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Sexual deviaton analysis on sheba hart's character in film notes on a ascandal by zoe heller


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A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Letters Scholar







Nur Wihda Ahdiyati Nuri, Sexual Deviation Analysison Sheba Hart’s Character

in Film Notes on a Scandal By Zoe Heller. A Thesis. Jakarta: Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University “Syarif Hidayatullah”, May2009.

This analysis is aimed at finding out the sexual deviation on the character of Sheba Hart as a main character viewed from Psychology concept. The writer uses descriptive qualitative analysis as the method to analyze the relationship both the main character and the abnormal psychology concept.

In this analysis, the writer finds out the main character, Sheba Hart as a wife, a mother, and a teacher who kind-hearted, friendly, patient, attentive and good nurturer. She also finds out that Sheba is a person who faces a sexual deviation which is pedophilia. She deals with pedophilia according to the abnormal psychology concept.

According to abnormal psychology, there are four causal categories of a person who faces pedophilia, they are the personally immature offender, the regressed offender, the conditional offender, and psychopathic offender. Agree with the character who showed by Sheba Hart, in this research the writer gets the analysis toward the personally immature offender. The immature offender occurred by inability to establish or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with male peers during her adolescent, young adult or adult life. It is more deep-seated personality conflicts and frustrations from which relief is sought. Those things have experienced by Sheba inNotes on a Scandalfilm. The immature faces more deep-seated personality conflicts and frustrationsin Sheba’s








A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Letters Scholar


Approaved by:

Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum NIP. 150 317 725






This thesis entiled “Sexual Deviation Analysis on Sheba Hart’s Character in

Film Notes on Scandal by Zoe Heller” has been defended before the Letter and Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on May 28th, 2009. The thesis has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Strata 1.

Jakarta, May 28th, 2009

Examination Committee

Chair Person, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd

NIP. 150 299 480 NIP. 150 261 902


Inayatul Chusna, M.Hum Moh. Supardi, M.Hum



I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my

knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the

award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher

learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, May 28th2009



In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praises be to Allah SWT. The real writer’s guide, who

mysteriously guides her in the process of making this thesis. Peace and salutation be upon the greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions and adherents.

On this occasion, the writer wants to say many thanks to her beloved parents: Drs. H. Thoyib S, M.Pd and Hj. Siti Rodhiyati that always pray for her success in the night and the day. Their sacrifice will never be equally paid. The writer also wants to give her gratitude to Elve Octafiyani, M. Hum, as the writer advisor for her time, guidance, patient, kindness, and contribution in correcting and helping her in finishing this thesis.

The writer also would like to express the writer’s trustworthygratitude to the following noble persons:

1. Dr. Abdul Chaer, MA, the dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty. 2. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M. Pd, the head of English Letters


3. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd, the secretary of English Letters Department.

4. All of the lectures in English Letters Department for their guidance, patience, kindness, and support the writer during study at

State Islamic University “Syarif Hidayatullah”.

5. All staff of the library of Letters and Humanities Faculty, the library of main library of UIN Jakarta, and all staff of the Letters and Humanities Faculty.

6. The writer’s parents, especially for H. Syamsuddin and Hj. Tumih,


one by one. Thank you so much for your pray, support, great

affection and goodness that very useful for the writer’s motivation.

7. The writer’s inspiration and soul mate: Adam “t@MaNahW@”.

He is the only boy who gives her loves and affections in all sincerity. He is a soulmate always gives her full attention.

8. The writer’s brothers and sisters: Aank, Icko, Rai, D-goy, Neng,

and Oo. Amin, pajri and ‘black’ thank for your help for printing

paper and for searching of her paper data via internet in Rai Net. 9. The writer’s spiritual teacher: ustad Rachmat and Bapak Abdullah

who always offers a prayer for her success.

10.The writer’s close friends, Meutia Sari “mute”, gang of smuthers

and those who can not mentioned one by one.

11. The writer’s friends in the Faculty: Dewi and May for her translate, Adhit, Sarah and Arie and those can not be mentioned one by one.

May Allah, the all-Hearer and all-Knower, bless them all and gives them more that what they have given to the writer. Hopefully, this thesis gives benefit for all people who read it.

Jakarta, May 28th, 2009










A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Focus of the Research ... 3

C. Research Questions ... 4

D. Objectives of the Study ... 4

E. Significances of the Study ... 4

F. Research Methodology ... 4


A. Character ... 6

B. Abnormal Psychology ... 9

1. Definition of Abnormal Psychology ... 9

2. Sexual Deviation ... 10



A. Data Description ………... 19

B. Analysis ….…………... 23

1. The Character of Sheba Hart ... 23

2. Sheba Hart’s Pedophilia ... 27


A. Conclusion ... 35

B. Suggestion ... 36



Appendix I ... 40



A. Background of The Study

Film is a media in the form of audiovisual that shows the work to all

people and getting feedback. The Dictionary of Oxford Learner mentioned that

the definition of film is a story, which is recorded as a set of moving pictures to

play on television or at the cinema; a roll or sheet of thin flexible plastics is

sensitive to light, for use in photography.1 The French director Robert Bresson

puts in a book ofAn Introduction Film Artis “A film is part of the image are not included in the theatrical version, but they are put into full-frame videos to give a

TV shaped picture.” When the script is hammered out, the idea for the film may be radically modified; the script’s presentation of the action may be drastically changed in shooting; and the material that is shot takes on new significance in the

process of assembly.2

There are any films that are adapted from the novel. Film adaptation is the

transfer of a written work to a feature film. It is a type of derivate work. A

common form of film adaptation is the use of a novel as the basis of a film, but

film adaptation includes the use of non-fiction including journalism,

autobiography, comic book, scripture, plays and even other films. From the


A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners’s Dictionary of Current English,ed. Jonathan Crowther (Oxfrod: Oxford Unioversity Press, 1995), p. 434.



earliest days of cinema, adaptation has been nearly citation needed as common as

the development of original screenplays.3

There have been instances of novelist who have worked from their own

screenplays to create novels at nearly the same time as a film. Both Arthur C.

Clarke with A Space Odyssey and Graham Greene with The Third Man have

worked from their own film ideas to a novel form. Although the novel version of

The Third Man was written more to aid in the development of the screenplay than

for the purposes of being released as a novel. Both John Sayles and Ingmar

Bergman write their film ideas as novels before they begin producing them as

films, although neither director has allowed these prose treatments to be


Notes on a Scandalfilm is a 2006 Academy Award-nominated British film

which is Patrick Marber’s fourth produced screenplay. It is a film adapted from

the 2003 novel“Notes on a Scandal”by Zoe Heller. Patrick Marber is an English

comedian, a playwright, a director and an actor. Patrick Marber was also sole

screenwriter who earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Adapted

Screenplay. Whereas Zoe Heller is an English journalist and novelist.

