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English Relative Clause Found In The Good Earth And Their Translations Into Bumi Yang Subur.


Academic year: 2017

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This thesis is to obtain a magister’sdegree

in translation studies in postgraduate program at Udayana University









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On June 22nd, 2016

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NIP 195404241983031002 NIP 195910101985032002

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Head of Master Program Director of Postgraduate Program In Linguistics Department Udayana University,

Postgraduate Program Udayana University,

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This thesis was examined by the Board of Examiners on June 22nd, 2016

The Board of Examiners according to Decree of Rector of Udayana University No. 2662/UN14.4/HK/2016, Date: June 22nd, 2016

Chairman : Dr. I Nyoman Sedeng, M.Hum.

Members : 1. Dr. Ni Luh Ketut Mas Indrawati, M.A. 2. Dr. Ida Ayu Made Puspani, M.Hum. 3. Dr. Ni Wayan Sukarini, M.Hum. 4. Dr. I Made Netra, M.Hum.



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nama : I Made Juliarta

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Program Study : Magister (S-2) Linguistik, Konsentrasi Penerjemahan, Progam Pascasarjana, Universitas Udayana

judul tesis :English Relative Clauses Found in The Good Earth and Their Translations into Bumi Yang Subur

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Denpasar, 22 Juni 2016

I Made Juliarta



First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitute to God, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, for His blessing that this thesis could be completed in time. I would like to express my deep thanks for all who helped to complete this thesis to obtain Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics, particularly in translation studies. In addition, I would like to express my deep greatest thanks to Dr. I Nyoman Sedeng, M.Hum. as my first supervisor who gave lots of suggestion, direction, and support in completing this thesis. My thankfulness also goes to my second supervisor, Dr. Ni Luh Ketut Mas Indrawati, M.A. for her suggestion, correction, and being so helpful during the completion of this thesis.

In this great opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to the Rector of Udayana University Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, Sp. PD-KEMD, the Director of Postgraduate Program, Udayana University Prof. Dr. dr. A.A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K), Head of the Master Program in Linguistics Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, M.A and the Secretary of the Master Program in Linguistics (Prof. Dr. I Wayan Simpen, M.Hum.

Moreover, I also would like to express my special gratitude to the board of examiners for their support and input, Dr. Ida Ayu Made Puspani, M.Hum, Dr. Ni Wayan Sukarini, M.Hum, and Dr. I Made Netra, M.Hum, the staff of the Master Program in Linguistics I Gusti Ayu Putu Supadmi, I Ketut Ebuh, S.Sos, I Nyoman Sadra, S.S, Nyoman Adi Triani, S.E, the staff of Nursing Department, Health Polytechnic of Denpasar, Yuni Suntari, S.Kep, M.Pd, Suardana, M.Kep, Dr. Nyoman Ribek, Hasan, Amin, Mr. ram.




This study focuses on English relative clauses and their translations into Indonesian. It was aimed at finding out the types of English relative clauses found in the novel The Good Earth and the types of shifts occuring in the translation.

The analysis was based on the theory of the types of relative clauses proposed by Quirk (1985), Sneddon (1996) and the theory of translation shift proposed by Catford (1965). The process of collecting data was started by reading the entire novel to understand the story of the novel and to observe the possibility of the data that could be taken from this book. Firstly, the novel was read to find out the types of English relative clauses. Qualitative descriptive method is the method used to analyze data. The data was analyzed qualitatively. The observation method was applied by observing the entire data sources that contain English relative clauses. The data were analyzed through several stages.

The result of this study showed that there are two types of English relative clauses found in the novel the Good Earth, they are: Restrictive relative clause and non-restrictive relative clause. First, the types of English relative clauses found in the data sources are restrictive relative clause as subject, restrictive relative clause as object, restrictive relative clause as prepositional object, non-restrictive relative clause as subject, and non-restrictive relative clause as object. The types of Indonesian Relative clauses found in data sources are defining relative clause, object-topic comment relative clauses, and locative relative clauses. Second, the types of shifts found in the novel are structure shifts, level shifts, and unit shifts. Translation shift was identified by using the tree diagram. In structure shifts, there is a change in the position of word structure in source language by retaining the meaning of the source language in the target language.

Keywords:relative clause, translation, shifts





Penelitian ini membahas klausa perelatifan bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis klausa perelatifan bahasa Inggris yang ditemukan dalam novel

the Good Earth, dan terjemahannya Bumi Yang Subur, dan untuk mengetahui jenis pergeseran terjemahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori yang dikembangkan oleh Quirk (1985), Catford (1965), dan Sneddon (1996). Proses pengumpulan data dimulai dengan membaca semua data yang ada pada novel. Pertama, semua bagian yang ada pada novel dibaca secara teliti untuk mengetahui bagian yang mengandung klausa perelatifan. Metode deskriptif kualitatif adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif. Metode ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan data secara sistematis dan akurat. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan beberapa tahapan.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada dua jenis klausa perelatifan bahasa Inggris yang ditemukan pada novel Bumi yang Subur yang diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, diantaranya adalah: klausa perelatifan restriktif dan non-restriktif. Pertama, jenis klausa perelatifan bahasa Inggris yang ditemukan pada sumber data di antaranya adalah klausa perelatifan sebagai subjek, objek, preposisi, non-restriktif klausa perelatifan sebagai subjek, dan klausa perelatifan non-restriktif sebagai objek. Jenis-jenis klausa perelatifan bahasa Indonesia yang ditemukan pada sumber data di antaranya adalah penjelasan klausa perelatifan, penjelasan objek-topik klausa perelatifan, dan klausa perelatifan tempat. Jenis pergeseran terjemahan yang ditemukan pada sumber data di antaranya adalah pergeseran struktur, pergeseran unit, dan pergeseran tingkat. Dalam pergeseran struktur, terdapat perubahan posisi struktur kata di bahasa sumber dengan mempertahankan makna yang terdapat pada bahasa sumber.

