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Relation between attitude, discipline, motivation and learning success of foreign language academy students


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora Degree in English Language Study Graduate Program

Name : Maria Dea Wrestiningtyas

Student Number : 156332021







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora Degree in English Language Study Graduate Program

Name : Maria Dea Wrestiningtyas

Student Number : 156332021







It will be a great opportunity for me to express my gratitude to the Almighty Jesus Christ for His love, grace, blessings and guidance in my life. I always believe that He has made everything beautiful in its time. The greatest appreciation belongs to Dr. J. Bismoko for his guidance, kindness, support, and patience during the completion of my thesis. I also thank Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A, Dr. J. Bismoko, F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D, and Paulus Sarwoto, Ph.D. as my thesis reviewer for their advice, correction, feedback, and time to read my thesis.

My special thanks go to Erna Sadiarti Budi, S.Sos., M.Hum. for following me did the research at St. Pignatelli Foreign Language Academy Surakarta and all St. Pignatelli Foreign Language Academy staff for the help, guidance, and willingness to give the suggestions for the improvement of research. I also address my thanks to the 3rd grade students of St. Pignatelli Foreign Language Academy for their cooperation and willingness to help me in conducting my research.



I would like to express my special gratitude to my all best friend Dita, Desi, Afifah, Arina, Sigit, Dewi, Lupita and Galuh for their love, support, friendship, and all the happiness. I never forget to express my gratitude for my great friends in KBI ’15, my workmates (mas Leo and mas Padmo) and all my



Wrestiningtyas, Maria Dea. (2017). Relation between Attitude, Discipline, Motivation and Learning Success of Foreign Language Academy Students. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

English language communication skills are needed in many life aspects. English becomes a compulsory subject at school. Foreign language academy is one of the schools that run English language program for preparing the students to succeed. Based on the data from PDPT, the number of successful students graduating the Foreign Language Academy in Indonesia is still very low. One main reason seems to be the input competence. Unfortunately, it’s hardly possible to improve their input competence. Therefore, it is worth trying to discover other controllable learning attributes, for example attitude, discipline, and motivation.

This research answered two research questions: (a) is there a relation between attitude, discipline, motivation and learning success? and (b) is learning success predictable from attitude, discipline, and motivation?

The data were collected from 30 students of the 3rd semester at the Academy of Foreign Language St. Pignatelli. Students’ attitude data were from students’ report book of their Senior High School. Students’ discipline data were from students’ attendance list during a semester and a questionnaire. Students’ motivation was assessed using a questionnaire. Students’ learning success was assessed by their grade point average (GPA). This research also administered an interview to get in-depth information of students’ perception about the relation between students’ attitude, discipline, and motivation. Correlational research was conducted to answer the research question using Regression Analysis.

The analysis results confirm that there is a positive correlation between attitude, discipline, motivation, and learning success (R 1.234 = 0.77, p= 0.00 < 0.05). The correlation is considered strong and positive since the coefficient of correlation is 0.77 (the value is approaching 1). Attitude and learning success are correlated (r1.2= 0.75), discipline and learning success are correlated (r1.3=0.49), motivation and learning success are correlated (r1.4= 0.67).

Learning success is predictable from attitude, discipline, and motivation (F = 12.94 at p = 0.00< 0.05). F value > F table (12.94 > 2.98) indicates that the relation is significant and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Thus, this method can be used for prediction formula since the relation is significant. Attitude aspect contributes 56% of the learning success gaining. Discipline aspect contributes 24% of the learning success gaining. Motivation aspect contributes 44% of learning success gaining.

These research findings have some practical implications for the English education, especially toward learners and lecturers. These findings could encourage the learners to be more aware about their attitude, discipline, and motivation. Also, the lecturers can use the result of this study as the reasons to improve students’ attitude, discipline, and motivation and predict the students’ learning success.



Wrestiningtyas, Maria Dea. (2017). Relation between Attitude, Discipline, Motivation and Learning Success of Foreign Language Academy Students. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Keterampilan komunikasi bahasa Inggris dibutuhkan dalam banyak aspek kehidupan dan wajib dipelajari. Akademi bahasa asing adalah salah satu sekolah yang mengajarkan bahasa Inggris untuk mempersiapkan masa depan mahasiswa menjadi sukses. Berdasarkan data dari PDPT (Pangkalan Data Perguruan Tinggi), jumlah lulusan Akademi Bahasa Asing yang berhasil di Indonesia masih rendah karena rendahnya kompetensi para mahasiswa. Namun, untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa tidaklah mudah. Maka, meningkatkan nilai variabel pembelajaran yang lain yaitu sikap, disiplin, dan motivasi sangatlah penting.

Penelitian ini menjawab dua pertanyaan: (a) apakah ada korelasi antara sikap, disiplin, motivasi dan kesuksesan belajar mahasiswa?, (b) apakah keberhasilan belajar dapat diprediksi dari aspek sikap, kedisiplinan, dan motivasi? Studi korelasi dan regresi dilakukan untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan tersebut.

Data penelitian dikumpul dari 30 mahasiswa di semester 3 Akademi Bahasa Asing St. Pignatelli Surakarta. Aspek sikap dinilai dari buku rapot di bangku Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Aspek kedisiplinan dinilai dari daftar hadir di kelas selama satu semester dan dari kuesioner. Aspek motivasi dinilai dari kuesioner. Aspek keberhasilan belajar dinilai dari nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) para mahasiswa. Di penelitian ini juga dilakukan wawancara untuk mendapat informasi mengenai persepsi mahasiswa tentang hubungan antara sikap, kedisiplinan, motivasi, dan tingkat kesuksesan belajar mahasiswa.

Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara sikap, disiplin, motivasi, dan keberhasilan belajar (R1.234 = 0,77, p = 0,00 <0,05). Korelasi tersebut kuat dan positif karena nilai koefisien korelasi mendekati 1 (R= 0.77). Sikap dan keberhasilan belajar berkorelasi (r1.2 = 0,75), disiplin dan keberhasilan belajar berkorelasi (r1.3 = 0,49), motivasi dan keberhasilan belajar berkorelasi (r1.4 = 0,67).

