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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Arum Galih Rahayu Student Number: 111214133








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Arum Galih Rahayu Student Number: 111214133







Arum Galih Rahayu Student Number: 111214133

Approved by Advisor

Paulus Kuswandono, Ph.D. ~~


14 November 2017




ARUM GALIH RAHAYU Student Number: 111214133

Defended before the Board of Examiners on II December 2017

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : Yohana Veniranda, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D'<;;1J" '" .



Secretary : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D.

Member : Paulus Kuswandono, Ph.D.

Member : Yohana Veniranda, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A., Ph.D "<!1J"


Member : Dr. Reina Muljani, M.Pd.

Yagyakarta, II December 2017

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University





I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 11 December 2017 The Writer

Arum Galih Rahayu ~






Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Arum Galih Rahayu

NomorMahasiswa : 111214133

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Pada tanggal: II Desember 2017 Yang menyatakan

Arum Galih Rahayu ~




Rahayu, Arum Galih (2017). The Rebellion of Anna Fitzgerald against Her Parents as Portrayed in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper. English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

This research focuses to analyze Anna’s rebellion towards her parents. In order to achieve the objective of this research, there are two research questions.

They are: (1) How is Anna’s character described in the novel? and (2) How does Anna show her rebellious actions to her parents as portrayed in the novel?

This research employed document analysis method that is library research to gather the data. There were two sources in this research: primary and secondary sources. My Sister’s Keeper novel is the primary source for this research. Then, books about psychology, adolescence development, literature, and related articles from the internet are the secondary sources for this research. This research also used the psychological approach since it analyzes the human behavior. In addition, theories about character, characterization, adolescence development, personality development, and rebellion are gathered to support the analysis of this research.

Based on the analysis, there are two findings to answer the two problem formulation questions. This research finds out that there are three characters of Anna to answer the first question. They are brave, selfless, and rebellious. Next, in the second problem formulation question, Anna shows her rebellious actions by stopping being Kate’s donor and suing her parents. There are three reasons behind this action. They are Anna’s immature behavior, the unjust treatment from her mother, and a desire to get the health emancipation.

In this research, the researcher provides two suggestions for future researchers and lecturers. The future researchers later may use this research as the reference to analyze the other characters in this novel such as Jesse or Bryan.

Besides, the Book Report lecturers may implement this research as the material to teach in Book Report class. Hence, the researcher has provided a lesson interactive plan and list of questions for the private interview session.

Keywords: adolescent development, character, characterization, My Sister’s

Keeper, personality development, rebellion,



Rahayu, Arum Galih (2017).The Rebellion of Anna Fitzgerald against Her Parents as Portrayed in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper. Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Yogyakarta, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku memberontak Anna terhadap orang tuanya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, terdapat dua permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) Bagaimana karakter Anna digambarkan di dalam novel? dan (2) Bagaimana Anna menunjukkan sikap memberontaknya terhadap kedua orang tuanya seperti yang digambarkan dalam novel?

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis dokumen yaitu studi pustaka untuk mengumpulkan data. Terdapat dua sumber dalam penelitian ini, yakni sumber primer dan sekunder. Novel My Sister’s Keeper adalah sumber primer dalam penelitian ini. Kemudian, buku tentang psikologi, perkembangan remaja, dan sastra serta artikel yang relevan dari internet menjadi sumber sekunder dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan psikologis karena penelitian ini menganalisis perilaku manusia. Selain itu, teori tentang karakter, karakterisasi, perkembangan remaja, perkembangan kepribadian, dan pemberontakan digunakan untuk mendukung analisis dalam penelitian ini.

Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, ditemukan dua hasil untuk menjawab dua rumusan masalah. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga karakter Anna untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama, yaitu berani, tidak egois dan memberontak.

Kemudian, hasil untuk pertanyaan kedua adalah Anna menunjukkan sikap memberontaknya dengan berhenti menjadi donor untuk Kate dan memperkarakan kedua orang tuanya. Terdapat tiga alasan dibalik sikap memberontak Anna, yaitu kelakuan kekanak-kanakannya, perlakuan yang tidak adil dari ibunya, dan keinginan untuk mendapatkan emansipasi kesehatan.

Di dalam penelitian ini, peneliti memberikan dua saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya dan dosen Book Report. Peneliti selanjutnya dapat menganalisis karakter yang lain yang ada di dalam novel, misalnya Jesse atau Bryan. Di samping itu, dosen Book Report dapat menggunakan novel ini untuk referensi mengajar di mata kuliah Book Report. Oleh sebab itu, penulis telah menyediakan RPP dan pertanyaan panduan untuk sesi wawancara privat.

Kata Kunci: adolescent development, character, characterization, My Sister’s

Keeper, personality development, rebellion,




First of all, I would like to thank My Lord Jesus Christ for His blessing and grace in my entire life. I realize that I can stand so far because of Him. I could finish this thesis because of His miracle, guidance, and kindness. I am surely nothing without Him.

Second, I would like to present my deepest gratitude to my family especially toward my parents, my mother, R. Ngt. Isefti Rondiah Sri Rahayu and my father R. Gunawan Priyo Sarjono for their eternal love and prayer. I also thank my Grandfather R. Suatmadi Seputradipura, my Uncle RM. Bambang Damar Suyoto, my Aunts R. Ngt. MG. Susilowati and Rr. Retno Utami for the encouragement and the support. Then, for my brother, Cahyono Dwi Atmaji, for the support and patience. They had been my greatest reason to finish my thesis.

Third, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for my thesis advisor, Paulus Kuswandono, Ph.D. for his help, patience, encouragement and guidance during the process of finishing my thesis. His patience in reading and giving feedback has a big role so I can finish this thesis.