Kata Kunci:klausa perelatifan, terjemahan, pergeseran









ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK... viii



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problems of the Study ... 5

1.3 Aims of the Study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 5

1.4.1 Theoretical Significance ... 5

1.4.2 Practical Significance ... 6

1.5 Scope of the Study ... 6


2.2 Concepts ... 12

2.2.1 Clause ... 12

2.2.2 Complex Sentence ... 13

2.2.3 Relative Clause ... 13

2.2.4 Translation ... 14

2.2.5 Tree Diagram ... 15

2.3 Theoretical Framework ... 17

2.3.1 English Relative Clause ... 17

2.3.2 Relative Clause in Indonesian ... 21

2.3.3 Translation Shift ... 24

2.4 Research Model ... 28

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Approach ... 29

3.2 Research Locations ... 29

3.3 Data Source ... 29

3.4 Research Instrument ... 30

3.5 Method and Technique of Collecting Data ... 30

3.6 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data ... 31

3.7 Method and Technique of Presenting Data ... 31




4. 1 Types of Relative Clauses Found in the Novel the Good

Earth and its Translation in Bumi Yang Subur ... 34

4.1.1 Restrictive Relative Clause as Subject and Its Translation .. 34

4.1.2 Restrictive Relative Clause as Object and Its Translation .... 38

4.1.3 Restrictive Relative Clause as Prepositional Object and Its Translation ... 40

4.1.4 Non-Restrictive Relative Clause as Subject and Its Translation ... 42

4.1.5 Non-Restrictive Relative Clause as Object and Its Translation ... 45

4.2 Types of Shifts of Relative Clauses Occur in the Translation of the Good Earth... 48

4.2.1 Structure Shift ... 48

4.2.2 Level Shift ... 67

4.2.3 Unit Shift ... 73


5.2 Suggestions ... 106





SL = Source Language

TL = Target Language

S = Subject

V = Verb

O = Object

Prep = Preposition

Adv = Adverb

S = Sentence

Aux = Auxiliary

NP = Noun Phrase

N = Noun

VP = Verb Phrase

PP = Prepositional Phrase

P = Preposition

Det = Determine

Art = Article

Adj = Adjective

Pro = Pronoun

Poss = Possessive




1.1 Background of the Study

A clause is a syntactic unit consisting of a subject and a predicate. A clause is divided into independent and dependent clause. Independent clause is a clause that can stand alone as a simple sentence and a dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence even though it contains a subject and a verb. The types of dependent clauses are adverbial clauses, noun clauses and adjective clauses. Quirk (1987: 1233-1234) stated that adverbial clauses function mainly as adjuncts, which parts also perform in a sentence as adverbial phrases or as adverbial prepositional phrases. Noun clause is a subordinate clause which is used as a noun in the sentence. There are three main structural types of clauses. They are finite clause, nonfinite clause and verbless clause. Finite clause is a clause whose verb element is finite. Nonfinite clause is a clause whose verb element is nonfinite. There are four structural classes of nonfinite verb clauses. They are to-infinitive, bare to-infinitive, -ing participle, and –ed participle. Verbless clause is a clause that does not have a verb element, but is nevertheless capable of being analysed into clause elements.

Dependent clauses can fill grammatical functions. On the basis of their functions, dependent clauses can be divided into the following types. They are, noun clause, adverb clause and adjective clause. A dependent clause that can function as a noun in the sentence is called noun clause. A noun clause performs the same function like a noun in the sentence. We can see from the exampleWhat


she did made a problem for his family.In the sentence, “what he did” functions as a noun; hence, it is a noun clause. A noun clause can work as a noun that acts as subject, object or predicate in a sentence. A dependent clause can function as an adverb in the sentence. An adverb clause like an adverb modifies a verb. It can modify the situation in main clause in terms of time, frequency (how often), cause and effect, contrast, condition, intensity (to what extent). A dependent clause that can function as an adjective in the sentence is called adjective clause. An adjective functions to modify anoun or a pronoun.

Adjective clause or relative clause is a subordinate clause used to modify a noun or pronoun in the main clause. Relative clause is in the level of phrase/post-modifier. They will begin with a relative pronoun like: (that, whom, who, which or whose). Comrei (1981: 150) stated that in transformational terms, relative clause formation in English involves a movement transformation, moving the


which is required in non-restrictive relatives. They are different in semantic or pragmatic terms, in particular the restrictive relative clause uses presupposed information to identify the referent of a noun phrase. It is stated that non-restrictive relative is a way of presenting new information on the basis of the assumption that the referent can already be identified. The modification is said to be restrictive when the reference of the head is a member of a class and it can be identified only through the modification that is supplied. Restrictiveness can indicate a limitation on the possible reference of the head. The reference of a noun phrase can be viewed as unique or as a member of a class that is independently identified. In restrictive relative clause, the relative pronoun can function as subject, object, complement, and adverbial. In relative pronoun, there is a distinction between who and whom, depending on its role as subject of relative clause, or as object, or as prepositional complement.

Quirk (1985) stated that sentential relative clauses parallel nonrestrictive postmodifying clauses in noun phrases in that they are separated by intonation or punctuation from their antecedent. Whichis a relative pronoun, but it may also be a relative determiner of general abstract nouns such as fact, case, event, or situation, or more specific verbal nouns such asfailure or claim. The determiner

whichcan be found with the prepositions other than in.Furthermore, the pronoun

which can be a prepositional complement. The noun phrases can be prepositional complements and represent the antecedent.


this research is to analyze the translation of English relative clauses into Indonesian found in the novel. There are differences in terms of syntax in English and Indonesian. Besides, there are two languages spoken by the people who have different cultural backgrounds that could affect languages. One of the examples of the differences between Indonesian and English could be found in terms of syntax in relative clauses.

Catford (1965) stated that shift is the departure from formal correspondence in the process of going from source language to the target language. Shifts can occur in relative clause, i.e. He asked one who passed

(ditanyai seseorang yang kebetulan lewat). The source language has the constituent of relative pronoun (who as subject), and verb (passed). Meanwhile, the target language has the constituents of relative pronoun (yang as subject), adverb (kebetulan)and verb (lewat).


1.2 Problems of the study

Based on the description of the relative clauses and shifts, the problems of the study are formulated as follows:

1. what types of the relative clauses are found in the novelThe Good Earth

and their Indonesian translations?

2. what types of shifts of relative clauses occur in the translation ofThe Good EarthintoBumi yang Subur?

1.3 Aims of the Study

From the problems formulated above, the aims of this study are:

1. to identify the types of relative clauses found in the novel The Good Earth

and its translationBumi yang Subur

2. to analyze the types of shifts of relative clauses occuring in the translation ofThe Good EarthintoBumi yang Subur.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study gives two significancies. The first is theoretical significance and the secod is practical significance.

