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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


CORRY ESTER MARGARET SIAGIAN Registration Number : 8116111004





Nama Corry Ester Margaret Siagian. Registered Number : 8116111004. Appraisals Analysis in Editorials of the Daily KOMPAS. Objective :to describe elements of appraisals in the editorials, to elaborate the manner of use of appraisal in the editorials, and to elaborate the context of use of the appraisals. The instrument of the data collection is documentation

technique from the editorial of the daily KOMPAS published from April to June 2013 within



Nama Corry Ester Margaret Siagian. NPM 8116111004. Appraisals Analysis in Editorials of the Daily KOMPAS. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan piranti appraisal dalam tajuk rencana, mengelaborasi keberadaan appraisal dalam tajuk rencana dan menjelaskan konteks penggunaan piranti appraisal tersebut. Instrumen penngumpulan data

menggunakan teknik dokumentasi, data diambil dari tajuk rencana KOMPAS yang

dipublikasikan sejak April sampai Juni dengan topik “Pendidikan di Indonesia”. 3 rajuk rencana dianalisa berdasarkan teknik analisa data Miles dan Huberman (1994) dengan

mengikuti prosedur analisa data, data reduction ( pengurangan data ), data display (

penampilan data ), dan conclusions ( kesimpulan )/ verification ( verifikasi). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Sistem Apprisal dalam tajuk rencana adalah : Attitude (Affect:Dissatisfied, Insecure, Disinclination, Unhappy), (Judgement (Tenacity );Veracity ), Normality ); Propriety (+) (once); Maintenance ), Quality )), (Appreciation (Impact (-), Balance (-(-), Quality (-(-), Meaning(-(-),Meaning (+) , Maintenance (+(-),Maintenance(-(-), ( twice ), Complexity (-), Maintenance(-)), Engagement (Proclaim Concur :Affirmative , Disclaim Counter Concession, Proclaim Correliative Structure, Attribution, Attribution Knowledge, Proclaim Projection, Entertaint, Disclaim Negation, Counter Expectation, Entertaint : Rhetorical, Deny : Negation), Graduation : (Force: ( Number ); Quality (High), Quality (Low), Quality (Modality :Middle), Time, Methapor)), Focus ( Sharpen and Soft ), Penulis menyampaikan penilaiannya dengan hati-hati, argumentatif, menaikkan dan menurunkan skala penilaian dan independen. Alasan realisasi appraisal seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya dipengaruhi oleh konteks situasi, konteks budaya, dan idiologi Koran



First and foremost the writer will thank Almighty GOD, the compassionate, the

almighty Merciful, who kindly helped her to complete her thesis.

The success of this thesis is attributed to the extensive support and assistance from the

writer’s great supervisors, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D and Prof.Dr.Busmin

Gurning,M.Pd. She would like to express her grateful gratitude and sincere appreciation to

them for their guidance, valuable advise, supervision, encouragement and kindness to her

throughout this study.

The writer’s sincere thanks also goes to her thesis reviewers: Prof.Dr. Berlin

Sibarani,M.Pd, Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd, Dr. I Wayan Dirgayasa Tangkas, M.Hum for their

encouragement and insightful comments. She does thanking them for the kindness in

examining the research work and providing suggestions for improvement.

This thesis is given as tribute to her late father and mother,She thanks God for being their


Very special thanks to Haris Pulo Pardamean, he’s been a father figure to her and had

never made her feel that her father is not with her by providing her the advice at times.

This thesis is dedicated to her family Frida Simanjuntak, Suzie Siagian, Ricardo,

Dewi, Santy, Minister, Andreas and Grace for being there always as the driving force and


She offers her sincere gratitude to Franky, She does thanking him for many great

things that she have learnt and experienced in life because of him, especially in learning and

experiencing about love in life.

She is extremely grateful to all the worthy University of Darma Agung members, the

leaders , Rector and his vice rectors, for allowing and supporting her during her study.