For my beloved best friends who are always with me through the ups and

the downs, Tusita Maina Dewi, Nadia Gitya, Nurita Sekar, Maria Priska,

Fransisca Badrarini, Ririn Cahyowati, Octovianus Bin Rozak, Gideon

Prasetyo, Tia Cindy Margaretha, Rafael Reza, Dominica Tya, Ulfia Evienna,

Agatha Lisa, Sonia Alexandra, Jimmy Amres, and Vinsensia Riska. I thank

them for everything that they have shared together with me both happy and



difficult ones. Their support motivated me to never give up because I know they are people who will always be my side.

I would also like to thank Ps. Philipus Setyanto, Th.M. and family, for the prayer and motivation in finishing my thesis. My deepest gratitude goes to music team in my Church, Cristine Puji, Yosafat Arief, and Livy Laurens. I am so blessed to have them all as my mentors.

I would like to express my thanks to my friends in PBI Class C batch 2011 and my academic advisor, Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. for all the great memories and the togetherness during the process of my study in Sanata Dharma University. Lastly, I also thank the people whom I cannot mention one by one, yet they have helped me in writing this thesis.


Arum Galih Rahayu









ABSTRAK ... vii





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Objectives of the Study ... 4

D. Benefits of the Study ... 4

E. Definition of Terms ... 5

1. Character ... 5

2. Rebellion ... 6


B. Review of Related Theories ... 9

1. Theory of Character and Characterization ... 9

a. Definition of Character ... 9

b. Theory of Characterization ... 11



2. Theories of Critical Approach ... 12

3. Theory of Personality ... 13

4. Theory of Adolescence ... 14

5. Theory of Rebellion ... 15

C. Theoretical Framework ... 15

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study ... 17

B. Approach of the Study ... 19

C. Method of the Study ... 21

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS A. The Description of Anna Fitzgerald’s Characters ... 23

1. Brave ... 24

2. Selfless ... 25

3. Rebellious ... 28

B. The Rebellion of Anna against Her Parents ... 30

1. Anna’s Immature Behavior ... 32

2. The Unjust Treatment from her Mother ... 34

3. Health Emancipation ... 38


B. Suggestions ... 41






Table 1 Five approaches in studying literature ... 12

Table 2 Five approaches in studying literature ... 20




Appendix 1 ... 46

Appendix 2 ... 49

Appendix 3 ... 52

Appendix 4 ... 58

Appendix 5 ... 63




The introduction chapter consists of five parts. The first is the background of the study which covers the description of the research topic. The second is the problem formulation which presents the formulation of the problems of this research. The third is the objectives of the study, which state the aim of this research. The fourth is the benefits of the study which identify the contribution of this conducted research to several related parties. The last is the definition of terms which explains the specific, important or key terms mentioned in this research.

A. Background of the Study

Nowadays, the technology and science have improved so fast. The progress of technology and science make the daily life of people around the world easier. These things in some ways can make beneficial improvement or the destruction for human beings. There is an experiment of a designer baby in United States of America. According to Steere (2008), “a designer baby is creating a baby with a perfect characteristic as wanted. This technology reduces the risk of having disabled child or the one with the certain illness.” Based on the definition, this technology can design a baby with good physical features and personalities.

The experiment of designer baby becomes a hot and controversial issue in

USA. There are some successful cases of designer babies in USA. Designer baby


is usually used by couples who are infertile and couples with sick children. Even though it is like a total breakthrough but there are many pros and cons about this experiment. The topic of designer baby then becomes the inspiration for Jodi Picoult. She is an American author who writes about this issue in one of her novels entitled My Sister’s Keeper. Jodi uses literature to convey her opinion about this topic. She conveys it through the story in this novel.

The novel itself is one of the examples of literary works. A writer usually uses a novel to share and deliver some messages to the readers like the writer experiences and ideas. It can also be the way the writer claims his or her point of view toward some issues. A work of literature like novel always has a problem or an issue to be solved. The problems or conflicts exist in the novel because they make a novel interesting and worth to read. A novel can lead the readers to feel and reflect the messages through the story such as the feeling of happiness, sadness, and so on.

According to Hudson (1958), “literature is an expression of life through the medium of language” (p. 10). The inspiration of a literature work can be about real-life situation. Literature captures the reality of life and retells the story using the imagination through the words. One of the literature media is novel.

The novel entitled “My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult is famous and

controversial as a literary work. It has drawn the interest and praises of many

book’s critics. My Sister’s Keeper is also one of best-selling novels in United

State of America. According to Ebert (2009), “My Sister’s Keeper is an immediate


audience-grabber, as we learn that a 13-year-old girl was genetically designed as a source of spare parts for her dying 16-year-old sister.”

Based on that sentence above, it is true that My Sister’s Keeper novel steals the spotlight. The controversial theme of this novel can successfully attract the readers’ interest. It is proven by the novel becomes one of best-selling novels in USA. Following the success of the novel, it is adapted into a movie.

My Sister’s Keeper novel portrays the problems existed in a family. This novel tells about Fitzgerald family. This family consists of Brian Fitzgerald as the father. He is a firefighter. Next, Sara Fitzgerald is the mother. She has been a lawyer before Kate is sick. Then there are three children in the Fitzgerald’s family: Jesse is the oldest son, he is a trouble maker. The second child is Kate, the dying daughter. She is diagnosed with Acute Promyelocytic Leukimia (APL), a rare case of cancer when she is two years old. Then the last child is Anna, the designed baby. She is the perfect organ donor for Kate.

The novel tells about the rebellion of Anna, the designer baby who is supposed to be the perfect donor for her sister, Kate. Anna becomes Kate’s donor right after Anna was born. Anna who has a good personality and who is an obedient child turns into the rebellious one. She wants to stop from being the donor for Kate.