1.4.1 Theoretical Significance


1.4.2 Practical Significance

The result of this study can give contribution in the form a new comprehension for students of translation class in translating relative clauses from English into Indonesian. This study is expected to be valuable especially to those who are interested in translating relative clauses from English into Indonesian. Moreover, this study can give a reference to other researchers to analyze relative clauses in the sentence.

1.5 Scope of the Study




In conducting this research , there are some previous studies on relative clauses which were reviewed in this literature review. Here are some thesis and articles which were reviewed to support this research.

2.1 Literature Review

Three previous studies and two international journals are reviewed in this sub section. Here are some thesis and two international journals which were reviewed to support this present study.

Trisna (2014) in her thesis describes Relative Clause in Japanese. She describes Japanese has a relative clause construction and a variety of diverse constituencies. Japanese has a constituency which is formed from the lexical categories, namely, noun, verb, adjective and adposisi. Japanese compound words can be done by combining the same category or different categories. In Japanese, the nouns modified by restrictive relative clause are not limited to animate referents, but also to inanimate. The nouns modified by a relative clause. In Japanese the positions are whether subject, object, possessor, or obliquely in the sentence. In Japanese there is no word that can be said to be similar to the word which or who as relative pronouns in English. In Japanese, there is no noun expressed as

no. The weakness of this thesis is that the writer did not explain the relation between oblique and clause in Japanese. The strength of this


thesis is that the writer gives clear explanation about the function of word class in Japanese clauses. The writer reviewed this thesis as it is related to the topic discussed by the writer. The writer reviewed this thesis as it gives clear explanation about the form of relative clauses in Japanese.

Prawita (2014) in her thesis describes the types of shift of complex noun phrase occuring in the translation of Oprah from English into Indonesian. She analyzed shifts in the translation of complex noun phrases. She used the theory proposed by Catford (1965) in A Linguistic Theory of Translation and Nida (1975) in Language Structure and Translation. The weakness of this thesis is that there is no relation between the main and supporting theories. The strength of this thesis is on the relevant analysis of shift in the translation of complex noun phrases, the factors causing shifts to occur and loss. The writer chose to review as this thesis gives clear explanation about the types of shifts occuring in complex noun phrases. This thesis gives a contribution to the data analysis using the theory of translation shift.


occuring in Indonesian translation into English. The weakness of this thesis is that there is no relation between the main and supporting theories. The strength of this thesis is placed on the relevance of shifts occuring in translation from Indonesian into English.


the data source and this writing also used novel as data source. The difference is that she explained manner adjunct in the form of clause whereas this writing does not.

Dewi (2005) in her thesis focuses on designing an overview of the English pronoun. The kinds of relative pronouns and the functions of the relative pronouns were also described in this paper. This paper merely investigated four relative pronouns. They are who, which, and zero. The weakness of this thesis is that there is no relation between the syntatical analysis and the supporting theory used to describe the anal ysis. The strength of this undergraduate thesis is placed on the application of the analysis of syntactical analysis by the writer. The writer chose this undergraduate thesis because it is related to the topic discussed by the writer. The writer chose this graduate thesis to review because this thesis gives clear explanation about the definition of clause. This thesis gives a contribution in the form of data analysis especially as a comparison on applying concept of clause in the sentence. There are some s imilarities and differences between Rhatadi’s thesis and this writing. The first similarity is in the explanation about the adverb. In her undergraduate thesis, he was concerned with the explanation of adverb. This writing also explains the definition of adverb. The difference is in regard to the topic; he described the syntactical analysis but this writing describes relative clauses.


(SL) translated into Indonesian Noun Phrase (INP) as the Target Language (TL). The translation of English Noun Phrase into Indonesian was discussed in this paper. There aredistinction between “textual equivalence” and “formal correspondence”. The translation of Noun Phrase was also discussed in this paper. The weakness of this graduate thesis is that the writer only described the type of translation. The strength of this thesis is placed on the application of the translation equivalence in the data. The writer chose this graduate to review because it is related to the topic discussed by the writer. The writer chose this thesis to review because this undergraduate thesis gave clear explanation on the definition of translation equivalence. The difference between Astuti’s undergraduate thesis and this writing paper is in regard to the theory used to solve the problem. In her undergraduate thesis, she explained the structure of Noun Phrase as the target language; whereas, this writing is concern ed with the relative clause. The similarity is in regard to the theory used by the writer. Astuti used the theory proposed by Nida and Taber. In this paper the theory proposed by Nida is also used.


ungrammatical. This study used the theory proposed by Schwartz and Sprouse (1996) which described the grammatical properties of the L2 leaner’s native language. It was found that L2 learners can successfully reconstruct grammar according to the L2 setting. In other words, in the case of resumptive pronouns in relative clauses, L2 learners gradually reset their parameters in accordance with the values of L2, that is, no use of resumptive insertion strategies.

In the International Journal of American Linguistics entitled “Free Relative Clauses in Two Mixtec Languages, Harold (2012) described embedded non-interrogative wh-clauses known as free relative clauses (henceforth, FRs) in two Mixtec languages – Nieves Mixtec. The writer analyzed free relative clauses in two Mixtec Languages. Both mixtec languages make use of most wh-words found in the interrogatives to form free relatives. There are three kinds of free rel atives that are attested cross linguistically, those are: definite free relatives, existential free relatives and ever free relatives. Free relative clauses and headed relative clauses in both languages were discussed by the writer. Both types of relative clauses were discussed in order to know about the similarities and differences between source language and target language. There are two previously unstudied mixtec languages. Nieves Mixtec and Melchor Ocampo Mixtec were investigated with special emphasis on free relative clauses and two related wh-constructions.


A concept is a generalization from experience or the result of a transformation of existing ideas. The concepts in this study are proposed by the experts in the field of relative clause and translation shift. Concepts of clause and relative clauses are presented in the following.

2.2.1 Clause

Clause is stated as a group of words having its own subject and predicate as illustrated bySandy told me that you are very diligent. This sentence consists of two clauses; they are Sandy told me and you are very diligent. A complex sentence is a sentence which has more than one clause. There is a certain relation which makes the two clauses have a complex sense. A complex sentence is formed by the main clause and subordinate clause. It can be seen from the example above that Sandy told me is stated as the main clause. A subordinate clause is stated as a part of the main clause. Quirk (1985:1047) stated that relative clauses have potential functions; they are Nominal Clause, Adverbial Clause, Relative Clause, and Comparative Clause.

