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The Description Of Marian Shrine Of Annai Velangkanni In Medan


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Father Rev. James Bharataputra S.J. was born in Michaelpatnam,

Tamilnadu, South India on 3 July 1938. He was born in an India original name –

Irudayam Singarayar Sebastian James (I.S.S. James). Michaelpatnam is a small

village which located 35 km from Madurai city in region of Pandia Kingdom.

There are more over 2000 people who are Catholic 100 % hereditary and they are

truly in faith. Thus, God called 81 people to be priest even in diocesan priest and

at least 170 people to be monk and nun from the village.


Father James Bharataputra just has one younger sister, and her name is Rosalia

Mary and she was a nun too – Suster Rosalia Mary O.SM (Order of Servites of

Mary). His parents lived in Servite Convent, Pabanasam, Tamilnaadu, South


Since in primary school until junior school, Father James Bharataputra

had studied in R.C. School in Michaelpatnam (1943 – 1951). Then, he studied in

St. Mary’s High School, Dindigul (1951 – 1955) and pre-university in St.

Joseph’s College, Trichy. He entranced the order of Jesuits on 30 May 1957.

Starting his studying to become a priest from novitiate in Beschi College, Didigul,

India (1957 – 1959) and then Juniorate in Sacred Heart College, Shembaganur,

India (195 – 1960) and then he became a B.A of economy at Loyola, Chennai

(1960 – 1963).

Father James Bharataputra learnt philosophy from 1963 till 1967 and he

was in Malaysia since his priest years. He was in Parish of St. Joseph, Sentul,

Malaysia, Parish of Assumption Petaling Jaya and Parish of Fatima, Brickfields,

Malaysia. Then he went to Indonesia to study theology in Seminari Kentungan,

Yogyakarta (1967 – 1969) and back to India (1969 – 1971) to learn theology in St.

Mary’s Kurseong, India.

Father James Bharatputra was ordained on 27 December 1970. His first

duty was assigned to Indonesia, Parish of St. Antonius, Hayam Wuruk, Medan

(1972 – 1983). Then, he went to Clarkstown Michigan, USA (1975 – 1976). And

he backed to Indonesia again in 1983 as a Parish Priest at Hati Kudus Parish until



Bharataputra, James. 2005. Buku Panduan Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni. Medan : Bina Media

J. Moleong, Lexy. 1994. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya

Medan, Keuskupan Agung. 2005. Peresmian Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni. Medan : Bina Media

Parlaungan dkk, Ritonga. 2004. Bahasa Indonesia Praktis. Medan : Bartong Jaya

S. Pendit, Nyoman. 2002. Ilmu Pariwisata : Subuah Pengantar Perdana. Jakarta : Pradnya Paramita

Sembiring, Matius.C.A. 2012. Kompilasi Bahan Kuliah. Unpublished.

Sembiring, Matius.C.A. 2013. Buku Pedoman Program D-3 Studi Bahasa Inggris. Unpublished.

Soekadijo, R.G. 1997. Anatomi Pariwisata. Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Thomas, Th. van den End. 2003. Harta Dalam Bejana : Sejarah Gereja Ringkas. Jakarta : Gunung Mulia



3.1 The History of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni

The history of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni in Medan is inspired

from a pilgrimage place “Annai Velangkanni” in India. The gospel of Jesus Christ

was introduced in India by the apostle Thomas since the period of that apostle.

The apostle Thomas was the first man who introduced gospel in India and he

became a martyr in a city in India which is called Madras.

Thomas is one of the apostles in Christianity bible. Christian people

know him as “Thomas - the unbelievable man”. But after the rise of Jesus Christ,

Thomas changed totally and became as one of Jesus Christ apostles who spread

the gospel to all over the world included India. Thus, most of Christians in India

call themselves as a Thomas Christian.

Annai Velangkanni in India is a pilgrimage place (sanctuary) to Mary –

Mother of God. It is located in Benggala Bay Coast, in south east of India, exactly

in south of Madras city – Chennai. In that place, Mother Mary is respected with a

title of “The Healing Mother”. That pilgrimage place had been developed in the

end of the 16th century and the beginning of 17th century in Velangkanni because

there were miracles happened in different place in that time.

Therefore, in the chapel of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni those


1) The Appearance to A Herdsman Kid

There was a herdsman kid in India who always every morning went to

Nagapattinam – a city about 10 km from Velangkanni to bring milk and give it to

his customers. One day, when he arrived near a pond in Velangkanni, he felt

asleep under a tree “banniyan”. While he slept, the pots of the milk were beside

by him. But, he was awaken up by the blow of the wind, and when he opened his

eyes, he saw beautiful princess carrying her child. That beautiful princess smiled

to him and asked him friendlily for giving her child the milk. With a happy and

frightened feeling, the herdsman kid gave his milk to the princess’ child. The

beautiful princess smiled again to him without saying anything.

After that, the herdsman kid continued his journey to Nagapattinam. And

when he gave the milk to his rich customer, the customer was angry to him

because he was late to bring his milk and the milk was decreased. Then the

customer took the milk from the herdsman kid and gave the milk to his hungry

boy. In that time, amazingly the milk in the pot was increased and boiled over.

Then, the herdsman kid told what happened to himself to his father. His

father was so surprised and then they ran to the place where the beautiful princess

was appeared. They believed that the beautiful princess was Mother Mary. The

news of that appearance was spread everywhere and people pray for Mother

Mary. Finally, the place where the beautiful princess was appeared was called

Matha Kualam – the pond of Mother.

The picture of the appearance to a herdsman kid is in appendix page 37


2) The Appearance to A Paralyzed Boy

A few years later, the same mother appeared herself to a paralyzed Hindu

boy. In Velangkanni there was a high place called The Central High Land. In that

place, there was a banyan tree which gave shelter from the sun light to those

people who were in journey. The mother of that boy was a poor widow. Usually,

his mother put him under the banyan tree so that he could sell milk and lemonade

to the tourists who were in thirsty.

One day, in summer time, the weather was so hot, and the paralyzed boy

sat lonely and suddenly he saw a light that lighter than the sun. The light came

close to him. He was very frightened. But, his fear disappeared soon after he saw

a beautiful princess carry her child. That beautiful princess smiled friendlily to

him and said, “Please, give me a glass of milk”. While that beautiful princess gave

her child the milk, the paralyzed boy groveled down. The beautiful princess

continued her conversation, “I have chosen this place to give blessing to my

parish”. Then the paralyzed boy was commanded by the beautiful princess to go

to Nagapattinam to tell to a Catholic man that he had to built a church in that

appearance place. Sadly the paralyzed boy answered her, “How could I go there

because I am paralyzed?” That beautiful princess smiled and said, “Just stand up

and do what I ask.” In that time, the paralyzed boy felt that his legs got the new

strength. He jumped happily and ran directly to Nagapatttinam.