This research focuses on Anna’s character and the ways Anna shows her

rebellious actions against her parents; the ways she shows her rebellious actions

are the issues discussed in this research. This research is worth to be conducted

because the topic is interesting and full of life values.


B. Problem Formulation

These are the two problems formulated in this research referring to the background of the study:

1. How is Anna’s character described in the novel?

2. How does Anna show her rebellious actions to her parents as portrayed in the novel?

C. Objectives of the Study

In this research, the objectives of the study are drawn from the formulated problems. There are two objectives in this research. The objectives are to find out Anna’s character and how Anna shows her rebellious actions to her parents.

D. Benefits of the Study

In conducting this research, the researcher expects that this research can give beneficial effects to at least three parties.

1. The first benefit is for the fellow students, this research helps the students to enrich their knowledge about literature research especially about adolescent rebellion in the family through this novel. This research can be one of the references if they intend to research about literature.

2. The second benefit is for the English lecturers e.g., Book Report

lecturer, the result of this research hopefully can be the references to

teach English especially about literature. The Book Report lecturer can


encourage and help the students exploring about literature using this research as the example of literature study. The material from this research can convey the student to be creative and be able in understanding the literature books.

3. The third benefit is for the next researchers who are going to conduct a research in the same topic about the character and rebellion. Hopefully, this research can help other researchers who work on literature study.

This research also provides some important information related to the literature study. In addition, this research can be a good reference and help the future researcher. Then, the researcher suggests the future researchers to study about the minor characters’ rebellion such as Jesse’s rebellion or his struggling to be heard. Those topics hopefully can give big contribution in the literature study.

E. Definition of Terms

There are two terms in this research which need to be defined. It makes the readers get a clear understanding about this research in further discussion. Those terms are:

1. Character

According to Abrams and Harpham (2015), “there are two types of

character; flat and round character. The flat character is the character in the novel

that has uncomplicated personality and unchangeable throughout the story. On the


other hand, round characters have complicated personality and storyline in the novel” (p. 48).

2. Rebellion

According to Bartlett (2004), “Rebellion is a refusal to be treated with

anything less than the full measure of dignity and decency that one’s humanity

demands” (p. 5).





This chapter consists of three sections, namely the review of related studies, review of related theories, and the theoretical framework. In the review related studies, the researcher discusses three previous studies which have been conducted using My Sister’s Keeper Novel by Jodi Picoult. Those studies are relevant to this research. In the review of related theories, the researcher uses the theories which are related to this research, namely, theory of character and characterization, theory of psychological approach, the theory of personality development, theory of adolescent development, and theory of rebellion. After that, in the theoretical framework, it summarizes the contribution of the theories in order to solve the problem formulation in this research.

A. Review of Related Studies

There are three previous studies conducted using My Sister’s Keeper novel. The first is entitled “The Meaning of a Mother’s Love to Her Dying Daughter as Seen in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper by Kristiani (2010).

Kristiani (2010) focuses the research on the meaning of Sara’s love to her helpless

daughter, Kate. In her research, she argues that mother’s love to the children

means to sacrifice everything. Sara tries any possible way to save her dying

daughter. Even, Sara and Brian decide to have a designer baby who will be the


perfect donor for Kate. This extreme decision and her excessive love will bring some conflicts in her family.

The second research is entitled “Anna’s Motivation in Stopping Her Organ Donation for Her Sister as Seen in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper.” This research conducted by Dewi (2011), who is an English Language Education Study Program student of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In this research, Dewi (2011) analyzes Anna’s motivations which suddenly stop donating her organ to save Kate’s life. In her research, Dewi (2011) finds that Anna was forced by her parents especially her Mother to donate her organs to Kate. Anna wants to stop this unfairness. She wants to have the rights about her own body.

Then Anna sues her parents for the medical emancipation. It is revealed that Anna’s motivation to stop donating to Kate is that Kate’s own request.

The last research is entitled “Anna Intrapersonal Conflict as Seen in Jodi

Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper novel” by Widyastuti (2013), who is an English

Language Education Study Program student of Sanata Dharma University,

Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Widyastuti (2013) analyzes Anna’s intrapersonal conflict

with her family after she makes a decision against them for stopping donate

organs for Kate, her helpless sister. In her research, Widyastuti (2013) argues that

in getting the health emancipation, Anna must face intrapersonal conflicts with

her family especially with her Mother. Sara insists that Anna must donate her

kidney to Kate but Anna refuses to do it. Because of that, Anna sues her own

parents. She wins in the lawsuit but unfortunately, in the end, Anna still donates

her kidney because she is dead in the car accident.


In this research, the researcher analyzes Anna’s rebellion against her parents based on My Sister’s Keeper novel by Jodi Picoult. Anna Fitzgerald a 13 years-old girl shows a rebellious attitude towards her parents. This research analyzes Anna’s characters and how she expresses the rebellion. This research is relevant with those previous researches because they use the same novel as the source of the study. Based on those previous studies, the researcher can explore more about the topic and become the references in the research. Then, in this research, the researcher explores the space which is not explored in the previous studies.

B. Review of Related Theories

This part reviews the theories which are directly relevant to this research.

Those are theory of character and characterization, theory of psychological approach, the theory of personality development, theory of adolescent development, and theory of rebellion.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization a. Definition of Character

There are many elements that construct literary works like theme, setting, plot, point of view, and the character. Those elements make the literary works interesting. One of the most important aspects in literary works is character.

Hence, the theory of character is applied since this research deals with the

character analysis of Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper novel. In this research the

meaning of the character needs to be explained. The meaning of the characters in


the My Sister’s Keeper will help the readers to know the message of the story.

According to Abrams and Harpham, (2015) “a character may remain essentially

“stable”, or unchanged in his outlook and dispositions, from beginning to the end of the work, or he may undergo a radical change, either through a gradual development or as result of an extreme crisis” (p. 48).