2.2.2 Complex Sentence


in a nontechnical sense. Phrases can be complex in the degree of their modification; the vocabulary can be obscure, because of their compresions, nominalizations can be more difficult to understand then corresponding subordinate clauses.

2.2.3 Relative Clause

A relative clause can be found after a noun phrase. It usually provides some information related to the person or thing indicated by that noun phrase. The connection between the noun phrase in the main clause is in the main clause, and it is known as the antecedent and the relative pronoun (e.g: that) in the relative clause. Restrictive relative clauses are closely connected to the antecedent or head and it can denote a limitation to the reference of the antecedent. For example:

1. This is somethingthat will disturb me anyway.Quirk (1985)

Nonrestrictive clauses usually give extra information and do not further define, the antecedent. Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses, for example:

2. The clotheswhich I ordered last week have arrived.Quirk (1985)

It can be seen from the sentence above that the relative pronoun which

introduces the relative clause which I ordered last week. It is stated that relative pronoun differs from the personal pronoun in which the sentence which contains the relative pronoun is placed at the beginning of the clause, whether it is subject, complement, adverbial, postmodifier, prepositional complement, or object (Quirk 1985: 365).


b. that and Zero (o) clause provides information needed to make the antecedent definete.

2.2.4 Translation

Catford (1978) stated that: The theory of translation is concerned with a certain type of relation between languages and is consequently a branch of Comparative Linguistics. From the point of view of translation theory the distinction between synchronic and diachronic comparison is irrelevant.

2.2.5 Tree Diagram

(Brown and Miller, 1991:40) stated that the example of a phrase structure rule is as follows:


The constituent is on the left side. The forms of phrasal categories are PP, AP, NP, VP, ADVP. A phrase is a set of elements that form a constituent. The article can be followed by NP consisting of a head noun. The simple categories are V, N, A, and P. ADV. It may be replaced by the VP, NP, AP, PP, and ADVP. Here is the explanation of Phrasal class:

1. Noun Phrase (NP)

Noun phrase functions as ‘subject’ or ‘object’ in the sentence. The rule of NP is explained as follows:

- NP Art Adj N


- NP Art N (PP) 2. Verb Phrase (VP)

Other constituents follow the Verb Phrase that consists of the verb. Brown and Miller (1991:64-65) stated that the rules of verb phrase are explained as follows:

- VP V (NP) (PP)


- VP V NP (PP)


- VP V S

3. Prepositional Phrase (PP)

Noun phrase follows the prepositional phrase consisting of the preposition as a head. The rule of a prepositional phrase can be explained as follows:


4. Adjectival Phrase (AP)

The intensifier precedes the adjective phrase. The rule of an adjectival phrase is explained as follows:


Noun Phrase Verb Phrase Noun Phrase Determiner Noun Main Verb determiner adjective noun

The room has a large window

Noun Verb Adverb

Phrase Phrase Phrase Pronoun Main Verb Adverb

which faces south

Quirk (1985)

2.3 Theoretical Framework

In conducting this research, this paper attempts to provide a description of relative clauses in English and Indonesian. The analysis of relative clauses conducted here focuses on presenting an explanation of the types of relative clauses found in the novel, their translations and the analysis of the types of shifts in the translation. To answer the first problem, the theory of relative clause proposed by Quirk (1985) is used to categorize the types of relative clauses. The theory of translation shifts proposed by Catford (1965) is used to answer the second problem. The theoretical foundations of this study are drawn from the theories of English relative clauses as the main theory such as relative clauses



proposed by Quirk (1985), Indonesian Relative Clause proposed by Sneddon (1996), and translation shift proposed by Catford (1965).

2.3.1 English Relative Clause

There are two types of relative clauses in English; they are: restrictive relative clause and non-restrictive relative clause.

1. Restrictive Relative Clause

Restrictive relative clause is described as a clause describing the preceding noun in such a way that it can be distinguished from noun of the same class. When we indicate a parenthesized relative pronoun, it can be said that there is the option between that relative and‘zero’. It can be seen from the S, O,C, A in the survey below that the relative pronoun functions as a subject, object, complement, and adverbial in the relative clause with personal and nonpersonal antecedents. The relative pronoun can function as subject, object, complement, or adverbial (including the role as prepositional complement) or it can be a constituent of an element in the relative clause, for example, as a determiner. Presupposed information is used in the restrictive relative clause to identify the referent of a noun phrase. It is stated that with a personal antecedent, the relative pronoun can show the distinction between who and whom, and it depends on its role as the subject of the relative clause, or as object, or it can be as prepositional complement:

a. Restrictive Relative Clause as Subject


person and which is for a thing. The examples of relatives are that, who, and which. It can be seen that the use of that or a wh-item would be regarded as more acceptable.

There are some good reasons to distinguish that/which – clauses from adnominal clauses. An alternative to a postmodifying copular relative clause with an adjective as complement is pre- or postposition of the adjective. The relative pronoun as subject is usually that, and, as object when the antecedent is modified by a superlative

1. They eat the finestthatis available.Quirk (1985)

2. This is somethingthat will disturb me anyway.Quirk (1985) b.Restrictive Relative Clause as Object of Verb

Whom and which can be used as the form of direct object but this is considered very formal or rarely used in colloquial speech. It was described that grammatical objects are more likely to be personal noun or to carry nonpersonal implication. Quirk (1985: 1252) stated that another factor influencing the selection of the pronounthatis the object found in the relative clause. Clauses can intervene between the antecedent head and relative pronoun which are generally preferable to that and very much preferable to zero. It can be seen that grammatical objects are more likely to be nonpersonal or to carry nonpersonal implication. There are some factors influencing the selection of a pronoun, one of which is object. For examples:


3. The personwhom he met.Quirk (1985)

c. Restrictive Relative Clause as Prepositional Complement

In formal English, the preposition can be placed before the relative pronoun which must then be put into the form of whom/which. Quirk (1985) stated that with a personal antecedent, the relative pronoun can show the disticntion between who and whom. It depends on the role as subject of the relative clause, as object or as prepositional complement:

1. The personto whom he spoke. Quirk (1985) 2. The personwhom he spoke to.Quirk (1985)

It can be seen from the sentence above that prepositions with and on are followed by the relative pronoun; they are combined to make a prepositional object.

