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Nova Cristina Haloho Reg Number 4123332013

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program 2012


Submited to fulfill the Requirement for Getting Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Nova Cristina Haloho (Reg Number 4123332013) ABSTRACT

The development innovative of student worksheet with problem based learning to improve student learning outcome on topic solubility and solubility product is explained. The aimed of this research, the first getting innovative student worksheet with PBL who have met the eligibility Criteria presentation standards BSNP perception of teacher and expert validation, the second to improving the student learning outcome on topic of solubility and solubility product, the third to know increasing of student learning outcome using innovative student worksheet with PBL compare student worksheet the already exist in school. the research was done in SMA N Sidikalang on second semester. The population was all of the students in grade XI at the second semester academic year 2015/2016. The class divide into two classes; experiment class and the control class. Instrument that used is validated 20 multiple choice questions by empirical validity and construct validity and all question are reliable. From 20 items, 1 difficult items, 17 medium items, 2 easy items. From 20 items, 3 good items, 12 enough items, and 5 poor items. The reability is rcount is 0.7350 > rtable is 0.361. . The first time, same pretest is given to both of class. In experiment class was used problem based learning model using concept map and in control class was used conventional model. The last, same post-test is given for each of class after teaching treatment. Test result stated that the sample is distributed normally and homogeneity. Based on the result, the post-test of experiment class (87.5±9.07) is higher than control class (82.83±66.6). The normalized gain experiment class is 10.8±11.07 higher than control class 6.5±11.07. The hypothesis testing show that value of tcount (2.23) while ttable (1.672), tcount >tztable so Ha is accepted and H0 is refused. It proved that student learning outcome was taught by PBL model using student worksheet is higher than conventional model. Base on trials on learning outcomes obtained results of studying chemistry student taught using innovative student worksheet (LKS) higher compared with the result of studying chemistry student taught by conventional, where the result of the tcount right parties obtained tcount= 2.27 greater than ttable = 1.672. tcount > ttable (2.26 > 1.672) at α = 0.05 in which the increase of 37.81%.




Thanks to Jesus Christ that always blessed me for finished my thesis. I know You always have big and best plan for me no matter what. You are full of kindness.

This Thesis Titiled “The Development Of Innovative Student Worksheet With Problem Based Learning To Improve Student Learning Outcome On Topic Of Solubility And Solubility Product”. This thesis aimed to fulfil the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree at Chemistry Department of Mathematics and Science Faculty of State University of Medan.

I would like to said my gratitude to Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd., as the Dean of FMIPA Unimed, Dr. Iis Sitijahro, M.Si., as the Coordinator of Bilingual Program in FMIPA Unimed, Nora Susanti, S.Si., Apt., M.Sc., as the secretary of Bilingual Program in FMIPA Unimed, and also Agus Kembaren , S.Si., M.Si., as the Head of Chemistry Department in FMIPA Unimed.

I would said my special gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si., as Thesis Supervisor for your help, your advice, and your suggestion in my thesis and I also thanks to Dr. Marudut Sinaga, M.Si., as my Academic Supervisor. My great thanks also go to Prof.Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., Dr. Marham Sitorus, M.Si., Dr. Ajat Sudrajat, M.Si., as my Thesis Examiner Lecturer. I also would said thanks to Student Worksheet validator Prof.Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., for all your advice and suggestion.

I also thanks to Drs. Alben Sianturi as Headmaster of SMA N 1 Sidikalang. I also said thanks to all the teachers that already helped me by giving advice and suggestion in arranging my LKS, Drs. Silas Sihombing, R. Gajahmanik, S.Pd. and S. Sembiring.