Based on the quotation above, there is a character that is stable in the entire story. This character does not have any significant change. In the other hand, there is a character that undergoes a radical change. This character is dynamic from the beginning of the story until the end. There are factors that influence the development of this character such as the result of extreme crisis in his life.

In addition, According to Abrams and Harpham, there are two types of character; flat and round character. The flat character is the character in the novel that has uncomplicated personality and unchangeable throughout the story. On the other hands, round characters have complicated personality and storyline in the novel (Abrams & Harpham, 2015, p. 48).

In 1988, Barnet, Berman, and Burto concluded, “character has two

meanings; those are a figure in literary work, and personality, that is the mental

and moral qualities of a figure, as we say that someone’s character is strong,

weak, or whatever”. Furthermore, they also state that we can get the image of

characters by summarizing the author’s description of the character’s physical

appearance such as face, physique, gestures, and clothing. (p. 71).


b. Theory of Characterization

Rohrberger and Woods (1971) define the characterization as “the process by which an author creates a character, the devices by which he makes us believe a character is like particular person he is” (p. 20).

According to Murphy (1972), there are nine methods to describe characters in literary works in order to make the characters understandable and believable such as (1) Personal description (2) character as seen by another (3) speech (4) past life (5) conversation of others (6) reactions (7) direct comment (8) thought (9) mannerisms. First, the personal description method conveys the researcher can describe a character based on a person’s appearance. Second, the character as seen by another method means describing a character through other characters’ opinion. Third, the speech method is a way to reveal a character through what the character says his conversation with the other characters, and his opinion. Fourth, the past life method is used to reveal a character through his past life experiences. This method uses the direct comment of the author, the character’s thought, his conversation, or through another person. Fifth, the conversation of others method means a character’s description revealed by the conversation of others characters. Sixth, the reaction method is a way the author to give a clue to a person’s character by how that person reacts to situations.

Seventh, direct comment method a character is described by the author’s speech.

Eighth, the thought of a character method means the opinion of a person often

reveals a clue about his character. Ninth, the mannerisms method means reveal a

person’s character through his habit or his treatment to other people (pp. 162-


173). However, in this research, the researcher choose the five methods in order to analyze Anna’s character, namely the character as seen by another, speech, conversation of others, reactions, thought.

2. Theories of Critical Approach

The researcher needs an approach to analyze the literary works. Hence according to Rorhberger and Woods (1971), there are five approaches in studying literature. Those are: Formalist, Biographical, Social-Cultural History, Mythopoeic, and Psychological. (pp. 6-15).

Table 1 Five approaches in studying literature


1. Formalist Focusing on total integrity of the literary piece itself and the aesthetic value.

2. Biographical The author’s personality, life, and development have influence on the writing.

3. Social-Cultural History Using this approach which the social condition and the historical background can be seen in the past.

4. Mythopoeic Emphasizing on discovering certain universally recurrent pattern of human thought in the art.

Concerning about death and rebirth, guilt and sacrifices, primitive rites, and theological aspects of Christian doctrine that found in the ancient rites.

5. Psychological Focusing on the human psychology. This approach is used to identify every aspect of psychology underlying a certain element of a literary work.

This approach gives a deeper understanding in analyzing character’s thought and how it influences the behavior pattern.

In this research, the researcher only uses the psychological approach in

order to find out the result of the problem formulation which is closely related to


the psychology of human beings based on Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper.

Psychological approach is one of the ways to develop characterization in the literary works.

3. Theory of Personality

According to Warren and Carmichael (1930), “Personality is the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of his development. It embraces every phase of human character: intellect, temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that has been built up in the course of one’s life” (p. 333).

Everyone has different personality. Personality itself will affect the character building of human being. There are some personality’s development phases in life which need the extra cautious. Those are the childhood and adolescence phase.

In1989, Mussen, Conger, and Kagan concluded, “adolescence has traditionally been viewed as a critical period in development, not only in America but in many other cultures as well—particularly the more technologically advanced societies.”

“We are told by some alarmed observers that youth today is more rebellious, more troubled emotionally, more promiscuous sexually, less idealistic, and more critical of the values and standards of the adult culture and more “disengaged” from them” (pp.605-606).

Based on those experts’ opinion, we can see that adolescence is a critical phase in a human life. Adolescence is the state when a human cannot be categorized as a child or not a grown up either. Hence, they intend to be rebellious during adolescence period.

In this research, the researcher analyzes how Anna’s personality affects

her decision to rebel against her parents. Anna is still 13 years old and she makes


such a huge decision. It shows that Anna’s personality more or less gives some impact in taking the decision. Anna is classified in the beginning phase of adolescence.

According to Ausubel (1958), parents add to the consistency of the child’s personality development by providing a continuing environment that tends to remain relatively constant during the important formative years of the child’s growth (pp. 182-183). The roles of parents are very crucial in children’s personality development because children learn everything first at home. Parents are the children role models. Children will think that parents’ actions are the examples of the right thing.

4. Theory of Adolescence

In the adolescence transition from the childhood, not only the physical appearance changes but also the mental or the psychology aspects of the adolescent. According to Hurlock (1973), “adolescence is a period of transition when the individual changes physically and psychologically from a child to an adult. In addition, according to Hurlock (1973), there are two segments of adolescence; the early and late adolescence” (p. 2).

Hall describes adolescence as a period of “storm and stress”, a time when the individual is erratic, emotional, unstable, and unpredictable”. “Basically, human’s development is influenced by two factors of early experiences: home experiences, and experiences outside the home” (as cited in Hurlock, 1974, pp.



5. Theory of Rebellion

According to Camus, the term rebellion does involve a negative activity of resisting oppression, it also acts in a positive way to affirm human dignity, solidarity, friendship, justice, liberation, and beauty (as cited in Bartlett, 2004, p.

