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2006 SE06 ques SE06 UMB C2


Academic year: 2017

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Filled in by BPS 1. Propinsi


2. Kabupaten/Kota*) Regency/City 3. Kecamatan

Subregency 4. ama Perusahaan

ame of Company

5. Alamat Perusahaan / Company Address

a. Alamat Unit Produksi / Production Unit Address


Phone Fax

b. Alamat Kantor Pusat Head Office Address


Phone Fax

6. ama orang yang dapat dihubungi / Contact person : ame

Phone Email


! ""#

# $ !!"

! ""#


% & % ' ())"

$ % & ' ! ())#

Kepala Bidang Statistik Produksi Head of Production Statistics Division

of the nearest Regional Statistics Office (see the last page)

! " # ! Head of Mining, Energy and Construction Statistics Sub Division

! " $ ! %&'" $ ()*() CBS ) Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Sutomo o. 6)8, Jakarta 10710

+ ),( -'.((/0" -'.,0)'" -'(),/(&." 1 0,-(" Phone (021) 3841195, 3842508, 3810291)4, Ext 5231

2 3 ),( -'%-'(% Fax (021) 3863816

E)mail: 4




Postal Code


-1. Jenis Ijin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) / Kind of Mining Authority Concession

! Mining Authorization (

5 5 6 ! ! , ,

6 Contractor

-2. Jenis tambang menurut ijin yang dimiliki

filled out by BPS

3. Status kegiatan penambangan / Mining activity status

6 7 ! General Survey ( # Exploration '

5 6 Feasibility Study , # Exploitation (%

! Construction .

! May be more than one activity

4. Bentuk badan hukum / Status of the company's Legal Body

( Cooperation 0

! Regional Government , 8 6 Others %

+ 9 Ltd. - ! Mention it

:9 .

5. Status penanaman modal / Status of investment

; Domestic &( ;< Foreign &, 2 Others

&-6. Persentase permodalan / Percentage of capital sharing

! Central Government =

Local Government =

1 Private =

< Foreign =

e. Jumlah / Total (a + b + c + d) 1 0 0 %

7. Tahun mulai beroperasi / Production commencement year

8. Apakah perusahaan ini mempunyai unit Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Litbang) ? Does the company have a Research & Development Unit?

> Yes ( + o ,

9. Apakah perusahaan ini melakukan Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) ?

Does the company conduct environment effect analysis?

> Yes ( + o ,

Jika "Ya" dalam bentuk / If it does, in form of :

10.Apakah perusahaan ini memberikan subsidi/bantuan kepada masyarakat sekitar ?

Does the company provide some fund for the society in the neighbourhood?

> Yes ( + o ,

Jika "Ya" dalam bentuk / If it does, in form of :

! School fund (

! Service fund for infrastructure ,



11.Apakah selama tahun 2006 terjadi kecelakaan kerja ?

Is there working accident during 2006?

> Yes ( + o ,

Jika "Ya" Sebutkan / If it does,:

$! 6 5 workers

number of workers had fatal accident

$! 6 5 workers

number of workers had severe accident

12.Luas penambangan dan jenis tambang yang diusahakan pada tahun 2006

Mining area and kinds of mineral activity 2006


Mining Area (Ha)

$ + 7

Kinds of Primary Mineral

$ + A !

Mining Area (Ha)

$ + 7

Kinds of Primary Mineral

$ + A !

Mining Area (Ha)

$ + 7

Kinds of Primary Mineral



Banyaknya Pekerja Tetap pada Akhir Tahun 2006 umber of Reguler Workers at the end of the year 2006

! " ! # !

Senior High School 8+

Junior High School B

Elementary School

; 6 " 5 " !

For example: drilling staff

Others workers are defined as workers who are not directly involved in the production process. For example: directors, staff of board of directors, administrative workers, etc.




0 '

( , - . *


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

8 &8


? <

Education Indonesian Foreigner Indonesian Foreigner

? A ? < ? A

5 ! 5 8 6

Production Workers Other Workers

8 &8 !

8 &8 ! 8 &8

Regular workers are defined as workers who are formally tied in agreement between workers and company.

Pekerja Produksi 5 6 ! 5 ! ! 6 ! !

! " ! 6 ! ! ! ! 6

Production Workers are defined as workers who work directly in the production process or activities connected with the production process, from general survey until exploitation.

Pekerja tetap 5 6 B ! 5 5 5 5



1. Balas Jasa Pekerja Tetap Selama Tahun 2006

Regular Workers Compensation in 2006 Rupiah

7 D 5


8 !

Overtime ! " @ " Bonus, Gift, etc +! 5 & ! 5

Balas jasa termasuk pemberian barang dan jasa 5 6 1 "

5 6 ! ! 6 ! & !

