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.. ,_ ti ...

ャZgゥャNsiセセョent@ da to cl December 23, '197 6

b ct. v,r c en




PLQャ||GQォセNP Z QエQQY GLZ@ 111d1


'lo セlGィ・@ Go1ternment of the Hepublio of Indom:sin, llcrcinaf t0 r cal.led




De Nederland se Investeringabank vbor oョエキゥォォ・ャゥョセッャ。ョ、・ョ@

N.V. ,

<)s t ablinhed


'i'h.o: Hague, 'l'he Netherlands, hereinafter called

11the Bank11


The Government of the Kingctom of The Netherlands offered b y its letter

dated Ju ly 12, 19';6 to the Gove rnment of tho Hepublic o J' Indones.ia - whicl1

offer wn s accepted on September 13, 1976 - to make available to Borrower loan up to an amount u f Hfl. 125.000.0DO,-- (011e hundred 8nd twenty-five million n・エィ・セャ。ョエャウ@ Guilder s) for tl1e financing of ウーセ 」ゥ ヲゥ」@ projects of 1;:bich :.o .. tentative ·l i s t is a:nnaxecl to th e said lette r· of the GoYernmen t o.

tho Kingdom of 'I'he lfothcr'hu1ds.

'l'iie Bank i.o ーイサセー。イ・、@ to gre..nt to BorroHer the aforementioned loan up to

オセッオョエ@ of Efl. 125.000.000,-- (onA hun J red and twenty- fi ve million

Netherlands guilders) • .


The dセョォ@ shall extend to Borrouer and Borrower shall accept fr om the Bank

D. lo0n t1p to an 1:ur,ount of Hf1. 125.000.000,-- (m1e hundred B.nd hrenty-fivt.: reillion Netherlande セャャ、・イウI@ on the terms and conditions set forth in the followi ng article s.

Article 1 ..

(1) As from the date the loan agreement will become eff e ctive in セ」」ッイᆳ

dance with nrticle


of the loan DBreement, the amount of tho 10an ·sha ll 「セ@ put at the disposa l of Borrower with obcerva nc e of the

セイエゥ」ャ・・@ of the loan agr eement.

The drawings under the loan shall be charged to a Project Loan Account Indo nes ia QYWVセ@

No disbuisementa



allowed after

December 31, 1980 unless otherwise 。ァイセ・、@ upon.

Article 2o

Bo:n.'ower shall .pay on the outstanding amom1 t of the ャッ。イセ@ a rate of

'• J." l ") '/ "1 I L' d t\. ' '

J.nterect 0.1. !· セ@ セGA@ t /:.• \ 1.. our an -· r1ree-quar ter per cent J per annum, which interest .shall accrue from the respective dates of dr aw ing.

'l'he 1.nterc[-;t on th e loan


be dt:.e and payable semi-annually on January 31 Rnd


31 of ea ch year.

Ar·tj cle MMsセ@

セ@.... , ... ...,_ .. ,


_. . ..:;,._.

( 1) The loan diD.11 be LJ;ed by Bor-':·owP.r for the ヲゥョョョ」ゥョセ@ of projcctt; men -·

tioncd in or to be ad:led· to the lJr:;t of projcctG 1".nnc::-:cd to !:he Jetter

d a tc,, d tI セ、@ y ·; ? 1 'l ') ? C. o f t h; G o v e r n イNセ@ .-:; :·: t o I t lrn K.:i. イア [セ 、@ om of '1

1 he

N c t h c r -·

la11ds to dッセᄋᄋイッ| ᄋOャセイ」@ Ahou.t tltr! fi11r:-..ncing of e.:t c11 r;pccific project out.

of the l oen n,tr,r eement has to be i·enclw d by the J.ndone:d.nn Nation al Plnnni n[\ Bo11nl ( ィ・イ」ZゥQ セZ エ@ ftcr ca} led 11Bappen:', '3) nnd the· Netherland :;

F:n·-b2 ウセケ@ in J nkRrto. The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affair s wi ll


the Bnnk on the transacticns







/ )


セNM BNゥLセL⦅セLNBNiNᄋ@ ,, .. セ@ ''.';.




·;· ·-.... _. .-..










