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What is a Mobility Scooter


Academic year: 2017

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What is a Mobility Scooter? Word Count:

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This article describes mobility scooters, their advantages, and the different types.


mobility scooter, travel scooters, adult scooters, electric scooters, electric scooter, adult scooter

Article Body:

Mobility scooters are similar to wheelchairs in the service that they provide. Mobility scooters are personal movement devices that carry a seated individual. They allow you to go places, like shopping or the park, you might have otherwise been unable to do independently.

Mobility scooters feature a chair and a tiller. The tiller consists of a set of handle bars and several different controls. It can be adjusted to a position that is closer or farther from the seat, which makes it able to accommodate people of all sizes. Modern mobility scooters utilize rechargeable electric batteries, but you still occasionally run across a gasoline powered mobility scooter. Gasoline powered mobility scooters can be very dangerous because they get very hot, emit noxious fumes, and are at much greater risk of fire and explosion. You should always purchase a battery powered mobility scooter. Almost all mobility scooters utilize keyed access. This ensures that your scooter is not used without your permission. They also frequently feature headlights, taillights, and turn indicators, which greatly improve the safety of the device and allow it to be used at night. Many also feature seatbelts, which for added safety should be worn if included. The speed of the mobility scooter can be controlled easily and some have a top speed of over 10 miles per hour, but you do not have to drive it this fast and doing so can reduce the charge of the battery dramatically.

The seat of a mobility scooter can be adjusted in many ways. They typically can be raised up and down, and frequently swivel to the left and right. The swivel feature makes it much easier to enter and exit the device. The arm rests are also frequently adjustable. The width of some can even be adjusted and many can be flipped up. Those that have difficulty walking or freely moving will greatly benefit from a mobility scooter. They can be used indoors and out and models made by reputable manufacturers, like Golden and Pride, will provide years of trouble free service.

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