Turnip. And all my niece say thanks for all support me, (Owen, Agnes, Joy, Ardi, Appro, Abel, Boni, Billy, Bona, Tama and one Princesses Haloho of them Jeslyn)

Thanks to my beloved classmate, CESP 2012. Thanks for all your happy time, sadness, laguhness that we already passed for thesis 4 years. Thanks to Lisnawati, Har-har, Rinamen, Yuntel for you know me so well. Thanks to all my Koordinasi 2016 UKMKP UP FMIPA untuk semangat dan dukungannya. Buat KTB (Kak Fretty, Kak Rina, Arif, Anggi, Hariaty, Novel, Lestari, Nina, Penny, dan Julius), My AKK in Small Group (Warmi, Winda, Sariana, Respioka, Rima, Apriani, Indriani, Haris, Stefani, Septrisna). Thanks also I said for My Sado Ferdinand Tampubolon as to support me. Also thanks for Pak EP and all friends Mr. P.SItumorang as my pamong in ppl and help me in research.

Thanks for support, kost oppung Kak Reni, Isa, Esra, Bunga, Putri, Yuni, Masli, Junita, Lia, Hanatri and all of them. Thanks for support the author, UKMKP UNIMED, IMPASS Medan, and IKBKK, thanks for give experience life when the author college.

Thanks to all my team of PPLT Unimed in SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang for all experience. Thanks to my students in SMANSASI especially class IA1 and IA2, for your support and pray. Especially big thanks for my beloved friend, my real friend Alva Omega (KARYA PRIMA BUTARBUTAR) for support me, on condition sad or happy, give me motivation, give support in material and all prays. And thanks to all people, whose the name can’t mention but always support me. I love you all.

Medan, June 2016 Writer





Legalization Paper i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

List of Contents ix

List of Figure ix

List of Tables x

List of Appendix xi


1.1. Background 1

1.2. Problem of Identification 4

1.3. Problem Formulation 5

1.4. Problem Limitation 5

1.5. Research Objective 5

1.6. Research Benefits 6

1.7. Operational Definition 6


2.1. Definition of Study and Learning Study 8

2.1.2. Learning Outcome 8

2.2. Teaching Materials 9

2.2.1. Definition of Teaching Materials 9 2.2.2. Kinds of Teaching Materials 10 2.3. Standard Teaching Materials based on BNSP 10 2.3.1. Standard Worthiness contains of Teaching Materials 10

2.4. Students Worksheet 11



2.4.6. Kinds of Student Worksheet 14 2.4.7. Characteristics of Student Worksheet 15 2.4.8. Creating to make of Student Worksheet 15 2.4.9. Advantages and Disadvantages of Student Worksheet 17

2.5. Learning Model 19

2.5.1. Problem Based Learning Model 19 2.5.2. Strength and Weakness of Problem Based Learning 22 2.6. Solubility and Solubility Product (Ksp) 23

2.6.1. Solubility 23

2.6.2. Solubility Product (Ksp) 24

2.6.3. Chemical Equilibrium and Solubility 25 2.6.4. Relationship between Solubility and Ksp 26

2.7. Hypothesis 28


3.1. Location and Time of Research 29

3.2. Population and Sample 29

3.3. Research Variable 29

3.4. Research Design 30

3.5. Research Instruments 30

3.5.1. Content Validity Test s 31

3.5.2. Validity Item Tests 31

3.2.3. Level Difficulty 32

3.5.4. Discrimination Tests 32

3.5.5. Reliability Test 33

3.5.6. Distracter 33

3.6. Data Analysis Techniques 34

3.6.1. Preparation Phase 34

3.6.2. Stage of Research 37

3.7. Data Analysis Techniques 40

3.7.1. Normality Test 41

3.7.2. Homogeneity Test 42

3.8. Hypothesis Testing 42




4.1. Survey Student Worksheet chemistry 44

4.2. Analysis Student Worksheet SMA 44

4.3. Development and standardization of Innovative Student Worksheet 52 4.4. The Role of Innovative Student Worksheet on Learning Outcome 59 4.4.1. Standardization Instrument Test 59 Validity Instrument Test 59 Diffulcty Index 60 Destructor 60 Discrimination Index of Instrument 60 Reliability Test 61

