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The influence of Amir Khan`s personality development in facing his conflicts as seen in Khaled Hosseini`s The Kite Runner - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofSarjana Sastra

in English Letters


RIBKA GUNARTO Student Number: 054214041





ASarjana SastraUndergraduate Thesis




RIBKA GUNARTO Student Number: 054214041

Approved by

Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka,M. Hum. Date: August 29, 2012 Advisor



ASarjana SastraUndergraduate Thesis




RIBKA GUNARTO Student Number: 054214041 Defended before the Board of Examiners

On August 31, 2012 And Declared Acceptable BOARD OF EXAMINERS

Name Signature

Chair Person : Dr. F. X. Siswadi, M. A. ____________ Secretary : Dra. A. B. Sri Mulyani, M. A., Ph.D. ____________ Member : Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani S.S., M. Hum. ____________ Member : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. ____________ Member : J. Harris Hermansyah S.S., M.Hum. ____________

Yogyakarta, August 31, 2012 Faculty of Letters Sanata Dharma University





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi dengan judul: THE INFLUENCE OF AMIR KHAN’S PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT



Yang diuji pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2012 adalah hasil karya saya.

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Yogyakarta, Yang membuat pernyataan




Yang bertandatangan dibawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Ribka Gunarto NIM : 054214041

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Pada tanggal : 31 Agustus 2012 Yang menyatakan,



Matthew 21:22



This undergraduate thesis is dedicated to

my beloved Lord: Jesus Christ

my beloved father: Daniel Gunarto

my beloved mother: Maria Setiawati

my lovely brother: Andy Gunarto

my best friends




First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ who always stays beside me, hears my pray, and gives me strength to finish this thesis. I realize that I would never accomplish my thesis without His blessing. I do believe that Jesus had made everything beautiful in His time for me.

I also realize that I would never finish this thesis without advice and guidance from my advisors. Therefore, I would like to expresses my gratitude to Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum, my major advisor who has spent his time patiently in guiding, sharing, and helping me to finish my thesis from the beginning until the end. I also thank my co-advisor, Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani S.S., M. Hum,who has sacrificed her time for reading and correcting my thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved family, I thank my lovely parents, Daniel Gunarto and Maria Setiawatiand also my lovely brother Andy Gunarto for their never ending love, prayer, patience, support, encouragement and understanding. How lucky I am to have them in my life. I love them so much.



My profound gratitude goes also to all my lecturers in English Letters of Sanata Dharma University who have taught me and made me what I am today.

Thank God for everyone that supports me in finishing this thesis. God bless you all.









MOTTO PAGE... vi A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Objectives of the Study... ... 5

D. Definition of Terms... 5

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies ... 7

B. Review of Related Theories ... 8

1. Theory of Character and Characterization ... 8

2. Theory of Personality and Personality Development... 12

3. Theory of Conflict... 13

C. Theoretical Framework ... 16

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study... 18

B. Approach of the Study ... 19

C. Method of the Study... 20

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS A. Amir Khan’s Personality Development ... 22

1. Before Moving to America ... 22

a. Cowardly ... 22

b. Childish ... 24

c. Pessimistic... 26

d. Selfish... 27

e. Envious... 28

2. After Moving to America... 29

a. Optimistic... 29

b. Caring... 30



d. Responsible ... 32

B. The Conflicts That Is Faced By The By The Main Character 1. Intrapersonal Conflicts ... 33

2. Interpersonal Conflicts ... 36

C. The Influence of Amir Khan’s Personality Development in Facing His Conflicts 1. The Intrapersonal Conflicts... 41

2. The Interpersonal Conflicts ... 44





Ribka Gunarto (2012). The Influence of Amir Khan’s Personality Development in Facing His Conflicts As Seen in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

This study focuses on the influence of Amir Khan’s Personality Development in Facing His Conflicts As Seen in Kheled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner. Amir Khan is the major character in The Kite Runner. There are influences which can be derived from his personality development in facing his conflicts.

The aim of this study is to answer the following three problems. First, to analyze Amir Khan’s personality development described in the story. Second, to find out the conflicts faced by Amir Khan in the story. Third, to analyze how the personality development of Amir Khan influences him in facing his conflicts.

This study employs a library study method. There are two kinds of sources. The primary source is the novel itself, The Kite Runner. The secondary

sources are taken from several books related to the topic, they are theory of character and characterization, theory of personality and personality development, and theory of conflicts. The psychological approach is chosen since the study deals with personality of the character



Ribka Gunarto (2012). The Influence of Amir Khan’s Personality Development in Facing His Conflicts As Seen in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner.

Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Fokus studi ini adalah menelaah pengaruh kepribadian Amir Khan dalam menghadapi konflik-konfliknya dalm novel The Kite Runner karya Khaled

Hosseini. Amir Khan adalah karakter utama dalam novel The Kite Runner. Ada beberapa pengaruh yang dapat diperoleh dari perkembangan kepribadiannya dalam menghadapi konflik-konfliknya.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menjawab tiga permasalahan berikut. Pertama, untuk menganalisa perkembangan kepribadian Amir Khan digambarkan dalam cerita. Kedua, untuk menemukan konflik-konflik yang dihadapi Amir Khan dalam cerita. Ketiga, untuk menganalisa bagaimana perkembangan kepribadian Amir mempengaruhi caranya dalam menghadapi konflik-konfliknya.

Studi ini menggunakan metode perpustakaan. Terdapat dua macam sumber. Sumber utama adalah novel itu sendiri, The Kite Runner. Sumber kedua diambil dari beberapa buku yang berhubungan dengan topik, yaitu teori karakter dan karakter karakterisasi, teori kepribadian dan perkembangan kepribadian, dan teori konflik. Pendekatan psikologi dipilih karena studi berhubungan dengan kepribadian dari karakter.



A. Background of the Study

Literature is the art of written works. It can be a device or a media for the author to tell about things, ideas, imagination, and their expressions. Beside that, the author was also influenced by his period, by an intellectual climate the nation provided and by his personality. According to Hudson in his book

An Introduction to the Study of Literature (1960:10), literature is expression of life through medium of language. Literature presents some aspects of human life, such as history, social, moral, psychological, and many more.``

Literature is human creation in certain time to say something or events in certain period or year. It is itended to share some idea or issue to other human beings, because the greatness of the literature work is brought out by the wisest and the most sensitive mind in the form of information, experiences, knowledge or non-aesthetic values (Guerrin, 1979: 18).


