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SOCIAL SCIENCE LEARNING MANAGEMENT BASED ON INSTILLING HEROISM VALUES Social Science Learning Management Based on Instilling Heroism Values at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang.


Academic year: 2017

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SOCIAL SCIENCE LEARNING MANAGEMENT establishment at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang. Secondly, it is describing the characteristics of Social learning based on heroism value establishment at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang. finally, the research aims at classifying the characteristics of Social learning impact based on heroism value establishment at

SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang.

It is qualitative research using ethnography design. This research was conducted at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang. The informants are the principal and teachers of SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semaranng. Techniques used in data collection are interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis of this research includes data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Data validity uses credibility, transferability, confirmability and dependability.

The research results show that (1) writing of Social lesson plan based instilling heroism value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang is conducted based on the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP). The lesson plan is elaborated from syllabus with emphasizing on attitude and heroism moral. Teachers prepare several components in writing the lesson plan that consists of Standard competence, Basic Competence, prop and source, and the assessment. In writing lesson plan, teachers consider the environment where teachers design learning with asking students to go to the heroic places such as palagan Ambarawa and

Ronggowarsito. But teachers do not involve the computer-based media in Social lesson plan based instilling heroism value. (2) Social learning based heroism value establishment at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang run effectively. Teachers do several efforts to make the learning run effective such as discussing the important of instilling heroism value and the appropriate way in delivering material through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The main materials delivered are focused on instilling the attitude and moral. Learning includes teaching and learning activities, habituation activities such as instilling discipline attitude and willing to sacrifice for students, and activities held by the school such as scout, and flag ceremony. Sources of material in the implementation of Social learning based instilling heroism value still use printed books not materials from internet. (3) Social learning based instilling heroism value has a positive impact for SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang. With the heroism value establishment, students more understand on the values and spirit of heroism. Heroism spirit can be seen from the students’ attitude such as being responsible, willing to sacrifice, and being a patriot.



Education is a forerunner of a learning process for children. With stimuli in form of sound, picture visualization and action from the experience in interacting to surrounding environment both in school or home gives a greatly effect for children’ development. Playing in the school or home and ask them to talk are the important things in children’ development.

Embedded good understanding, perception and knowledge to children in Elementary school level should be realized for all parties especially teachers, parents and media due to a good knowledge and positive stimuli will determine the next children’s development.

The Government regulation No. 28 of 1990 on the Basic Education, article 25, paragraph 1, it is said that the guidance is an assistance provided to students in order to find themselves, know the environment, and plan the future.

A guidance to recognize the environment has a meaning that teacher should give help to students and parents to recognize their environment.

The phenomenon today is that children at the Elementary School level can not choose television programs, magazines, or other good information for their mental development, while the violence movies and lack of good role models become an attractive option.

It has an effect on the decrease of the value of heroism that makes students do not want to help their friends in distress, to follow the flag ceremony at school, and always solve problem with violence. Parents’ role at home is very needed to guide their children when they watch TV or read instructional books and magazine or other books. Parents are required to be selected and creative in providing educated reading materials and have a positive value for students’ mental so students just get positive stimuli from the media.

Primary education has an important role in improving the quality of human resources both in the field of intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual.


fairness (justice). A value leads people to do something directed, good, efficient, qualified, right and fair. But according to Gordon Allport in Mulyana (2004: 9) value is a belief that makes a person to act based on his choice and happens in a psychology area. Generally, the instilling value in a family becomes parents’ commitment which is done by providing education or guidance related to the instilling value to children. In a crisis era today, this looks the decline of heroism values especially on students in education world. Students’ enthusiasm to follow flag ceremony as the implementation of heroism spirit always decrease, less interest in the national heroism stories on Social learning at school, but they prefer like comic, cartoon or movies in TV that not too relevant to their personality and lack of nation’s culture and education values.

The decline in the heroism value is as an effect of the lack of awareness and attention of parents and teachers in providing information on the heroism value to students, so to know the cause of decreasing the heroism value at Elementary School students we must plan a good learning on the Social learning about instilling of heroism value that make students interested in the learning.