In this film there are some of the main characters, such as Sheba Hart

(Cate Blanchet), Barbara Covett (Judi Dench), Steven Conolly (Andrew

Simpson), and Richard Eyre (Bill Nighy). But, the writer chooses Sheba Hart

character as an object of the research. This film tells about an affair between a



young art teacher, Sheba Hart and her underage pupils, Steven Connolly which is

demolished by Sheba’s colleague teacher, Barbara Covett.

It begins when Barbara, a teacher history at a comprehensive school in

London meets the new art teacher, Sheba Hart. Barbara feels drawn to Sheba and

is happy to find that Sheba maybe the one. Nevertheless, when Barbara discovers

Sheba’s affair with Steven Conolly, her student in underage pupils, Barbara

confronts her. Then, Sheba asks Barbara not to tell her affair to her family and the

school administration until Christmas. Barbara explains that she does not intend to

tell as long as Sheba ends the relationship. However, Sheba cannot end her affair

with her student until Christmas. Barbara becomes increasingly angry and tells

Sheba’s affair to a fellow teacher, Brian. Finally, Brian reports playground rumor

to Steven’s mother and head of comprehensive school.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in analyzing the

character of Sheba Hart viewed from the theory of psychology that can be

connected with the theory of sexual deviation that refers to Sheba’s pedophilia in

filmNotes on a Scandalby Patrick Marber.

B. Focus of the Research


C. Research Question

Based on the background of the study above, the writer would like to make

research question as follow:

How is the Pedophilia described in the character of Sheba Hart in theNotes on a

Scandalfilm By Zoe Heller?

D. Objectives of the Study

The objective of this research is to know how the description of pedophilia

in the character of Sheba Hart.

E. Significance of the Research

The writer hopes this research can be used for the English Department as

one of the references in the studying of the psychology or literary work. The result

of this analysis also will help the readers to give the information about abnormal

psychology that used to express the Pedophilia in filmNotes on a Scandalby Zoe


F. Research Methodology 1. Method of the Research

Based on focus of the research above, so the writer uses descriptive

qualitative method which tries to analyze and to give enough understand about

the facts and the next will be analyzed based on the relevan theory of


2. Data Analysis

The collected data are analyzed by using the theory of abnormal

psychology. First, the writer gives description about the film Notes on a

Scandal.Second, the writer began to analyze the psychological problem of the

main character through abnormal psychology concept.

3. Unit Analysis

Unit analysis that is used in this research is the film script ofNotes on

a Scandal by Zoe Heller that produced by Scott Rudin and Robert Fox on


4. Place and Time of the Research

This research has been conducted since the 9th semester 2007 until




In this research, the writer uses the theory of character and psychology

to understand the problem faced by the character of Sheba Hart. The theory of

psychology which is used in this research is the theory of abnormal psychology

that is related to the sexual deviation.

A. Character

Some films, through both action and dialogue, focus on the clear

delineation of a single unique character. Although plot is important in such films,

what happens is important primarily because it helps us understand the character

being developed. The major appeal of these characters lies in the qualities that set

them apart from ordinary people. The theme of such films can best be expressed

in a brief description of the central character, with emphasis on the unusual

aspects of the individual’s personality. Characters are the persons presented in

works of narrative who convey their personal qualities through dialogue and

action by which the reader or audience understands their thoughts, feelings,

intentions and motives.4

To be interested in the film as a whole, characters must seem real,

understandable, and worth caring about. For the most part, the characters in a



story are believable in the same way that the story is believable. In other words,

they conform to the laws of probability and necessity (by reflecting externally

observable truth about human nature), they conform to some inner truth (man as

we want him to be), or they are made to seem real by the convincing art of the


Characterization in film has a great deal to do with casting. A major

aspect of film characterization is revealed visually and instantaneously. The

minute we see most actors on the screen, we make certain assumptions about them

because of their facial features, dress, physical build, and mannerisms and the way

they move. Our first visual impression may be proven erroneous as the story

progresses, but it is certainly an important means of establishing character.

Characters in a fictional film naturally reveal a great deal about

themselves by what they say. But a great deal is also revealed by how they say it.

Their true thoughts, attitudes, and emotions can be revealed in subtle ways

through word choice and through the stress, pitch, and pause pattern of their

speech. Actors’ use of grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and particular

dialects (if any) reveals a great deal about their characters social and economic

level, education background, and mental processes.

The way other characters view a person often serves as an excellent

means of characterization. Sometimes, a great deal of information about a

character is already provided through such means before the character first

appears on the screen. A complex and intriguing characterization is provided


One other important method of characterization is the use of names

possessing appropriate qualities of sound, meaning, or connotation. This

technique is known as name typing. A screenwriter usually thinks out his

characters’ names very carefully. Because a great deal of thought goes into the

choice of names, they should not be taken for granted but should be carefully

examined for the connotations they communicate.

Another method for analyzing film characterization utilizes three

defferent types of pairings:

a) Stock Characters and Stereotypes

Stock characters are minor characters whose actions are completely

predictable or typical of their job or profession. Stereotypes are characters of

somewhat greater importance to the film. They fit into preconceived patterns

of behavior common to or representative of a large number of people, at least

a large number of fictional people.

b) Static versus Developing Characters

Developing characters are deeply affected by the action of the plot

(internal, external, or both) and undergo some important change in

personality, attitude, or outlook on life as a result of the action of the story.

The change can be of any type but is significant to the total makeup of the

individual undergoing the change. Developing characters become sadder or

wiser, or happier and more self-confident. They might gain some new

awareness of life, become more mature or more responsible, or become more


film. The action does not have an important effect on their lives (as might

generally be the case with the hero of an action/adventure film), or they are

insensitive to the meaning of the action and thus are not capable of growth or


c) Flat versus Round Characters

Flat characters are two-dimensional, predictable characters who lack

the complexity and unique qualities associated with psychological depth. They

often tend to be representative character types rather than real flesh-and-blood

human beings.Round characters or three-dimensional charactersare unique,

individualistic characters who have some degree of complexity and ambiguity

and who cannot easily be categorized.

