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Submitted to Board the Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for Literature Degree at English Literature Department







Jambi, 15 September 2020

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed Supervisor II : M. Beni Saputra, MA

Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty

State Islamic University In


Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb

After reading and revising as necessary, then we agreed that the thesis of Ahmadi Tresno with register number AI160768 with the title “PSYCOANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHARACTER AS SEEN IN BRIGHTBURN MOVIE BY

DAVID YEROVESKY” can be submitted for the Munaqasyah exam in partial of the fulfillment to the requirement for the degree of Literature Scholar. We submit this thesis so that it can be accepted and used properly.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb

Supervisor I Supervisor II

M. Beni Saputra, MA NIP. 197401031999031006

Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed



Jambi, 15 September 2020

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed Pembimbing II : M. Beni Saputra, MA

Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi

Kepada Yth

Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi

Di- Tempat

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb

Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya maka kami berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudara: Ahmadi Tresno, NIM. AI160768, yang berjudul “PSYCHOANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHARACTER AS SEEN IN BRIGHTBURN MOVIE BY DAVID YEROVESKY”, telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas-tugas dan memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana srata satu (S1) pada fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi tersebut agar diterima dengan baik.

Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

M. Beni Saputra, MA NIP. 197401031999031006

Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed



This thesis has been examined by the session of Adab and Humanity Faculty of The State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi on September 2020 and accepted as a part of the requirement which has to be fulfilled for obtaining Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Literature Department.

Jambi, 12 November 2020

Dean of Adab and Humanity Faculty

Dr. Halimah Dja’far, S.Ag., M.Fil,I NIP. 196012111988032001

Secretary Chairwoman

Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd

NIP. 198902032018012002 NIP. 198808112015032006

Examiner I Supervisor I

Ulfatmi Azlan, MA

NIP. 198411272011012012 NIP. 197401031999031006

Examiner II Supervisor II

Yenti, S.S., M.Pd M. Beni Saputra, MA

NIP. 198808112015032006

Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M. Ed Dian Mukhlisa, MA



They plan, Allah too plans, and Allah is the best of planners – Qur’an Surah Ali – Imran Verse 54

”Mereka berencana, Allah-pun berencana, dan Allah adalah sebaik-baiknya pembuat rencana”

―It‘s not about how hard you hit. It‘s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward‖

Bukan tentang seberapa kuat kau memukul tapi tentang seberapa kuat kau dapat menahan pukulan dan tetap terus maju.

-Rocky Balboa-



“In the name of Allah, The most Beneficial, The most Merciful”

The Last and Final Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) a good role model and the leader of human kind.

I dedicated this thesis to:

Myself who never give up no matter what happen.

To both of my parents who always give me the best prayers, supports, and love.

To my family and friends who are always there for me in any circumstances.

And finally, for everyone who have helped me in writing this thesis.

Allow me to deliver my gratitude.


ACKNOWLEDGMENT Bismillahirahmanirahim…

All praises to Allah SWT, God the owner of the universe who wills over everything who has given me ease in completing this thesis with the title Psychoanalysis of the Main Character as Seen in Brigthburn Movie by David Yerovesky fulfill the requirement of the degree of Sarjana (S1) of English Literatre of Adab and Humanity Faculty of State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Let‘s deliver our blessing and salutation to the last and final messenger of Allah, Muhammad pbuh who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness such as we feel today.

I also would like to deliver my best appreciation to those who have helped me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to:

1. The Rector of State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, M.A, Ph.D, the first vice rector, DR. Rofiqoh Ferawati, the second vice rector, DR. As‘ad Isma, the third vice rector, Dr. Bahrul Ulum, who allowed to study in this University.

2. The dean of Adab and Humanity faculty Dr. Halimah Dja‘far, S.Ag.,M.Fil.I, the first deputy dean Dr. Ali Muzakir, M.Ag, the second deputy dean Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed, the third deputy dean Dr.

Raudhoh, S.Ag., SS., M.Pd.I, the head of English Literature Department, Dian Mukhlisa, M.Pd, and the secretary of English Literature Department, Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd and to all the lecturers who have shared their knowledge.

3. I would like particularly to thank Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed and Mr. M.

Beni Saputra, MA for the many insights they provided me for writing this thesis. Discussions with them have also proven most helpful.

4. All of the lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanity faculty for became the place where I study until undergraduate in this university.


5. My father, Faizan who always reminds me of Allah, who always told me to be patient and accept what happen for those are Allah‘s teachings and plans. For my mother who always gives me the best she could possibly give, for always there when I need her. For my siblings and my grandmother for being the best family I could ever have.

6. For my little niece Aisyah Jannatul Victoria for being born and for letting me be your uncle.

7. For my second family in Forum Indonesia Muda who has become serenity when the relentlessness come.

8. For all of my classmates for sharing all the moments during 3 years pass.

9. Last but not least, I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all of this hard work, I want to thank me for having no days off, I want to thank me for never quitting, I want to thank me for never giving up on me.

This thesis is still far from perfection, the researcher humbly request some critiques and suggestions in order to make it better in the future time. Finally, the researcher wishes that this thesis could extend useful contribution to the readers, especially for the students of English Literature Department of Adab and Humanity Faculty.

Jambi, 12 November 2020

Ahmadi Tresno AI160768



Tresno, Ahmadi. 2020. Psychoanalysis of The Main Character as Seen In the Movie Brightburn by David Yerovesky‖. English Literature, Adab and Humanity Faculty, State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed.

Supervisor II : M. Beni Saputra, MA

This research is discussing about the psychology of the main character as seen in Brightburn Movie directed by David Yerovesky. The purposes of this research are (1) To discover what kind of characterization depicted by the main character (2) To discover what kind of conflict that are experienced by the main character (3) To find out how the main character reacts to his conflict within the story. The researcher uses objective theory and psychological approach in composing this research. This research uses qualitative method and uses descriptive technique to analyze the data. This research went through several procedure, first collect all the data that has been obtained from the movie and other sources, collect the images, dialogue, and expressions then the researcher analyzes the problems that are related to the main character, the depictions of the problems and the resolutions of the problems within the Brightburn movie. The findings in this research show that the main character‘s characterization is delivered indirectly within the conversations. This research also shows that the main character is experienced some external conflicts of character versus society and reacts to them using Id.