Kesuksesan belajar dapat diprediksi dari sikap, disiplin, dan motivasi (F = 12,94 pada p = 0,00<0,05). F hitung > F tabel (12,94 > 2.98), menunjukkan relasi yang signifikan dan hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak. Maka, metode ini bisa digunakan untuk memprediksi nilai. Aspek sikap berkontribusi 56% terhadap keberhasilan belajar. Aspek disiplin berkontribusi 24% terhadap keberhasilan belajar. Aspek motivasi berkontribusi 44% terhadap keberhasilan belajar.

Hasil penelitian ini memiliki beberapa implikasi positif di bidang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris terutama bagi para pengajar dan peserta didik. Dosen diharapkan dapat mengetahui cara meningkatkan sikap, disiplin, dan motivasi siswa dan memprediksi nilai belajar siswa. Para siswa diharapkan menyadari pentingnya sikap, disiplin, dan motivasi untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan belajar.











ABSTRAK ... xi














1. Attitude ... 18

2. Discipline ... 23

3. Motivation ... 26

4. Learning Success ... 30

5. Correlational Survey Research ... 32

6. Regression Analysis ... 38

7. Confirmatory Survey Research ... 39

8. Variables ... 39

9. Review of Related Research ... 40














1. Normality Test ... 67

2. Linearity Test ... 69

3. Homogeneity Test ... 69


1. Descriptive Statistic ... 78

2. Multiple Correlations ... 80

3. Model Summary of Multiple Correlation ... 82


1. Anova Analysis of the Regression Formula...84

2. Multiple Regression Coefficient...85

3. Casewise Diagnostics...87

4. Discussion...87

CHAPTER V ... 128







Table 3.1: The Nature of the Data…...50

Table 3.2: The Blueprint of the Questionnaire ...52

Table 3.3: Score and Criteria of the Likert Scale...59

Table 3.4: Meaning of Likert Scale Criteria...60

Table 4.1: Descriptive Statistic table………...……...72




Figure 3.4: Data Gathering Technique, Instruments, and Data Analysis Technique

of the Research...66

Figure 4.1: Scatter Plot... 77

Figure 4.2: Graph of Attitude Outlier...78

Figure 4.3: Graph of Discipline Outlier...78

Figure 4.4: Graph of Motivation Outlier………78

Figure 4.5: Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual………...80




Appendix 1: Permission Letter for the Director of ABA ST. Pignatelli

Appendix 2: Interview Results from the Lecturer

Appendix 3: Interview Results from the Students

Appendix 4: Questionnaire of Students’ Attitude, Discipline, Motivation and Learning Success

Appendix 5: Questionnaire Results



This introductory chapter aims to expose the research-project justification (validity: relevance and benefit) and feasibility (the capability of being done successfully within the accessible facilities and inherent constraints). This chapter discusses seven major sections, namely: Research Background, Problem Identification, Problem Limitation, Problem Formulation, Research Goal, and Research Benefits. The Research Background explains the reasons why this research is necessary. The Problem Identification explains the problem to discuss. The Problem Limitation explains the limitation of the subject matter. The Problem Formulation states the research problem into a research question as a guideline to focus on. The Research Goal explains the expected results of the research. The Research Benefit explains the goals and advantages that will be achieved.



they are for judicial requirement, job requirement, and study further requirement (TOEFL test).

Recently, Indonesia government has implemented several efforts to face the Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA) and Asean Free Labour Area (AFLA). It means that Indonesian people have to improve their quality thus they can compete with other human resources who come from other countries. Pramudita, S. (2015) states that one of the ways to improve the quality is by being able to communicate with English language fluently because English is an international language and it should be a bridge in facing AFTA and AFLA. In addition, all students of be prepared for AFTA and AFLA since they are taught to be ready for working. They should be able to communicate in order to cooperate or to compete with others.


aim of learning English in vocational high school is preparing students for working. Academy school is one of vocational education. Academy school is considered a higher level of education; however, unlike universities, it is more oriented to a particular trade. Academy school has many areas, such as science; arts; business and enterprise; computing; engineering; mathematics; foreign languages; performing arts; sport; or technology. Foreign Language Academy is one of the academy schools which prepares the students have state standards in all tested areas; to be proficient readers, writers and speakers of the target language. English language in the foreign language academy helps students in their future working.

Based on the data from PDPT (Pangkalan Data Perguruan Tinggi), there are approximately two hundreds foreign language academy in Indonesia. There are five foreign language academy in Central Java, they are Akademi Bahasa Asing IEC Putra Bangsa Surakarta, Akademi Bahasa Asing IEC Semarang, Akademi Bahasa Asing St. Pignatelli Surakarta, Akademi Bahasa Asing Harapan Bangsa Tegal, and Akademi Bahasa Asing RA Kartini Surakarta. Moreover, there are only three foreign language in around Surakarta (Solo Raya region), they are Akademi Bahasa Asing St. Pignatelli, Akademi Bahasa Asing Harapan Bangsa Surakarta, and Akademi Bahasa Asing RA Kartini Surakarta (see the appendix). This indicates that the amount of foreign language academy is lower than the other colleges in Indonesia.


freshmen are accepted all in the foreign language academy without any selection test. The researcher has done the preliminary observation to get the previous information about the research field and research participants. It was done in two ways. The first one was analyzing the students’ GPA score. The second one was interviewing the lecturers to get the information about students’ initial

competence and students’ attitude, motivation, and discipline.

In the first step of the preliminary observation, the researcher analyzed the students’ preliminary score. The score is based on the students’ GPA score (see appendix). The students’ preliminary score is not satisfying. There are only six students whose GPA are above 3.00, while the other twenty four students have not reached the GPA score 3.00 yet.