B. Abnormal Psychology

1. Definition of Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal psychology is the application of the methods, concepts,

principles and findings of general psychology that primarily, the psychology

of perception, learning and development, and social psychology- to deviant

behaviors and experiences. Abnormal psychology is an attempt to understand

and explain the abnormal in the framework of the normal and general.5

Abnormality is all of behaviors or thought processes which are

commonly agreed to be bizarre, unusual or odd. In a book of Psychology by



Diane E. Papalia and Sally Wendkos Olds said that: abnormal “is acting and thinking in an extremely bizarre way,…”6

Since the word abnormal literally mean “away from the normal”, it

implies deviation from some clearly defined norm. Social science offers two

ways of distinguishing between the normal and abnormal. One emphasized by

sociologists and anthropologists considers the question meaningful only as it

applies to a particular time: abnormal is that which deviates from society’s

norms. The other, stressed more by psychologists, sets as the basic criterion

the individual’s well-being and the maladaptiveness of his or her behavior.7 2. Sexual Deviation

A human is created as a sexual human by God. The wholeness of

human is performed in the growth of normal and health sexual. Sexual

potential appears in his behavior development. The sexual behavior

biologically guarantee the continuity of human existence in the world. It is

psychologically give a satisfaction of sexual desire. And socially, it is

provided a basis of love and affection between couples according to the

glorious values of his faith.

The glorious values which is proven up to know means positive to the

human’s live who is challenged in a widely free lifestyle. The change of

potential influence the people glorious values. There is much sexual deviation

with its damaging effect.


Diane E. Papalia and Sally Wendkos Olds,Psychology(New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985), p. 517.



The development of erogene zone and libido’s choice often suffer a

disturbance or barrier. The physic sexual development is obstructed due to the

abnormal biology’s sex organ and the environment pressure or normal sex

organ with its deviate physic behavior in the environment. In other word, the

atmosphere of environment is influenced sexual behavior.

In broadest sense, the term sexual deviation refers to sexual behavior

that is different or atypical, that does not follow the prevailing patterns

sanctioned by laws or the social mores of the particular society. Since socially

sanctioned sexual patterns differ from one culture to another, among

subgroups within a given culture, and over time, it is apparent that behavior

labeled sexually deviant is not necessarily abnormal or maladaptive in the

sense of being inherently detrimental to the individual or to other people.8

From a psychological point of view, a sexual deviation also termed a

perversion or paraphilia, is best understood as a failure of psychosexual

development. The normal individual progresses from diffuse infantile

sexuality that consists of oral, anal, autoerotic, homoerotic, exhibitionistic,

voyeuristic, and other components.9

Paraphilias (para-deviation, philia-attraction for) refer to sexual objects

or activities which dominate an individual’s life, but are considered abnormal

or deviant.10 A person can have the behaviors, fantasies, and urges that a

person with a paraphilia has (such as exhibiting the genitals to an unsuspecting


James C. Coleman,Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life(United State of America: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1976), p. 558.


Ephraim Rosen, Ronald E. Fox, and Ian Gregory (1972),op.cit.p. 273



stranger or fantasizing about doing so) but not be diagnosed with a paraphilia

if the fantasies or behaviors are not recurrent or if he/she is not markedly

distressed by them.11

There are three points should be noted about the concept of sexual

deviation. First, a sexual deviation is relative to the culture, as is a sexual

offense. For example, in ancient Greece, homosexuality was not considered a

deviation. Second, although most deviations are also sexual offenses, a large

number of offenses- for example, extramarital intercourse or nongenital

heterosexual foreplay- are not deviations. Third, an important component of

the concept of deviation is its stress on persistence in habit patterns. The

individual who occasionally departs from normal sexual behavior is very

different from the persistent deviate.12

Sexual behavior varies in (1) the intensity of the drive and the

frequency of its gratification; (2) the mode of gratification; (3) the sexual

object; and (4) the context within which the drive is aroused and gratified. A

category of sexual deviation corresponds to each of these four dimensions.

1) In nymphomania, satyriasis and promiscuity there is excessive sexual

activity, with inadequate attention to time, place or object.

2) The nature or mode of the sexual act-the “sexual aim of the impulse,” in Freud’s language- is deviant in masturbation, oro-genital or ono-genital activity, voyeurism, exhibitionism, transvestism (obtaining sexual gratification

by wearing clothing appropriate to the opposite sex), sadism and forcible rape,


Gerald C. Davison, John M. Neale, and Ann M. Kring,Abnormal Psychology(United State of America: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2004), p. 441.



and masochism. Each mode of sexual activity may occur with a variety of

different sexual objects. For example, in autoerotic masturbation the

individual is his own object; in mutual masturbation the object may be an

adult of the same sex, an adult of the opposite sex, a child and so forth.

3) The object of the sexual act is deviant in homosexuality, fetishism,

preference for children (pedophilia), bestiality (Zoophilia), incest and so forth.

4) The social and physical contexts are deviant in prostitution. The use of

pornography is not a sexual deviation unless such materials come to take the

place of a live sexual object.

3. Pedophilia

Pedophilia is from the Greek languagepaidos that means a child. The

main characteristic of pedophilia is the recurrent intense sexual urges and

sexually arousing fantasies involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child

or children. To get the diagnosed of pedophilia, a person must be at least 16

and at least 5 years older than the child.13 Some people with pedophilia are

sexually attracted to children only, and some are aroused by both children and

adults (APA, 2000).14

Although there are relatively few reports of females with pedophilia,

they do exist (Arndt, 1991: Rowan, 1988). Glynis Whiting produced an

in-depth investigation on one of the most under-reported crimes in North

America. Ms. Whiting wrote and directed a provocative documentary, “When


Jeffrey S Nevid, Spencer A. Rathus, and Beverly Greene,Psikologi Abnormal/Edisi kelima jilid 2(Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2003), p. 82.



Girls Do It: The Story of Female Sex Predators”. As Ms. Whiting states, “We

are always shocked to hear stories of sexual abuse, but it seems all the more

disturbing when the abusers are women.”15

Boys are especially harmed when they are victims of sexual abuse by

women. Our culture will still refuses to accept that sexual abuse happens to

girls and may even blame the female child or adolescent when it does. When

sexual abuse happens to a boy society blames him, but in a different way. One

of the most harmful cultural beliefs is that sexual abuse to boys by women is

harmless. Women are viewed as maternal and nurturing. Because of these

stereotypes, women are given greater freedom than men in touching children

and expressing feelings for them. As a consequence, when a female with

pedophilia embraces, kisses, or caresses a child, her behavior may be viewed

as nurturing rather than sexual. But when a male not having pedophilia does

the same thing, his behavior may be misinterpreted as sexual.