The worker compensation are include goods rendered by establishment to workers, both as their compensation and in)kind payments.

Pemberian berupa barang dan jasa ! ! 6 6 ! & !

Goods rendered by establishment to workers as in kind payments must be estimated by current market price.

Benefits are establishment expenses paid during 2006 directly to workers and/or to an institution dealing with pension, social security funds, insurance and similar benefits for workers.

Tunjangan ! ! 6 6 6 1 ! 6 6

6 ! " ! 5 " ! ! 5 5 6 ! !



2. Banyaknya Pekerja Tidak Tetap dan Upah yang Dibayarkan Setiap bulan Selama Tahun 2006

Total Mandays of Irregular Workers and Total Wages per Month in 2006

$ ! January

3. Biaya Pemulihan dan Tata Lingkungan Selama Tahun 2006 Maintenance and Environment Cost in 2006

E ! ! " " " ! "

Land Maintenance and Environment Cost (back field, recontouring, etc)

# ! < " 5 6

Erosion Control (Drainage, Water Treatment and in kind)

$! @ 5

Total Working Days

! Month

Jenis Biaya / Kind of Expenditures JUMLAH/ TOTAL



-Total Wages is the amount of money paid by the establishment to irregular workers each month during 2006.



4. Iuran Kegiatan Penambangan (Penerimaan egara Bukan Pajak) Selama Tahun 2006

Deadrent and Royalty in 2006 Rupiah

6 7 !

5. Pemakaian Bahan Bakar dan Pelumas Selama Tahun 2006 Fuels and Lubricants Consumption in 2006

< Avgas

< ! Avtur

! 3 Gasoline

' ! &!)"* !"!

; 6 Diesel Oil/IDO

B ; 6 +

# 5 8 D

D < ! D

; 6 2! A2 2

5 ! Lubricant

; 6 @ Hidroulic Oil

! / Coal

/ Coke

8 6 Other Fuels (

Fuels and Lubricants


-Kind of

Jenis Biaya / Kind of Expenditures


! (


! ! 7 !

Standard 6 6 Value

Unit Quantity (Rupiah) Quantity

6 6 Value



6. Pemakaian Bahan Peledak dan Penyundut Selama Tahun 2006 Consumption of Explosive and Detonator in 2006

( , - .

( Dynamite / T T

< B 1 D

1 D


, < ! - # !

# !

# ! ; 3

. 8 6 Kind of ther explosive


Plain Detonator 8 Electric Detonator on Electric Detonator

, ! ! Detonator Cord ! ! < Safety Fuse ! ! 8

Detonating Cord Cordtex


- Connector

Detonating Relay Connector Delay Connector

Exel Connector

. 6! ! 8 6 Other Detonators


Jenis Bahan Peledak / Kind of Explosive ilai / Value

Unit Quantity (Rupiah)

Satuan Banyaknya

Banyaknya ilai / Value


Unit Quantity (Rupiah)


7. Pengeluaran Lain Selama Tahun 2006/Other Expenditures in 2006

! ! Spareparts


Maintenance cost for capital goods

< 6 ! 6 ! ! !

Mining equipment which the period utility is less than one year

< ! ! !


1 " 6

Rent expenditure for building, vehicles, machinery and other equipments

B 1 !

Land)fare and rent expenditure for building

6 !

Refinering Cost

6 5 6 5

Cost of mining services carried out by other parties

A 6 5 !

Consultant services cost 5 < !

Capital goods insurance

6 ! !

Transportation and Warehousing cost

6 !

Cost of Post and telecommunication

6 <;

Water supply cost 6

Research and development Cost

6 ! 6 !

Cost of human resources development

F ! 6 6

Interest paid to other parties

6 5 &5 6 ! " ! ! 5 6

Cost of other services (accountancy, law institution and others)

5 !

Indirect taxes

8 6 " 5 B " ! 5 6

Others (commission, management fee, charity, etc)

Jumlah / Total

Jenis Biaya / Kind of Expenditures

( ,



MPU, Motor Listrik dan Generator yang Digunakan Selama Tahun 2006 Power Movers, Electric Motors and Generators Utilized in 2006

( ; 7 ; 7 Prime Movers

8 ! ! ! !

Directly used for driving the production machineries 7 !

Used for driving generators , ;

Electric motors - D


Generator 6 ! 5

Generators are defined as machines which transform mechanical power into electrical power.

Tenaga Listrik yang Diproduksi, Dibeli dan Dijual Selama Tahun 2006 Electricity Produced, Purchased and Sold in 2006

( + 6 ! !