According Fraenhel as cited by Rubino (1999:36) value is the abstract idea or concept of person of considered to be important by the person, usually refers to the aesthetic, ethics, and logic or justice. Patriotism value in Indonesian means as the value of heroism, usually taken from the heroes story that maintain the independence. According to Badrun (2006) heroes of a nation is a spirit that continuous to grow and being historical that give a colorful history for the nation even for the humanity and world civilization history.

According to Thoha (1990: 60 – 654) The instilling of value to students can be seen from several parts, namely: 1) from the human needs include biological value, faith, love, self-esteem, and identity value; 2) human ability to capture and develop the value includes cognition, emotion, psychomotor, etc; 3) from the culture process approach such as knowledge, economic, aesthetic, political, and family value; 4) from the nature of value, such as subjective, rational objective and metaphysical objective values; 5) from the source such as Ilahiyah


Teacher is a person who connects directly to students so they should be able to establish the patriotism value to students. Various concrete phases in the field of learning can be practiced such as screening of films about the struggle and drama performances of the heroism story.

In this research context, the writer used the Social definition based on the Elementary school curriculum of 2006, Social is one of subjects that examines a set of events, fact, concept, and generalization relevant to the social issues. Social subject is intended to make students have some abilities such as: (1) Familiar with concepts related to community life and the environment. (2) Have a basic ability to think logically and critically, curiosity, inquiry, problem solving, and skills in social life. (3) Have a commitment and awareness of social values and humanity. (4) Be able to communicate, cooperate, and compete in a pluralistic society, locally, nationally and globally. The scope of Social subject includes several aspects: (1) Humans, Places, and the environment, (2) Time, continuation, and changes, (3) Social and cultural systems, and (4) Economic behavior and welfare.

As confirmed in the Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005, article 20 that planning of learning process includes syllabus and the lesson plan. Lesson plan contains the subject identity, standard competence, basic competence, indicator, goal, subject matter, learning methods, learning steps, tools and learning resources, and assessment. Lesson plan preparation includes several steps: (1) Preparation the identity of subjects, (2) Preparation Standard and basic competencies, (3) Formulating Indicators, (4) Formulate learning objectives, (5) Formulate / select the subject matter of learning, (6) Formulate a method of learning, (7) Plan learning activities that includes initial, core, and the final activity, (8) Specifies the media / tools and learning resources, and (9) Determine the assessment procedures, and develop assessment instruments relevant with the indicators.


there also exists the opportunity for better formative assessment. The focus of this system is placed on: the quality of learning, the provision of advice and feedback for improvement and a strong emphasis on cooperative learning groups. AfL is founded upon five fundamental principles, all of which revolve around the hub of positive interactions in the classroom: students must a) be able to understand clearly what they are trying to learn, and what is expected of them; b) be given feedback about the quality of their work; c) be given advice about how to go about making improvements; d) be fully involved in deciding what needs to be done next, and e) be aware of who can give them that help.

Maher (2009) in an international journal, entitled Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: Implications for Curriculum Design and Student Learning

Higher Education (HE), Higher Education (HE) in the UK has experienced a series of remarkable changes over the last thirty years as successive governments have sought to make the sector more efficient and more accountable for investment of public funds. Rapid expansion in student numbers and pressures to widen participation amongst non-traditional students are key challenges facing HE. Learning outcomes can act as a benchmark for assuring quality and efficiency in HE and they also enable universities to describe courses in an unambiguous way so as to demystify (and open up) education to a wider audience. This paper examines how learning outcomes are used in HE and evaluates the implications for curriculum design and student learning.


whether state academic standards in social studies provide sufficient curricular guidance for global citizenship education.