(2) Wherevor used in t:Ois ョァイGNhセイョᆪLョエL@ the term 11goor16 11 shal 1

m1:,cm good.:; nnd

serviceo and the tonn "supp1i0r" 1:>hall men.n ourplier of i:;oodG or

e SQセ ョイZャN」・イZZ[NL@

(.3) Wherever オウセ、@ :l.n th:l.s agreonient, the term B」セャゥァゥ「ャ」@ so1n'ce countryH shD.11 meun one of the countriHB other than 'J.'he .Ne the r1DncL:, ュ・セQエゥッョ・、@

in the arrangoment(c) concerned1 "if and when made, b(-•twel.:r1 dッイセᄋッキ・イᆳ srnd tho gッカ・[ Nセョョ ゥ・ョエ@ of 1

rhe Kingdor:i of 'I'he tfethcrlands, by virtue of which o.rrangement(n) goods to be finu.nced out of t:1e l.oan C·'Hl 「セ@

pur-chased in thes e countries.

/\ rt i c J e l; "

., .... ., ... -... セNMᄋ@ ...

-When Borrower decides t o draw any amount on the lonn, Borrow01· Fhall request such a 、イ セキゥョァ@ by sending the Bank a written requ est as

men-tioned in ar t icle


1 article




nrticle 12, 。イエゥセャ・ᄋ@ 13 or o.rticle 111 of thirJ P.greerr.cnt o.ceompanied by


copy of the pt1

rchaF;c-」ッセエイ。」エ@ c o ncern ed.

Wh en Borrower decides9 i n or de r to ensure the implementation o f a

pro-ject 1 t o drnw for use i.n Indonesia any amount on the loan for the

financi n g of this project before the purchase-contract(s) hnving beLn conclud e d, bッイイッセ・イ@ shall request such a drawing by sending the Bank

e written request as mentioned in article Qセ@ of this Agre eme rit.

The drawings on the loan shall be made.either

(a) tluough e.n m:i.dcrt1::king to reimburse a bank in The Netherl1u1.dc Hhich is authorized by a lHi.ni1: in the country of Borrower t .o pay the Nether lands

supplier under H lPtter of cred:i.t again.st stipulated docur.1ent.-,, the

:f'o:cmcr bank hereinafter refe r red Mセッ@ a.s the "Nether lends payine 「。ョャセゥエN@

An undortaking to reimburse will be considered to be a drawing on the

loan on the date of r eim bursement


( b)


cuses in which such a mot hod of pn.yment i5 more a<leq'rn tc - by

direct p ayment by the Bank エセ@ the accoun t of the Netherlands srippJ.icr



bank in The Netherlnnds


(c) by reimbursement to Borrower of エィセ@ payments made by pur chasers in the country (Jf Do1·rcwer t o the suppliers in The Netherlandn


(d) by direct payment by the Bnnk to the account of the Netherlands

sup-p!.:i er \·d.th t', ba1ik in 'I'he Netherlands, upon イNZZM ア QjセZZ[エ@ of the Rij1.sin-·

koopburev.u at 'l'hc Hag-uo セ@ here i naitor called "H.I.B.11

1 in the cases

for which n.I.Be j s entitled i;o d r aw on the lonn.

The Bank slw1l exnmiu.e each ;;i.ppl:i.ca.tion on the t.er mn c<nd conditions of this ngreE:mcnt and hs.ving found the 。ーーャゥ」セ、[ゥッョ@ in order, shall inform Borrower c:f :its 。ーー イ ッカ。ャセ@


Lf'. ...

z ·

( ·1 ) ln Hw crHH) of n:ct::ic:i.e


(cub a) the Bnnk shall und er tn ko h? re-· irnbun;c the r!eU1erJands payine; bank nfter receipt of a wri ttcn request of Borrower for such nn undortaking together with R copy

of U,e イ・ャ。エゥカ・セ@ letter of c ;.'edlt. \

- (?) T!H:l roquefit .imrli(>s \ , /

. セLNNNMMMN@ _,,,/ .,.__ ,v . / /_!

Af?-5 /




. .

