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Bagaimana mencapai tujuan akhir


Academic year: 2017

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Bagaimana mencapai tujuan akhir ?

1) SOP adalah salah satu cara yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan untuk mengatur dan mengontrol setiap kegiatan. Dengan SOP setiap kegiatan, baik proses maupun hasil, dapat dimonitoring dan dianalisa. Penyimpangan yang terjadi pada setiap kegiatan, yang disebabkan oleh proses sehingga memberikan hasil yang tidak sesuai dengan SOP, dapat dikendalikan sehingga tidak berkelanjutan dan menimbulkan akibat yang lebih buruk.

2) Visi dan misi adalah sebuah kesepakatan dalam satu perusahaan berkaitan dengan tujuan dan cara pandang yang akan dicapai. Setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh tiap-tiap bagian mengarah pada satu visi dan misi utama, yaitu visi dan misi perusahaan. Setiap bagian memiliki metode yang diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga saling mendukung antara satu dengan lainnya. Penyimpangan yang timbul, dianalisa dan diselesaikan berdasarkan metode dan keselarasan terhadap visi dan misi akhir.

3) Leadership ialah kemampuan untuk memimpin dan mengarahkan, yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh setiap pimpinan. Tiap-tiap bagian memiliki pimpinan yang bertugas untuk mengatur dan mengarahkan agar setiap kegiatan berjalan dengan benar. Pimpinan harus dapat menganalisa dan melakukan koreksi terhadap penyimpangan. Pimpinan harus berada di depan, memberi contoh, memotivasi dan selalu mencari terobosan baru.

Dengan hanya menerapkan secara konsisten salah satu faktor tersebut diatas perusahaan dapat mencapai hasil akhir yang baik, jika perusahaan menerapkan ketiga faktor tersebut apakah yang akan terjadi ?

How to achieve the ultimate goal?

1) SOP is one of the ways adopted by the company to manage and control every activity. By SOP every activity, both process and outcome, can be monitored and analyzed. Irregularities that occur in any activity, which is caused by the process so that the results are not in accordance with the SOP, can be controlled so as not sustainable and lead to even worse consequences.

2) The vision and mission is an agreement within the company related to the goals and perspectives that will be achieved. Any activity undertaken by each section leads to the main vision and mission, the vision and mission of the company. Each section has a method that is arranged so that mutually support one another. Deviations arise, analyzed and solved by methods and alignment to the vision and mission of the end.


By consistently applying only one of the above factors the company can achieve a good end result, if the company implements these three factors what will happen?

Saling melengkapi

Banyak orang beranggapan bahwa karena memiliki pengetahuan akan sesuatu hal secara menyeluruh dan mendapatkan gelar dalam bidang tersebut maka ia adalah yang terbaik dalam masalah tersebut.

Dalam konteks keterkaitan, tiap pengetahuan akan saling terkait satu dengan lainnya, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Dengan banyak pengetahuan yang dimiliki akan semakin lengkap dan luas pengembangan terhadap pengetahuan itu sendiri.

Dalam bidang seni beladiri contohnya, ketika beberapa orang melakukan sebuah pukulan/tendangan terhadap benda maka reaksi/akibat yang timbul terhadap benda tersebut akan berbeda.

“Sebuah pukulan/tendangan memiliki momentum, besarnya nilai momentum ini bergantung dari material/benda, gerakan, kecepatan dan titik tumbuk dengan benda. Sifat fisika, kimia dan perhitungan matematika bereaksi bersama; tangan/kaki mengeras, bergerak menuju obyek menggunakan metode dan sudut tertentu.”

Kemungkinan yang terjadi diakibatkan oleh pukulan/tendangan tadi ialah : • benda hanya bergoyang,

• benda terdorong mundur atau, • benda hancur ditempat.

“Kesempurnaan ilmu dapat ditingkatkan dengan analisa, praktek dan menerima masukan dari siapapun/manapun."

Complete each other

Many people assume that because they have knowledge of something thoroughly and get a degree in that field then it is the best in the issue.

In the context of the relationship, each knowledge will be linked to one another, either directly or indirectly. With a lot of knowledge will be more complete and extensive development of the knowledge itself.

In the field of martial arts, for example, when some people doing a punch / kick to the body then the reaction / consequences arising on these objects will be different.


The possibility that the case caused by a punch / kick earlier are: • objects just rocked,

• objects pushed back or,

• objects were destroyed in place.

"Perfection can be improved by analyzing the science, practice and receive feedback from anyone / anywhere."

8 Things Successful Leaders Do

Being successful as a leader can be hard. As demands on leaders increase, there is less time to focus on making the changes you need to make to do the job successfully. It’s a significant

challenge to overcome because as more is expected of you, you find you have less time for development, and yet, improving your leadership skills is more important than ever.

You have to learn on the job, make the most of your surroundings, and ask those around you for help. You have to enlist their

support as you do your best to develop yourself, your people, and your teams. And, this is why I call leadership a “contact sport”.


How does it work? The Leadership Is a Contact Sport model is just eight steps: Ask, Listen, Think, Thank, Respond, Involve, Change, Follow Up. Following is a short description of each step.

1. Ask: Ask people "How can I be a better _______ (manager, partner, team member, etc.)?

2. Listen: Listen to their answers.

3. Think: Think about their input. What does it mean? 4. Thank: Thank people for sharing this valuable feedback

with you.

5. Respond: Respond positively when receiving input.

6. Involve: Involve the people to support your change efforts. 7. Change: Change isn't an academic exercise. Act on what

you learn.

8. Follow-up: Follow up regularly and stakeholders will notice the positive actions you’re taking based their input.

In this week’s video blog, I go through the entire process and detail each of these steps to explain how this process works and how you can use it yourself. If you’d like to read about the process and the research, please send me an email

atMarshall@MarshallGoldsmith.com and I’ll send you the Leadership Is a Contact Sport article.


