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Academic year: 2019



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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

in the English and Education Department







In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.

Hereby the writer fully declares that this thesis is made by the writer herself, and

it is not containing materials written or has been published by other “people” ideas

except the information from the reference.

The writer capable account this for thesis if in the future this thesis can be proved

of containing others idea or in fact the writer imitate the other thesis.

This declaration is made by the writer to be understood.

Salatiga, July 22nd, 2010




Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum, M.Ed

The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE

Salatiga. July22nd, 2010

Case : Siti Muawanah’s Graduating Paper


The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Siti Muawanah’s graduating paper entitled “The Use of Direct Method to Improve the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (A Classroom Action

Research of the Fifth Year Student of SD Negeri Wonokerto Bancak, in The Academic Year of 2009/2010)”. I have decided and would like to propose that if it could

be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.


V /

NIP. 19730815 199903 1 003


This gradu atin g p a p er is w hole heartedfy d ed ica ted to:

1. M y B eloved fa th e r (N v r Q iglhim ) a n d m other (Sum am i) than


a d support, suggestion,

tru st, fin an ce, encouragem ent You are the Best paren ts.

2. M y B eloved o ld Brothers: Jlsnau% a n d TCamdani, th an fo f o r yo u r support, fondness,

togetherness a n d love ''I love you so much


3. M y Best fr ie n d “rTri IQ ifoih” Thanfo f o r yo u r fondness, togetherness from en try here u n til

now , f o r accom panying me to fin ish m y gradu atin g paper a n d love"I love you so m uch’

4. M y sp ecia l someone

* .

M .


th an fo f o r yo u r love, sp irit, p a tien t, suggestion,


5. M y frien d s in <PAI 06: Im ronah a n d I s ti Thanfo f o r yo u r togetherness, especially on the

m y sp ecia l m om ent in S T A IN

6. M y frien d s in S<D W onoforto: Q?afo<Bagus a n d <Bu T ri T h an foforyou rjofo, frien d ly, a n d


7. M y frien d s in TIBI 06 especially m y classm ate in TtBI C

8. The Big fa m ily af<PM II fom isariat J o fo Ting fo r S a la tig a


universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of

the requirement for Saijana Pendidikan in English Department of Education

faculty State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2010.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to Prophet Muhammad

SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without those supports,

guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individual and institution, and I

somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the Head of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN)


2. Suwardi, S.Pd, as a chief of Education Faculty.

3. Ruwandi, S. Pd. MA, as the previous chief of English Department.

4. Maslihatul Umami, S.Pd.i, MA as a chief of English Department.

5. Hanung Triyoko, M. Hum. M. Ed, as a consultant who has educated,

supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion, an

recommendation for this thesis from beginning until the end.

6. Dr. H. Sa’adi, M. Ag, as a consultant of academic.

7. All of the lecturers in English department

8. All of the staff who have helped the writer in processing of thesis



Finally this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

knowledge and information to the readers. And the writer is pleased to accept

more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the

graduating paper.

Salatiga, July 22nd ,2010


Siti Mu ’awanah. 2010. the use o f direct method to improve the students

vocabularymastery(a classroom action research o f the fifrhyear studens o f SD Negeri wonokerto bancak, in the academic year o f2009/2010)

This study focuses on the use of direct method to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. The objective are to find out the English’s taught at SD Negeri Wonokerto, to find out can the using of direct methods improve the students’ vocabulary mastery, to find out the teaching and learning situation when the teacher uses direct method, to find out best implement direct method to improve student’s vocabulary mastery, and to find out the strength and the weakness of implementing direct method in vocabulary mastery.

Based on conclusion cycle I, conclusion cycle II, and conclusion cycle III (P.61) shows that student activities at class indicate that students were motivated and interested in learning English lesson. The mean score of pretest 54.5 to 69 in post test cycle I, the mean score of pretest 61 to 71.5 in post test cycle II, and the mean score of pretest 63.5 to 78.5 in posttest cycle III. The result tells that direct method can improve students’ vocabulary mastery. From the score verbal cycle I show the mean of pretest is 54.5. The result of the action shows that using direct method can improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The implementation of direct method is reasonable because it can give the students a great motivation in learning vocabulary.


TITLE... i




MOTTO... v





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study... 1

B. Statement of the Problem... 3

C. The Objectives of the Study... 3

D. The Significance of the Study... 3

E. Definition of Term... 5

F. Hypothesis... 7

G. Research Methodology... 7

H. The System of the Thesis Presentation... 12


C. The General Concept of Direct M ethod...27

CHAPTER HI RESEARCH REPORT A. General Situation of SD N Wonokerto... 34

B. The Situation of Educational Facilities and Tools.... 34

C. The Situation of The Teachers and Staffs... 36

D. The Situation of the Students... 37

E. Organization Structure... 38


1. Cycle I ... 39

2. Cycle I I ... 47

3. Cycle H I... 50

B. Score Verbal of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery... 54

1. Score verbal result of pre-test... 54

2. Score verbal result of post-test...56

3. The result of difference score between pre-test and post-test... 59


C. Suggestion... 66



A. The Background of the Study

Human beings need each other. To make a good communication,

let alone, as a social culture we need to communicate and language is a means

to communicate with other. Language is used by people to express and

receive some information, message, emotions and so on. There are many

kinds of languages used by people such as English, Dutch, India, French,

Spanish, Arab, Indonesia, etc. It depends on where the people live. English in

Indonesia is the foreign language.

Nowadays English becomes important. It is the key to international

currencies of technology, science, as well as commerce. As an international

language, English has gained its popularity all over the world including

Indonesia. In the past English was only taught in secondary schools. In

current years, however, the teaching of English is expanding into primary

or elementary school setting.

At present days, there are many elementary schools that teach English

not only as a local subject but also as compulsory subject. English has been

taught beginning from the first year to the sixth year. In junior high school,

English is taught as a compulsory subject and also as a basic knowledge to

master English in senior high school and higher education level (university).

Teaching English in Elementary school is different from teaching English in

higher level.