( c:_)


( 3)

( I+ )


-"?Ve セNZエ@ e<ic\·;.:ID..\.'lk


O• Zエキ ゥォャセャゥョ ァ\[ャ[Iヲャッᄋ@


-The request i mplieo the unc ond it ional and irrevocablo n utho ri za tion

f rom Borrower t o m3.k e the paym e nt purfrn.0 nt to th o undertak :i. ne to the Netherland s paying b ank i n duo ti me .

The am ou n t o f the commi t men t by セィ ・@ Bank shall i n a l l c ircumstances be axpreased ; n Netherlands currency.

Upon re c ei pt of a statemen t of the Netherland s paying bank tha t the

documents con cerne d h ave been fo und in accordance with the terms and c ondi tion s of the letter o f cr ed i t and have bcien delivered to

:I. t 1 t he B<mk sha ll be d:i sc hnr ged by Borrower by t h e rc:i.mbu r.:;emcn t

wit hout acceptin g any respons i bilit y for the documents bein g in order or hav ine been deliv e red to the Nat herland s p a yin g bank.

(5) Th o Bank is fu rt hcrmor q irr evoc ably authorized to ext end the curre nc y of a:n uncJ.ert.n kin e an me n tioned upon rcce' pt of a イセエ。 エ・ᆳ

ュPセョ エ@ ·of the rJc th e rla nds pa y ing bank that the currenc.)' of t h e un d er-l ying er-le tter of credit has be en duer-ly extended.

lri the case of article


(sub b) the B3nk shall make the dire ct セ。ケュ」ョエ@

co nc0 rn s d in Ne th erland s guilders in f avou r of the NGtherlands aup pl ier

up on r eceip t of a wri tten re qu e st thereto from Borr ow er for the res pec

t-ive payment, definin g specificn l ly thp am ou nt t o be paid , tho n ame and ad d res s o f the fi rm to \·Jh:i. ch tho amount has t u be po.id ;;,nd th e

purchar.:e-contrac t concerne d.

In the 」。セ[ 」@ of n rti cle


(sub c) エャセN・@ Ban k sh D- 1 1 :rc imbur1:>c Borr01·1e r in ··

Ncthcrlanda·guild era

through t he in t ermediary cf an authorized bank i n

The Netherlnnd s for the paymen t s me a nt in article


(sub c) in The

NethGrln11ds a f t e r receipt cf a "'1Titten re quest there t o from Borro we:i',

. the suppl:i.t=!r2 s receip t , t he certifi cate o f payment from th e bank m?J-ld ng

the payment and a copy of the pdrchaso-contract.

Article 10.

(1) In the ca se o f ar t i cle


(sub d) rセiNbN@ is entitled to exercis e

on b eha J.f of :!:ndo ncsi o. the right to rna.ke drawings for a sped.f ie projec t i n accord an ce with the loan agr eement on the basis o f a Let t e:· of a オ エ ィッ イゥカセNエゥッ ョ@ as mentioned in parograph H RIZ]NゥNセ@ of th.is article. When making draw i ngs in this respect , R . I .B. shall bi n d

iョ、ッョ・セ、NッN@ full y ';o any e.m0unt イセョャ@ 1 .. u E.•.n.y l·t.•t<f"::'Ct on tld s s ubject.

(2) a •. Vhen iGauing a Letter o f aオエィッイゥセ。エゥッョ@ i n fuvcur o f R.I.D. to

place the order( s) concerned, BappPnas shall ari nd th rou g h t he Finuncial and Ec onomJ. c

De ve lopment

Co-operatio 11 De partment of

t he Nethel'J.aLds MinifJtry ·o f Foreipn Affairs tw o ccpies


the Letter of Author i z ation t o rセiN e セ@ and to the Dunk resp cct ivelyo 'l'he ·Letter of Authorization cohnlJ. lHl ndd resncd b oth to H.,IoP.$ o.nd tci t h o Ba.nk n n d toth c opies 1:;ha l l b e duly ウゥイ[Qhセ」ャッ@ ln the J"ct ter of l\.;.itLor i z.r:ttion B10tp;:ic nan shal l requent the Bnnk to reserve エ ィセ@ nmount mentioned th erei n on the loa n f or disb urse-me nt o n イ ・アオ」セウエ@ of rセiNjSLL@ to the supplier. (s) concerned,..,

- b. bョーー・ョセウ@ is obliged

. ·1 . :.·" \" ·. セNZセ Z@


ャセ@ ...