Own produced electric power

, + 6 Electricity purchased from



- + 6 5!

Electricity sold to other parties

! " # $

6 6

7 Description umber !

! Unit Power

( ,

-Mesin penggerak utama (MPU) 6 !

! " 1 ! > ! !


Prime movers are defined as machines which generate mechanical power without using manpower, animal or electrical power i.e. : windmill and other nature power

Motor listrik 6 ! ! ! ! 5 ! !


Electric motors are defined as machines which are used to transform electrical power into mechanical power to move project tools.


7 Description 6 6 Quantity Value

? E!


-Penambahan, Perbaikan Besar, Penjualan dan Penyusutan Barang Modal Tetap Selama Tahun 2006 Addition, Major Repair, Sale and Depreciation of Fixed Capital in 2006

6! !

Produksi / Lifting Bahan Tambang per Bulan Selama Tahun 2006 Production / Lifting of Minerals per Month in 2006

( $ ! January

$ ; Addition Capital Repairs

+ ; ; 5


5 Description of Fixed



ew fixed Carried out "


Capital Domestic Carried out by By Itself Second Hand Other Party

( , - . 0 % *


& ' (

Jenis Bahan Tambang Utama dan Tambang Ikutan

Bulan Kind of Primary Minerals and on Primary Minerals

% *



( <1 Beginning Stock


, ! Production


Value (Rupiah)

- Own usage


. 8 8 5! Processed


0 5! Domestic Sales


Value (Rupiah)

% 5! 8! Export


Value (Rupiah)

* @ ! ! Loss


' < 2

= (2)+(3))(4))(5))(6))(7))(8)


* + *

Kind of Minerals

( , - .

) *+ ( )


Pendapatan/Penerimaan Lain yang Diterima Perusahaan Selama Tahun 2006 Other Income/Revenue Received by the Establishment During 2006

( 5 Income from services


Repair and maintenance machinery

Delivery charges

, 6 1 " & " ! ! !

Income from rent of land, equipments, building and other structure

- ! !

Fund from State/Local Government .

Income from dividen revenue

0 6 " 5!

Other income, i.e goods sold

(diisi oleh BPS / filled out by BPS)

( $ 5 + G AAA E (" 5! %H* I

Wages / Salaries for Regular Workers {Part Item 1, Total Column (6+7)}

$ 5 + + AAA E ," 5! .

Expenditures for Irregular Workers (Part III Item 2, Total of Column 4)

6 ! ! ! ; + 8 ! AAA $ E

-Cost for Maintenance and Environment (Part III Total Item 3)

6 G AAA $! E . ,H- I

Mining Operational Expenditures {Part III Total Item 4 column (2+3)}

) 6 AAA E 0" $! .

Fuel and lubricant consumption (Part III Item 5, Total of Column 4)

6! ! AAA E %" $! .

Consumption of Explosive and Detonator (Part III Item 6, Total of Column 4)

* ! 8 AAA $! E *

Other Expenditures (Part III Total Item 7)

+ 8 6 9 E , ,

-Electricity Purchased (Part V Total item 2a and 2b Column 3)

( ! G 9AAA E , 9 ! E! " ,H-H.H0H% I

Production Value {Part VIII Total of Column (2+3+4+5+6)}

, 5! 8 9 E -"

-Electricity Sold (Part V Item 3, Column 3)

- 8 AJ

Other Income/Revenue (Part IX)

, " &

-, ) #

$! Total Revenue B

$ Kind of Revenue / Value



# D#87<E< EXPE DITURES / Value


$! ! Total Expenditures A



B 6 ! ! 6 ! ! 6

Data stated in this form has been filled out truthfully and accurately by:

( ame

, $ Occupation

- + Telephone 2 3 #&

. + + !

! 6

Data Confidentiality

6 5 ,( 77 (% + ! (//*" 6 6 1

C 6 1 5 5 6 C

Data confidentiality is guarranteed under Article 21 of Law o. 16, 1997;

1 5 6 ,* 77 (% + ! (//*" 6 6 1

Respondent obligation is guarranteed under Article 27 of Law o. 16, 1997;

, -

-(, + #%# % . & % /

% . & % # # ( 0 1

% . & % 2

2, * 3 ())"

/, * 3 ())"

1, * *

! "

. %

% #

/ ) 0 #

"The conductor of statistical activities must ensure the confidentiality of the information obtained from respondents".

"Every respondent must provide the required information when the BPS)Statistics Indonesia is collecting basic statistic".

C 1 5 6 ! 6


Dokumen terkait

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Paket pengadaan ini terbuka untuk penyedia yang teregistrasi pada Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (LPSE) dan memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut :.. Bentuk :

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