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The influence of mother`s personality on Chick Benetto`s personality development as seen o Mitch Albom`s For One More Day


Academic year: 2017

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"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have

clung to me all my life."- Abraham Lincoln

“Fortiter in Re, Suafiter

in Modo.”

Dedicated to:

Life, Breath and the Source of My Life

My Beloved Parents and Brothers



In this page, I would like to thank those who so kindly have given me

spirit and encouragement to finish every part of my thesis. First of all, my greatest

praise goes to Lord Jesus Christ, the Almighty Merciful God for every blessings,

loves and strengths so that I can struggle myself to conduct this study. Then, my

gratitude goes to Mother Mary, The Holy Mother of God, who becomes the real

mother for me in every single minute in my life. Her love enables me to dig out

my potential and reminds me to be a more patience, religious and humble person.

My sincere gratitude goes to my sole sponsor, Bu Henny Herawati, S.Pd.

M. Hum., who has generously spared her precious time among her busy days to

guide me in writing this thesis. I am deeply grateful for her significant suggestion,

advice, assistance, and criticism from time to time so that I can complete all the

part of my thesis. Also, this deep gratitude is for all PBI Lecturers and Staff who

have been into my life for the past four years of my student life in Sanata

Dharma University. My gratitude also goes to Bu Mitha, Vembry and Olive for

correcting my grammar and some suggestions for my thesis.

I would like to thank my family, my father Ignatius Sukemi and my

beloved mother Anna Supariyem, my brothers Nanang and Wiga, Lek Yono

and families, Cak As for their everlasting pure loves and unending assitances.

They always support me with the prayer, advice and everything that I cannot

mention one by one.


I would like to thank Mas Jantri who is so kindly suggests the novel as

the source for my thesis. Then I thank all of my friends in Bebek boarding house,

my friends from KMPKS, PBI 2006, Synergy group and NTC’s Staff and

students who always become good friends for me with your story, shares and


The last but not the least, my gratitude goes to everyone who always

supports and prays for me. As all human beings are brothers therefore together we

can develop good life now and in the future. God always bless you all.










ABSTRACT ... xiii

ABSTRAK ... xiv


1.1B he Study ... 1

1.2Pr ackground of t oblem Formulation ... 5

bjectives o nefit of the Study ... 6

1.3O f the Study ... 5

1.4Be 1.5Definition of Terms ... 6



2.1Review of Related Theories ... 9

2.1.2 Theory of Critical Approaches ... 13

.1.3 Theory of P of Personality ... 15 Pattern ...

2.1.1 Theory of Character and Characterization ... 9

2 sychology ... 14

... 15 of Psychosocial Development onality Development ... 2 influence of Family on Personality Development ... 21


4.1.6 Firm, D 3 etermined and Perfectionist ... 4

4.1.7 Humorous ... 4 ... 47

4 ical ... 5

4.1.10 Helpful ... 4.2Chick Benetto’s Personality ... 51

4 ... 53

4.2.3 Obsessive ... 56

4.2.4 Indecisive ... 58

4.3Posey’s Influence on Chick Benetto ... 60

4.3.1 Posey’s Influence in Chick Benetto’s Childhood ... 60 One to Three Years ... 61 Three to Six Years ... 63 Six Years to Puberty ... 64 Puberty to Adulthood ... 66

4.3.2 Posey’s Influence in Chick Benetto’s Adulthood ... 69


4.4.2 ing More Appreciative Life ... 74

4.4.3 Being More Open to Others Be Appendix 3 Lesson Plan to Teach Advance Listening ... -9-

4.4.4 ing Aware of His Mother’s Love ... 78


Conclusions ... 81

5.1.1 Posey Benetto’s Personality Traits ... 81

5.1.2 The Ch c of Chick Benetto ... 83

5.1.3 Posey B uence on Chick’s Personality ... 83

5.1.4 Chick Benetto’s Personality Development ... 85

Suggestions . ... 8

Suggestion for Future Researchers ... 5.2.2 Sugges aching Listening Using Literature ... 8

... Append ... -1-

Appendix 2 Biography of Mitch Albom ... -4-

Appendix 4 Implementation ... -12-

Appendix 5 Picture of Mitch Albom ... -18-



Chick Benetto’s Personality Development as Seen on Mitch Albom’s For One Nursusanto, Stevanus Widuri. (2010). The Influence of Mother’s Personality on

More Day. Y nt

of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, ogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Departme

Sanata Dharma University.

This study discusses Mitch Albom’s Novel, For One More Day. I am interested in this novel because the story of the novel is gratifying and tells many lessons which make life become more meaningful. I am also interested in finding out the influence of mother figure on her son’s personality development as the novel mainly tells about the relationship between a son and a mother.

This thesis is aimed to answer the three problems formulated, namely: (1) how is Pauline “Posey” Benetto, the mother of Chick, portrayed in the novel? (2) how is arles “Chick” Benetto reflected in the novel? and (3) how do Pauline’ rsonality influence Charles Benetto’s development as an individual?

In solving the three problem

Ch es

s pe

s above, the writer applied the psychological approach, theory of character and characterization and Erikson’s theory of psychos

in this study namely the main source and the secondary sources. The main source is Mitch

ocial. This study used library research. There are two sources of data used

Albom’s For One More Day. The secondary sources are books and some related articles on literature and psychology.

charming, secretive, wise, hardworking, firm, determined, perfectionist, and helpful person. Meanwhile, Charles “Chick” is described as

, indecisive, and longing for his father’s love. Posey during her life is showing her pure love to Chick although Chick does not appreciate her

made by his mother throughout his life. He condemns himself as being an

gets comma then he experiences a personal encounter with his “dead” mother. Based on the analysis, Pauline “Posey” is portrayed as a caring, beautiful,

humorous, brave smart, introverted

since he just thinks about getting his father’s love. The story is changed upside down after the dead of Posey. Chick feels so sorry. He realizes the deep influence

irresponsible child in the family. Finally, he tries to kill himself. However, he just

This experience finally brings him to be a man who is aware of his mistake, more appreciative of life, more open to others and aware of his mother’s pure love.

This thesis provides some suggestions for other researchers who want to conduct a study on Mitch Albom’s For One More Day. The future researchers may analyze the family pattern and function based on the comparison of

socio-implementation of teaching Advance Listening using Mitch Albom’s For One cultural-historical context between American families in World War II and the modern American families. This thesis also provides some suggestions for the

More Day.