According to Rohrberger and Woods, literary works can be divided into four genres namely short story, novel, poem, and play. Each genre has its own history and particular dimension, and the form and requirement of each must be considered before evaluative judgement can be made (1971: 19).

In this study, the writer prefers to use a novel to be analyzed. A novel is a work of art in so far as it introduces a living world. Novel is an imitation of life. The novel is the reflection of human life, which the stories that happen in a novel also happen in real life (1971:163). A primary assumption of the novel was that it would report the actions of individual characters with detail sufficient and abundant to create the illusion of authenticity to the material facts of the everyday world. Because of that we can describe a novel into one word that is “realistic” (1971: 29).

Novels contain many aspects that build up the story together. Along with plot, setting, theme, and style, character is considered one of the fundamental components of fiction. Characters can build the readers’ feeling and emotion so that the readers will be interested to read the whole story. Through the characters in the novel, we can study the knowledge of the life of human. The description of the characters enables the reader to get a more understanding on human characters. (Henkle, 1977:86).


Character in literary term is the person in the story, while character in psychology is personality. Personality is something that may differentiate somebody with another. According to Kalish in The Psychology of Human Behavior, he defines personality as a dynamic organization of characteristic attributes leading to behavior and distinguishing one individual from other individual (1973:52-53).

As a human being, people have passed some stages in their life. People will have past, present and future. Along with the stages, the personality might change or develop. The personality development is experienced by everyone. The development is caused not only because of human growth, but it can be caused by many things. According to Hurlock inPersonality Development,there are three major factors that determine and can influence someone’s personality. Those three factors are hereditary endowment, family, and environment (1974:19-20).

InAn Introduction to Fiction,Stanton says that a novel usually presents in details the development of a character or a large complex situation, or a relationship involving many characters or a complicated event covering many years, or a complex relationship among a few characters (1965:44). It means that we can find a character of human with his or her thought, belief, feeling, relationship, and also conflicts in the novel.


Personality leads someone to choose his way to face conflicts. It has a great influence in someone’s way of life, whether it is good or bad. Personality determines how people end his conflicts.

In this study, the writer uses a novel with titleThe Kite Runner. The Kite Runneris a novel by Afghan-American writer, Khaled Hosseini. Published in 2003 by Bloomsbury Publishing. It is Khaled Hosseini’s first novel and was adapted into a film of the same name in 2007. It spans the period from 1979 before the Soviet invasion until the reconstruction following the fall of the odious Taliban. The novel gives a description on how personality development of Amir Khan leads him to take different ways in resolving conflicts.

Reading The Kite Runner, the writer’s curiosity goes to have a deeper knowledge on Amir Khan’s personality and its development, and also the conflicts that he faced. The study therefore intends to reveal the influence of his personality development in resolving his conflicts with title The Influence of Amir Khan’s Personality Development in Resolving His Conflicts as Seen

in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner.

B. Problem Formulation

1. How is Amir Khan’s personality development described in the story? 2. What are the conflicts faced by Amir Khan in the story?


C. Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to answer the research questions stated in the problem formulations above. The first objective is to describe the personality of the main character and its development. The second objective attempts to find out the conflicts faced by Amir Khan. The last objective attempts to analyze the influnce of Amir Khan’s personality development in resolving his conflicts.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to understand the word that is used in this study and to make better understanding, there are some terms necessary to be defined. The terms define are:

1. Influence

Drever proposes that the word “influence” means any past or present condition, experienced as or actually playing a part in determining one behaviour, or course of thought in the present (1958:134).

2. Personality

Halonen and Santrock say that personality refers to our enduring thoughts, emotion, and behaviours that characterize the way we interact with the world (1999:378).

3. Personality Development


socio-cultural environment which is adapting from the situation of his or her life (1981: 73).

4. Conflict




A. Review of Related Studies

The Kite Runner received the South African Book Prize in 2004. It was also voted the Reading Group Book of the year for 2006 and 2007 and headed a list of 60 titles submitted by entrants to the Penguin or Orange Reading Group prize (UK). Therefore, it is no doubt that many studies have been done based on this novel.

Robertus Vembry Mahartantyo in his undergraduate thesis analyses the personality of Amir Khan. Through Amir Khan’s personality, he tries to find out the reasons why Amir is disloyal to Hassan. He presents that Amir is disloyal to Hassan because of some factors. First is the family factors that cover Hassan’s true position in Amir’s family and Baba’s treatment to both Amir and Hassan. The second is social factors that differentiate Pashtun and Hazara and also the relationship betwwen Sunni and Shi’a that is not good as well. (Mahartantyo, 2010: 66).

In her undergraduate thesis, Elizabeth Nita Kurniasih also analyze personality of Amir Khan to find the influence of Amir’s guilty feeling upon his self-concept. In her analysis chapter, she says that Amir’s guilty feeling makes him experiences personality development. (Kurniasih, 2009: 52).

Although both of the studies above use the personality aspect to be analyzed or be related to their study, but the writer is more agree with second


studies beacuse the writer also finds that there is a development in Amir’s personality. It is presented by Khaled Hosseini’s in the chapter one of his novel itself.

“I thought of Hassan. Thought about Baba. Ali. Kabul. I thought of the life I had lived until the winter of 1975 came along and changed everything. And made me what I am today” (Hosseini, 2003: 2)

There are many factors that could make someone changes. In this study the writer will not analyze the factors that makes Amir experiences personality development, but since the story tells that Amir faces many conflicts, the writer tries to find out the influences of his personality development in facing his conflicts that are told in the novel.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character in a literary work is very important, so that the readers can understand the story. Therefore, the theories of character and characterization are needed.

A character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in the dialoque and the action” (Abrams, 1981: 20).


Major character is a character that may dominate the whole story and is frequently presented in it. Meanwhile, the minor character is presentedin

order to explain and help the other characters, especially the major character (1965: 17-18).