d. Restrictive Relative Clause for Possesive

Whosecan be a possible form which is used with reference to a person or a thing. The pronoun can be the possesive determiner of the noun phrase, the form iswhose:

1. The womanwhose daughter you metis Mrs Brown. Quirk (1985)

2. The housewhose roof was damagedhas now been repaired.Quirk (1985)

2. Nonrestrictive Relative Clause


pauses and change in intonation. It is stated that in nonrestrictive relative clauses, the most explicit forms of relative pronouns, for example, the wh-series, are typically used. The relative pronoun can be in the forms of subject, object, complement or adverbial. Here are the examples of the different forms for personal and nonpersonal antecedents:

a. Non-restrictive Relative Clause as Subject

The relative pronoun who is used for a person and which is used for a thing. The relative pronounwhois used for a person andwhichis used for a thing. Quirk (1985) stated that the relative pronouns are subject, object, complement, or adverbial. In non-restrictive relative clause, we usually have a tone unit boundary, accompanied by a pause. Non-restrictive relationship is usually marked off by commas. Here are the examples of non-restrictive relative clause as subject:

1. My brother, who has lived in America since boyhood, can still speak fluent Italian. Quirk (1985)

2. Mary Smith,who is in the corner, wants to meet you. Quirk (1985) 3. The tall girl,who is dentist, is Mary Smith. Quirk (1985) b. Non-restrictive Relative Clause as Object

Quirk (1985) stated that in nonrestrictive relative clauses, the most explicit forms of relative pronouns can be used. Here is the example of non-restrictive relative clause as object:


2.3.2 Relative Clauses in Indonesian

The clause to which yang is added is called a relative clause. Sneddon (1996) stated that the head of the noun phrase corresponds to some component within the relative clause. The noun phrase within which the relative clause occurs is called the embedding phrase. There are four types of Indonesian relative clauses. Those are defining relative clause, topic-comment relative clauses, prepositional relative clauses and locative relative clauses.

1) Defining Relative Clauses

Sneddon (1996: 285) stated that a defining relative clause is one whose subject corresponds to the head noun. It is stated that in Indonesian, yang must occur before a relative clause. For examples:

1. Mobilyang ditubruk itu rusak sama sekali.Sneddon (1996: 286)

2. Orang yang berkumpul di depan pintu harus pindah. Sneddon (1996: 286)

3. Celanayang dibelinya kemarin terlalu kecil.Sneddon (1996: 286)

The subject is identical to the head of the embedding noun phrase. The head noun has the relationship with the verb. For examples:

1. Orangyang membangun rumah saya.Sneddon (1996: 286) 2. Tanahyang sudah digarap.Sneddon (1996: 287)

3. Dokteryang kami telpon segera datang.Sneddon (1996: 287) 2) Topic Comment Relative Clauses


Sneddon (1985) stated that in the possessor topic-comment relative clause, which is translated into ‘whose’ in English, the subject of the relative clause is the thing possessed by the head noun. For examples:

1. Orangyang mobilnya dicuri.Sneddon (1996:289) 2. The personwhose car was stolen. Sneddon (1996:289)

3. Gadisyang kamu kagumi kelembutannya itu.Sneddon (1996:289) 4. The girlwhose gentleness was admired.Sneddon (1996:289)

In the object relative clause, the head of the embedding phrase is identical to the object of the relative clause. For examples:

5. Sebuah lagu yang barangkali saudara akan menyukainya Sneddon (1996:289)

3) Prepositional Relative Clauses

Sneddon (1996: 289) stated that the head of the embedding phrase is not identical to the subject (or topic) of the relative clause. It can be seen from the examples below that a noun phrase whose head isrumah‘house’.

1. Rumahyang di belakangnya ada pohon mangga.Sneddon (1996: 290) 2. The housebehind which there is a mango tree.Sneddon (1996: 290) 3. Sebuah grup vokalyang di dalamnya Rima juga ikutSneddon (1996) 4. A vocal goupin which Rima also participates.Sneddon (1996: 290)

Preposition can occur at the beginning of the relative clause, immediately afteryang.For examples:


3. Orangyang kepadanya saya mengirimkan surat. Sneddon (1996: 290) 4. The personI sent a letter to.Sneddon (1996: 290)

4) Locative Relative Clauses

Locative relative clauses differ from other relative clauses in that they are not preceded byyang.For examples:

1. Pabriktempat mereka bekerja tidak jauh dari sini.Sneddon (1996: 291) It is usually replaced bydi manain the present-day language:

2. Pabrikdi mana mereka bekerja.Sneddon (1996: 291)

The constructions with dari mana from where, from which and dalam mana which are becoming more common in journalistic style:

3. Pangkalandari mana roket itu dilepaskan.Sneddon (1996: 291) 2.3.3 Translation Shift

Catford (1965) stated that shift is the departure from formal correspondence in the process from the SL into the TL. the translation shift is made to get the natural equivalent of the source text message into the target text (1965: 76). Catford (1965) divides the shift in translation into two major types,


Catford (1965) considers two kinds of shift: (1) Shift of level and (2) shift of category.

1. Level Shifts

When a source language item at one linguistic level has a target language translation equivalent at a different level, it is called shift of level. Catford (1965) stated that cases of shifts from grammar to lexis are quite frequent in translation between languages. Level/rank shift can refer to a source language item at one linguistic level which has a target language translation equivalent at a different level. For example:

Source Language Target Language

My father is reading a newspaper Ayah saya sedang membaca koran

From the examples above, it can be seen that a shift occurs from grammar to lexis in which the pattern be + V-ing (grammar) in the source language text is translated into the lexical itemsedangin the target language.

2. Category Shifts


a. Structure Shifts

The structure shift usually entails class-shifts. Structure shifts occur in phonological and graphological translation as well as in total translation. Structure shifts can occur at all ranks. Structure shifts are found at other ranks, for example, at group rank. Catford (1965) stated that in translation between English and French, for instance, there is often a shift from MH (modifier+head) to (M) HQ ((modifier+) head + qualifier). For example:

Source Language Target Language

Great House Rumah besar

Great housein the source language has the constituents of modifier (great) + head (house). Meanwhile, in the target language it becomes rumah besarwhich is constructed of head (rumah) + modifier (besar).

b. Class Shifts

Halliday stated that a class as that grouping of members of a given unit which is defined by operation in the structure of the unit next above. Class-shift can occur when the translation equivalent of a SL item is a member of a different class from the original item.

c. Intra-System Shifts


language system. Intra-system shift can occur when a term is singular in the source language and its textual equivalent is plural. For example:

Source Language Target Language

Pens Pulpen

The word pens in the source language is a plural form. It was translated intopulpenin the target language in a singular form.

d. Unit Shifts

Unit shift is the change in rank; that is, the departure from formal correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the source language is a unit at a different rank in the target language. Unit shifts include shifts from morpheme to word, word to phrase, clause to sentence, and vice versa. For example: a phrase shifts to a word

Source Language Target Language

The school Sekolah


2.4 Research Model

English Relative Clause Found InThe Good EarthAnd Its Translation IntoBumi Yang Subur

English Relative Clause Indonesian Relative Clause

Problem 1: What types of relative clauses are found in the novel The Good Earthand its translation?