Nursusanto, Stevanus Widuri. (2010). The Influence of Mother’s Personality on Chick Benetto’s Personality Development as seen on Mitch Albom’s For One More Day. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini membahas tentang sebuah novel dari Mitch Albom yang berjudul For One More Day. Penulis tertarik pada novel ini karena cerita novel ini menyentuh hati dan menceritakan banyak pelajaran yang membuat hidup menjadi lebih berarti. Penulis juga tertarik untuk menemukan pengaruh dari sosok seorang ibu pada perkembangan kepribadian anaknya, karena novel ini secara umum


ber data yang m ahkan tentang hubungan antara seorang anak dan ibu.

Skripsi ini ditujukan untuk menjawab tiga permasalahan yang telah dirumuskan. Masalah pertama adalah bagaimana Pauline “Posey” Benetto digambarkan dalam novel. Masalah kedua adalah bagaimana sosok Charles “Chick” Benetto dilukiskan dalam novel. Masalah ketiga adalah bagaimana kepribadian Pauline berpengaruh pada perkembangan kepribadian Charles Benetto sebagai individu.

Dalam menjawab ketiga masalah di atas, studi ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologi, teori karakter dan penokohan dan teori psiko-sosial dari Erikson. Studi ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Ada dua sum

digunakan dalam studi ini yaitu sumber utama dan sumber-sumber tambahan lainnya. Sumber utama dari studi ini adalah novel dari Mitch Albom yang berjudul For One More Day. Sedangkan sumber-sumber tambahan adalah buku-buku dan artikel-artikel yang berkaitan dengan sastra dan psikologi.

Berdasarkan analisis, Pauline “Posey” digambarkan sebagai seorang yang perhatian, cantik, mempesona, suka berahasia, bijak, pekerja keras, teguh, tabah, selalu ingin sempurna, humoris, berani dan suka membantu. Sedangkan, Charles “Chick” digambarkan sebagai pribadi yang pandai, introvert, plin-plan dan merindukan kasih sayang ayah. Posey selama hidupnya selalu menunjukkan cinta tulus pada Chick tetapi Chick tidak menghargainya karena dia hanya memikirkan bagaimana mendapatkan cinta dari ayahnya. Ceritanya berubah drastis ketika Posey meninggal. Chick merasa sangat bersalah. Dia menyadari adanya pengaruh dari ibunya sepanjang hidupnya. Dia mengutuk dirinya sebagai pribadi yang tidak bertanggung jawab pada keluarganya. Akhirnya dia mencoba bunuh diri. Akan tetapi dia hanya koma. Dalam keadaan koma dia bertemu kembali dengan ibunya yang telah meninggal. Pengalaman ini akhirnya membawanya menjadi pribadi yang sadar akan kesalahannya, lebih menghargai kehidupan, lebih terbuka pada orang lain, dan sadar akan cinta tulus dari ibunya.

Skripsi ini menyertakan beberapa saran bagi para peneliti yang hendak membuat studi dengan menggunakan novel dari Mitch Albom yang berjudul For



ne More Day




This chapter includes the background of the study, problem formulation,

objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definitions of term. In the first

part, the background of the study, I intend to describe the reasons why I choose

the novel and the topic. In this area, I describe important information related to the

topic discussed. The problem formulation gives the general idea in the form of

questions that covers the problems being analyzed and discussed. The objectives

of the study provide the expected answers for the problem formulated. The

benefits of the study contain people who get the benefits by the completion of this

study. Finally the last part, the definition of term, reveals the definitions of key

terms which are important to know to avoid misconception in reading, learning

and understanding this study.

1.1Background of the Study

Throughout this part, I intend to elaborate why I am eager to choose the topic and

the novel. The reasons are based on three main ideas. The first is the correlation

between novels to life. The second is coming from the reflection from the story to

human nature and the last is based on the experience of mother’s love


in my life. Those three ideas bring me to analyze the novel entitled For One More


We cannot disintegrate literature with life. Life has a different meaning to

every person. It can be about idealism, pursuit of happiness, dreams, way of

thinking and beliefs. Because of these different meanings, every person has his

own perspectives about how he deals with life itself and how he maintains and

manages his life for his own sake. How he deals with his life can be influenced by

his social, intellectual, experience, and religion background.

Since literature is made by human being’s reflection of their life, there can

be so many values which can be learned from it, namely ethics, social, moral, and

all life values. We can learn how to deal with life values from the work of the

authors. Therefore, reading literary work is a kind of interesting things to do,

parallel with the advantages written above.

Moody states that literature can give more than just pleasure and

enjoyment. Literature can give more understanding about knowledge whether it

happens in us as a unique human being or in our social life with other people in

our circumstances, race and world. Literature also makes better understanding of

any possibilities on human life. The possibilities include the good side and also

the bad side. From literature, human being can also understand how he comes to

live in this world in a particular time and space. Human being can also learn about


we can determine a good decision for our life rather than make the wrong one

(Moody 2-3).

For that reason, by reading literary works, we are brought to make our

choices regarding our problems, to reveal what will happen. Daiches, based on

Aristotle’s definition, also states that literature brings out its special, differentiates

qualities, demonstrates its function and assesses value in terms of that function,

and vindicates it against those who consider it useless or immoral (Daiches 4).