Keyword : Psychology, characterization, Id, Ego, Supergo, Brightburn.



Tresno, Ahmadi. 2020. Psychoanalysis of The Main Character as Seen In the Movie Brightbrn by David Yerovesky‖. Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, S.Pd., M.Ed.

Pembimbing II : M. Beni Saputra, MA

Penelitian ini membahas tentang psikologi tokoh utama sebagaimana terlihat di dalam movie Brightburn yang di sutradarai oleh David Yerovesky. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui perwatakan tokoh utama yang di gambarkan di dalam cerita (2) untuk mengetahui masalah-masalah yang di alami oleh tokoh utama (3) untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara tokoh utama menyelesaikan konflik yang ada di dalam cerita. Penulis menggunakan teori objektif dan pendekatan psikologi untuk mendukung penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dan teknik deskriptif untuk memaparkan dan menganalisa data. Penelitian ini melalui beberapa prosedur. Pertama mengumpulkan semua data yang di peroleh dari movie Brightburn dan sumber- sumber lain, mengumpulkan foto, dialog, dan ekspresi kemudian penulis menganalisis masalah yang berkaitan dengan tokoh utama, penggambaran dan penyelesaian masalah yang ada di dalam movie Brightburn. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perwatakan tokoh utama disampaikan secara tidak lansung di dalam percakapan. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa tokoh utama mengalami beberapa eksternal konflik karakter melawan masyarakat yang di sebabkan oleh kekuatan yang ia miliki dan semua masalah nya di selesaikan dengan menggukan Id.

Kata kunci : Psikologi, karakterisasi, Id, Ego, Superego, Brightburn.




NOTA DINAS ... iii



MOTTO ... vi




ABSTRAK ... xi


CHAPTER I INTODUCTION A. The Background of the Problem ... 1

B. The Formulation of the Problem ... 4

C. The Limitation of the Problem ... 4

D. The Purpose of the Research ... 4

E. The Significant of the Research ... 5


B. Definition of Character and Characterization ... 7

C. Kinds of Characterizations ... 8

1. Direct Characterization ... 8

2. Indirect Characterization ... 9

D. Kinds of Conflicts ... 10

1. Internal Conflict ... 10

2. External Conflict ... 11

E. Psychoanalytic Approach ... 12

F. Review of Related Research ... 14

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Design of Research ... 19

B. Source of Data ... 20

C. Technique of Data Collection ... 20

D. Technique of Data Analysis ... 21


B. Analysis ... 24


1. Characterization of the Main Character ... 24

a. Speech ... 24

b. Thought ... 25

c. Effect ... 26

d. Action ... 28

e. Look ... 29

2. Kind of conflict Experienced by the Main Character ... 31

a. Brandon is bullied by his classmates ... 31

b. Brandon is rejected by his friend and parents ... 33

c. Brandon is threatened by his uncle ... 34

d. Brandon is betrayed by his family ... 35

3. How the Main Character React Toward the Conflict... 37

a. Brandon Attacks his bully ... 37

b. Brandon murders Erika, Noah, Kyle and Tori Breyer ... 38

c. Brandon wreaks havoc upon the city ... 40

C. CHAPTER V A. Conclusion ... 43

B. Suggestion ... 44 REFERENCES



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem

This thesis contains the study of literature which is one of the subjects of English literature major in the faculty. The interest of the researcher on choosing literature is drawn because the researcher personally finds it easy to understand than any other subjects such as linguistics etc. Literature is a body of written works. The name has traditionally been applied to those imaginative works of poetry and prose distinguished by the intentions of their authors and the perceived aesthetic excellence of their execution. Literature may be classified according to a variety of systems, including language, national origin, historical period, genre, and subject matter. Definitions of the word literature tend to be circular. The 11th edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary considers literature to be ―writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest.‖ The 19th-century critic Walter Pater referred to ―the matter of imaginative or artistic literature‖ as a ―transcript, not of mere fact, but of fact in its infinitely varied forms.‖ But such definitions assume that the reader already knows what literature is. And indeed its central meaning, at least, is clear enough. Deriving from the Latin littera, ―a letter of the alphabet,‖

literature is first and foremost humankind‘s entire body of writing; after that it is the body of writing belonging to a given language or people; then it is individual pieces of writing. According to Klarer, literary work is referred to the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word.1

The thesis also contains movie as its object of the study which is drawn by the personal interest of the researcher on movies and watching. Movie also included in one of the literary work other than poetry, play, and novel. Here the researcher chose a movie as one of the literary works that convey imaginative

1Klarer, M. An Introduction to Literary Studies. (London: Routledge, 2004), p.1


exploration of human experience through characters in action and setting. Movie visualized a story or dialogue on the screen. The researcher chooses Brightburn it follows a story of Brandon Bryer a main character who has an interesting psychology to analyse as psychology is also included to the study of literature.

The movie has an almost similar plot to Superman movie whereas Superman is using all of his powers to protect humanity another case happened to Brandon Bryer whereas he decided that humanity is worthless than him after he found out that he has the same abilities and superpowers like superman. Movie consists of many genres and issues like Comedy-drama, Crime drama, Docudrama, Horror drama, romance, action, and many more and bring up particular issues as the conflict in the movie such as psychology, feminist, mythology, etc. All those approaches are urgently analysing particular issues. For example, the psychological approach which is an approach that deals with the behavior of the character. Here the writer chose a film as one of the literary works that convey imaginative exploration of human experience through characters in action and setting. Film visualized a story or dialogue on the screen. The writer chose Brightburn Which was directed by David Yerovesky and was produced by James Gunn and Kenneth Huang. It stars Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, and Jackson A. Dunn. It follows a story of Brandon Bryer, a young boy of alien origin raised on Earth who realizes he has superpowers. Upon learning of them and being brainwashed by the ship he arrived in, Brandon rejects his humanity and turns to evil, opting to terrorize his hometown, including his parents. The film is produced and financed by Screen Gems, Stage 6 Films, The H Collective and Troll Court Entertainment. Although the plot is almost similar to the story of Superman it has a very un-similar conflict to tell. It shows what would happen if a Superman-like figure became a force for evil, using superpowers like super strength, flight, and heat vision to wreak havoc on humanity.

