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Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:B:Brain Research:Vol881.Issue1.2000:


Academic year: 2017

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Fig. 1. A tangential section of flattened cortex stained for CO. The area 18/19 border, marked by the dashed line with white asterisk, is identified by theedge of a dark CO oval, which encompasses areas 17 and 18
Fig. 2. A photograph of a coronal slice with retrogradely labeled cells in area 19 following an injection of WGA–HRP in area 21a
Fig. 4. A chart of labeled cells following an injection of CTX–Au in area21a. Largely spaced bands of label are visible in area 19 whose bordersare shown by dashed lines
Table 1The breakdown of measurements from separate cases of area 19 efferent


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