Teaching English in Elementary School is more focused on

vocabulary than on grammar. Reading and writing exercise are based on what

the students practice orally first. Pronunciation is also received special

attention. Vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to

typical language learner. Without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot

communicate effectively or express his ideas in both oral in written form.

Having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier that precludes learners from

learning a foreign language. (Fauziati,2002:155)

It is undeniable that most learners’ of vocabulary grows through

incidental learning such as through continuous exposure to

comprehensible language in reading, listening, speaking, and writing

exercises. Even though they are keen reader with different materials, take a

lot of benefits from direct vocabulary instruction. They can effectively

expand their vocabulary knowledge. Thus, meaningful and interesting

instruction should of course be organized to achieve successful learning.

Teaching vocabulary for elementary school needs an appropriate

method. The students must know not only the words but also the

pronunciation, the spelling, the shape and the meaning of the words.

Moreover in SD Negeri Wonokerto, in this school English teaching start

from fourth grade different with other Elementary which English teaching

start from first grade. Based on the explanation above, the writer wants to

conduct a classroom action research on teaching English using direct method

in an elementary school. She takes SD Negeri Wonokerto Bringin as the place


Students taught using direct method need to associate the meaning,

the spelling and the target language directly. To do this, the teacher

introduces new target language words or phrases by demonstrating their

meaning through the use of object, and picture; abstract vocabulary was

though by association of idea.(Richard and Rodgersl986: 10). Finally,

based on the whole explanation above the writer is interested in this study.

She is interested in observing “THE USE OF DIRECT METHOD TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY (A Classroom Action Research Students of Fifth Grade SD Negeri Wonokerto Bancak in Academic Year 2009/2010)”as well as to train the student to spell the word correctly.

B. The Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the study, this research is aimed at giving

answers on the following problems:

Can the use of direct method improve the students’ vocabulary mastery on

fifth grade of SD Negeri Wonokerto?

C. Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are:

To find out whether the use of direct methods can improve the students’

vocabulary mastery

D. Significance of the study

This study is expected to give practical and theoretical benefit.


a. For the writer

The findings of the research can be used as a starting point in

improving the writer’s teaching ability, especially teaching


b. For the students

The findings of this research will enhance the students’


c. For the English teacher

By teaching vocabulary using direct method, it will motivate

the students to be interested in learning English vocabulary.

And the finding of this research can be used as a consideration

in selecting the appropriate methods or techniques

implemented in English case especially in SD Negeri


d. For the other researches

The finding of this research can be used as one of the

references in conducting a research on English language

teaching, especially in the implementation of direct method.

e. For SD Negeri Wonokerto

The result of this research will improve the institution’s quality

especially in the English teaching learning process,

b. Theoretically


a. The result of the research paper can be used as input in English

teaching learning process especially for teaching vocabulary

using direct method.

b. The result of the research can be used as the reference for those

who want

to conduct a research in English teaching learning process.

c. The result of this study hopefully strengthens the knowledge of

the theory of direct method in vocabulary mastery.

E. Definition of Terms

1. Using

The base word of “using” is “use”. The definition of use is to put

into action or use, to control or direct the functioning of, informal, to

take advantage of unfairly, and to be depleted. (Roget’s II, 1980:1020)

2. Direct Method

The Direct Method is the learning of language in a relevant setting.

This method has one basic rule and that is that no translation is

allowed. The meaning of the name "Direct Method" comes from the

fact that meaning is to be conveyed directly into the second language

through demonstration and visual aids, (http://www.saskschools.com,

Wednesday, 20 January: 12.30)


We can find the word of improve which has the meaning of

improve as to make better in quality or to make more

productive (Danbury, 2004:487)

In other words we can find the meaning of improve, some Theories

give the definitions about improves as the activities to raise on a the

productivity or value of land or property.

(http://www.thefreedictionary.com.saturday, 23 January: 11:55)

4. Students

On the teaching and learning process, there are some elements to

support the process of teaching and learning. The some elements of

this process for example teacher, students, material etc. The once of

crucial elements are students.

Student is a person attending an educational intuition, for example

high school or collage, one studying anything, one devoted to careful

and systematic study. (Grolier, 1974:972).

Inside of those definitions above, there are some definitions about

the word of students. Student can give the meaning of one who

enrolled or attends classes at a school, college, or university or a

learned person (especially in the humanities); some one who by long

study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines.

(http://www.theffeedictionary.com. Saturday 23 January 11:30)


Vocabulary is the stock of words used by a people, or a particular

uses or person, or a list of collection of the word of a language, book,

author, and branch of science or the like, in alphabetical order and


In other definition says that vocabulary is a collection of word

alphabetized a dictionary and the collection of word one know and

uses. (Http: //www.allwords.com, Saturday 23 January 11:40).

Grolier also says that vocabulary is a list of words and often

phrases, usually arranged alphabetically and defined or translated a

lexicon or glossary. All the word of language, the sum of word used

by, understood by, or at the command of a particular person, social

group, profession, trade or the like. (Grolier,1981:l 12).

F. Hypothesis

The researcher tries to determine the hypothesis of the research.

The hypothesis of this research is “there is an improvement toward

students’ vocabulary mastery”.

G. Methodology

1. The setting of the research

The research conducted at Elementary School for SD

Negeri Wonokerto on Jl. Sultan Agung No. 5 Bancak. The research

applied to the students of fifth grade. The students are from various

areas with various levels of economic families. Most of students have


under average ability. Those having above average ability have

sufficient vocabularies. The research conducted from April 2010 to

May 2010.

2. The Methodology of Research

The research method used in this study is action research.

There are some definitions of action research. The first deification is

given by kemmis that action research is from of collective self-

reflective inquiry undertaken by participant in social situation in order

to improve the rationally and justice of their own social or educational

practices, as well as understanding of this practices and the situation in

which these practices are carried out. (Wibawa, 2003:7)

The second definition action research is the research which

doing by the teachers on their class through self reflective inquiry with

the aim to make the better work so can improving the result of students

learning. (Aqib, 2009:3)

3. The Procedures of Research

This study used classroom action research, so in this case

the writer used some steps as kemmis stated. There are three cycles in

this action research in each cycle, the produces are as follows:

1. Planning

The activities the planning is:

a. Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and designing the


b. Preparing list of students’ name and scoring.

b. Teaching vocabulary by direct method.

c. Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or


d. Asking the students some questions orally and students have

to answer orally about the theme.

e. Giving pretest.

process. He plans this observation fixable and writes something

that happened in the classroom.


