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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel



Wafiqotul Badriah

Reg. Number A83211198







Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities

State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Wafiqotul Badriah

Reg. Number A83211198






This thesis contains materials which have been accepted for the award of arjana Degree of English Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN unanAmpel Surabaya. To the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no aterial previously published or written by other person except where due eference is made in the text of the thesis.

Surabaya, August 6th 2015 Writer,


This is to certify that this thesis written by Wafiqotul Badriah has been approved by thesis advisor to be examined.

Surabaya, June 26th 2015

Thesis Advisor

Prof. Dr. Hj. Zuliati Rohmah, M.Pd NIP. 197303032000032001

Head of English Department

Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M. Ag NIP. 196909251994031002






This thesis has been approved and accepted by the board of examiners of English Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Surabaya, August 6th, 2015

The Board of Examiners:

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Prof. Dr. ZuliatiRohmah, M. Pd M. Pd

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Badriah, Wafiqotul. 2015. Internet Language Features Used By Male and Female Online Shopper on Instagram. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, M. Pd

Key Terms : Internet Language Features, Instagram, abbreviations, multiple punctuations, emoticons, capital letters, eccentric spelling, music/noise, written-out laughter.

Internet language features are the recent phenomena which have drawn some new linguistic research. One of the sources of internet language features is Instagram. The aims of this study are to know the typical internet language features used by male and female online shopper on Instagram when they were giving comments, and also to compare those features which are used by male users and those used by female users. The internet language features are analyzed according to Danet (2001) who classified the command features of digital writing into eleven features, they are multiple punctuations, abbreviations, eccentric spelling, capital letters, asterisks for emphasis, written-out laughter, rebus writing, and all lower case, and one additional feature proposed by Crystal (2006) that is the ways of expressing emphasis (italics, boldface, etc). These twelve features are the foundation to analyze the data. This study used qualitative method as a tool of research in which the writer collected the data from comments forum in Instagram.



Badriah, Wafiqotul. 2015. Internet Language Features Used By Male and Female Online Shopper on Instagram. English Department, Faculty of Humanities, the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing : Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, M. Pd

Kata Kunci : Internet Language Features, Instagram, abbreviations, multiple punctuations, emoticons, capital letters, eccentric spelling, music/noise, written-out laughter.

Internet language features adalah fenomena baru yang telah ditarik beberapa penelitian linguistic baru. Salah satu sumber dari Internet language features adalah Instagram. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Internet language fitur khas yang digunakan oleh online shopper pria dan wanita di Instagram ketika mereka memberikan komentar, dan juga untuk membandingkan fitur yang digunakan oleh pengguna laki-laki dan yang digunakan oleh pengguna wanita. Internet language features dianalisis menurut Danet (2001) yang diklasifikasikan fitur perintah penulisan digital menjadi sebelas fitur, yakni; beberapa tanda baca, singkatan, emotikon, ejaan eksentrik, huruf kapital, tanda bintang untuk penekanan, tawa tertulis, menulis rebus, dan semua huruf kecil, dan satu fitur tambahan yang diusulkan oleh Crystal (2006) yang merupakan cara untuk mengekspresikan penekanan (huruf miring, tebal, dll). Kedua belas fitur dasar untuk menganalisis data. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif sebagai alat penelitian yang penulis mengumpulkan data dari forum komentar di Instagram.


2.1.3 Orthography in the Internet Language ... 12

2.1.4 Internet Language Features ... 14

(9) Multiple Punctuation ... 30 Music/Noise ... 32 Multiple Punctuation ... 41 Music/Noise ... 43 Emoticons ... 44 Capital Letters ... 46 Eccentric Spelling ... 47 Written-out Laughter ... 48

4.1.3 Comparison Internet Language Features by Male and Female ... 49



5.1 Conclusion ... 57 5.2 Suggestion ... 58





This chapter is the explanation of background of study, research problems, research purposes, significance of the study, scope and limitations, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

According to Crystal (2006) the internet is an association of computer networks with common standards which enable messages to be sent from any central computer on one network to any host on any other.

The internet has certainly introduced some new linguistic form into language, ranging from the mildly adaptive to the downright bizarre. The example above shows that internet or online settings allow us to find the various languages there. There are many researches want to examine the language use on the internet or online setting. It is become the interesting phenomenon in the academic.



etc). Besides, the writer compare these features which are used by male and those used by female online in instagram because they definitely have their own way to use the language and express the emotional feeling.