4.5. Analysis Data Result 61

4.5.1. Calculate Average Values Pretest and posttest Class

Experiment and Control Class 61

4.5.2. Improve Student Learning Outcome 62

4.5.3. Normality Test Data 62

4.5.4. Homogeneity Test Data 63

4.5.5. Hypothesis 64

4.5.6. Percentage Improving Student Learning Outcome 64

4.6. Discussion 65


5.1. Conclusion 67

5.2. Suggestion 68




Table 2.1. Steps of PBL 21

Table 3.1. Research Design 30

Table 3.2. Validity criteria analysis average value 31 Table 4.1. The results of the questionnaire assessment of students based on

Eligibility student worksheet (LKS) content by Chemistry Teacher

Ratings. 45

Table 4.2. The result of the questionnaire student worksheet (LKS) based

on the language to feasibility assessment chemistry Teacher. 47 Table 4.3. The results of the questionnaire student worksheets based on

the merits presentation by rating Chemistry Teacher. 49 Table 4.4. The results of the questionnaire based on a feasibility assessment

module graphic judgment Chemistry Teacher 50 Table 4.5. The results of the questionnaire based on a feasibility assessment

LKS content by votes Lecturer Chemistry and Chemistry Teacher 54 Table 4.6. The results of the questionnaire based on the feasibility language LKS

votes by rating Lecturer of Chemistry and Chemistry Teacher 55 Table 4.7. The questionnaire results LKS ratings based feasibility presentation

by rating Lecturer of Chemistry and Chemistry Teacher 56 Table 4.8. The questionnaire results LKS ratings based eligibility feasibility

graphic by rating Lecturer of Chemistry and Chemistry Teacher. 57 Table 4.9. Range of Finally Validation Innovative student worksheet 59 Table 4.10. The Result Achievement average pre-test and post-test 61 Table 4.11. Results Acquisition Gain Average Experiment And Control 62 Table 4.12. Normality Test Data Pre-Test and Post-Test 63 Table 4.13 Homogeneity Test Data Pre-Test and Post-Test 63

Table 4.14. Result hypothesis Test 64




Figure 2.1 Flow diagram of the steps the preparation of student worksheet 12

Figure 3.1. Procedure on the Development and standardizations student

Worksheet In Senior High School 36

Figure 3.2. Design Research 39

Figure 4.1. Feasibility level LKS analyzed 51

Figure 4.2. Tabulation average Range of Validation of Innovative Materials Worksheet students solubility and solubility product Class XI Based Component Content Feasibility, Feasibility Language,




Appendix 1 Syllabus 71

Appendix 2 Lesson Class 75

Appendix 3 Test Instrument 98

Appendix 4 Instrument Test 114

Appendix 5 Key Answer 123

Appendix 6 Instrument Test 124

Appendix 7 Key Answer 127

Appendix 8 Observation Sheet 128

Appendix 9 Calculation of Validity of Item Test 134

Appendix 10 Table of Validity 135

Appendix 11 Calculation of Difficulty Level of Item Test 136 Appendix 12 Table of Difficulty Test 137 Appendix 13 Calculation of Discrimination Index of Item Test 138 Appendix 14 Calculation of Reliability of Item Test 139

Appendix 15 Distracter 140

Appendix 16 Assessment BSNP 144

Appendix 17 Questionnaire Assessment of Teacher to Student

Worksheet 164

Appendix 18 Questionnaire t Assessment of Lecture to Student

Worksheet 170

Appendix 19 Questionnaire Assessment of Teacher to Student

Worksheet Innovative 174

Appendix 20 Questionnaire Assessment of Lecture and Teacher to

Student Worksheet 178

Appendix 21 Tabulation Data of Student Value 182 Appendix 22 Average, Standard Deviation and Variants 184

Appendix 23 Normality Test 187



Experiment And Control Class 198 Appendix 27 Increasing Percentage of Learning 202 Appendix 28 Table of Activities Student Class

Experiment 203

Appendix 29 Table of Activities Student Class Control 205 Appendix 30 Data Activities Individual of Student 207 Appendix 31 Data Activities Group of Student Class Experiment 209 Appendix 32 Data Activities Group of Student Class Control 211 Appendix 33 Data Activities Group of Student 213 Appendix 34 Tabulation of Student Value 215 Appendix 35 Questionnaire Contentment 217 Appendix 36 Questionnaire Contentment 218

Appendix 37 Table Value of Chi 219

Appendix 38 Table of Value Distribution 220 Appendix 39 Table of Value Percentile for Distribution F 221 Appendix 40 Innovative Student Worksheet 222



Education is one of the important things in the world. On the basis of wisdom and sanity grounds, education is the light that enlightens in them the ability to differentiate between right and wrong, true and false, correct and incorrect and also is the milestone in the development of integrated personality, the righteousness in character and inculcation of social, moral, ethical and spiritual values.