Perrine in Literature: Structure, Sound and Sensedescribe that by nature, character is divided into two types which are static and dynamic or developing character. Static character is one who does not undergo any change. This kind of character remains the same from beginning until the end of the story. While dynamic character is seen as a character who can change in the story. A character is developing if she or he experiences a change in some aspects of disposition, personality, or outlook. The change may be a big or a small one; it may be for better or worse but it is something important and basic. Moreover, Perrine says that the character in the story does not change in a sudden way, but changes step by step. The character must begin the change with smaller change that is carefully prepared for. The change of the character should be sufficiently motivated by circumstances. One cannot change his or her characteristic so suddenly without any reasons, but it must follow sufficient time and reason for a change (1974:71).


is like particular person he is (1971: 20). It fits what Grenville says that characterization is all the things that writers do to build up the characters they want and it is the process that transforms real-life people into characters in fiction (1998: 36).

Perrine in Story and Structure stated that characterization must observe three principles:

1. Characters must be consistent in their behavior. They must not behave one way on one occasion and a different way on another unless there is a clearly sufficient for change.

2. Characters should be motivated in whatever they do, especially when there is any change in their behavior. The reasons for what the characters do should be understood.

3. The characters must be plausible or like life. (Perrine, 1974: 86). Guth and Rico in Discovering Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays

said that characters are recognized through some clues.

“The characters are known from what the author says about them or more exactly from what the narrator says, from what other characters also say about him or her, from what they say about themselves as well as from the action done by them in the work. From the action of character, the readers can draw conclusion about the motivation, the problems, the ambitions, and the desires of the character”. (1997: 9).


a. Personal Description

The author can describe a character by his or her appearance and clothes (1972:161).

b. Characters as Seen by Another

The author describes a character through the eyes and opinions of another character (1972:162).

c. Speech

The author describes the character by giving the readers an insight into the character of one of the person in the book through what the person says. Whenever the person speaks, whenever the person is in conversation with another, whenever the person puts forward an opinion, the author is giving us some clue to the character (1972:164). d. Past Life

The author can describe the character by letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life. The author can give the reader a clue to events that have helped to shape person’s character. This can be done by direct comment by the author, through the person’s thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another person (1972:166).

e. Conversation of others


or her. People do talk about other people and the things they say often give a clue to the character of the person spoken about (1972:167). f. Reactions

The author can describe characteristics by showing how a character reacts to the various situations and events (1972:168).

g. Direct comment

The author may give comments and descriptions on the characteristics of the character directly to the readers (1972:170).

h. Thoughts

The author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. In this matter, an author is able to do what his or her readers cannot do in real life. The author can tell us what different people are thinking (1972:171).

i. Mannerism

The author can describe a person’s mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies which may also tell the readers something about the character (1972:172).

2. Theory of Personality and Personality Development


character relates to behaviour that is regulated by personal effort and will”. (1974: 4).

Hurlock’s states that the term “personality” is derived from the Latin word persona, which means “masks”. Among the Greeks, actors used a mask to hide their identity on stage. This dramatic technique was later adopted by the Romans to whom persona denoted “as one appears to others”, not as one actually is. (1974:6).

Kalish in The Psychology of Human Behaviour says that the meaning of personality is the dynamic organization of characteristic attitudes, values, and abilities (1973:52) while Allport in Pattern and Growth in Personalitydescribes personality as the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological system that determine his characteristic behavior and thought (1961:10).

Hurlock defines personality development as a stage in growth of a constantly changing and evolving process within an individual. This process becomes more complex because it is related with patterning one’s self-concept, habits, attitudes, emotional states, sentiments, and motives. It determines his or her uniqueness in speech and in actions to others, in mannerism, in fantasy, and in other ways directed toward the specific goal to adjust to his other environment. (1974:7-8).

3. Theory of Conflict


forces in the plot”. A conflict provides interests, suspens, and tensions. At least, one of the opposing forces is usually a person, or, if an animal or an inanimate object is treated as though it was a person. This person usually the protagonist, maybe involved in conflicts of five different kinds: a struggle against nature; struggle against another person; struggle against society; struggle for mastery by two elements within the person; struggle against destiny or fate. (1986: 80).

Jones and Gerard as cited in Worchel and Cooper state that conflict is a state that requires a person when he is motivated to make two or more mutual incompatible actions. It means that a people will face a conflict when he can not complete two or more actions or goals in a same time. As a result, he must choose one of them and accept the consequences. (1979: 460).


Hunt (1995: 31) says that a conflict does not always have forms in direct ones, such as frontal war, fight, raid, riot or any kind of open hostilities. A conflict does not always mean hate, hatred, or distrust. A conflict can also happen just through the limit of differences of opinion, perspective, judgements, and opposing arguments. It happens because a group tends to evaluate certain matters based on its own perception or point of view, which is influenced by any aspects of its culture, values, religion, belief, and moral standards.

a. Types of Conflict

Stanton (1965:16) proposes two types of conflicts. They are internal and external conflicts. An internal conflict means a conflict that comes from the character himself, whether he has a problem in his thought, mind or in his belief. While, external conflict is the obstacle that comes from outside. It can be a conflict with other human being, society, nature, even social belief and tradition.


b. Causes of Conflict

Isenhart and Spangle (2000: 14-15) state that there are seven common causes of conflicts. The first is data. Every person has differences of opinion about source, reability or interpretation of data. Second is interest. It means that conflict happens when two or more parties have different interest and try to force his own interest to others. Next causes is procedure. It can trigger a conflict when parties do not involve in a discussion if they do not agree with the procedure in solving problem. Forth is value. The conflicts occurs when the priority of value is different. Fifth is relationship. Conflict happens when the individual can not trust and respect each other. Sixth is Role. A conflict appears because of the imbalance role of the people among the rules toward their own roles. The last is communication. It can be trigger of a conflict if miscommunication occurs. It will make individual interprets the communication differently each other.

C. Theoretical Framework


The theory of character and characterization are used to analyze the main character of the story. By applying the theory, the writer will be able to describe the characterization of the main character. Moreover, the writer also uses the theory of personality and personality development to reveal the personality development of the main character in order to answer the first problem formulation.

Besides that, the theory of conflicts is also needed to answer the second problem formulation. This theory helps the writer to find the conflicts of the main character in the story.



A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a novel entitled The Kite Runner. The Kite Runner is the first novel by Afghan-American writer, Khaled Hosseini. Published in 2003 by Bloomsbury and was adapted into a film of the same name in 2007.