One of the literary works is novel. In a novel, the author may use human

beings, plants, animals, and even supernatural beings such as spirits, ghosts, gods

and goddess become the characters. These characters play such kind of roles to

build the story. These characters are usually the representatives of the human

being. Their experiences, conflicts, problems and achievements might represent

what we, human beings, experience in our life. De Laar and Schoonderwoerd in

their book, An Approach to English Literature, mention that “a novel is a work of

art in so far as it introduces us into a living world in some respects resembling the

world we live in (De Laar 163).” It means that novel is like a mirror in which we

see our life. That is why sometimes when we read a literary work we can find that

a character in literary work is just like us. A character might represents us in our


Mitch Albom’s novel entitled For One More Day is a novel that portrays

the story of Charles “Chick” Benetto as he struggles to get a grip on his life. It


Chick Benetto regarding his experience to value his life among his choice and the

influence of his parents. Growing up, Chick has always been contented with the

dilemma of doing either what his father, Leonard Benetto (Len), wants or

following his mother, Posey Benetto. Because Len has gone most of the time to

make a living for his family, his son longs for his presence and approval. This

longing is reinforced when Chick’s parents get divorced, which is a rare

circumstance in those days. Being the daddy’s boy, Chick unconsciously blames

his mother for driving his dad away. He does not care that his father already leaves the family, him, his sister and his mother by the divorce. He does not know

the reason of the divorce. Chick just wants to be a daddy’s boy. As the result,

Chick does everything to fulfill his father’s dream for him – to be a professional

baseball player. Furthermore, he ignores his mother and makes her feels sad and

lonely. Actually Chick loved his mother so much. This feeling is ignored just for

reaching his dream to be a best baseball player. This becomes a kind of dilemma

again. Much as Chick wants to please his dad, he also loves his mother. This is

manifested in the focal point of the novel when Chick tried to take away his own

life in his adulthood after being ignored and left by his wife and lovely daughter.

In a bizarre turn of events, he ends up spending a day with his mother who has

been dead for years. In this experience, he feels deep compassion and love from

his mother again.

From this novel, it is interesting to discuss the influence of mother’s love

which leads the main character to finally find the meaning of his life. Therefore,


(mother/Pauline/Posey) conveyed through another major character, Chick

Benetto, in Albom’s For One More Day. I see that this is not just about love but it

is also about personality and motivation. Therefore, the topic to be discussed in

this study is the elaboration of the personality changes made by Charles Benetto

caused by thedeep influence of his mother.

1.2 Problem Formulation

There are three problems that will be discussed in this study.

1. How is Pauline “Posey” Benetto, the mother of Chick, portrayed in

the novel?

2. How is Charles “Chick” Benetto reflected in the novel?

3. How does Pauline’s personality influence Charles Benetto’s

development as an individual?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are to answer the questions that are formulated

in the problem formulation above. First of all, I intend to dig deeply about the

characters in the novel especially the mother. How the author develops the

characteristic of themother becomes a good start to answer this question. Second,


the third problem formulation about the changes on Chick Benetto’s personality

because the influence of his mother’s personality.

1.4 Benefits of the Study

This study is expected to give some contributions to many people. First of

all, this study may give some insights for students who want to explore more

about literary works especially novel. The second, this study can enrich students’

knowledge and ability to observe novel.

Third, it may assist English teachers who want to use For One More Day

as a study guide in the literature subject for students. It may also enrich the topic

discussed in classroom concerning with the value of life, love, influence and

personality development.

Finally, this study may give benefits for the general reader to give some

understanding of the characters being discussed in the novel and influence general

reader to give more respect to mother.

1.5 Definition of Terms

In this thesis, there are some terms that are needed to be clarified more in


1.5.1 Influence

Influence means the power to affects somebody’s actions, character or

beliefs, especially by providing an example for them to follow, winning their

admiration or making them afraid to disagree (Hornby 611).

Here, influence means the effect made by a figure of mother and her

experiences which directly or indirectly admired, inspired, learned and followed

by her son.

1.5.2 Personality

Personality is the set of psychological traits and mechanisms within

individual that are organized and relatively enduring and that influence his or her

interactions with and adaptations to the environment (Goets 1).

Personality also means the dynamic organization characteristics attributes

leading to behavior and distinguishing one individual from other individuals and it

refers to the total individual and includes needs, motives, method of adjusting,

temperament qualities, self concept, attitudes, role behaviors, values and abilities

(Kalish 52)

In this study personality means the set of psychological traits that distinguish

individual from others in the qualities of needs, motives, method of adjusting,


1.5.3 Development

Development is the process by which individual learns, and thus becomes

able to move and grow from past condition to the real condition (Martin 10).

In this study development means growth and progressive changes made by

the main character as a result of maturation and learning from the experiences.

1.5.4 Personality Development

Personality development according to David Riesman on his paper

Personality Development is all of the patterns of thought and emotions that

change every time and cause us to do and say things in particular ways that

expressed through our temperament or emotional tone(Riesman 3).

Here, personality development means the individual changes that are very

unique and different from others as the result of the pattern of thoughts, values,




This chapter consists of two main parts named review of related theories

and theoretical framework. Review of related theories deal with the theories

applied in conducting the study. Theoretical framework intends to explain the

contribution of the theories and reviews in solving the problems. The theoretical

framework is needed to synthesize in order to make the applicable answer for the


2.1 Review of the Related Theories

I must consider the theory of literature to deal with the novel’s analysis

process. Therefore, it will be beneficial to include theories that can be used as a

means to answer the problems. These theories are the theory of character and

characterization and the theory of critical approaches.

2.1.1 Theory of Character and Characterization

It is necessary for the novelist to present characters to be convincing

and acceptable to the readers. Characterization is the way author reveals and

develops the characters presented in the novel to the readers. Therefore, the

theory of characterization in this study helps the readers to understand the


process in which those characters are developed.

The characters presented in Mitch Albom’s For One More Day

become alive and understandable for the readers through their actions,

reactions to situations or to other characters, physical appearance, speech and

gestures and expressions. Murphy in his book Understanding Unseen: The

Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students

stated that there are nine ways which enable an author to present the

character in the story understandably and lively for the readers. The ways are

personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life,

conversation of others, reaction, direct comment, thought, and mannerism

(Murphy 161-173).

The first is the personal description. Characters’ impression of personality

is affected by their appearances. The author can depict characters through their

clothes and appearances. For example, the way characters wear clothes are able to

show their personality. Therefore, readers can recognize their characters from

their images of appearances.

The second is through character as seen by another. The author tells

readers by describing them through other characters’ opinions or comments. Other

characters’ opinions and comments can be very helpful for the readers to

understand a character better and deeper. Thus, the readers can determine a

character’s characterization easily.

The third is through the speech. The readers can obtain the perception of


characters. Those speech and conversation give us clues of the characters’

characteristics. In other words, the characters’ speech implicitly shows their


The fourth is by observing the character’s past lives. The author takes the

reader to learn about characters’ past lives because characters’ past lives show

significant clues to know more about characters. For this reason, it is important to

show characters’ past lives within the story. This can be done by the author’s

direct comment, through the person’s thoughts and through his conversation or the

medium of another person. One’s past life also influences his or her personality

and ways of thinking on solving problem and his or her behavior to socialize with

other people. Therefore, by showing the characters’ past lives, the author can

shape their personality more understandable.