The movie draws the writer‘s interest because it was the first movie whichever combine between the ―Superhero‖ theme in a horror movie genre with a light plot story. The last several years have been good to superheroes and horror movies, as those genres have delivered many cinematic offerings and/or


commercial success. The two genres were being merged for Brightburn, the twisted, R-rated story by David Yerovesky. The other thing that draws the writer‘s interest in analysing this movie is because the main character who is a superhero but does the opposite things that superhero should have done.

This movie begins in 2006, a spaceship crash lands in Brightburn, Kansas in a farm owned by Tori and Kyle Breyer. Inside the ship was an infant child in which the couple adopt him and named him Brandon. They then hide the spaceship in the barn‘s cellar to hide the truth from Brandon. Ten years later, the ship begins transmitting an alien message, leading Brandon to discover he has superhuman strength, speed, and invulnerability. After he discovered his superpowers he didn‘t use them for good and kindness instead he used them to kill everyone who stands on his way. As Brandon begins his worldwide attacks, news report and a conspiracy theorist discuss assorted destruction in Brightburn, the existence of other super-beings, and pleads with humanity to take action.

Brightburn grossed $17.3 million in U.S.A and Canada, and $15.5 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $32.8 million.

As previously stated that the plot is very similar to the plot of Superman whereas Superman is using all of his powers to protect humanity even after all the bully and rejections that he received from his environment, yet he still has risen with the love of his adoptive parents. Another case happened to Brandon Bryer whereas he decided that humanity is worthless than him after he found out that he has the same abilities and superpowers like superman.

The writer is intended to analyse the psychology of Brandon Bryer which is what makes him decided to become evil while he is treated and raised the same way as Superman who is decided to become good. Was he face the same conflict or is it just how he solve the conflict is different.

The psychoanalytic approach of Sigmund Freud is used on writing this thesis as it is explaining about three psychological structure of human (Id, Ego, Superego) and Objective theory of M.H Abrams which explains about the


intrinsic elements within the literary work such as characterization, plot, setting etc. this thesis contains information about three level of psychological structure it also provides the readers with information on how someone‘s character can affected their psychotic behavior therefore by understanding them we can find solutions to individuals problems which essential for social life aspect. It also contains information on how objective theory and psychological approach can correlates with each other which can help future researchers who would like to do the similar research study.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher analysed the main character in scientific research entitled, ―Psychoanalysis of Brightburn Movie‘s main character‖.

B. The Formulation of Problem

Based on the background of the problem the researcher formulated the problem as follows:

1. What kind of characterizations is depicted by the main character?

2. What kind of conflicts is experienced by the main character in the movie?

3. How the main character reacts to the problems as seen in the movie?

C. The Limitation of Problem

In order to focus this research, the researcher limited the analysis solely to Brandon Breyer 's psychology as the main character in Brightburn 's movie, which has an interesting psychology and a main character's depiction. In order to discover how the main character depicted in the movie does, and to discover at what level of psychology the main character is more dominant.

D. The Purpose of Research

Based on the problem above the purposes of this research are:

1. To describe what kind of characterizations is depicted by the main character.

2. To find out what kind of conflicts is experienced by the main character.


3. To explain how does the main character reacts to the problems as seen in the movie.

E. The Significance of Research

There are two functional considerations for conducting the research. This study is significant to conduct due to its theoretical and practical functions:

Theoretically, this research is aimed to enrich the theoretical bases of literary studies, especially those which are related to the psychological analysis of the main character‘s personality.

Practically, this study tries to implement on of the literary theories, thus the researcher can research the formulated objectives appropriately, it will give understanding on how motives can control one person‘s behavior in process of achieving his/her purpose and also will give the readers knowledge about the basic drive in human being‘s emotions based on psychological point of view.

Also, the result of this study is expected to be a reference and alternative information. This study is supposed to be useful for other researchers doing similar research, for example, psychological analysis of the main character as seen brightburn movie by David Yerovesky




In this research the researcher is intended to use the objective theory which is a theory that talks about the intrinsic element of literature. In Children‘s Literature Theory Research and Teaching. Kay E Vandergrift stated that

―objective Theory were rare in the early history of literary studies and really began to emerge in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries‖2

It means that objective theory just began to emerge in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Furthermore, the M.H Abrams Stated that objective theory is:

―The objective orientation which on principle regards to the work of art in isolation from all these external points of reference, analyses it as a self sufficient entity constituted by its part in their internal relations, and sets out to judge it solely by criteria intrinsic to own mode of being.‖3

From the quotation above it explains how the objective theory is related to the literary work, in this research the researcher choose the objective theory because the researcher wanted to analyse the intrinsic elements of literary work.

The intrinsic elements of movie which consist of : theme, characterization, plot, setting and message.4 Objective theory is connected with the literary work itself.

The objective theory to scholarly work starts with a full portrayal of it, in the event that it is within the ground of verse, it concerns the physical components or specialized properties. The peruser ought to attempt to illustrate the researcher‘s strategies and meaning in a completely objective way. It starts with the introduction of the physical components of its scholarly work, around the length, the frame, and etc. which ended up the essential data of it and continues to

2Vandergrift, Children’s Literature Theory, Research, and Teaching, (Library Unlimited Inc, Englewood Colorado, 1990), p. 11

3M.H Abrams. The Mirror and the Lamp. Romantic Theory and The Critical Tradition (New York: Norton, 2010), p. 26

4Anonym, The Intrinsic Elements of Movie. (Online)



more complex data, in this case, the components of the substance of the scholarly work, such as topic, setting, plot, characters, point of view, and etc.

B. Definition of Character and Characterization

A character is any person, animal, or figure represented in literary work.