There are four types and several characteristics proposed of adult

female sexual offenders who sexually abuse children and teens based on the

information from reports of the Safer Society Press by Allen C. (1991) about

Women and Men Who Sexually Abuse Children in A Comparative Analysis.16

Four types of adult female sexual offenders:

a) Predisposed familial offender: An adult female family member who has a

history of trauma and is predisposed to sexual offending and other types of

child maltreatment as an outcome of her own history of sexual abuse and


http://sexual-abuse.suite101.com/article.cfm/female_sex_offenders/September 5, 2009.



violence. This typology would include a woman who is currently the victim of

domestic violence by a male who is also sexually offending. This category

recognizes the risk of previous and current victimization in the developmental

pathway to sexual offending for females either alone or with a partner.

b) Developmentally delayed offender: An adult female who indicates a

developmental delay that is diagnosed by a standardized test or assessment.

This category recognizes the impact developmental problems and organic

syndromes can have on a history of sexual offending for this group of females

as well as their risk for a history of sexual victimization.

c) Child exploiter offender: An adult female who is a non-family member

and has a history of exploiting her dominant relationship or authority status

with a child or adolescent. This category recognizes the cognitive distortions

that may be distinct to this category of female offender in terms of believing

that her sexual abuse of a child or teen is based on mutual attraction and love

interests rather than on planned manipulation of a minor for her own sexual

and emotional gratification.

d) Violent female offender: An adult female who primarily uses physical

coercion to commit her sexual offenses and may share characteristics of the

above categories of typology. These women most often resemble the

predatory type of aggressive sex offender who has a predominant need for


Several characteristics of female sex offenders:

a) The majority of women who are reported are between 22 to 33 years of

age. But Mohr et al (1962) found a distinct trimodal age distribution, with

peaks in adolescence, the thirties and the fifties. The adolescence were

retarded psychosexually and socially. The thirties were tended to

regression, severe marital and social maladjustment and alcoholism. The

oldest were characterized by loneliness and either actual impotence or

concern about impotence.17

b) A high percentage of females who commit sexual abuse have experienced

sexual abuse as children or teens and can have victimization histories

twice the rate of men who sexually offend.

c) They often have a history of alcohol and or drug abuse.

d) A high percentage of females are in the family or the perpetrator is close to

the victim- friend, teacher, coach, sitter, clergy.

e) A majority are employed in professional jobs or as manager.

f) Women do not tend to show a victim age preference in the same manner

that male sex offenders do.

g) Most of them have married or divorce and have child.

The causes of pedophilia are complex and vary. A number of cases are

suitable with weak, lazy, a rigid social relationship people stereotype and a

solitary who is threatened of adult relationship and turn into the child to get

the sexual satisfaction with children(Ames & Houston, 1990). In the number



of other cases, it can be a sexual experience in the age of child with another

child which felt fun, so that, the person wants to feel the joy of his past.

However, in some pedophilia case, the molested person is now able to turn

back the situation as an effort to get the feeling of hold the power.

Based on a book of Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life by James

C. Coleman, there are four causal categories that based on: (a) an intensive

study of 38 pedophiliac offenders living in a segregated treatment center

(Cohen, Seghorn & Calmas, 1969), and (b) in-depth interviews with many

pedophiliacs, some of whom had managed to avoid arrest and others who had

been arrested and served time (Rossman, 1973).

a)The personally immature offender, who has never been able to establish or

maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with male or female peers

during his adolescent, young adult, or adult life. This way by far the most

common type. He is sexually comfortable only with children, and in most

cases knows the victim. Usually the act is not impulsive but begins with a type

of disarming courtship which eventually leads to sexual play. Either male or

female children may be the victims.

b) The regressed offender, who during adolescence shows apparently normal

development, with good peer relationships and some dating behavior and

heterosexual experiences.

“However, throughout this period there exist increasing


become increasingly more frequent and result in the breakdown of a relatively stable marital, social and work adjustment. In almost all instances the pedophilic acts are precipitated by some direct confrontation of his sexual adequacy by an adult female or some threat to his masculine

image by a male peer.” (Cohen, Seghorn, & Calmas, 1969, p.


c) The “conditioned” offender. Included here are individuals who have had

their definitive sexual experiences with young boys. This conditioned

behavior continues into adulthood in terms of sexual preference. These

individuals are usually callous and exploitive in their sexual behavior in

search of vulnerable children.

d) The psychopsthic offender. The individuals here are psychopathic

personalities who prey on children in search of new sexual thrills. This

category includes aggressive psychopaths whose behavior is motivated by

both aggressive and sexual components. Such offenders usually have a history

of antisocial behavior and could be described as hostile, aggressive

psychopaths. Ordinarily they select a boy as the object of their aggression.

Psychopaths, particularly those who use coercion are prone to denying their

offenses or placing the blame on their victims.18





A. Data Description

In this chapter, the writer would like to analyze the character of Sheba

Hart. The writer begins the analysis from physical appearance of Sheba Hart, and

her behavior that can be seen from her thought, her statements and her interaction

with other character. Then, the writer would like to discuss about the character of

Sheba Hart that shows the symptom of Pedophilia. The writer tries to describe her

behavior that shows the symptom of Pedophilia.

These are the data that the writer is going to use:

Page Number

Corpus Explanation

Character Pedophilia


Richard:You have been gone ages.

Sheba: Barbara was a little… Some school thing. How’s his


Richard: Still awake. He’s madly

excited. I said he could stay up for you.

Sheba: And Polly?

Rischard: Depressed. Pete phoned.

They had a row and he’s not

coming tomorrow.

Sheba: Did you think he’s bad


Richard: Well, these older men can be very dodgy.

Polly: Did Daddy tell you? He’s

gonna bin me. I know it.

Sheba: you’re very lovely, darling. He’s very clever enough to


appreciate it.

Polly: I’m fat as fuck, mum. Sheba: he’ll be back.

Polly: I can’t live without him


Sheba: Belated Christmas present. Barbara:Thank You. Oh, my word. Asprey.

Sheba: How is she?

Barbara: You are the most

Barbara: Do you fancy a coffee? Sheba: Yeah. Sue! Do you want to join us for a coffee?

Sue: Great. I’ve got a bit of an

announcement. ...

Barbara:You’re pregnant?

Sheba: That’s fantastic.

Congratulation. When are you due?

Sue: June 7.

Sheba: The summer baby. How lovely.

Sue: I can’t believe nobody’s noticed. I’m 14 weeks. Didn’t you see how chunky I’m getting?

