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Analysis of the Rise of Conflicts Due to the Non-Observance of Gricean Maxims in Revenge TV Series Season 1 & 2.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University


Dalam penulisan tugas akhir ini, saya melakukan analisis terhadap satu

drama serial yang berjudul Revenge. Saya menganalisis

pelanggaran-pelanggaran aturan dalam percakapan-percakapan antar tokoh-tokohnya, yang

kemudian berakhir dengan adanya konflik di antara mereka. Analisis ini saya

lakukan dengan menggunakan teori bidal dari H. P Grice (1975) yang

mengkategorikan pelanggaran-pelanggaran dalam percakapan tersebut ke

dalam beberapa jenis.

Beberapa tokoh dalam film serial ini seringkali menyelipkan arti

tersembunyi yang ingin ia sampaikan kepada lawan bicaranya dengan tujuan

tertentu. Makna tersembunyi tersebut kemudian menimbulkan konflik. Selain

menyelipkan makna tersembunyi, beberapa tokoh dalam film ini juga berbohong

untuk sekedar membela diri atau menyembunyikan rahasia yang mereka miliki.

Dalam analisis ini saya menemukan bahwa pelanggaran jenis flouting a

maxim of manner adalah jenis yang paling banyak dilakukan. Selain itu, semua

pelanggaran ini dipicu oleh dendam yang dimiliki oleh tokoh utama, yang






CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 4

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 4

1.4 Method of the Research ... 4

1.5 Organization of the Thesis ... 4

CHAPTER TWO : THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Flouting a maxim ... 8

2.2 Violating a maxim ... 11

2.3 Infringing a maxim ... 11

2.4 Opting out of a maxim ... 11

2.5 Suspending a maxim ... 12






Maranatha Christian University



1.1 Background of the Study

Human beings are social creatures who cannot live only by themselves. In

everyday life, we as human beings have to communicate with one another to

share our thoughts, to tell our needs, and to live. That is why communication is

inevitable for us. Thus, to fulfil the needs of communication, language is created.

According to Oxford Advanced Dictionary, ‘language is the use by human

of a system of sounds and words to communicate’ (“Language”, def. 2). Yet, for

some reasons, people cannot simply say what they want to say, accordingly;

Pragmatics exists.

It is not rare that people utter something opposite to what they actually

want to convey, or they say ambiguous things, or saying something that lacks

evidence, with or without any intention to mislead the hearer. All of those issues

are studied in Pragmatics. “Pragmatics is the study of the speaker’s meaning


In a conversation, there is a rule. This rule of conversation is made so that

the conversation can run smoothly. A philosopher from England who is a linguist,

H.P. Grice, introduced the four conversational maxims and the cooperative

principle. These four conversational maxims and the cooperative principle will be

explained in details in Chapter Two. Basically, this rule becomes an identifier to

categorize the utterances that fail to observe the principle into several categories

of the types of non-observance. There are flouting the maxim, violating the

maxim, infringing the maxim, opting out of the maxim, and suspending the

maxim. (Thomas 65)

As I have mentioned earlier, people often say something which is different

from what they really want to say. In Pragmatics, that speaker meaning is called

implicature. Accoding to H.P. Grice, “To imply is to hint, suggest or convey some

meaning indirectly by means of language” (Thomas 1). The implicature could be

understood by a lot of expectations and assumptions, and it all depends on the

situation and condition at that time.

In Revenge TV Series, I find some utterances which fail to observe the

maxims. In this thesis, I would like to analyze the conversation uttered by the

major characters: Emily Thorne (the protagonist), Victoria (the antagonist) and

the members of Victoria’s family, such as her husband, Conrad, and her children,

Daniel and Charlotte.

Because this TV series is about revenge, the characters have many

secrets and lies. Thus, I can tell that the non-observance of maxims often



lying is not something rare in Victoria’s life.

Conrad, who is Victoria’s husband, apparently has an affair with Victoria’s

best friend. Hence, the same as Victoria, he has a tendency to lie or mislead

people around him. In other words, he often fails to observe the maxim.

Victoria’s daughter has family issues which make her use drugs and have

a lot of problems. She lies to hide the truth of her using drugs and it makes her

often fail to observe the maxims.

Victoria’s son, who is also Emily’s boyfriend, Daniel, knows nothing about

the situation that happens in his family. He usually becomes the one who is

misled by people around him because he trusts people easily.” (IMDb)

I hope my thesis can be beneficial to the readers. Misinterpretation

between the speaker and the hearer usually triggers a conflict. Through my thesis

about the rise of the conflict due to the non-observances of Gricean maxims, the

readers will become more aware of the implicature within one’s utterances, the

way they interpret what they hear or read, so that conflicts can be avoided.

Moreover, they can become more cautions of those utterances which intends to



1.2 Statement of the Problem

In my thesis, there are three problems to be analyzed:

1. Which utterance does not observe the Gricean maxim?

2. What type of non-observance of the Gricean Maxim does it belong to?

3. How do the conflicts arise due to the non-observances of Gricean


1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of this study are:

1. To find out which utterance does not observe the Gricean maxim.

2. To classify the type of maxim it belongs to.

3. To analyze how these non-observance of maxims arise the conflict.

1.4 Method of Research

The first step I did for this research is I read the theory of maxims until I

really understood it. Second, I looked for a TV series which has so many conflicts

because of the failure of observing the Gricean Maxims. I watched it and

collected the data. Third, after I had sufficient data, I started to analyze the type

of the maxims which the character fails to observe and relate it to the conflicts.