Instagram is the most popular media for Photo-sharing and it is available for the users to give comments below the photo posted. Moreover, Instagram has added another feature. It is not only for photo-sharing but also vodeo-sharing. Additionally it will be particularly interesting if the next researcher can compare the comments of still picture and moving pictures on Instagram.

The writer chooses Instagram as research object because Instagram has some similarities with other social media that can commented each other. The other similarity is the language on Instagram comments can be researched by using internet language features. As far as the writer knows, up till now there is not researcher who uses the language in Instagram to be object of research.



The significant of this research is to enrich the knowledge of linguistics especially about internet language features which for common people it is just a unique thing in social media, such as Instagram. This research intends to show its scientific side of internet language features through male and female online shop in Instagram. The writer hopes this research can give enlightenment for the readers, and also this research will give a lot of benefits to the students of English department in conducting research of internet language research.

Beside the statement above this research gives two contributions, which are theoretical and practical. Theoretically, the writer hopes this study can give contribution to the field of language and gender, especially related to internet language features, such us multiple punctuation, eccentric spelling, capital letters, etc. Pract

knowledge in understanding the internet language in detail.



1.2 Statements of the Problems

Based on the background of the study, there are problem related to the study, which will lead by following research questions:

1. What are typical internet language features used by male online shop in instagram?

2. What are typical internet language features used by female online shop in instagram?

3. How are the internet language features by male online shop compared to those used by female online shop in instagram?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1. To explain typical internet language features used by male online shop in instagram.

2. To explain typical internet language features used by female online shop in instagram.

3. To compare the internet language features by male and those used by female online shop in instagram.

1.4 Significance of the Study



research can give enlightenment for the readers, and also this research will give a lot of benefits to the students of English department in conducting research of internet language research.

Beside the statement above this research gives two contributions, which are theoretical and practical. Theoretically, the writer hopes this study can give contribution to the field of language and gender, especially related to internet language features, such us multiple punctuation, eccentric spelling,

knowledge in understanding the internet language in detail.

1.5 Scope and Limitations



to buy the product can ask on the comment side. Women and man free to comment. From the comment, the writer wants to analyse the style of women and men commentators. In additional, the supporting acts of the other cast members are elaborated in the chapter of analysis.

The writer took the data from internet while 15 days, 1 day one posting. The data took 5 postings on november 2014, 5 postings on january 2015, and 5 postings on march 2015. The writer got 15 postings to analyse in this research.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

Internet language features : multiple punctuation, eccentric spelling, capital letters, asterisk for emphasis, written-out laughter, music/nose, description of actions, emoticons, abbreviations, rebus writing, all lower case, and ways of expressing emphasis (italic, boldface, etc.) (Danet,2001) and (Crystal, 2006)






In this part of chapter, the writer explains the approach of the study, they are languge and gender, internet language, orthography in the internet languge and internet language features.

2.1 Theoritical Framework

This part is the explanations of the theori which use the writer to analyse this study. The writer uses the theory, they are; langauge and gender, internet language, orthography in the internet language, and internet language features.

2.1.1 Language and Gender

In general, gender and sex come together in which gender is the social elaboration of biological sex. Eckert and Ginet (2003) stated the gender consist of a pattern of relation of develops over time to define male and female, masculinity and femininity, simultaneously structu



different speech function; women tend to focus on the effective function of interaction more often than men.

In communication, men and women definitely have different ways and strategies. The people are constructed to beliefs that men are direct and forceful, while women tend to be more polite, more emotional, and gentler. Tannen (1992) said that men use comversation and communication to show dominance, to protect themselves from others and generally seem to view conversation as a contest, a struggle in order to preserve independence and avoid failure, when women to build relationship and for purposes of cooperation and collaboration. It can be conclude that women always try to establish their relationship by emphasizing the similarities and matching experiences, and men tend to show their independence and status. Coates (2004) stated that women



2005). Based on those statements, it can be known that man and women are always different in anything, event in communication they have their own styles, and purposes in using the language.

2.1.2 Internet language

The internet is one of the most remarkable things human beings have ever made (Naughton, 1999, in Crystal, 2006). As the new media, the positive of internet shifts the role of old media. As

music, and the press are undergoing considerable change, which more significant is the advent of new media, including the internet, which are changing the face of mass communication.

