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The Development of Adaptive Hydrolic Bamboo House using Participation Approach, An effort to cope with tidal flood problem in Kemijen, Semarang


Academic year: 2019

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The Development of

Adaptive Hydrolic

Bamboo House using


Approach, An effort to

cope with tidal flood

problem in Kemijen,




– Tidal flood is one of the problems found in Semarang.

– Rising Sea level and land subsidence contributed to the problem of tidal flood. It is reported that the area close to Kemijen has land subsidence around 13.5 cm / year.



– The elevation of the environmental road surface is only temporary solution. Street elevation is useful for people's access to daily activities. However, it

caused a new problem for the poor/ low income people because they could not raise their houses so that the floor surface was lower than the street level.

– By looking at the background above, the problem of the proposed research is how to design a house which is able to adjust with rob/tidal flood, without putting more soil to the floor for raising the level of the floor



The location is in RW IV, the most heavily inundated areas in


Observation, interview and FGD were used to get the data and to

get informed about the environment condition and the need of

the community

Considerations for choosing the location

the family who has low

financial ability and 2) the condition of the house which is not


Desain adaptif hydrolic bamboo



Purpose of introducing Adaptif

Hydrolic Bamboo House

– Research related to bamboo house design is made as an alternative solution for Kemijen people, especially those with low income

– With the social capital that is owned by the Kemijen community (gotong

royong), the construction of a hydraulic stilt house made of bamboo will be able to be built well because the costs can be cheaper, and the togetherness


Stages in the application of

hydraulic bamboo houses

– Focus Group Discussion

– Socialization of the design was done through the FGD. The input from the community that came was very helpful to improve the hydraulic house design, in accordance with the local environment and in accordance with their needs. Through the FGD, the location where the design would be applied was decided by agreement

– Stages of development of the house:

– 1) Preparation works,

– 2) Bamboo preservation and installation for foundation

– 3) Instalation of sloof

– 4) Galvanized pipe installation (hydraulic pole)

– 5) Instalation of flooring stilt house


Preparation Works

– Land clearing where bamboo hydraulics will be built

– Form of participation: Clearing the location, done by the Heri family and some of the residents next to his house. This work is carried out mainly by male


Bamboo preservation

– The bamboo to be used must be put in the water first so that it lasts longer.

– Form of participation: Because the amount of bamboo is quite a lot so it cannot be soaked only on the land next to the house, so it is needed to find anther


Installation of Sloof, Galvanized Pipe Installation

(Hydraulic Pole) and Installation of Stage House Floors


– Form of participation:

– Very limited, need skills, can only be done by expert/craftmen.

– Participation from women by providing snack


Instalation of house floors

– In this step, community participation began to be seen again. Here the floor of a stage house made of bamboo starts to be prepared. Bamboo that has been

soaked for a long time is then taken, and then prepared to be used as floor material.

– The removal of bamboo from the immersion site was carried out together with craftmen, homeowners and several community members, then some of them began to help to cut bamboo according to needs. All this work is done



Hydrolic Test of the Adaptif


– This hydraulic house test is carried out by raising the galvanized pole, so that the floor of the stage house moves up. Jack / tipping tool used is a car jack with a maximum load of 5 ton. Therefore, the building materials chosen and used in the construction of houses are lightweight materials, such as bamboo and mild steel.



– In connection with community involvement in the construction of this bamboo-based

hydraulic house, community participation was more visible when the community was asked to provide input on the hydraulic house design in the FGD forum. In this case participation can be seen in the form of input and thought, not participation in physical form

– Participation in physical form was found at several stages of development, but the people involved were only residents whose houses were close to the location of the hydraulic house construction, while during the FGD and design socialization, more people came



– Obstacles:

– Activities are carried out on weekdays (because they also involve a worker), so that residents can only help on free time or when they are not working.

– Some of the work is done by requiring skills or technical skills so that residents can only participate in work that does not require expertise or skills


The writers delivered a great gratitude to

1. The scheme of Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi (the Superior Research of Higher Education) was funded by KEMENRISTEKDIKTI (the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) in 2017,2018.

2. the Head of Village and the entire managers of Kemijen Village

3. Mr. Puji, Mr. Timbul, and Mr. Kusri as the public figures of Kemijen who had willingly been the informants of the research.


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