The Kite Runner was published in 48 countries and received the South African Book Prize in 2004. According to Nielsen BookScan, it was the first best seller for 2005 in the United States. The Kite Runner spent more than 120 weeks on the New York Times paperback list and has sold more than four million copies in the United States. It was also voted the Reading Group Book of the Year for 2006 and 2007 and headed a list of 60 titles submitted by entrants to the Penguin/Orange Reading Group Prize (UK).

The Kite Runner tells about the friendship between two Afghan boys – Amir and Hassan. Amir, the novel’s narrator, the son of a wealthy businessman, a Sunni Muslim, a Pashtun, he is educated but Hassan is the son of Ali, a servant in the household of Amir’s father, a Sh’ia Muslim, a Hazara, he is illiterate and he has harelip. Despite their ethnic and religious differences, they grow up together in Afghanistan like brothers though Amir continually uses his superior position to taunt or abuse Hassan.


It also tells about the tension of Amir’s relationship with Baba, his hard-driving and demanding father. Desperate to win his father’s affection and respect, Amir tries to win the annual tournament of sport of kite flying to make Baba proud of him. With Hassan as his assistance, he wins the tournament. But Amir’s victory is tarnished because of his cowardice and selfishness. Amir decides not to help Hassan when he sees a vicious assault against his best friend, who has raced through the streets of Kabul to get the last kite sliced from the sky for him. Moreover, Amir’s cowardice is followed by an act of betrayal that causes Ali and Hassan to leave their home. It makes him bears the burden of his sin for his future life. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan sends Amir and Baba to California where Amir attends college, marries and becomes a successful novelist. But, a call from his father best friend reminds Amir to return to Kabul during Taliban rule to save Sohrab, the Hassan’s son.

B. Approach of the Study

The use of appropriate approach in analyzing the work is essential in order to have an exact and an accurate analysis on the topic. Since the topic of the study deals with a psychological aspect, that is the personality of Amir Khan, the writer therefore applies psychological approach for analyzing the work.


literary object, therefore, knowledge of psychology ground is important in order to understand the literary works. (1971:12).

From the statement above, the writer decides that psychological approach is suitable to be applied in this study. It is needed to analyze the personality of Amir Khan, its development and its influences to the way he faces his conflicts in the story.

C. Method of the Study

The method used by the writer in this study was library research. In library research, the study was done by reading and collecting data and information from certain books and other writings as materials that support the subject of the research. However, to get more information about the work and the author, the writer browsed some websites. The data were taken by considering their relevance, validity, accuracy, and appropriateness.

The primary data of the study was the novel Khaled Hosseini’sThe Kite Runner itself. Besides the primary data, there were also other secondary data, they were theory of character and characterization, theory of personality and personality development, and the theory of conflict which were taken and summed up from some books.


writer focused on the main character in the story, Amir Khan. Secondly, the writer formulated problems into questions and decided the topic to be discussed in this study, which wasThe influence of Amir Khan’s Personality Development in Facing his Conflicts as seen in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite




This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is the analysis on the Amir Khan’s personality development. The second is the analysis on the conflict that Amir Khan faced, and the third is the analysis on the influence of Amir Khan’s personality development on his way to face his conflicts.

A. The Personality Development of the Main Character

In this part, the writer will analyze about the characteristic of Amir Khan, the major character in the Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner. As Perrine says, characters can be divided into two types, a static character or a dynamic character. The writer considers Amir as the dynamic character. It can be seen from Khaled Hosseini’s statement in the chapter one of his book “I thought of the life I had lived until the winter of 1975 came along and changed everything. And made me what I am today”. (p.2). His words show that there is the development in Amir Khan’s characteristic.

By using Murphy’s characterization theory, the writer divides this discussion into two parts. The first part analyzes Amir’s personalities before he has experienced developments (before moving to America) and the second part analyzes his after he has experienced developments (after moving to America).

1. Before Moving to America (Before 1980s) a. Cowardly


Amir is a kind of person that cannot stand up for himself. He is afraid to fight for himself when he is attacked. He just drop his head, and let them do what they want to do and never fights back. We can conclude that from the conversation between Baba and Rahim Khan.

“Sometimes I look out this window and I see him playing on the street with the neighborhood boys. I see how they push him around, take his toys from him, give him a shove here, a whack there. And, you know, he never fights back. Never. He just... drops his head and...” (p.24).

Besides that, Amir is also unable to defend himself. If there is a problem or dangerous situation, he always wishes somebody could protect him, help and save him.

“So does my father”, Assef mimicked me in a whinning voice. Kamal and Wali cackled in unison. I wished Baba were there... I wondered if anyone would hear us scream in this remote patch of land. Baba’s house was a good kilometer away. I wished we’d stay at the house” (p.43).


I opened my mouth, almost said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn’t. I just watched Paralyzed. (p.80).

Then, Assef who is angry to Hassan wreaks his anger by sexually assaulting Hassan. Amir witnesses the rape but he is too scared to intervene. At that time, he still has a final chance to help Hassan, but he decides to run.

In the end, I run.

I run because I was coward. I was afraid of Assef and what he would do to me. I was afraid of getting hurt. That’s what I told myself believe. I actually aspired to cowardice, because the alternative, the real reason I was running, was that Assef was right: Nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba. Was it a fair price? The answer floated to my conscious mind before I could thwart it: He was just a Hazara, wasn’t he? (p.84).

From several events above, we could take a conclusion that Amir is a coward. Amir cannot stand by himself and does not have courage to help and stand for Hassan. He is afraid to be hurt.

b. Childish


“I wish you’d come along”, he said. “I don’t know what I’ve done, Amir agha. I wish you’d tell me. I don’t know why we don’t play anymore”.

“You haven’t done anything, Hassan. Just go”. “You can tell me, I’ll stop doing it”.

“I’ll tell you what I want you to stop doing”. I said, eyes pressed shut.


“I want you to stop harrasing me. I want you to go away”, I snapped. I wished he would give it right back to me, break the door open and tell me off – it would have made things easier, better. But he didn’t do anything like that, and when I opened the door minutes later, he wasn’t there. I fell on my bed, buried my head under the pillow, and cried. (p.96).