Sheba: Didn’t like to say. Where are you having it?

Sue: Homerton. It’s really nice

there. Lovely, friendly nurses.

kind-hearted, friendly, and attentive


Steven: Miss, would you have a look at me drawings?

Sheba: I will look in class. You do art, do not you?

Steven: I am not allowed. I am special needs. I gotta do extra reading instead.

Sheba: Did you do these at home? These are good. You can draw.

Sheba: I said that I would teach him after school, but only if he felt


Barbara: And you had further relations that day?

Sheba: we went to the art room.


Steven: Evening, Miss. Make yourself comfortable.

… (They does sexual intercourse) Steven: You’re into The Streets?

Sheba: Well, my daughter is. Steven: Is she the same age as me? Sheba: None of your beeswax. Steven: Well, anyway, the point is

you’re fit.

Sheba: Well, so are you. … You’he done my brain in.

Steven: You wanna do it again? Sheba: What? Yes. I wanna do it again. I wanna do it again.

Sheba does

not in trouble. I need to talk to him

about an art project….

Steven’s father: Yeah. Come in.

Come in.

Sheba: Thank you.

Steven’s father: It’s just upstairs there. It’s good of you to give him extra lesson. It’s the first on your left. It’s… It’s probably best to


they teach you anything? We used to worship her. Take it off.

Steven: What’s it for?

Sheba:Just, take it off, please. I’m

still making it.

Steven: Yeah, but why? Sheba:It’s for my son. Steven:But he’s 12, isn’t it?

Sheba: He’s got down’s syndrome.

kind-hearted, mother, her grief over the death of her father the glory days when Richard scooped her up. And then jettisoned wife and children for what she called a nonstop fuckfest.


It is a peculiar trait of the privileged: immediate incautious intimacy. But Sheba went well beyond the tendencies of her class. She was utterly candid, a novice confessing to the mother superior. Sheba: You know, marriage and kids, I mean, it is wonderful, but it does not give you meaning. It gives you an imperative but it does

not help you… My father always used to say, you know, on the tube, “mind the gap”. I do not

know. It is just the distance between life as you dream it and life as it is.


Barbara: It must be exhausting, running a family and teaching as


Sheba: I can not wait for term to end. Rol on Christmas and a month of sod all. I should not have kidded my self I could teach.

It is just that I have…I have spent

the last ten years looking after Ben, and I was so desperate to get out and do something. And finally we get him into this great local school and I am free to work. Barbara: You’re gonna be a

terrific teacher.

Sheba: Thanks. But I’m bloody

hopeless, and everyone knows it.

Sheba faces more deep-seated personality conflict and frustation


Steven: Thank you, Miss. You’re

beautiful, Miss. You don’t know

how beautiful you are.

Sheba: I hadn’t been pursued like

this for years. I knew it was wrong and immoral and completely

ridiculous, but I don’t know. I just

allowed it to happen.


B. Analysis

1. The Character of Sheba Hart

Pedophilia is not mentally ill in terms of suffering from a psychotic

disorder.19 Not psychologically at ease in usual heterosexual relationship,…

paraphiliacs resort to abnormal sexual activity.20In Notes on a Scandal, Sheba

Hart is the main character has a very important role in developing the story.

Sheba Hart portrayed as a female has almost perfect personalities like

kind-hearted, friendly, patient, attentive and well nurtured that is no relevant to her

naughty behavior and deviate with a prepubescent child.

Sheba Hart is a female art teacher at a London Comprehensive School.

She is almost forty-one years old and a wife from a sixty years old man,

Richard Eyre who works as a teacher. Sheba Hart has two stepchildren, they

are Polly who is about seventeen years old and Benjamin who is about eleven

years old and has Down’s syndrome.

Sheba Hart is a beautiful woman. She has blonde hair and white and

fair skin. She also has a sharp well-formed nose, bright eyes with blue eyeball

and a sharp cheekbone. She has a slim body, too. Although Sheba is not

appeared take care of her body, but she has an attractive in physical

appearance. In her routine, she is seldom to use more make-up. She just uses

the natural and standard make-up like face powder and lipstick. Sheba never

wears the clothes and accessories that appear luxurious. She often wears the

small blouses with bright colors.


http://www.healing4women.com,Op.cit, (September 5, 2009)



Besides attractive in physical appearance, Sheba has almost perfect

personalities as a kind-hearted, friendly, patient, attentive and well nurtured.

In her family, Sheba shows her kind-hearted, her patient, her attentive and her

well-nurtured characteristic. The dialogue beneath is all of her characteristic

that shows her interest to her family. (See the subtitle on the page 54)

Richard: You have been gone ages.

Sheba: Barbara was a little… Some school thing. How’s his nibs. Richard: Still awake. He’s madly excited. I said he could stay up for you.

Sheba: And Polly?

Rischard: Depressed. Pete phoned. They had a row and he’s not

coming tomorrow.

Sheba: Did you think he’s bad news?

Richard: Well, these older men can be very dodgy.

Polly: Did Daddy tell you? He’s gonna bin me. I knowit.

Sheba: you’re very lovely, darling. He’s very clever enough to

appreciate it.

Polly: I’m fat as fuck, mum. Sheba: he’ll be back.

Polly: I can’t live without him

For her children, Sheba performs her role as an attentive mother and

well nurtured. Sheba tries to compose Polly and gives a warmth hug when

Polly has a problem. Whereas Ben, Sheba has to extra patient in caring Ben

who faces down’s syndrome. Ben can not sleep before Sheba came back to her

home. It proved that Sheba was very loved by her children caused by her

kind-hearted and her interest. Moreover, when Ben did follow his performer in a

drama at his school, Sheba waxes enthusiastic to make a magician hat for

performer of Ben. (See the picture F.1.1 and F.1.2 on the page 97 and the


Steven: Any good?

Sheba: It’s a masterpiece. Don’t they teach you anything? We used to

worship her. Take it off.

Steven: What’s it for?

Sheba:Just, take it off, please. I’m still making it.

Steven: Yeah, but why? Sheba:It’s for my son. Steven:But he’s 12, isn’t it?

Sheba: He’s got down’s syndrome.

Sheba Hart also has a kind-hearted, friendly and attentive

characteristic toward her friends. Although Sheba knows that Barbara21 is a

lesbian, Sheba never insults and hurts her feeling. Even, she is kind-hearted

and attentive to Barbara. For example, Sheba is willing to accompany Barbara

while she needs a friend. Sheba often invites Barbara for lunch or dinner with

her family. Sheba also gives all plate of Sheba’s art created and Christmas

price that is Asprey to Barbara. (See the subtitle on the page 56)

Sheba: Belated Christmas present.