Research conducted by Adam (2008) entitled Effective Time Managemement for Teaching Effectiveness. This paper discusses the essence of time management and its positive effect on teaching and subsequently on learning. Samples were selected in two phases of the study viz: at the outset when 31 schools were selected in Ibadan City and after phase one of the study when the most effective teacher-time-manager and the least-effective-teacher-time manager were identified. Thirty students each from these classes were randomly selected and used as the pretest –posttest experimental/control groups design to confirm or confound the results of one. Findings include: effective-time management resulted in effective and learning, if teachers were to be effective time managers they must minimize social activities and devote more time preparation, good time management engenders improved student performance etc. Recommendations were that to assist teachers to manage their time better, they should be well remunerated; teachers should reduce their social activities to the barest minimum; they should the business more seriously among others.


According to the background above, this research has a focus on “What are characteristics of the Social Science learning Management Based on Instilling Heroism Values at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang?” The focus is elaborated into three sub focuses (a) What are characteristics of the lesson plan of Social Science based on instilling heroism value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang?, (b) What are characteristics of the implementation of Social Science learning based on instilling heroism value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang?, and (c) What are characteristics of Social science learning impact based on instilling heroism value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang?

Research objectives to be achieved in this study are: (a) Describing characteristics of the lesson plan of Social Science based on instilling heroism value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang. (b) Describing characteristics of the Social Science learning implementation based on instilling heroism value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang. (c) Describing characteristics of the effects of Social Science learning based on instilling heroism value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang.


It is a qualitative research in which a kind of research procedure that created descriptive data in written or spoken words from people and behavior observed (Bogdan and Tailor from Moleong, 2006: 4). The appropriate research design is ethnography. This research used ethnography design due to it just observed three sub focuses, not the whole of the Social learning management based instilling heroism value, as the educational ethnography concept that refers more to the part or the whole learning process Mantja (Harsono, 2008:156)


The presence of the researcher in conducting this research is to find data on the heroism value management of Social learning at Elementary School. According to Spradley (Moleong, 2008: 158), the researcher has roles as the research instrument and a student.

Data are writings or records about everything that is heard, seen, experienced, and even thought by the researcher during the data collection activities and reflect the activities into ethnography. Lofland from Moleong (2006: 157) the primary data source in qualitative research are words and action, the rest is additional data such as document and others. Sources of data are something that becomes a source to obtain a data. In this study, the researcher used data source in the form of observations, interviews, and documentation. In this study involved people who act as the key person, including the principal, vice principal, and also teachers at SDN 01 Pendrikan Kidul Semarang.

Data collection techniques used in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. In-depth interview is a directed conversation to collect or enrich ethnographic information Mantja (from Harsono, 2008: 162). Type of observation is the participation observation. According to Mulyana, D (2006: 175) through participation observation, the researcher can participate in the daily activities of the research subject whether observe what they do, listen what they say, and ask other people is a certain period. According to Moleong (2007: 216) document is divided into personal and official document. Researcher collected all data related to the Social learning management based instilling heroism value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul Semarang.



Preparation of Social Science Lesson Plan Based on Instilling Heroism Value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang

1. In evolving lesson plan especially Social learning, the material of heroism value, however teachers of SDN Pendrikan Kidul 01 Semarang are guided by a curriculum that is School-Based Curriculum (SBC).

2. Lesson plan is evolved by elaborating the syllabus which has been designed and developed by the teachers

3. The preparation of Social Science learning lesson plan based on instilling of heroism value is same with other lesson plans, but it just emphasized on attitude and heroism materials.

4. Evolving of lesson plan of Social Science learning based on heroism values is focused on students.

5. Evolving of lesson plan on the Social Science learning base heroism values consider the aspect of environment and the existing norms in the society. 6. Teachers do not prepare the computer-based on media in the preparation of

lesson plan.

Implementation of Social Science Learning Based on Instilling Heroism Value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang

1. The teachers at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang hold a discussion about the Social Science learning based on instilling heroism value at Focus Group Discussion (FGP).

2. The implementation of Social Science learning base instilling heroism values at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang started by an apperception activity such as singing patriotic songs.

3. The materials delivered are focused on instilling the attitude and moral. 4. The location of Social Science learning base instilling heroism value is not

only done in the classroom but also in outside the classroom. 5. The methods used are very varied.


