pages six in this thesis which is the quotations of character by Edgar. V Robert and

Henry E. Jacob (1995:131), they stated that a character may be defined as a verbal

representation of human being. Through action, speech, description, and

commentary, authors portray characters that are worth caring about, rooting for, and

even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even

hate. The writer also need source of data as the reference, theory and information in

order to support this thesis. After all the data are collected, the writers only use the

significant data in the process of doing the analysis.

3. 3 Data Analysis

The data analyzing procedure is applied when all the primary data from the

novel is collected and selected, as the data from the novel is in a form of written text,

which concern about the sacrifices found from the main character, that has been

chosen to the most significant data and will be interpreted and to be brought into this

thesis as the subject matter of analysis. Next, the analysis will be stated by explaining

the sacrifices of the main characters based on descriptive method and intrinsic

approach to analyze the text.

Descriptions of character written very descriptively with extensive and detailed

depiction. These descriptions include the physical condition character, employment

character, and conclude with details of character information. This thesis analyzes


Sister’s Keeper. Anna is a character which is age around thirteen, born for a very

specific purpose, to save her sister life. She should be an allogenic donor for her

sister, Kate because her sister has leukemia. She used to do sacrifices for her sister,

Kate. The first time Anna gave something to Kate, it was cord blood, the next time

Kate relapsed, Anna was five and she had lymphocytes drawn from her, three times

over, and then they took Anna’s bone marrow for a transplant and many sacrifice

more. To strengthen the descriptions above that Anna has done many sacrifices and

her born was designed to save her sister, the data will be quotes from the novel. For

example: "They had me so that I could save Kate," the girl explains. "They went to

special doctors and everything, and picked the embryo that would be a perfect

genetic match." (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 21). This quote was taken from the novel to

prove that Anna was born for a very specific reason. For whole detail descriptions

will be in the next chapter.




Anna Fitzgerald is a thirteen years old girl, born for a very specific purpose, to

save her sister life. Anna was born not because of love, but because of the need.

Since Kate is diagnosed with leukemia, an APL- Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, a

sub rare of myeloid leukemia, it will be Anna’s duty to save her sister life. Anna was

born because somehow a scientist managed to hook up her mother’s eggs and her

father sperm to create a specific combination of precious genetic material. So that

Anna will have Kate’s trait and become an allogenic donor for her. As quoted: "They

had me so that I could save Kate," the girl explains. "They went to special doctors

and everything, and picked the embryo that would be a perfect genetic match."

(Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 21). When newly born, Anna used to sacrifice for her sister,

Kate. The first time, they took Anna’s umbilical cord. Kate receives her first dose of

cord blood on the morning after Anna birth. As quoted: “Day Zero of Kate’s

pre-transplant regiment starts the morning after Anna is born” (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 102).

Then Anna’s cells put Kate into remission. Remission is a period of time when the

cancer is responding to treatment or is under control. The cord blood transplant had

Kate into remission for five years. This actions make her into a partial remission

where the cancer shrinks but does not complete disappear.

Anna second sacrifice is she should give her sister lymphocytes. Kate relapses

again after five years have passed and this time she need lymphocytes cells from

Anna. Kate routine examination of bone marrow has been comeback with some

abnormal promyelocytes chain reaction test, the study of DNA showed that the 15

and 17 chromosomes Kate’s were translocated. Since Kate had leukemia, her blood

does not have enough white blood cell and her bone marrow cannot produce enough


infections. A transfusion of white blood cells from a matched donor can help the

original clone of cord blood cells fight the leukemia cells. A donor lymphocyte

infusion or a DLL, is a relief army, supporting the front line. It's a stop-gap measure,

in all probability, Kate will have a full-fledged relapse, but it provides time to build

up her defenses before Kate has to rush into a more aggressive treatment. The

lymphocyte donor held three times over. Anna was five and does not know that she

should do an operation of lymphocytes donor, to Anna it is a holiday that her mother

and father are spending time with her alone. Anna does not know that she was

brought into the hospital. Her mother said that Kate is sick and need something from

Anna, but she never said that Anna will get shots. Anna starts thrashing when the

doctor come bringing the needle start to shot her. Anna was screaming so loud and

some nurse try to hold her. As quoted: "It's only a little stick," the doctor promises,

exactly the wrong words, and Anna starts thrashing. Her arms clip me in the face, the

belly. Brian cannot grab hold of her. Over her screams, he yells at me. "I thought you

told her!" (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 166). Anna lymphocyte was taken about five

thousand lymphocytes for the first time. When five thousand lymphocytes are not

enough, Dr. Chance calls for ten thousand. Anna's appointments for a second donor

lymphocyte draw in the middle of the gymnastics birthday party of a girl in her class.