Barbara: Thank You. Oh, my word. Asprey. Sheba: How is she?

Barbara: You are the most wonderful friend.

Beside to Barbara, Sheba also has a close relationship with Sue. Sheba

shows her friendship and her caring to Sue. Sheba often accompanies Sue for

lunch after teaching. Beside that, Sheba also shows her enthusiasm when she

hears that Sue is pregnant. Sheba hugs Sue excitingly. It shows that Sheba is a

kind-hearted, friendly and attentive person. (See the picture F. 1.3on the page

73 and the subtitle on the page 44)



Barbara: Do you fancy a coffee?

Sheba: Yeah. Sue! Do you want to join us for a coffee?

Sue: Great. I’ve got a bit of an announcement.


Barbara:You’re pregnant?

Sheba:That’s fantastic. Congratulation. When are you due? Sue: June 7.

Sheba: The summer baby. How lovely.

Sue: I can’t believe nobody’s noticed. I’m 14 weeks. Didn’t you see how chunky I’m getting?

Sheba: Didn’t liketo say. Where are you having it?

Sue: Homerton.It’s really nice there. Lovely, friendly nurses.

Whereas to her student, as a teacher, Sheba wants to do well something

for her student. Moreover, when Steven complained to Sheba that he is not

allowed to join the art study because he is a stupid student. Then, Sheba

attempts to discuss about Steven’s desire to the headmaster so that Steven may

follow the art class. When the headmaster refuses the demand of Sheba, Sheba

gives the extra study for Steven. It also shows that Sheba is a kind-hearted, an

attentive person and well nurtured. (See the picture F. 1.4 on the page 73 and

the subtitle on the page 49)

Steven: Miss, would you have a look at me drawings? Sheba: I will look in class. You do art, do not you?

Steven: I am not allowed. I am special needs. I gotta do extra reading instead.

Sheba: Did you do these at home? These are good. You can draw.

Sheba: I said that I would teach him after school, but only if he felt

like it. It is our job, isn’t it?

Based on the explained above, out appearance of Sheba shows that

Sheba has a good and perfect behavior. Sheba always shows her cheerfulness

in the face of her family and friends. But why Sheba does the sexual deviation


2. Sheba Hart’s Pedophilia

Pedophilia, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorders (DSM) is specified as a form of pedophilia in which a

person either has acted on intense sexual urges towards children, or

experiences recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children.22

Sheba has the recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies

involving sexual activity with Steven. Sheba and Steven often doing the

sexual activity in many places. In the first sexual intercourse happens in the art

room at their school. (See the subtitle on the page 52)

Barbara: The day we met, it had already begun? Sheba: Yes.

Barbara: And you had further relations that day? Sheba: we went to the art room.

In the second sexual intercourse happens in the train track. Sheba was

lying of Richard and said that she would meet Barbara. In there, Sheba and

Steven are very enjoying in their sexual intercourse. (See the subtitle on the

page 51)

Steven: Evening, Miss. Make yourself comfortable.

… (They does sexual intercourse)

Steven: You’re into The Streets?

Sheba: Well, my daughter is. Steven: Is she the same age as me? Sheba: None of your beeswax.

Steven: Well, anyway, the point is you’re fit.

Sheba: Well, so are you. … You’he done my brain in. Steven: You wanna do it again?

Sheba: What? Yes. I wanna do it again. I wanna do it again.



The second dialogue is different with the first dialogue. In the second

dialogue, Sheba does sexual intercourse until twice. Sheba admires Steven to

do sexual intercourse again. It proves that Sheba has the recurrent intense

sexual urges. She is happy to say,“I wanna do it again”.

Then, Sheba kisses Steven in the garage of Sheba’s house. Steven comes to Sheba’s house, saying Happy Christmas and giving a necklace as a gift. In the next day, Sheba and Steven do sexual intercourse in her own room

of Sheba’s house. In there, Sheba only wears a sweeter without shorts whereas

Steven is naked.

To a pedophilia, diagnostic criteria for pedophilia is over a period of at

least six months.23 As someone does sexual abuse to a child, Sheba is a

pedophile more than that over a period of six month. Moreover, she does

sexual intercourse almost one year. She starts her sexual since the first time to

make the acquaintance with Steven until at the end of his study. The dialogue

on the page of twenty six means that Sheba does the sexual intercourse since

she first time to make the acquaintance with Steven. Sheba answers “yes” when Barbara asks “the day we met, it had already begun?”.

The dialogue beneath explain that Sheba has relationship with Steven

for a year and she does not cut her relationship.It is causes of Barbara’s anger. Barbara: There’s someone in your garden!He came over the wall.

Sheba: Ow.. It’s probably the neighbour boy, lost his football.

Barbara: No, he’s going into the summer house! Sheba: It’s just a kid from next door. Forget it.

(Steven calls Sheba but Barbara is receive Steven’s call)



Steven:Where are you? I’ve been dreaming about your hot, sweet cunt

all morning. Hello? Hello?

Sheba: Richard’s on his way home. No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I’ll call

you.Barbara! Barbara! I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Bar. …(See the subtitle on the page 58)

Pete: I’m going to be a wizard.

Barbara: Is that when you’re grown up?

Sheba: No. He’s been cast in his school play. Pete: I gonna wear a cape and my wand....

Richard: amongst next year’s cultural highlights, I greatly look

forward to Benjamin Hart in the key role of “The Wizard”, and I find

myself beside myself with anticipation.

…(See the subtitle on the page 46)

Barbara: I’ve got to go back to the vet’s after it’s done. Will you come with me? I can’t on my own.

Sheba: Of course I would. It’s just that Ben’s doing his play at his school… We’re all going. We’re late, actually.

Barbara: Someone has died!

Sheba:I… I know. And it’s terribly sad.

Barbara: You owe me this!

Sheba: I would if I could. I’m desperately sorry about Portia, but you

can see, I have to go.

Barbara: Think very carefully, madam. Be aware of the consequences. (See the subtitle on the page 61)

Sheba finished her relationship with Steven after Barbara disappointed

by Sheba repeatedly. To the first dialogue, Sheba lies to Barbara for two cases.