The fifth is through the characters’ conversations of others. The author can

give the ideas of understanding characters’ characteristic by showing their

conversation between other characters. This is natural in our life that people do

talk about other people. Based on their conversation, we can have our personal

impression of other people. Therefore, conversation of others gives insight into

characters’ talk about.

The sixth is from characters’ reaction. The author can give us clues about

characters by letting us know how those characters react toward various situations

and events. The certain reaction of character shows his or her characteristic in


The seventh is through character’s direct comments. It is possible for the

author to describe or comment on a person’s character directly. Commonly, the

author gives his or her opinion about the characters in the story. Therefore, the

author’s opinion can give additional information about the characters in the story.

The eighth is from character’s personal thoughts. In real life, it is not

possible for us to know people’s personality through their thoughts. In

accordance, the author may give readers direct knowledge of characters’ thought

in the story. In brief, the author can do what he cannot do in the real life. The

author can tell what is in a person’s mind. As a result, the readers can understand

characters’ personality.

The ninth is through character’s mannerism. The author can describe a

person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies (mode of behavior), which are able

to tell the readers something about his or her character. In the story, the author

reveals characters’ habit or mannerism either positively or negatively. Therefore,

the characters’ positive and negative habits help us to obtain more knowledge

about their characteristics.

A character is one of internal aspects in the novel. The term character is

used in two ways. First, Abrams states that character is individual who appears in

the story and it shows distinctive type of person. The last refers to the mixture of

interests, desires, emotions, and principles that make up each of these individuals.

In the second definition, thus, character is synonymous with the word personality.

Through these ways, the author is able to make the reader aware of the


2.1.1 Theory of Critical Approaches

In order to have reasonable judgments of the study, it is necessary to

employ some theories. Therefore, the reasonable judgments enable me to

reach further analysis of the novel and do more exploration. In brief, by

employing the critical approaches, I can acquire the understanding both on

how literature is formed and the values which can be revealed.

Rohberger and Woods in their book Reading and Writing about Literature

determine five critical approaches. The first is called the formalist approach. This

approach focuses on its total integrity of the literary works and becomes

references to the understanding to the piece of literary work. Therefore, formalism

seeks to emphasize the importance of the format elements of literature related to

the language, form and content of literary text.

The second is called the biographical approach. A work of art can be a

reflection of personality of its author. Therefore, this approach attempts to learn as

much as it can be about the biography of the author. As a result, the biographical

approach provides knowledge that can be useful for a better understanding and

appreciation of his or her work.

The third is the sociocultural-historical approach. This approach insists the

analysis of socio, cultural and historical background as the references to the

further understanding of the story. This approach is used in analyzing the literary

works by referring to the civilization or society in which the literary works are


The fourth is the mythopeic approach. This approach attempts to find the

particular recurrent patterns of human thought that is used to find expression in

significant works of art. In general, the patterns involve death, and rebirth,

guilt and sacrifices, primitive rites, or patterns of behavior basic to Christian

technology. This approach shares same universal belief; myth or folk rights to

certain community mind.

The fifth, the psychological approach involves theories of psychology to

analyze characters in the story because the characters have a close

relationship with human life. It draws on a different body of knowledge that

is psychology. Various theories of psychology explain the character’s

personality, motivation, and behavior pattern in a story.

To conduct this study, I use the psychological approach especially about

theory of personality development and theory of psychosocial development as the

guideline to analyze the character in the novel. By using psychological approach,

each character’s attitudes can be compared to the psychology of human being. This

approach involves the theory of psychology to analyze the characters in the story.

Consequently, the characters’ thought, attitudes, behavior and personality can be

marked more deeply.

2.1.2 Theory of Psychology

To analyze Posey’s and Chick’ personalities and self developments, it is

worth to review the theory of psychology especially some theories on personality

(31) of Personality

Many psychologists have their own perception to describe personality.

They propose their theories on personality in an attempt to explain human

behavior. Personality assessment is really important in many areas of

psychology, and a variety of methods have been developed to measure personal

characteristics accurately. The personality theories provide concepts to identify

the factors that influence the development of personality and everyday behaviors

in individual. It helps us understand why everyone is unique.

The word personality is defined as “the dynamic organization

characteristics attributes leading to behavior and distinguishing one individual

from others” and it refers to the total individual and includes “needs, motives,

and methods of adjusting, temperament qualities, self concepts, role behaviors,

attitudes, values and abilities (Kalish 51-52). This means that a dynamic person

is forceful, always moving and filled with energy.

Personality can be defined as dynamic because human being is constantly

changing. Each change affects the entire personality. No element of personality

is isolated from any other element (Kalish 52). Therefore every single change in

personality gives influence to the whole personality even affects others’ in a

bigger circumstance. Personality Pattern

Personality is not inherited. Personality is a product of individual learning


Personality Development, we could reiterate that there are three major factors

that work to determine the development of personality pattern. Those factors are

like following.

The first is from individual’s heredity gift. Physique, intelligence and

temperament are the result of heredity. The personality pattern can be determined

by and closely associated with the process of becoming mature from both of

physical and mental characteristics. However, that factor cannot control self but

just evolves within individual. Therefore, the personality pattern develops from

the interaction with the environment.

The second factor is the early experiences within the family. This factor

provides the understanding that an individual will be so affected with the length

process of life in the family.

The third is the important events in later life outside the home

environment. The personality pattern can be defined by the experiences with the

environment whether it is close to the home or far away. Individual can choose

whether he or she would like to imitate what he or she gets from environment or

follows his or her own initiate.

Therefore, the personality pattern is not the product of learning or just

from the heredity. Those factors can create individual’s personality pattern

because the individual selects it from his environment about what fits to his

needs and rejects what doesn’t. However, people are not totally free to choose

and develop personality pattern they want, because people have a limitation

(33) of Psychosocial Development

Erikson (1902-1994) maintains that children develop in a predetermined

order. Instead of focusing on cognitive development, he is interested in how

children socialize and how this affects their sense of self. Erikson’s theory of

psychosocial development as it is read from Feist and Feist Theories of

Personality, Diane Papalia, Olds and Feldman in their book Human Development

and Bukatko in his book Child and Adolescent Development: A Chronological

Approach has eight distinct stages which have two possible outcomes. According

to the theory, successful completion of each stage results in a healthy personality

and successful interactions with others. Failure to complete a stage can result in a

reduced ability to complete further stages and therefore a more unhealthy

personality and sense of self. These stages, however, can be resolved successfully

at a later time.