In the second step, the researcher interviewed the lecturer to get deep information about the students’ competence. The questions in the interview were

about students’ initial competence also students’ attitude, motivation, and

discipline. Initial competence was what has been achieved by students. Actually, there were some factors that could influence the students’ ability, such as

students’ background, willingness, and capability to digest the materials. The


competence, were the main reason why students got difficulties in learning English language. They need to practice more to improve their English language skill.

In the third step of preliminary research, the researcher conducted the observation at 3rd grade class. The observation was done on November 24, 2016 (in reading subject class). The students were to discuss the reading texts in their group. In the groups, only few students could comprehend the text quickly. The other students in group could not comprehend it quickly. The students seems not really confident with their English language skill. After the students read the text, they did the exercise. Sometimes they made mistake on doing writing exercise.

Based on the preliminary research above, it could be assumed that the input quality of the foreign language students are lower than the state university students. Since the students’ English language competence is low, it will give bad

influence to their learning success. Purwanto (2007: 106) suggests the quality of student input is one of the important factors that affect learning success. Input competence is defined by Webster (1981) as the quality or state of being functionally adequate or having sufficient knowledge, judgment, skill or strength. The input competence of the student may refer to the initial capabilities relevant to what he is supposed to learn. Several studies have shown a positive effect on the learning success of quality inputs (Fajariana 2011; Syamsurijal, 2012). In addition to the above factor, the variable that plays an important role in determining the learning success is the students themselves. Lena (2007) found a significant effect of students’ input competence on learning success. Also,


Despite of the fact that the students’ input competence in foreign language

academy is lower than the other colleges, foreign language academy itself is in charge of creating professional and productive generation who are ready to work and improve the quality of human resources through education and training. Since the input of Foreign Language Academy students are strongly considered of planning for the future, the college should commit to support the students to achieve learning success. Generally, the freshmen whose input competence is high will also gain success.

For achieving learning success, surely there are lots of things to be gained. Learning success is affected of lots of many things. There are learning variables which are given, uncontrollable, for example initial competence and IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Some are controllable, the others are uncontrollable; they are attitude, discipline, and motivation. Attitude, discipline, and motivation are the learning variables which can be controlled (controllable) since they can be directly influenced. Controllable variable means aspects of a phenomenon or situation that can be directly influenced or controlled. Several studies have been conducted related to the research on examining the relation between students’ attitudes, discipline, motivation and learning success. The relation between attitude, discipline, motivation and students’ learning success seems to suggest that the


The researcher will interfere the attitude, discipline, and motivation variable to help the students on achieving learning success. Those variables can be directly controlled to influence the controllable variable.

In order to improve the humans’ quality, this research focuses on helping

the foreign language academy school students to be successful on their academic skill. Since this research is kind of research on English language education, the foreign language academy is chosen (especially the foreign language academy that runs English language education). This research will examine the attitude, discipline, and motivation attributes that can give influence to the students’ learning success. Those variables will be controlled to help the students to succeed. Those controllable variables strongly influences the results (learning success), and it is held to test the relationship of attitude, discipline, motivation, and learning success.

The higher positive attitude the students have, the higher learning achievement they get. The higher discipline aspect the students have, the higher learning achievement they get. Then, the higher motivation aspect the students have, the higher learning achievement they get (Blair, 2012 and Diamond & Lee, 2011).

Several studies have been conducted related to the research on examining the relation between students’ attitudes, discipline, motivation and learning


and the ability to problem solve, are critical to children’s academic outcomes (Blair, 2012; Diamond & Lee, 2011). Recently, the increase in the prevalence of behaviors during adolescence has broken the traditional view that academic success is the only standard in assessing students’ competence.

The relation between attitude, discipline, motivation and students’ learning

success seems to suggest that the variables maybe manipulated (controllable variables) to improve students’ learning success. Therefore, exploring the relation between attitude, discipline, motivation and learning success of the students will give important implications for the English learning education. This has been demonstrated in a number of studies.

Attitude academic outcomes refer to the changes that student actions can have on the ability to maintain good performance in the classroom. Positive changes on the attitude of students can improve the academic outcomes at any grade level. A positive attitude is seen as the important key to achieve good achievement. To make a high achievement, everyone should develop a positive attitude in teaching-learning activity.


The second variable is motivation. Academic motivation is associated with a pragmatic purpose for language learning where by students study harder to receive high marks in school (Hamilton, 2011; Locastro, 2011). Broussard and Garrison (2004) broadly define motivation as “the attribute that moves us to do or

not to do something” (p. 106). Also, according to (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002, p. 49), motivation is defined here as “the process whereby goal-directed behavior is

energized and sustained”. That is, motivation is that which activates and directs

behavior towards certain goals. In term of education, motivation is defined as the feelings of the learner toward the particular target language, its culture and the individual pragmatic reasons for learning a foreign language (Horwitz, 2010).

With the relation to the learning success, Ray Williams (2005), who writes for Psychology Today, defines motivation as, “predisposition to behave in a

purposeful manner to achieve specific, unmet needs and the will to achieve, and the inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal organizational goals” (Williams). A person becomes motivated in order to achieve their own personal goals. To evaluate academic motivation, some studies have set out to develop and validate questionnaires or scales, as follows: Yamauchi (1980) developed a scale to measure motives related to academic performance.


points. Every semester, every student will receive it. It measures the students’ ability to combine listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. The grades that the students receive in college are all averaged together to arrive at one cumulative grade, which is then converted into GPA.

This study attempts to provide empirical evidence from the relation between the students’ attitude, discipline, motivation and the students’ learning

success seen by their GPA. It is important to see the relationship between the variables since the result of it can solve the problem of foreign language academy students. If the variables are correlated, there must be several efforts to do for improving students’ learning success. Those efforts are the ways to manipulate the

controllable variables (attitude, motivation, and discipline) to improve students’ learning success.

This study was done at a Foreign Language Academy. Foreign language academy was chosen since it prepares the whole society, especially the young generation to face the demands of 'life skills' current and future by providing education or training-language international languages. Foreign language academy prepares the students have state standards in all tested areas; to be proficient readers, writers and speakers of the target language. English language in the foreign language academy helps students in their future working. It can be said that the aim of foreign language academy is preparing students for working based on the competency in foreign language academy.


students need to be helped to be success. Thus, the input quality of the students is lower than the students from other colleges.


