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Watershed management_Lecture 36-40


Academic year: 2019

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M odu le 1 0 – ( L3 8 – L4 0 ) :



“W a t e r Con se r va t ion & Re cyclin g


W a t e r Con se r va t ion , Pe r spe ct ive on r e cycle a n d





t i

r e u se , W a st e w a t e r r e cla m a t ion .

4 0

Wat er Reclam at ion & Reuse




Wat er Reclam at ion & Reuse



Wat er Reclam at ion & Reuse

Topics Cove r e d


I nt roduct ion

I nt roduct ion –

– Reclaim ed Wat er

Reclaim ed Wat er

Re cla im e d w a t e r


r e cycle d w a t e r

- form er

wast ewat er

- t reat ed t o rem ove solids & cert ain

im purit ies, & used in

sust ainable landscaping irrigat ion

or t o recharge

groundwat er aquifers


Purpose -

sust ainabilit y


wat er conservat ion

rat her


sust ainabilit y


wat er conservat ion

, rat her

t han discharging t reat ed wat er t o surface wat ers such as

rivers & oceans.

Reclaim ed wat er

- “ End product of wast ewat er

reclam at ion - m eet s wat er qualit y requirem ent s for


I nt roduct ion

t hrough int egrat ion of wat er using act ivit ies or processes) -it help a user t o t arget t he m inim um freshwat er

 Using reclaim ed wat er for non- pot able uses saves pot able

t f d i ki

w at er for drinking

 Usage of wat er reclam at ion decreases t he pollut ion sent t o

sensit ive environm ent s

4 4


Reclaim ed Wat er

Reclaim ed Wat er -- Concerns


 Reclaim ed wat er - highly engineered for safet y & reliabilit y

so t hat t he qualit y of reclaim ed wat er is m ore predict able

t h i t i f & d t

t han m any exist ing surface & groundw at er sources.

 Reclaim ed wat er - safe when appropriat ely used.

 Reclaim ed wat er planned for use in recharging aquifers or  Reclaim ed wat er planned for use in recharging aquifers or

augm ent ing surface wat er receives adequat e & reliable t reat m ent before m ixing wit h nat ural wat er & undergoing nat ural rest orat ion processes

nat ural rest orat ion processes.

 Som e of t his wat er event ually becom es part of drinking

wat er supplies.

 Reclaim ed wat er is oft en dist ribut ed wit h a dual piping

net work t hat keeps reclaim ed wat er pipes com plet ely separat e from pot able wat er pipes.


Reclam at ion Processes

Reclam at ion Processes

Pr e lim in a r y t r e a t m e n t – Ba r scr e e n - solids r e m ova lPr im a r y Tr e a t m e n t - Se t t lin g Ta n k s - Readily set t able

and float able solids are rem oved from t he wast ewat er

Biologica l Tr e a t m e n t - uses m icroorganism s- bact eria

which digest t he sludge and reduce t he nut rient cont ent which digest t he sludge and reduce t he nut rient cont ent

Se con da r y Tr e a t m e n t - Se t t lin g Ta n k s

-m icroorganis-m s t o set t le t o t he bot t o-m - ot her s-m all

t i l d d i t h t i k d l i

part icles suspended in t he w at er are picked up, leaving behind clear wast ewat er.

Te r t ia r y Tr e a t m e n ty - Deep- bed, single- m edia, gravit y p , g , g y

sand filt ers receive wat er from t he secondary basins and filt er out t he rem aining solids.

D isin fe ct ion - Ch lor in e Con t a ct Ta n k s

6 6

D isin fe ct ion - Ch lor in e Con t a ct Ta n k s


Con ce pt of Re u se of W a t e r


is m ost applicable – w here large volum es of

w at er




wast es



t oo

cont am inat ed

Locat ion of t reat m ent plant and possible t ransport

of renovat ed wat er –

I m port ant considerat ions

of renovat ed wat er

I m port ant considerat ions

Treat m ent Processes

Efficient and econom ical

when flow is st eady

Generally in urban areas – I rregular flow

Wast ewat er Reclam at ion


Treat m ent or processing

wast e wat er t o m ake it reusable

wast e wat er t o m ake it reusable


Con ce pt of Re u se of W a t e r

 Direct wast ewat er reuse: requires pipes or ot her

conveyance facilit ies for delivering reclaim ed wat er

 I ndirect use: Discharge of an effluent t o receiving

wat er for assim ilat ion and wit hdrawals downst ream

 Pulp & Paper I ndust ry- Wat er reuse - Predom inant ly  Pulp & Paper I ndust ry Wat er reuse Predom inant ly

pract iced

 Dom est ic reuse: Best recycle opport unit y but am ount

f t l d f ll h t f t h t t l t f

of w at er recycled falls short of t he t ot al am ount of wat er reused

W a r m dr y a r e a sy – Suit able for dom est ic reuse where

t here is a large difference bet ween supplied wat er and wast e wat er due t o losses