The fundamental concept of basic education is to make productive crafts the medium of education. It is questioned whiter knowledge of the various branches of learning can be possibly attained through handicraft. A detailed study of the industrial processes will reveal the true answer and satisfy the sceptic in this respect. From the very beginning of creation man has been utilisingthe gifts of nature for his own comfort and prosperty (Singsh, 2004)

According to law No. 20 2003 Education is a conspicuous and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have spiritual powers, religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him, society, nation, and State. It can be concluded that education is the guidance or help given by an adult to a child’s development to reach maturity with the aim that children are quite capable duty not his own life with the help of others.

The development of innovative student worksheet is very important as it is known that innovative teaching and learning is able to motivate students to learn effectively that may improve student’s achievement in chemistry. Especially in fulfill high quality of learning material that used by students in senior high school or Madrasah Aliya that available (Situmorang, 2010).



Chemistry including one branch of science, because investigations of chemistry using scientific procedures. Chemistry is the study of waking up or structure of matter, changes in matter, and accompanying energy (Keenan, 1986).

Chemistry as one of specialization in science subjects in class XI. Learning in class XI SMA is a science that is rich of abstract concepts. Chemistry is not a new subject for students, but often found a high school student who considers chemical materials complicated and difficult to learn, so students have first felt less able to study the learning outcomes even under the KKM. Purwaningtyas (2012) states that the causes of low student learning outcomes are caused by several factors, both factors of teachers, students, and other factors that cannot be controlled. Teacher of factors is not possible using a tool that can be integrated in all teaching and learning activities and require teachers to be more creative in the implementation process so that teaching and learning activities still lead to a conventional method.



Student worksheet is a learning resource that can be developed by the teacher as a facilitator in the learning activities. Student Worksheet prepared can be designed and developed in accordance with the conditions and situations of learning activities that will be encountered. Student Worksheet is also a medium of learning, because it can be used in conjunction with learning resources or other instructional media. Student Worksheet is a source of learning and instructional media dependent on learning activities are designed.

Student worksheet as a learning resource can be used as an alternative medium of learning. Student Worksheet including print media of the development of printing technology in the form of books and contains visual material, as expressed by Arsyad (2004; 29). Student Worksheet is a type that is intended to help students learn directionally. Student Worksheet can also be a handbook for teachers in addition to other books. According Slameto (2003), learning is influenced by two factors, namely: (1) internal factors such as students' prior knowledge and (2) external factors such as learning approach. Learning approach can be performed using Student Worksheet media. LKS way of presenting the material in the delivery of materials covers activities involving students actively example exercises, discussions, and simple experiments (Eli, 2009).

In addition to encouraging students more active and engaged in learning, problem based learning method can improve student achievement because using problem-based learning students are required to solve problems in independent learning so that students can find solutions sought. Application of the method of problem based learning can improve student learning outcomes in material solubility and solubility product (Yuvencia, 2015).



the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Student Worksheet with the media to improve the ability to think critically and logically. The results showed that the application of the Model Learning Problem-based learning increases the ability to think critically and logically students, evidenced from the first cycle of an average percentage of 68.33% with high criteria and the second cycle into 88.96% very high criteria. In line with the research above, Fadlana (2013) reported the results of research through a comparative study using PBL (Problem Based Learning) is equipped with Macromedia Flash and Student Worksheet on learning achievement in terms of student motivation on the material acids, bases and salts classes VII SMP Negeri 1 Jaten Karanganyar school year 2012/2013 shows the effect of PBL teaching model with Macromedia Flash and Student Worksheet on student achievement.