She will never forget to thank Tiopan Manihuruk, Indrawaty Sitepu, Esni

Naibaho,dr.Tumiar Siahaan and Aunty Pinondang, dr. Pitah Haloho, dr.Dorna Silaban and

Brother Dedy, Asron Gultom, Ida Solfa, Erny, Ita, Eva, Vera, Yanti, and all her brothers and

sisters in Christ in UKM KMK USU and PERKANTAS Ministry, for their inspiration, helps,

prayers, supports, and love for the writer. God really shows his blessings through them for the


The acknowledgement would be incomplete if she doesn’t express her gratitude to her

best friend Mey Manalu and Melda Hutabarat for the wonderful friendship, unforgatable

stories in life, continuous prayers and great encouragement to the writer.

She heartily thankful to the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Reinjaya Sitohang, M.Hum in

encouraging and supporting her in a number of ways. She also thanks Harpen Silitonga, Betty

Sihombing and all the lecturers and staff for their unforgatable friendship and supports to the


In her study She has been blessed with a friendly and cheerful group of fellow

students in LTBI Angkatan XX. She really enjoyed the courses years because of her great


Special thanks will go to Febrika Sihombing, Saurma Tarihoran, Nardus Liliana,


Lastly, she offers her regards and blessings to all of those who supported her in any

respect during the completion of her research.



1.1The Background of the Study………... 1

1.2The Problems of the Study………... 5

1.3The Objectives of the Study………... 5

1.4The Scope of the Study………... 5

1.5The Significance of the Study………... 5


2.2 Theory of Subjectivity and Objectivity………...…...……… 38

2.3Text and Context………...……… 39


2.3.1 Newspaper Pages……….………... 43

2.3.2 Editorial : Kinds of Language Media………... 43

2.3.3 KOMPAS………...… 45

2.5Previous Studies………...………... 47

2.6Conceptual Framework………...………... 51


3.1 The Research Design………... .53

3.2 The Technique of Data Collection…………...………... 53

3.3 The Data and Data Source………...………... 53

3.4 Trustworthiness………...………...……….... 54

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis………...……….……… 54


4.1 Data Analysis………... 57

4.2 Findings………... 82

4.3 Discussions………...99


5.1 Conclusions………...………... 104

5.2 Suggestions…………...………... 105


REFERENCES………..……... 107



APPENDIX I The 1st Editorial...110

APPENDIX II The 2nd Editorial...111

APPENDIX III 3rd Editorial...112

APPENDIX IV The data Collection of the 1st editorial...114

APPENDIX V The data collection of the 2nd Editorial... 116

APPENDIX VIThe data collection of the 3rd Editorial... 118

APPENDIX VII The Data Coding of the 1st Editorial... 120

APPENDIX VIII The Data Coding of the 2nd Editorial...124

APPENDIX IX The Data Coding of the 3rd Editorial... 128



INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study

When we talk, one of the most important is our consideration of our relation with our

interlocutor. We are negotiating our stance with person (s) with whom we talk. Richards

(1926: 267) in Sarangi conceptualized the two functions of language under the labels

“scientific”and “emotive”:

[…A statement may be used for the sake of the reference, true or false, which it

causes. This is the scientific use of language. But it may also be used for the sake of the

effects in emotion and attitude produced by the reference it occasions. This is the emotive use

of language…]

Both these functions have an evaluative orientation: the scientific signals a factual

status whiles the emotive indexes an inter subjective stance. Richards ([1929] 1964)

elaborates these two functions in terms of four kinds of meaning—sense, feeling, tone, and

intention—which coincidentally have underpinned much of pragmatic, sociolinguistic and

discourse analytic work in recent years.

Sense: We speak to say something, and when we listen we expect something to be said. We use words to direct our hearer’s attention upon some state of affairs, to present to them some

items for consideration and to excite in them some thoughts about these items.