The result of the observation is analyzed it is to

remember what happened that has been written in observation.

Reflection seeks to make sense of process, problems and real

issues in strategic action. It took account of the comprehend the

issues and circumstances in which they arose. Reflection has an

evaluative aspect, it asks the writer to weight the experience, to

judge whether effects were desirable, and suggest ways of

proceeding. The writer’s reflection is done by discussing with his

collaborator. Then the next cycle can decided or designed.

The procedures are briefly described in the following scheme:

Cycle I

Alternative of solving the problem

(plan of action) i = >

Problems C Action I

Reflection I






Cycle II Action I has not

given satisfactory


Plan of action II 1----y Action II f l .

Reflection II


Data Analysis | Observation II

Cycle III


Action I has not given satisfactory



Plan of action III |---- Action III


Reflection III Data Analysis ---- 1 Observation III

4. Technique of Collecting Data.

In this study, the write used written test, and observation in

collecting data. Written test (pretest and posttest) are used to know the


of the teaching and learning process when the method is applied. It is

very important in this case, not only to know their own feeling, but

also to know how they attitude in the classroom when the process of

teaching and learning.

5. Techniques of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next step of the study was

analyzing the data. The data were the result of pretest 1, 2, 3, and

posttest 1, 2, 3, there action. In analyzing the test scores of the written

test, a statistical technique used to find the mean score of the student.

The score technique is counting the percentage of the student who can

answer and cannot answer oral test in action 1, 2, 3, from the

observation sheets, the students’ behavior during the action is


H. The System of the Thesis Presentation

This thesis is divided into five chapters.

Chapter I is contains of introduction which covers the background

of the study; the theoretical framework, hypothesis, the methodology of

research, the procedures of research that there are 3 cycle which consist of

planning, action, observation and reflection, than technique of collecting

data and technique of data analysis.

In chapter II, the writer presents the review of related literature of

the study be describing theoretical foundation and research hypothesis,


the using of direct method in the process of teaching and learning, the

strengths and weaknesses of the using of direct method, and the teaching

of vocabulary through direct method.

In chapter III writer present about the brief report of research that

consist of general situation of SD N Wonokerto in academic year

2009/2010. The histories of the school, geographical placed the education

condition of teacher and students, the condition of the medium and the


In chapter IV writer, present the data analysis of the data

interpretation that discusses the result of the test.

In chapter, V the writer ends the thesis by giving conclusion and


A. The General Concept of Classroom Action Research

Action research is classroom-based research conducted by teachers

in order to reflect upon and evolve their teaching. It is a systematic,

documented inquiry into one aspect of teaching and learning in a specific

classroom. The purpose of teacher research is to gain understanding of

teaching and learning within one’s classroom and to use that knowledge to

increase teaching efficacy/student learning.

(http://www.classroomaction.com. Monday, May 17: 10.15) Reflective

teachers do this every day, only not as carefully and systematically. With

training and support, you can learn how to systematize your inquiry from

informal reflection and teacher story sharing to formal research.

According to Elliot (in Hopkins, 1993: 45) action research might

be defined as the study of a social situation with a view to improve the

quality of action within it. In action research theories are not validated

independently and then applied to practice. They are validated through


Arikunto (2006: 3) divided three components in classroom action

research, there are:

a. Research


An activity to observe the object by use of ways and methodologies to

get the useful data or information to improve the quality of thing and

that is necessary for researcher.

b. Action

A motion of activity deliberated to action with certain purpose, in the

form of activity are cycle network for the student.

c. Classroom

A group of students, they get a lesson from a teacher in the same

time. She was conclude that classroom action research means

monitoring toward teaching learning process in the form of an action,

which is deliberated on action and occur in the class.

Action research deals with social practice. Education is a social

practice. In most cases, it involves the direct interaction of teacher and

groups of students. Classroom is complex arenas, secondary schools are

lives of intrigue and conspiracy. Trying to reach understanding of issues

concerned with teaching and learning, therefore, implies getting to grips

with a work range of human issues such as the attitude of students, the

politics within departments and the ethos an environment of the institution.

The aim of action research is to feed practical judgment in concrete

situation, and the validity of the theories or hypothesis it is not generate

depends so much on scientific test of truth as an their usefulness in helping

people to act more intelligently and skillfully. In resent years, action


and in service education, particularly within the field of self-evaluation

(Arikunto: 2006: 57).

1. The Characteristic of Classroom Action Research

Syamsuddin and Damaianti (2007: 197) outline the following

characteristics of classroom action research:

a. It examines problem which are deemed problematic by researcher

in teaching learning process.

b. The researcher can give treatment which planed action to solve the

problems and improve the quality, so the subject can get the


c. The steps of research in the form of cycle.

d. Such reflective thinking from researcher both after and before


e. Contextual situational, which related to diagnosing and solving the


f. Classroom action research used collaborative approach.

g. Participatory, which each team member accompany in the research.

h. Self-evaluative, which the researcher evaluate by self continually

to improve the performance.

i. The procedure of research is on-the-spot which designed to handle

the real problem in that area.

j. The result applied immediately, long-range in perspective,


2. The Objective of Classroom Action Research

The objective of classroom action research is active of thing

and can be activity (Aqib, 2006: 27-29). That objects as follows:

a. Student

e. Element result of learning

Taken as target which must reach through learning, both

achievement level and formation.

f. Environmental

The student’s environmental in class, school, or in the home.


The move of activity which easy to arranged, engineered in the

form of action.