1). In addition, according to Camus, rebellion is simultaneously a movement against injustice and for liberation. By justice, Camus meant anything that humiliates and degrades, that cuts persons off from their full potential and self- expression, that denies dignity, whether it be the exploitation of workers, poverty, violence, the suffering of children, or the death of innocents (as cited in Bartlett, 2004, p.42).

C. Theoretical Framework

This part explains the theories applied in this research in order to answer and analyze the two formulated problems. In the theoretical framework, the writer summarizes the theories used and how these are applied in the analysis.

In this research, there are two problem formulations. The first formulated problem is “How is Anna character’s described in the novel?” In order to answer this question, the researcher uses the theories from the experts in psychological approach, character and characterization, adolescent development, personality developments and theory of rebellion.

The second formulated problem is “How does Anna show her rebellious

actions against her parents as portrayed in the novel?” In order to answer this

problems formulation, the researcher uses theory of adolescent development,

theory of rebellion, and theory of personalities.


In this research, the researcher uses the psychological approach because

this research deals with psychological problem which is about Anna’s rebellion

towards her parents. The researcher also uses the characterization theory and

personality development theory in order to explore Anna’s character. Then, the

researcher uses the theory adolescent development and theory of rebellion because

this research analyzes the reasons of Anna’s rebellion.




Chapter III discusses the methodology used to accomplish this research.

This chapter consists of three sections. The first is object of the study. This section contains the information and the descriptions of the research about My Sister’s Keeper novel which is the main source of this research. The second is the approach of the study. This section deals with the approaches which are used in the analysis. The third is the method of the study which explains and discusses the procedures and steps used to analyze the research.

A. Object of the Study

My Sister’s Keeper, a novel by Jodi Picoult becomes the object of this research. Jodi Picoult is an American writer. She is one of the International bestselling authors with several outstanding novels. One of her famous novels is My Sister’s Keeper. This novel was written and inspired by the current issue at that time about designer baby in the USA. In medical and political community in USA, a designer baby has been a controversial issue. Hence this issue inspired Jodi Picoult to write this novel.

Jodi Picoult is famous as a controversial writer because she likes to write

about tragedy that happens in a family. Most of her novels are telling the tragedy

in families. My Sister’s Keeper is her eleventh novel. In 2014, she wrote a new

novel entitled Leaving Time which also dealt with tragedy in a family. Her novels

become the first New York Best Seller for several times.


My Sister’s Keeper novel was published in 2004 by Atria Books and in 2005 by Washington Square Press. In this research, the researcher uses the novel published by Atria Books. This novel consists of 500 pages. In this novel, the author used the first-person point of view for all characters in each chapter.

Jodi Picoult and her novels received many praises from the reader and got several awards. In 2003, she was awarded the New England Bookseller Award for fiction and this novel was awarded as “The New York Times” best seller in 2004.

In 2009, this novel was adapted into a movie with the same title My Sister’s Keeper. The movie is starred by several famous Hollywood actresses and actors such as Cameron Diaz as Sara Fitzgerald, Abigail Breslin as Anna Fitzgerald, Alec Baldwin as Anna’s lawyer, and Sofia Vassilieva as Kate Fitzgerald. The plot of the story more or less is the same as the novel but the ending is different. Same responses and praises like the book received by the movie. This movie was awarded and nominated in several festivals. It won Teen Choice Award for Choice Summer Movie: Drama in 2009. Then in 2010, Young Artist Award for Best Performance in a Feature Film-Supporting Young Actress was awarded for Sofia Vassilieva as Kate Fitzgerald, and Young Artist Award Best Performance in a Feature Film-Leading Young Actress was awarded to Abigail Breslin as Anna Fitzgerald.

In the novel, the conflict appears in Fitzgerald family when Anna, the

youngest daughter of Brian and Sara Fitzgerald, wonders why a baby born to the

world. It is common for a teenager like Anna to wonder just like other teenagers

who are curious about their existences. She gets many answers from her brother


Jesse and also from books. Many of her friends start to look for the words related to sexual organs. She knows that sometimes baby is conceived by “accidents”, for example it is because the girl goes drunk or the unsuccessful contraception. Anna even knows from her classmate, Sedona, that Sedona is named after the place where her parents conceive her. Then, Anna asks her parents and she surprisingly gets an answer. Anna was born different from other babies in the world. She is a designer baby. Anna was born because of a specific purpose that was to be a perfect donor for Kate, her older sister who has got APL (Acute Promyeloctic Leukimia) since Kate was two years old.

After Anna knows the reason why she was born to this world, then she wonders what happened if Kate is never sick. She thought that maybe she will never exist then. When Anna is 13 years old, she refuses to donate her kidney for Kate. This is for the first time Anna do not obey her parents’ command. This action is the beginning of Anna’s rebellion against her parents especially to her mother, Sara.

This topic is very interesting for the researcher. Anna shows the behavioral change. She becomes a rebel adolescent. Surprisingly, Anna who is still 13 years old sues her own parents, Sara and Brian Fitzgerald for medical emancipation.

B. Approach of the Study

The approach of the research employed in this research is psychological

approach. This approach fits this research because it discusses the human

personality and behavior. Rohrberger and Woods (1971) suggested five kinds of

critical approach. Those are the formalist, the biographical, the socio cultural-


historical, the mythopeic, and the psychological approaches (pp. 6-15). Here are the explanations of these critical approaches:

Table 2 Five approaches in studying literature


1. Formalist Focusing on total integrity of the literary piece itself and the aesthetic value.

2. Biographical The author’s personality, life, and development have influence on the writing.

3. Social-Cultural History Using this approach we can see the social condition and the historical background in the past.

4. Mythopoeic Emphasizing on discovering certain universally recurrent pattern of human thought in the art.

Concerning about death and rebirth, guilt and sacrifices, primitive rites, and theological aspects of Christian doctrine that found in the ancient rites.