This was the first miracle in Velangkanni. This miracle makes people

believe and love to Mother of God. And they called the beautiful princess “Arokia


In the night before the appearance to the paralyzed boy, that Catholic

man had the same dream. In his dream, the beautiful princess asked the same

thing. Thus, in place where Mother of God commanded in Nadu Thittu, he built a

chapel and on its altar he put a statue beautiful of Mary – it is the same to the

appearance of beautiful princess that they had seen. Then, many people come to

that place for praying to Mother of God.

The picture of the appearance to a paralyzed boy is in appendix page 37

in picture 02.

3) The Rescuing of A Sailboat

Since Vasco Da Gama – a well known Portuguese sailor had found a way

through the sea from Europe to India by travelling around Tanjung Harapan in

South Africa in year 1499, there were many Portuguese sailboats sailed to India

and South East Asia for trading.

A trade sailboat was in journey from Macau, Tiongkok to Colombo in Sri

Langka. In Benggala bay, they got a terrifying storm. The sailors felt hopeless and

unhelpful unless God reached them. Therefore, with a frightening heart, they knelt

and pray to Hail Mary whom they respected by calling Stella Maris - the star of

ocean to rescue them and their boat. Suddenly, the storm stopped and the sea

waves became quiet. Apparently, they had been in the beach of Velangkanni.

They were rescued. That moment was happened on 8 September – the born day of

Mother of God.

Then, they went to a small church of Hail Mary which was built by wood


They believed that Mother Mary had rescued them from the danger. As a sign of

their thankful feelings, they made a promise that in the place they would build a

bigger church and more beautiful altar than before.

They turned back and renovated the church. On the altar, they put metal

sheet of porcelains. The metals were painted with the events of Bible - the metals

of their witness about their thankful to Hail Mary. And until now, we can see it in

the central of the altar. The certain date for that moment is not known exactly.

However, there is an important document from year 1630 that is written by a

Franciscan priest – Paulo da Trindade. He said that a church had been existed

there and the patron was The Healing Mother and also there had been a

Franciscan who lived there (the picture of the rescuing of a sailboat is in appendix

page 40 in picture 03).

In year 1660 until 1771, Velangkanni was in bad situation. In that time,

Nagapattinam and all around regions were in controlled by Kalvinis Dutch. They

wanted to eliminate the honor of Mother Mary and Eucharist celebration.

Therefore, Catholic people were decreased from 8000 to 4000. However, after

English people came to India, Catholic people were not bothered anymore and the

honor to Mother Mary kept on developing.

There was still a letter from Pater Wilet, S.J. in 1846 that stated that

“Velangkanni is holy famous place of Mother Mary.”

The chapel had been widen and in 1920 it was widen again and there

were three buildings also constructed - two towers with gothic style that looked


1933, on the central altar was built a dome with 28 meters height. In 1962, the

pilgrimage church was given a status of “Basilika” by Pope John XXIII. After

that, this holy multistoried place had been enlarged again for so many times.

Some priests were full assigned in this place. They held Eucharist,

novena and special celebration on May as a month of Hail Mary. The religious

service was held with various languages depended on pilgrimage people need.

Thus, there were available some rooms for various languages. The priests in

Velangkanni assigned for guiding the retreat and manage the school for children

in that region. Three old priests were assigned specially for confession father for

the pilgrimage tourists. In 1966, a building was constructed again with a special

library called “Marian Institute.”

The picture of the rescuing of a sailboat is in appendix page 37 in

picture 03.

3.2 Mother Mary – The Healing Mother in Tanjung Selamat

In Tanjung Selamat, Medan, since September in 2001, the year of Glory

Jubilee, had been built a holy place for honoring Mother Mary of the healing

mother which familiarly called Annai Velangkanni. The holy place is built in

Tanjung Selamat for honoring Mother Mary for the same title ‘the healing

mother’ or ‘Our Lady of Good Health’.

It is the effort of Father James Bharataputra, S.J., an India origin Jesuit,

who had been worked for more than 30 years in Medan Archdiocese, especially


century. For the beginning, they worked in tobacco field, but then they lived in

Medan. When, they still lived in India, they had been familiar with Annai

Velangkanni – Our Lady of Good Health who had been honored in India for more

than 350 years.

The father of Medan Archbishop – Mgr. Pius Datubara, OFM Cap., had

ever visited that holy place in India a few years ago. He had seen by himself the

greatest faith and the sincerity of the pilgrimage people who came to that holy

place from all over India. There are many people come to that place from

different religions. However, they worship God for the blessing pray of Mother

Mary who rescued them.

Therefore, the archbishop gave his blessing to father James Bharataputra

to construct a holy place for honoring the healing mother – Our Lady of Good

Health which would be fulfilled with the statue of Mother Mary. The statue would

be made as the same as the origin statue in India and with the same size too.

Actually, there was no amazing event or even the appearance of Mary in

Tanjung Selamat, Medan to make that place to be holy. But the aim of father

James Bharataputra to had Annai Velangkanni brought in to Medan is: so that

Mary Annai Velangkanni could make the miracles in Medan such as what Mother

Mary had done in Velangkanni, India. Thus, people who come to the pilgrimage

place which owned by Medan Archdiocese could have experience. And now there

are so many people come to this place and feel the miracle. Their prayings were


Actually, the fund of this place is fully come from the generosity of the

donator who honor and love Mother Mary even Catholic or non – Catholic.

Almost 60 % from Indonesia, 30 % from Singapore, and 10 % from Malaysia,

India and Dubai.

The construction of this place spent time 4 years (September 2001 –

September 2005) and also had expensed 4 billion rupiahs.

At the beginning, Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni was planned to

construct without any financial capital and committee (it had been formed, but

they never worked at all), just rely on Father James Bharataputra. He believed that

constructing this holy place (sanctuary) is a duty and mission from God. Thus, he

believed that God would fulfill everything because it is God Creature’s willing.

Therefore, he formed the new committee – the head was God and the

fund section was Mother Mary. With this new committee Father James

Bharataputra felt his life was spread with God’s blessing.