Based on the above, researchers interested in conducting research titled “The Development of Innovative Student Worksheet With Problem Based Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcome on Topic of Solubility and Solubility Product”

1.2. Problem Identification:

Based on the background, the problem identification can be identified as follows:

1. Low students' understanding of the concept of chemical materials

2. Teachers have difficulties to prepare the innovative learning in student worksheet in teaching and learning process

3. Chemistry learning only based on understanding of the concept and need to prove of the concept

4. Presentation of the material is complicated, less interesting, monotonous and boring



1.3.Problem Formulation:

The problem formulation of this research is:

1. How is the perception of lecturer, teacher, based on BSNP the innovative students’ worksheet in solubility and solubility product as the subject matter?

2. Is the development of innovation student worksheet with PBL effective in improving learning outcome in the subject solution and solubility product? 3. How many percent an increase student learning outcome with using innovative student worksheet based PBL compare by using a student worksheet that already exist on topic of solubility and solubility product?

1.4.Problem Limitation:

In order for this study did not deviate from the purpose of research, the problem in thus study should be limited. From the formulation of this problem, so that limit the problem in thus study are:

1. Arranging and developing the innovative student worksheet chemistry on the topic of Solubility and Solubility Product to meet the standard provided by BNSP.

2. Learning materials will be reviewed and revised by the chemistry lecturer and students in Chemistry Department to obtain the standard learning materials.

3. Improved chemistry student Achievement on teaching Solubility and Solubility Product at the high school in the school year 2015/2016 using innovative of Student Worksheet based Problem Based Learning.

1.5.Research Objectives:

Based on the above problem formulation, as for the purpose of this study is: 1. Getting innovative Student Worksheet with Problem Based Learning



outcome, through the perception of chemistry teacher and expert validation.

2. To improving the student learning outcomes on topic of solubility and solubility product.

3. To know increasing of student learning outcome using innovative student worksheet with PBL compare student worksheet that already exist in school on topic of solubility and solubility product.

1.6.Research Benefits:

The results of the study are expected to be useful to:

1. Researchers gain a lot of knowledge about the use of student worksheets based innovative learning model Problem Based Learning to improve the quality of the outcome of the learning process.

2. Give motivation to teachers to conduct similar and better research examining learning media to chemistry topic.

3. Help improve learning outcomes of students in the learning process chemical material Solubility and Solubility Product.

1.7.Operational Definitions

a. Model learning Problem Based Learning is a learning model that begins with giving problems to students where the problem is encountered or an everyday experience - the students. Furthermore, students solve the problem of finding new knowledge. (Rusman, 2013)



c. Student achievement is a student achievement in participating in the learning process at a level that Followed and is a manifestation of the ability of self-optimal after receiving lessons (Sudjana, 2004).




5.1. Conclusion

Base on the research and discussion of research which have described, so can be conclude that:

1. The perception of lecturer and chemistry teacher as validator to innovative Student Worksheet (LKS) based Problem Base Learning (PBL) developed on topic Solubility and Solubility Product is good. That can be seen from the average validator feasibility of contents is 3.687, the language 3.96 feasibility, feasibility presentation 3.675 and feasibility graphic 3.263 Where average value validation Overall in the range of 3.26-4.00 which means that the Innovative Student Worksheet (LKS) based Problem Base Learning (PBL) in topic Solubility and Solubility Product class XI and accordance curriculum in 2013 was valid and worth used.

2. The development innovative student worksheet with PBL effective in improving learning outcome, with the differences about 11.1%/



5.2. Suggestion

Based on discussion and conclusions have stated above then author recommend things following:

 For teachers and prospective teachers, applying learning to using Innovative Student Worksheet (LKS) to facilitate the achievement of instructional objectives and may enhance the activity and student learning outcomes, particularly chemical subjects. In addition, for teachers and prospective teachers is important to check the content, language, and presentation graphic of the book will be used for students so there are no misconceptions and material incomplete.




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Figure 2.1


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