Characters are essential to a good story, and it is the main character that has the greatest effect on the plot or the most affected by the events of the story. In another word, a character can be simply defined as the ‗people‘ in the movie, and the way the director presents them is called characterization. The character is the part of intrinsic elements in the movie which is explored first by the researcher because it takes essential role to display any behaviour of each character in the movie.

Handerson in his book wrote:

―character refers to the people authors create to inhabit their stories.

Characters should be beliveable and consistent. Being believeable means not that all characters be like people we have known but they believeable in the context of the story. Consistently requires not that the characters remain exactly the same, but any changes in character be sufficiently by what happens to them in a story.‖5

Character is acting either protagonist or antagonist character and deal with some sequence of events those later causes changes them. In sum, the audience must know if the characters within a story is a main or peripheral character.

According to Abrams in the book of ―A Glossary of Literature‖ on the page 32- 33 he said ―characteristic is the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual and emotional qualities by inferences from what the person say and their distinctive ways of saying it the dialogue and from what they do the action‖.6 So, the character plays an important role in a literary works because there is no

5Henderson, Gloria Mason, et al., Literature and Our Selves a Thematic Introduction for Readers and Writers (New York: Longman, Inc, 2006), p.9

6 Abrams, A Glossary of Literary Terms, Seventh Edition, (USA: Cornell University, 1999), p. 32-33


story without character and character belongs to people in a story that is created to make the story alive. In other words, character means a figure in a story.

Characterization is a literary device that is used step-by-step in literature to highlight and explain the details about a character in a story. It is in the initial stage in which the researcher introduces the character with noticeable emergence.

Characterization is the method used by a writer to develop a character. The method include: 1) showing the character‘s appearance, 2) displaying the character‘s action, 3) revealing the character‘s thought, 4) letting the character speak, 5) getting the reaction of others.7

C. Kinds of Characterization

Characterization can be described as any action taken by the writer or operator, or within a work that is used to portray a character. In general, it is split into direct and indirect characterizations. direct characterization is anything the director tells directly to the watchers. indirect characterization is anything that is shown to the watchers by another source. taking it one step further, characterization can conveniently be separated into five primary categories:

Physical description, Actions, Reactions, Thoughts, and Speech. Characterizations or behavior is a method or way of displaying figures. There are a number of ways to show character. The analytical approach is how characters appear directly through the writer's definition. The writer, therefore, describes the characteristics of the character explicitly. Realistic style, realistic way of portraying his/her characters in a manner that is not discussed explicitly, but through certain issues.

According to M.H Abrams there are two types of characterization:

1. Direct Characterization

The depiction of a character is presented directly by the author or the director within the literary work or the characterization of a character is mentioned explicitly. Direct characterization means the way an author or another character within the story describes or reveals a

7 Anonym, characterization,

http://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/lit_terms/characterization.html. Accessed November on 06:45 am.


character, through the use of descriptive adjectives, epithets, or phrases. In other words, direct characterization happens when a writer reveals traits of a character in a straightforward manner, or through comments made by another character involved with him in the storyline. Direct characterization helps the readers understand the type of character they are going to read about. For instance, in Arthur Miller‘s The Crucible, he describes his character John Proctor in this way: ―He was the kind of man – powerful of body, even-tempered, and not easily led – who cannot refuse support to partisans without drawing their deepest resentment.‖

2. Indirect characterization

The process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed through the character's speech, actions, appearance, etc.

Indirect characterization is a method of indicating what a character is like by revealing their personality through descriptions of their actions, speech, appearance, and interactions with other characters. Indirect characterization should not be confused with direct characterization, which is when the reader or audience is told what the character's personality is. The well-known phrase 'show, don't tell' can apply to indirect vs. direct characterization. Indirect characterization shows who a character is based on what he/she does and says, while direct characterization tells the reader or audience exactly what type of person that character is. To remember the five methods of indirect characterization, think of the word STEAL. It stands for the five methods:

1. Speech: What does the character say and how does he/she speak?

2. Thoughts: What is shown about the character through his/her private thoughts and feelings?

3. Effect: What effect does the character have on other people? How do they feel or react to him/her?


4. Actions: What does the character do? How does the character act in different situations?

5. Looks: What does the character's appearance say about his/her personality?

D. Kinds of Conflict

One of the primary elements of the plot is conflict. In literature, conflict is a literary element that involves a struggle between two opposing forces, usually a protagonist and an antagonist. Careful examination of some conflict examples will help us realize that they may be internal or external. An internal or psychological conflict arises as soon as a character experiences two opposite emotions or desires – usually virtue and vice, or good and evil – inside him. This disagreement causes the character to suffer mental agony, and it develops a unique tension in a storyline, marked by a lack of action. External Conflict, on the other hand, is marked by a characteristic involvement of an action wherein a character finds himself in struggle with those outside forces that hamper his progress. The most common type of external conflict is where a protagonist fights back against the antagonist‘s tactics that impede his or her advancement.

There are two kinds of conflict according to M.H Abrams : 1. Internal Conflict.

Also known as a ―character vs. self‖ conflict, internal conflict involves a psychological struggle that takes place within a character, caused by their own emotions, fears, conflicting desires, or mental illnesses. Internal conflict tends to be a battle of reconciling two opposing forces within the same individual. Internal conflict is when a character struggles with their own opposing desires or beliefs. It happens within them, and it drives their development as a character.


2. External Conflict.

External conflict sets a character against something or someone beyond their control. External forces stand in the way of a character‘s motivations and create tension as the character tries to reach their goals.

There are three primary types of external conflict:

1. Character vs. character. This type of conflict occurs when two characters with opposing viewpoints or needs are at odds with each other. Each of these characters is carefully developed through indirect and direct characterization, so that the reader understands the core of their disagreement (and in some cases, is able to empathize with both).

2. Character vs. society. Unlike character vs. character, this type of conflict pits the protagonist against broader forces of society.

These forces can involve everything from social mores and unspoken customs to government systems. While society may be personified in one or more specific characters, these people typically stand as symbols or representatives of a larger system.

In this type of conflict, the judgment of society can feel collective and overwhelming, or entirely random, depending on the character‘s perspective.

