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Handling An 11-Year-Old Student Who Did Not Finish Some of The Exercises in Star Class in Ace Kids English Course.


Academic year: 2017

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Berdasarkan pengalaman saya sebagai asisten guru di Ace Kids English Course, saya memutuskan untuk membahas mengenai kesulitan saya dalam menangani seorang murid berusia 11 tahun yang tidak dapat menyelesaikan beberapa tugas yang diberikan. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini saya akan membahas penyebab, dampak masalah, dan beberapa solusi yang saya dapatkan dari studi pustaka dan pengalaman magang.

Ada beberapa penyebab dari masalah tersebut. Pertama murid tersebut sering kali merasa bosan saat mengerjakan beberapa tugas. Kedua, saya tidak dapat bersabar setiap kali murid tersebut tidak mengerjakan beberapa tugasnya. Ketiga, saya tidak mengetahui bagaimana membuat beberapa tugasnya menjadi menarik yang dapat memotivasi murid tersebut untuk menyelesaikan tugasnya. Masalah ini pun memiliki beberapa dampak. Pertama, motivasi saya untuk mengajar berkurang. Kedua, saya kehilangan sebagian waktu mengajar saya. Ketiga, saya menjadi terlalu fokus terhadap murid tersebut dan tidak memperhatikan murid yang lain. Selain penyebab dan dampak, saya juga menganalisa beberapa solusi yang dapat membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan saya. Solusi-solusi tersebut adalah saya memberikan hadiah kepada murid tersebut apabila dia dapat menyelesaikan beberapa tugasnya. Selain itu, saya menggunakan beberapa permainan yang dapat membuat anak tersebut menyelesaikan beberapa tugasnya. Dan solusi yang terakhir adalah saya membagi tugas-tugas murid tersebut ke dalam beberapa bagian yang lebih kecil.



First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for His blessings so that I can

finish my term paper. I would like to thank those who have helped me in

finishing this term paper. I would like to thank:

1. My supervisor Ms. Rusmiati Simbolon S.S., M.A. for her advice and

support to help me finishing this term paper.

2. Dra. Irene Luciana Kendra as Head of D III English Programme.

3. Ms. Rhimelda as the Head Supervisor at Ace Kids English Course

4. Ms. Winne, Ms. Cherry dan Ms. Shanti as my supervisor and teachers at

Ace Kids English Course.

5. My parents and brother for their love and support in the process of

finishing this term paper.

6. The administration staff of D III English Programme at Maranatha

Christian University

7. All my friends who have helped and supported me to finish this term







CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION...1-6 A. Background of the Study

B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper











I had difficulties in handling an 11 year old student who did not

finish some of his exercises in Star class in AKEC when I did my

internship from 1 August to 28 August

2011. Causes:

1. The student often felt bored when doing some of his exercises with more than ten numbers

2. I was not being patient every time he did not want to finish his exercise

3. I did not know how to make the exercises interesting that could motivate the student to finish the exercises


1. My motivation to teach was decreased.

2. I lost some of my teaching time 3. It made me too focused on him

and did not pay attention to other students.

Potential Solution 1:

I give this student a reward every time he finishes his exercises Negative Effects:

1. It can make the student only want to finish the exercises if he gets a reward

2. It can make him too focused on the reward, not on the exercises 3. It can make the other students

jealous if I give reward to him

Positive Effects:

1.The student will be motivated to finish the exercises

2. It can create a study habit for the student

3. It can help the student to put more effort to do and finish some of his exercises.

Potential Solution 2:

I use some games that related to the lesson when he is doing the exercises to make him

do and finish them. Negative Effects:

1. Games can lead to wrong behavior

2. It can take a lot of time for the student to play games and do exercises

Positive Effects:

1. He will study and do exercise with fun

2. Games can make him focus on doing some of his exercises.

Potential Solution 3:

I give the exercises to the student in smaller chunks

or segments. Negative Effect:

1. The student might give little effort if sometimes he must do an exercise that is not in smaller chunks

Positive Effects:

1. The student can understand the lesson from doing the exercises more easily. 2. The student will be able to

finish some of his exercises




A. Competing Dialogue Exercise

EXERCISE 32. Question practice. Directions: Make Questions

1. A: Does Jean eat lunch at the cafeteria?

B: Yes, she does. (Jean eats luch at the cafeteria every day.)

2. A: Where does jean eat luch every day?

B: At the cafeteria. (Jean eats lunch at cafeteria every day.)

3. A:

B: At the post office. (Peter works at the post office.)

4. A:

B: Yes, he does. (Peter works at the post office.)

5. A:

B: Yes, I do. (I live in an apartment.)