All the reasons mentioned above have built up an effort to overcome the obstacles found in teaching and learning English in the foreign language academy. The Indonesian government has determined that foreign language academy should prepare the students to be ready for working. Foreign language academy students are expected to become ready for working after they graduate from high school.

In the field of English learning as a foreign language, not all students have the highest level of achievement since several students have lower even the lowest level of achievements in spite of the same context such as teachers, subjects, and situation. Individual learner differences, which involve attitude, aptitude, intelligent, motivation, anxiety, learner belief, and learning strategy have a very big role on the students’ learning achievements (Dornyei, 2008). To be successful

in English, the differences are needed to be considered since those influence students’ achievements. The individual learner differences, which the factors

involve language attitude, aptitude, motivation, or learning styles, are essential contributors to succeed in mastering English since those have a long tradition in second language (Seliger, H. W., & Shohamy, E., 1989).


on improving the students’ GPA. Furthermore, in the 5th semester, the students have to complete TOEFL test as their judicial requirement.

The relation between the students’ competence and their learning

successful is of considered important. To this effect, good attitude in learning English language may be a positive predictive validity variable on the performance of students. The main question brought into discussion in this paper is that whether or not attitude, discipline, motivation predict relation between the students’ learning success. Findings from this study are very beneficial as input for the teaching learning process.

Several studies of the relation between students’ attitude, discipline,

motivation and students’ learning success have been conducted. Golden, Suzanne,

Ann (2012) found that there is significant improvement of learning success of students in the domain reading comprehension when the teachers employed instruction. From this evidence, it might be predicted that high learning success would be clearly associated with attitude. Two news reports (Kang & Saar, 1996; Seo, 2005) have reported that some Asian students in the USA involved in violence had not attained top point averages, which indicates that high learning success is strongly associated with a lower level of students’ attitude among Asian Pacific Islander American youth compared with other racial and ethnic groups of youth. A similar study done by Çetin (2015) indicated that there is relation between students’ GPA and students’ attitude.


research, interviews were done to some lecturers at the Foreign Language Academy chosen as the place for the research. Furthermore, the researcher analyzed the students’ preliminary score. The score was based on their GPA. GPA

is needed to check their learning success level. The students’ GPA score ranged

from 0 to 4.

In the second step, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students. The questions in the questionnaire were about the attitude, discipline and motivation in learning English language. Then, the results of the questionnaire were analyzed and scored.

In the third step, the researcher interviewed 10 students to gain students’

perception about the relation between attitude, discipline, motivation and learning success of the students. Semi-structured interview was used as data collector to get supportive information. All of the scores being gathered above were then computed into SPSS program to see the relation between the variables and learning success.



There are number of problems in studying the relation between students’

attitude, discipline, motivation and their learning success. This study concerns into the two research questions, they are:

1. the relation between students’ attitude, discipline, motivation and their learning success

2. whether learning success is predictable from students’ attitude, discipline, and motivation

This research limits only to the Foreign Language Academy students (from English major) who are on the 3rd semester. There were 30 students (10 male, 20 female) as the respondents in this study to collect the data.


All the reasons mentioned above have built up an effort to overcome the obstacles found in teaching and learning English in the foreign language academy. As discussed before that students’ attitude, discipline, motivation has significant

influence toward students’ learning success. Golden, Suzanne, Ann (2012) found that there is significant improvement of learning success of students in the domain reading comprehension when the teachers employed instruction. From this evidence, it might be predicted that high learning success would be clearly associated with students’ attitude. This study draws several problems related to

the students’ attitude and students’ learning success research:

1. There is still debatable point whether or not students’ attitude has relation with students’ learning success



This study is aimed to discover the level of students’ attitude in learning

process and to investigate the relation between the attitude, discipline, motivation and learning success of the students. Thus, there are two research questions to reach the goal of the study, they are:

1. Is there a relation of students’ attitude, discipline, motivation and learning success?

2. Is learning success predictable from students’ attitude, discipline, and motivation?


This research consists of two research objectives. First, it aims at finding out whether or not there is a positive correlation among attitude, discipline, motivation and the learning success of the foreign language academy students seen by their GPA. The results are obtained by employing a correlational research design through Multiple Regression statistical procedure. The significance level of 0.05 is used to determine whether the correlation is significant or not. If the correlation is significant, it means that there is a positive correlation between attitude, discipline, motivation, and learning success.



This study is expected to have several benefits. Theoretically, the research might become an additional reference on the literature of English Studies in Indonesian context. It is mainly for those who concern on the relation of the relation between attitude, discipline, motivation, and learning success. Despite of students’ low competence, the Foreign Language Academy St. Pignatelli’s

lecturers can improve the students’ learning success by improving attitude,

discipline, and motivation. Hopefully, the results of the research or the theories of the relation between attitude, discipline, motivation, and learning success can improve one’s understanding on the theories such as how one variable may affect the other variables.

Practically, the research gives some benefits dealing with the understanding of the theories especially for the readers. First, the understanding is able to explain the relation between attitude, discipline, motivation, and learning success. This study is also aimed at increasing personal knowledge and to develop students’ attitude, discipline and motivation. This can also be the consideration for

Foreign Language Academy St. Pignatelli’s lecturers on designing the curriculum

which can help improving the students’ attitude, discipline, and motivation. Despite of low competence, the lecturers can improve the students’ learning

success by improving attitude, discipline, and motivation. Since the correlation is significant, it means that if the attitude, discipline, and motivation score increase, so does the learning success.




In this chapter, the researcher presents the related theories and literatures that elaborate the theoretical description regarded to this Correlational Survey Research. There are two parts presented in this chapter. They are the theoretical description and the theoretical framework. In the theoretical description, the researcher will present the theories about attitude, learning success, Survey research, Confirmatory Survey, and Regression analysis. In the theoretical framework the researcher will relate the study matter to the theories.