3. Character vs. nature. In this type of conflict, characters are threatened or kept apart by a natural force. That force may be represented by a powerful animal, a storm, an infectious disease, or some other natural phenomenon. Because nature is a silent opponent, characters are forced to reflect on their lives and


choices, often with the conclusion of accepting their mistakes, flaws, or mortality.

Rising action in a plot is a series of relevant incidents that create suspense, interest, and tension in a narrative. In literary works, a rising action includes all decisions, characters‘ flaws, and background circumstances that together create turns and twists leading to a climax. We find it in novels, plays, and short stories.

Rising action is one of the elements of plot, which begins immediately after its exposition. Rising Action which occurs when a series of events build up to the conflict. The main characters are established by the time the rising action of a plot occurs, and at the same time, events begin to get complicated. It is during this part of a story that excitement, tension, or crisis is encountered.

E. Psychoanalytic Approach

The word psychology comes from the word psyche and logos which mean soul and science. Literary psychology is the study of the soul or psychiatric symptoms. The psychoanalytic approach focuses on the importance of the unconscious aspect of mind and approach as dealing with something used in every analysis with the theory and approach when the researcher analysing literary works whether it is movie, drama, poetry, novel.

This is of course not argue that anxiety, fear of persecution and the fragmentation of the self are experiences become constituted in a new way as a systematic field of knowledge. That field of knowledge is known as psychoanalysis, developed by Sigmund Freud8

According to Sigmund Freud in the book of Booker:

―model, the human psyche is not a single integrated entity but in fact consist of three very different parts (id, ego, and superego), essentially three different minds, which have different goals and desires and operate according to different principles. The id is for Freud the site of natural drives; it is a dark area of seething passion that known only desire residing

8Terry Eagelton, Literary Theory An Introduction, Second Edition, p. 131


and has no sense of moderation or limitation. The superego is an internalized representation of the authority of the father of the society, authority that establishes strict limitations on the fulmovieent of the unrestrained desire residing the id. The ego moderates between the authoritarian demands of the superego and the unmitigated desired of the id. Essentially equivalent to the conscious, thinking mind, the ego is also the principal interface between the psyche and the outside world‖.9

The statement above which stated about the psychoanalytic approach which is related with stated of the mind in fictional form. Freud proposes that human personalities consist of three structures, they are id, ego, and superego. Id is the site of natural drive, it is a dark area, superego is internalized representation of the authority of the father of the society and ego is moderated between the authoritarian demands of superego. Freud psychoanalytic theorist believes that personality is primarily unconscious that is beyond awareness. Human‘s mind of three different parts that have different goals.

According to Freud‘s model of the psyche it is structured into three parts:

The irrational, instinctual, unknown, and unconscious part of the psyche Freud calls the Id. Containing our secret desires, our darkest wishes, and our most intense fears, the id wishes only to fulfil the urges of the pleasure principle. In addition, it houses the libido, the source of all psychosexual desires and all our psyche energy. Unchecked by any controlling will, the id operates on impulse, wanting immediate satisfaction for all its instinctual desires. The second part of the psyche Freud names ego, the rational, logical, waking part of the mind, although many of its activities remain in the unconscious. Whereas the id operates according to the pleasure principle, the ego operates in harmony with the reality principle. It is ego‘s job to regulate the instinctual desires of the id and to allow these desires to be released in non-destructive ways. The third part of the psyche, the superego, acts like internal censor, causing us to make moral judgements in light of social pressures. In contrast of the id, the superego operates according to the morality principle and serves primarily to protect society and us from the id.

9Keith Booker, A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism. (New York:

Longman Publisher, 1996), p. 29


Representing all of society‘s moral restrictions, the superego serves as a filtering agent, suppressing the desires and instinct forbidden society and thrusting them back into the unconscious sense guilt and fear. 10

While the essential aspect of psychology refers to mental contraption which is Id, Ego, and Superego which is psychologically pure and is not structurally suitable to the brain, such as kind dealt by the neurologist. The existence of superego can be observed by how an individual view themselves in a bad shameful situation which compels them to do certain things.

The earlier the child‘s development, the greater the estimate of parental power, so when the children are competing with their parents' imago, the child would feel the dictatorial, which is an actual influence that represented imago on four level: The autoerotic, the narcissistic, the anal, and the phallic. Those various levels of psychological development, and their correlation with parent‘s imagos, resemble specific id forms of violence and fondness. Therefore aggressive and destructive are animating the myths in fantasy and repression of the patients, in all cultures. In response to the shapeless haziness and disagreeing on uses the term

―the unconscious mind‖ Freud announced the structured archetypal of ego psychology (id, ego, superego) in the essay ―Beyond the Pleasure Principle‖

(1920) and elaborated, refined, and made that model formal in the essay ―The Ego and the Id‖

F. Review of Related Research

There are some research which correlated to the present research study.

The thesis of Desi Kurniawati. She was a student at Adab and Humaniora Faculty IAIN STS Jambi, the title of her thesis is “The Analysis of Character sister Alysius in Doubt Movie”.11 The purpose of this research are (1) To know the causes of the rising character Sister Aloysius, suspicion in the movie. (2) to know

10Charles E. Bressler, Literary Criticism, An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Fifth Edition, p. 127

11Desi Kurniawati, The Analysis of Character Sister Aloysius in Doubt Movie, The Islamic State Institute, Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, 2011. P.8


the purpose of the character Sister Aloysius‘ suspicion in the movie. (3) to know the psychological issues that found in Sister Aloysius, character in the movie. This thesis used the objective theory by M.H Abrams which is stated that objective theory to intrinsic elements of literary work. The results are the researcher found the causes behind Alysius‘ suspicious and an unconscious mind as the psychological issue which is depicted in the movie for she always act without thinking.