8 8


Con ce pt of Re u se of W a t e r

Less risk – Low energy

preferred opt ion

requirem ent

High risk – High energy


preferred opt ion

g gy

requirem ent


Re u se of W a t e r

W a t e r for d i k i

dr in k in g

Unpollut ed wat er

10 10


W a t e r Re cla m a t ion & Re u se

Wat er t reat m ent for drinking w at er

– m eet s

st andards for drinking w at er

l &






Municipal & indust rial uses degrade t he w at er

qualit y

Wast ewat er t reat m ent :

Treat m ent is carried out

Wast ewat er t reat m ent :

Treat m ent is carried out

t o t he point r equired by regulat ory agencies for

prot ect ion of ot her beneficial uses





represent s


qualit y

for reuse





t i





W a t e r Re cla m a t ion & Re u se

Repurified Wat er:

 Generat ed by furt her advanced wast ewat er

reclam at ion t echnologies

 Carbon adsorpt ion, Advanced oxidat ion & reverse

osm osis osm osis

 Generat e m uch higher qualit y t han convent ional

drinking wat er

 Charact er of wast ewat er ent ering in renovat ed plant –

I m port ant and especially indust rial wast e w at er

 EX: Ordinary salt brines, undesirable for if t he

 EX: Ordinary salt brines, undesirable for if t he

renovat ed t o be dem ineralized

12 12


W a t e r Re u se Sch e m e s

 Reuse from various sources – Rainwat er, Drainage syst em s,

sewer syst em s et c.

S h d d i t d d

 Schem e depends on int ended reuse

 Reuse of w ast e wat er

 Source of wast ewat er

 Source of wast ewat er

 Survey of t he sewer syst em- for finding w ast ewat er

availabilit y for reuse

 Highly cont am inat ed w it h m et als or cont aining a high t ot al

concent rat ion of dissolved solids- unaccept able

Delibe at e se of t eat ed ast e at e in planned a is

 Deliberat e use of t reat ed w ast e w at er in planned w ay is


W a t e r Re u se Sch e m e s

Main Even flow t o plant Sludge ret urned sew er

Wast e wat er

Treat m ent Plant Wat er for reuse

Sludge ret urned

e o t o p a t

 Schem e for Reuse from various sources.

14 14


Wat er Reuse

– Planned - developed wit h t he goal of beneficially reusing a recycled wat er supply

recycled wat er supply.

 The wat er reuse m ay be for

– Agricult ural purposes-Agricult ural purposes for agricult ural reuse- prelim inary, for agricult ural reuse prelim inary, prim ary and secondary t reat m ent st eps - fit for discharge t o t he environm ent .

I ndust rial or dom est ic purposes m ay be t ert iary t reat m ent – I ndust rial or dom est ic purposes- m ay be t ert iary t reat m ent required t o rem ove t he m ore residual pollut ant s, especially t he dissolved and refract ory subst ances & m icro- organism s

d di h l d


Type s of W a st e w a t e r Re u se

Reuse of urban w ast ew at er

in agricult ure and

hort icult ure from sewered areas.







ll t d ll h

Reuse of urban wast ew at er

from pollut ed nallahs

draining unsew ered areas.

Reuse in indust rial and com m ercial est ablishm ent s

t o

Reuse in indust rial and com m ercial est ablishm ent s

t o

m eet t he w at er short age.

Reuse in indust ry

t o m eet various ot her obj ect ives

besides relief from w at er short age such as ‘zero


Reuse for m aj or urban & com m unit y developm ent

Reuse for m aj or urban & com m unit y developm ent

purposes; eg. t o augm ent public w at er supplies.

16 16


Reuse in I ndust ries

Typical st rat egy follow ed by m ost of t he indust ries is

as follow s:

– First ly, pract ice as m uch conservat ion of w at er as


Secondly recycle t he fract ion of w ast e w at er w hich

– Secondly, recycle t he fract ion of w ast e w at er w hich

is in relat ively good condit ion & can be recycled back

wit h lit t le or no t reat m ent .