Father James Bharataputra confessed that there were some obstacles in

effort of constructing this building such as when the license of constructing this

chapel from region government had not been allowed and the order of Mother

Mary statue from India had not been arrived, Father James Bharataputra kept

praying for a year to Mother Mary. Thus, God granted his pray – the license paper

was given by the government. Then, on September 8th 2001 in the celebration of

Mother Mary’s born day, he prepared for the laying of a cornerstone. However,

the order of Mother Mary statue had been arrived from India with so many


been arrived, the laying of a cornerstone had to keep on going. Amazingly, an

hour before the event was begun, suddenly the telephone rang from the airport and

said that the order from India had come. Happily, the statue of Mother Mary was

picked up from the airport and it was put in the hall of St. Anna, first floor. All of

that happened and Father James Bharataputra believed that it is a miracle by

Mother Mary. This is the first miracle for him.

The same moment happened again on October 2002. The story began

when Father James Bharataputra brought money 10 million rupiahs as a donation

from Catholic people in Banda Aceh. Because of he had to go to Jakarta to follow

the closing day of Rosary month, Father James Bharataputra did not go to the

bank to save the money. He just made the money in a paper and put it on a table in

his friend’s bed room. His friend is from India too whom he usually stayed there.

On 2nd November 2002, when he was on the way to back to Medan,

Father James got the information that his friend’s house at Jl. Kediri 27, Medan

was on fire. He thought that the money also burnt by the fire. After arriving in

Medan, he went to his friend’s room and trying to find the money. Amazingly, the

money was whole still existed among the ruins of the building and so was the

bible. And now the proofed bible is kept and showed in Marian Shrine of Annai

Velangkanni. (Appendix page 38 in Picture 04).

Father James Bharataputra believed that this was the second miracle of

Mother Mary in Medan. Even this moment was released on a magazine


Unworried, Father James Bharataputra believed that God interfered in

constructing this place by the role of Mother Mary. Thus, he said that Mother

Mary was the coordinator of “fund section”. It had been proved that for 3 years by

Mother Mary helps, the process of collecting the fund in the process of

constructing this building could be realized (3 billion rupiahs). Because of the

story of the erection of Marian Shrine of Anna Velangkanni has the faith

inspiration unworriedly, thus in its relief there is a picture of the history of God’s

rescue to human that centrally is in Jesus self who was bear by Mother Mary

because of holy spirit.

This sanctuary finally called Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni and

officially opened in the celebration of the born day on Hail Mary on October 1st

2005, the opening day of Rosary month. Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni had

officially opened by the Governor of North Sumatera, Drs. Rudolf Pardede and

blessed by Medan Archbishop. Their signs also monumentalized in Marian Shrine

of Annai Velangkanni (Appendix page 38 in Picture 05, 06).

Since the official announcement, there are so many people who had come

to Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni from all over Indonesian archipelago and

also foreign countries - people from many different religions, culture and also

custom – not also Tamil people.

3.3 The Location of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni in Medan

Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is located in Tanjung Selamat,

Medan Tuntungan at Jl. Sakura III, Medan, North Sumatera. Marian Shrine of


Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni could be reached by public transportation.



4.1 The Building Structure and The Symbols Meanings

This pilgrimage place (sanctuary) was built in Indo – Mogul style. It is

the architecture unification of Islam – Hindu style since the ancient of Mongolia

empire. It looks from the face of its building which formed in mosque and temple

without door. It is deliberately constructed in inculturative nuance that makes this

Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni has its own power of attraction. However,

this building fully has religious meanings.

4.1.1 The First Floor 1) The Gate

The gate of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is a local inculturative

building – a portal with the traditional houses of Batak Tobanese and Karonese

with the relief of various ethnics with also their traditional clothes. All that signs

mean that everybody who comes to this place with good intention is WELCOME.

The picture of gate is in Appendix page 39 in Picture 07.

2) The Building Structure

The structure and the format content of this building are fully inspired by

God. For 4 years of this sanctuary constructing, God only gave inspiration how

this building must be built to tell about God’s Gospel. The architecture is in Indo

– Mogul style. Indo – Mogul style means that it is the combination of Islam –

Hindu architecture which imitates from Mongolia empire. The face of its


architecture of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni there are various colors in it.

The colors used in the Shrine in its ascending order are: black, grey, blue and

yellow (gold), starting from the bottom up to the top of the shrine tower (heaven).

a. Black means Darkness / Sinfulness

If we look at the asphalted entrance, we will observe a human figure in

its dark and sinfulness fallen prostrate with its out-stretched arms, before God the

Holy Trinity in heaven which is symbolically represented by the seven-storey

tower and three domes of Marian Shrine.

b. Grey (Ash Color) means Repentance

Grey or ash color is considered to be a symbol of repentance in the bible.

Thus, Marian Shrine is meant to proclaim repentance to all who come to visit.

c. White means Holiness

The sinful man in prostration pleads for God’s mercy in order to become

pure and holy (White) like him

d. Red means Sacrifice

After a man has become holy through repentance and wants to remain in

holiness for long he has to die to his sinful everyday by sacrificing himself.

e. Green means Life

When man loses himself through sacrifice for the sake of God and for the

sake of others, he will have God’s life (Green) in him. Green carries the hope.

f. Blue means Heavens

If a man has God’s life in him, he has the right to enter heaven which is


g. Yellow (Gold) means Glory

And when man enters heaven, God will glorify him in eternal glory

which is indicated (yellow / gold) as it appears on the top of three domes of the

Shrine tower.

The amazing thing about the colors of Marian Shrine of Annai

Velangkanni is that it took seven years to discover their significance intended by

God, the original architect who seems to have arranged the ascending order:

(Black, Grey, White, Red, Green, Blue and Yellow).

Symbolically, the initiator of this shrine would like to inform that here, in

this place, the heaven and the earth are met and here, in this place, God would like

to meet with the human race - His creatures.

Hence, the church upstairs was seven-story with three domed towers. It is

symbolically showed the seventh sky – Heaven and the overpass with the ground

floor are symbolically showed Earth. The hall on the first floor is called St. Anna


Therefore, on the wall of the overpass was graven the creation events

which are suitable to the bible. The picture of building structure is in Appendix

page 39 in Picture 08.

3) The Pavement and The Overpass

The pavement and the overseas to the Shrine that take people to the

church are symbolized the embrace of God to the human. The shape of the black

pavement is symbolized a man in his / her weaknesses and sins comes to kneel


The overseas is also symbolized the two hands of Mother Mary that hug

to take us to God. These symbols would like to inform that if a man embraces

Mother Mary, he will get the salvation of Jesus Christ and get also eternal life.