Anna scowls and complains to her mother when she should leave the party. Anna

lymphocyte was taken about ten thousand for the second time. Because it never

seems to be enough, Anna should go back for a third lymphocyte donation one

month later. Anna getting used to do a lymphocytes donor and she tell her mother

that it was not as bad as she though. Anna lymphocyte was taken about fifteen


Anna third sacrifice is she should give her sister bone marrow cell which means

Anna should do an operation of bone marrow transplant. When the lymphocytes

treatments stop working and Kate relapses again they plan to take Anna’s marrow for

transplant. Kate relapses again and she spattered with blood. Kate cough and throws

blood, blood coming from her mouth, run downs her legs and has soaked through her

underpants. This is the indication relapse for APL (Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia),

hemorrhage. It is called clinical relapse and the doctor suggest bone marrow

transplant. Anna should have an extra bone marrow cell, before they could do the

operation, so it will be enough for Kate when they took it. Anna should be given

shots with growth factor twice a day to increase bone marrow cell in Anna’s body.

Anna mother should shot her twice a day. This is one of her sacrifice that she has

done without her consent. Because Anna was under-age, only her mother could make

the decision for her. The actions of injecting her twice a day is making her in pain

especially for a kid. Anna is not sick but because of her sister, she also felt the pain.

Actually, her mother felt pity on herself, she also felt guilty. When she shots Anna,

she uses some kind of anesthetic to subtract the pain of the needle but Anna still

yells. And deep down her heart she knows that Anna hated her so much.

We use EMLA cream, a topical anesthetic. The cream is supposed to keep her from feeling the prick of the needle, but she still yells. I wonder if it hurts as much as having your six-year-old stare you in the eye and say she hates you.

(Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 223)

The harvest days of bone marrow draw in the weekend. Anna asked her mother

to stop bone marrow transplant and not do the operation. Her mother said it is alright

if she does not want to, but her mother reminds her that everybody counting on her


bone marrow cells to Kate. Anna uses the mask and lies down on the operation table.

While Anna is under anesthesia, a needle is inserted into the cavity of the rear hip

bone or “iliac crest” where a large quantity of bone marrow is located. The bone

marrow a thick, red liquid - is extracted with a needle and syringe. Anna has already

done the operation of bone marrow for Kate and as a kid in common, Anna was

asking for her mother. After the operations, her mother (Sara) still at Kate’s room

when her father (Brian) come and asked Sara to see Anna. Anna is crying when

looking her mother and asked her mother to accompany her. But yet, her mother

preferred chooses Kate than Anna. As quoted: "Can you stay here?" I shake my head.

"Kate's sick. I'm going to have to go back." Anna pulls away. "But I'm in the

hospital," she says. "I'm in the hospital!"(Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 230). Even though her

daughters are both in the hospital and feel the same pain, she prefers to be on Kate

side. Anna and Brian come to Kate’s room the next morning on ten o’clock together

with the doctor which bringing Anna’s marrow on the bag. Anna cares about Kate,

she asked Kate about her condition whether it hurts or not, she worried about Kate

even if she only a little kid. Kate said it she is alright and she glad the bone marrow

cell is come from Anna. Twenty-one days after the bone marrow transplant, Kate's

granulocytes put Kate into remission for a while. And not too long after granulocytes

transplant, Kate relapse again. Kate needs peripheral blood stem cells from Anna.


hospital on the day of collection of peripheral blood stem cells. In this procedure,

which is called apheresis, Anna’s blood circulates through a machine, a cell separator

that removes the peripheral stem cells and returns the rest of the blood to the body.

The stem cells are then stored and they are given to Kate immediately. The weakness

of the treatment is once patient APL doing such a treatment or a therapy, usually it

would not work for the second time. So, there is possibility Anna’s body part might

be taken over and over.