Problem 2: What types of shifts of relative clauses occur in the translation ofThe Good Earthinto

Bumi yang Subur?

Data Analysis


1. English Relative Clause by Quirk (1985)

2. Indonesian Relative Clause by Sneddon (1996)

3. Translation Shift proposed by Catford (1965)



3.1 Research Approach

This study used the qualitative approach to the data found in the novel The Good Earth and its translation Bumi yang Subur. The analysis started with the types of relative clauses found in the novel. It used the theory of the types of relative clauses proposed by Quirk (1985) and Sneddon (1996). It was continued to analyze the types of shifts occuring in translating the English relative clauses into Indonesan. This part used the theory of translations shift proposed by Catford (1965).

3.2 Research Location

The research is conducted as long as the place supports the main facilities needed such as books, computers and pens. In order to get some data of relative clauses, the research was done in a library. Many references and sources of information could be found in the library. There were many previous studies on relative clauses that could be obtained in the library. The library is essential for collecting data on relative clauses.

3.3 Data Source

The data source is the novel “The Good Earth” written by Pearl S. Buck. It was published by Pearl S. Buck, in September 2008 in England. The story is about Wang Lung’s family who was very poor. The House of Hwang, a family of wealthy landowners, lived in the nearby town, where Wang Lung's future wife, O-Lan, lived as a slave. Wang Lung and his


family moved into town and rent the old House of Hwang. Wang Lung wanted peace, but there were always disputes especially between his first and second sons, and particularly their wives.

3.4 Research Instruments

Research instrument was an important part of the process of this

study in order to obtain valid and complete data. It was important to list

(group) the data . The English relative clauses in the sentences are used as

the data in this research. It was important as well to use ballpoint, paper

and computer in collecting data. The instruments were used to collecting

data from reading the English and Indonesian sources to when the types

were written as well. The data are presented using tables and tree


3.5 Method and Technique of Collecting Data


clauses and their translations into Indonesian were classified. Finally, the types of shifts of relative clauses occuring in the translation of The Good Earth into Bumi yang Subur were analyzed.

3.6 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

Qualitative descriptive method is the method used to analyze data. The data were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. This method was aimed at describing the data systematically and accurately. The data were analyzed through several stages. After being collect ed, the data were listed in tables between the source language and target language. Then, the relative clauses found in the source language were compared with their Indonesian translations. The next step was identifying and analyzing the data by applying the theory proposed by Quirk (1985). The data were read and collected by note taking. Then, the data were classified using the theory proposed by Quirk (1985) and Sneddon (1996).

3.7 Method and Technique of Presenting Data

The data were presented using the method proposed by Sudaryanto (1993). Sudaryanto (1993) stated that the formal method deals with the way of presenting a topic by applying explanation using words to describe findings. The formal method means that data are analyzed using symbols, tables, diagrams, and figures.

No. Source Language Target Language

1. Wang Lung had invited thosewho came to wedding feast(pg. 21)





N perfect V NP




Rel.pro V PP

Wang Lung had invited those who came to wedding feast



NP aux VP





Rel.pro V PP


The English relative clause in the source language has the constituents of head (those as a head), post modifiers (who came as a relative clause and to the wedding feast as a prepositional phrase). Meanwhile, relative clause in the target language has the constituent of head (mereka as a noun), post modifiers (yang datangas a relative clause andke pesta pernikahanas a prepositional phrase).

Wang Lung had invited those who came to wedding feast was translated into Wang Lung telah mengundang mereka yang datang ke pesta pernikahan. The example of the Source Language above is the type of the restrictive relative clause with relative pronoun who. In the restrictive relative clause, the relative pronoun can function as subject. In the data above, there is a main clause Wang Lung had invited those and a relative clause who came to wedding feast. The English relative clause who came to wedding feast is translated into yang datang ke pesta pernikahan.The relative pronounwhorefers to more than one person and belongs to the restrictive relative clause as subject. It gives the information needed to make the antecedent definite.




This section is concerned with the translation analysis of English relative clauses into Indonesian. The analysis is based on the types of the relative clauses proposed by Quirk (1985) and Sneddon (1996). Then it was used to analyze translation shift in translating English relative clauses into Indonesian using the theory proposed by Catford (1965). The data containing relative clauses were taken from the novel entitled The Good Earthwhich was written by Pear S.Buck (2008) and its translation in the novel entitledBumi yang Subur.

4.1Types of Relative Clauses Found in the Novelthe Good Earth

There are two types of English relative clauses; they are restrictive relative clause and restrictive relative clause. The types of restrictive and non-restrictive relative clause are categorized based on their connectors, that is, the relative pronouns whom, whose, who, which, and that or by phrases containing relative pronouns such as for which, to whom. Here are the types of relative clauses found in the novel entitled The Good Earth and its translationBumi yang Subur.

4.1.1 Restrictive Relative Clause as Subject and Its Translation

In these data, the relative pronoun who functions as subject within the restrictive relative clauses. Here are some data of restrictive relative clauses with the relative pronounwho.


SL TL 4-1 He reproached this creaturewho

through all these years had followed him faithfully(pg. 82)

Petani itu telah mencela makhlukyang selama ini selalu mendampinginya dengan setia(pg. 229)


4-2 A manwho understood such a business filled with horror at the thought of how money was spent


Orangyang rupanya sudah ahli dalam membuat usaha semacam itu merasa ngeri bila mengingat betapa banyaknya uang yang dihambur-hamburkan

(pg. 233)

Data (4-1) and data (4-2) show that relative clauses take the position as subjective case in the sentences. The antecedent is personal and the pronoun is the subjective case of the relative clause. Who can be used in the restrictive relative clause for one or more persons. Data (4-1) and data (4-2) show that the relative clause containswhoas the modifier of the noun.Whorefers to a person and it is a part of the restrictive relative clause. In Data (4-1) and data (4-2),whobelongs to the restrictive relative clause.

