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Teacher and Student Talk in English Classroom Interaction of Vocational High School ( A Naturalistic Study at SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga, Academic Year 2015/2016).


Academic year: 2017

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1 A. Background of the study

English is a tool to communicate among many countries as a global

language and also used to communicate with other people especiallay in

educational field. Mastering English is very important to gain success in facing

the global era. For those reasons, English is compulsory subject that has learnt by

the student. It is one of the subjects that decide whether the senior and junior high

school students can pass from their study in their own school or not.

English as a school subject is arranged in school curriculum. Indonesia has

changes more than five times since the proclamation of the country. In 2013, the

ministry came with a new concept of school curriculum, which is claimed to be a

curriculum emphasizing the affective domain of education. According to Agustien

(2014: 39) as a whole, the 2013 curriculum is still a competence-based curriculum

in that objectives are formulated in terms of the prescribed or target competence

or the outcomes of language learning. Despite the similarities, there are some

changes in this new curriculum, for instance; reducing of lesson time allocation of

English subject in junior and senior high school.

This 2013 curriculum is basically hoped can fully implemented in 2014

before the new president election. However, the new ministry came with his new


“... Pasal 2: (1) Satuan pendidikan dasar dan pendidikan menengah yang

melaksanakan Kurikulum 2013 selama 3 (tiga) semester tetap mengunakan

Kurikulum 2013. (2) Satuan pendidikan dasar dan pendidikan menengah yang

melaksanakan Kurikulum 2013 sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) merupakan

satuan pendidikan rintisan penerapan Kurikulum 2013...”

[“...Article 2 (1) elementary and secondary education who have conducted 2013

curriculum for three semesters keep using the 2013 curriculum. (2) Elementary

and secondary education unit that implement 2013 curriculum as referred to

paragraph (1) is an educational unit stub implementation of 2013 curriculum...”]

In line with the regulation above, Anies Baswedan (2014) says that there

are only 3% or 6000 of schools in Indonesia which implementing 2013

Curriculum and the rest 97% of Indonesian school are implementing 2006

curriculum or used to said as KTSP. Several schools which implementing 2013

curriculum is regarded as a pilot project while goverment rearranges and fixes the


Related to the implementation of 2013 Curriculum which is still held in

several schools, the English teachers in Vocational High School has many

challenges. Besides the similiarity curriculum with senior high school, they face

the limited time in teaching. In KTSP, there are 4 hours a week for English

subject. In 2013 Curriculum, it is reduced only 2 hours a week. Therefore, the

teachers must be smarter to manage teaching learning process. They also must be

able to manage the classroom. As Gebhard mentioned in Fauziati (2014: 197) says

that classroom management refers to the way teachers organize what goes on in

the classroom. Classroom management is one of the crucial factors that can make


For foreign learners, classroom is the main place where they are frequently

exposed to the target language. The kind of language used by the teacher for

instruction in the classroom is known as teacher talk (TT). For this term, Longman

Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics defines it as “that

variety of language sometimes used by teachers when they are in the process of

teaching. In trying to communicate with learners, teachers often simplify their

speech, giving it many of the characteristics of foreigner talk and other simplified

styles of speech addressed to language learners” (Richards, 1992: 471)

Having studied the SLA for many years, Rod Ellis (1985) has formulated

his own view about teacher talk: “Teacher talk is special language that teachers

use when addressing L2 learners in the classroom. There is systematic

simplication of the formal properties of the teacher’s language....studies of teacher

talk can be divided into those that investigate the type of language they that

teachers use in language classroom and those that investigate in the type of

language they use in subject lessons.” He also commented “the language that

teachers address to L2 learner is treated as a register, with its own specific formal

and linguistics properties” (Ellis, 1985: 145).

In this research, it is the oral form of teacher talk instead of written form

that is under this investigation. It refers to the language that teachers use in

language classrooms rather than other settings. For first definitions, teacher talk in

English classrooms is regarded as one special variety of the English language, so


restriction of the physical setting, special participants as well as the goal of

teaching, teacher talk has its own special style.

Second definition that teacher talk is a special communicative activity. Its

goal is to communicate with students and develops students’ foreign language

proficiency. Teacher talk is used in class when teachers are conducting

instructions, cultivating their intellectual ability and managing classroom

activities (Qican, 1999: 23). Teachers adopt the target language to promote their

communcation with learners. In this way, learners practice the language by

responding to what their teacher says. Besides, teachers use the language to

encourage the communication between learners and themselves. Therefore we can

say teacher talk is a kond of communication-based or interaction-based.

Teacher talk in English classroom was preferred as the topic of this

research with following consideration: Teacher talk is very important to language

teaching. (Cook, 2000: 144). According to pedagogical theory, the language that

teachers use in classrooms determines to a larger degree whether a class will

succeed or not. Many scholars found teacher talk makes up around 70% of

classroom language (Cook, 2000; Chaudron, 1988). Teachers pass on knowledge

and skills, organize teaching activities and help students practice through teacher

talk. In English classroom, teachers’ language is not only the object of the course,

but also the medium to achieve the teaching objective. Both the organization of

the classroom and the goal of teaching are achieved through teacher talk.