The first is basic trust versus mistrust. From the age after born up to the

first year, children begin to learn the ability to trust others. If trust is developed

successfully, children gain confidence and security in the world around them.

Unsuccessful completion of this stage can result in an inability to trust, and

therefore a sense of fear about the inconsistent world. It may result of the anxiety,

insecurities, and an over feeling of mistrust in the world around them.

The second is autonomy versus shame and doubt. Between the ages of one

to three, children begin to assert their independence, by walking away from their


to wear, to eat, etc. Children begin to explore and make choices in order to

understand what is manageable and socially acceptable. Children in this stage

need encouragements and supports to be independent. Therefore, they become

more confident and secure in their own ability. Children will feel inadequate in

their ability to survive if parents criticized them or do not give opportunity to

assert themselves.

The third is initiative versus guilt. Between three years to six years,

children assert themselves more frequently. They begin to plan activities, set

goals, make up games, and initiate activities with others. Children will develop a

sense of initiative if parents give the opportunity. However, if parents give

criticism or over control, children will develop a sense of guilt. Therefore, they

will become a lack initiative person.

The fourth is industry versus inferiority. Start from six years to puberty,

children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments. They see the

project from the completion and achievement. During this period, teachers have a

big role in children development. Teacher should encourage and reinforce

children, and then children will feel industrious and confident in their ability. If

teachers ignore those treatments, the child will feel inferior. They feel doubting of

his/her own abilities and therefore may not reach his potential.

The fifth is identity versus role confusion. During adolescence, children

become more independent, and begin to look at the future in terms of career,


their own identity. This sense of who they are can be caught up, which results in a

sense of confusion about themselves and their role in the world.

The sixth is intimacy versus isolation. When children entered young

adulthood stage, they begin to share their selves more intimately with others. They

explore relationships leading toward longer term commitments with someone.

Successful completion can lead to comfortable relationships and a sense of

commitment, safety, and care within a relationship. Failure on this stage can lead

to isolation, loneliness, and sometimes depression.

The seventh is generativity versus stagnation. During middle adulthood,

people establish careers, settle down relationship, begin their own families and

develop a sense of being a part of the bigger picture. People give back to society

through raising children, being productive at work, and becoming involved in

community activities and organizations. Failure in fulfilling these roles, people

become stagnant and feel unproductive.

The eighth is ego integrity versus despair. When the time to grow older

comes as senior citizens, people tend to slow down productivity. It is the time to

contemplate our accomplishments and our ability to develop integrity if we see

ourselves have a successful life. However, if we see our lives unproductive we

will feel guilt about our pasts. We become dissatisfied with life and develop

(36) of Personality Development

Almost all of human being is not completely satisfied with his or her

personality. Therefore, some of us intend to change it (Hurlock 119). As a human

being it is usual that through our experiences with our family, friends, co-workers,

companions and the society, we find that one or some of our personalities are not

accepted by them. Then, we want to change it.

Elizabeth Hurlock states that there are at least three major categories of

personality changes named better versus worse, quantitative versus qualitative and

slow versus rapid changes. The changes on personality can be named better or

worse depend on the kind of life adjustment the individual is making at the time.

If the life adjustment is success in every stage like the improvement of

self-concept, self-confidence and self-assurance, we can call it a better change. In

contrast, if there is no life adjustment because of a sense of failure from

self-expectation, inferiority and inadequacy which can be expressed in antagonism,

defensive reaction, depression, distress and many others, we can name it worse


Another type of personality change is quantitative versus qualitative.

Quantitative personality change is the development of personality that can be

easily seen from the increase of predominant modes of behavior as the person

grows older. The examples of it are the characteristics that already present are

being reinforced, strengthened or can be weakened. While, qualitative personality


or vice versa. Furthermore, qualitative changes do not normally occur even in the

early years of life. Therefore, it is very rarely occurred.

Finally, we can differ that the personality changes can be slow versus

rapid. The changes are regarded as slow if they are barely perceptible. It normally

occurs in every human being that we grow slowly and gradually. Meanwhile rapid

changes are the personality changes that are readily apparent to all. Here, rapid

changes at any age are danger signals. Changes in short duration are usually due

to some artificial stimulation which temporarily causes the person to forget his

real self-concept and see himself as he would like to be. Influence of Family on Personality Development

Family is the smallest unit of the society. It contains a father, a mother

and children. Each member of a family has his or her role. What is meant by

parents’ role is the dynamic aspect of the status as parents (English 13).

Family could be in the first rank that influences personality development.

The influence does not just happen in the time of childhood but also takes effect

on the adulthood. As mentioned by Hurlock in Personality Development, we can

summarize that family can influence individual directly or indirectly. We can say

directly because family shapes the personality development by molding and

communication. However, it can be indirectly if the influence comes from

identification, unconscious imitation of attitudes and behavior patterns (Hurlock


In every family, regardless of its size and composition, each member is

expected to play a certain role. Each role is clearly defined by family members

and contributes to a harmonious living arrangement for all family members

(Hurlock 373). Role playing in family also influences personality development.

We can define the influence in two majorities as following.

The first, role playing affects individual in his or her self concept on the

individual feels of the role, the expectation and the well individual acts in the

role. The expectation of other family members gives the standard on how

individual act of the role and it can make individual assess his or her


The second, the effect of role-playing comes from the influence on home

atmosphere and from how family members and outsiders judge the success of

individual on playing particular role in the family. When individual choose a

certain role in family, it becomes a habit that must be brought outside home in

the relationship with other people. Then finally, people judge the success on

playing the role.

Parke and O’Neill formulate some parents’ role. Parents are instructor,

educator, advisor, supervisor, facilitator and role-model. As an instructor, parents

give the order and information to the children. Parents create and give some rules

for the children to obey and to do something for their own good. As the educator,

parents give knowledge of the things happening around them. Parents do not

only focus on the intellect teaching but also the moral teaching, in order to bring


parents give some advises on what happens and what will happen to the children

so the children can find the best way out of their condition. As the supervisor,

parents keep an eye on the children. Therefore the children are under controlled.

