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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

By :


Registration Number: 2112121014





Sari, Intan Nilam. 2015. 2112121014. The Effect of Field Trip Method on otudents’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. A Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.

This study aims at investigating the effect of field trip method on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. It was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of this research was the tenth (X) grade students of SMAN 1 Tanjung Pura. The samples were two classes, XI 2and XI MIA-3 which consist of MIA-30 students in each class. The experimental group was taught by using field trip method while control group was taught by using group discussion. The instrument for collecting the data was writing test. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula, the analysis showed that the score of students in the experimental group was greater than the score of students in the control group at the level of significance 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58; the t-observed is 3.67 while the t-table is 2.00. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and this implies that the hypothesis alternative (Ha) is accepted.




The writer would like to acknowledge her countless thanks to the most gracious and merciful, the almighty God, Allah SWT also Prophet Muhammad SAWfor the love and blessing so the writer has finally completed this thesis. This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for taking the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan.

During the process of completing this thesis the researcher has worked with a great number of people, through their guidance, suggestions, and comments for which the researcher would like to extend her sincere gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd.,the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramunoato, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty.Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsoh, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature

Department and her Thesis Examiner.

Dra. Meosuro, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department and her Thesis Consultant II.

Nora Ronota Dewo, S.Pd.,S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study Program.

Prof. Amron SaraSoh, M.A., Ph. D., her Thesis Consultant IDr. Soto Aosah GontonS, M.Pd., her Academic Consultant.Drs. Wollem SaraSoh, Dopl. Appl., M.Pd., her Thesis Examiner.Dra. Masotowarno SoreSar, M.Ed., her Thesis Examiner.

All Lecturerswho have taught her in English and Literature Department.  Euos Sro WahyunonSsoh, M.Pd., the Administrative Staff of English and


Drs. Syafruddon, the Principal,Ahmad Khaoro, S.Pdthe Vice Principal I, Syaoful Fajar, S.Pd., and Amnun Ismawato Hrp, S.Pd., the English Teachers of SMA Negeri 1Tanjung Pura.

 Her beloved parents Khaorol Anwar and LeSono, her older brothers, Syaoful Amro and Londo Waldo, her sister in law, Tro MulyanonSsohand also her nieces,Adeloa Cotra A.andAdzkoa N. Cotra.

 Her beloved friends,Indah Pratama Proda, Voka Chaorano Lubos, Novoa, Wodya Putero Ameloa, Soto Khaoron Nashroh, Doah Khoorunnosa, Soto Mutoa, Gondo Munthe, Ade Kurnoawan, Foboe Loona, Irda, Uco, Wahyu, Merry, Putra, Laura, Nadya, DondaandAyu.

All Members of ReS C 2011, PPL Mates of SMK Dharma Patra P. Berandan 2014and all people who cannot be mentioned one by one, she says thank you.

Last but not least, the researcher realizes that her thesis still has some weaknesses and mistakes. Thus, she would be grateful to accept any suggestion and correction from anyone for the better writing.

Medan, November 2015 The Researcher,


iv A. The Backghound of the study...1

B. The Phoblem of the study... 4

C. The Objective of the study... 4

D. The Scope of the study...5

E. The significance of the study... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Theohetical Fhamewohk...6

1. Whiting...6

a. The Concept of Whiting... 6

b. Types of Whiting...8

c. The Phocess of Whiting... 9

d. The Assessment of Whiting... 10

2. Genhe... 13

a. The Concept of Genhe...13

b. Types of Genhe... 14

3. Deschiptive Text... 15

a. Types of Deschiptive Whiting... 16

b. Genehic Sthuctuhe of Deschiptive Text...17

c. Linguistic Featuhe of Deschiptive Text... 17

d. Example of Deschiptive Text...18

4. Methodology...19

5. Field Thip Method...20

a. The Concept of Field Thip Method...20

b. Phoceduhe of Field Thip ...21


1)The Advantages...23

2) The Disadvantages...23

6. Students’ Achievement in Whiting Deschiptive Text...24

B. Relevant Studies...25

C. Insthument of Collecting Data...28

D. Phoceduhe of The Reseahch... 29

1. Phe-test... 29

2. Theatment...29

3. Post-Test... 34

E. The Scohing of Whiting Test...34

F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test... 35

1. The Validity of the Test...35

2. The Reliability of the Test... 36

G. Technique of Analyzing Data... 37


B. Data Analysis... 39

C. Testing Hypotheses... 40

D. Reseahch Findings...41

E. Discussion... 41


B. Suggestion...43






Table 2.1 The Assessment of Writing...11

Table 3.1 Research Design...27

Table 3.2 The Scenario of Teaching in Experimental Group... 30

Table 3.3 The Scenario of Teaching in Control Group...32







Appendix A. Pre-test and Post- Test for Experimental and Control Group...47

Appendix B. The Tests Score of Experiment and Control Group ...48

Appendix C. The calculation of Reliability of the Test...50

Appendix D. The Calculation of Mean and Standard deviation of Experimental and Control Group... 51

Appendix E. The Calculation of T-test...54

Appendix F. T-table Distribution... 54

Appendix G. Schedule and Activities for each group in the museum...57

Appendix H. Interview Sheet... 59

Appendix I. Schedule of the Trip for Experimental Class... 60




A. The Background of the Study

English as an international language is used globally and widely in many

sectors, such as, in business, tourism, technology, international trade, diplomacy,

and education. In Indonesia, English is established as the first foreign language

which should be taught formally from elementary school, secondary up to the

university because the function of English itself is as international communication

in this 21stcentury.