Feeling: we also, as a rule, have some feelings about these items, about the state of affairs we are referring to. We have an attitude towards it, some special direction, bias, or accentuation

of interest towards it, some personal flavour or colouring of feeling; and we use language to

express these feelings, this nature of interest. Equally, when we listen we pick it up, rightly or


Tone: Furthermore, the speaker has ordinarily an attitude to his listener. He chooses or arranges his words differently as his audience varies, in automatic or deliberate recognition of

his relation to them. The tone of his utterance reflects his awareness of this relation, his sense

of how he stands towards those he is addressing . . .

Intention: Finally, there is the speaker’s intention, his aim, conscious or unconscious, the effect he is endeavoring to promote. Ordinarily he speaks for a purpose, and his purpose

modifies his speech. The understanding of it is part of the whole business of apprehending his

meaning. Unless we know what he is trying to do, we can hardly estimate the measure of his

success . . .

Language can be used to evaluate and gives appraisals to others. Using language to

convey the evaluation about something is an interesting linguistic phenomenon to be

discussed. In addition, knowing writer’s or speaker’s stance or attitude and how he presents

his stance towards the subject he is writing will give us additional information, not only the

information at the surface of the text, but it will bring us to get more comprehensive

understanding particularly from the writer perspective.

In media text, when the journalist writes, he uses the words to direct the readers'

attention upon some state of affairs present some items for consideration and excites some

thoughts about those items. The writer also has some feelings about these items, he has an

attitude towards them, some special directions, or accentuation of interest, some personal

flavor or coloring of feeling. Again the writer use language to share it, the writer uses

language to share his appraisals.

Moreover, the writer has to choose words differently as his audience varies. He has to

have strategies of how to stand towards those he is addressing. The writer also has intention,

aim, the effect he is endeavoring to promote. He writes for a purpose, and his purpose


It is worth reading to analyze how the journalist responds to the matter(s) discussed in

the text (viz. his subjective opinion about it) and the person(s) he speaks with. It is certainly

interesting to study whether the newspaper convey the message subjective or objective. Does

the journalist present the objective facts without flavor of the journalist or he presents the

editorials text which are consist of additional information according to the journalist's

interpretation of the event. How the writer negotiates his appraisal or stance in his writing? It

is of great importance to understand the news not only in the surface level, but also the deeper

one. It is an interesting point to explore how the writer of daily KOMPAS’ editorial negotiates

his appraisals through his writings, because the way he wants to give his appraisals, it will

influence his way of writing the editorials.

White (1998) says good news doesn’t sell the newspaper. That is, if the article was

written without an attractive design, it is guaranteed that the newspaper will not be sold,

therefore it is not surprising that every daily newspapers has journalist rhetorical skills to

make a simple news turned into a spectacular news. Author skillfully shaping public opinion,.

It depends on the journalist ideological tendencies, in this case the editorial board, who is in

charge in approving published news.

A question about what is the voice of KOMPAS deals with the education in Indonesia,

do they indicate positive or negative assessment, and do they give the assessment objectively

or subjectively? It can be seen from the realization of appraisal in the writings.As for the

concept of evaluation; it is itself an interesting phenomenon. However, the function of

evaluation is not only to determine whether each of these aspects is good or bad,

positive or negative, approved or disapproved, etc, but also to construe the overall value of

a given message which eventually leads to the construction of the perspective of the writer


The egalitarian era makes people easy to get the news. In this era, people are feel free

to give opinions through something happened in their lives. It makes many medias occur year

by year. The news are everywhere, whether it is truthful or just a propaganda is actually

become an interesting topic to be discussed.

There are various ways in telling the truth, and the way of the writer in telling it show

something about the writer or the newspaper political writings. People like to debate or share

the opinions in talking about the things happened in their sorroundings. Media gives their

needs. It needs a critical thinking to identify whether the news are really objective or

subjective, so the reader will be more wise in giving their views dealing with the topic

discussed. In line with that it is a worth thing to do in finding whether the daily Kompas

especially in the editorials convey the news objectively or subjectively. If it is subjective or

objective, how does the writer display their evaluation or appraisal through the writings?

There are many newspapers that occur nowadays with different costs; within this condition

Kompas still leads the readership. It makes the researcher attracted to make a research of

Kompas especially in the way the writer negotiates his appraisal to the readers.