Hence, symbolically there are two banana trees are put in front of the hall

to show “life without end”. The picture of the pavement and the overpass is in

Appendix page 40 in Picture 09. 4) The Well of Jacob

The fountain in front of St. Anna hall is symbolized of Jesus and a

Samaritan woman that shows Jesus asked for the water from the Samaritan

woman who came to draw water and after talked to her, Jesus said that He is the

water of life, and whoever in thirsty, come to Me, I give the life water thus you

will not be thirsty anymore. The picture of Jacob’s well is in Appendix page 40

in Picture 10.

5) The St. Anna Hall

The St. Anna hall on the first floor is the meeting hall for people who

gather without seeing the differences of nation, language, religion, culture, etc.

Therefore, this hall is intended to anyone who wants to use it. St. Anna Hall is

usually used as a place for any necessary of meetings needed, and even for

wedding celebration. Everyone who wants to use this hall, must have had

permission to the Rector of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni – Father James


6) The Pilgrimage Road to Emmanuel’s Home

However, for those people who want to meet Emmanuel, they have to do

pilgrimage in faith to God’s house on the top floor. So, the overpass becomes a

pilgrimage road for people who seek God. The pilgrims who seek God will not be

afraid of walking in the darkness because all the roads are fully put of 40 lights

that symbolized the journey of Israel people in the dessert for 40 years to the

promised - land and in 40 days Jesus fasted in the dessert and also this Marian

Shrine of Annai Velangkanni was built for 4 years. The picture of pilgrimage road

is in Appendix page 40 in Picture 12.

7) The Rosary Beads

Rosary pray is a particular pray in a devotion to Mother Mary and has an

important role in spiritual life of Catholic people. Therefore, the rosary beads are

put around the Marian Shrine. The picture of Rosary beads in Appendix page 41

in Picture 13. 8) Annam Bird

Before entering the church, people could see the relief of birds around it.

Although, the birds are like pigeon or peacock, those birds are India legendary

birds – Annam Birds.

The birds are put there to give a worth lesson for faith people. According

to India’s legend, Annam bird liked most drinking cow’s milk. When, they were

given the milk mixed with the water, the Annam birds would not drink the milk


The worth lesson is that God hopes His people not to swallow everything

that earth offered because there are so many falseness and lie in this world. So,

like Annam birds, people should filter the truth from all the falseness that earth

offered by faith. The picture of Annam bird is in Appendix page 41 in Picture


4.1.2 The Second Floor - The Parts of Church 1) The Windows

The windows of the church are decorated with 20 stained glass pictures

which tell the mystery or events in Rosary pray, they are happy event, light event,

sad event and glorious event and each of them has 5 reflections.

The balcony windows are decorated with the pictures of The Cross Way

in version of “Grill”. The title must be read from the outside. The purpose is the

piety of doing the cross way must be done from outside of the Shrine by

surrounding the church. The picture of windows is in Appendix page 41 in

Picture 15.

2) The Statue of St. Paul & St. Francis Xavier

The pillars of the church consist of 12 pillars to symbolize God’s chosen

people consists of 12 Israel tribes depending on the old testament of bible, and the

Christ church was built because of the 12th apostles. Hence, in the church there are

the statues of the apostles on each pillar.

But before entering the church, we will see two big statues in the right


many nations and St. Francis Xavier – a tough missionaries who known as an

apostle of Asian. St. Francis Xavier had ever evangelized in Indonesia – Ternate,

Maluku and also to Melaka, Japan and Macao. Therefore, both of them are put

outside of the church in the entrance door. The picture of the statue is in

Appendix page 41 in Picture 16, 17. 3) The Church Interior

When we enter the church, everyone will be welcomed with beautiful

words: “Come to me, who all you work hard and who carry heavy burdens and I

will refresh you”.

Admittedly, everyone who comes to this church will feel the coolness

there, even though there is no air conditioner in it. The picture of the church

interior is in Appendix page 42 in Picture 18.

4) The Ceiling

According to Catholic Church, people get blessing from pray and

sacraments. Thus, on the ceiling of the church is decorated with the pictures of


However, there are only 6 sacraments pictures on it – the baptism

sacrament, chrism sacrament, sin confession sacrament, wedding sacrament,

priesthood sacrament, sacrament for the sick – even though there are 7 sacraments

in Catholic.

Because of Eucharist sacrament is the source, central and the top of all

sacraments, therefore the picture of Eucharist sacrament is put in the center of the


Moreover, on the ceiling there are also 4 pictures of Mary Annai

Velangkanni which tell the miracles of Mother Mary in Velangkanni, India in 17

century. The picture of the ceiling is in Appendix page 42 in Picture 19.

5) The Triple Altar

The altar has 3 parts: the main altar, right altar and left altar. For reaching

the main altar, we have to step on 7 rungs. Deliberately, it is constructed with 7

rungs so that we can step on it eight times. Biblically, 8 mean the Jesus’ teaching

of eight words of happy in His homily on the hill.

Thus, the verses of those happy words are put in the wall of church

balcony so that people can easily to remember and comprehend it. The picture of

triple altar is in Appendix page 42 in Picture 20.

6) The Altar of Mary and The Throne of The Bible

In the right side of the main altar, there is the altar of Mary and beside it

there is the throne of the bible. And in the left side of the main altar, there is the

altar of tabernacle which is the most holy heart of Jesus.

The three statues of The Mary statue, the bible throne and the statue of

the holy heart of Jesus inform symbolically the mystery of Incarnation: the word

of God becomes human in Hail Mary and live with us in tabernacle as Emmanuel

– God with us. The picture of Mary altar is in Appendix page 43 in Picture 21.

7) The Altar of Emmanuel

In the left side of the main altar is called the tabernacle altar or the altar

of Emmanuel. The statue of the holy heart of Jesus is as tabernacle to explain


the tabernacle is made as the heart of Jesus. The picture of Emmanuel Altar is in

Appendix page 43 in Picture 22.

8) The Main Altar : The Eucharist Altar

The main altar is decorated with 3 pictures to inform the meaning of

Catholic altar. Catholic altar is a place for sacrificing, for offering, for banqueting.

Therefore, in the right side is decorated with the picture of Isaac sacrifice

by Abraham. In the left side is decorated with the offering of bread and grape by

archpriest Melchizedek. In the middle of the altar is the picture of God’s banquet.

The picture of the last supper in this Shrine is different from others. Jesus

and his apostles sit on the floor. They do not use table and chair. The just sit on

the floor and eat (Appendix page 43 in Picture 23). This picture is a duplicate of

a picture from India painter. The picture of Eucharist altar is in Appendix page

43 in Picture 24. 9) Calvary Hill

On the top of the last supper’s picture, we can see the Calvary hill where

Jesus was crossed and under His feet Mother Mary and John (Jesus beloved

apostle) stood up. Calvary means important to this Shrine.