What Great Listeners Do Differently

Listening is a bit like intelligence—most everyone thinks they’re above average, even though that’s impossible.

And listening is a skill you want to be great at. A recent study conducted at George Washington University shows that listening can influence up to 40% of a leader’s job performance.

“The word listen contains the same letters as the

word silent.” –Alfred Brendel

There’s so much talking happening at work that opportunities to listen well abound. We talk to provide feedback, explain

instructions, and communicate deadlines. Beyond the words that are spoken, there’s invaluable information to be deciphered

through tone of voice, body language, and what isn’t said.

In other words, failing to keep your ears open could leave you out of the game.

And most people really do believe their listening skills are where they need to be, even though they aren’t. A study at Wright State University surveyed more than 8,000 people from different

verticals, and almost all of those polled rated themselves as listening as well as or better than their co-workers. We know intuitively that many of them are wrong.


Focus. The biggest mistake most people make when it comes to listening is they’re so focused on what they’re going to say next or how what the other person is saying is going to affect them that they fail to hear what’s being said. The words come through loud and clear, but the meaning is lost. Focusing may seem like a simple suggestion, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. Your thoughts can be incredibly distracting.

Put away your phone. It’s impossible to listen well and monitor your phone at the same time. Nothing will turn someone off to you like a mid-conversation text message or even a quick glance at your phone. When you commit to a conversation, focus all of your energy on the conversation. You will find that conversations are more enjoyable and effective when you immerse yourself in them.

Ask good questions. People like to know you’re listening, and something as simple as a clarification question shows that not only are you listening, you also care about what they’re saying. You’ll be surprised how much respect and appreciation you gain just by asking good questions. In addition to verifying what you’ve heard, you should also ask questions that seek more information (probing questions). Examples of probing questions include things like, “What happened next?” or “Why did he say that?” The key is to make certain your questions really do add to your

understanding of the speaker's words, rather than deflecting the conversation to a different topic entirely.


repeat the speaker’s words to her. Use your own words to show that you’ve absorbed the information.

Use positive body language. Becoming cognizant of your gestures, expressions, and tone of voice (and making certain they’re positive) will draw people to you like ants to a picnic. Using an enthusiastic tone, uncrossing your arms, maintaining eye contact, and leaning towards the person who’s speaking are all forms of positive body language employed by great listeners. Positive body language can make all the difference in a


Don’t pass judgment. If you want to be a good listener you must be open-minded. Being open-minded makes you

approachable and interesting to others. No one wants to have a conversation with someone who has already formed an opinion and is not willing to listen. Having an open mind is crucial in the workplace where approachability means access to new ideas and help. To eliminate preconceived notions and judgment, you need to see the world through other people’s eyes. This doesn’t require you believe what they believe or condone their behavior, it simply means you quit passing judgment long enough to truly

understand what they are saying.


acceptable way of saying, “Okay, I’ve got it. You can stop now!” The effect is the same.

Bringing It All Together

Life is busy, and it seems to whirl by faster every day. We all try to do a million things at once, and sometimes it works out. But

active, effective listening isn’t something you can do on the fly. It requires a conscious effort.

How do you know when someone is really listening to you? And how would you rate your listening skills? Please share your

thoughts in the comments section below as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.

Getting Ready for an Interview with the CEO

You are interviewing for a C-suite position reporting directly to the CEO. You are getting ready to meet with the CEO. This is not your standard interview: It is a significant opportunity to market

yourself rather than your work experience. The question is: What do you want the CEO to know about you?


Throughout my career, I have worked with CEOs and know the questions they ask and why they ask them. Over three separate posts, I will talk about the 15 most frequently asked questions and how to prepare your responses. Let’s get started with the first five questions.

Q: What is your story?

 The CEO likely will have received feedback from the other

team members with whom you have spoken and, in addition, already will have formed some opinions based on your resume. The interview with the CEO is your chance to take control of the narrative. Think about your professional journey, the skills you have gained, the experiences you have had. But more important, what do you want the CEO to remember about you that will set you apart? How did your professional journey evolve? What obstacles did you overcome? What drives you to do your best at your job?

Q: Tell me about the people who have influenced you in your life and why?

 Feel free to include inspirational family members, friends,

professors and colleagues. Warren Buffett has said his father was the most influential person in his life. And Benjamin Graham, one of Buffett’s professors at Columbia, was the second most

influential. In fact, Buffett named one of his sons after Graham. Be sure to talk about why these people have had such a profound effect on you (i.e., inspired leadership, devoted to a shared set of values, etc.). This will demonstrate an ability to learn from others, as well as openness to different points of view.

Q: What are your passions and interests?

 If you have a hobby, have participated in a team sport or are


paint a broader picture of yourself outside the workplace. You do not want to be defined solely by the positions you have held. Put these interests in a work context by drawing parallels between skills needed to pursue your passion and how they apply to the position you seek. If you have played a team sport, that

experience relays that you like to win and know how to operate in a group setting. This question also can tell the interviewing CEO about your intellectual curiosity.

Q: What values are most important to you and why? Give examples of how you have demonstrated commitment to those values.

 This is an opportunity to share with the CEO what aspects of

the company’s culture appeal to you and how they fit with your personal values. Examples of how you have embraced and lived these values can help indicate what you might emphasize as a collaborative partner and leader.

Q: What was your biggest failure, and what did you learn from it?

 Give this one some serious thought. What do you consider

your biggest professional failure and how did it help make you who and what you are today? Be as truthful and specific as

possible in explaining what made a negative experience a positive one in the long term. Establishing direct connections to the role you are considering will show why the position is a good fit.


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