Other thesis also related to this research is the thesis of Fitri Nur Khoiriyah of IAIN Tulungaggung “A Psychoanalysis of the Main Character Dilemma in Richard Prescott Officially Dead‖.12 The purpose of the research aimed to describe how the id, ego, and superego of Collin and John‘s personality on making decision. The researcher composed this research by using the basic principle of psychoanalytic approach, the researcher can interpret and illustrate the human personality even in literary works or reality life. In addition, based on the data analysis, conscious and unconscious drives influence and establish human personality (behavior, thought, action, soul, etc.).

There is also a thesis about ―Psychological Analysis of the Main Character‘s Personality in Go Ask Alice‖13 which belongs to Nailul Fauziah who was a student of English Letter and Language Department Faculty of Humanities and Culture UIN Malang which analyse the personality of the main character the research aimed to know how the main character‘s personality is portrayed in this novel and to find out how the main character‘s personality is viewed from Abraham Maslow‘s theory of motivation. From the result of the data analysis, it can be concluded that there are three character personality of the main character, such as sensitive, unrealistic, and pessimistic. There are main character‘s personality needs viewed by Abraham Maslow‘s theory of motivation (hierarchy

12Fitri Nur Khoiriyah, A Psychoanalysis of The Main Character Dilemma in Richard Prescott Officially Dead. Thesis, English Departement, Education Faculty, (The State College for Islamic Studies of Tulungagung, 2012),p.8

13 Nailul Fauziyah, Psychological Analysis of the Main Character’s Personality in Go Ask Alice. Thesis, English Letters and Language Department Faculty of Humanities and Culture (The State Islamic University of Malang, 2008)


of needs): Psychological needs, safety needs, the love and belonging needs, esteem needs, self actualization needs. Finally, for the next researcher it is suggested to do the research to use another theory to analyze more deeply, because this novel has many aspects that can be analyzed.

. There is also a thesis of a student of IAIN Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi that discuss about a character‘s psychology and characterization which belongs to Alifah entitled ―Psychoanalysis of the Main Character in Snow White and The Huntsman‖14 the aim of her research is to find out the main character‘s conflict in the movie and how she solves her problems using objective theory of M.H Abrams and psychological approach of Sigmund Freud. In her thesis she composed that the main character has several problems and conflicts that shown in the movie: 1) Snow White felt desperate, 2) Snow White felt scared, 3) Snow White lost her castle, 4) Snow White felt threatened and by using psychological approach of Sigmund Freud she found out that the main character uses her natural drives from the mind which is id to solve her problems.

Finally there is a thesis of Recksha Ferdha Herditya, student of English Department Faculty of Arts and Letters Pasundan, Bandung University. The research is entitled ―A Pscyhoanalysis of Main Character in Coelho‘s The Zahir‖15. This study is aimed to describe how the id, ego and superego of main character in the story. First the researcher tries to find out how are the plot, setting and character that are portrayed in The Zahir novel. Then, how are the plot and setting portraying the Id, Ego, and Superego of main character in The Zahir novel.

The context of this paper is to analyze the psychology (Id, Ego, Superego) of main character in the novel that written by Paulo Coelho using intrinsic values consist of plot, setting, and characters. The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative approach and psychoanalysis of literary as one method of the research. The researcher found that the Id, Ego, and superego of main character play its roles in

14 Alifah, The Psychoanalysis of the Main Character in Snow White and The Huntsman Movie, The Islamic State Institute, Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, 2016. P.8

15 Recksha Ferdha Herditya, A Pscyhoanalysis of Main Character in Coelho’s The Zahir, English Department Faculty of Arts and Letters Pasundan, Bandung University, 2017. P.8


every decision he has made in life such as career and love. In addition, the conflict of id, ego and superego also happened in their psyche. The id which is guided by pleasure principles, the ego guided by reality principle, and superego guided by morality principle have important roles in establishment of character I as the main character.

From those researches above, Desi Kurniawati analysed about ―The Analysis of Character Sister Aloysius in Doubt Movie‖. She used the objective theory as a tool to analyse and used the psychoanalytic approach to analyse the movie as the object of the research Famela. Fitri Nur Khoiriyah. ―A Psychoanalytic of the Main Character Dilemma in Richard Prescott Officially Dead.” The researcher use the psychoanalysis of literary as one of the method of the research and Nailul Fauziah used Psychology Theory and Motivation Theory.

Alifah used Objective theory and psychological approach to compose her thesis entitled ―Psychoanalysis of the main character as seen in Snow White and The Huntsman Movie‖. Recksha used psychological approach to compose his thesis entitled ―A Pscyhoanalysis of Main Character in Coelho‘s The Zahir‖.

Previous studies above contain several similarities and differences with the research being carried out currently by the researcher, all five of which and this thesis are psychoanalysis researches and also use psychological approach. The first thesis was analysing a movie just like this research, the other two theses, however, were analysing novels. Despite all the similarities they also have some differences which is this research and the previous ones have the different aim entirely and plus the other and previous researches were analysing about mystery fiction and drama mystery. The researcher in this research is intended to research a superhero horror movie which is a unique genre and something new in the history of movie. The last several years have been good to superheroes and horror movies, as those genres have delivered many cinematic offerings and/or commercial success. Such as MCU and DCEU movies like Avengers Endgame and Aquaman and horror movies like Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and Midsommar.


The researcher is intended to analyse the psychology of Brandon Bryer which is what makes him decided to become evil while he is treated and raised the same way as Superman who is decided to become good with all the same incredible abilities and superpowers they possess. Was he really face the same conflict or is it just how he solve the conflict is different.



When writing thesis, the researcher uses qualitative analysis and a descriptive process that is suitable for this analysis. Qualitative work may be performed in a concise manner. The data is collected in the form of words as a concise description rather than a number. Descriptive research is a study that seeks to accurately explain a phenomenon based on the characteristics of the study.According to Creswell in his book:

―Qualitative research is a means for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. The process of research involves emerging questions and procedures. Data typically collected in partcipant‘s setting. Data analysis inductively building from particulars to general themes.

And the researcher making interpretations of the meaning of the data. The final written report has flexible structure. Those who engage in this form of inquiry support a way meaning. And the importance of rendering the complexity of a situation‘.16

From the quotation above it is explained that qualitative research is used to find out the process of research and procedures collected the data and the researcher can make the interpretation of the data. Qualitative research is also describe as an unfolding model that occurs in a natural setting that enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from high level involvement in the actual experiences.17

From the statement, the researcher can conclude the meaning of qualitative research is related to description method which means it as a research which the purpose is to describe a phenomena accurately.