The first, Eucharist celebration is to remember and bring back the

sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary: “when we eat this bread and drink this cup, we

proclaim our faith, we recall your death and resurrection Lord Jesus full of faith

and hope until you come in glory.”

The second, in this event Jesus gave His mother as the mother of human


devotion to Mother Mary for Catholic people. The picture of Calvary hill is in

Appendix page 44 in Picture 25. 10)The Table of Altar

The table of altar which is used for Eucharist is unique and has an

important role as “kalpataru” – the tree of live. The altar table is formed like the

root of tree. The symbol of this wood altar also reminds that the death of human

race comes from tree (because of the first human Adam and Eve ate the fruit from

forbidden tree) and also the new life comes from the tree (because of Jesus died

on cross wood). The picture of altar table is in Appendix page 44 in Picture 26.

11)The Dome on The Altar

On the altar, there is a dome with three decorated reliefs to symbolize the

Final Court. The right side relief shows that the first human was created by God

and he is Adam (a duplicate of classic painting by Michael Angelo).

The middle picture shows that the arrival of Jesus in His Glory to gather

people whom he save. (Appendix page 44 in Picture 27)

The left side relief shows that the first human is honored by God and she

is Mary who is crowned as the Queen of Heaven and Earth.

These two pictures reveal the purpose of human life: Man is created for

the glory of God. Therefore, we should come to Mother Mary to learn how to

come to the glory of God as like as her. So, the devotion to Mother Mary is useful

for faith people to reach his life. (Appendix page 44 in Picture 28, 29). The


4.2 The Chapel of Beato John Paul II

A monument is built in front of the chapel of Mary Annai

Velangkanni. This monument is dedicated to Pope John Paul II – a pope who very

loved Mother Mary. This chapel is still in process of constructing and it will be

finished by this year (2013) on September. And before, it was The Mini Garden of

St. Il Papa Giovanni Paolo II. (Appendix page 45 in Picture 31).

Furthermore, the reason why this monument is built is that Pope John

Paul II had ever visited Tuntungan, Medan in 1989 when he did official visit to


4.3 The Chapel of Mary Annai Velangkanni

The original construction of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is the

chapel of this Mary Annai Velangkanni that had been built in 2001 as a place for

devotion to Mother Mary. From this chapel, the construction license was gotten.

The chapel is officially opened and blessed on 8 September 2001 in the

celebration of Mother Mary’s born day and in that day, the laying of the

cornerstone for Marian Shrine was held too. Even though, Marian Shrine of Annai

Velangkanni had been finished built on 1 October 2005, the chapel are still kept

using for daily pray, and also Novena pray.

The picture of Mary’s chapel is in Appendix page 46 in Picture 32.

4.4 The Miracle in Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni – Holy Water

Not so long after the blessing of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni, a

miracle was happened in Mary Chapel, a wellspring spouted out from the foot of


2005, the chapel floor was often flooded by water. In that year, rain often came

and the chapel’s floor was just 1.5 m lower than the floor of Shrine, so Father

James Bharataputra guessed that the rain water flooded the chapel’s floor.

Therefore, the chapel’s floor was dig up and piled the soil up until 50 cm, and put

the ceramics floor.

However, the new floor was still kept wet. Thus, two experts of

searching water were called. Obviously, the two men find a water source under

the altar of Mary’s chapel. Because of Father James did not want to break the

altar, so 1.2 m from the water source, they tried to drill a well. Even though, they

got clean water but it was not good to drink. Thus, the well was closed.

On 2 November 2005, on the same date and month when the first miracle

happened – 2 November 2002, the water source was found under the altar of

Mary’s chapel.

Before that, in the evening 1 November 2005, Father James could not

sleep in peace. He thought about the flood in the chapel. When lie on his bed, he

suddenly heard voice: “scratch the ground under the feet of Mother’s Mary on

chapel’s altar”. Because of the pressure of that voice, after getting up in the

morning, Father James called the gardener to break the chapel’s floor and dig the

soil up under the feet of Mother Mary’s statue to look for the water.

Amazingly, it was just 50 cm when it was dig up, but the water spouted

out. Although, it was not swift, but the water was kept flowing. And even the

water was sucked by pump, the water was still flown. The water was so clear like


to PAM Tirtanadi to be examined in laboratory. The results showed that the water

had no contamination and it was nice to drink without boiling.

This miracle was spread to many people, thus there were so many people

came here to see and drink this water. Then, a report was accepted that the water

was the healing water. Therefore, so many people come to this place. It is indeed

true that Mary Annai Velangkanni is familiarly called as Mary the Healing

Mother (Our Lady of Good Health). The picture of Holy water is in Appendix

page 46 in Picture 33, 34. 4.5Bethany House

Behind the Shrine, there is two-story building as a place for staying for

the pilgrims of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni. Moreover, it can be used as

a place for retreat on the weekend for anyone who wants to get spiritual


This place is called Bethany house to reminisce about Bethany, the house

of Marta, Mary and Lazarus in Palestine where Jesus often stayed in His journey

of spreading gospel. The picture of Bethany House is in Appendix page 46 in



After describing all about Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni in

Medan, the writer would like to conclude about Marian Shrine of Annai

Velangkanni. Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is located in Tanjung Selamat,

Medan Tuntungan, north Sumatera. Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is

inspired from a pilgrimage place “Annai Velangkanni” in India. Marian Shrine of

Annai Velangkanni is a place for having spiritual experience (pilgrimage) and

doing devotion. Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is built to honor Mother

Mary of Annai Velangkanni.

Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is built is Indo – Mogul style, and

the rector is Rev. Father James Bharataputra, S.J. It had been built since 2001 and

officially opened by the governor of north Sumatera Drs. Rudolf Pardede and

blessed by Medan Archbishop on 1 October 2005 in the opening day of Rosary

month. Each of its architecture has meaning in Catholic philosophy. There are 5

main parts of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni – the church on the top of the

Shrine, the St. Anna hall, the Mary’s chapel, The Chapel of Beato John Pauul II,

and the Bethany house.

The church on the top of the shrine is used for having religious service

(mass) and for everyone who wants to pray and meet Emmanuel (God). The St.

Anna hall is used as a place for any necessary of meetings needed, and even for

wedding celebration. The Mary’s chapel is used for daily pray, and also Novena


dedicated to Pope John Paul II – a pope who very loved Mother Mary. This chapel

could be used for having devotion and praying for Beato John Paul II. The

Bethany house is used as a place for retreat on the weekend for anyone who wants

to get spiritual experience.