Amir is angry, he is angry to himself but he can not express his anger well. Instead, he wreaks his anger to Hassan. He avoids Hassan and says rude words to him. Hassan only keeps silent. He does not say anything rude to reply Amir’s act. It makes Amir more opressed day by day. Oneday, he invites Hassan to take a walk with him. It is no doubt that Hassan is happy to hear that, but Amir does something unexpected to Hassan. He throws the pomegrantes to Hassan. Amir hopes that Hassan does the same to him. It will make him feels better.

“What would you do if I hit you with this?” I said, tossing the fruit up and down.

“What would you do?” I repeated.

The color fell from his face. Next to him, the stapled pages of the story I’d promised to read him fluttered in the breeze. I hurled the pomegrante at him. It struck him in the chest, exploded in a spray of red pulp. Hassan’s cry was pregnant with surpraise and pain.

“Hit me back!” I snapped. Hassan looked from the stain on his chest to me.

“Get up! Hit me!” I said.


I don’t know how many times I hit him. All I know is that, when I finally stopped, exhausted and panting, Hassan was smeared in red like he’d been shot by a firing squad. I fell to my knees, tired, spent, frustated. (p.100).

Actually Hassan does not do anything to Amir. Hassan does not hit Amir back. It makes Amir more depressed. He can not bear his guilt any longer. So that after his birthday, he chooses a short way to overcome it. He decides to slander Hassan by taking the gold wristwatch- his birthday present from Baba along with a couple of envelopes of cash and puts it in Hassan’s mattress (p.113). He thinks that sending Hassan away from him is the best way to end his guilt and depression instead of finishing it by telling the truth and apologizing to Hassan. It shows that Amir is too childish too face the problem.

c. Pessimistic

Amir is also a pessimist. It can be seen when he participates the kite flying tournament, a huge spectator sport in Kabul. That tournament is the biggest tournament in twenty-years and Amir is one of the kite fighters. When it will be started, he feels afraid and doubt to win the competition. He wants to withdraw himself, because he thinks he will lose the tournament. He is afraid that he will make Baba dissapointed.


From the quotation above, we know that He does not believe with his own abilities. He gives up easily before trying.

d. Selfish

Amir is the only son of Baba. It might be one of the reason he never learns how to share. Besides that, in Amir’s eyes, Baba is a great man so that he wants to get his attention and love. He wants to be the son that Baba could be proud of. He does not want to share Baba’s affection and love to anyone else, including Hassan, his very best friend.

I remember the day before the orphanage opened, Baba took me to Gharga Lake, a few miles north of Kabul. He asked me to fetch Hassan too, but I lied and told him Hassan had the runs. I wanted Baba all to myself. (p.15).

Moreover, his selfishness is seen in his relationship with Hassan. Hassan is always loyal to him. He treats Amir like a best friend even a brother. He is even willing to sacrifice himself to defend the kites from Assef, just for fulfiling his promise to Amir. Amir who sees the incident in the alley still let Assef hurts Hassan though he knows that Hassan does all of those just for him.

Nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba. (p.85).


e. Envious

Amir is told as a boy that lack of Baba’s love. He struggles to get Baba’s affection, symphaty and respect. Then he would be envious if Baba care of others than him.

I remember the day before the orphanage opened, Baba took me to Gharga Lake a few miles north of Kabul. He asked me to fetch Hassan too, but I lied and told him Hassan had the runs. I wanted Baba all to myself. And besides, one time at Gharga Lake, Hassan and I were skimming stones and Hassan made his stone skip eight times. The most I managed was five. Baba was there, watching, and he patted Hassan on the back. Even put his arm around his shoulder. (p.15).

Although Hassan is the son of his loyal servant, Baba loves him too. Baba cares of Hassan like his own son. It makes Amir feels envy to Hassan because Hassan could get Baba’s attention easily. He feels that Hassan always gets Baba’s attention and love.

I wished I too had some kind of scar that would beget Baba’s sympathy. It wasn’t fair. Hassan hadn’t done anything to earn Baba’s affections; he’d just been born with that stupid harelip. (p.50).

Moreover, Baba is a kind-hearted people. He builds an orphanange for the orphan. So, it is no doubt that Baba is busy supervizing the project. It means that Baba at home rarely. It makes Amir does not like it. He is envy to everyone that he thinks get Baba’s time and attention.


was building the orphanage for; sometimes I wished they’d all died along with their parents. (p.19).

2. After Moving to America ( After 1980) a. Optimistic

An optimist people is a kind of people who can see a good side of something. Baba does not agree when Amir tells him if he wants to take English creative writing in college, In Baba’s opinion, a man should not become a poet or a writer because it is not a good profession for a man. A man should run a bussiness, become a merchant or a doctor but Amir believes that a writer is a good profession for his future life. He believes that oneday he will become a great writer.

He considered this. Sipped his tea. “Stories, you mean. You’ll make up stories”. I looked down at my feet.

“They pay for that, making up stories?”

“If you’re good”, I said. “And if you get discovered”. “How likely is that, getting discovered?”

“It happens”, I said. (p.146).

Moreover, as Murphy says in his theory that we can draw the characteristic of the character from other’s point of view, we can also say that Amir is optimist from Rahim Khan’s point of view about him. Rahim Khan is one of Amir’s closest person. He really knows and understands Amir, like his own father so that, after a long time they do not meet each other, Rahim Khan knows that Amir has change.


b. Caring

Someone can be said as a caring person if he or she has an attention, concern, responsibility or worry about something or someone. We could say that Amir is a caring person from his act to his father. He concerns and pays attention to Baba’s illness. Amir takes Baba to the doctor without being asked. He accompanies Baba passing the test. He shows his concern in taking care of Baba.

Then, two weeks later, I caught him coughing a wad of bloodstained phlegm into the toilet.

“How long have you been doing that?” I said. “What’s for dinner?” he said.

“I’m taking you to the doctor”. (p.166).

Not only cares about Baba but also he cares about Khala jamila, his mother-in-law. When Khala Jamila says she is sick. He soon says that he will take her to the doctor even he will skip his class.

I remember the first time Khala Jamila mentioned a lump in her neck to me. “I’ll skip scholl tomorrow and take you to the doctor”, I said. (p.192).

Moreover, he also cares of people around him. It can be seen when he is in Wahid’s house and accidentally, he hears that Wahid’s family does not anything left to eat tomorrow.

I was about go to back inside when I heard voices coming from the house, I recognized one as Wahid’s.