The theoretical review clarifies nine concepts include attitude, discipline, motivation, learning success, Grade Point Average, leaning success, Correlational Survey Research, Regression Analysis, Confirmatory Survey Research and Variables. The explanation of the theoretical review will be divided into the conceptual definition and operational definition. The conceptual definitions are used as the constructs that underlie the study. The operational definitions of each variable are used to develop the indicators of questionnaires and interview items.

1. Attitude

a. Conceptual Definition

Various conceptual definitions of attitudes are provided by some experts. Jowell, R. (2005) defined an attitude as ‘a psychological tendency to view a

particular object or behaviour with a degree of favour or disfavour’. Also, Krech


organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of the individual's world" (p. 152). Gardner (1985, in Bartram, 2010: 34) defines attitude as “an evaluation reaction to some referent or attitude object, inferred on the basis of the individual’s beliefs or opinions about

the referent”. Attitudes are defined as being specific to an object or behaviour

while beliefs are more generic, relating to a wider worldview, and tend to be more stable.

Attitude can be defined as a set of beliefs developed in a due course of time in a given sociocultural setting. It has been proved that positive attitude facilitates learning (Dörneyi, 1990; Dörneyi, 2001; Gardner & Lambert, 1972; Heckhausen, 1991). If the learner is reluctant to learn or he/she does not have a positive attitude, he/she does not produce any result. Attitude is strongly linked to motivation which can be defined as the driving force in any situation. The study of motivation has been a prominent area for research in psychology and education for many years (Dörnyei, 2001).

b. Operational Definitions

The explanation of the operational definitions will be described below as the indicators of each variable. Operational definitions define concepts and labels by the way they are measured.The operational definitions of each variable are used to develop the indicators of questionnaires and interview items.

1) The Indicators of Attitude


take a little time and effort to create the habit of a positive attitude if it is not something you are accustomed to doing. The indicators of a good attitude according to Chris, B. (2015) are:

a) The attitude involves a set of strong beliefs

An attitude is "a relatively enduring organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies towards socially significant objects, groups, events or symbols" (Hogg, & Vaughan 2005, p. 150).

b)Having a big optimism

Optimism is one of the most mainstream concepts in positive psychology, almost synonymous with happiness or positivity itself. Everyone needs a big optimism for having a good attitude (Peter, L. 2005).

c) Having a big effort

Paul, J. (2015) said that ‘To have a good attitude, we have to dream requires

the same effort as having a good attitude”

d)Having a good self-acceptance

The term self-acceptance seems not to be well explained and well understood. Accepting yourself as we are is only the first step. It helps us realize our good, and not so good qualities, and can alleviate feelings of guilt, lack of self esteem and unhappiness. The social benefits are especially significant here because, after all, gratitude is a social emotion. It is a relation-strengthening emotion because it requires us to see how we’ve been supported and affirmed by other



The effects of gratitude on physical health, on psychological well-being, and its relations with others have been studied more than a decade. Acknowledging good and bad habits and traits of character can alleviate feelings of dissatisfaction, anger, resentment or unhappiness.

2) The Constructs of Students’ Attitude in English Language Learning

Attitude towards bilingual education is a very important affective variable to consider in the classroom. It is one of the predictors of success in learning English language. It refers to the individual’s reaction to anything associated with

the immediate context in which the language is taught (Masgoret & Gardner, 2000, p. 172). Attitude is strongly linked to motivation which can be defined as the driving force in any situation. The study of motivation has been a prominent area for research in psychology and education for many years (Dörnyei, 2001). This interest may reflect the widespread perception of classroom teachers who tend to regard student motivation as the most important factor in educational success in general (Dörnyei, 2001). The role of L2 learning motivation has been intensively studied by social psychologists in Canada, where French and English are the two official languages. Gardner (1985) hypothesized that L2 learners with positive attitudes toward the target culture and people will learn the target language more effectively than those who do not have such positive attitudes.

Baker defines attitudes as the ways the students behave and react in a particular situation (2009). Each behavioral component of attitudes is more observable because teachers can see it from the way the students learn or tackle assignments. To identify students’ attitudes, teachers need to find out students’


Baker mentions that students’ attitudes towards language and language

learning can be identifies from their reason to learn a language, use of language, and engagement in the process of learning language (2009, p.23). Their learning motive can determine their attitudes towards learning success.

Students’ attitudes towards a learning behavior or action contains

instrumental as well as experiential aspects which determine whether they have the desire to learn or not, whether their action is valuable or worthless to take, whether their learning experience is pleasant or unpleasant, and whether the learning process is interesting or boring (Ajzen & Fishbein, 2005, p. 199). Those aspects will affect students’ effort to learn. Students who have positive good attitudes show good learning effort which will lead to a better performance. Cohen (1964, p.61) mentions that students’ attitudes determine students’ behavior on

achieving learning success.

Ushida, E. (2007) stated that students who have good attitude study regularly and productively in order to take every opportunity to perfect their language skills. That is, the students who have positive motivation and attitudes toward the study are able to control their learning even though they have to study mostly on their own.

“Learners’ attitude plays a significant role in maximizing learning and teaching output. Learners’ attitude can be defined as a collection of feelings


turn out in the future. If the children have a good attitude, they will be the kind of people who works hard.

2. Discipline

Gordon, T. (2012) states that discipline is an attitude that requires knowledge, responsibility, skill, sensitivity, and self-confidence. Discipline in terms of education is the required action by a teacher toward a student (or group of students), after the student’s behavior disrupts the ongoing

educational activity or breaks a pre established rule created by the teacher (Gordon, T. 2012)

a. Conceptual Definition

Discipline implies responsibility, order, and regulation, and it is only when these qualities are present that freedom is possible (Dan, L. 2006). In terms of education, discipline can means several. It can refers to the techniques used by the teachers to increase good behavior. Discipline actions are intended to help student become responsible and to manage their own behaviour responsibly.

b. Operational Definitions


1) Emphasis in positive behaviors.