Miracle happened on 1 November 2005 when the water was spouted out

under Mother Mary statue’s feet at the chapel of Marry Annai Velangkanni.

Therefore, many come to this place to have devotion, pray and also take the holy



At the end of this paper, the writer hopes that this paper will make the

reader know more about Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni –its brief

description and its uniquenesses. The writer realizes that this paper is still far

away from being perfect. Thus, in this paper the writer tries to use the simple

words to make the readers understand it easily.

Finally, by reading this paper the writer hopes that the readers are

interested to come and visit or even pray in Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni.

Because now Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is not only a pilgrimage place

(sanctuary), but also it has been one of Medan tourism place that Medan

Government has stated. And as a good society, the writer would like to persuade

us to let us love and keep our Indonesia one of beautiful and unique religious


And the writer wants to add a quotation for everybody who wants to



End (1995:1) says, “Kata ‘gereja’, melalui kata Portugis ‘igereja’,

berasal dari Kata Yunani ‘ekklesia’. Selain itu, dalam bahasa Yunani ada satu kata lain yang berarti ‘gereja’, yaitu ‘kuriakon’ (rumah) Tuhan. Inggris Church dan Belanda ‘kerk’ berasal dari kata Yunani itu. Ekklesia berarti : yang dipanggil.

End states that the word ‘church’ is derived from Greek language –

ekklesia. Church means God’s house. In Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni,

there is also a church in the second floor of the building.

There are 5 religions that are officially acknowledged and approved by

the government of the republic of Indonesia. They are Islam, Christianity,

Catholicism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. It had been there since the period of

Netherland colony (End 1995:217).

Waskito (2005:20) says in his book that sanctuary such as a church or

other sanctuaries is often visited by people because of a special certain religious

purposes. And Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is determined as one of

sanctuary and it is a site of Asia Pilgrimage.

Kenangan (2005:13) says, “Peziarahan adalah sebuah waktu untuk

berdoa dan menyaksikan tempat – tempat mukjizat Allah agar kita kembali


Buku Kenangan states that Pilgrimage is a time for praying and seeking out and

staring many places of God’s miracle so that we can come back to Him. In Marian

Shrine of Annai Velangkanni, many people visit to have pilgrimage too and to

have devotion to Mother of God – Mary.

Pendit (2002:1) says, “Istilah pariwisata terlahir dari bahasa Sanskerta

yang komponen – komponennya terdiri dari:

Pari - penuh, lengkap, berkeliling


Ata - pergi terus-menerus, mengembara (roaming about) diberi makna oleh pemerintah Indonesia: “Mereka yang meninggalkan rumah untuk mengadakan perjalanan tanpa mencari nafkah di tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi sambil menikmati kunjungan mereka.”

It means that tourism as a word that is derived from Sanskerta Language is

an action of a person to leave his or her house to have a journey / trip to a new

place to get some pleasures and enjoy there and stay there for a while.

According to the Law No. 9/2009 about tourism, it is stated that tourism

is a journey or a trip which is done voluntarily and it is also temporary to enjoy

the object and the scenery of the tourism.

Soekadijo (1995:38) in his book says that there are nine types of tourism.

They are:

1) Pleasure tourism

Pleasure tourism is a kind of tourism type which a visitor collects

experience as much as he / she wants and enjoying the tourism by visiting one

place to another place.

2) Recreation tourism

Recreation tourism is a kind of tourism type which aims to recover the

freshness of body and mind. The visitor is often done it by sightseeing.

3) Culture tourism

Culture tourism is a kind of tourism type which aims to learn and study

and have a research about a condition of a place.

4) Sport tourism

Sport recreation is a kind of tourism type that the visitor comes to a place


5) Business tourism

Business tourism is a kind of tourism type that relates to business

purposes such as business meeting and business visiting.

6) Convention tourism

Convention business is a kind of tourism type that a visitor comes to a

place because he / she has a meeting, symposium, or seminar. In other word, it

may call with profession tourism.

7) Health tourism

Health tourism is a kind o tourism which is very important because a

visitor comes to a place because of having health purposes such as to have a

medical checkup.

8) Social tourism

Social tourism is like the same with pleasure tourism but the journey is

done by other people or company by giving socially.

9) Spiritual Tourism

The last spiritual tourism which is relevant to this topic - Soekadijo (1995:43) says, “Motif spiritual dan wisata spiritual (spiritual tourism)

merupakan salah satu tipe wisata tertua. Sebelum orang mengadakan perjalanan untuk rekreasi, bisnis, olahraga, dan sebagainya, orang sudah mengadakan perjalanan untuk berziarah (pariwisata ziarah) atau untuk keperluan keagamaan lain.

It shows that spiritual tourism is one of an oldest tourism type. Old people do

spiritual tourism to have pilgrimage or even religious needed. The region

government has determined that Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is one of a

spiritual tourism place because of its unique in structuring and symbols that is

different from others. Therefore, many people from many different nations,

religions and even ethnics come to this place to have spiritual tourism.


also to convey personal wish to reach some purposes. In addition, for the example

Catholic people do pilgrimage to Vatican in Rome.

In Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni, Catholic people and other

people come to this place for praying and conveying their wishes to God. People


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Study

Based on the ideology of Pancasila, Indonesia is one of the new countries

in the world that the religious freedom and worship are guaranteed. There are 5

religions that are officially acknowledged and approved by the government of the

republic of Indonesia. They are Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, and

Hinduism. Catholicism is one of religions found in Indonesia. Catholic religion

has been long time in Indonesia. It came to Indonesia since the colonial period of

Portugal (V.O.C). In that time, Catholic religion had done hard struggle to be hold

out. Despite of many challenges and obstacles it has to face in the past, today

there are so many Catholic churches found all over in Indonesia.

As a result of those religions, it can be seen there are so many religious

places (the place of worship) for all religions of the five religions approved by the

government. So, we have the existence of the place of worship: mosque for Islam,

church for protestant Christianity and Catholic, temple for Hinduism, and

monastery (vihara) for Buddhism respectively. These places of worship have their

unique structure and style to their religious services. So, we can find buildings in

classical, neo classical, modern even ethnic and tradition style.

Generally, religious places which in ethnic or traditional style is church.

In Indonesia there are many churches that are suited with its region or even the

major of ethnic in that region. In addition, for example in North Sumatera in


In 2005 in millennium era, there was appeared a unique and strange

religious building in Medan, North Sumatera. It is Marian Shrine of Annai

Velangkanni (Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni). It is located in Tanjung Selamat,

Medan in North Sumatera. It is constructed in Indo – Mogul architecture style

with the religious symbols in its ornaments.

Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is usually called Velangkanni by

other people and it is different from church. A church is constructed for having

religious service and praying. Marian Shrine - Annai Velangkanni is constructed

for having devotion and getting spiritual experience. Velangkanni is a sacred

place to have devotion to the Mother of God – Mary (Maria).

In Marian Shrine Annai Velangkanni, people can feel comfortable for

praying and staying. The harmony of life is seen because of all nations from

many different religions and ethnics can visit and come to this place. We can meet

all people from many different backgrounds in one place – Velangkanni.

To make people feel comfortable staying in Marian Shrine of Annai

Velangkanni without seeing any differences of SARA (Ethnics, Religion, and

custom), therefore not only the elements of religious are put into the architecture

of this building, but also the elements of culture.

Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is not aimed just for Catholic

people. Everybody – from all religions, ethnics and customs can visit and pray

here. The region government has determined that Marian Shrine of Annai

Velangkanni is one of the spiritual tourism place because of its unique in


there is no other building like Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni in the world

and Velangkanni is a site of Asia Devotion Sacred. Therefore, the writer is

interested to choose this topic.

1.2. The Problem of the Study

The problem of this paper which is raised by the writer is to know more

about the description of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni, the history and the

meaning of its symbols in its ornaments.

1.3. The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study has an important role in the writing of the paper.

It is used to limit the problem therefore the topic in this paper is more focused.

The writer just focuses this paper on describing the Marian Shrine of Annai


1.4.The Purpose of the Study

In writing this paper, there are 2 purposes. They are:

a) To introduce to the reader about Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni

b) To describe about the architecture

c) To explain to the reader about the meaning of its symbols in its ornament

1.5.The Method of the Study

In writing this paper, the writer uses two methods of research method.

They are:

Field research

Some of the most valuable information and data in the world are not


kind of research method that is used to find out data and information from the

field directly by visiting the object study place or having a survey to the place

where we want to know. The writer used this method by having direct observation

to Velangkanni to get some information about Velangkanni.

Besides doing observation, the writer also does interview. Interview is a

kind of method research by having a conversation and preparing some questions

to be asked to the interviewee to get information detail and accurate. In finding

out some information and data detail, the writer must have interviewed to a person

who is the key one that knows well about the information and he is Rev. Father

James Bharataputra, S.J. as the rector of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni.

Library research

Library research is a kind of method research that is used to find a certain

data and information by searching and collecting some books which are relevant



Judul kertas karya ini adalah “The Description of Marian Shrine of Annai

Velangkanni in Medan”. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini, saya sebagai penulis

menggunakan metode tinjau lapangan, di mana penulis mendapatkan data dari informan - Rev. James Bharataputra, SJ sebagai Rektor Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni dan juga dari beberapa referensi (tinjau pustaka). Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni (Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni) merupakan sebuah tempat untuk berdoa kepada Tuhan dan Bunda Maria yang berada di Medan yang kemudian menjadi salah satu obyek wisata di kota Medan karena keunikannya. Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni berada di Tanjung Selamat, Medan Tuntungan, Sumatera Utara. Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni merupakan tempat peziarahan bagi umat Katolik secara khusus. Namun, tempat ini terbuka bagi siapa saja tanpa ada batasan berdasarkan suku, agama, ras ataupun adat. Tempat ini terbuka bagi orang – orang yang mempunyai kerinduan untuk mencari Tuhan dan berdevosi kepada Bunda Maria. Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni ini unik karena bentuk bangunan yang bergaya Indo – Mogul. Indo – Mogul maksudnya, arsitekturnya merupakan perpaduan antara Islam dan Hindu dan meniru kerajaan Mongolia kuno. Wajah bangunannya berbentuk mesjid dan kuil sehingga tampak unik – berbeda dari bangunan peziarahan Kristen lainnya. Juga setiap ornament – ornament yang melekat di Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni tersebut memiliki makna religi. Dan setiap orang yang datang ke tempat ini pasti akan merasakan keteduhan dan kenyamanan batiniah.



The title of this paper is “The Description of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni

in Medan”. In writing and finishing this paper, the writer used the field research

method which the writer got data from the informant – Rev. James Bharataputra, S.J as the Rector of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni and also from some references (library research). Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni (Graha Maria

Annai Velangkanni) is a place for praying and having devotion to God and Mary –

Mother of God which is located in Medan and it becomes one of tourism place object in Medan because of its uniqueness. Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is located in Tanjung Selamat, Medan Tuntungan, north Sumatera. Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is a pilgrimage place for Catholic people especially. However, this place is publically opened for everyone without any limit of ethnics, religions, and customs. This pilgrimage place is opened for everyone who has longing to seek for God and has devotion to Mother Mary – Mother of God. Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is a unique place because of its building architecture which is in Indo – Mogul style. Indo – Mogul style means its architecture is a combination of Islam and Hindu and it is imitated from ancient Mogul kingdom. The face of its construction is such like temple and mosque, thus it looks unique – different from other Christian Pilgrimage places. In addition to, each ornament in the architecture of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni has religious meaning. And everybody who wants to come to this place would feel the spiritual comfort feeling.








It has been proved by, Supervisor,

NIP. 19610204198601 2 001 Dra. Persadanta, M. Hum.

Submitted to Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara In partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

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Head of Diploma III English Study Program,

NIP. 19521126198112 1 001 Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A.

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The examination is held on July

Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara


NIP. 195110131997603 1 001 Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.

Board of Examiners Signature

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP) 2. Dra. Persadanta, M. Hum. (Supervisor) 3. Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum (Reader)



I am DEVIANA SINABUTAR, declare that I am the sole author of this paper.

Except where reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no

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Title of Paper : The Description of Marian Shrine of

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Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

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Judul kertas karya ini adalah “The Description of Marian Shrine of Annai

Velangkanni in Medan”. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini, saya sebagai penulis

menggunakan metode tinjau lapangan, di mana penulis mendapatkan data dari informan - Rev. James Bharataputra, SJ sebagai Rektor Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni dan juga dari beberapa referensi (tinjau pustaka). Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni (Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni) merupakan sebuah tempat untuk berdoa kepada Tuhan dan Bunda Maria yang berada di Medan yang kemudian menjadi salah satu obyek wisata di kota Medan karena keunikannya. Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni berada di Tanjung Selamat, Medan Tuntungan, Sumatera Utara. Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni merupakan tempat peziarahan bagi umat Katolik secara khusus. Namun, tempat ini terbuka bagi siapa saja tanpa ada batasan berdasarkan suku, agama, ras ataupun adat. Tempat ini terbuka bagi orang – orang yang mempunyai kerinduan untuk mencari Tuhan dan berdevosi kepada Bunda Maria. Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni ini unik karena bentuk bangunan yang bergaya Indo – Mogul. Indo – Mogul maksudnya, arsitekturnya merupakan perpaduan antara Islam dan Hindu dan meniru kerajaan Mongolia kuno. Wajah bangunannya berbentuk mesjid dan kuil sehingga tampak unik – berbeda dari bangunan peziarahan Kristen lainnya. Juga setiap ornament – ornament yang melekat di Graha Maria Annai Velangkanni tersebut memiliki makna religi. Dan setiap orang yang datang ke tempat ini pasti akan merasakan keteduhan dan kenyamanan batiniah.