"Normally, with myelogenous leukemias, as long as the organs hold up, you can potentially reinduce the patient into remission every time there's a relapse. You're exhausting their body, but you know it will respond to treatment over and over. However, with APL, once you've offered a given therapy, you usually can't rely upon it again. And to date, there's only so much we can do."

(Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 60)

Anna sixth sacrifice is she has no friend. Anna is an unhappy child. Anna spends

her childhood most of time in the hospital to be on Kate’s side. No one wants to be

her friend because of her sick sister. Anna used to have friends, but as she gets older,

most of her friends think that she was freak and freak hood is contagious. How sad

and pitiful Anna must be. Anna only has Kate as her friends. Anna shares everything

to her sister. Anna only talked to Kate. As quoted: "Friends?" She shakes her head.

"You can't really have anyone over to your house when your sister needs to be

resting”. (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 108).

Anna’s mother never allowed her to go far away; she should make sure that

Anna stay close to Kate. Her mother does not seem to permit Anna to life normally

or continue her own life. Once Anna was invited to attend the summer camp, she was

very happy and asked for her mother permission. But what happened next is her


camp for leukemic child. Her mother afraid when Kate relapses, Anna was not there

for Kate. If that happen, Kate might need something from Anna for sure, like her

blood, her stem cells etc. Anna should always available for Kate. She is not afraid

what might happen to Anna, but because she is afraid of what might happen to Kate

while her sister is gone. Her mother cannot love them equally. She only cares about

Kate without think about Anna’s feelings. As quoted: “If Kate survives this latest

relapse, who knows how long it will be before another crisis happens? And when it

does, we will need Anna—her blood, her stem cells, her tissue—right here”. (Picoult,

Jodi, 2009 : 263)

When she was thirteen, Kate relapse again and this time, her kidney did not

work. So, her mother asking for Anna’s kidney. Anna does not want to give her

kidney. Anna wants have a freedom from being her sister donor. Anna throws a

lawsuit against her mother as an effort to get her rights over her own body. After she

won the case and get her rights over her own body, she had an accident. Anna’s head

hit the windows very hard and caused a fatal injury. Only a respirator can keeping

her breathing and no activity of neurological, means that her brain is dead. Her

parents decided to turn off the respiration machine. As quoted: “It's the machine

keeping her body alive. What makes Anna is already gone”. (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 :

401). The doctor suggests taking Anna’s kidney and doing the operations kidneys

donor for Kate. As Anna lawyer and person in charge, Campbell agree with the

doctor. Finally, after they turn off the respiration machine, they took Anna’s kidney.

This can be seen as the seventh of Anna’s sacrifices. So, from the newborn until her


After describing about Anna sacrifices, we can conclude that Anna had been

doing many sacrifices from newborn until her death for seven times. Anna Fitzgerald

is a thirteen years old girl, born for a very specific purpose, to save her sister life. By

newborn, she used to do sacrifices for her sister, Kate. The first sacrifice, they took

Anna’s umbilical cord and her cells put Kate into remission. The second sacrifice is

when Kate relapses and she was five, they took Anna’s lymphocytes, three times

over, because the doctors said it was not enough the first time around. The third

sacrifice is when those treatment stop working, they took Anna’s bone marrow for

transplant. The fourth sacrifice is when Kate got infections, Anna had to donate

granulocytes. The fifth sacrifice is when Kate relapses again; Anna had to donate

peripheral blood stem cell. The sixth sacrifice is Anna spend her childhood time

unhappily, because she has no friend. The seventh sacrifice is Anna had to donate her

kidney when she was dying. Anna has undergoes countless surgeries, transfusion and

shots, so that her older sister Kate can somehow fight the leukemia that has plagued

her since childhood.

4. 2 Anna is Unwilling Donor

Kate has an APL - Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, which a kind of rare

leukemic disease. To save her life, her parents make Anna which is an allogenic

donor, a perfect sibling match for Kate. From Anna was born until she reached age

thirteen, she always made sacrifices for Kate. Everything that Kate need, Anna


her body into thinking it's healthy, Anna the one who provides them. Every time

Kate gets into hospital, Anna will be there too. The fact that Anna did not sick, but

she might feel the pain too. When she turns to thirteen, Kate’s kidney cannot do the

job again. So her parents asking for Anna’s kidney, but she refused for it. Anna

hates when the doctors and the adults took something from her body, she hate they

smiles, which is mean a fake smile for Anna. Now they need Anna’s kidney and

what will they took for the next? There is always more and more. It seems has never

stop for Anna. As quoted: “The kidney – that’s just today. Tomorrow it’ll be

something else. It’s always something else.”(Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 86).