3. The steps of classroom action research

a. The first step is choosing a research question: it should be specific,

answerable, and lead to significant information on an aspect of

teaching or learning. Reflective teachers generally have questions

in their minds about what they observe in the classroom; this can

be a good place to start. If you don’t have a question in mind,

keeping a teaching journal of observations and questions can

provide potential questions. As you choose a question, be sure that

it is not too general or too big to be answered given your resources.

b. The second step is deciding what information you need in order to

answer your question and how it can be collected. Data can be

collected in a number of ways: by keeping a teacher journal of

observations, conducting student interviews, giving out

questionnaires, and testing. An instrument may already be

available to collect the information; for example, if you wish to

assess oral proficiency, the SOPI is a proven assessment tool.

However, you may need to develop your own instrument, for

example, a questionnaire specific to your classroom practices.

c. Third, the data must be analyzed. Organized narrative data is

perfectly valid in research. Basic statistical calculations are easily


investigating differences between male and female students, simple

statistical and narrative comparisons can be made.

d. The next step is to organize and write up the research and results.

This can be done informally, for your own information and perhaps

to share with colleagues, or more formally, to be shared and

disseminated to a wider audience in articles or presentations.

e. The final step is for the teacher to incorporate the results of the

research into classroom practice. Your research will give you a

basis for deciding to retain successful instructional practices,

modify those that are less successful, or introduce new practices to

address problem areas. (http://www.classroomaction.com.

Monday, May 17: 10.20)

B. The General Concept of Vocabulary

A vocabulary is defined as "all the words known and used by a

particular person. (Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary)

Vocabulary is basic to communication. If acquirers do not recognize the

meanings of the key words used by those who address them, they will be

unable to participate in the conversation. And if they wish to express

some idea or ask for information, they must be able to produce lexical

items to convey their meaning.

Vocabulary is also very important for the acquisition process. The

popular is belief is that one uses form and grammar to understand


carrier of meaning. Beginners often manage to communicate in English

by using the accumulative effect of individual word. (Scrivener, 1994:


1. The status of vocabulary in the curriculum

The status of vocabulary has been considerably enhanced. This has

come partly as result of the development of communicative

approaches to language teaching, and partly through the stimulus of

comprehension based method such as the natural approach (Krashen

and Terrell, 1983: 11)

Rivers on the book “Language Teaching Methodology” has also

argued that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for

successful second language use because, without an extensive

vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structures and functions we

may have learned for comprehensible communication. (Nunan, 1991:


2. The role of vocabulary in the classroom: five initial conclusions:

a. Vocabulary is very important and needs to be dealt with

systematically in its own right

b. Our job does not finish as soon as a learner has first met some

new vocabulary


d. We need to distinguish between vocabulary for productive and

for receptive recognition and adapt our classroom work


e. We need to deal not only with single word lexical items, but also

with longer, multi-word item. (Scrivener, 1994: 75)

3. Vocabulary growth

Initially, in the infancy phase, vocabulary growth requires no

effort. Infants hear words and mimic them, eventually associating

them with objects and actions. This is the listening vocabulary. The

speaking vocabulary follows, as a child's thoughts become more

reliant on its ability to express itself without gestures and mere

sounds. Once the reading and writing vocabularies are attained -

through questions and education - the anomalies and irregularities of

language can be discovered.

In first grade, an advantaged student (i.e. a literate student) knows

about twice as many words as a disadvantaged student. Generally,

this gap does not tighten. This translates into a wide range of

vocabulary size by age five or six, at which time an English-speaking

child will know about 2,500-5,000 words. An average student learns

some 3,000 words per year, or approximately eight words per day.


After leaving school, vocabulary growth reaches a plateau. People

may then expand their vocabularies by engaging in activities such as

reading, playing word games, and participating in vocabulary


4. Vocabulary in use

a. Core vocabulary

One way of looking at the status of words in lexical fields is

to consider whether some words are more core, or central to the

language, than other. The idea that there might be a core or basic

vocabulary of words at the heart of any language is quite an

appealing one to language educator. (McCarthy, 1990: 49)

Example of core words and how we might distinguish,

consider the set of words comprising the lexical field of ‘having a

weight above the norm’ we have in English fat, obese, overweight,

plump, podgy, stout, and several other words. We would probably

guess that fat was the most frequent. We can also say about fat that

is would normally be used to describe or define the other words,

bur not vice-versa. (Carrell, 1987: 81)

b. Procedural vocabulary

Identifying items in the lexicon that seem to carry a heavy

work-load ( e.g. the core vocabulary) must include a consideration

of how some words are characteristically used to talk about words,


communication. Widdowson (1983) describes this kind of

vocabulary as procedural. The key procedural or indexical words

such as contain, divided, affect, same, and so on enable me, a

complete newcomer to the field of endocrine system. (McCarthy,

1990: 50)

5. The stage of vocabulary

a. Classroom technique

Teacher can devise various activities relevant for promoting

vocabulary learning. Several sample activities presented here can

be integrated into second language instruction to promote

vocabulary learning and to support language skill development.

(Fauziati, 2002:159) That is, as follow:

• Semantic networks,

A semantic network consists of words which share

semantic features or semantic components. A componential

analysis can show what related and differentiates members of

a particular semantic network. This principle can be used to

teach vocabulary.

Carter (1998: 215) on Endang fauziati book, gives example

of word sets and grids provided by Rudska et.al. as follow:

1. Show the way in which the semantic components of the


2. Make a scale which marks degrees of intensity attaching to


3. Show the way in which such exercises can be carried out

collaboratively, there are often extremely revealing of

learners’ lexical knowledge.

• Memorization,

Memory is also very important in the development of a

second language, and it is vocabulary which requires more

generous treatment for memorization compared with other

aspects of second language development.

• Context

It is undeniable that developing vocabulary can be managed

through inferring word meaning from its context is quite

possible. He assembles the steps as follows (Nation in Carter


1. Look at the unknown word and decide its part of speech

2. Look at the clause or sentence containing the unknown


5. Check if your guess is correct

• The word wall approach

The word wall technique is developed by Green (1993). It is

originally designed to challenge and motivate first language

students in elementary and secondary classrooms to develop

vocabulary learning and to internalize new vocabulary,

b. Presenting vocabulary

To present vocabulary the teacher has decided to teach a

related set of words, for example, items of clothing: shirt, trousers,

jacket, sock, dress, jeans. The teacher has a number of options

available. First, there is the question of how many words to

present. This will depend on the following factors:

• The level of the learners

• The learners’ likely familiarity with the words

• The difficulty of the item

• Their “teach ability’, whether, for example, the can be easily

explained or demonstrated.