Internet provide more information than others media, makes the communication more quickly than ever before, and changing the way of people interact with face to face but through internet the people separated by space and time when they interact. According to Crystal (2006), if the internet is a revolution, so, it is likely to be a linguistic voluntary. It means that we can found there are many change in language use, especially written language in the Internet, and this case is interesting to research. Crystal (2006) divided the stylistic of written language into five main types, they are:



for example, the variety of newspaper English would be chiefly identified at this level through the use of such notations as headlines, columns, and caption.

2. Orthographic features: the writing system of an individual language, defined in term of such factors as distinctive use of the alphabet, capital letters, spelling, punctuation, and ways of expressing emphasis (italic, boldface, etc.): for example, American and British English are distinguished by many spelling differences (e.g. color vs. color), and advertising English allows spelling modification that would be excluded from most other varieties (e.g. Bean Meanz Heizn)

3. Grammatical features: the many possibilities of syntax and morphology, defined in term of such factors as the distinctive use of sentence structure, word order, and word inflection; for example, religious English makes use of an unusual vocative construction (O ) and allows a second-person singular set of pronouns (thou thee thene).



5. Discourse features: the structural organization of a text, defined in terms of such factors as coherence, relevance, paragraph structure, and the logical progression of ideas; for example, a journal paper within scientific English typically consist of a fixed sequence of sections including the abstract, introduction, methodology, result, discussion, and conclusion.

Based on the aims of this study, the writer only focus on the second features that is orthographic (graphological) features. It is because one of the things that attract most attention of internet users is the use of unusual forms of written language in the internet that is rarely found in print media, such as the use of the capital letters, abbreviation, punctuation, emoticon, etc. which are varied and unique.

2.1.3 Orthography in the Internet Language



conventions (Crystal, 2006). The various types of abbreviation, punctuation, capital letters, emoticon, and the other Internet language feature have become a trend mark of communication in online setting.

Baron (2008) said that sentence punctuation include a wide range of markings, capitalization, sentence-internal pauses like commas, colons, semicolons, and dashes, and sentence-final markers such as periods, question marks, exclamation marks, and sometimes ellipses. Punctuation is usually used at the end of sentences. In the some situations, the use of punctuation depends on personality of internet users, some e-mailers are scrupulous of maintaining a traditional punctuation, others use it when they have to, to avoid ambiguity; and some do not use it at all, either as a consequences (Crystal, 2006). He also added that there are some symbols which are not part of the traditional punctuation system, such as the #. Besides, the unusual combinations of punctuation marks can occur, such as (to express pause) ellipsis dot (. . .) in any number, repeated hyphens (- - -), or the repeated use of commas (,,,,,). Emphasis and attitude can result in exaggerated or random use of punctuation, such as !!!!!!!! or

Crystal, 2006)



critics and errors. Here, the writer will found that spelling has some types, they are: new spelling conversations have emerged, such as the replacement of plural s by z to refer to pirated version of software; non-standard spelling is used in conversational setting which reflect pronunciation, such as yep, yup, yay, nope, noooo,

or such forms as key and sokay

horror, shock, and the like make use of varying numbers of vowels and consonants depending on the ferocity of the emotion: aaaiiiieeee, yaayyyyy. Yet, some deviant spellings are still restricted to certain groups of users, such as the y- spelling (from byte)introduced into certain expressions for bit blocks of different sizes (Crystal, 2006). Meanwhile the other orthographic features which influences the use of written language in internet is capital letters. Crystal (2006) said that

ctly, the use of capital letters in a sentence has a function to attract the attention of the internet users. It perhaps because the more prominent use of capital letters than all lower cases in a sentence.

2.1.4 Internet Language Features



to fill the paralinguistic features cues, such as facial expression. In this

proposed by Danet (2001) as the main theory. In which the features are divided into eleven types, they are: multiple punctuation, eccentric spelling, capital letters, asterisk for emphasis, written out laughter, music/noise, description of actions, emoticons, abbreviations, rebus writing, and all lower case. Those features are used to analyze the type of internet language features used by male and female online shop in Instagram.