In data (4-1), who within the restrictive relative clause who through all these years had followed him faithfully, functions as the subjective case. This creature is the subjective case of the verb had followed. The relative clausewho through all these years had followed him faithfully describes the preceding noun


1. He reproached this creature

2. This creature through all these years had followed him faithfully

In data (4-1), who functions respectively as the subjective case in the relative clause with a personal antecedent. When the first and second simple sentence are combined, this creature in the second simple sentence is replaced by the relative pronounwhowhich functions as the subordinator.

Meanwhile, in data (4-2), the relative pronoun who within the restrictive relative clause who understood such business functions as the subjective case. A man is the subject of the verb understood. The clause who understood such a business describes the preceding noun a man. In data (4-2), who is used and functions as the subjective case with personal antecedents. The English relative clausea man who understood such a business filled with horror at the thought of how money was spentcan be separated into two simple sentences as follows:

1. A man filled with horror at the thought of how money was spent 2. He understood such a business


Data (4-1) and data (4-2) are translated into Indonesian and belong to the type of defining relative clause. Sneddon (1996) stated that a defining relative clause is one whose subject coressponds to the head noun of the embedding phrase.

In data (4-1), the head nounmakhlukstands in the same relationship to the verb as the subject of the clause; such a relationship is shown by the verb

mendampinginya. The clause is incorporated or embedded within the noun phrase by placingyangbefore it. The head noun makhlukstands in the same relationship to the verb as the subject of the clause is shown by the active verb

mendampinginya. Petani itu telah mencela makhluk yang selama ini selalu

mendampinginya dengan setia can be separated into two simple sentences as follows:

1. Petani itu telah mencela makhluk

2. Makhluk itu selama ini selalu mendampinginya dengan setia

In data (4-2), the head nounorangstands in the relationship to the verb as the subject of the clause; such a relationship is shown by the verb membuat. The Indonesian relative clauseorang yang rupanya sudah ahli dalam membuat usaha semacam itu merasa ngeri bila mengingat betapa banyaknya uang yang

dihambur-hamburkancan be separated into two sentences as follows:

1. Orang merasa ngeri bila mengingat betapa banyaknya uang yang dihambur-hamburkan


When the first and the second simple sentence are combined, the subjectorang in the second simple sentence is replaced by yang. The clause is embedded within the noun phrase by placingyangbefore it.

4.1.2 Restrictive Relative Clause as Object and Its Translation

Here are two data of restrictive relative clause with the relative pronoun

which. In these data, the relative pronoun which functions as object within the restrictive relative clause and modifies the preceding noun.


4-3 She took rice flourwhich they had ground from their own rice

(pg. 23)

Perempuan itu mengambil tepung berasyang diambilkan dari beras mereka sendiri(pg. 63)


4-4 I have only this old silver thing

which I have had forever and a day(pg. 90)

Aku cuma punya jepit rambut perak saja ini dari dulu(pg. 253)

Data (4-3) and data (4-4) show that relative clauses take the position as objects in the sentences and function respectively as the object in the relative clause with nonpersonal antecedents. Which is used for direct object and non-human nouns.


separatingshe took rice flour which they had ground from their own riceinto two simple sentences as follows:

1. She took rice flour

2. They had ground it from their own rice

It in the second simple sentence which refers to rice flour of the first sentence functions as the object of the verb had ground. The relative pronoun

which is used when the first and second simple sentences are combined. Meanwhile in data (4-4), which within the restrictive relative clausewhich I have had forever functions as object. As we can see, the relative pronoun which is followed by the grammatical subject I. The relative clause which I have had foreverdescribes the preceding noun this old silver thing. The relative clause that takes the position as object can be proven by separatingI have only this old silver thing which I have had forever and a dayinto two simple sentences as follows:

1. I have only this old silver thing 2. I have had it forever and a day

It in the second simple sentence which refers to this old silver thing

functions as the object of the verb have hadwithin the restrictive relative clause.

The relative pronounwhichis used when the first and second simple sentences are combined.


diambilkan. The relative clause that functions as object can be proven by separating perempuan itu mengambil tepung beras yang diambilkan dari beras mereka sendiriinto two simple sentences as follows:

1. Perempuan itu mengambil tepung beras

2. Tepung beras diambilkan dari beras mereka sendiri

When the first and the second simple sentence are combined,tepung beras

in the second simple sentence is replaced by yang which functions as a subordinator to join the two simple sentences.

Meanwhile, in data (4-4) the English relative clause which I have had forever and a day is not translated into the relative clause in the target language. However, the intended meaningaku cuma punya jepit rambut perak saja ini dari duluis understandable and acceptable in the TL.

4.1.3 Restrictive Relative Clause as Prepositional Object and Its Translation

A pronoun is object or prepositional complement in relative clause, when the head of the embedding phrase is a noun or human. Here are two data of restrictive relative clauses as prepositional object and its translation:


4-5 He had mentioned the house

from which she came(pg. 16)

Wang Lung menyinggung-nyinggung rumahtempat dulu istrinya berasal

(pg. 46)



The young man had brought out a paperon which was written a list of all the moneys his brother had spent(pg. 149)


Data (4-5) and (4-6) indicate that relative clauses take the position as prepositional object. The preposition is followed by relative pronoun to make prepositional object. From data (4-5) and (4-6) we can see that the prepositions

from and on are followed by relative pronoun and combined in order to make a prepositional object. In data (4-5), from which is used for the direct object the house. The English relative clause he had mentioned the house from which she camecan be separated into two simple sentences as follows:

1. He had mentioned the house 2. She came from that house

In data (4-5), the English relative clause is translated into Indonesian relative clause tempat dulu istrinya berasal. It is stated as a locative relative clause. In the locative relative relative clause, the relative clause is not preceded by yangbut it is preceded by tempat.The Indonesian relative clause tempat dulu istrinya berasal is preceded by tempat. Wang Lung menyinggung-nyinggung rumah tempat dulu istrinya berasal can be separated into two sentences as follows:

1. Wang Lung menyinggung-nyinggung rumah 2. Dulu istrinya berasal dari rumah itu

Meanwhile, in data (4-6), on whichis used for the direct object a paper. The young man had brought out a paper on which was written a list of all the


1. The young man had brought out a paper

2. A paper was written a list of all the moneys his brother had spent

Meanwhile in data (4-6), the English relative clause is translated into the relative clause in the target language. The Indonesian relative clause ongkos-ongkos yang telah dikeluarkan selama ini is called defining relative clause. The subject is identical to the head of the embedding phrase. Putranya kedua menyodorkan sehelai kertas bertuliskan ongkos-ongkos yang telah dikeluarkan

selama inican be separated into two sentences as follows:

1. Putranya kedua menyodorkan sehelai kertas bertuliskan ongkos-ongkos 2. Ongkos-ongkos telah dikeluarkan selama ini

When the first and second simple sentence are combined, ongkos-ongkos

in the second simple sentence is replaced byyang.