Anna does not want to be a donor for Kate. So, she go to judge and had

consultation, the judge explain that nobody could take an organ from an unwilling

donor, not even their parents. Anna was not sure she could have a freedom from

being a donor, because everyone keeps telling her that she just a little kid. As quoted:

“The fact that even now, a major decision about me is being made, and no one’s

bothered to ask the one person who most deserves it to speak her opinion”. (Picoult,

Jodi, 2009 : 18). However, Anna had many times to complain to stop using her body

for Kate, but their parents never listen. Root of the problem is Kate’s parents are

Anna’s parents too. This problems seems cannot be solved. As quoted: "I might have

complained a couple of times. But they're Kate's parents too."(Picoult, Jodi, 2009 :

109-110). Once they played crossword in the hospital with Anna, Kate, and their

mother. Kate had four-letter word for vessel and she found it difficult to solve, no

one could answer it. And suddenly Anna says her name while mumbling. This

actions show that Anna tries to realized her mother that all the time she had been


murmur. My mother turns. "What?" "A four-letter word for vessel," I say, and I walk

out of Kate's room”. (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 246)

Anna’s parents had asked her to be a donor for her sister once. But without her

permission, her parents still making their own decision to her. This is a useless

question, because this is kind of question which is does not need an answer. Her

parents believe that Anna want to be a donor and doing everything to save her sister


"Have your parents ever asked you if you want to be a donor for your sister?" Anna shrugs. "Kind of. The way parents ask questions that they already have answered in their heads. You weren't the reason that the whole second grade stayed in for recess, were you? Or, You want some broccoli, right?"

(Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 109)

She was doing sacrifice without asking, she was born with very specific reason.

And when Anna wants to stop her parents to using her as a donor, Sara reminds

Brian that at first Anna was born to be Kate’s donor. Sara and Brian had a discussion

about their feelings about Kate, and they will do anything for saving their lovely

daughter. But they were never asked Anna because they sure that Anna love her

sister too. As quoted: "When we had Anna," I remind Brian, "we knew that she was

going to be a donor for Kate." (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 165)

When the doctor suggest to donor lymphocytes for Kate, without asking

permission from Anna, Sara just have explain to Anna that Kate is not feeling good,

and the doctor need to take something from Anna and give it to Kate to make her feel

better. Sara thinks that was more than enough information. As quoted: “I have

explained to her that Kate isn't feeling good, and that the doctors need to take


more than enough information.” (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 166). When five thousand

lymphocytes are not enough, Dr. Chance calls for ten thousand. Anna’s appointment

for second donor lymphocytes held falls in the middle of the gymnastic birthday

party of a girl in her class. Sara agrees to let her go for a while and then she took

Anna from the gym to the hospital. Sara never thinks about Anna’s feelings she just

care about Kate’s health.

Anna scowls. "Why did I have to leave the party?"

Because your sister is more important than cake and ice cream; because I cannot do this for her; because I said so.

I'm so angry that I have to try twice before I can unlock the van. "Stop acting like a five-year-old," I accuse, and then I remember that's exactly what she is.

(Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 168)

After describing about Anna as unwilling donor, we can conclude that Anna

doing the sacrifices unwillingly, no one asked for her permission, but she should give

her body for her sister. No one cares about her feelings, not even her mother. Anna

had been used as a vessel to keep her sister life. Anna cannot be herself without

relation to Kate. Anna had an unfair treatment from her mother, because her mother

always thinking about Kate rather than Anna.

4. 3 Anna’s Struggles to Get Her Rights over Her Own Body

As they got older, Anna starts to cares about herself. Anna realizes that she does

not seem to be exist unless in the relation to Kate. Anna wants a freedom and be

herself. Anna runs a plan to sue her mother to get her rights her rights over her own

body. Anna had a locket, a fourteen-karat gold that her father gave it to her as a


honored for donating her bone marrow for her sister. Anna sold her locket to collect

money, because she needs money for paying a lawyer. Anna felt pity and not willing

to sell her locket at first, beside Anna found that the locket price is cheap, but she had

no choice. As quoted: “I picked up the locket, resigned to selling the deal, and the

strangers thing happens – my hand, it just clamps shut like a Jaws of Life." (Picoult,

Jodi, 2009: 9). Anna needs a lawyer to speak up for her in the court, so she hire a

lawyer to sue her mother and get the medical emancipation over her own body.