6. A:

B: In an apartment. (I live in an apartment.)

7. A:

B: At the restaurant. (Bill eats dinner at a restaurant every day.)

8. A:


B. Fill-in-the-blank Exercise

EXERCISE 19. Sentence practice.

Directions: Complete the sentences. Use have or has. Use my, your, her,

his, our, or their

1. I have a book. book is interesting.

2. Bob a backpack. backpack is green.

3. You a raincoat. raincoat is brown.

4. Kate a raincoat. raincoat is red.

5. Ann and Jim are married. They a baby. baby is

six months old.

6. Ken and Sue a daughter. daughter is ten years old

7. John and I a son. son is seven years old.

8. I a brother. brother is sixteen.

9. We grammar books. grammar books are red.

10. Tom and you backpacks. backpacks are brown.

11. Ann a dictionary. dictionary is red.

12. Mike a car. car is blue.


C. Correcting Error Exercise

฀ EXERCISE 47. Chapter review: error analysis.

Directions: Correct the errors.


1. Yoko live in Japan.

2. Ann comes usually to class on time.

3. Peter use his cell phone often.

4. Amy carry a notebook computer to work every day.

5. She enjoy her job.

6. I no know Joe.

7. Mike don’t like milk. He never drink it.

8. Tina doesn’t speaks Chinese. She speaks Spanish. 9. You a student?

10.Does your roommate sleeps with the window open?

11.A: Do you like strong coffee?

B: Yes, I like.

12.Where your parents live?

13.What time is your English class begins?




Name of Interviewer : Jeffry

Name of Respondent : Shanti

Day & date of interview : 20 January 2011

Place of interview : Ace Kids English Course

Jeffry : Selamat siang Miss Shanti.

Ms. Shanti : Selamat siang, Jeff. Ada apa Jeff yah?

Jeffry : Saya mau nanya-nanya tentang sejarah dari Ace Kids,


Ms. Shanti : Oh tentang sejarah nya yah. Oke Jeff saya ceritakan.

Jeffry : Iya sekalian saya catat Miss sejarahnya.

Ms. Shanti : Ok, Ace Kids itu adalah institusi dalam bidang pendidikan

yang didirikan oleh Dra. Leonny Siswanti Tanama dengan


Siswanti Tanama juga adalah pemilik Ace Kids yang

berdomisili di Jakarta. Dra. Leonny jugalah yang

mengembangkan kurikulum pendidikan di Ace Kids. Beliau

membuka cabang Ace Kids di Bandung pada tanggal 1 April

2002 di Jalan Pajajaran nomer 87. Kemudian Ace Kids

pindah dari Jalan Pajajaran nomer 87 ke Jalan Astina nomer

68D pada Januari 2007. Dan yang menjadi koordinator di

Ace Kids Bandung adalah Miss Rhimelda. Gimana segitu

udah cukup Jeff?

Jeffry : Kayaknya segitu cukup jelas, Miss Lebih dari cukup, Miss.

Thank you very much yah, Miss.


Appendix D

Example of Smaller Chunked Exercises

A. Fill in the blank with the expressions given in the box

(First Chunk)

1. In my opinion your manager is not__ skilled in dealing with problems __

mine is.

2. She spoke __quietly__ we could not hear her at all from the second row.

3. He has __ high marks __ he has applied for a scholarship.

4. There were __ a lot of things to be discussed at the meeting __ we couldn't finish it on time.

(Second Chunk)

5. He was __ worried about his exam __ he couldn't go to sleep because it was his last chance to have his scholarship continued.

6. He has __ an Interesting hair style __ he gets a lot of attention while walking in the street.

7. His handwriting is __ illegible __ I can't figure out what this sentence says.

8. The tornado struck with __ great force __ it lifted automobiles off the ground last night.


B. Fill in the blank with the expressions given in the box

(Third Chunk)

1. I would like to remind you that I do not earn __ much money __ you do.

2. Mark and Jake are __ different in appearance __ you would hardly guess that they are twins.

3. His last book is not __ interesting __ his former one so I don't think the book will sell as it is expected.

4. In order to complete the highway on time, the workers worked __ quickly __ there was even no time for talking.

(Fourth Chunk)

5. Even though I'm very busy, I usually sit at my desk all day. I need more

exercise, so I try to walk to and from work __ often __ I can.

6. He is not like he used to be; he hasn't got __ much enthusiasm __ he once


7. Steven did __ well in his speech today __ he must have rehearsed it many

times last week.