• Whether items are being learned for production (in speaking

and writing) or for recognition only (as in listening and

reading). (Thombury, 2002: 75-76)

Furthermore, the number of new words presented should not


decided on the number of items to teach, there is then the choice of

the sequence of presentation, either:

• Meaning first, then form, or

• Form first, then meaning

In the first option the teacher could, for example, hold up a

picture of a shirt (the meaning), and then say It ’s shirt (the form).

In ‘form first’ presentation she could say shirt a number of times,

have the students repeat the word, and only then point to the


The next set of choices relates to the means of presentation -

whether to present the meaning through: translation, real things,

pictures, actions/ gestures, definition, or situation. And whether to

present the word in its: spoken form, or written form. (Thombury,

2002: 77)

c. Vocabulary tests

The purpose of vocabulary tests is to measure the

comprehension and production of words used in speaking or

writing. Four general kinds of vocabulary tests are presented:

1. Limited respond, is for beginners. These tests items require

either a simple physical action like pointing at something or a


2. Multiple-choice complete, is a tests in which a sentence with a

missing word is presented; students choose one of four

vocabulary items given to complete the sentence.

3. Multiple-choice paraphrase, is a tests in which a sentence with

one words underlined is given. Students choose which of four

words is the closest in meaning to the underlined item.

4. Simple completion (words), has students write in the missing

part of words that appear in sentences. (Madsen, 1983: 12)

C. The General Concept of Direct Method

The reaction to grammar-based approaches and the subsequent call

to use more traditional ways of learning other languages came from

diverse sources and in different ways with various labels. The approaches

have been called natural, psychological, phonetic, new, reform, direct,

analytic, imitative, and so forth. What they have in common is that they

refer to traditional ways of learning based on the use of language in

communicative situations usually without recourse to native language.

(Cole, 1931:55)

The first trend to establish itself with a name was the natural

method. The report of the Committee of twelve in 1901 originated by

the Modem Language Association describes it as follow:

In its extreme form the method consisted of a series of monologues

by the teacher interspersed with exchanges of question and answer


gesticulation, by attentive listening, and by dint of much repetition

the learner came to associate certain acts and objects with certain

combinations of the sounds and finally reached the point of

reproducing the foreign words of phrase. The study grammar was

reserved for a still later period.

The so-called psychological method was similar. Its basic

characteristic was that the instructor attempted to make association of

ideas either with each other or with something concrete. Frequently

used were objects, diagrams, charts and pantomime was a frequent


The series method advocated by Francois Gouin was perhaps the

best known technique used by the psychological methodologists. The

technique is simple: it consists of relating activities in a series relating

to a specific activity.

The phonetic method belongs also in this group because of its

insistence on oral expression. The students were drilled first in the

discrimination and production of the sounds of the new language using

short idiomatic phrases and making liberal use of phonetic symbols.

The direct method was also very popular in certain circle in the

United Stated at the beginning of the 20th century. It is, with minor

modification, the method preferred by academies and specialized

schools whose sole purpose is to train persons in skills in another


The Direct Method is the learning of language in a relevant setting.

This method has one basic rule and that is that no translation is allowed.

The meaning of the name "Direct Method" comes from the fact that

meaning is to be conveyed directly into the second language through

demonstration and visual aids. (http://www.saskschools.com,

Wednesday, 20 January: 12.30)

1. The principles of the Direct Method are as follows:

Classroom was conducted exclusively in the target language;

Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught;

Oral communication skills were build up in a carefully graded

progression organized around question and answer exchanges

between teachers and students in small, intensive class;

Grammar was taught inductively;

New teaching points were introduced orally;

Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects,

and pictures, whereas abstract vocabulary was taught by

association of ideas;

Both speech and listening comprehension were taught; and

Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasizes. (Richards

and Rodgers, 1993: 9 -10)

The main purpose of direct method is mastery of foreign language


(Subyako-Nababan, 1993: 16) Using on this method like native speaker. To reach

this purpose, learners had had given exercises to understand words and

sentences with meaning although demonstration, shows, actions, also

mime. (E.g. This is a ..., I’ am writing, He’s smiling)

2. Strategies using direct method (http://www.saskschools.ca/,

Wednesday, 20 January: 12.35):

a. Question & Answer: The teacher asks questions of any nature and

the students answer. In preparation for this activity the teacher

models, extensively, the use of complete answers to questions.

Objective: Experiment with words and sentence patterns to create

interest and variety.

b. Dictation: The teacher chooses a grade appropriate passage from a

book and reads the text aloud three times. The first time the passage

is read the students only listen. The second time the passage is read

it is read phrase by phrase, with the teacher pausing long enough for

students to write down what they have heard. The third time the text

is read, it is read at normal speed and the students check their work.

Objective: Listen attentively, courteously, and purposefully to a

range of texts from a variety of cultural traditions for pleasure and


c. Reading Aloud: Students take turns reading sections of a passage,

play, or dialog out loud. At the end of each student's turn the teacher

uses gestures, pictures, examples, or role play to help the students

make meaning of the text.

Objective: Orally and silently read a range of contemporary and

classical grade appropriate texts for enjoyment and information.

c. Getting Students to Self-Correct: The teacher when provided with

the opportunity should have the students self-correct by offering

them a choice between what they said and the proper pronunciation.

For example if the student says, "I have Cree apples," the teacher

should say, "Do you have Cree apples or three apples?"

Objective: Reflect on speaking behaviors and strategies.

d. Map Drawing: Students are provided with a blank map of Canada.

The teacher gives specific instructions to the students.

Objectives: Listen purposefully to determine the main ideas and

important details; use language appropriate to audience, purpose,

and situation.