In Indonesia, most people learn a foreign language in classrooms.


places the only sources. It functions not only as a major source of language

learning but also a tool by which a foreign language is taught. We have not learnt

enough about second language acquisition (SLA), but it is believed that the

language that teachers address to L2 learners will influences language learning,

although how and to what degree it influences language learning still remains

unclear. Since a better understanding of the use of teachers’ language can

undoubtedly help students improve their learning, and students can make a better

use of teacher talk to learn the target language, it is necessary to do some research

on teacher talk from both theoretical and practical perspective.

Considering the explanations above, it can be assumed that talk is

influential in students’ acquisition of learning activities as one aspect of classroom

management. Moreover, creating appropriately management in talk will arise

student-centered to implement 2013 curriculum and also important thing to deal.

In relevance with above statements, teacher talk in classroom implementing 2013

is claimed to meet the challenges described. These are the reasons why the

researcher proposed a research entitled “Teacher and Student Talk in English

Classroom Interaction of Vocational High School (A Naturalistic Study at SMK

Negeri 2 Salatiga, Central Java in the academic year of 2015/2016)”.

There are 20 schools in Salatiga implementing the 2013 curriculum since

2013. For senior high school level, it is only SMA N 1 Salatiga which is as a pilot

project and for vocational high schools there are SMK Negeri 1, SMK Negeri 2

and SMK Negeri 3 Salatiga. SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga is choosen because this


programmes than two other schools. There are 8 competences or programmes in

SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga, 5 programmes in SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga and SMK

Negeri 3 Salatiga. As the pilot project, SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga has many

competence teachers includes English teacher. However some of them still

confuse how to implement scientific approach in 2013 curriculum especially in

creating student centered learning. The researcher thought that teachers should

learn about how to find appropriate way in talks when they teach in class.

B. Problem Statement

Although studies of teacher talk are numerous in western cultural settings,

such studies of teacher talk in Indonesian cultural setting are extremely scarce. In

this research, the researcher wants to do a research to find out how are the teacher

and students talk in English classroom of vocational high school.

For such a purpose and providing some suggestions for Indonesian English

language teachers, based on the principles and facts we have discussed, the study

was designed to answer the following questions:

1. How is teacher and student talking time during the English classroom


2. What are the types of teacher talk during English classroom interaction?

3. What are the roles of teacher talk in English classroom interaction related

to the 2013 curriculum implentation?


5. What are the preferences of students toward teacher talk in English

classroom interaction?

C. Objectives of the Research

In relevance with the problems that have been stated above, the objectives

of the research are:

1. To describe the teacher and student talking time during English classroom


2. To describe types of teacher talk during English classroom interaction.

3. To identify the roles of teacher talk in English classroom related to the

implementation of 2013 curriculum.

4. To describe the types of student talk during English classroom interaction.

5. To identify the preferences of students toward teacher talk in English

classroom interaction.

D. Significances of the Research

In recent years, studies on the language that teachers use in language

classroom has gradually drawn people’s attention, the attention paid to it has

become gradually increasing both abroad and in Indonesia.

In the past years, most of the researchers on teacher talk have only devoted

to the analysis of various phenomena about teacher talk and the objective

description on teacher talk such as its characters and structure. However, few


acqusition (SLA). Teacher talk, as a vital aspect of classroom-based language

learning, is influenced by many factors. Students, though, count a significant part

of teaching and learning in classrooms, the students, to be more exact, the

students’ learning needs and language proficiency can not be neglected. However,

so far all the researcher on teacher talk have not taken the factor of students into

consideration. After a long time classroom observation, the writer found that quite

a few teacher talk in classrooms according to the teaching contents or

examinations, and completely neglect the students’ learning needs.

So the present study is conducted with a significance to investigate how

teacher talk in English classroom in Indonesia especially in vocational high school

affects foreign language learning from a different perspective—comparing the

students’ preferences towards the ideal teacher with the real teacher talk. The

specific purpose is to provide empirical evidence to the suggestion that the

appropriate use of teacher talk consciously in classrooms. In this way, teachers

can improve their language quality consciously so that English language teaching

and learning can be facilitated.

The researcher expects that the results of this study are beneficial for some

education parties wheither theoretical or practical benefit. Theoretical benefits are


1. The government

By knowing the merits, drawbacks, and its implementation in the field, it

is expected that the goverment can regularly recognize and revise the

regulation about lesson hour in vocational high school which is still less.

2. Other researchers.

The result of the study can be a reference of other researcher who conduct

similar studies. It is expected that next studies will discover gives

significant contribution for the education development in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the practical benefit is expected given to English teachers and

the students;

1. English teachers

The result of the study will help the teachers at SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga to

get an evaluation of their talk precentage, know their characteristics during

the classroom interaction in order to improve their teaching behaviour.

2. The students

It will help the students to know their talk precentage, characteristics of

their talk during the classroom interaction in order to make them


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