As the facilitator, parents provide some facilities like sports facilities, education

facilities and many others, to support the children’s development. As the role

model, parents give themselves to the children to be model they always look at.

By doing so, the children have someone to rely on in his life (O’Neill 32-39).

Burke and Parke also give evidence in their research. The father’s social

relationship is used as a model by the child (Burke 39). A father means different

things for children at different stages of development. He plays the role as the

leader in the family. For a grown up boy, he becomes the model to copy

especially when he is perceived highly as an affectionate person (Payne and

Mussen in Martin and Stendler 329).

Lidz states that the mother is the primary and major nurturing figure to

the child, particularly small child. She is an expert in child-rearing techniques.

The mother also needs the support from whom she can gain such physical and

emotional nourishment in giving love and attention to the children (Lidz 56).

Mother’s behavior in conducting her role affects the children so much. As the

role of advisor, when the mother gives the children some advises but she does

not try to solve the problem for them, the outcomes are positive. The children

will feel that their mother is a good friend to share their problems. Mother gives a


Family can also influence individual’s personality development in term of

deviant family patterns. For example, in a culture where being different is widely

regarded as being inferior, it is not surprising that people feel ashamed and

embarrassed if their family patterns differ from those of the people with whom

they associate (Hurlock 376). Here are some of deviants that influence

personality development.

The first is solo families. Solo families are shown by the absence of one

parent because of death, divorce, desertion, separation or some other causes. The

solo home can be a source of embarrassment to all of the family members or can

be a source of pride. For example, if the figure of father is absence because of

divorce, it can be a source of embarrassment. However, if the absence due to

some tasks as an army or employee to another country, it can be a source of


Rather than becoming the source of embarrassment or the source of pride,

solo families have some important factors to influence the personality

development. The most important thing is the presence of fatherhood (masculine)

or motherhood (feminine) figure in the family. Children are so demanding of the

figures because their personality pattern is largely molded during the early years

of life. Furthermore, the personality effect of solo families is not limited to

children. It is also felt by parents as well as other family members (Hurlock 377).

The second is divorced families. Divorced families normally eliminate

some of the friction so damaging to the home climate. In a society where


families. There are so many problems caused by divorce like the care of children,

income, love and figure of masculinity and or femininity and of course the

personality development of the divorcee and the member of families.

The third is widowhood. The status of widow or widower is not only

deviant but also ambiguous in which the person is neither single nor a spouse.

Widowhood almost always leads to poor self-evaluation. A widow or widower is

lonely and faced many adjustments problems, personal, social and economic.

The fourth is disgraced family. Disgraced family is a family living in a

society which is considered different from other families in the society. Strong

disapproval of some kinds of deviant family patterns make the family members

feel disgraced. Furthermore, the family members will feel more inferior to other

families in the society because the society feels that they are not common.

2.2. Theoretical Framework

I usesome of the theories stated above in order to understand more about

the characters’ personality and to help finding the answer of issues presence in

problem formulated. Furthermore, I would like to present the reasons why those

theories are needed and how I use those theories to understand and analyze the


The first is theory of character and characterizations. These theories are

used to reveal the characters in the novel. Furthermore, these theories are really

applicable to describe and to explore characters through their actions, outlooks,


The second is critical approach. In this study, I use the psychological

approach as the best considerations to dig deeper the characters’ personality. The

theory of personality and the theory of personality development also help to

analyze the characters’ personality changes and finally the development as seen

on the Mitch Albom’s For One More Day.

The theory of family is used based on the understanding that family has a

big influence on family members’ personality development. The influence can

come from the situation on the family, parents’ relationship and the relationship

between mother and children. The novel itself is telling about the relationship

between mother and son. Children’s personality development can be seen from

the relationship with parents especially with mother.

Additionally, to understand the influence made by mother to his son, I use

the Eriksson’s theory of psychosocial. This theory will be beneficial to depict the

influence made by his mother to the son in the right order from the childhood up

to the adulthood.

Finally, to study the character changes as the result of mother’s influence

in the major character’s life, I use the theory about personality development from

Elizabeth Hurlock. It will be helpful to see whether the personality changes are

better or worse, quantitative or qualitative and slow or rapid. Therefore, the three

of the latest theories work together to reveal the personality changes on Charles




This chapter contains three main parts namely object the study, approach

and method of the study. In the object of the study, I reviewed the novel as the

main source of the study. In the approach, I gave some reasons why I used

particular approach to observe the novel. Whereas in the method of study, I

explained briefly about the sources of the study including main source, secondary

source and steps to do the study.

3. 1 Object of the Study

This study will analyze further one of Mitch Albom’s novels entitled For

One More Day. It is the third novel written by Mitch Albom. Mitch Albom firstly

wrote this novel in May 2006 then he published the novel in the United States of

America in 2006 with the help of Hyperion Publisher. Afterward, the novel was

published in Great Britain in 2006 with the help of Sphere Publisher. During 2006

up to 2008 those publishers have published the novel 5 times, 3 times in 2007 and

2 times in 2008. In order to conduct this study, I used one copy from the 2007


The novel contains 207 pages; 197 pages of which are the story. Mitch

Albom divided the novel into four big chapters: Midnight, Morning, Noon and

Afternoon. Those four contain many small topics such as Chick’s Story, Chick


Tries to End It All, Time My Mother Stands Up for Me, up to Chick’s Final Thought.

3. 1 Approaches

In conducting the study, I apply the theory of character and characterization

and also psychological approach. The theory of character and characterization is

applied to answer the first and second problem in the study. The theory is needed to

understand the mother’s personality and also Chick Benetto’s personality. The

application of psychological approach focuses in the theory of personality

development as the main theory. It is the most appropriate tool to analyze the main

character’s personality development caused by the influence of mother’s personality.

The psychological approach is applied to answer the third problem.

“Psychological approach is an excellent tool for reading beneath the lines,” says

Guerrin in his book A Handbook of Critical Approaches in Literature. He explains

that the psychological theory is most commonly used as an interpretative tool by

modern critics. The psychological theory shows interpretation model to enhance their

understanding and appreciation of certain literature (Guerrin 120-121).