16John. W. Creswell, Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, (United States of America: SAGE Publications, 2009), p. 4

17Carrie William, Journal of Business and Economic Research. (Grand Canyon University, 2007), p.3


B. Source of the Data

This research uses the Brightburn Movie with a subtitle that was bought online from HOOQ as the source of data, a movie which was directed by David Yerovesky in 10th of May 2019, with the duration 1 hour and 31 minutes. Beside that the movie script and dialogue also used as the source of data while writing this thesis.

C. Technique of Data Collection

The researcher collected the data for this research in various ways. Data collecting is defined as the procedure of collecting, measuring and analysing accurate insight for research using standard validated techniques.

Narrative research analysis is a term that subsumes a group of approaches that in turn rely on the written or spoken words or visual representation of individuals. These approaches typically focus on the lives of individuals as told through their own stories.

This part explains the steps that taken in this research which is how the researcher gain data is by watching the movie and taking important notes, which helps the researcher in analysing the movie.

In an effort to get the data and fact, in the research the researcher uses qualitative research, the techniques in qualitative research. The researcher uses documentation and Sugiyono stated that :’’Dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah berlalu dan dokumen ialah setiap bahan tertulis, movie atau pun dari record yang di persiapkan karena adanya permintaan seorang penyidik’’.18

It means that qualitative research, the researcher makes use of some file that have correlation or support the problem of the research, due to the fact the research is descriptive that is why the researcher describes and analyzes the facts

18 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung:

Alfabeta:2009), p.9


that have been discovered in Brightburn movie to answer to the troubles that have been formulated in the formulation of the problem.

The researcher has some steps in accumulating the data, in order to make the research more specific, the steps in amassing data:

1. Collecting all the data from the movie ―Brightburn‖ by understanding every motions or activities.

2. Watching the movie repeatedly, after receiving all the important sources, the creator read it to make it positive that the information is related to the research.

3. Marking the phrases or phrases and all vital statements and information, as properly as thereafter, making the data aware. After closely examining the sources, the creator identified any vital statements that would make the creator less difficult in the research examination system.

4. Identifying and classifying the records after fully discovering all the information, the researcher has processed the statistics to analyze them.

Finally, the researcher has established an appropriate association for the concept of thesis itself as the closing in the finalization of the research.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data then analysed them. In qualitative research, technique analysis data is used to answer the formulation of the problem. Content analysis review forms of human communication including books, newspaper, and movies as well as other forms in order to identify patterns, themes, or biases.19 It means content analysis is away from making conclusion and to identifying the message that try to be conveyed in the object.

19Carrie William, Journal of Business and Economic Research. 2007 p.3


1. Identification

In the study, the researcher uses qualitative research, in which the data are analysed through identification.

2. Classification

After the data were identified, the researcher classified the data based on events that corresponded to the reflection of the psychology of the main character of the Brigthburn movie.

3. Analysis, describing and explaining

The researcher has analysed, described and explained data based on the theory that underpins this research on the psychology of the main character in the movie. The result of this research was therefore present in an analytical descriptive, which first described the facts and then analysed them.

4. Conclusion

After all the previous steps have been taken, the conclusion of the research is based on the theory.




It has been noted previously that this study is aimed at finding out the Psychological analysis of Brightburn movie‘s main character. Here, the researcher tries to describe detail the personality of the main characters, Brandon Breyer.

Because of the plot and the way of telling the story straight from the beginning to the end, the researcher serves the data by follows the story page by page.

There are two parts that will compose by the researcher in this chapter which is finding and analysis.

A. Findings

The purpose of this research is to know the characterizations, problems, and how the main character solves his problems. The data are acquired by reading the movie script, watching the movie, marking the necessary lines and dialogues, and uses any books.

Based on data that has been analysed by the researcher to answer question number one regarding characterizations is depicted by the main character in the movie, the researcher found that the characterization depicted in the movie is an indirect characterization because it was delivered within the conversations by mentioning it‘s speech, thought, effect, action and looks.

Referring to research question number two regarding of what kind of conflict are experienced by the main character that had an impact on his psychotic behaviour, the researcher found the result as follow: main character experiences external conflict of character versus society they are include : Bully, rejection, threats, and betrayal by his friends and family.

Based on data that has been analysed by the researcher to answer question number three regarding of how the main character solved his problems, the researcher found the result as follows: the main character solves his problems by using id which is the aspect that drives the primitive and instinctual part of the


mind. Based on the analyzed data and relate it to the psychoanalysis approach by Sigmund Freud, all problems experienced by the main character are solved by using the Id whereas the main character, whereas the main character always solves his problems by killing, destroying, and burning, which are driven by primitive thought.

B. Analysis

Based on the finding the researcher composed the analysis of data as follows.

1. Characterization of the main character

In order to determine the main character‘s characterization, the researcher must find out whether character‘s depiction in a literary work is delivered explicitly by the researcher or delivered within a conversation between characters and then describe its speech, thought, effect, action, and look.

a. Speech

What the character says provides a great deal of insight for the reader.

The character may speak in a shy, quiet manner, or in a nervous manner. The char acter could speak intelligently or in a rude manner.

From the following dialogues the researcher found that the way the main character speaks which is shown that the main character is lying at some points.


Brandon is lying (Data 14)

Brandon : I was playing soccer.

Kyle : you‘ve been playing soccer this whole time?

Brandon : well, after school, Royce and them asked me if I wanted to play. And as soon as the game started, they were… they were

tripping me and pushing me to the ground, and, you know they were


all laughing because my shirt got ripped. I just decided I‘d walk all the way home. I know I should have called.

Tori : yes.

Brandon : actually, I‘m… just really tired. I‘m gonna go to bed.

Okay well let me take this…

Brandon : no, no… don‘t worry about it. It‘s fine. *went to his room*

Tori : I‘ll come up in a couple minutes.