7. The assessment in the implementation of Social Science learning based on instilling heroism value includes three aspects, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

Impact of Social Science Learning Based on Instilling Heroism Value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang

1. Students of SDN Pendrikan Kidul 01 Semarang understand the heroism material and have heroism spirit.

2. Students can practice the heroism value in the real world. 3. Students have nation’s love attitude.

4. Teachers’ knowledge is widely increased.

5. The school makes some programs to support Social Science learning based on instilling heroism value.


Preparation of Social Science Lesson Plan Based on Instilling Heroism Value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang

Research conducted by Rapoport (2009) entitled A Forgotten Concept: Global Citizenship Education and State Social Studies Standards, In today's global environment, social studies educators have the opportunity to expand their students’ vision of the role of citizenship in developing a democratic understanding by adopting multiple perspectives on citizenship. Global citizenship education is becoming an important component in citizenship education in many countries. However, unlike their colleagues in Europe or Asia, US teachers are still less enthusiastic about incorporating global citizenship perspectives into their instruction. This paper describes the obstacles that prevent social studies teachers from using global citizenship perspectives. It also explores whether state academic standards in social studies provide sufficient curricular guidance for global citizenship education.


lesson plan so the principal does not need to do some training for teachers to make the lesson plan. Lesson plan is written relevant with the SBC, focus on students, and consider the norm and society environment. Teachers of SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang write the lesson plan by elaborating the syllabus that has been planned. With their creation teachers develop the lesson plan but it still relevant to the curriculum.

There is no difference in preparing the Social learning lesson plan based instilling heroism values, only the materials delivered to students have a little difference. In preparing the lesson plan, it is emphasized on the heroism values such as love the homeland, willing to sacrifice, and patriotism. While for the lesson plan which not based on the heroism values is more complex such as the economic activity, nationalism, geography, culture, sociology, community, and much more.

Teachers of SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang prepare several components in preparing the lesson plan of Social learning based instilling heroism values. Preparation of lesson plan is focused on students, to motivate, encourage interest, creativity, initiative, inspiration, independence, and enthusiasm for learning, as well as performing attitude such as love the homeland, willing to sacrifice, and patriotism. To achieve those attitudes, teachers of SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang prepare several lesson plan components such as: standard competence and basic competence from syllabus, material, learning objectives, learning steps, props and resources, and assessment.

The lesson plan writing process of Social learning based heroism value considers the aspects of environment and norm in the society. The environment can become the learning source for students, such as the historic places. Teachers of SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang choose the Ronggowarsito and Palagan Ambarawa Museum as the place to instill the heroism values to students.


media although only simple learning media such as the pictures of National heroes, the use of media give a positive impact to students’ activities in class.

If compared with the previous research, the research conducted at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang has the equality and difference. Both of the research discuss about the Social learning, but in the previous research discusses about the curriculum which is not clear so teachers still feel confuse in performing Social learning especially in delivering the material, while the research conducted at

SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang discusses about the preparation of Social learning lesson plan based instilling heroism values where the curriculum used by SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang is a guide of preparing the lesson plan.

Implementation of Social Science Learning Based on Instilling Heroism Value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang

Maher (2009) in an international journal, entitled Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: Implications for Curriculum Design and Student Learning

Highter Education (HE), Higher Education (HE) in the UK has experienced a series of remarkable changes over the last thirty years as successive governments have sought to make the sector more efficient and more accountable for investment of public funds. Rapid expansion in student numbers and pressures to widen participation amongst non-traditional students are key challenges facing HE. Learning outcomes can act as a benchmark for assuring quality and efficiency in HE and they also enable universities to describe courses in an unambiguous way so as to demystify (and open up) education to a wider audience. This paper examines how learning outcomes are used in HE and evaluates the implications for curriculum design and student learning.