To have a clearer picture of how Direct Method is implemented in

the classroom, the following are the techniques outlined by Intosh


1. Lessons begin with a brief anecdote or dialogue in the target

language, and in modem conversational style.

2. The material is first presented orally with actions or pictures.

3. The mother tongue is never used

4. The preferred type of exercise is a series of questions in the

target language based on the anecdote or dialogue, and answered

in the target language.

5. Verbs are used first and systematically conjugated much later.

6. Advanced students read literature for comprehension and


7. The culture associated with the target language is also taught


3. Subyako-Nababan (1993: 16) explains the strengths and weakness of

direct method:

a. The strengths of direct method:

1. Learners always give attention

2. Learners know much of words


4. Learners get much try on the conversation, especially topics

which have teaching in the classroom.

b. The weakness of direct method:

1. This method has principles, probably can used by private schools

which have few the lessons. But, this method can’t used by state

schools which have more he lessons

2. This method require teacher which can speak fluently like native


A. General Situation of SD N Wonokerto

SDN Wonokerto is one of elementary schools in Wonokerto

village, Bancak sub district, Semarang regency, other Islamic elementary

school there. The location is very strategies. It is located in front of local

district administer Wonokerto. Exactly the location of this school is in

Sultan Agung street number 5 Wonokerto.

Most of people there have a job as farmer. Many people have

knowledge more about Islamic religion can be said as religious people.

Because of that the parents more give motivation to their children to teach

religion education than common education. There are two of Islamic

elementary school (MI) and one of State Elementary school. Thought of

people like that, they more interest education in MI, because besides get

science of religion, but also get science of common. So that way SD N

Wonokerto have 92 students while MI almost 200 students.

B. The Situation of Educational Facilities and Tools

Table I

Educational Facilities and Tools in SD N Wonokerto

Academic Year 2009/2010

0. Facilities Total Condition

1. Typewriter 1 Fine


2. Black board 7 Fine

3. Absence board 6 Fine

4. Map 4 Fine

5. Globe 1 Fine

6. Cupboard 8 Fine

7. Chair 60 Fine

8. Table 58 Fine

9. Desk 25 Fine

10. Tend 2 Fine

11. O’clock 4 Fine

12. Tool clean 18 Fine

13. Stove 1 Fine

14. Weight 1 Fine

15. Common Book 112 Fine

16. Social Book 99 Fine

17. Indonesian Book 99 Fine

18. Mathematic Book 99 Fine

19. Physics Book 103 Fine

20. Musical Instrument 1 Fine

21. Tool Volley 1 Fine

22. Tool Table tennis 2 Fine


24. Television 2 Fine

25. Speaker 1 Fine

26. Computer 3 Fine

27. Vcd/Dvd 2 Fine

28. Parabola 1 Fine

29. Classroom 6 Fine

30. Teacher room 1 Fine

31. Library 1 Fine

32. UKS 1 Fine

33. Canteen 1 Fine

34. Teacher’s Toilet 1 Fine

35. Student’s Toilet 2 Fine

C. The Situation of The Teachers and Staffs

Table II

The Situation of Teacher and Staff of SD N Wonokerto

Academic Year 2009/2010

No. Name Official Status Position

1. Harmidi, S.Pd Civil servant The head master

2. Siti Qoriah, A. Ma Civil servant The teacher of religion

3. Mahmud, A. Ma Civil servant The teacher of the 2nd class


5. Siti Salamah, A.Ma.Pd Civil servant The teacher of the 1st class

6. Tri Tuwuh, A.Ma.Pd Civil servant The teacher of the 6to class

7. Hami, S.pd Civil servant The teacher of sport

8. Siti Zumaroh, A.Ma Civil servant The teacher of the 5th class

9. Nurul Istikhomah Acting teacher The teacher of the 3m class

10. Siti Muawanah Acting teacher The teacher of English

11. Kamari Civil servant The guard

D. The Situation of The Students

Table HI

The Situation of Students of SD N Wonokerto

Academic Year 2009/2010

No. Class Male Female Total

1. I 6 8 14

2. II 7 8 15

3. III 13 9 22

4. IV 9 8 17

5. V 3 7 10

6. VI 6 9 15


E. Organization Structure

Organization Structure of SD N Wonokerto



b. List of students’ name

c. Teaching aids (e.g. picture, flash card, real thing, real thing model, tape

recorder )

d. Sheet for classroom observation

1. Curriculum/Core Content Observed


A. Current unit of study is aligned to standards for age group.

B. Interventions are focused on student need and documented

2. Assessment

A. Teacher utilizes appropriate questioning skills


C. Assessment involves critical thinking

3. Instruction

A. Research based practices used to engage all students

B. Instruction reviews prior knowledge

C. Class objectives/essential questions are used

D. Instruction addresses varied learning styles

E. Lesson uses manipulatives/technology

F. Students can articulate goals for learning

4. Culture

A. Teacher has high expectations for all students

B. Teacher has a good rapport with students

C. Teacher manages classroom behavior effectively

D. Students are engaged in classroom activity

5. Leadership

A. Classroom routines are consistently practiced

6. Organization

A. Teacher uses varied grouping strategies.

B. Materials organized and easily accessible by students

C. Transitions are performed without disruption

7. Planning


Student Work Displayed □ Teacher Demonstration □

Technology Available □ Appropriate Resources □

Cooperative Group Activity □

e. Tests (pretest and posttest)

The models of pretest and posttest in cycle I is almost same consist of

two exercises that is, exercise one the students complete the sentences with

look at the picture and answer the question, and exercise two there are two

columns consist of English language and Indonesian language. The students

match the columns with the correct translation. But in the posttest is more

difficult than pretest. The students are let independent to answer the

question and match of time from number to sentences, even there is short

story to understand of the students.