Internet language features by Danet (2001) are multiple punctuations, eccentric spelling, capital letters, asterisk for emphasis, written-out laughter, music/noise, description of actions, emoticons, abbreviations and rebus writing while the ways of expressing emphasis (italics, boldface) are explained by Crystal (2006) :

Table 2.1 Internet language features by Danet (2001) and Crystal (2006) Multiple punctuations Type back soon!!!!!!!!

Eccentric spelling Type back sooooooon! Capital letter

Asterisk for emphasis

Written-out laughter Hehehe, hahahaha

Music/noise Mmmmmmmmm, MMMMMMM,

poc poc poc poc Description of actions *grins*, <grin>, <g>




sad, angry, tired, and love emoticons. Based on the table above, Danet (2001) divided the abbreviations into several types. Abbreviations that are defined as the conventional way of reading by pronouncing the name of each letter (McCarthy, 2002, p. 65), Abbreviations as the result of acronyms process (Nishimura, 2003 in Danet & Herring, p. 172) and the use of consonants of a word (Lee, 2005, p. 139).

In the feature of rebus writing will be examined if there is the use of letters numbers to represent word or syllable with a similar sound (Nishimura, 2003 in Danet & Herring, 2007, p. 173). And the last feature, ways of expressing emphasis (italics, boldface, etc) examined if the word are typed in italics and boldface effects.

2.2 Review of related studies



orthography, which is in order to interact with other online users as if they were in face to face conversation (off line setting). Beside the researcher is rm

are quite familiar with each other, they may not use more polite forms that plain form.

Second, research is conducted by Stefan Nyström, Department of English Lund University, Linguistics (2003) which is entitled Spoken Language Features in Internet Discussion Groups. In this research purposes of this study was to compare two different sets of source data one from a real-time chat, one from a postponed-real-time chat and to see if there was a difference regarding the occurrence of features that are typical of spoken English. These sets were collected from two different sources. There are two different types of verbal ellipsis: lexical ellipsis and operator ellipsis. Any case where the lexical verb has been omitted is called lexical ellipsis. It is possible that other parts of the verbal group be omitted as well, but as long as the lexical verb is omitted it is called lexical ellipsis. General ellipsis of the clause resulting in single clause elements is expected in question answer sequences and other forms of responses. Such single clause elements are found as questions or answers in 14 instances in the chat group (5,2%), and 17 instances (4,2%) in the news group.



closely related to this study are Mersandy (2012) and Harsono (2013) from Airlangga University.

Mersandy (2012) examines the internet language features used by Indonesian male and female adolescents in their blogs in www.blogspot.com. She focuses on who is more expressive in online setting. Her finding shows that the similarities and differences of internet language features of male and female adolescents can be found. Both male and females tend to use three internet language features. They are capital letters, abbreviations and ways of expressing emphasis. The results also explain that females are more expressive in their blogs rather than male. In this case it is proven by the data which show in the total of word tokens and internet language features used by female adolescents are higher than male adolescents.

The second study is conducted by Harsono (2013) from Airlangga University. She investigates internet language features used by male and female Kaskusers in www.kaskus.co.id. In her study, she wants to observe the typical internet language features used by male Kaskusers and those used by female Kaskusers when they were giving comments and compare those features.



symbol and use italics, boldface, font color, font face effects and they replace the word of syllables are by using letter and number. The difference is in the use of eccentric spelling, females tend to repeat the consonant rather than the females do.

This study and the study conducted by Mersandy and Harsono have some similarities and differences. The similarities are on the use of internet language features used by males and females in the netspeak and the use of Danet (2001) as the fundamental theory. The differences can be seen in the




The reseach methods chapter explains about research design, population and sample, instruments, data and data sourches, data collection, data analysis, and research time frame.

3.1 Research Design

In this study, the approach that is applied by the writer is qualitative approach as a tool of research because it does not deal with numeric data, but descriptive data in the analysis. According to Neuman (2012), qualitative data come in the form of photos, written words, phrases, or symbols describing or representing people, actions, and events in social life. Under the qualitative research, there is the so-called illustrates or anchors a theory with empirical evidence (Neuman, 2012). The preexisting theories are called the empty boxes which have filled out by the writer. These theories or empty boxes are the Internet Language Features by Danet (2001) and Crystal (2006). Thus, the writer thought that this approach was appropriate in this study to figure out the problems which were mentioned in statement of the problem.