5. Psychological Focusing on the human psychology. This approach is used to identify every aspect of psychology underlying a certain element of a literary work.

This approach gives a deeper understanding in analyzing character’s thought and how it influences the behavior pattern.

In this research, the researcher used the Psychological approach in order to analyze the behavior and personality of Anna Fitzgerald which leads her to rebel against her parents based on Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper novel.

In addition, according to Rohrberger and Woods (1971), the psychological

approach involved the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent pattern


human psychology (p.13). This approach is done to find out the human behavior and personality of Anna in My Sister’s Keeper, also analyzes the way Anna shows her rebellious actions to her parents.

C. Method of the Study

This section describes the procedures that are used in analyzing this novel.

In conducting this research, the researcher used library study. The researcher gathered the data from the novel, e-articles, the previous studies, My Sister’s Keeper film, and many written sources related to this research especially about literary works. The primary data is My Sister’s Keeper novel by Jodi Picoult. The secondary data is from some books and other resources from the internet.

In conducting this research, there are some steps the researcher did. The first step was the researcher chose the novel My Sister’s Keeper as the object of the study and the primary source in this research. The second step was reading the novel twice. After the researcher got the essence and good understanding, the researcher noted some points that could be discussed in the research. The researcher got an interesting point about this novel which could be the topic of the research. The conflict appeared because of Anna’s rebellion. This became the root of this novel problem. Hence the researcher chose to analyze this topic about Anna’s rebellion.

Next step, the researcher watched My Sister’s Keeper movie to enrich and

get more understanding about the story. Based on this movie, the researcher could

visualize the story of this novel. Then after watching the film the researcher

started to search and collect some data about literature work, human psychology,


adolescence rebellion, and personality development that would help the researcher make the problem formulations and the objectives of this reserach. After that, the researcher searched and read some experts theories which are related and applicable to the research. The researcher went to library and read some books and e-articles. The references books were used in this research are the books about character and characterization theory, critical approach theory, adolescent theory, rebellion theory, and personality theory. Then, the researcher made a mind map.

The researcher gathered the data and wrote it down to the mind map. The method

of writing a mind map is really helpful to make the researcher’s writing organized

and tidy. Next step, the researcher analyzed this research in order to answer the

two problem formulation questions. Then, the researcher concluded this research.




Chapter IV aims to answer the two problem formulation questions. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part of this chapter is analyzing how the characters of Anna are portrayed in the novel. Then, the second part is discussing why Anna rebels against her parents.

A. The Description of Anna Fitzgerald’s Characters

Anna Fitzgerald is the youngest children of Brian and Sara Fitzgerald. She is the main character in the My Sister’s Keeper novel. Anna plays a central part in the novel. She has two siblings; Jesse and Kate. Their happy life is ruined all of sudden when Kate is diagnosed having APL. After that, Sara and Brian try to save Kate by having a designer baby. That is Anna, the perfect donor for Kate.

In 1988, according to Barnet, Berman, and Burto concluded, “character

has two meanings, they are a figure in literary work and personality which

represents the mental and moral qualities of a figure, for example someone’s

character is strong, weak, or whatever” (p.71). This research focuses on Anna’s

personality development and her characterization in the novel. In order to analyze

the character of Anna Fitzgerald, the researcher will employ some methods of the

theory characterization by Murphy (1972), there are five methods to describe

characters, namely the character as seen by another, speech, conversation of

others, reactions, and thought (pp. 162-173). Those five methods above will assist


the researcher in analyzing the characters of Anna Fitzgerald, namely brave, selfless, and rebellious.

Meanwhile, according to Warren and Carmichael (1930), “Personality is the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of his development”

(p. 333). Everyone has different personality. The personality itself will affect the character development of human being. In this part, it shows Anna’s personalities as portrayed in the novel. Hence, these personalities affect her rebellion against her parents.

1. Brave

The first character of Anna is brave. According to Murphy (1972), Anna’s brave character can be described by Julia’s comments (p. 162). It shows from the sentence as follow.

Julia reaches us first and leans over the gallery railing to hug Anna. “You were very brave.” Over Anna's shoulder she grins at me (p. 484).

Based on the quotation above, Julia said that Anna is brave. This happens the moment after the hearing of the lawsuit. Julia describes Anna as a brave person because after the nerve-racking and exhausting trials, Anna tries her best to win the trial. She is so brave that she gives the testimony. It amazes Julia. Julia sees how Anna overcomes all the hardships. It proves that Anna has brave personality.

After that, according Murphy (1972), Anna’s brave character is revealed through the conversation from other persons (p. 167). This conversation comes from Judge De Salvo, Campbell and Anna’s mother in the court room.

At that, the judge turns to me. “Well, what's this all about, Counselor?”


“Mrs. Fitzgerald's youngest daughter is seeking medical emancipation from her parents.”

Sara shakes her head. “That's not true, Judge.” Hearing his name, my dog glances up. “I spoke to Anna, and she assured me she really doesn't want to do this. She had a bad day, and wanted a little extra attention.” Sara lifts a shoulder. “You know how thirteen-year-olds can be” (pp.99-100).

The sentence, “Mrs. Fitzgerald's youngest daughter is seeking medical emancipation from her parents.” shows that Anna has a brave character. Anna is capable of fighting for her own rights.

2. Selfless

Anna sacrifices many things in her life for Kate. Anna likes playing hockey and she joins a local team. She is a talented goalie and the only girl in the team. Anna is good at it and she wants to join as a permanent member but Kate’s condition somehow makes Anna difficult to focus in the team. Her mother, Sara is against it. According to Murphy (1972), speech can reveal a person characters (p.


“The older you get, the less the coach forgives you if you miss a game.” She shrugs. “I don't like letting a whole team down” (p.