– Thirdly, arrange m ore ‘reuse’ aft er som e t reat m ent

t o m ake t he indust ry’s ow n w ast ew at er fit for reuse.





d d




Wat er Reuse in I ndia – Exam ple 1

M a dr a s Re fin e r ie s & M a dr a s Fe r t iliz e r s Lt d., Ch e n n a i:

 Madras Refineries is producing 12 Mld of reusable

wat er and Madras Fert ilizer is producing 16 Mld of wat er and Madras Fert ilizer is producing 16 Mld of reusable wat er since 1991.

 Here t he Chennai Met ro Wat er Board supplies

d d ( h b / )

secondary t reat ed sewage ( w it h about 120 m g/ L BOD) and t he I ndust ries provide t he furt her required

t reat m ent depending on t heir end- use.

Secondary Treat ed Wast ewat er - > Addit ional Secondary Biological Treat m ent - > Chem ically Aided Set t ling + Pressure Filt rat ion + Am m onia St ripping Carbonat ion Pressure Filt rat ion + Am m onia St ripping, Carbonat ion, Clarificat ion, Pressure Filt rat ion- > Chlorinat ion - >

Sodium Bisulfit e Dosing - > Mult im edia Filt rat ion - > Cart ridge Filt rat ion > Reverse Osm osis > Perm eat e

18 18


Wat er Reuse in I ndia – Exam ple 2

V a doda r a Pilot Pla n t , Gu j a r a t :

 This plant uses highly pollut ed wast ewat er from a

“ effluent disposal channel” int o which several indust ries effluent disposal channel int o which several indust ries ( such as refineries, fert ilizers, pet rochem icals)

discharge t heir raw wast es wit h a capacit y of 3 Mld freshwat er

freshwat er.

 The plant shows t hat at least 75% of wast ewat er could

be m ade reusable at an operat ing cost of Rs. 36/ 1000 lit res. The flow sheet adopt ed in t he plant include:

Wast ewat er - > Chem - feeds ( Lim e, Polyelec, Soda Ash) - >

Clarificat ion- > HCl - > Pressure Filt rat ion - > Sodium Biosulfit e Clarificat ion > HCl > Pressure Filt rat ion > Sodium Biosulfit e - > Cart ridge Filt ers - > Reverse Osm osis - > Degasser t o


Fu t u r e of W a t e r Re u se

Due t o w at er scarcit y -

Wat er reuse increasing


– t hrough recycling/ reclam at ion found t o

b ff

t i


f l

be effect ive and successful.

Prim arily - Nonpot able reuse

- widely accept ed

pract ice t hat w ill cont inue t o grow

pract ice t hat w ill cont inue t o grow.

More advances t echnologies in recycling/

reclam at ion

I ndirect pot able reuse.

More energy efficient

Sust ainable w at er m anagem ent / w at ershed

m anagem ent

P bli pa t i ipat ion & a a eness im po t ant

20 20

Public part icipat ion & awareness im port ant



Re fe r e n ce s

Reuse for I rrigat ion” , CRC Press, London.


Tu t or ia ls - Qu e st ion !.?.

St udy and com pare various case st udies

available on reuse and evaluat e t he

available on reuse and evaluat e t he

benefit s/ cost s.


Se lf Eva lu a t ion - Qu e st ion s!.

Describe t he im port ance of reuse of recycled/

reclaim ed wat er

reclaim ed wat er.

What are t he im port ant reclam at ion



I llust rat e t he “ w at er reuse schem es” .


Assign m e n t - Qu e st ion s?.



What are t he m ain concerns about t he

What are t he m ain concerns about t he

reclaim ed wat er?.

I llust rat e t he concept of “ reuse” of w at er

I llust rat e t he concept of reuse of w at er.

Describe t he t ypes of “ w ast e w at er reuse” .

Whi h

t h l



Which are t he places where reuse is


24 24 24 24


Sum m ary– Course on

“ Wat ershed Managem ent ”

I nt roduce

“ Wat ershed Managem ent ”

& est ablish

it s relevance & concept s.


t he fundam ent al principles, Theories,

Modeling, Analyses & applicat ions



t h

t h

d i t h fi ld f

Dem onst rat e how t hese are used in t he field of

“ Wat ershed Managem ent ” .