2. The implementation of the action

On Wednesday, the seventh of April 2010 the teacher and the writer

entered her English class. Then she introduced the mode of presentation in

studying vocabulary. The steps are as follow. Use English language to teach,

rarely to use Indonesian language, explain clearly but not give meaning

directly, the students let to think or look for that meaning with picture, mime,

real thing. Before the lesson, she gave pretest to the class for about 30 minutes.


time and daily activities. I have o’clock on the blackboard, the way to write and

read o’clock is minute first then hour (the teacher wrote on black board: hour

past/to minute). For example: (the teacher turned hand of o’clock to some of

number) it is ten past five. “ How to use to?” one of students questioned. “Past

use if long hand of o’clock show between twelve and six, and to use between

six and twelve (teacher while o’clock), but we write minus to hour so not

appropriate writing of numeral of time. For example: 02.50, it is ten to three.

May not, it is two past fiftieth.

The teacher : “Do you understand?”

The students : “No, sulit bu (difficult mom).”

The teacher : “Ini tidak sulit, munkin kalian belum terbiasa, (this is not

difficult, may be you yet usual) mana yang sulit?” (where is the


The students : “Itu kok bisa jadi tiga bu? (students showed one of example).”

The teacher

(why it can become three, moml)

: “this mean is sepuluh menit lagi jam tiga bias juga jam tiga

kurang sepuluh menit.” (this mean is ten to three)

The students : “Jadi to itu artinya kurang bu?” (so, to have mean kurang)

The teacher : “No, to have mean ke, but appropriated with the contexs, here

can mean menuju, so can translate sepuluh menit lagi menuju

jam tiga. Do you understand?”


you silent and I will give question about time, if you can answer

you can go out, but if can’t answer still stay here.

All of students silent and waited the question from teacher. Then

teacher gave question to the students one by one. “Evi 03.15?” It is three past

quarter, Evi answered.” No. It is a quarter past three, Evi answered again.”

Good, please go out. Then Siti 01.50? Siti answered: It is one past fiftieth. No,

other. “Saya bu,” (Vikki rises his hand). Ok. It is ten to one. “Still wrong,

teacher said.” That activity has finished after almost of students got the

question. Just some of students haven’t question, because time to break had


On Wednesday, the fourteenth of April 2010, she entered the English

class. This is the situation.

The teacher : “Good morning, students?”

The students : “Good morning, mom.”

The teacher : “How are you today?’

The students : “I’m fine thank you and you?”

The teacher : “I’m fine too, thank you. What time is it?”

Siti : “Jam setengah sepuluh.” {half past nine)

The teacher : “In English, please!”

Siti : “mmm... a half past nine.”

The teacher : “Good.” Bagaimana yang lain masih ingat pelajaran kemaren


lesson, how the way to write and read time in English?)

The students : “Menit dulu past atau to jam.” (Minute first past or to hour)

The teacher : “Very good. Now, we will study about daily activity, what

mean of daily activity, Titik?”

Titik : “Tidak tahu bu, activity itu aktifitas kalau daily tidak tahu.” (/

don ’t know, activity is aktifitas if daily, 1 don ’t know)

The teacher : “Maksudnya aktivitas sehari-hari.” (the mean is daily activity)

The teacher started to explain about daily activity. She used pictures which

there are meaning of word in English each picture to explain. After then, the

teacher gave picture to each student.

The teacher : “Sudah bawa gambar semua? Sekarang kalian berkelompok,

setiap kelompok minimal tiga orang, buat minimal tiga kalimat

sesuai gambar yang kalian bawa dilengkapi waktu! For example:

it is takes a bath (teacher showed one of picture, the sentence is I

take a bath at 06.00. Subjectnya boleh siapa saja” (have you

bring picture? Now, make a group, each group consist o f

minimal three people, make minimal three sentences as that

picture complete with time)

Alvan : “Boleh buka kamus bu?” (May I open the dictionary)

The teacher : “Yes. Nanti presentasi dan setiap siswa harus membaca (Your

write will be presented and each student must read the sentence)

The students wrote the sentence, they are busy open dictionary. Sometimes


The students : “Yes. No.” (Some of students say “Yes” and others say “No”)

The teacher : “Five minute again.”

Then, the teacher waited for about five minute. She walked around chair and

table in the class while looked student’s writing. After she looked that all of the

student have finished, she asked one of group to present their writing. And

group one come forward to present.

The teacher : “Silent please, listen your friends!”

Evi : “I wake up at half past five. And she wake up at six o’clock.”

Titik : “I go to school at a quarter to six.”

The teacher : “Really Titik, kamu berangkat sekolah jam 05.45.” (really

Titik, you go to school at a quarter to six)

Titik : “Salah-salah, I go to school at a quarter to seven.” (No, I go to

school at a quarter to seven)

Badri ah : “I sleep at nine o’clock.

The teacher : “Let’s give applause! Then next group.”

The other group came forward to present until the last group. Then the teacher

gave explain about adding s/es to the verb with subject she, he, it. After that the

teacher gave post test to the student for about 30 minute.

3. Observation

In this first meeting teacher and writer (collaborator) observed teaching

learning process. By monitoring the student activity in this action we can see

that the planning is visible. Curriculum/core content appropriate current unit of


questioning skills, assessment is related to instruction too, but assessment yet

involves critical thinking. The instruction reviews prior knowledge that is the

teacher given pretest. But the student looked still confuse when they are answer

pre test. They are busy to question to their friends and teacher. They need a

long time to answer that question.

When the lesson began, students looked lazy and give up because they

think this lesson is very difficult. Then teacher demonstration on the classroom

activity, the teacher used o’clock to explain. The teacher used appropriate

resource to teach. The students began attention teacher’s explain. Research

based practices used to engage all students and class objectives/essential

questions are used. Some of students understand, and other not yet. Most of

them are confuse use to, to showed time. But, when teacher more give explain

again, the students looked understand. A good point is, when the teacher was

closed the meeting, she gave question to each students to reflection their

knowledge after study, classroom routines are consistently practiced.

4. Reflection

After analyzing the result of action in cycle I, the teacher can conclude

that the teacher should give brief explanations because there are some of

students confused and did not understand. She can repeat explain until the

students can understand. She must give support to the students who though this

theme is very difficult. Using media like o’clock is important to add knowledge


of the students can be answered the question by teacher when they are given

question orally before they go out of class. And some of students did their test

correctly. The problem in this cycle is some students difficult to calculate

minute and remember that minute on using to to say time, they didn’t

understand picture which given by teacher, so they didn’t know the meaning. It

is very important to continue to the next cycle to motivate them to master then-

vocabulary and give more exercise. The second cycle is carried out as follow

up of the first cycle. The teacher used the same method but different theme.