In negotiating his stance the researcher also found that the writer used the metaphor,

actually we will get used to see the use of metaphor in novel or other literary works. But

nowadays, metaphor occurs many times in modern newspaper, and it is happened in Kompas

too. Why does the writer choose that kind of way in giving his appraisal? Kompas is a

national leading newspaper, it means Indonesian language should be the language that is used

to convey all the messages, however, the researcher found that there was a time that the

writer used the word from or rooted from vernacular especially came from Javanese


1.2The Problems of the Study

This study focuses on the Appraisals that are shown in the editorial. The editorials within the

topic of Education in Indonesia will be taken for analysis by means of the appraisal theory, in

order to respond to the three research questions:

1. What is the appraisal network system used in the editorials?

2. How are the appraisals realized in the editorials of KOMPAS?

3. In what contexts are the appraisals used in the editorial of daily KOMPAS?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In line with the research problem, the objectives of the study are:

1) to describe types of appraisals in the editorials

2) to elaborate the manner of use of appraisal in the editorials

3) to elaborate the context of the use of appraisals

1.4 The Scope of the study

The researcher took the editorials within the topic are about Education in Indonesia.

The research started April 2013 until June 2013. The Subject of the study is KOMPAS Daily

Newspaper; the object of the study is the editorials. The data is the clause containing

appraisal. The focus of this study is Appraisal, and sub focuses of the study are:

1) the type of appraisals

2) realization of the appraisals

3) the context of the use of appraisals

1.5 The Significances of the Study

Findings of the study are expected to be useful and relevant theoretically and

practically in some respects.


1) to justify the truthfulness of the theories of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)

2) to add more horizons to the theory and

3) to be references for further studies.

Practically the findings are relevant and useful for:

1) the learners who need them as reference

2) the learners who want to have a good analysis in case of appraisal in language

3) the learners who learn English and

4) The teachers who want to be successful in their job, particularly in teaching reading




After analyzing the data, conclusions are drawn as the following:

1.The appraisal Network system in editorials are :

1.2 Attitude

(1) Affect : Dissatisfied, Insecure, Disinclination, Unhappy,

(2) Judgement : Tenacity (-); Veracity (-), Normality (-); Propriety (+) (once);

Maintenance (-), Quality (-)

(3) Appreciation : Impact (-), Balance (-), Quality (-), Meaning(-),Meaning (+) ,

Maintenance (+),Maintenance(-), ( twice ), Complexity (-), Maintenance(-),

1.3 Engagement : Proclaim Concur :Affirmative , Disclaim Counter Concession,

Proclaim Correliative Structure, Attribution, Attribution Knowledge, Proclaim

Projection, Entertaint, Disclaim Negation, Counter Expectation, Entertaint :

Rhetorical, Deny : Negation

appraisal by supporting with the facts or some supporting opinion(argumentative),

plays the scales of his appraisal , stands in the middle while giving his appraisal


3. The reason of the use of appraisal is dealed with the context of situation ( egalitarian

period), the context of culture ( javanese culture ), and the ideology of KOMPAS


5.2 Suggestions

From the conclusions above the researcher suggests:

1. The readers of a newspaper should be more critical in giving respon from the news that

they read, because the way the writer negotiates his stances is influenced by many things such

as context of culture, context of situation and also from the ideology of the newspaper itself.

2. The readers should read more newspapers in gaining different informations or stances,

because the different ideology of a newspaper will cause the different way of giving appraisal

3. To the linguist, or the other researchers who want to do the same field of research or features, but they should understand the meaning implicitly, because media usually has their

own purpose in doing appraisals.

2. Realizing that language is used according to its context should make the readers realize

that they have to find the significant meaning that language wants to tell, and that is of course

according to the context of use.

5.3.2 Social Implications

1. In writing his writings, the writer can adopt the cultural background in order to attach the


2. Culture influences the way someone negotiates his appraisal, by knowing this the readers

should try to understand different cultures that lies in Indonesia in order to get more



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