While research at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang discuss about the Social learning based instilling the heroism values. The learning is done by designed it in the FGD forum. Teachers and students are cooperatively to do the learning activities. Teachers attract students’ attention by doing fun apperception, use varied methods, and ask students to visit the historic places.


research discuss about the learning activities especially about teachers’ efforts to make students are motivated and interested in following learning activities. It is just the previous research discuss about the effort of teachers to make students be able to improve their achievement, one of it by giving fun circumstance. While the research conducted at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang discussed about the Social learning based instilling heroism values starting from the beginning until the learning assessment which are conducted by teachers of SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang.

The implementation of Social learning based instilling heroism values at

SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang started by an apperception activity. The apperception is to attract students’ attention so that they are enthusiasm in following learning activities.

Teachers do not only explain the material in the apperception activity, but also done by the varied methods. Teachers ask students to sing patriotic songs such as hari merdeka, ibu kita kartini, satu nusa satu bangsa, padamu negeri and others. Teachers also show the heroes pictures such as Bung Karno, Bung Hatta, and other revolution heroes for the basic competence “appreciating the heroes struggle in maintaining Indonesian independence” to attract students’ attention at the beginning of the implementation of Social learning based instilling heroism values.

The materials which are given in the learning process are given from the first grade until the sixth grade. Technically, teachers have begun to instill the heroism values to students in the first until the sixth grade. Delivering of the materials is tailored with the level of ability of each class in Social learning material, Civic and habituation activity at school. While the special material about the heroism and patriotism for the fourth grade in the first semester and fifth grade in the first semester and the sixth grade in the first and second semester.


For the third and fifth grade students visit the historic places in Semarang such as: Mandala Bakti Museum, Tugu Muda, Lawang Sewu, Ronggowarsito Museum, Gedung Batu, Candi Tugu through Government office and finish in Kota Lama. While for the fifth and sixth grade students held a study tour in Central Java and surrounding areas, the time and place relevant with the tour program of the first and second semester. The rest of heroism values learning for students are done by the activities in the school.

The assessment conducted by SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang teachers in Social learning based heroism value includes three aspects such as cognitive, affective and psychomotor. It seems to be different with the research done by Clark (2008) in International Journal entitled Assessment is for Learning: Formative Assessment and Positive Learning Interactions, the research stated that the formative assessment to inform, support, and improve the learning process is needed. It would be nice if all three aspects of Social learning based heroism are done by performing the formative assessment.

Impact of Social Science Learning Based on Instilling Heroism Value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang


remunerated; teachers should reduce their social activities to the barest minimum; they should the business more seriously among others.

Research conducted at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang discusses about the impact of Social learning based instilling heroism value. Impact of learning is not only got by the students but teachers and school also get it. Students understand and can practice the materials of heroism values in the real world. Teachers have widely insight, while the school makes programs to support the Social learning based instilling heroism values.

If compared between the previous research and the research conducted at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang, both of the research have the ability and difference. Those researches discuss about the effect of a learning quality. In the previous research discusses the impact of time management of teacher in the learning activities, while the research conducted at SDN Pendrikan Kideul 1 Semarang discuss about the impact of Social learning based instilling heroism values which can be seen from students, teachers and school.

Social learning based instilling heroism values at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang gives a positive impact for students, teachers and school. With instilling the heroism value, students understand the heroism values and have the heroism spirit that can be seen from the students’ attitude such as being responsible, willing to sacrifice, and have patriotic attitude.

It can be said that Social learning based instilling heroism values run effectively in which it can be seen from students’ attitude when finishing their tasks, and their readiness when asked to be the operator of flag ceremony. Students have time to follow several activities held by the school and willing to admit their mistake and want to apologize.

Students’ care for each other is very high. They always appreciate to the environment surround them and give help such as contributing to help the Merapi

disaster at Muntilan, Jogjakarta. This shows that students can practice the heroism values in the daily life.


Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang defend the Indonesian flag team in the football game that shows one of the nation’s love attitude. Students are active in following the flag ceremony held in the school.

Teachers who give Social learning based instilling heroism value also have an impact from the learning activity, in which they feel their knowledge is more increased. Teachers must work hard to manage learning activities with searching for information but actually the activity increases their knowledge about heroism.

