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INTRODUCTION A Morphological Analysis Of Derivational Suffixes Of Noun In Manual Procedure Of Blackberry Guide.


Academic year: 2017

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1 A. Background of the Study

One of the international languages is English. English is an international language which has an important role in communication by people to interact with other people in the world. As international language, English is used to conduct communication in almost the entire world in many countries.

The study changes in the form of a word, we need to use linguistics called morphology. Morphology is study and learning about morphemes and how to combine morpheme to be a word. In morphology, we are going to learn about the

details of the structure a word, the structure of words, affixes, and analysis said. While understanding of the smallest is part of a morpheme words and

meanings of their own. Morpheme is divided into two parts which is free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is independent or it can stand alone as a word. The bound morpheme cannot stand alone as a word. Bound

morpheme must always be combined with other morpheme. Addition of a morpheme in a word can change the meaning of the word.

In the study of morphology, the coverage in morphology is the difference between lexical items and word, morpheme and morphology, monomorpheme and polymorphenic, allomorph, root: base: stem of a word, the process of inflection,


Word is very important for students, words have main role in study of language as stated by Katamba (1994:2) that “ words are very rewarding object of study “.An understanding of the nature of words provides us as key that open the

door to understand of important aspect language in general. This aspect of language is vocal symbol which is arbiter, there is no natural relation between sound and meaning.

To understand how the shape changes in a word understand about the process

of change from the word. In this paper we discuss about the parts and various forms of a word changes and its meaningness. The scope of discussion of

morphology is quite extensive. The study must be carefully in order to understand the definition of a word.

According to Yule ( 2006:63) “ morpheme is a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function”. So morpheme cannot be divided into smaller unit that

has meaningful themselves.

Morphology is the identification, analysis and description of the structure of a given language's morphemes and other linguistic units, such as root words, affixes, parts of speech, intonation/stress, or implied context (words in a lexicon are the subject matter of lexicology. Morphology according to Matthews (1974: 3) “morphology is simply a terms for that branch of linguistics which is concerned with the forms of word in different uses and construction”.


with the process of inflection, which uses another kind of affix in order to form variants of the same word, as with


A derivational suffix usually applies to words of one syntactic category

and changes them into words of another syntactic category. For example, the English derivational suffix -ly changes adjectives into adverbs (slow → slowly), (network-networking) networks from word to network this is adding-ing behind

network word, in this case a change in the so-called suffix.

Why the writer chooses the title because derivational suffix is very important

to explain because if everyone knows about the meaning derivational suffix in any texs they are more interest to learn about what the meaning of the texs .Based on the phenomena above, the writer is interested in conducting a research paper

entitled A Morphological Analysis of Derivational Suffixes of Noun in Manual Procedure Guide Blackberry.

B. Literature Review

To prove the original of the study, the writer presents the previous study who has conducted the different study on morphological analysis. The first

research is from Yuniarsih Fitria (Unsoed 2010)with the title A

Morphological Analysis of English Compound Word in the Jakarta Post. In

this research the writer analyzes a mixture of word in jakarta post, the writer

uses the idea to search for the elusive mix of words and should be anayzed


The second researcher, Trimastuti (UMS 2008) with the title

Morphological Analysis on the Word in the Windows Program, conducted

the study entitled emphasis on the study that identifying the linguistics form of

words that used in the windows program and analyzing the morphological

construction of sentence. The object of analysis and descriptive of the

structure of morpheme and other unit of meaning in a language like words,

affixes, and part of speech and intonation of stress. The writer finds the form

of compounding used in Windows XP register consists of three types of

compounding, namely, compound noun, compound verb, and compound

adjective. The most compounding meaning used in Windows XP register are

transparent meaning and the test in opaque meaning.

The two literature reviews have a different analysis between the writer.

The different of both is the first study focuses in compound word for the

mixture of word that are difficult to understand and should be anayzed from

the original words to form new words and the second study focus in words,

affixes, and part of speech.

C. Problem Statement

Based on the phenomena mentioned on the background of this study, the writer formulates the following problems :


2. What are the meanings of the derivational suffix of noun in manual Procedure Guide Blackberry?

D. Objective of the Study

Based on the problems above, the writer formulates the objectives of the study in the following:

1. To describe the types of derivational suffix of noun in manual Procedure Guide Blackberry.

2. To describe the meanings of derivational suffix of noun in manual Procedure Guide blacberry.

E. Benefit of the Study

From this research, the writer hopes that this study has the benefits into theoretically and practically, they are as follows:

1. Theoretical Benefits

The writer hopes the results of this research can give representation about study of morphology especilally in the analysis of derivational suffix of noun.

2. Practical Benefits


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