3.2 Population & Sample

The subjects are all comments in the account that share the product, the name is @fittea.



many comment from male and female account. The writer had known the account male or female see from their profile picture or from their biography or profil on their account.

3.3 Instruments

The instrument of this research was the writer herself. In this case, the writer counted the frequency of type of internet language features by herself, so these seven features can only be calculate manually and directly. The data collected by grouping the comments of those consumer. It was taken from the account that share the product which get the consumer.

3.4 Data and data Sources

The data sources taken from @fittea account on Instagram. Instagram is an application on smartphone for Photo-sharing or videa-sharing and it is available for the users to give comments below the photo or video posted. Instagram can access on www.instagram.com.

The data are 207 comments by women followers and 53 coments by man followers that use internet language features. The writer got 15 posting and took 250 comments from female and 250 comments from male.

3.5 Data Collection



in Instagram and get the sample of conversation in the account that share the product. Second, the writer typed the conversation of the comments include male and female. Finally, the writer classified the comments into two groups; they commented by male and female. Grouping these comment was very helpful for the writer to analyze the data.

3.6 Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the writer did several steps in analyzing the data. First, the writer classified each group of data according to the type of internet language features used by male and female online shop, such as multiple punctuation, eccentric spelling, capital letters asterisk for emphasis, written out laughter, music/noise, description of action, emoticons, abbreviations, rebus writing, and ways to expressing emphasis (italic, boldface, etc.). Here, the writer made two tables to separate the internet language features used by male and female online shop in Instagram in order to show the type of internet language features and frequency of each type of internet language features.

In this case, the writer counted the frequency of all type of internet language features by herself. Second, after the writer discovered the total number of features for each type of internet language features, the writer applied each total number of features into percentage by using the following formula:

Percentage of each type= x/y X 100%



y = number of examples of internet language features



3.7 Research Time Frame



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Fixing the







Trying out






Writing the




In this analysis chapter, the explanations of internet language features used by male and female online shop when they were giving comments are delivered in three parts. In the first, internet language features used by male, in the second part internet language features used by female and in the third part, the writer gives the interpretation of the result, which the writer compares the internet language features used by male and those used by female. The classification was made in order to make this discussion could be more specific and systematic.

4.1 Findings

The explanation of internet language features used by male and female online shop in Instagramwhen they were creating comments delivered in two parts. In the first part, the writer focuses on the types of internet language features by male. In the second part the writer focuses on the types of internet language features by female. Finally, the writer focus on compared the type of internet language features used by male and female by members account which follow @fittea account in Instagram.



features used by female and 53 comments contain internet language features used by male.

4.1.1 Internet Language Features by Male

In the findings, the writer found 53 comments which use internet language feature used by male. Bellow is the conclusion table of internet language features used by male in Instagram online shop.

Table 4.1 Type of internet language features used by male

Internet language

features Examples Amount Percentage


Ew wtf is broccoli doing in there



and the lowest number is Eccentric spelling which the feature appear 3 times and represent 5.66 % taken from all the data . The further discussion for each type of those features will be presented in the following below.



Figure 4.1 example of abbreviations used by male

The first and second examples in figure 4.1 show the same types of abbreviations. The words I have is shortened into and I am is shortened into which he typed a message by omit some vowels or consonants in the selected word to save his time. Thus, the use of abbreviation is to saving time and typing effort, and to make the message more expressive (Anis, 2003, in Danet and Herring, 2007, p. 90). Meanwhile, the user m1ghty_m3gs uses abbreviation Lol, which the word is considered as the result of acronyms process. LOL stands for laughing out loud. The user use LOL because user xl_blue_lx

comment its joke, so the user m1ghty_m3gs responses his joke. Emoticons

Emoticons are composed of clusters of ordinary typographic symbols such as commas, periods, and parentheses (Danet, 2001, p. 18). Emoticons are used by the internet users to







represent their emotional facial expression considering that is not face to face communication. Generally, the emoticons in other network are combination of keyboard characters, which they are typed in sequence on single line, and placed after the final punctuation mark of a sentence, such as :-) or :-( (Crystal, 2006, p. 39). Based on the data emoticons appear 11 times and represent 20.75 % of the total word taken from data. For example of emoticons is no. 5 on figure 4.1. In this comment the user uses emoticon to express his happy feeling. Multiple Punctuation