In this study, psychological approach is the most appropriate way to answer

the problems. This approach suggests the influence of human psychology on literary

work. Hence, character analysis can be traced by using theories of psychology.

Furthermore, this approach is used in this study because the basis of the analysis

places on the theory of personality development, which is one object in psychology.


behavior, attitude, feeling, belief, thought, motivation and deed influenced by

mother’s personality.

There is a deep relationship between literature and psychology. Rohberger

and Woods in their work entitled Reading and Writing about Literature state that both

literature and psychology discuss about people and human lives even though they

stand in different point of view. While literature discusses human being and life

which are expressed through language to gain some life values, psychology gives the

main focus on the study of human life dealing to human mind and behavior

(Rohberger and Woods 6-15). Furthermore, they state that psychological approach

brings us to analyze the novel from the psychological point of view on a specific

human being (Rohberger and Woods 13).

3.2Method of Study

This study used the method of library research. There were two kinds of

sources used in this study. The first or the main source was the novel entitled For One

More Day. The second was the secondary sources which were taken from references

found in the library and internet.

In order to analyze the novel, I conducted six steps. The first was I read and

reread the novel. While reading the novel, I also took note of the main character

development (Chick) and mother’s personality traits as seen from the way the

characters speak, the way they think, their attitudes and their deeds that revealed


knowledge, I observed and gathered information from some references like Child

Behavior and Development from William Martin and Celia Sendler, The Dynamic

Psychology from Kelly, Child and Adolescent Development: A Chronological

Approach written by Danuta Bukatko, Human Development from Diane E. Papalia,

Olds and Feldman, Personality Development from Elizabeth B. Hurlock, Family

Communication from Maureen Miller and A Handbook of Critical Approaches in

Literature from Wilfried L. Guerrin.

The fourth step was to find out the mother’s personality from the novel

compared and supported by the findings from the references. Then the fifth step was

to find out Chick Benetto’s personality at the beginning of the story. The sixth step

was to gather and judge the influence of mother’s personality on Chick Benetto.

Therefore, I made the list of Chick Benetto’s personality development. This step was

also combining the findings into a big main point as to find the theme of the story.




This chapter presents the discussion of the answer of the problems. The

discussion is divided into four main parts. The first part elaborates and discusses

the personality of Pauline Benetto or well-known as Posey Benetto, the mother of

Chick. The second part mainly discusses about the characteristic of Charles or

Chick Benetto as depicted in the novel. The third part discusses the influence

made by Posey to Charles Benetto during his childhood up to adulthood. Finally,

the fourth part presents the personality development of Chick Benetto as the result

of his mother’s influence during his life.

4.1 Mother’s Personality Traits

From the theory of character, in this part I depict Pauline’s character. I find

out that Pauline (Posey) is a major and flat character. Henkle in his book Reading

the Novel divides characters into two kinds which are major character and

secondary character. A major character is the most important and complex in the

novel, meanwhile the secondary character is a character that plays more limited

function (Henkle 89). Posey and Chick Benetto are the major characters in the

novel, because the novel entitled For One More Day puts Posey and Chick

Benetto as the central of the story.


She is a flat character because she does not change her personality from

the beginning into the end of the story. According to Forster in Aspects of the

Novel, characters can be a flat and round. A flat character is when the character

considered as simple. The readers can easily recognize the character whenever

and wherever he or she appears in the novel. Furthermore, the character is not

changed by the circumstances or by the people around him or her (Forster 54).

There are some ways used by the author in order to make the character

understandable to the reader. Graham Little in Approach to Literature

explained that there are three ways to study character. They are namely

physical appearance, social relationship and mental qualities.

Furthermore, Murphy in his book Understanding Unseen: The

Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students

states that there are nine ways that enable an author to present the character in the

story understandably and lively for the readers. The ways are from personal

description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others,

reaction, direct comment, thought, and mannerism (Murphy 161-173). Pauline or

Posey Benetto in Mitch Albom’s For One More Day is portrayed as:

4.1.1 Caring

Posey Benetto is a kind of person that always cares to family and other

people. There are some evidences from the novel that can show this personality.

First is from Chick Benetto thought: “My mother, had she been alive,

might have found a way through to me because she was always good at that,


taking my hand and saying, “Come on Charley, what’s the story (Albom 5)?” This

part assumes that Posey Benetto is a kind of person that always takes care of the

family. She will always ask Chick to tell some experiences that he faces during

the day. She will find out if her son gets into trouble or faces some difficult

assignment. She will become a good listener for the son and give advice to solve

the problem. She also wants to know about the progress of Chick’s hobby, base

ball, by telling this sentence. “What time is your game honey (Albom 23)?” This

attitude also tells that Posey wants to listen to the son and support what his son

does every day.

There are also evidences of the care and love from some letters and notes

made by mother to Chick. “My mother was always writing me notes. She slipped

them to me whenever she dropped me off somewhere (Albom 27).”

Here is one of the examples of the letter made by Posey for her son:

The letter usually tells about the advice for Chick to be brave, be a good

boy and wants to strengthen Chick. The first letter is made when Chick enters the

kindergarten in 1954. The second letter is on July 20th 1959 when Chick will have Dear Charley-

Have lots of FUN in SCHOOL today!

I will see you at lunch time and we’ll get a milk shake

I love you every day!



an operation on his tonsils. This letter intends to support and strengthen him that

operation of tonsils is a kind of usual thing for people and everything will be

alright. Chick will just be fallen asleep and when he wakes up everything has been

done. The third letter is on September 8, 1967 when Chick enters the university.

This letter wants to show Posey’s proud on Chick because he is the first person in

the family who enters university level. She also supports and advises him how to

behave in the university. The fourth or the last letter is given in the Chick’s

wedding day. Through this letter, Posey gives her support on Chick’s choice to

get married and also some advices in a family life so Chick will not make the

same fault as his father.

In Chick’s memory, when he wants to go to school in the first time he is

crying. His mother strengthens him by wiping his tears and hugging him. Before

leaving, Posey gives a letter to him. His mother of course will not hope that Chick

will read the letter but she means that the letter can be a replacement of her


She wiped my eyes with a tissue from her purse, then hugged me good-bye. I can still see her walking backward, blowing me kisses, her lips painted in red Revlon, her hair swept up above her ears. I waved good-bye with the letter. It didn’t occur to her, I guess, that I was just starting my school and didn’t know how to read. That was my mother. It was the thought that counted (Albom 28).