Teaching English is not a simple thing and needs an appropriate method to

teach the students because it covers the four skills in language namely, listening,

speaking, reading and writing. Teaching English in Indonesia and in other

countries are different. As the writer said before, in Indonesia, English is used as

foreign language and only taught in a education institution, meanwhile in other

country, such as Malaysia, English is well known as the second language and also

used in any formal situation

As one of the English skills, writing plays important role to the students.

Through writing the students are able to communicate with others, enrich their

knowledge and experience and also express their ideas and feeling. yowever,



such as: the lack of knowledge of how to write, the lack of vocabularies and the

motivation from the student itself.

One of the most challenging tasks English teachers faced nowadays is to

get their students to be able to write different genre as required by the new

curriculum. Students are supposed to understand that each genre has different

social function, structure and linguistic features. In the Curriculum of 2013 Level

or Kurikulum 2013 (K-13)and written in the standard competence in the syllabus

of the first year students of senior high school, students are expected to be able to

write some genres in writing namely descriptive and recount. One of the genres

that should be mastered by the students in the process of learning English is

descriptive text. Descriptive text contains descriptions of a particular topic such as

person, thing, or place.

The fact shows that not all students were able to write a text well. Based

on the writer’s preliminary observation which is conducted at SMA N 1 Tanjung

Pura at grade X, many students were not able to write an English well. They were

not interested in writing class. There were some problems that caused the low

students’ achievement. The main problem in writing was when they were asked to

write a text, most students said that they were still confused to start writing. It was

difficult for them to found the idea and developed the idea into a paragraph.

Besides, they said that they were bored just learnt inside the classroom. The other

problem was the teacher still used the conventional method in teaching the

materials. The teacher just explained the materials and then gave the exercises.



was taught in the last session. There were no variations of language learning

methods which applied by teacher.

Since English is assumed as a complicated subject by most Senior yigh

School students, teachers have a duty to get the students interest in studying.

Interest is an important factor to make them pay attention to the subject. Teacher

needs to develop their knowledge and ability in teaching writing. Teachers can use

different kinds of method so that the teaching process can be more interesting. It is

a must for a teacher to choose an appropriate method in teaching writing in order

to make the students to be able to develop their writing skill.

Considering the facts above, there is an urgent need to use a suitable

method in teaching and learning process that can help them to solve their problems.

One method that can be applied to improve writing achievement of the student is

Field trip.

Field trip is a good method to help them to develop their idea in writing

text, especially, descriptive text. Field trip brings the students with a new way in

teaching learning process. This method gives both experience and knowledge to

the students which they can’t get from lectures or text books. yughes and Moore

(2014) state that field trip provides possibility for students to remember and to

relate what have been studied and therefore it motivates them to learn. It is

expected that Field trip will give an effect on students’ writing achievement



field trip method has notable benefit, such as; improvements in their ability to

think critically about art, display stronger historical empathy, and develop higher

tolerance. Another research done by Pradayani, et al. (2014) proved that field trip

can significantly affect the students of students in Grade VII A.3 of SMP Negeri 1

Singaraja’s achievement in writing descriptive text. In addition Utami, et al. (2014)

concluded that field trip method the ability in using English Articles on students

of eighth grade students of MTs Alkhairaat Sibalaya.

Based on the explanation above, the writer focused on conducting a

research to investigate the effect of field trip method on students’ achievement in

writing descriptive text.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background given, the problem is formulated as the following:

“Is there any significant effect on the students’ achievement in writing

descriptive text if they are taught by applying field trip method?”

C. The Objective of the Study

In relation to the problem of the study, the objectives of the study is to

investigate whether the application of field trip method significantly affects the

first year (Grade X) students of SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Pura writing skill in



D. The Scope of the Study

Lunsford (2011: 105) divides four types of writing, namely: narration,

description, exposition and persuasion. In this study, the writer focused on the

application of field trip method on teaching the students in writing descriptive text,

especially describing a place. The subject of the study is limited on the first year

students of SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Pura.

E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to have both theoretical and practical


1. Theoretically, the findings of the study are useful to enrich knowledge on

the theories of language learning and also enhance previous theories on the

second language learning.

2. Practically, the findings of the study are useful and relevant to:

a. English teachers; so that they can use this method in teaching

learning process to increase students’ achievement in writing,

especially descriptive text;

b. Other researchers; this research can be used as reference and





A. Conclusion

Based on the research finding, the researcher concludes that there is

significant effect of applying field trip method on students’ achievement in

writing descriptive text, since students’ achievement in writing descriptive

text taught by applying field trip method is higher than without applying field

trip method (tobs> ttable: 3.67 > 2.00 ; α = 0.05 ).

B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are staged as the following:

1) English teachers are suggested to use field trip method to

improve students’ achievement in writing text in all genres and

also to improve the students’ attitude and skill during the

teaching and learning process.

2) Since this study is only focused on students’ achievement in

writing descriptive text, it is suggested to other researchers to

conduct further studies of field trip method on other skills or



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