Positive behavior is a proactive approach to establish the behavioral supports and social culture and needed for the people to achieve social, emotional and academic success. Attention is focused on creating the people by making targeted misbehavior less effective, efficient, and relevant and desired behavior more functional.

2) Discipline means being involved in the activities that can gain confidence This involves acting according to what we think instead of how we feel in the moment. Therefore it is self-discipline that drives us to work. Being able to respond quickly and effectively with the information we have in our head is essential to accomplishing anything (Marc, C. 2012).

3) Discipline means being motivated.

Motivation comes from self-conscious. Both discipline and motivation have a strong relation. Motivation is empowering and makes us feel like we can really reach our goals. Motivation is that fire inside the self-discipline (Covey, S. 2012).

4) Providing the processes to reach the goals.


b. The Constructs of Students’ Discipline in English Language Learning In this study, motivation is defined as the feelings of the learners toward the particular target language, its culture and the individual pragmatic reasons for learning a foreign language (Horwitz, 1990). Integrative motivation begins with a personal effort and continues on with a desire to know the target language’s native speakers. The aim of the students’ studies and activities is learning something new

(Horwitz, 1987, 2001). Instrumental motivation is associated with a pragmatic purpose for language learning whereby the students study harder to receive high marks in school (Hamilton, 2001; Locastro, 2001).

Khuluse, N. (2009) stated that it became clear that classroom management is a necessary condition for effective student learning. The school climate established by the educator can have a major impact on learners’ motivation and

attitude towards learning. As such, the skills involved in establishing a positive classroom climate are of immense importance. Clearly, learners need order in the classroom if the activities, which take place, are to facilitate effective learning. The discipline aspect involved in establishing a positive classroom climate is importance. The most important point in considering discipline is that creating the necessary order is more to do with the skills involved in effective teaching. The types of learner’s discipline most frequently are: paying attention to the educator,

getting on with the work required, and arriving on time for lessons. To a large extent, such discipline problems can be minimized by skillful teaching in general, and by developing routines for behavior, which are followed.


educators should also enforce rules fairly and consistently. Teaching good discipline is just as important as teaching subject matter.

Considering this fact, the teachers should always pay a big attention to every child. They should pay attention to every child’s activities and every

development on learning they make. Encouraging children's discipline is hard work. However, it will be dangerous when the teacher ignores the children’s

discipline, we may be stunting her desire to know. The best way for the teachers and parents to encourage children's curiosity is to stay curious themselves (Leslie, 2014).

3. Motivation

Motivation refers to “the reasons underlying behavior” (Guay et al., 2010,

p. 712). Paraphrasing Gredler, Broussard and Garrison (2004) broadly define motivation as “the attribute that moves us to do or not to do something” (p. 106).

Also, according to (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002, p. 49), motivation is defined here as “the process whereby goal-directed behavior is energized and sustained”. That is, motivation is that which activates and directs behavior towards certain goals. In term of education, motivation is defined as the feelings of the learner toward the particular target language, its culture and the individual pragmatic reasons for learning a foreign language (Horwitz, 2010). Shields (2007, p.42) defines motivation as ‘The well spring of task behaviour or effort, and it refers to the strength of a person’s willingness to perform allotted work tasks’. Then,


person to want to repeat a behavior and vice versa. A motive is what prompts the person to act in a certain way, or at least develop an inclination for specific behavior.”

a. Conceptual of Motivation

Motivation involves a constellation of beliefs, perceptions, values, interests, and actions that are all closely related. As a result, various approaches to motivation can focus on cognitive behaviors (such as monitoring and strategy use), non-cognitive aspects (such as perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes), or both. In terms of education, Gottfried (1990) defines academic motivation as “enjoyment of school learning characterized by a mastery orientation; curiosity; persistence; task-endogeny; and the learning of challenging, difficult, and novel tasks” (p. 525).


To assess motivation, researchers have often focused on self-reports of task-related beliefs (e.g., efficacy beliefs, outcome attributions, expectations for success, task value, perceived control, goals, strategies, and internal emotional experiences) as important aspects of motivation (Elliot & Dweck, 2005, and Wigfield et al., 2006). Among school-age children, for example, perceived competence beliefs have been shown to predict children's valuation of academic domains (Jacobs, Lanza, Osgood, Eccles, & Wigfield, 2002) and interest, participation, and achievement in reading (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997). The survey- and interview-based methods traditionally used to assess these constructs are not as useful for young children.

b. The Indicators of Motivation

The indicators of motivation according to Adair, J. (2011) are:

1) Energy – not necessarily being extrovert, but alertness and quiet resolve. Energy means a quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work.

2) Commitment – to the common purpose.

It is an act of committing to a charge or trust. It is also an agreement to do something in the future.

3) Staying power – in the face of problems/difficulties/set backs. It means the ability or capacity to act or do something effectively 4) Skill– possession of skills indicates purpose and ambition.

Skill means the ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well.


6) Having a big curiosity can mean that someone has a big motivation to learn. Those who have a big curiosity are naturally active and have great curiosity toward everything around them. They want to explore their environment because they have curiosity about something which is not familiar with them. They will explore everything they do not know.

7) Enjoyment – goes hand in hand with motivation.

Enjoyment can mean something that gives keen satisfaction (the life has its enjoyments and pleasures). Everyone has a great capacity to enjoy themselves. 8) Responsibility – willingness to seek and accept it

Having responsibility is the duty or obligation to act. Taking responsibility is acknowledging and accepting the choices we have made, the actions you have taken, and the results they have led to. True autonomy leads to both havingresponsibility and taking responsibility.

c. The Construct of Students’ Motivation in English Language Learning According to Siqueira and Wechsler (2006, p. 22), researchers' interest in the motivational aspects of learning is a recent development, whereas older theories positioned motivation as an important precondition. However, today's studies show a reciprocal relation, i.e., "motivation can have an effect on learning and performance at the same time that learning can affect motivation" (Siqueira and Wechsler, 2006, p. 22).