Teachers manage the lesson plan starting from planning until the assessment. Due to involve in learning activity, teachers must be able to practice the heroism material so they can be the role model for students. Teachers do not only ask students to be discipline, but also can practice it for example, they can go to the school on time, follow flag ceremony, help each other and others.

From the Social learning activities based instilling heroism values, the school makes some programs to instill the heroism value for students such as honesty cafeteria, and school Co-operative. The principal and teachers of SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang give high support to the programs.

The school has not made a program for giving awards to students or teachers who can practice the heroism value. The motivation is to improve heroism spirit that had been done by Blomberg (2008), entitled Where Have All Heroes Gone? A Self-Interested, Economic Theory of Herois, in his research stated that the government gives award for whom that have heroism spirit.


Preparation of Social Science Lesson Plan Based on Instilling Heroism Value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang

Preparation of Social lesson plan based on instilling heroism value at


and the assessment. In preparation lesson plan, teachers consider the environment where teachers design learning with asking students to go to the heroic places such as palagan Ambarawa and Ronggowarsito. But teachers do not involve the computer-based on media in Social lesson plan based on instilling heroism value. Implementation of Social Science Learning Based on Instilling Heroism Value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang

Social Science learning based on instilling heroism value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang runs effectively. Teachers do several efforts to make the learning run effective such as discussing the important of instilling heroism value and the appropriate way in delivering material through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The main materials delivered are focused on instilling the attitude and moral. Learning includes teaching and learning activities, habituation activities such as instilling discipline attitude and willing to sacrifice for students, and activities held by the school such as scout, and flag ceremony. Sources of material in the implementation of Social Science learning based on instilling heroism value still use printed books not materials from internet. Nevertheless, teachers still manage learning well through using varied method such as socio drama, peer tutor, quantum learning, contextual, observation, and constructivism. Impact of Social Science Learning Based on Instilling Heroism Value at SDN Pendrikan Kidul 1 Semarang



1. If the Social Science learning based on instilling heroism value run effectively relevant with the plan, the Social lesson plan is well-planned, with the guidance of SBC, focus on students and consider the environment.

2. If the qualified Social Science learning based on instilling heroism value can help students to practice heroism values, this means that Social Science learning is done effectively in which teachers have ability to manage learning. 3. If Social Science learning based on instilling heroism value has the positive impact to all parties such as students, teachers and the school so learning activities is well-managed.

SUGGESTION 1.For the Principal

Supervise and motivate teachers in preparing lesson plan, provide materials, and make the policy on giving awards for whom practicing heroism values. 2.For teachers

a. Teachers should improve their skill in preparing lesson plan by giving media and method used.

b. Teachers should improve their knowledge in doing Social learning based instilling heroism values.

3.For students

a. Being active in following Social learning based heroism values b. Following each steps in the implementation of learning effectively. c. Practice heroism values everywhere not only in school.


Adam. 2008. “Effective Time Managemement for Teaching Effectiveness”.

European Journal of Social Sciences – Volume 5, Number 4. Pg: 121-131


Blomberg. 2008. “Where Have All the Heroes Gone? A Self-Interested, Economic Theory of Heroism”. Journal of Economics and Finance. Vol 1 No 1. Pg: 1-32

Clark. 2008. ”Assessment is for Learning: Formative Assessment and Positive Learning Interactions”. Florida Journal of Educational Administration & Policy. Volume 2, Issue. Pg: 1-18

Harsono. 2008. Model-model Pengelolaan Perguruan Tinggi. Jogjakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Maher. 2009.” in an international journal, entitled Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: Implications for Curriculum Design and Student Learning Higher Education (HE)”. Journal of Hospitality. Vol 1 No 1. Pg: 1-9.

Miles, Mattew B dan Amichael Huberman. 2007. Analisis Data Kualitatif Buku Sumber tentang Metode-Metode Baru. Terjemahan Tjetjep Rohendi Rohisi. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia.

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Master Degree of Education

in Educational Management Department

by SUGIYO 100 090 252








By SUGIYO 100 090 252



Dr. Bambang Sumardjoko, M.Pd Dra. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum




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