“—nothing left for the children”. “We’re hungry but we’re not savages! He is a guest! What was I supposed to do?” he said in a strained voice.

“—to find something tomorrow”. She sounded near tears. “What do I feed—“


Amir shows his concern to Wahid’s family by putting some money under the mattress so that Wahid could buy some foods for his children. If Amir is not a caring person, though he knows that they have nothing left, he will not do anything because he does not concern about it. He is not only just kind to Wahid’s family but he puts an action to help them.

c. Opinionated

It is told that Amir wants desperately to be thought well of by his father, Baba, so that he will do anything or try to do what Baba likes although he does not like it, but then he becomes an opinionated person who can stand in his ground, can decide what he likes or does not like, what he will do or will not do.

“Oh”, he said. “Wah wah! So, if I understand, you’ll study several years to earn a degree, then you’ll get a chatti job like mine, one you could just as easily land today, on the small chance that your degree might someday help you get ... discovered”. He took a deep breath and sipped his tea. Grunted about something about medical school, law school, and “real work”.

But I would stand my ground, I decided. I didn’t want to sacrifice for Baba anymore. The last time I had done that, I had damned myself. (p.146).

Moreover, his opinionated act is seen when he will go to Kabul to save Hassan’s son, Farid tells Amir that he should not go there because it is very dangerous but, Amir had taken a decision that can not be diverted.


d. Responsible

Amir is a responsible person. It can be seen from his way in solving the problem. Oneday, in the bookstore, he heard noisiness that comes from a little grocery where they usually shop fruits there. It runs by an elderly Viatnemese couple. Amir soon finds out that Baba does not have a cash for buying oranges and he writes a check from them but the owner asks him an ID card. Baba who is still adjusting to life in America and used to be believed by everyone in Kabul feels offended and angry. He thinks that they are know each other and he is also their loyal customer for almost two years but why they do not believe him and ask for an ID as if he is a thief. While the owner is angry and want to call a police because he has made a mess in their shop. After knowing the problem, he tries to end the misunderstanding.

“I call police”, Mrs. Nguyen said, poking out her face. “You get out or I call police”.

“Please, Mrs. Nguyen, don’t call the police. I’ll take him home. Just don’t call the police, okay? Please?”


address and also promises to pay all of the damages. It shows that Amir is responsible person.

B. The Conflicts Faced by the Main Character 1. The Intrapersonal Conflicts

a. His Feelings to Baba

It is told that Baba is a great sucessful Pashtun man. He is respected in the society. Amir admires his father and wants to be close to him, gets his love and affection, but his father, Baba is also a hard-driving and demanding father. Amir feels that his father wants him for being manly enough, that means he must like soccer or other manly things and being like him. It makes him always feel that his father hate him a little (p.20). Amir secretly fears his father blaming him for his mother’s death during childbirth. Besides that, he always feels that Baba does not really care of him because he does not have the decency to have turned out a little more like him.

Then he lowered himself into the leather sofa, put down his drink, and propped me up on his lap. I felt as if I were sitting on a pair of tree trunks. He took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to hug him or leap him from his lap in mortal fear. (p.18).


b. His Feelings to Hassan

Amir and Hassan was born amid circumstances that distinguish the Hazaras and Pashtun, Shi’a Muslims and Sunni Muslims.

Because history isn’t easy to overcome. Neither is religion. In the end, I was a Pashtun and he was Hazara, I was Sunni and he was Shi’a, and nothing was ever going to c hange that. Nothing. (p.27).

Despite their ethnic and religious differences, Amir and Hassan grow up together. They were nursed by same women because Amir’s mother bled to death after he was born while Hassan’s mother ran away five days after the birth.

As Hassan’s father says that there is a brotherhood between people who had fed from the same breast, a kinship that not even time could break, they have a close relationship. Amir treats Hassan like his best friend.It makes Amir facing a difficult situation. However, Hassan is his best friend and he loves him like his own brother but he is also ashamed of his other Pashtun friends if they know he plays with a Hazara boy and he is afraid to be expelled by them.

But he’s not my friend!I almost blureted. He’s my servant!Had I really thought that? Of course I hadn’t. I hadn’t. I treated hassan well, just like a friend, better even, more like a brother. But if so, then why, when Baba’s friends came to visit with their kids, didn’t I ever include Hassan in our games? Why dad I play with Hassan only when no one else was around? (p.44).


he has betrayed him, but he is afraid of Baba if he tells the truth. Baba will know how coward and selfish he is. He is afraid of Baba’s love for Hassan grows even more if Baba knows how bravely Hassan defends the kite for Amir. Because of that he feels like a monster who pretends to be good in front of Hassan.

I thought about Hassan’s dream, the one about us swimming in the lake.There is no monster,he’d said, just water.Except he’d been wrong about that. There is a monster in the lake. It had grabbed Hassan by the ankles, dragged him to the murky bottom. I was that monster. (p.94).

It makes Amir feels like a monster to Hassan. As if he seems good to him but in fact he sacrifices Hassan for his own interest. Moreover, he is tortured by Hassan’s act that always kind to him. Although he is rude to him, but Hassan never do a bad or rude thing to Amir in reply.

I wished he would give it right back to me break the door open and tell me off – it would have easier, better. But he didn’t do anything like that, and when I opened the door minutes later, he wasn’t there. I fell on my bed, buried my head under the pillow, and cried. (p.96).

c. His Decision to Leave Hassan


by the boys. He is afraid of losing the only one chance to close to Baba and get Baba’s love and respect.

I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide what I was going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan – the way he’d stood up for me all thiose times in the past – and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run (p.84).

In the end, Amir decides not to help Hassan and leave him. He decides to pretend as if he does not know anything about the incident in the alley. He decides to sacrifice Hassan, his best friend.

2. The Interpersonal Conflicts a. Amir versus Baba

There are some conflicts between Baba and Amir that are told in the novel. As Isenhart and Spangle state, interest can be one of the causes of conflict. Baba and Amir also have different interests. Having different interests actually does not make a conflict. It becomes a conflict when one forces his or her own interest to the other.

“I wasn’t like that”. Baba sounded frustated, almost angry. Rahim Khan laughed. “Children aren’t coloring books. You don’t get to fill them with your favourite colors’.

“I’m telling you”, Baba said, “I wasn’t like that at all, and neither were any of the kids I grew up with”(p.23).

