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Handling Shy Elementary Pupils in Class Activities.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Di dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, seorang guru terutama guru baru,

kemungkinan akan menghadapi suatu masalah yang bersumber dari murid.

Tentunya masalah tersebut dapat mengganggu jalannya aktifitas di kelas

yang biasaya telah disusun di dalam rencana pembelajaran. Salah satu

masalah yang mungkin dihadapi oleh guru adalah mengatasi murid yang

pemalu dalam aktifitas di kelas. Ini pula yang saya alami sewaktu menjalani

magang di New Concept English Education Centre, sehingga saya

mengangkat masalah ini sebagai topik pembahasan tugas akhir saya. Oleh

karena itu, saya menganalisis beberapa faktor penyebab dari rasa malu yang

dialami murid sekolah dasar serta menguraikan dampak yang terjadi dari

permasalahan ini.

Faktor penyebab dari rasa malu yang dialami murid sekolah dasar dalam

kegiatan di kelas dapat disebabkan oleh lingkungan terdekat, yaitu keluarga.

Kurangnya respon dari orang tua dalam percakapan sehari-hari adalah salah

satu penyebab timbulnya rasa malu yang terbawa oleh murid kedalam

aktifitas di kelas. Faktor penyebab yang lainnya ialah lambannya murid

beradaptasi dengan situasi yang baru. Dalam hal ini, bisa saja murid yang

saya ajar lamban beradaptasi dengan saya sebagai guru baru. Hal tersebut

bisa saja membuat murid menjadi kurang percaya diri serta menjadi pasif

dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Bagaimanapun juga,

permasalahan ini dapat diatasi dengan beberapa kemungkinan solusi-solusi

yang bisa diterapkan oleh guru, misalnya menunjukkan kehangatan, lalu

memberikan lebih banyak kesempatan kepada murid yang pemalu untuk

lebih banyak terlibat didalam aktifitas belajar mengajar. Guru juga dapat

menjalin kerja sama dengan orang tua murid untuk mendiskusikan kesulitan

yang dihadapi serta berbagai perkembangan yang terjadi.

Setelah menganalisis faktor penyebab juga dampak dari permasalahan

yang saya angkat, serta memaparkan kemungkinan solusi-solusi yang dapat

diterapkan dan dampak positif serta negatif dari setiap solusi, saya



Maranatha Christian University








. INTRODUCTION ……….………. 1

A. Background of the Study

B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study

F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper















1.Children’s parents rarely respond to them verbally. 2.The pupils adapt to a new

situation slowly.


1.Low self-esteem.

2.The pupils might act passively inclass.

Potential Solution 2

Give the pupils more opportunity to be involved in learning


Potential Solution 1

Teachers have to show warmth to shy pupils.


Handling Shy Elementary Pupils in Class Activities

Potential Solution 3

Cooperate with pupils’ parents

Chosen Solution

The combination of giving pupils more opportunity to be involved

in class activities and cooperating with pupils’ parents

Potential Negative Effect 1.Teachers might neglect

other pupils. Potential Positive Effect

1. Pupils might feel comfortable 2. Pupils will have their own

initiative to do the activities.

Potential Negative Effect 1. When the pupils keep being

passive, the other students might look down on them. 2. It will waste some time when

pupils do not want to do the activities.

Potential Positive Effect 1. Pupils will have more

interaction with peers 2. Pupils will become

accustomed to the activities and the atmosphere in the classroom.

Potential Negative Effect

1. Parents might give excuses that their children are not shy. 2. Parents might label their child

as a shy person. Potential Positive Effect

1. Teachers can be helped by parents who can encourage their children to be more active.


1 Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

From February until April 2009, I taught a class of elementary pupils at

New Concept English Education Centre at Merkuri street No. 31 Bandung.

There I faced a problem with shy pupils who could not get involved in the

learning activities like games and class discussion. For example, it was

difficult to get my shy pupils to talk when I asked them to read a paragraph

or made a conversation with others. Another example is my students were

inactive when I gave them a game. This problem is the main difficulty I

experienced during my internship program as an apprentice English

teacher for two months. I become interested in this problem because it is a

challenge for me as a teacher to make my pupils more active in class

activities. Another reason is that I am also interested in children’s

psychology and I mainly want to understand shyness in children.

Therefore, I decided to choose “Handling Shy Elementary Pupils in Class


2 Maranatha Christian University

B. Identification of the Problem

I analyze the problem which is described as follows:

a. Why do elementary pupils at New Concept’s experience shyness in

class activities?

b. What are the effects of shyness experienced by elementary pupils

at New Concept’s?

c. How can a teacher handle shy elementary pupils in class activities

at New Concept’s?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study.

The objectives of this term paper are described as follows:

a. To find out the causes and the effects of shyness experienced by

the elementary school pupils at New Concept English Education


b. To find out the potential solutions to handle shy elementary pupils in

class activities at New Concept.

c. To find the best solution to handle shy pupils at New Concept

English Education Centre.

The benefits of the study will be explained as follows:

a. For the institution

This term paper is expected to be useful for New Concept in training

the teachers in the future, especially for the elementary English


3 Maranatha Christian University

b. For the Readers

This term paper is expected to be able to help English teachers who

have the same problem in teaching English language for elementary

pupils or to help readers to get information about handling shy

elementary pupils.

c. For me as a writer

This term paper is useful for me to improve my teaching skills,

especially to handle shy elementary pupils.