Figure 4.2 example multiple punctuation used by male

As we can see, the user kanyevu_wakesho uses multiple periods in the middle of sentence and multiple question marks in the end of sentence. This example shows that the user applied three periods in the middle of sentence which are used to



express the pause before he continued in the next words and three question marks to emphasis his question. Crystal (2006, p. 95) stated that the unusual combinations of punctuation marks can occur to express pause, such as ellipsis dots (. . .) in any number, repeated hyphens (- - -), or the repeated use of commas (,,,,). Music/Noise



Figure 4.3 example music/noise used by male

The user in the first example use Ew in his sentence which is considered as emotional noises. In this case, the user shows his surprise feeling after looking photos of grapes and tag his friends, sophie_varney and jemima.apperlyand is responded by jemima.apperly with noise Mm to express how delicious grapes is.


34 Written of Laughter

The category of written-out laughter can be extended to include other vocalization and non-linguistic sound/noise such as music (Nishimura, 2003, p. 17). Based on the result, written-out laughter appears 5 times or abwritten-out 9.43 % of the total words taken from data. There are some variations of written-out laughter employed by male online shop Instagram in giving comment. The examples are discussed in the figure 4.1 no. 4 below:

Figure 4.4 example of written-out laughter used by male



of features such as haha can be considered as sign of expressiveness. Capital Letters

According to Danet (2001, p.17), the use of all capital letters for emphasis are



Figure 4.5 example of capital letters used by male

Based on the figure 4.5 the user ourstoriestold uses capital letters which belong to acronyms. The word DM or Direct Message is part of Instagram feature used to communicate personally, while the word ASAP or As Soon As




Possible has meaning that the user will reply as fast as he can to respond the message. Eccentric Spelling



Figure 4.6 example of eccentric spelling used by male

Based figure 4.2, it can be seen that the user extends the vowel e 6 times in the word pleeeeeese, which has meaning please. The extension of vowel e in this example indicates emphasis of word please. The repeating vowels in the texts are to mirror pragmatic lengthening, e.g., whaaat to represent a drawn out expression of surprise (Varnhagen et al, 2010, p. 725).



4.1.2 Internet Language Features by Female

In this part, the writer focused on the internet language features used by female. In the findings, the writer found 124 comments which use internet language features by female. Below is the conclusion table of internet language features by female in Instagram online shop.

Table 4.2 Type of internet language features by female

Internet language

features Examples Amount Percentage


Music/noise Ohhh lol. That is taking too long

24 11.59 %


40 Abbreviations

Abbreviations feature is the first rank of internet language feature that is commonly found in female comments. The frequency of this feature is 78 or about 37.68 % of the total word taken from data. Based on data, the abbreviations used by female are considered as the result of rebus writing process. Abbreviations that are commonly used in female comments are for I am which appears 10 times, for do not appear 9 times, and LOL for Laughter out Loud appears 8 times. The writer found the female users tend to use abbreviations to save their time in typing message.



Based on figure 4.9, can be seen that users,

cristinaneuf21,uses for I am to save her time in type the message. She also uses abbreviation Lol,because cristinaneuf21

fells the previous comment was funny that she has read all of review about this product did not works. Multiple Punctuation

Baron (2008, p. 155) said that sentence punctuation includes a wide range of marking: capitalization; sentence internal pauses like commas, colons, semicolons, and dashes; and sentence-final markers such as periods, questions marks, exclamation marks, and sometimes ellipsis. Based on the data, the writer found multiple periods is most commonly used by female online shop which appears 11 times, multiple questions marks appears 19 times, multiple exclamation marks appears 24 times, and the rest of multiple punctuation that is often used by the user is the mixture of multiple period and multiple question marks, multiple period and multiple question marks,




multiple period and multiple exclamation marks, and multiple commas and multiple period which appears 7 times in total word taken. Generally, the users are often used the multiple punctuations at the end of sentence. Yet, the writer also found there are some users who use the multiple periods, multiple commas, and multiple question marks in the middle of the sentence. Some examples are presented below:

Figure 4.8 example of multiple punctuation used by female



Based on figure 4.10, can we see that the user use four multiple exclamation marks to emphasis her question. She uses this feature because she satisfied with this product which works well. One of the purposes the product is to burn fat. The user successes to lost fat 2 pounds in 10 days. Music/Noise