“predisposition to behave in a purposeful manner to achieve specific, unmet needs

and the will to achieve, and the inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal organizational goals” (Williams). A person becomes motivated in order

to achieve their own personal goals.

To evaluate academic motivation, some studies have set out to develop and validate questionnaires or scales, as follows: Yamauchi (1980) developed a scale to measure motives related to academic performance, involving a sample of 299 university students; Harter (1981) constructed an instrument to assess children's intrinsic versus extrinsic orientation in school learning and mastery in the classroom (based on a sample of 2,925 subjects); Palenzuela (1987) attempted to develop a Spanish questionnaire to evaluate intrinsic motivation and self-determination; and Shah (1988) developed a motivation scale for performance based on four factors of need; namely, motivation to perform, to achieve academic success, toward vocational performance and social performance, and skills.

To improve students’ motivation, educators could start just by choosing and trying possibilities for enriching student motivation. More importantly, educators could watch themselves and their own behaviors to become self-aware of new understandings about motivation (Koltai, A. 2012).

4. Learning Success


measures the students’ ability to combine listening, reading, speaking and writing

skills. The grades that the students receive in college are all averaged together to arrive at one cumulative grade, which is then converted into GPA.

a. Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grade Point Average (GPA) is an internationally recognized calculation used to find the average result of all grades achieved for the course. The GPA helps the lecturers to interpret the results and to compare the results with those of other students.

A grade point average is a number representing the average value of the accumulated final grades earned in courses over time. More commonly called a GPA, a students’ grade point average is calculated by adding up all accumulated final grades and dividing that figure by the number of grades awarded. This calculation results in a mathematical mean—or average—of all final grades. The most common form of GPA is based on a 0 to 4.0 scale (A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, D = 1.0, and F = 0),

b. Relation between Attitude, Discipline and Motivation and Learning Success

The relation between students’ attitude, discipline, motivation and students’ learning success is sustainable. William G. Thompson (2012) found that


The relation between attitude, discipline, motivation and learning success has been demonstrated in a number of studies. The balance of evidence from long-standing research suggests that problematic behavior and academic failure are clearly associated both concurrently and predictively in western literature (see Hinshaw, 2012 for a review). Generally, the link between the two variables is explained from two points of view.

This study is also conducted to investigate how important is students’

attitude role on achieving learning success. The study is hoped to provide some evidences that motivates students studied regularly and productively. Attitudes are thus closely related to motivation. Fortune is the teacher whose children are positively oriented toward them. This change in attitude toward learning affect a change in their learning achievement.

5. Correlational Survey Research

A correlational research design is a specific type of non experimental design used to describe the relation between or among variables. It provides empirical evidence suggesting two or more variables are – or are not – related. While this evidence does not establish causal relations, it does contribute to a deeper understanding of the variables being studied and their relation (Ketner, Smith, Parnell, 2007).

“Correlational study was intended to look over the relation between two or

more variables. This research is to discover the relation of two different variables without treatment (the empirical truth is shown by the data)”. Then, Creswell


which the researcher uses a correlational statistical technique to describe and measure the degree of association or relation between two or more variables or sets of scores. Moreover, it was carried to seek out interrelation between or among variables. In its application, “it involves collecting data in order to determine

whether, and to what degree, a relation exists between two or more quantifiable variables” (Gay: 1992, p.264).

There is no manipulation of variables in Correlational Research. Relations among two or more variables are studied without any attempt to influence them. This investigates the possibility of relations between two variables. What includes in Confirmatory Survey research are (Concept Level):

1) Discover the logical truth 2) Empirical truth

3) Validation of the logical and empirical truth

a. The Steps of Correlational Survey Research Technique

In a correlational study, hypotheses or research questions are stated at the beginning of the study. The null hypotheses are often used in a correlational study. Correlational study does not specify cause-and-effect relationships between variables under consideration. It merely specifies concomitant variations in the scores on the variables. The steps according to Theodore (2002):

1) Selection of a Problem


and experience. There has to be some logical connections between the variables so as to make interpretations of the findings of the study more meaningful, valid and scientific. A Correlational study is not done just to find out what exists: it is done for the ultimate purpose of explanation and prediction of phenomena. If a Correlational study is done just to find out what exists, it is usually known as a ‘shot gun’ approach and the findings of such a study are very difficult to


2) Selection of the Sample and the Tools

The minimum acceptable sample size should be 30, as statistically, it is regarded as a large sample. The sample is generally selected using one of the acceptable sampling methods. If the validity and the reliability of the variables to be studied are low, the measurement error is likely to be high and hence the sample size should be large. Thus it is necessary to ensure that valid and reliable tools are used for the purpose of collecting the data.

3) Design and Procedure

The basic design of a correlational study is simple. It requires scores obtained on two or more variables from each unit of the sample and the correlation coefficient between the paired scores is computed which indicates the degree and direction of the relation between variables.

4) Interpretation of the Findings:


relationship in the sample data is strong enough to use to model the relationship in the population. The correlation coefficient, r, tells about the strength of the linear relationship between x and y.

b. Characteristics of Correlational Survey Research

Correlational research is aimed at determining the nature, degree and direction of relationships between variables or using these relationships to make predictions. Correlational studies typically investigate a number of variables expected to be related to a major, complex variable. According to Butler, R. (2014), the characteristics of Correlational Survey research are:

1) Correlational studies are carried out to explain important human behavior or to predict likely outcomes (identify relations among variables).

2) If a relation of sufficient magnitude exists between two variables, it becomes possible to predict a score on either variable if a score on the other variable is known (Prediction Studies).

3) The variable that is used to make the prediction is called the predictor variable. 4) The variable about which the prediction is made is called the criterion variable

(predicted variable).

5) Both scatterplots and regression lines are used in correlational studies to predict a score on a criterion variable


c. Types of Correlational Design

There are many types of correlational research. The commonality among all types of correlational research is that they explore relationships between variables. Where descriptive research only described what was going on, correlational research talks about the link between different things. It is important to understand that correlational research does not tell us that variable A caused Variable B, but rather that they are somehow related (Alston, 2004). The design has two forms, they are.

