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INTRODUCTION Classroom Techniques Used by English Teacher in Inquiry Based Learning: Naturalistic Study at SMP Negeri 2 Karanganom.


Academic year: 2017

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Education is one of the most important things at this time. Education

develops in every country in different ways. In our country, the government gives

more attention to education by making some regulations especially for basic and

secondary education units. Education system in Indonesia is held from kindergarten

up to university. Thus, teaching language is important because language is the

effective way to communicate in our daily life.

One of the important languages in the world is English. English becomes

international language since many countries use it. It is taught all over the world

under many different circumstances. It is used as second language and as an official

language in many other countries. It makes English an important that everyone

should master, and make it one important school subjects in most schools in the


English, as a compulsory subject in Indonesia, covers four of language skills

namely speaking, listening, writing, and reading. In order to cover all of the skills,

the teachers have to know some terms important in them. They are Approach,

Method and Technique in teaching-learning process.

Approach is a theory of language learning. It is called Axiomatic. Method is a

procedure or overall plan of presentation usually used by the teachers to get their

aims in teaching learning process. It is a procedural of teaching learning process,

although technique is a classroom practices or techniques used by teachers or the

implementation of approach and method.

Anthony in Fauziati (2014: 11) defines approach as a set of relational

asumption dealing with the basis of language and the basis of language teaching and

learning. He also views method as an all plan for the presentation of the material in

language teaching, no part of which contradicts, and all is based upon the selected

approach. So, technique is the real implementation that takes place in the classroom.


According to Anthony (1963: 96) techniques have to be appropriate with the

method, and so with the approach. Technique surrounds the actual moment to

moment practices and behaviors that operate in a language teaching learning

according to a particular method.

Classroom technique is very important in English teaching learning. To get

the aim of the teaching learning process, the teachers have to find the appropriate

techniques that are appropriate with the students’ needs and characteristics. Then

Celce-Murcia (2004: 9) stated that approach is general (e.g. cognitive approch), that

a method is more spesific set of procedures that compatible with an approach (e.g.

the silent way method). A technique in teaching learning process is very important.

Technique is very detail of English learning activity used in one or more methods

(e.g. using colored rods of kind of lenghts to improvethe language practice in silent


In SMP N 2 Karanganom, English is one of the subjects taught there. The

English teaching learning in this school used 2006 or KTSP Curriculum. The

minister of national education in Indonesia attempt to increase education level in

Indonesia by suggesting using inquirybased learning. Here, the teacher as the

facilitator has roles in English teaching beside studentshave to practice actively.

Kuslan and Stone (1968: 138) state that Inquiry teaching as that teaching by which

teacher and children study scientific phenomena with the approach and the spirit of

the scientist”. There are three steps in this method, they are; exploration, elaboration

and confirmation.

The first, exploration covers several activities in the teaching learning process

in the classroom such as; teacher engages the students to find more information about

the topic of subject; teacher uses any approach, learning media and other sources of

learning; teacher facilitates the interaction students and the others students, students

and teachers, environment, and the others source material; teacher engages the

students to be active in teaching learning process.

The second step is elaboration. There must be elaboration process to build


students through discussions and do the exercise to get new idea from them; to

facilitate the students cooperative and collaborative learning; to facilitate the students

to present individual and teamwork exercise in teaching learning process.

The last step is confirmation. The confirmation step is to evaluate the leason.

The teacher gives feedback about the material in classroom activity, gives

confirmation about the result of exploration and elaboration of students through any

sources, and gives motivation to the students who are less active in the class.

Based on the first observation, theteacher in SMP N 2 Karanganom was also

responsible for the students to give the teaching techniques of learning English so the

students could understand the material easily. Teaching English in SMP N 2

Karanganom was integrated teaching. It was not focused on each aspect of skills. The

teacher covered all of the skills in general English.

In English class, the teacher should play the active role in teaching all the

skills in English. In SMP N 2 Karanganom, students sometimes did not understand

what the teachers’ said because the students in this school were weak in vocabulary.

Most students were also the teenagers who belong to young learners so they might

have different abilities and characteristics.

The appropriate classroom techniques are needed to make the students in

SMP N 2 Karanganom understand the material that is taught by teachers easily. It is

important for the researcher who wants to be a teacher knowing the best technique

used in teaching English. Based on the phenomenon above, the researcher tries to

investigate the classroom techniques in inquiry based learning to achieve the learning


Based on that background, the researcher wants to observe the classroom

techniques used by the English teacher in inquiry based learning to improve students’

four skills in English. So, the researcher conducts the research entitled:




B.Limitation of the Study

In this research, the researcher only focuses on classroom techniques in

inquirybased learning at seventh and eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Karanganom.

C.Problem Statement

Considering the background above, the researcher needs to answer the

following questions:

1. What are types of classroom techniques used by teachers?

2. What are learning objectives of using each classroom techniques?

3. What are the roles of instructional material used by teachers?

4. What are teachers’ roles in each type of classroom techniques used by


5. What are the students’ roles in each type of classroom techniques used by


D.Objective of the Study

Based on the problem statements above, the objectives of the research are:

1. to describe the types of classroom techniques used by English teacher,

2. to describe the objectives of classroom techniques used by teachers,

3. to explain the roles of instructional material used by teachers,

4. to explain teachers’ roles in each type of classroom techniques used by

teachers, and

5. to explain the students’ roles in each type of classroom techniques used by


E.Benefit of the Study

From this research, the researcher hopes this study will have significance

theoretically and practically:

1. Theoretical Benefit


b. The result of this study can be used as a reference to those who conduct

research about classroom techniques.

2. Practical Benefit

a. The result of this research will give experience and understanding for the

teacher about classroom techniques in teaching learning using

Inquiry-based Learning.

b. This result of this research will be useful for them as teacher trainees who

are interested in analyzing classroom techniques used by English teacher

using Inquiry-based Learning in Junior High School.

F. Research Paper Organization

The researcher oraganizes this research paper with research paper

organization. The research paper organization includes five chapters in order to

makes easier understand.

Chapter I is the introduction that consists of background of the study,

limitation of the study, problem statement, objectives of the study, benefit of the

study, and research paper organization.

Chapter II is dealing with the related literature. It discusses underlying theory,

which covers previous study and theoretical review that consists the notion of

approach, method, technique, notion of classroom techniques of English teaching,

notion of inquiry based learning, characteristic of inquiry based learning, procedures

in inquiry based learning, learning objectives, roles of instructional material,

teachers’ roles, and students’ roles.

Chapter III is the research method. It deals with the research method covering

the type of research, place and time, the subject and object of the research, data and

data source, method of collecting data.

Chapter IV is research paper and discussion. It consists of the types of

classroom techniques, objectives of the classroom techniques, the roles of

instructional material, teachers’ roles, and students’ roles.


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