Figure 4.9 example of music/noise used by female

Based on the example above, the user uses word ohhh and followed by abbreviation lol which show an understanding what previous comment. The user also gives multiple consonant h because she wants to express long sound effects of word ohhh. Emoticons

As explanation before, emoticons are constructed by combining punctuation marks on the computer keyboard to represent emotions or the feeling of internet users. This feature enables the readers to catch and interpret the feeling of internet users though the facial expression that is displayed in emoticons. The writer found emoticons is the fourth feature used by female online shop which appears 14 times or about 2.5 % of the total word taken. For example is:



Figure 4.10 example of emoticons used by female




Based on the example above, the user uses emoticon to express her feelings. The first emoticon is combination between colon and letter p and for the second example emoticon is combination between colon and parenthesis. Capital Letters

The most prominent number of capital letters is dominated by all caps format or belongs to abbreviation or acronym which appears 13 times and represents 6.28 %, while capital letters that do not belong to all caps format appear 4times. For example:



Based on figure 4.10, it can be seen that user k-_a_y_f_r_o_g_ caps all letter for emphasis her feeling. In this example the user uses three features of internet language; they are capital letters, eccentric spelling and multiple punctuation, multiple exclamation marks. The user uses them because she is very like panda. Eccentric Spelling

Fais & Ogura (2001, in Danet & Herring, 2007, p. 214) stated that nonstandard spelling is elongating a sound by repeating a letter several times. This feature appears 13 times or about 6.28 % of the total data taken from data. The data shows that the female online shop in Instagram more extended vowel than consonants, which it appears 8 times, while consonant only appears 5 times. The extensions of vowels are highest that consonant because the vowel makes very little obstruction, while a plosive consonant makes a total obstruction (Roach, 2009, p. 53). Therefore, the repetition of vowel is easier to be



pronounced than consonant in the oral language. In the use of eccentric spelling, the users extend both vowel and consonant, which the vowel repetition occurs once while consonant in female comments repetition occurs 5 times. For example of eccentric spelling can be seen on the figure 4.10. From the example, the user, emphasizes her interested for panda because she is very like this animal. Written-out Laughter

The category of written-out laughter can be extended to include other vocalization and non-linguistic sound/noise such as music (Nishimura, 2003, p. 17). Based on the result, written-out laughter appears 8 times or abwritten-out 3.86 % of the total words taken from data. There are some variations of written-out laughter employed by female online shop Instagram in giving comment.



Figure 4.12 example of eccentric spelling used by female

Based from the figure 4.11, there are two example of written-out laughter. They are HAHAHAHAH and haha. The first example uses two featyres of internet language features, they are written-out laughter and capital letters. It shows that the first example give more emphasis on her comment than the secon example. The user uses hahaha because he thought what he said was funny and expressiveness. Those kinds of features such as haha can be considered as sign of expressiveness.

4.1.3 Comparison internet language features by male and female

In this part the writer compares the internet language features used by male and those used by female online shop in Instagram. From




the results in table 4.1 and 4.2, it can be seen that both male and female use most varieties of the internet language features. The data shows that female use a great number of internet language features than male. The use of internet language features is to supply the absence of non-verbal cues in the online setting because the lack of visual contact makes the users cannot rely on context to make their meaning clear (Crystal, 2006, p. 28).

The writer found a great number of abbreviations in male and female comments. This feature is the highest feature used by male and female users. The abbreviations which belong to acronyms are the most frequently used by male users. Furthermore, the female users tend to use the abbreviations that are considered as the result of

and so on. In addition, the writer also found some abbreviations that usually found in CMC, such as LOL. The motivation of Internet users to use a lot of abbreviations in chat room in order to they can type as quickly as possible (Downing, 2009, p. 88). Thus, both male and female users use abbreviation feature to save their time in typing a message.



capitalization that do not belongs to all caps format. Based on the data, male and female tend to use capitalization to emphasize the certain words. Shea (1994, in Danet, 2001, p62) said that the use of all caps may be used in moderation for emphasis. Yet, the writer also found female use capital letters that are considered as a shouting.