4.1.4 Non-restrictive Relative Clause as Subject and Its Translation Non-restrictive relative clause can be found after the noun to give additional information to the noun and separated by commas. The data below are the types of non-restrictive relative clause with the relative pronounwho.


4-7 The Old Lord,who had been fat,was now clean.(pg. 73)

Tuan Tanah itu,yang dulu bertubuh gemuk, sekarang kelihatan begitu kurus(pg. 202)



The carpenter,who waited for him to choose,said cunningly

(pg. 124)

Si tukang kayu,sementara menanti Wang Lung selesai memilih,mulai memainkan lidahnya dengan cerdik


Data (4-7) and (4-8) show that non-restrictive relative clauses take the position as the subjects in the sentences. The non-restrictive relative clause gives additional information which is not essential for identification. The relative clause

who had been fatin data (4-7) is non-restrictive relative clause as the subject. The old lord identity is independent of whether or not the old lord had been fat. In data (4-7), the relative pronoun whowithin the restrictive relative clause who had been fatfunctions as subject.The old lordis the subject of the verbhad been.The clause who had been fat describes the preceding noun the old lord. The relative clauseThe Old Lord, who had been fat, was now clean can be separated into two simple sentences as follows:

1. The old lord was now clean 2. The old lord had been fat

When the first and the second simple sentence are combined, the old lord as the subject of the verbhad been is replaced by the relative pronounwho.It functions as a subordinator to join two simple sentences. The data above are stated as non-restrictive relative clause. In the non-non-restrictive relative clause, the head noun is additional information which is not essential for identification.

Meanwhile, in data (4-8), the relative clausewho waited for him to choose


the position as the subject can be proven by separatingThe carpenter, who waited for him to choose, said cunninglyinto two simple sentences as follows:

1. The carpenter said cunningly

2. The carpenter waited for him to choose

When the first and second simple sentence are combined, the carpenterthat is a subject of the second simple sentence is replaced by relative pronoun who. It functions as subordinator to join two simple sentences.

In data (4-7), the English relative clause is translated into Indonesian relative clause which is the defining relative clause. In data (4-7), the head noun

tuan tanah itu stands in the same relationship to the verb as the subject of the clause; such a relationship is shown by the verb bertubuh. Tuan tanah itu, yang dulu bertubuh gemuk, sekarang kelihatan begitu kurus can be separated into two simple sentences as follows:

1. Tuan tanah itu sekarang kelihatan begitu kurus 2. Tuan tanah itu dulu bertubuh gemuk

When the first and second simple sentence are combined,tuan tanah ituas the subject of the second simple sentence is replaced byyang. Yangfunctions as a subordinator to combine two simple sentences.

Meanwhile, in data (4-8), the English relative clause is not translated into relative clause in the target language. The English relative clause is translated into

Si tukang kayu, sementara menanti Wang Lung selesai memilih, mulai memainkan


4.1.5 Non-restrictive Relative Clause as Object and Its Translation The data below are the types of non-restrictive relative clause with the relative pronoun which and there are two data which are taken from the data source.


4-9 But in his own, there was even a leg of pork ,which he had bought from his neighbor Ching(pg. 21)

Tetapi di rumahnya sendiri, bahkan sesekali bergelantungan kaki babi, yang dibelinya dari tetangganya Ching(pg. 58)



The old man held in one hand, the end of a loop of cloth,which O-Lan had torn from girdle. (pg. 56)

Si orang tua nampak tengah

memegangi ujung simpul tali,yang diambilkan O-lan dari kantong uangsendiri(pg. 154)

Data (4-9) and (4-10) show that the non-restrictive relative clauses take the position as the objects of the sentences and modify the preceding noun. In data (4-9), the relative pronoun which within the restrictive relative clause which he had bought from his neighbor Ching functions as object. As we can see, the relative pronoun which is followed by the grammatical subject he. The relative clause

which he had bought from his neighbor Ching describes the preceding nouna leg of pork. In data (4-9), the relative clause that takes position as an object can be separated into two sentences as follows:

1. There was even a leg of pork


Itin the second simple sentence refers toa leg of porkand functions as the object of the verb had bought. When the first and the second simple sentence are combined, the relative pronounwhichis needed.

Meanwhile, in data (4-10), which within the restrictive relative clause

which O-Lan had torn from girdle functions as an object. As we can see, the relative pronoun which is followed by the grammatical subject O-Lan. The relative clausewhich O-Lan had torn from girdledescribes the preceding nounthe end of a loop of cloth. In data (4-10), the relative clause that takes position as object can be separated as follows:

1. The old man held in one hand the end of a loop of cloth 2. O-Lan had torn it from girdle

It in the second simple sentence refers to the end of a loop of cloth and functions as the object of the verb had torn.When the first and the second simple sentences are combined, the relative pronoun which is used. In data (4-9), the English relative clausewhich he had bought from his neighbor Ching is translated into Indonesian in the type of the object topic-comment relative clause. Sneddon (1996) stated that in the object topic-comment relative clause, the head of the embedding phrase is identical to the object of the relative clause and is marked by –nya occuring in object position within the clause. In the Indonesian relative clause kaki babi, yang dibelinya dari tetangganya Ching, the head of the embedding phrase is kaki babi. The relative clause tetapi di rumahnya sendiri, bahkan sesekali bergelantungan kaki babi, yang dibelinya dari tetangganya


1. Tetapi di rumahnya sendiri, bahkan sesekali bergelantungan kaki babi

2. Kaki babi dibeli dari tet


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