The title of this paper is “The Description of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni

in Medan”. In writing and finishing this paper, the writer used the field research

method which the writer got data from the informant – Rev. James Bharataputra, S.J as the Rector of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni and also from some references (library research). Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni (Graha Maria

Annai Velangkanni) is a place for praying and having devotion to God and Mary –

Mother of God which is located in Medan and it becomes one of tourism place object in Medan because of its uniqueness. Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is located in Tanjung Selamat, Medan Tuntungan, north Sumatera. Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is a pilgrimage place for Catholic people especially. However, this place is publically opened for everyone without any limit of ethnics, religions, and customs. This pilgrimage place is opened for everyone who has longing to seek for God and has devotion to Mother Mary – Mother of God. Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni is a unique place because of its building architecture which is in Indo – Mogul style. Indo – Mogul style means its architecture is a combination of Islam and Hindu and it is imitated from ancient Mogul kingdom. The face of its construction is such like temple and mosque, thus it looks unique – different from other Christian Pilgrimage places. In addition to, each ornament in the architecture of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni has religious meaning. And everybody who wants to come to this place would feel the spiritual comfort feeling.



In doing and finishing this paper, there are so many challenges and obstacles.

Finally, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation:

Thanks to the almighty God my savior Jesus Christ who has given me

blessings, strength and health ease to accomplish this paper as one of the

requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department

Faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara.

Thanks to Hail Mary – Mother of God – Mother of all people who has

given me blessings for conveying my pray to God.

Thanks to my beloved parents D. Sinabutar and E. Saragih who always

support me in all my condition.

Thanks to all of my siblings – younger sisters and younger brother – Dora

Novrita Sinabutar, Delvaria Sinabutar, Eni Marito Sinabutar, Sania Gloria Sinabutar, Paul Allen Sinabutar for all the caring and love. Thanks to both my aunties Eli Risdawaty Saragih and Julyanti Saragih

who always give me support and help me whenever I need.

Thanks to Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, MA as the Head of English

Diploma Study Program, who gives me a lot of knowledge and


Thanks to Dra. Persadanta, M. Hum., as my supervisor. Thank you for

the valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics in

completing this paper and also for the motivation.


Thanks to Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum., as my reader. Thank you

for the valuable time for reading and giving correction my paper.

Thanks to Rev. Father James Bharataputra, S.J. as the rector of Marian

Shrine of Annai Velangkanni in Medan who helps me and gives me many

knowledge about Velangkanni and also criticize my paper.

Thanks to Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Culture

Study, University of Sumatera Utara.

 Thanks to All lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for giving me

advices and knowledge.

Thanks to my lovely friends Carolina Lumban Gaol, Feni Maria

Lumban Toruan, Retno Vitasari br Tarigan, Mariaty Angelina Sihombing, Christin Magdalena Pasaribu, Selli Napitupulu for being

my close friends since we had studied in this faculty. Thanks for all the

laughing that we had shared together and also the motivations.

 Thanks to all of my 2010 friends in English Diploma Program. Thanks for

all the time that we had spent and shared in our class.

Thanks to my big family in UKM KMK St. Albertus Magnus USU for

giving me many lessons about life and also being adult and all of my

friends in PS. Gloria UKM KMK St. Albertus Magnus USU.

Especially for Malem Tarigan, Hendra Sihotang, Lidya Theresia

Bangun, Mardewita Sibarani (), Theodosia Siburian, Afriani Desy Lumban Gaol, Grace Sembiring, Welly M M Limbong,


Syilvester Pane, Gabriel Sinaga, David Siregar, Ruth Masniari Haloho, Chen Lorida Saragih, Rommel Rafael Rajagukguk, Santa Vinensia Samosir.

Thanks to my big family in my faculty in KMK St. Gregorius Agung

Faculty of Culture Study USU for all the caring, love and support.

Especially for Beatrik Tarigan, Lisna Sitinjak, Ferdian Lim, Menky

Sihaloho, Yuki Agustina Purba, Dominika br Purba, Mariani Sitanggang, Mika Sitanggang, Stepanus Sembiring, Jeckly Sinurat, Yusuf Silaban, Jernita Limbong, Martua Silalahi, Michael Pasaribu.  Thanks to My Diploma III English study program’s organization -

SOLIDAS. Thanks for all my brothers and my sisters.

Thanks to all of my brothers in my older boarding house Dodi

Rajagukguk, Gusmariater Purba, Chanra Sinabutar, William Simanjorang and also my sister Elfrida Rajagukguk thanks for all of

your love and caring for me.

Finally, the writer does realize that this paper is still far from being

perfect. Thus, the writer welcomes for any constructive critics and suggestions

towards this paper.


The writer does hope that this paper can be useful for anybody who wants

to enrich and improve their knowledge about Marian Shrine of Annai

Velangkanni in Medan.

Medan, June 2013

The writer,

Reg. No. 102202047

Deviana Sinabutar




1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study………1

1.2 Problem of the Study………..3

1.3 Scope of the Study………..3

1.4 Purpose of the Study………...3

1.5 Method of the Study………...3


3. THE HISTORY OF MARIAN SHRINE OF ANNAI VELANGKANNI 3.1 The History of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni………9

3.2 Mother Mary – The Healing Mother in Tanjung Selamat………14

3.3 The Location of Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni in Medan…...18

4. THE DESCRIPTION OF MARIAN SHRINE OF ANNAI VELANGKANNI 4.1 The Building Structure and The Symbols Meanings...……….20

4.2 The Chapel of Beato John Paul II………...30

4.3 The Chapel of Mary Annai Velangkanni………..30

4.4 The Miracle in Marian Shrine of Annai Velangkanni – Holy Water……...30

4.5 Bethany House………..32

5. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion………33

5.2 Suggestion………35




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