The first cases are Sheba said that someone were in her one own’s room is a child’s neighbourhood. The other cases are Sheba said that she would finish her relationship with Steven, but until this time, Sheba is not finished her

relationship yet. Then, Richard’s said on the dialogue “amongst next year’s

cultural highlights, I greatly look forward to Benjamin Hart in the key role of

“The Wizard”” explained that Sheba finished her relationship with Steven is on the next year. When Ben plays in a drama, the conflict happened between


Barbara tells Sheba’s relationship with Steven to Brian forBarbara has said on

“Think very carefully, madam. Be aware of the consequences”.Finally, Brian

reports Sheba’s affair to headmaster until Sheba getting punishment in the


Boys are especially harmed when he is victim of sexual abuse by

women. One of the most harmful cultural beliefs is that sexual abuse to boys

by women is harmless because women are viewed as maternal and nurturing.

Because of these stereotypes, women are given greater freedom than men in

touching children and expressing feelings for them. As a consequence, when a

female with pedophilia embraces, kisses, or caresses a child, her behaviour

may be viewed as nurturing rather than sexual and its happen to Sheba.

As the dialogue page twenty six about Sheba’s say on”I said that I

would teach him after school, but only if he felt like it. It is our job, isn’t it?”

is a manipulation. Her job becomes her reason of her sexual to Steven. She

wants viewed as a good teacher and a good nurturing whereas she has a sexual

abuse with her student. The dialogue beneath is also describing about a good

Sheba’s nurtured.(See the subtitle on the page 58)

Sheba: Mr. Connolly. I’m Mrs. Hart from St. George’s. Steven’s not in

trouble.I need to talk to him about an art project…. Steven’s father: Yeah. Come in. Come in.

Sheba: Thank you.

Steven’s father: It’s just upstairs there. It’s good of you to give him extra lesson. It’s the first on your left. It’s… It’s probably best to


Steven’s father considers that Sheba would give an extra study for

Steven. He also considers that Sheba is a good nurtured. As the theory

mentions that, there is no suspicion for Sheba as a woman when she does

sexual abuse to a child. Sheba comes to meet Steven to solve their problem.

Sheba is a female sexual offender that exploiting her dominant

relationship or authority status with a child based on mutual attraction and

love interest tends to her sexual gratification. The dialogue beneath proves that

they have love one each other. Sheba says, “I just allowed it to happen” to

show that they have a sexual relationship. As a teacher, Sheba exploits her

dominant relationship or her authority status to a student for her sexual

gratification. (See the picture F. 2.1 on the page 73 and the subtitle on the page


Steven: Thank you, Miss. You’re beautiful, Miss. You don’t know

how beautiful you are.

Sheba: I hadn’t been pursued like thisfor years. I knew it was wrong and immoral and completely ridiculous, but I don’t know. I just

allowed it to happen.

As well as the previous theory, Pedophilia is the act of fondling a child

sexually or attempting intercourse with one. There is emotional immaturity

and one can also suspect the remote cause specified by Kaplan; that is more

deep-seated personality conflicts and frustrations from which relief is

sought.24 It is same cases with what said by Dr. Barbara Turner in online

classes of Books on Sandplay Therapy that a variety of different theories

exists as to the causes of pedophilia. Some researches attribute pedophilia to



arrested emotional development; that is, the pedophile is attracted to children

because he or she has never matured psychologically.25

Sheba’s life before married with Richard is very freedom. It showed by her appearances likes a naughty young. She portrays as a free sex girls.

Moreover, she meets Richard in the sex party where in there certainly exist

drinks and prostitutes or sexual activities. To theory of pedophilia, there is one

of the characteristic of pedophile which is they often have a history of alcohol

or drug abuse. The dialogue between Barbara and Sheba shows that Sheba

finds Richard in the sexual party. (See the subtitle on the page 48)

Barbara: She spoke of her vile mother, her grief over the death of her father the glory days when Richard scooped her up. And then jettisoned wife and children for what she called a nonstop fuckfest. It is a peculiar trait of the privileged: immediate incautious intimacy. But Sheba went well beyond the tendencies of her class. She was utterly candid, a novice confessing to the mother superior.

Sheba: You know, marriage and kids, I mean, it is wonderful, but it does not give you meaning. It gives you an imperative but it does not

help you… My father always used to say, you know, on the tube,

“mind the gap”. I do not know. It is just the distance between life as

you dream it and life as it is.

The underlined dialogue on fuckfest word in “…and then jettisoned

wife and children for what she called a nonstop fuckfest”is sexual party. She

meets Richard when she has deep-seated personality conflict after her father

die. She was drifted inexorably when her father died. After she married with

Richard, she faces deep-seated personality conflicts and frustration.

Apparently, her marriage never makes her life free. It also expressed by Sheba

to Barbara in the underlined dialogue on “You know, marriage and kids, I



mean, it is wonderful, but it does not give you meaning. It gives you an

imperative but it does not help you…”. It proves that Sheba has more deep-seated personality conflicts and frustration. This cases is also performed on

the dialogue beneath that Sheba tired with her condition and wanting a

freedom. (See the subtitle on the page 47)

Barbara: It must be exhausting, running a family and teaching as


Sheba: I can not wait for term to end. Rol on Christmas and a month of sod all. I should not have kidded my self I could teach. It is just that I

have…I have spent the last ten years looking after Ben, and I was so desperate to get out and do something. And finally we get him into this great local school and I am free to work.

Barbara: You’re gonna be a terrific teacher.

Sheba: Thanks. But I’m bloody hopeless, and everyone knows it.

Her statement about marriage was agreed with her condition of her

play in this movie. She was giving her love and affection all to her family but

it does contrary. She never was getting love and affection from her family.

Moreover, She must take care both of her stepchildren who are not easy likes

her own child. She must patient with her son faces down’s syndrome and her

daughter is often rebellious and whereas her husband is very indifferent. Her

husband, Richard is a very busy person with his job. So, Sheba is not getting

the suitable of sexual intercourse and Sheba’s opportunity to do sexual

intercourse with Richard is limited.

It proves that Sheba needs a freedom to do something. All pressure in

her life led her to pedophilia. Nevertheless, she has never been able to

establish or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationship with male. She has


dialogue beneath is the Richard’s express shows that Sheba has never been

able to express her needs. (See the subtitle on the page 69)

Richard: I knew who you were when we meet. You were young, and I

knew it might get tough but I was prepared. You’re a good mother, but at times you’ve been a fucking lousy wife. Why didn’t you come to

me? You could have told me how lonely you were. You never trusted

me to help you. I’m not saying I was so fucking fabulous, but I was


It means that Sheba is a personally immature offender. She has

sexually comfortable only with children who she knows, that are her student.