*Tori and Kyle went to the other room*

Tori : He’s lying (56:36) Kyle : yeah, obviously.

From the dialogue above the researcher has composed the result as follows: One of the character developments shown by Brandon is how he evolves from a nice kid to a rebel kid. The conversation above happen after he murders his uncle Noah. Instead of telling his parents the truth, he lies and tells his parents that he was playing soccer with his classmates.

b. Thought

What the character has in his/her mind tell the readers/watchers about themselves.

The readers/watchers discover things about their personalities and feelings, which sometimes helps us understand the character's actions.

From the following dialogues the researcher found that the main character‘s inner thought is depicted as someone who actually wanted to do good.

- Brandon wanted to be good (Data 6)

*in a barn*

Tori : … whatever you‘ve done. I know there‘s good inside you.

Brandon : I want to do good, mom. I do. (1:21:55)


Tori : and you will.

From the dialogue above the researcher has composed the result as follows: In the movie it was shown at the end that Brandon is actually wanted to do good instead of evil.

c. Effects

What the other characters say and feel about this character. The readers/watchers learn about the relationships among the characters. How does the character make the other characters feel? Do they feel scared, happy, or confused? This helps the reader have a better understanding of all the characters.

From the following dialogues the researcher found that the other character‘s opinion about the main character which is depicted as follows: 1) The main character is smart according to Caitlyn, Tori, and Merilee, 2) The main character started to change to be a rebel kid according to his mom, 3) Caitlyn thinks the main character is a pervert, 4) the main character is a savage according to Erika and Kyle.


Caitlyn, Tori and Merilee think Brandon is smart (Data 7)

Brandon‘s classmate : Bro, why are you always talking about maggots? You must be one

All : *Laugh*

Caitlyn to Brandon : don‘t worry, smart guys end up ruling planet. (06:54)

(Data 8)

Noah : So, Brandon I hear you killing it in school.

Tori : he tested in the top one percent.

Merilee : no, he tested in the top one tenth of one percent. The whole faculty is talking about him.


Tori : He‘s our little super genius. (15:25)

Tori thinks Brandon is rebel (Data 9)

Tori : it‘s more than that, Mer. I don‘t know, he‘s always been my sweet little guy and now… He’s so different (24:48) Merilee : it‘s called puberty.

Caitlyn thinks Brandon is a pervert (Data 10)

Caitlyn : He’s a pervert (28:43)

All : *Laugh*

Brandon : You lie

Erika and Kyle think Brandon is a savage (Data 11)

Erika : did you see my daughter‘s hand? He‘s a goddamn animal, is what he is. (29:15)

Kyle : can we just calm down here, please?

(Data 12)

Kyle‘s friend : So, what‘s gonna happen with all of that?

Kyle : I don‘t know. He got suspended for a few days, and I‘m sure I‘m gonna get a call from some lawyer telling me my son‘s a monster, which… I don‘t even know anymore. Maybe he is (45:16)

(Data 13)


Kyle : That is Noah‘s blood.

Tori : How? How could Brandon have killed Noah? And made it look like a car accident?

Kyle : who knows what kind of weird shit he could do?


From the dialogue above the researcher has composed the result as follows: Throughout the movie Brandon goes from a smart boy to a rebel kid and some of his classmates think that he is weird and Caitlyn thinks that Brandon is a pervert after he sneak into her room, his father and Erika think that he is a savage by referring him as an animal and a monster.

d. Action

What the character does tell us a lot about him/her, as well as how the character behaves and his or her attitude. Is the character a good person or a bad person? Is the character helpful to others or selfish?

From the following dialogues the researcher found that the main character‘s attitude is depicted as follows: 1) The main character thinks that he has been matured by referring himself as not being a kid anymore, 2) The main character thinks he is special with all the powers he possesses.

- Brandon thinks he is mature (Data 3)

*Brandon celebrates birthday with his family*

All : Happy Birthday dear Brandon, happy birthday to you.

Erika : *give Brandon a birthday cake*

Kyle : There you go.

Brandon : This is for little kids. (15:01) Tori : oh, come on. Thank you Erika

- Brandon thinks he is special


(Data 4)

*in Caitlyn‘s bedroom*


Brandon : don‘t be scared. I wanna talk to you. I wanna tell you what I learnt tonight. I learned that… I’m very special. (37:29) you are one of the only people in the world that knows how special I am (37:35). But someday… they will all know.

(Data 5)

*in Merilee‘s room*


Merilee : so, Brandon your mom tells me that you‘ve been having some issues lately about being adopted.

Brandon : nothing bad, only good ones.

Merilee : really? How so?

Brandon : I’ve realized I’m special. (43:35) because my real parents aren‘t from a stupid place like here.

From the dialogue above the researcher has composed the result as follows: as a preteen always went through Brandon doesn‘t want to be called as a little kid anymore. After he found out about his origin and what he capable of doing he considered himself to be someone who is very special.

e. Look

The character's physical appearance is described. For example, characters might be described as tall, thin, fat, pretty, etc. The readers/watchers might be told the color of hair or something about the clothing of the character. How the character dresses might reveal something about the character. Does the character wear old, dirty clothing, or stylish, expensive clothing?


From the following dialogues the researcher found that the main character‘s physical description is depicted as follows: 1) The main character is a twelve-year-old kid, 2) wore a mask when he was doing his actions.

- Brandon is twelve (Data 1)

Noah : *gifted Brandon with a gun on his birthday*

Kyle : Whoa, no, no, no, no. No guns. We talked about this, Tori.

Tori : I know…

Kyle : Come on, he‘s still just a kid.

Brandon : I’m twelve years old (15:50)

- Brandon wore a creepy mask (Data 2)

Noah : Brandon? What the fuck are you doing?

Brandon : Aunt Merilee was helping me with my homework.

Noah : No, what the fuck are you doing in my closet wearing this creepy mask? (51:08)

Brandon : It‘s not creepy.

The look of Brandon Bryer

From the dialogue above the researcher has composed the result as follows: throughout the movie Brandon is described to be a kid turned twelve in


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