Background of the Study

The topic that I choose for this term paper is about my difficulty in handling

an 11-year-old student who did not finish some of his exercises in the Ace

Kids module book. The reason why I choose this topic is because I believe

when the student does not keep focusing on working some of his exercises or

does not finish them, it can impact his learning progress and his grades. As

what Hembree believes that when students keep focusing on working the

exercises, they will learn better and make better grades (par.7). The other

reason is because it is the most difficult problem I faced when I did my

internship. I can say this is the most difficult one, because it was hard for me

to solve it even after I asked other teachers to help me. This problem is

important to be discussed because it can help me and other teachers if they


I experienced the problem during my internship program as a teacher

assistant from 1 August 2011 until 29 August 2011 in Ace Kids English

Course (henceforth, AKEC). During my internship, I taught for about 12

students with different ages and school grades in Star class in AKEC. In each

class that I taught there are three or four students with different subject or

lesson. The subject or lesson is based on the students’ process of every

lesson and exercises, if the student can understand and be able to finish the

exercises faster, than he can move to the next subject or lesson faster. In one

class I always had difficulties when I gave some exercises to one particular

student, Daniel that is in fifth grade at his school. The exercises that he did

not finish are fill-in-the-blank, completing dialogue, and correcting error

exercises that have more than ten numbers to complete in one day. I could

not make this student finish these exercises. Every time I asked him to do

these exercises, he just did some part of them and then he run or chatted

with his friends or he just sat and did nothing, thus he did not finish the

exercises. It happened almost every time I and other teachers asked him to

do these exercises. I felt confused on how to make him be willing to finish his

exercises. Thus in this term paper I would like to find out the best solution to



Identification of the Problem

From the experience that I have got during my internship program in

AKEC, I intend to analyze the problem in handling an 11-year-old student

who did not finish his exercises by trying to find the answers to the following


1. Why an 11-year-old student in Ace Kids English Course did not finish

some of his exercises?

2. How did the problem affect me as a teacher and other students in the


3. How can I make the student finish the exercises well?


Objectives and Benefits of the Study

This study has some objectives. The objectives are: to find out the causes

and effects of my difficulties in handling an 11-year-old student who did not

finish some his exercises in AKEC module book, and then to find out the

solutions to overcome this problem.

This term paper also has some benefits not only for the institution and for

me, but also for the readers. For the institution, this term paper can give some

tips or ways for teachers there to handle students who do not finish some of

their exercises. Then, for me this term paper will be very useful if I become a

teacher in the future. The solutions offered can handle students who do not


some tips for handling their students or their children who do not finish the

exercises. And also for those who want to become a teacher, this term paper

can help them if they have student who do not want to finish the exercises.


Description of the Institution

Mrs. Shanti, a teacher at Ace Kids English Course (henceforth, AKEC)

says that AKEC is an institution in the education field that was founded by

Dra. Leonny Siswanti Tanama with its slogan “Ace Kids Starts with the End in

Mind”. Dra. Leonny Siswanti Tanama also is the owner of AKEC who is

domiciling in Jakarta. Dra. Leonny is the one who developed the teaching

curriculum in AKEC. She opened the branch of AKEC in Bandung on 1st of

April 2002 on Jl. Pajajaran 87. Then AKEC moved from Jl. Pajajaran 87 to Jl.

Astina 68D in January 2007. At the moment the coordinator of AKEC in

Bandung is Ms. Rhimelda.


Method of the Study


experience as a teacher assistant in AKEC for about 1 month also helps me

for this research. The observation is recorded in an internship journal written

during my internship.


Limitation of the Study

In Star class in AKEC I taught 12 students in a week. However for this

term paper I only focus on Daniel, an 11-year-old student who did not finish

some of his exercises in AKEC. The observation was done from 1 August

2011 until 29 August 2011 during my internship.


Organization of the Term Paper

In this term paper the first part is Abstract, the summary of all discussions

in this term paper in Indonesian. The next part is Declaration of Originality,

which contains the declaration that this term is original and authentic. After

that is Acknowledgements, which lists some people who support me in writing

this term paper. Next is Table of Content, detailing the Chapters and


Chapter I is introduction that discusses about the reason why the topic


term paper, limitation of study, and the description of the institution where I

did internship.

Chapter II is problem analysis about causes and effects of the problem.