1) Relational design

The first is called a relational design because the basic intent is to explain the relation – or association – between two or more variables. An examination of the relation between students’ attitudes toward math and their math achievement

is an example of a relational design. In fact, this is a specific design known as a simple bivariate correlational design. This design can be extended to include more variables to more precisely describe the relations among variables. There are five general characteristics associated with relational designs. These are as follows:

a) Two or more variables are collected from each individual in the sample. b) Data is collected at a single point in time.

c) The data is analyzed as a single group.

d) A correlational coefficient (e.g., Pearson Product Moment, multiple R) is reported and discussed in terms of strength, direction, and statistical significance.


2) Prediction Design

A second type of correlational design is called a prediction design. The purpose of this design is to identify variables that can effectively predict some outcome or criterion. The variable being predicted is called the criterion variable, and the variable or variables being used to predict the criterion are called predictors. When a study involves only two variables, the predictive relation is estimated with a statistical procedure called simple linear regression. When more than one predictor variable is used to predict a criterion, the analysis is called multiple regression. This is an extremely powerful statistical procedure that can estimate the collective as well as the individual contributions of all predictor variables. This analysis makes it is possible to develop not only an effective prediction, but also an efficient one.

While the general characteristics of prediction designs are similar to those for relational designs, they differ several important ways. These are as follows. a) Two or more variables are collected from each individual in the sample.

b) Data for the predictor variables is typically collected prior to that of the criterion variable.

c) The data is analyzed as a single group.

d) A correlation coefficient – typically a multiple R – is reported and discussed in terms of its strength, direction, and statistical significance.

e) The contribution of each predictor variable is examined in terms of its unique contribution to the prediction of the criterion variable.


some cases, a specific analysis is used to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the predictor variables. This is called stepwise regression and results in the prediction of the criterion variable in which the effectiveness of each predictor variable is examined for redundancy with other predictors. Those predictors that do not uniquely contribute to the prediction are eliminated.

f) A regression equation is produced which can be used to predict the criterion variable from data collected only on the predictor variables.

g) Interpretations from the statistical results are drawn about the predictive process.

6. Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a statistical tool for the investigation of relation between variables. It is to determine the linear relation between two or more variables. Regression is primarily used for prediction and causal inference. (Campbell, 2008).


causal relation, it can be used for prediction, to support a theory, to measure test-retest reliability, etc.

7. Confirmatory Survey Research

“Confirmatory Survey research is a research to determine the tendency or pattern of two or more variables to vary consistently” (John W., 2012).

Confirmatory research tests a priori hypotheses - outcome predictions that are made before the measurement phase begins. Such a priori hypotheses are usually derived from a theory or the results of previous studies. Exploratory research on the other hand seeks to generate a posteriori hypotheses by examining a data-set and looking for potential relations between variables. It is also possible to have an idea about a relation between variables but to lack knowledge of the direction and strength of the relation.

8. Variables

The researcher will not be able the research unless you know how to talk about variables. A variable is any entity that can take on different values. Anything that can vary can be considered a variable (John W., 2012). A researcher must determine which variable needs to be manipulated to generate the results.

a. The Definition of Controllable Variables


whether the food was a type that they liked. If we did not, then other explanations could be given for differences we observe in how much they eat. For instance, maybe the little dog eats more because it is hungrier that day, maybe the big dog does not like the dog food offered, or maybe all dogs will eat more wet dog food than dry dog food. Thus, we should keep all the other variables the same (control them) that we can see only the effect of the one variable (the independent variable) that we are trying to test (John W., 2012)..

b. The Definition of Predictor Variables

A predictor variable is a variable that is being used to predict some other variable or outcome. The variable or variables being used to predict the criterion are called predictors. In the example the researcher just used now, the researcher used attendance as a means to predict another variable, grade point average. Predictor variables are used in non experimental research.

c. Predicted Variables

It is the variable being predicted in Regression analysis, also known as Criterion variable. It is the variable that the analysis predicts. The number given from the analysis fits into the regression line. The predicted variable is generally one in the same as the dependent variable (Pam, M. 2015).

9. Review of Related Research

Several studies have been conducted related to the research on examining the relation between students’ attitudes, discipline, motivation and learning


studies are first by Haibin, Li (2010), second by Purwaningtyas, A.S. (2015), third by Papaja (2012), fourth by Osman, A. (2010).

The first related study entitled “The Correlation between Academic Achievement and Attitude in Mainland Chinese Students”. Haibin (2005)

proposed that for the students, high learning success and behavioral competence should be regarded as two important indicators for their success. Such findings have prompted that emotional competencies, such as behavioral regulation, students’ attitude, attentional skills, and the ability to problem solve, are critical to

children’s academic outcomes (Blair, 2012; Diamond & Lee, 2011).

The second related study entitled “Students’ Attitude towards Success of Spoken English Competency Test (TKBI) at University Level. The writer, Purwaningtyas (2015) used one hundred students through cluster random sampling to participate in the study as a sample. The results imply the correlation between the components of attitude and the success of spoken English competency (TKBI).

The third related study entitled “The Relation between School Discipline and Academic Achievement”. The writer, Whisman, A. & Hammer, P. (2014)

used thirty students through purposive sampling to participate in the study as a sample. The findings demonstrate that disciplinary involvement increases the students’ academic achievement.


relation among integrative, instrumental, and work avoidance motivations and students’ successes in second language learning.


In this part, the researcher relates the theories with this research. This section tried to answer the research question theoretically using the theories that are used by the researcher. Several studies of the relation between students’ attitude, discipline, motivation and students’ learning success have ben conducted. Some studies reported that students’ attitude, discipline, motivation and learning success have positive relation. Students’ attitude,


Table 3.2:  The Blueprint of the Questionnaire ....................................................52
Figure 4.1: Scatter Plot.........................................................................................
Table 3.1. The nature of the data: perception, secondary data (document) and measurement (test)
Table 3.2. The Blueprint of the Questionnaire


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