Baba has interest in sport, especially soccer but Amir does not like sport at all. Baba tries to make Amir have an interest in soccer like him. Baba signs Amir up for soccer teams to stir the same passion in him.


fact that his son was never going to either play or watch soccer. (p.22).

After knowing that Amir does not have interest and talent to play in soccer, Baba settles for trying to turn Amir into a passionate spectator. But, in fact Baba senses Amir’s lack of genuine interest and resigns himself to the fact that his son is never going to either play or watch soccer.

Besides that, Amir likes to read poems and writes stories which in Baba’s opinion, real men did not read poetry even write it. Because of that, when Amir tells Baba that he has written a story, Baba just nods, gives a thin smile that conveyed little more than feigned interest. Baba lets Amir stands there for minutes, only stares at him and does not offer to read the stories until Rahim Khan, Baba’s best friend rescues Amir by offering to read the stories.

Baba shrugged and stood up. He looked relieved, as if he too had been rescued by Rahim Khan. “Yes, give it toKakaRahim. I’m going upstairs to get ready”. And with that, he left the room. Most days I worshipped Baba with an intensity approaching religious. But right then, i wish i could open my veins and drain his cursed blood from my body. (p.34).


Sometimes I asked Baba if I could sit with them, but Baba would stand in the doorway. “Go on, now,” he’d say. “This is grown-ups’ time. Why don’t you go read one of those books of yours?” He’d close the door, leave me to wonder why it was

always grown-ups’ time with him. I’d sit by the door, knees drawn to my chest. Sometimes i sat there for an hour, sometimes two, listening to theit laughter, their chatter. (p.5).

Since, they do not have a time to talk each other, the way father and son should talk, Amir know nothing about his father. He always learns things about Baba from other people. (p.20). Because of those conditions, although Baba and Amir are father and son and live in the same house, but they live in different spheres of existence. (p. 53). b. Amir versus Hassan

All the conflict between Amir and Hassan starts after the kite tournament, after Amir’s act of betrayal in the alley. Hassan avoids Amir. He is shocked by the sexual abuse committed by Assef against him. He needs time to be alone and calm himself. In contrast, Amir feels tortured by his own feeling. He feels guilty for not helping Hassan. They avoid each other because they do not know how to face each other.


The next few days, Hassan tries to make a conversation with Amir. Amir who cannot handle his guilt and emotion well avoids Hassan. Because he does not know how to face Hassan instead he says to Hassan rudely.

“I don’t know what I’ve done, Amir agha. I wish you’d tell me. I don’t know why we don’t play anymore”.

“You haven’t done anything, Hassan. Just go”. “You can tell me, I’ll stop doing it”.

“I’ll tell you what I want you to stop doing”, I said, eyes pressed shut.


“I want you to syop harrasing me. I want you to go away’, I snapped (p. 96).

Amir hopes Hassan replies what he has done to him, but he does not do anything. He just gets away like what Amir wants him to do. It makes Amir more tortured by his guilt, until one day he asks Hassan to walk with him and pelts him with the pomegranates with the hope Hassan would hit him too and makes him feels better. Unexpectedly, Hassan does not hit him back, but he puts the pomegranate on himself. Amir’s way to end up the problem makes their relation becomes worse.

“What would you do if I hit you with this?” I said, tossing the fruit up and down.

“What would you do?” I repeated.

The color fell from his face. Next to him, the stapled pages of the story I’d promised to read him fluttered in the breeze. I hurled the pomegrante at him. It struck him in the chest, exploded in a spray of red pulp. Hassan’s cry was pregnant with surpraise and pain.

“Hit me back!” I snapped. Hassan looked from the stain on his chest to me.

“Get up! Hit me!” I said.


I don’t know how many times I hit him. All I know is that, when I finally stopped, exhausted and panting, Hassan was smeared in red like he’d been shot by a firing squad. I fell to my knees, tired, spent, frustated. (p.100).

Amir’s inability to cope with his feelings of guilt causes their relationship does not work well. Instead of communicating what he feels well and admits everything he has done, he chooses the short way to end the problem between them by slandering Hassan. Finally, Hassan gets away from his house and they never meet again.

c. Amir versus Assef

Pashtun and Hazara has a different class in the Afgahnistan society. Pashtun is the upper class and the Hazara is the lower. It is told that the Pashtuns persecutes and opresses Hazara because they are Sunni Muslims, while Hazaras were Shi’a. Hazaras are treated as slaves by Pashtun. Between those differences, Amir and Hassan grow up and play together, like a friend, even a brother. Because of that reasons, Assef, a notoriously man and violent older boy with sadistic tendencies, blames Amir for socializing with a Hazara, which is, according to him, an inferior race can not be considered as a friend and they should only live in Hazarajat because it means that Amir has embarrassed and demeaned Pashtun.

“Just let go Assef”, I said, hating the way my voice trembled. “We’re not bothering you”.


touch you?” he said, his voice dripping with disgust. “How can you call him your ‘friend’?”. (p.44).

Assef prepares to attack Amir with his brass knuckles as his punishment for socializing with Hazara, but Hassan bravely stands up to him, he defends Amir from Assef. The conflict becomes worse when Hassan threatens to shoot out Assef’s left aye with his slingshot. Assef feels that it is humiliate that a Hazara dares to confront him, a Pashtun people. It makes Assef more hate Amir and Hassan.

“Please leave us be, Agha”, Hassan said.

Assef smiled. “?Maybe you didn’t notice, but there are three of us and two of you”.

Hassan shrugged. “You’re right, Agha. But perhaps you didn’t notice that I’m the one holding the slingshot. If you make a move, they’ll have to change your nickname from Assef ‘the Ear Eater’ to ‘One-Eyed Assef’ because I have this rock pointed at your left eye”.

“You should know something about me, Hazara”, Assef said gravely. “I’m a very patient person. This doesn’t end today, believe me”. He turned to me. “This isn’t the end for you either, Amir. Someday, I’ll make you face me one on one”. (p.45-46) At that time, Assef and his henchmen back off but he decides to take revenge for what they have done to him.

C. The Influence of Main Character’s Personality Development to His Way in Facing the Conflicts

1. The Intrapersonal Conflict a. His Feelings to Baba


always feels that Baba does not like or care about him, even a little hates him, because he does not grow up like Baba and does not have a talent in sport. Besides that, he also feels as if Baba blames him for the death of his mother when giving birth.