Here, nevertheless the regressed and maladjustment faces the pressure her life

taken Sheba of her pedophilia. Like in the theory mentions about half of

people with pedophilia report stressful events, such as marital or work

conflict, personal loss or rejection and manifested considerable disturbance in




A. Conclusion

After analyzing the character of Sheba Hart in chapter three, the writer

drew a conclusion that Sheba Hart suffered Pedophilia. It can be seen from the

symptoms which refer to Pedophilia. Sheba faces Pedophilia influenced by the

stressful events that she gets from her family and friends. It is influenced by her

immaturity and maladjustment faces pressure her life.

Because of these more deep-seated personality and frustration, Sheba

has the recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving

sexual activity with a prepubescent child, Steven. They do the sexual activities in

many places. Basically, Sheba is not mentally ill in terms of suffering from a

psychotic disorder, she resorts to abnormal sexual activity. Therefore, although

she has pedophilia with her student, she has also a kind-hearted, friendly, patient,

attentive and well-nurtured characteristic. But, her good characteristic was not

responded by her beloved family. She never was getting attention and affection

from her family, especially from her husband. It is causes Sheba has pedophilia.

Nevertheless, the immaturity and maladjustment faces the pressure in her life

taken Sheba of her pedophilia. As someone did sexual abuse to a child, Sheba has

pedophile more than that over a period of six months. She starts her sexual since


B. Suggestion

The Notes on a Scandalare produced by Scott Rudin and Robert Fox

production house that portray about psychological conflict. InNotes on a Scandal,

Sheba described as someone who has good personalities and deviance to do

sexual abuse toward a prepubescent child.

This research is just one way to interpret a literature. The movie can be

analyzed from many points of view, but in this opportunity, the writer uses

general of abnormal psychology theory to analyze it and proving the pedophilia

conflicts that contained on it. The writer does suggest the readers who are

interested in the movie to conduct deeper study relating with abnormal

psychology in literary works, to read and access some sources from various books

and sites. Reading the literary analysis which written by many authors will also be



Boggs, Joseph M and Dennis W, Petrie, The Art of Watching Films. USA: Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000.

Bordwell, David and Thompson, Kristin, Film Art: An Introduction Seventh Edition. Boston: University of Wiconsin, 2004.

Coleman, James C, Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life. USA: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1976.

Costello, Timothy W Ph.D and Costello, Joseph T Ph.D, Abnormal Psychology. Harper Collins College: Harper Perenial.

Davison, Gerald C, Neale, John M, and Kring, Ann M, Abnormal Psychology. USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2004.

Farkhan, Muhammad, Proposal Penelitian Bahasa Dan Sastra. Jakarta: Cella,2007.

Farkhan, Muhammad,Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Jakarta: Cella, 2007.

Hornby, A.S,Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.

McMahon, Frank B and McMahon, Judith W,Abnormal Behavior: Psychology’s

View. London: The Dorsey Press, 1983.

Nevid, Jeffrey S, Rathus, Spencer A, and Greene, Beverly, Psikologi Abnormal/Edisi kelima jilid 2. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2003.

Papalia, Diane E and Wendkos Olds, Sally, Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985.

Rosen, Ephraim, Fox, Ronald E and Gregory, Ian, Abnormal Psychology. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1972.

Sarason, Irwin G and Sarason, Barbara R,Abnormal Psychology: The Problem of Maladaptive Behavior. Washington: Upper Saddle River, 2002.


Strong,Bryan…(et al.),Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2005.

Telford, Charles W and Sawrey, James M, Psychology as a Natural Science: A Concise Introduction to the Fundamentals of Behavior. California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1972.



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_adaptation (accessed on March 11, 2009)

http://web.uvic.ca/wguide/Pages/LTCharacter.html (accessed on March 11, 2009)

http://sexual-abuse.suite101.com/article.cfm/female_sex_offenders (accessed on September 5, 2009)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia#History-of-the-term (accessed on March 11, 2009)

http://www.healing4women.com/media/female/sex/offenders/Duncan.pdf (accessed on September 5, 2009)



Appendix I

The subtitle of film“Notes on a Scandal”By Zoe Heller received from: http://www.moviesubtitles.org/subtitle-5628.html.

00:00:44,711 --> 00:00:46,804 [Children Chattering]

00:01:04,497 --> 00:01:08,558

[Barbara Narrating]: People have

always trusted me with their secrets. 00:01:08,668 --> 00:01:11,899 But who do I trust with mine? 00:01:12,005 --> 00:01:15,964 You. Only you.

00:01:47,974 --> 00:01:51,375 The first day of a new term. 00:01:52,946 --> 00:01:56,507

Here come the local pubescent proles... 00:01:56,616 --> 00:01:59,141

the future plumbers and shop assistants...

00:01:59,252 --> 00:02:02,653 and doubtless the odd terrorist too. 00:02:02,755 --> 00:02:05,485 [Shouting, Chattering]

00:02:05,592 --> 00:02:09,494 In the old days, we confiscated cigarettes and wank mags. 00:02:09,596 --> 00:02:12,656 Now it's knives and crack cocaine. 00:02:15,235 --> 00:02:17,897 And they call it progress.

00:02:18,004 --> 00:02:20,973 [Boy]: Roger!

00:02:21,074 --> 00:02:24,043 [Boy]: Piss off!

Headmaster: - Tony. Tony.

00:02:24,144 --> 00:02:27,136 Mrs. Hart, art department.

00:02:27,247 --> 00:02:30,876

Barbara: 1517, Martin Luther nails his 95 points...

00:02:30,984 --> 00:02:35,216 to a church door in Wittenberg-00:02:35,321 --> 00:02:38,017 [School Bell Rings]

00:02:40,193 --> 00:02:42,127 [Girl]: Poison granny. 00:02:47,834 --> 00:02:50,701 Piss off, you prick.

00:02:50,803 --> 00:02:54,534 Headmaster: Before we begin, for those of you who haven't delivered your reports..

00:02:54,641 --> 00:02:56,973

Please lob them in my general direction. 00:02:57,076 --> 00:02:59,340 Ah. Has everyone met our new art teacher, Sheba Hart?

00:03:06,319 --> 00:03:09,379 Sheba: Hello.

Headmaster: I've asked Sheba to sit

in on this meeting.

00:03:09,489 --> 00:03:12,253 As you all know, I regard the arts... 00:03:12,358 --> 00:03:15,794 as absolutely essential to our policy of reform through nurture.

00:03:15,895 --> 00:03:17,795 Thank you, Chris.


Fight! Fight!


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