Kiss is a symbol of love and care. Posey does the same thing every night

to tuck and rub Chick’s hair and also ask Chick to give her a kiss. “She tucked

me every night, rubbing my hair and saying, “Give your mother a kiss” (Albom

33).” Posey also wants that Chick loves her as the way she loves him.


She loved me falling off a swing set. She loved me stepping on her floors with muddy shoes. She loved me through vomit and snot and bloody knees. She loved me coming and going, at my worst and at my best. She had a bottomless well of love for me. Her only flaw was that she didn’t make me work for it (Albom 33).

Here, Chick is also aware that his mother has an endless love for him.

Posey loves her son very much. She loves the way when her son comes toward

her with muddy shoes and bloody knees. Chiefly, she loves all of Chick deeds.

Chick also feels gratitude for the way her mother loves him. He knows that her

mother loves him truly in right or wrong, good or bad. However this does not

work for Chick. Chick still cannot love his mother the way she loves him

4.1.2 Beautiful and Charming

Posey Benetto is also considered as beautiful and charming. This

description comes from other characters’ thought and as seen by others. Here are

some evidences that show the beauty and charm of Posey Benetto:

Chick personally thinks that his mother is a beautiful woman. It can be

inferred from this passage. “My mother was a beautiful woman, but she didn’t

look beautiful that morning (Albom 22).”

There is something happens at that morning which makes her mother who

is actually beautiful does not look beautiful. Chick is just curious with it. Here,

Posey is still in grieved because of the way her husband treats her. However, we

can infer that actually Posey has a beautiful face. Furthermore, Posey’s beauty can

be reflected from her posture description made by Chick like in this paragraph:


She had large, almond-shaped eyes, dark, sweeping hair that she often wore up, and a soft, creamy complexion. She reminded people of the actress Audrey Hepburn, and in our small town, there weren’t many women who fit that description. She loved wearing mascara, eyeliner, rouge, you name it – and while most people considered her “fun” or “perky”or, later, “eccentric” or “headstrong,” for most of my childhood I considered her a nag (Albom 29).

Audrey Hepburn, as written in Wikipedia and seen from her picture, is a

very beautiful lady who was a well-known British actress and humanitarian

around 1950 till 1990. Audrey Hepburn has a long straight black hair,

beautiful-dark eyes, pointed nose, white complexion and slim body. If Posey reminds

people about this actress then we can assume that Posey is very beautiful. Chick

describes her mother as just likes Audrey Hepburn and many people in that small

village accept that description. There are just little women in that village who are

similar to that description. The beauty itself has two different impacts, the first it

becomes a kind of proud for the owner, but it is also a kind of irritating thing for

the other women (Albom 59).

Another proof derives from Chick’s memory. Chick remembers the time

of somebody’s wedding ceremony. On that occasion his parents dance. His

mother is wearing a shiny red dress. She looked happy. She was also a good

dancer. Everybody could not move but watch her. The women there seemed to be

jealous of her (Albom 58-59).

Posey Benetto also has a big sense of humor. It is either she makes the

humor or listens to humors made by others. People think this sense of humor

improves her beauty more. Because of her sense of humor, people think that she is

so charming. That charming thing really makes other people want to be close to


her. Here is Chick’s description on her. “She loved jokes. She would push a hand

into the shoulder of anyone who made her laugh. She was charming. That’s how

people thought of her: Charming Posey (Albom 74).”

Sometimes, somebody who is beautiful, handsome or good-looking is still

seen when the one is already getting old. That thing also happens to Posey.

Although she grows older in her seventies, Chick still recognizes that his mother

is beautiful. The wrinkles, eyeglasses and even white hair cannot hide her beauty.

She placed her hands together and touched her nose, hiding a small smile. “It is still nice to be thought about, you know.” I studied her face. There was no doubting her beauty even in her late seventies, when she had taken on a more wrinkled elegance, her eyes behind glasses, her hair – once the blue-back of midnight –now the silver of a cloudy afternoon sky (Albom 151).

4.1.3 Secretive

Being secretive is when somebody can hide his problem or other things.

As a consequence, other people cannot know what actually happens. In other

word, secretive is an attitude that likes to keep things secret or hide one’s thoughts

and feelings in some purposes (Hornby 1061). Posey can be considered as

secretive because she likes to hide her feeling especially her sadness in order not

to make others feel the same thing or know her feelings. Sometimes, she uses this

ability to avoid the children to know the real condition because she does not want

the children feel hurt. There are some evidences that show this description:

“Why can’t daddy take me? I asked. “Daddy’s not here.”

“Where is he?” She didn’t answer.


“When’s he coming back?”

She squeezed the corn puffs and they crumbled into floury dust (Albom22).

This conversation happens on Saturday morning when Chick Benetto is

still in the fifth grade year. Here, Posey has just got divorce from Len. She tries to

keep the fact from her son. She thinks this is not a good time for him to know that

she and his father just split. She wants to keep that first before telling to his son.

She does not want to answer Chick’s question because it will either hurt her or her

son. She keeps that anyway.

Another occasion comes when the time Len Benetto wants to come back

to the house. Posey lets the children think that the “intruder” is a burglar then she

borrows Chick’s baseball bat to chase the intruder. Posey hides the fact that the

intruder actually her ex-husband, Chick’s father. She does not want him to disturb

their life anymore. She also strengthens the children to stay calm and feel secure.

My mother’s voice precedes her. “It’s alright, it’s alright,” she is saying, no longer whispering, and she moves quickly into the room and rubs my head as she passes me to get my sister. She drops the bat and it clunks on the floor. My sister is crying. “It’s alright. It was nothing,” my mother says.

I slum against the wall. My mother hugs my sister. She exhales longer than I have ever heard anyone exhale before.

“Who was it?” I ask.

“Nothing, nobody, she says. But I know she is lying. I know who it was (Albom 93).

Those two proves above tell about the way Posey Benetto keeps her secret.

She wants that the fact that she and her ex-husband, Len, are not together anymore

at all ways. She does not want the children feel the shame, grieved, and hurt of

being in incomplete family. Being a divorced family is considered as a shame at


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