Because Kate’s condition is unstable and whenever it happens, she needs Anna as

her donor. Due to this reason, Anna cannot play hockey properly. It will affect the

team’s performance so Anna decides to stop playing hockey. She will not let the

team in bad situation because of her. She realizes that the coach cannot

considerate many times because it will affect the whole team. This action shows

that Anna has selfless personality.


Interesting way to put it, I think. “Do your friends still play hockey?”

“Friends?” She shakes her head. “You can't really have anyone over to your house when your sister needs to be resting. You do not get invited back for sleepovers when your mom comes topic you up at two in the morning to go to the hospital. It's probably been a while since you've been in middle school, but most people think freak hood is contagious” (p. 134).

Anna has few friends. The circumstances in her family cause her difficult to hang out with her friends. As mentioned in the novel that Kate is sick, it is difficult to make friends because it will disturb Kate and somehow many of them think that terminal illness is contagious. Anna tries not to complain about this matter. She knows that Kate’s condition is more important than to have friends. This action shows that Anna is a selfless person.

In the novel, there is one crucial character that is Julia Romano. She is Anna’s Guardian ad Litem (GAL). Julia’s responsibility is to observe and watch Anna’s condition as her job from Judge De Salvo, the judge of Anna’s health emancipation case. Then, from Julia’s point of view, Anna selfless character shows from the following paragraph.

I take a deep breath and look at Anna.

“What I see here is a young woman who has spent her life feeling an enormous responsibility for her sister's well-being. In fact, she knows she was brought into this world to carry that responsibility” (p. 438).

Based on the text above, Anna is the one who has big task in her life although she

is still 13 years old. She is the keeper for her sister. This responsibility is not an

easy thing to deal with. She has to be ready whenever Kate is collapse or needs


something from Anna. She knows that this is her responsibility to help Kate and never asks for reward. This shows that Anna has selfless personality.

“I know that when Anna made the choice to file this lawsuit, she did not do it for all the self-centered reasons you might expect of a thirteen year- old. She didn't make this decision because she wanted to be like other kids her age. She didn't make this decision because she was tired of being poked and prodded. She didn't make this decision because she was afraid of the pain” (p.


Lastly, when Anna files a lawsuit against her parents, it is quite unexpected behavior from Anna. She is always obedient toward her parents.

However, she insists to stop being Kate’s donor. Then, from Julia’s point of view after all the observations toward Anna closely also from Anna’s surprising testimony, Julia knows the reason behind Anna’s behavior is not merely because she is egoistic but on the contrary, Anna is so selfless. She grants Kate’s wishes to die peacefully rather than gets a kidney transplant.

In the Fitzgerald’s family, they have different roles. Anna is an obedient kid, while on the other hand Jesse is a troublemaker, and Kate is the helpless daughter. Then, Anna’s role is the peacekeeper in the family as Jesse mentions in the novel below.

“Don’t mess with the system, Anna,” he says bitterly. “We’ve all got our scripts down pat. Kate plays the Martyr. I’m the Lost Cause. And you, you’re the Peacekeeper” (p. 15).

When everything goes wrong in the family, Anna overcomes the crisis. This

family is struggling a lot because of Kate’s health issue and Jesse’s juvenile

delinquent actions that his parents does not care anymore because their attention is


mostly for Kate. Suddenly Anna does not want to be Kate’s donor anymore. It shakes the system in the Fitzgerald family. This action is the contrary of Anna’s role in the family. Jesse warns Anna to rethink again about her decision because it will lead to a chaos in the family.

3. Rebellious

The third character of Anna is rebellious. The action of hiring a lawyer shows that Anna has rebellious personality. It shows in the sentence below. This sentence reveals that Anna wants to sue her parents because she wants to be treated fairly by her parents. She wants to have full consent of her own body. She does not obey her parents anymore.

She says she wants to sue her parents like every other teenager on the planet. But she wants to sue for the rights to her own body (pp. 22-23).

According to Murphy (1972), the reaction towards various events or situation can reveal a person’s characters (p. 168).

“Did you really sue God?” I take out all the newspaper clippings, smooth them on the bare desk (p.20).

Anna thinks that attorney Campbell Alexander really sues God. This way

of thinking shows that Anna is rebellious. Actually, Campbell does not sue God

but he sues the Diocesan of Providence. Anna thinks that Campbell is the most

suitable or perfect attorney to defend her because he can win against God then he

can easily win against her parents. This rebellious way of thinking then leads

Anna to hire Campbell Alexander as her attorney.


They don’t really pay attention to me, except when they need my blood or something. I wouldn’t even be alive, if it wasn’t for Kate being sick” (p. 24).

According to Murphy (1972), the thought of a character method means the opinion of a person often reveal a clue about a character (p. 171). Anna thinks her parents do not pay much attention toward her except when they need something for Kate. This rebellious way of thinking of Anna is because she knows that she is a designer baby for Kate. It makes Anna feel her existence is nothing without Kate. If Kate is healthy, her mother will not conceive Anna.

I used to pretend that I was just passing through this family on my way to my real one (p. 57).

Then, Anna’s rebellious personality shows when she pretends that her real family is not the Fitzgerald. Anna behaves like this because she is done with her family condition. She wishes that somehow, she can escape from her family circumstances.

“What happened last night?” When Anna goes mute, I lose my patience. “Listen. If you're not going to go through with a lawsuit then I'd appreciate it if you had the honesty to tell me now, rather than later. Because I'm not a family therapist or your best buddy; I'm your attorney. And for me to be your attorney there actually has to be a case. Therefore, I will ask you one more time: have you changed your mind about this lawsuit?” (p.