However, in the end, he changes and never thinks that Baba does not like him anymore, even he feels that Baba loves and care about him so much. He thinks that Baba does many things for Amir.

I reached across the table and out my hand on his. My student hand, clean and soft, on his laborer’s hand, grubby and calloused. I thought of all the trucks, train sets, and bikes he’d brought me in Kabul. Now America. One last gift for Amir. (p.141).

It makes Amir feels peaceful and loves Baba. He does not hate Baba anymore and could see a good side of Baba for him.

b. His Feelings to Hassan

As what the writer has said before, after his act of betrayal, Amir is being haunted by his guilty feeling. Although he has already moved to America and had a new life there, but the memories about his past life still disturbs him. He can never get rid of his mind about his past unatoned sin to Hassan. He has been haunted for his whole life. After he has already atoned his sin, atone Sohrab by fighting Assef, his feels free from his guilty feeling to Hassan.


from my hand, crushed it against his forehead.Are you satisfied now?He’d hissed.Do you feel better?I hadn’t been happy and I hadn’t felt better, not at all. But I did now. My body was broken – just how badly I wouldn’t find out until later – but I felt

healed.Healed at last. I laughed. (p.312).

He risks his life to save Sohrab by fighting Assef. Although many parts of his body are injured by Assef’s blows, but for the first time of his life, he had freed from guilt to Hassan.

c. His Decision to Come Back to Kabul

Amir always feels guilty to Hassan since his act of betrayal. He does not anything to end of this feeling. A call from Rahim Khan actually makes him realize about his faults at the past, but Rahim Khan’s warning will be useless if Amir has not experienced a development in his personalities. He will not do anything. He will let it go because actually it was just a past life. He will not have a courage and responsibilty to atone his sin. Actually, because of he has changed, he takes a decision to come back to kabul and atone his sin to Hassan through Sohrab, Hassan’s son (Hassan had died at that time).

I was afraid the appeal of my life in America would draw me back, that I would wade back into that great, big river, and let myself forget, let the things I had learned these last few days sink to the bottom. I was afraid that I’d let the waters carry me away from what I had to do. From Hassan. From the past that had come calling. And from this one last chance at redemption. So I left before there was any possibility of that happening. (p.250).


2. The Interpersonal Conflict a. Amir versus Baba

It is told in the story that when Baba and Amir in Kabul, they rarely have a good time together as a father and son. They have a gap so that they rarely talk or cheat together. Amir always feels that Baba hates him and blames him because of his mother’s death during childbirth.

After they have moved to America, they have more time together. Amir experiences developments on his personality. He does not envy or think negative anymore to Baba. Amir can be more open to Baba and does not afraid of him anymore. He can consider Baba as a friend and father. It makes the gap between them disappear little by little and makes their relationship between father and son better.

Baba killed the engine and let the bus roll silently into our designed spot. We sank in our seats, laughed until tears rolled down our cheeks, and, more important, until we were sure the neighbors weren’t watching anymore. (p.149).

They do activities and work together. Moreover, they often have time to cheat and joke together that describes their close relationship between father and son.

He hung up. We looked at each other. I burst into giggles. Baba joined in. (p.176).


b. Amir versus Assef

Amir’s decision drives him to come back to Kabul for redeeming his sin by saving Hassan’s son, Sohrab. In Kabul, Amir starts to search Sohrab. Then, he finds out that Sohrab is arrested by the Taliban. He meets one of the Taliban man to make negotiation. The taliban man knows Amir well. Actually, he is Assef, a person that always teases him in the past, a person that he is really afraid of, and now he must face him and make a deal to save Sohrab.

Since his personality has developed, he becomes a different person. He is responsible with his decision so that he does not afraid in facing Assef. It is shown in his dialoque with Assef. In the past, he can only keep silent and does not brave to answer every words that come out from Assef’s mouth but now he is dare to face Assef although he realizes that Assef could do everything he wants to do on him.

“What mission is that?” I heard myself say. “Stonning adulterers? Raping children? Flogging women for wearing high heels? Massacring Hazaras? All in the name of Islam?”

A look of surprise passed across Assef’s face, briefly, and disappeared. (p.307).



The writer’s intention in this study is to find out the character’s personality development in the story and its influence toward his way in facing his conflict. From the analysis chapter, the writer finds the answer for the three problems that are formulated in the introduction chapter.

The first is about the personality of the main character and its development. In the beginning, before moving to America, Amir Khan is described as rich, cowardly, childish, pessimistic, selfish, and envious. After moving to America, the writer finds that his personality develops. He is described as poor, optimistic, caring, opinionated, and responsible.

The second is about the conflicts that Amir has faced in the story. Based on the theory of conflict, there are two kinds of conflict; they are internal conflict and external conflict. Internal conflict is a conflict that comes from the character himself, whether he has a problem in his thought, mind, or in his belief. External conflict is a conflict with other human being, society, nature, even social belief and tradition.

There are three Amir Khan’ internal conflicts. The first is his feeling to Baba. In one side he loves him Baba so much but in the other side he is scare of Baba. The second is his feeling to Hassan. Amir loves Hassan, like a brother but he also afraid of being expelled by his Pashtun friend because of socializing with Hazara boy. Moreover, he feels envious of Hassan because Hassan gets Baba’s


attention and care. The third is his decision to leave Hassan. He wants to help Hassan from Assef because he is his best friend and because Amir knows that Hassan defends the kite for him, but he is also afraid of Assef. He is afraid of being hurt. Moreover, he wants the kite to be shown to Baba in order to get his love and attention.

Besides the internal conflicts, Amir also has the external conflicts. The first one is Amir versus his father. Amir and Baba have different interest. Amir likes to read stories and poems even write it which is according to Baba, a man should not do it. A man should do manly activities, like playing soccer. It becomes conflicts when Baba tries to force Amir to have same interest like him. The second is Amir versus Hassan. Their conflict is started after Amir’s betrayed act in the alley. Amir and Hassan cannot communicate their feeling well. The last is Amir versus Assef. The conflict is caused because Assef does not like to see Amir as a Pashtun people socializes with Hassan as a Hazara boy. Moreover, Assef feels humiliated by Hassan who tries to protect Amir from him.



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