Campbell Alexander is a lawyer. He is the one of famous lawyer in providence.

Anna have interest to his case was, he ever wills to litigate against God. That is why

Anna choice him to be her lawyer. At first Campbell does not want to be her lawyer

because he thinks all teenagers at Anna’s age also want to sue her parents. Beside

Anna cannot pay for hiring him because his price service is too expensive. Anna

explains that she is actually unwilling donor, but her mother forced her to donate one

of her kidneys and she only want to get her rights to her own body. As quoted: "It's

not God. Just my parents," I say. "I want to sue them for the rights to my own body."

(Picoult, Jodi, 2009: 18). Anna has a rare case and Campbell know that no court

would force her to give her kidney. Campbell finally wants to be his lawyer and he

believes that they will easily win the case. As quoted: “..., but rather that legally, this

case is a lock: she doesn't want to give a kidney; no court in its right mind would

force her to give up a kidney;...” (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 22).

A couple days after she throws a lawsuit, Sara is being sued. Sara unfolds the

paper and read the letter. Sara was shock that letter was come from Anna which sue

her to get her rights to her own body. The letter told her that Anna should get to


which is not in her best interest or for her benefit and she not be required to undergo

any more treatment for the benefit for her sister, Kate. Her mother still does not

believe that Anna had sued her. Sara though Anna was act like a child who need an

attention, just like Jesse did. She talked to Brian to take Anna go out so she does not

feel abandoned. But Brian does not think the same.

"This is Jesse, all over again," my mother adds. "She's doing it for the attention." I can feel her looking down at me, like I'm some kind of creature she's never seen before. "Maybe we need to take her somewhere, alone. Go to a movie, or shopping, so she doesn't feel left out. Make her see that she doesn't have to do something crazy to get us to notice her. What do you think?"

My father takes his time answering. "Well," he says quietly, "maybe this isn't crazy."

(Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 56)

Sara was doing her best to hide her nervousness and to seem calm with

everything. Sara trying to hide the fact that she was trying to changes Anna’s mind.

Sara explains to Anna that they have no choice over all the things that happened to

them. Anna did not accept the statement of her mother, because the fact is she has a

choice, she does not have to donate her body, and she wants to live like a normal

person not as a relation to Kate. As quoted: “The thing is, I do have a choice. Which

is exactly why I have the one to do this”. (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 52)

The court day has been come. As Anna lawyer, Campbell starts with explains

everything with provides the evidences such as information from the hospital with a

variety of donor information. In the process of the court, there was a debate between

the lawyer and Anna’s mother. Sara pleads to Anna to give her kidney for the last

time and after this, she will give all the will of Anna which is to have a medical

emancipation. But Anna still does not want to give her kidney. Campbell conveys his


except Anna's opinion, not the judges, her mother, or her father. Anna and her

opinion is the one who should be considered. As quoted: “ Judge DeSalvo, with all

due respect, what you think doesn't matter. What Sara and Brian and Kate Fitzgerald

think doesn't matter. What Anna thinks does." I walk back toward my chair. "And

that's the only voice we ought to be listening to." (Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 391-392).

Finally, after hearing the explanation of various witnesses, the judge decided that

Anna has deserved her medical emancipation to get the right over her own body.

Anna won the case and feels happy. She got home with Campbell by the car. It

was raining outside and the road is very slippery. They should pass the tunnel and

unfortunately they had an accident. There is a truck hit their car. This is caused the

car in badly damaged condition. Campbell only had slight injuries but Anna’s head

hit the windows very hard and caused a fatal injury. The doctors say that there is no

hope for Anna, she is not responding to the medicine and the brain does not work

anymore only a respirator can keep her breathing.

"Anna's head hit the window with great force, Mrs. Fitzgerald. It caused a fatal head injury. A respirator is keeping her breathing right now, but she's not showing any indications of neurological activity… she's brain dead. I'm sorry," the doctor says.

(Picoult, Jodi, 2009 : 399).