Discussed various aspect s of wat ershed & it s

Discussed various aspect s of wat ershed & it s

m anagem ent –

I nt egrat ed Wat ershed

Managem ent Approach


Managem ent Approach



Sum m ary – Course on

“ Wat ershed Managem ent ”


- discussed various aspect s of

wat ershed

developm ent and m anagem ent .

Wat ershed resources –

Land, w at er, Forest s,

Agricult ure, Flora & Fauna.

W t

h d M







i l

Wat ershed Managem ent

: t echnological, social,

ecological, environm ent al, sust ainable issues.

Course Focus

t echnical aspect s of WM;

Course Focus

- t echnical aspect s of WM;

perspect ives on land & w at er m anagem ent ;

analyze com plex issues in wat er m anagem ent and

analyze com plex issues in wat er m anagem ent and

on specific know ledge on issues of WM;

Use of

Modern t echniques in Wat ershed Managem ent


26 26


Sum m ary – Course on

“ Wat ershed Managem ent ”

Course Modules - 10 ( 40L)

 1) I nt roduct ion and Basic Concept s - 3

 2) Sust ainable Wat ershed Approach & Wat ershed

Managem ent Pract ices - 4

 3) I nt egrat ed Wat ershed Managem ent - 4

 3) I nt egrat ed Wat ershed Managem ent 4

 4) Wat ershed Modeling - 7

 5) Social Aspect s of Wat ershed Managem ent - 3) p g

 6) Use of m odern t echniques in wat ershed m anagem ent - 5

 7) Managem ent of Wat er Qualit y - 4

 8) St orm Wat er and Flood Managem ent - 4

 9) Drought Managem ent - 3

10) W t C t i d R li 3


Con clu din g Re m a r k s

I m port ance of

“ Wat ershed Managem ent ”

“ Holist ic approach”

– needed

Wat ershed Managem ent - Different

aspect s &



ll t


“ W t

h d”

& l t d


Course - all aspect s of

“ Wat ershed”

& relat ed issues

Theoret ical aspect s covered in t he best possible w ay

Num ber of case st udies

from various sources given

Num ber of case st udies

from various sources given

Tut orial, self evaluat ion, assignm ent & unsolved

quest ions provided

quest ions provided

Video course w ill be useful for syst em at ic st udy of

‘Wat ershed Managem ent ”

28 28



Con clu din g Re m a r k s

Course w ill be useful t o st udent s -

“ Bachelor,

Mast ers & Ph.D.”

Levels – Civil, Agricult ure,








t l

Geography, Geology, Resources, Environm ent al

Engineering, Hum anit ies, Managem ent et c.



b l

f l


“ T


Course will be also useful t o

“ Teachers”

t eaching “ Wat ershed & Wat er Managem ent ”

relat ed t opics

relat ed t opics.

Also useful -

“ NGOs, Field Engineers,

Pract it ioners Scient ist s Policy & Decision

Pract it ioners, Scient ist s, Policy & Decision

Makers, Gov. agencies & for all w orking in t he

area of Wat ershed Managem ent ” .


Ack n ow le dge m e n t s

Prof. S.G. Joshi, Prof. Anupam K. Singh, Prof.

V.R. Desai & Dr. A. Vinodkum ar –

review of t he




& M t

i l

Course Videos, Slides & Mat erials

Mr. Harsh V. Nunna, Ms. Vardhini V., Dr. M.

Meenal Mr Anand Kulkarni All M Tech & form er

Meenal, Mr. Anand Kulkarni, All M.Tech. & form er

Ph.D. st udent s ( Dr. Venkat Reddy, Dr.

Shahapure S.S., Dr. Geet ha, Dr. R.K. Sahu, Dr.



i &







Reshm idevi &ot hers) –

for Slide preparat ions &

m at erials used in t he present at ion

CDEEP St aff I I T Bom bay –

Video Recording &

CDEEP St aff, I I T Bom bay –

Video Recording &

Edit ing

Fam ily – Wife ( Dr. Manj ush) & Kids ( I ype & Basil)





( yp


– for t he m oral support .


Dr. T. I. Eldho Dr. T. I. Eldho

Professor, Professor,

Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, pp gg gg

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 400 076.

Mumbai, India, 400 076.


Email: eldho@iitb.ac.ineldho@iitb.ac.in


Email: eldho@iitb.ac.ineldho@iitb.ac.in

Phone: (022)


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