Based on the findings, the feature of music/noise not only appears in female comments but also in male comments. The types of music/noise used by male and female are quite similar, such as hmmmm, yummy, yum, etc, which is considered as the transcription of emotional noise and to filled pause (Crystal, 2006, p. 170). These sounds are placed not only in the beginning but also in the middle and the end of a sentence. Yet, the writer also found both male and female use music/noise to show the expressiveness. The insertion of icons such as musical notes is for expressive purpose (Danet & Herring, 2007, p. 14).


responses often to signal a lack of interest in what the current speaker is saying.

In the finding, the number of frequency of eccentric spelling in male and female comments is not too different. In this case, male and female extend both vowel and consonant. The writer found male users more extend the consonant than the vowel, while female users tend to repeat the vowel rather than consonant. Male users are bravely to extend two until seven vowels, while the extension of consonant is two until fifteen consonant. On the contrary, female users can repeat the vowel until fifteen times, while the extension of consonant is two until six consonant. Thus it can be concluded that there is the difference between male and female users in extends the vowel and consonant.



laughter. In male comments, the highest number of laughter is hehehe, while in female comments the laughter hahaha is the frequently use. Therefore, it can be said that both male and female users want to be expressiveness by using the laughter. Colowick (2007) said that those kinds of laughter can be considered as sign of expressiveness.



In sum, the internet language features found in male and female comments shows a great variation. The descriptive analysis revealed that male users use more internet language features than female users when they were giving comments. As shown in table 4.1 and 4.2, there are significant differences in the total number of frequency in using the internet language features between male and female users, which can be conclude that female users are more expressive in filled the absence of non-verbal cues and tends to be playfulness which language in online communication rather than male users. Danet and Herring (2007, p. 225) stated that new orthography feature is the new forms of expressivity. Thus, the written communication on the internet delivers the new language to people, where the emergence of internet features make the language more varied and can make the conversation as in offline setting or face to face communication.

4.2 Discussion



male and those used by female online in instagram because they definitely have their own way to use the language and express the emotional feeling.

Instagram is the most popular media for Photo-sharing and it is available for the users to give comments below the photo posted. Moreover, Instagram has added another feature. It is not only for photo-sharing but also vodeo-sharing. Additionally it will be particularly interesting if the next researcher can compare the comments of still picture and moving pictures on Instagram. The weakness of this researsch, the writer just research the photo-sharing only, not video photo-sharing because this account of @fittea seldom post the video-sharing.

The writer chooses instagram as research object because instagram has some similarities with other social media that can commented each other. The other similarity is the language on instagram comments can be researched by using internet language features. As far as the writer knows, up till now there is not researcher who uses the language in instagram to be object of research.



Islamic halal permissible and for fulfilling the rules that have been set in the Islamic shari'ah.

Buying and selling according to language means to exchange some thing with something, while according syar'i means to exchange property with the property in certain ways. In Al- Allah says:

275. but Allah hath Permitted trade and forbidden usury.




This chapter is the last chapter of all. The writer her explains the result of the analysis in the previous chapter and gives suggestion to the reader.


Based on the finding and discussion in the previous chapter, the writer has managed to compare the Internet language features used by male online shop and those used by female online shop. The analysis is conducted by using the written herself. In this case, the writer built 527 comments from 15 topics or 15 upload photos account online shop which is selected randomly.

The data show the most typical internet language feature used by male and those female user is the abbreviations. This feature has a great number because the users want to save the time so they type the message as quickly as possible by using abbreviation.



Furthermore, the differences of internet language features between male and female users are also found. Based on the total number of frequency, female users use more Internet language features than female users, which are female users use 207 features, while male users only use 53 features. In the use of eccentric spelling, female users more extend the vowel and male users tend to repeat the consonant.


This study focuses on the internet language features used by male and female online shop in Instagram. For further study, other researchers also explore a study about internet language features in other media, such as Twitter. In the recent years, Twitter has the popularity among all of people in the world, including Indonesian people. Therefore, it will be particularly interesting to compare the internet language features used at Twitter. Additionally, the comparison does not have to be in the case of gender, but can be for different age. This can be done by using Facebook, which is also a popular social media. It is possible in some cases, to see the age of Facebook user and it will be particularly interesting to conduct.



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Table 2.1 Internet language features by Danet (2001) and Crystal (2006)
Table 4.1 Type of internet language features used by male
Figure 4.1 example of abbreviations used by male
Figure 4.2 example multiple punctuation used by male


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