B. Cycle 2

Based on the result of cycle 1, it is necessary for the teacher to continue the

next cycle.

1. Planning

The activities are preparing:

a. Material, making lesson-plan, and designing the steps in doing the action

b. List of students’ name

c. Teaching aids (e.g. picture, flash card, real thing, real thing model, tape


d. Sheet for classroom observation

1. Assessment Observed

Evidence/Comments A. Assessment involves critical thinking


B. Lesson uses manipulatives/technology

C. Students can articulate goals for learning

3. Culture

A. Teacher has high expectations for all students

B. Teacher has a good rapport with students

C. Teacher manages classroom behavior effectively

D. Students are engaged in classroom activity

4. Organization

A. Teacher uses varied grouping strategies.

B. Materials organized and easily accessible by students

C. Transitions are performed without disruption

Classroom Activities

Student Work Displayed □ Cooperative Group Activity □

Technology Available □

e. Some exercise from action 1 in cycle 1 (The pictures about theme in cycle I

that is take a nap a, breakfast, lunch and other)

f. Some difficult words from action 1 in cycle 1 (breakfast, lunch, take a nap,


g. Tests (pretest and posttest)

The models of pretest and posttest in cycle II is same but level of the

question is different consist of two exercises that is, exercise one the

students match the pictures with choose the words correctly, and exercise

two the form of the question is multiple choice there are ten question and

there are four answer to choose the correct answer. The writer makes the

same model of pretest and posttest in cycle II because the writer wants to

know improve of her teaching.

2. The implementation of the action

On Wednesday, the twenty firth of April 2010 the teacher (the writer)

entered her English class. She repeated gave question about time like the

teaching learning process in action 1 cycle. In action 1 cycle 1 the student are

still confuse to use to, in this time about that. The teacher has given that

question to students who have yet to understand about that. Besides, there were

some students didn’t understand the picture so they don’t know that meaning,

suck as breakfast, lunch, take a nap, arrive, in this case the teacher explained

again with the time and the student’s activity was made example. When the

students can be responded explain from the teacher and can be found the

meaning of that words, she asked their students to write that words and the

meaning on the book.

After she finished some problems in action 1 cycle 1, she began action

2. She introduced the mode of presentation in studying vocabulary, the steps


lesson he gave pre test to them. The theme on the cycle 2 is about part o f body.

The situation was as follow:

Students, now stand up. This is head, ear, aye, nose, mouth, hand, and

leg (the teacher while show the meaning with raise part of body). Now repeat

after me while raise your hand head they said head, ear they said ear, nose,

mouth, hand, leg. Once again, head, ear, aye, nose, mouth, hand, leg. They said

head, ear, aye, nose, mouth, hand, leg. Now let’s play game to remember that

words. If I raise part of body, you must be said what is it, understand? They

said yes (together). Then the teacher raise her part of body as she want. The

students said words as teacher’s hand which showed part of body.

She continued explain part of head, and part which has yet to explain

before. Now pay attention the picture in the black board. She explained all

picture, this is hair, cheek, chin, and neck (she showing the picture part of

head). Then this is shoulder, chest, elbow, stomach, finger, knee, and foot (the

teacher showed other part of the picture).After finished she ask to the students

to write it. Any question students? They said ulangi bu, belum mudeng. one

more mom, we have yet to understand). Then the teacher repeated her

explanation again. After she finished, she said because time is up, we will

continue next meeting, see you next time. The answered see you.

The next day on Wednesday, the twenty eighth April 2010, the teacher

(the writer) entered her English class. She said the students as follow:

The teacher : “Good morning students?”


The students : “I’m fine thank you.”

The teacher : “Who is absent today?”

The students : ‘Tidak ada bu.” (no one mom)

The teacher : “Now we will continue the last theme, do you remember it,

what is it?”

The students : “Part of body: head, leg, hand, ear, aye, cheek.” (they said

different words each other, even there are students are silent)

The teacher : “Now, each of you said three words part of body while raise

the part of your body, start from Ela!”

Ela : “Eye, nose, leg.” (She raised her body correctly)

The teacher : “Ok. Next Ulum.”

Ulum : “Hair, head, hand.”

The teacher asked each student. There are three students which just can be

answered one or two words. After this activity the teacher continued the lesson

that is body activity or the function of body.

The teacher : “What the function of eye?”

The students : “Untuk melihat, (to see)

The next, teacher ask the student to mention the function of body with real of

instruction teacher. When she said leg she walked, she said hand she write

some thing until the students can answered correctly. Then the teacher wrote

the words which mention of students with the Function. She asked the students


Table IEducational Facilities and Tools in SD N Wonokerto
Table IIThe Situation of Teacher and Staff of SD N Wonokerto
Table HIThe Situation of Students of SD N Wonokerto
table in the class while looked student’s writing. After she looked that all of the


Dokumen terkait

yang diberikan, kewenangan tidak boleh dijalankan melebihi kewenangan yang diperoleh atau kemampuan seseorang/kelompok untuk mempengaruhi tingkah laku orang atau



Saat angin topan menerjang, tetaplah berada dalam rumah, kecuali bila di anjurkan untuk mengungsi.. Meski belum ada seruan mengungsi, pastikan diri/keluarga siap

Allah akan selalu memberi balasan bagi orang yang suka mengucapkan alhamdulillah selesai salat, nanti akan masuk ke

Jual beli dengan angsuran adalah jual beli barang dimana penjual melaksanakan penjualan barang dengan cara menerima pelunasan pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh

Sebuah Tesis yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Magister Pendidikan (M.Pd.) pada Prodi Pendidikan Matematika. © Dara Nurul Istiqomah 2016

This property uses the name-value type from ISO19156.&#34; (Copied from 9.22.5 parameter). Consequences if