1.5 Organization of the Thesis

This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter One is Introduction, which

contains Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Purpose of the



Maranatha Christian University contains Theoretical Framework. Chapter Three contains the analysis of the data.

Chapter Four contains the conclusion of the discussion in Chapter Three. At the

end of this thesis, there is Bibliography, consisting of the sources and the




In this chapter, I would like to give my personal opinion about my findings

concerning the non-observances in Revenge TV Series that cause conflicts. In

order to make a conversation run smoothly, one should observe the rule of

conversation. The failure to observe it will cause a conflict between the speaker

and the hearer. In Revenge TV Series, there are a lot of conflicts which are

caused by the failure to observe the maxims. From analyzing 26 data in total, I

find 22 data of flouting the maxim and 4 data of violating the maxim. However, I

find none of suspending, opting out of, and infringing the maxim.

Based on the findings, the biggest number of data is the flouting of the

maxim; thus, there are a lot of implicatures which the speakers wish the hearers

to look for. Yet, the speakers all have different reasons to imply their meaning in

their utterances. In my opinion, besides the characteristics of the characters, I

can say that a certain situation causes someone to flout a certain maxim.

This biggest number data of flouting the maxim also gives an effect to the

audience. Since the speaker often flouts the maxim, the audience has to really

pay attention to the dialogues from the beginning until the end besides the

context of this TV series. If they miss some important parts of the stories, they



Maranatha Christian University will not understand the causes of the conflict to occurs, which then makes this TV

series boring.

The characteristics of the character can also become one of the factors of

the failure of observing the maxims. For instance, the main character, Emily, is

often fails to observe the maxim by lying or changing the topic.

The other type of the non-observance is violating the maxim. There are

4 out of 26 data found or 15 %, so I conclude that in this TV series the characters

only have a slight intention to mislead. Frank and Charlotte are the characters

who violate the maxim. I believe it to happen because the situation forces them to

do it. They are being cornered by the other party and both of them want to protect

themselves from being blamed on something that they have actually done. Frank

pretends that he does not understand the reason why Conrad is mad with him,

while Charlotte lies about having taken drugs. As I have mentioned earlier, the

audience cannot afford to miss the episodes; or else they may not know if the

speaker lies or tells the truth.

In my analysis, I find some utterances of suspending, opting out of, and

infringing the maxim but they do not end up with conflicts. Therefore, they do not

become the data of my research. In this television series, there are indeed some

scenes in which the speaker is drunk, but I do not find anything from their


words or the ethical reasons which cause them to fail in cooperating the maxims.

There are four types of maxim that are flouted, namely flouting the maxim

of quality, quantity, relation, and manner. In my analysis, from those four types,

the most data found is flouting the maxim of manner, namely thirteen data. The

second most data is flouting the maxim of relation, which is five, and followed by

two data of flouting the maxim of quality, and one data of flouting the maxim of


According to the number of data found above, it can be concluded that the

characters in this TV series are likely to talk indirectly or unclearly. It all depends

on the situation at that time. For instance, Conrad wants to fire his confidant,

Frank. Yet, the fact is Frank has been working for Conrad for quite a long time,

and he should be grateful to Frank. Because of that, Conrad does not want to say

his intention directly. The other example is Marion, who wants to ask for Victoria’s

help. However, she was very mean to Victoria in the past; moreover, they have

not been talking for 35 years. Therefore, she conveys her intention indirectly.

The second most data found is flouting the maxim of relation. The main

reason for this is because they want to avoid a topic. Referring to Charlotte and

Emily as examples, both of them want to avoid the question and change the

topic. Charlotte is afraid of her mother when her mother asks her about her taking

drugs, while Emily is also afraid that Daniel will find out her secret.

I only find two data which flout the maxim of quality uttered by Conrad and

Emily. Conrad says, ‘no’ when Frank asks him if he fires him, when both Conrad

and Frank know that the truth is the opposite. Emily says, ‘Oh I believe that’ with

a sarcastic tone and she roles her eyes. From her body language, we can see



Maranatha Christian University Emily’s implicature which makes him really mad because he feels insulted. From

those cases, I conclude that when someone flouts the maxim of quality, they

expect the hearer to catch their implied meaning. Usually, when the hearer can

catch the implicature, a conflict arises.

Since the genre of this TV series is drama, conflicts are indeed the main

issue. I find verbal conflicts rather than physical conflicts because this series

revolves around revenge. The verbal conflicts caused by the non-observances of

the maxims make this TV series really interesting.



Data Source

“Revenge.” By Mike Kelley. IMDb, United States. 2012. Television.


About Conflict. Academic Leadership Support, 2015. Web. 16 March 2015.

“Languange.” Def. 2. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. 7th ed. 2010. Print.

Thomas, Jenny. Meaning in Interaction: an Introduction to Pragmatics.

London & New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc., 1995. Print


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