Anna’s rebellious behavior makes Campbell question Anna’s commitment in the

lawsuit. Anna does not have any courage to tell her mother again that she still

continues the lawsuit. This is inevitable for Anna because it will affect the judge’s

opinion about this case. Then, when Judge De Salvo gives the order that Sara

must leave the house, it makes Anna in a dilemma.


Julia kneels down in front of me. “Do you want your mother to leave the house?”

“No!” To my utter embarrassment, my eyes get glassy with tears. “I've changed my mind. I don't want to do this anymore.

None of it” (p. 221).

Anna is in dilemma situation. She will not let her mother leave the house. It makes Anna to feel unsure of her own decision. She will not be continuing the lawsuit. It breaks her heart. Thus, those are the evidences that Anna has complex personality.

B. The Rebellion of Anna against Her Parents

In this section, the researcher discusses the answer of the second question, namely how Anna shows her rebellious actions against her mother. In addition, the researcher also discusses the reasons behind her rebellious action.

When Anna is 13 years old, she wants to stop donating for her sister. She sues her parents for the right of her own body. This act is considered as a rebellion toward her parents especially to her mother, Sara.

According to Camus, the term rebellion does involve a negative activity of resisting oppression, it also acts in a positive way to affirm human dignity, solidarity, friendship, justice, liberation, and beauty (as cited in Bartlett, 2004, p.1).

Anna’s rebellion is the result of the unjust treatment she receives from her

parents especially from her mother. In Anna’s point of view, Sara only priorities

her dying daughter over her healthy daughter. Anna’s life purpose and role in the

family is to be the peace keeper or in other words, the one who can save Kate.


... Just my parents,” I say. “I want to sue them for the right to my own body” (p. 21).

In Fitzgerald family, whether everything will look normal or not depends on Kate’s health condition. There is a system as mentioned by Jesse. If Anna shakes the system then the result is obvious; chaos in Fitzgerald family. When Anna tells Jesse about the plan to sue their parents actually he rejects Anna’s idea, but in the end, he helps Anna to meet the famous lawyer Campbell Alexander.

The reasons why she wants to have rights to her own body are because she does not want to donate her kidney to Kate and Anna is really tired with her parents who always make the decision without asking her permission and concern.

This is why the issue gets into the trial in court and Anna hires an attorney named Campbell Alexander because her mother, Sara, insists that Anna has to donate her kidney to save Kate’s life. Based on this novel, it can also be seen that figure of a mother who wants to sacrifice everything to her children. However, something too much is always not good. The example is Sara only concerns about Kate and neglects Anna and Jesse, her oldest son. There are some reasons of Anna’s rebellion.

According to Camus, rebellion is simultaneously a movement against

injustice and for liberation. By justice Camus meant anything that humiliates and

degrades, that cuts persons off from their full potential and self-expression, that

denies dignity, whether it be the exploitation of workers, poverty, violence, the

suffering of children, or the death of innocents (as cited in Bartlett, 2004, p.42).


Based on the sentences above, this part analyzes the three causes of Anna’s rebellion. Those are Anna’s immature behavior, the unjust treatment from her mother, and Anna’s struggling to get health emancipation of her own body.

1. Anna’s Immature Behavior

Anna can be classified as in the early stage of adolescence. The label of immaturity cannot be separated from adolescent. In this stage of life, an adolescent still cannot decide with proper judgment and calculation.

According to Hurlock (1973), “Adolescence is a period of transition when the individual changes physically and psychologically from a child to an adult.

According Hurlock there are two segments of adolescence; the early and late adolescence” (p.2). In adolescence transition, it is not only the physical appearance that changes, but also the mental or the psychology aspects of the adolescent. Anna undergoes countless surgeries due to save Kate’s life. She does those surgeries since the very beginning of her life. Anna is in the early stage of adolescent when she is curious about the meaning of herself to her parents. She knows the reason of her existence was to save Kate. She is always obedient until when Kate needs a kidney transplant.

Anna begins to rebel. She will not be the donor for her sister anymore.

Hall described “adolescence as a period of “storm and stress,” a time when the

individual is erratic, emotional, unstable, and unpredictable” (as cited in Hurlock,

1973, p.3). Then, Anna decision to sue her parents is unpredictable.


As a 13 year-old girl, Anna decides to stop being Kate’s donor as the result of her immature behavior. Anna’s immature behavior shows from the statement below, when Jesse told about her family rules.

Don’t mess with the system, Anna,” he says bitterly. “We’ve all got our scripts down pat. Kate plays the martyr. I’m the Lost Cause. And you’re the Peacekeeper” (p.17)

Based on the sentence above, Jesse reminds Anna not to mess their family with her rebellion against their parents. Anna misadjusted action is the real example of her immaturity in taking a decision. She is going to take a legal action toward her parents. Anna does not think further about the consequences of her immaturity action which in the future will lead her family into severe conflict.

Anna immaturity behavior also leads to her unsure decision. In the mid of her trial she is shaken by her mother. Sara forces Anna to drop the lawsuit and agree to give her kidney to Kate. It is stated in this sentence below:

“You know what I think? The reason no one ever asks you for your opinion about anything important is because you change your mind so often they don’t know that to believe. Take me, for example. I don’t even know if we’re still petitioning a judge for medical emancipation” (p. 262).

Anna immature behavior makes Campbell to warn her if Anna truly wants her goal achieved. Anna is so immature so she can change her decision without thinking twice or anticipated the risks.

“If you want to be treated like an adult by the court, you need to start acting like one. The only way I can fight for you, Anna, is if you can prove to everyone that you can fight for yourself when I walk away” (p. 263).

Campbell reminds Anna to stop her immature behavior in order to be heard in the

court and to be treated like a grown up. Anna needs to stand up for herself. Hence,


Table 1 Five approaches in studying literature ....................................................
Table 1 Five approaches in studying literature
Table 2 Five approaches in studying literature


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