D. Description of the Institution

New Concept English Education Centre is an institution under New

Concept Education Foundation and it is located at Merkuri street No. 31

Bandung. Since its establishment in 1983, thousands of students ranging

from elementary students to professionals and executives have graduated

from this institution, including those who have made preparations to

continue their studies abroad. In 2002, New Concept developed their

network by establishing new branches in West Java and JABODETABEK

areas and it will very soon establish other new branches in several other

big cities. To achieve its missions, New Concept English Education Centre

is supported by 115 teachers and 120 administration staff.

The vision of New concept will be explained as follows:

‐ Participating in the provision of education of Indonesian citizens,

especially in English language teaching, to provide them with a key


4 Maranatha Christian University

‐ Creating job opportunities and an English–proficient workforce

The mission of New concept will be explained as follows:

‐ Creating an up-to-date teaching method which enables the

acceleration of English acquisition.

‐ Building a professional management support system which

maintains the effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching-learning


‐ Preparing professional human resources by way of systematic

training and development programs.

‐ Developing networks and marketing strategies to widen educational

service to people from all walks of life across the country.

E. Method of the Study

I collect the information which is related to my topic from my internship

journal, which records the problem that I face and the information about

the pupils when I am in apprenticeship as a teacher of English language

for elementary pupils in third and fourth grades. I also gather as much

information as possible from articles that I have taken from the Internet.

F. Limitation of the Study

I observe and analyze the problem faced by shy pupils only in the third

and fourth grades at New Concept English Education Centre from


5 Maranatha Christian University

G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper begins with Abstract, which explains a brief preview of

Chapter I to Chapter IV. It is continued with Declaration of Originality,

which contains my statement of the originality of the term paper. Next, are

my thanks to all people who have helped me in the writing process of my

term paper in acknowledgements. The detail of the title, subtitle, and page

number are put in Table of Contents. Then, it continued with four chapters.

The first is Chapter I, discusses the Introduction, and then Chapter II is the

Problem analysis which discusses the causes and effects of the problem.

After that, Chapter III is the Potential solution which discusses three

potential solutions and its effects. Last, Chapter IV is Conclusion which

discusses my statement of the chosen solution. The list of sources of my


15 Maranatha Christian University



In the previous chapters, I have analyzed the causes and effects of

shyness experienced by elementary pupils based on relevant theories and

my observation at New Concept. Shyness in elementary pupils is

influenced by the nearest environment, which is parents, if the parents

rarely respond to their children’s communication verbally. Another cause is

pupils’ slow adaptation to a new situation. Those causes will present

negative effects, which are low self-esteem and passiveness in the

classroom. To prevent the negative effects of shyness in elementary

pupils, teachers could show warmth to pupils, give pupils more opportunity

to be involved in class activities, and cooperate with pupils’ parents.

In this chapter, I will state the chosen solutions based on my analysis in

the previous chapters. After analyzing the causes and effects of shyness

in elemantary pupils, and presenting three potential solutions with positive

and negative effects from each potential solution, I decided to choose the

combination of giving pupils more opportunity to be involved in class

activities and cooperating with pupils’ parents as the best solution to be


16 Maranatha Christian University

By giving pupils more opportunity to be involved in class activities,

pupils will become accustomed to the activities and the atmosphere in

class. After shy pupils have become accustomed to them, they are

expected to be involved in class activities actively. If teachers have

difficulty in handling shy pupils, they can talk with pupils’ parents to

overcome the problem.

In conclusion, handling shy elemantary pupils in class activities is not

an easy task. Teachers may need much time to handle shy pupils so that

they can be actively involved in teaching and learning activities. However,

there are potential solutions which I have explained and can be applied by

teachers. Nevertheless, teachers should be aware of the negative effects

which can occur as a result of the solutions. Teachers also should be


Maranatha Christian University 



Printed Sources

McKay, Matthew, and Fanning Patrick. Self Esteem. Oakland: New

Harbinger Publication Inc, 2000.


Electronic Sources

Brophy, Jere. “Teaching Problem Students.” Guildford Press. 16

May 2009. <http://books.google.com/books?id=idslmrGatXmc&pg=


Brophy, Jere. “Working with Shy or Withdrawn Students.” Ericdigest.org

24 Apr. 2009. < http://www.ericdigests.org/1997-3/shy.html>

“Building Parent-Teacher Partnership.” National Association for the

Education of Young Children. Naeyc.org. 29Apr. 2009. <http://www.


Levy, Diane. “Shyness”. Littlies Ltd. Littlies.co.nz . 27 Apr. 2009. <http://


Malouff, John. “Shy Student.” University of New England. une.edu.au.

12. Nov. 2007. 25 Apr. 2009. <http://www.une.edu.au/bcss/psychology/


Maranatha Christian University 

Mandel, Scott. “The Parent-Teacher Partnership.” Chicago Review Press,

2008. 16 May 2009. <http:// books.google.com/books?id=YulP6mHwzc


“More Tips on How to Overcome Shyness in the Classroom.” overcoming-

shyness.com. 04 May 2009. <http://www.overcoming-shyness.com


Zolten, Kristin, Long, Nicholas. “Shyness.” Center for Effective Parenting.

parenting-ed.org. 27 Apr. 2009. < http://www.parenting-ed.org


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