Chapter III contains three potential solutions to solve the problem with

positive and negative effects of each potential solution. Chapter IV is about

the best solution with the reasons why those solutions are chosen. And the

last is bibliography that lists about the publication information from all sources




In this chapter I would like to present the best solution to solve the

problem. Before that I would like to explain the conclusion from previous

chapter. The problem is I had in handling an 11 year old student who did

not finish the exercises in Star class in AKEC. There are three causes of

the problem, which are the student often felt bored when doing some of

exercises, I was not being patient every time he did not want to finish

some of exercises, and I did not know how to make the exercises

interesting that could motivate the student to finish them. Then, there are

also three effects of the problem, which are my motivation to teach

decreased when he did not finish the exercises, I was too focused on the

student and often forgot to check the other students, and I lost some of my

teaching time. To solve this problem, I have suggested three potential

solutions. The first potential solution is I give this student a reward every

time he finishes the exercises. The second potential solution is I use some

games to help the student to do and finish the exercises. The last potential


After discussing the conclusion from the previous chapters, I would like

to present the best solution to solve the problem. The best way to solve

the problem, I believe is to apply all three potential solutions. First I will

divide the exercises into smaller chunks or segments to make the student

not feel overwhelmed. After dividing the exercise, I will use some games in

working on the exercise to make the student excited and feel fun while he

is doing them. After that I will give some rewards to the student if the

student can finish the exercises on the day he come to course to make the

student motivated to do and finish them. For example if there are four

segments or chunks in one exercise, I will give him a reward when he is

done with each segment. And if in the second segment the student seems

bored, I can use games to motivate him again.

The combination of these three potential solutions will be helpful for

me to make the student finish the exercises. Battaglia believes to help

student finishing the exercise is by breaking task into smaller chunks and

gives rewards for students when they master and finish each chunk

(par.27). It means that if the students want to get the rewards, he needs to

finish the exercise and understand each step or chunk. Besides that, it is

not enough if I just divide the task into smaller chunks, because he can still

be bored after he is done with some chunked exercises. If I only use

games, when the game is over and the student see that there are too


the middle of doing the exercise because there are too many questions for

him to finish. Thus, I choose the combination of all potential solutions that

can support each other.

I believe if I choose and use all the potential solutions, it will be helpful

for me to solve my problem. However, there are some challenges to be

anticipated if these three potential solutions are applied. It is that the

student’s motivation to finish the exercises can be just to get the rewards

not to understand the lessons and the student can be too attracted to play

games than to study. I suggest making an agreement with the student. For

example the time for playing games is set only for ten minutes. Another

example is the student cannot make mistakes more than six numbers out

of ten from the exercise. If the student breaks the agreements, the student

will not get any rewards. By having this kind of agreement, it can help to

minimize the possibility that the student only want to get the reward

without understanding the lessons, and to make sure that the student will



Printed Sources

Arends, Richard I. Learning to Teach. 5th ed. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book

Co., 2001.

Fredericks, Anthony D., Ed. D. Complete Idiot’s Guide Success as a Teacher.

New York: Penguin Group, 2005.

Electronic Sources

Bahri, Mohammad Agus Salim EL. “Teaching English Vocabulary Using

Games.” 2012. Scribd Inc. 22 Apr.2012.


Battaglia, Francesca. “Strategies for Students Who Refuse to Work.” 07

February 2006. BehaviorAdvisor. 20 March 2012.


Davidson, Seraphim William. “Creating a Rewards System for Your ESL

Class.” 16 July 2009. Yahoo.com. 06 Apr. 2012.


Earl, Ed. “ESL Teaching - Tips For Rewarding Students.” 16 July 2012.

Ezinearticle. 12 Apr. 2012.


Fuller, Simon. “Disadvantages to School Rewards System” 10 Aug. 2011.

eHow. 20 Apr. 2012.


Hembree, Dahloan. “How to Help Your Child with Off Task Behavior” 08 Sept.

2008. Yahoo.com. 12 June 2012. < http://voices.yahoo.com/how-help-child-off-task-behavior-2282874.html?cat=72 >

Keeley, Meg.”Breaking Task into Meaningful Chunks.” 05 Oct. 2011. Bucks

Country Community College. 07 Mei 2012.


Keesee, Gayla S. “Educational Games.” June 2011. PBworks. 23 April 2012.



Kizlik, Bob, Dr. “Ideas for Avoiding Classroom Management Mistakes


Morley, Miranda. “Disadvantages of Games Used for Teaching.” 06 June

2011. eHow. 23 Apr. 2012.


Orr, Alan. “Time Management in College.” 07 Mei 2012


Palat, Colleen. “Handling Students with Difficult Behaviors.” 20 Oct. 2007

Tutorfi. 20 March 2012.


Shore, Ken. “Lack of Motivation.” EducationWorld. 05 April 2012.


Twist, Benjamin. “Advantages and Disadvantages of Prizes or Rewards for

Students.” 14 Oct. 2011 eHow. 20 Apr. 2012.


“Why Use Games in Teaching English?” Teflgames.com. 2010. TEFL Games

Co. 22 Apr. 2012. <http://www.teflgames.com/why.html>


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