The doctor suggests taking Anna’s kidney. Her parents and her lawyer agree

with the doctor. Finally, after they turn off the respiration machine, they took Anna’s


After describing Anna’s struggle, we can conclude that actually Anna love her

sister Kate, but she in the terrible feelings. Anna wants Kate alive but also she wants

to be herself not as a part of Kate. Anna sold her locket to collect money and hire a


Anna wants the chance to grow up, even if Kate cannot. Anna thinks that Kate’s

death would be the worst thing that is ever happened to her, but also the best. Finally,

Sara makes a decision by let Anna doing what she wants; to get her medical

emancipation from her own body. But unfortunately, after Anna won the case, she

had an accident and put her in fatal injuries. Only a respirator can keep her breathing

and the doctor suggest taking her kidney. In the end, they turn off the aspiration

machine and took Anna’s kidney for Kate. When Anna was alive, Anna does not

want to donate her kidney to Kate. But the event changes and Kate could have the

kidney after Anna died in an accident and with the approval of her parents and

Anna’s lawyer.




After analyzing the sacrifices of the main character from the novel My Sister’s

Keeper by Jodi Picoult, it can be conclude that Anna has done many sacrifices in

order to keep her sister life. But Anna is actually unwilling donor. No one asked for


her feelings, not even her parents. She start asked her existence without relation to

Kate. So she throws a lawsuit against her mother to get her rights over her own body.

After she won the case, unfortunately she had an accident and died. Finally, Anna’s

kidney still taken and donated to Kate. Although Anna has died, she still takes a part

as a support life for Kate.

seemed to get enough of them the first time around. When that stopped working, they

took Anna’s bone marrow for a transplant. When Kate got infections, Anna had to

donate granulocytes. When Kate relapsed again, Anna had to donate peripheral blood

stem cells. Not only Anna’s body that was sacrifices but also her feelings. Anna

spends her childhood time unhappily, because she has no friend. Anna spends her

childhood most of time in the hospital to be on Kate’s side. Beside her mother never

allowed Anna to go far away. Her mother had to make sure that Anna should always

be on Kate side. Kate may have relapse anytime and Kate might need something

from Anna for sure, like her blood, her lymphocytes, her stem cells, etc. Anna should

always available for Kate. It causes Anna cannot live normally.

The purpose of Anna’s life is to sacrificing her body to save her sister and it was

designed by her parents. Anna’s parent is the one who decide that she should donate

her body to her sister just because Anna is under-age. However, it's a human right to


chance to grow up even though that Kate may not be able to get that opportunity.

She thinks that what she has sacrifices from the birth until the age of thirteen is more

than enough and she wanted to stop for being a donor.

Because his parents did not want to stop using her body to Kate, Anna sue her

mother and she asked her right over her own body. Anna sold her locket to collect

money and hire a Lawyer. Finally, after hearing the explanation of various witnesses,

the judge decided that Anna has deserved her medical emancipation to get the right

over her own body. After she won the case with the help of her lawyer, Anna was

very happy to get right over her organs in her body. Unfortunately the happiness did

not last long; she had an accident on the way home with her lawyer. Anna’s head hit

the windows very hard and caused a fatal injury. The doctors say that there is no

hope for Anna, she is not responding to the medicine and her brain does not work

anymore only a respirator can keep her breathing. The doctor suggests taking Anna’s

kidney. Her parents and her lawyer agree with the doctor. Finally, after they turn off

the respiration machine, they took Anna’s kidney. When Anna life she refused to

donate her kidneys, but when she died, Anna’s kidney still taken and donated to

Kate. Although Anna has died, she still takes a part as a support life for Kate.


My Sister’s Keeper is a worthy reading. Here, we can see the existence of Anna

in relation to Kate. That the birth of Anna because Kate had leukemia. Anna's

mother's decision to make Anna to be a donor to save her sister is not quite right.

Due to this, it would be difficult for her mother to make decisions. Since Kate and

Anna was her daughter, so she cannot make the right decision and she cannot love


should be forced into it. But the truly sacrifice one must comes from within

ourselves. Self-sacrifice is only necessary when the action is in the context of the

goodness of others greater than those sacrificed. In the end, fate is in the hands of

God. Humans can purpose, but God is the one who can dispose. Anna died in

happiness, because she won the case, but Kate is happier than Anna because she



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