n・Z、イ セ 、セョMZャイL・@

ャョカ・セGA[Z@ r;n, QウNNZョセQォ@




b .. Bapponas i r:; obJigod. to fm:·n ish .to the Bank. in Hr.itin1; sufficient

ev i dence o f authority of its representative or roproacntatives

。セエィッイゥコ ・、@ to sign


duplicate copy of a letter of aオエ ャQッイ ゥセ。エゥッョ@

as menti on ed in para graph (2)a. of this article. Moreo v er ,

Bappen!UJ shal l furnish to tl1e. Bank the cpecimen sir.;natu re o f

each su<::h per.sCJ:1.. 'l.'heso author i zations roma:i.n in force until

tho Bani: ha s been informed by Bappena s :ln wd.tin1; thc-t they have been con.e e l L1d セ@

( 3 ) After having イᄋッ」・ゥカᄋZセ、@ from Bapponos Ei. dup l :i.cnte copy of s. Letter of

Authorizntion in favour o f R.I. B. as mentioned in piraG ra ph (2 )a.

of this e ゥNイエ ゥ」 ャNセQ@ tl1o Bank sh all test the applicclt:i on made the r ein on t he ternu3 a11d conditions of thin J.oan nt;reement a ncl ha ving _fcJuna

t he applicnt i on in order Rhall inform Bappenas and

R.I .B.

i n cR se o f approval i n writing that t he reservat io n concerned has been. made. Tbe Dank sha l l send a copy of its approval to Bank Iri.don ec i a in order to enable tho latter to opc0 a Letter o f Credit wiL h re s p8nt

tc t he order(s) concerned i n favour of R.I.B. with t he Bank.


When R.I.B. 、・」ゥ、・セ@ t o draw any amount on the lou11 for disburse

-ments for goo ds , f re ight or insurance オョ 、 セ イ@ a raaerva t ion 。セ@ men-ti oned hereabove, rNi」bセ@ shall app ly for such disbursement by cen-ding the Dank 4 written re quest. Th is request chal l specifically define tho a mount expreas ed in Nether l a nds gu ild er3, the name anrl address of the firm ( s ) to which th e amount has to be paid, t he mm1ner of pa yme n t and i.n s o fa:c :i. t concern .s the payme nt of goods , the relevant ord er(s ) .

( 5)

Tho Bank Ghnll only effectua te a written r equest ns mentioned in


( 4 )

if the Bank has rece ived a Letter of Credit as men-tioned in paragraph




the Bank hns r ece:i.ved the docu-· 'm ent(s) ュ・ョ エゥ ッセ・、@ in the relevant l・エエセイ@ of Credit and any

amend-ment thereon together with a written confirmation from R.I.B. stating tha t all the terms and conditions of the relevant Letter

of Credit (:l.nclusi.ve nny a mendment thereon) o.re complied with. · I f t h9 Le tter of Credit in the form mentioned in paragraph


( 6)

o f this article will not have been opened with the Bank before the

d ate of reception by the Bank of the r elevant written request men-t ioned in paragraph


the Bank shall be entitled to make the

payment concerned without th e relevant Ldtter of Credit against

receipt of the ·documents concernod, if nny available. The BD.:tk

セィオャャ@ send セ@ copy of each Letter of Credit (i nclusive any



セ・」・ゥカ・、@ fro m Bank lndonesia to R.I. B. The Bank ahall inform


of the effeatuaLion


・。セィ@ payment



the B1Jnk ·0.ndo r the loan .

In the case that R.I. B. want s to make (a n) amendment(s) on a

Lotter of Credit received by the Bank from Bank Indonesia, R.l.B. shall submi t to the Bank a re.quest for euch e.mend.men t (s ). '£he

b。ョャᄋセ@ dwll scmd a copy of lD.st mentioned reque s t to Rank Indone:3i n

in o r der' to enable the l a tter to amend the J,,etter of C!:·ed.it as

requested by H,.I.IL.

(?) ャGセ。」ィ@ Letter of Grodi t ···







!&!J 1wwwm: .. m u a e . s


zc セNォᄋ、・ゥャNhkエェNp@

ャュセウエ」イゥョァ [ AクゥZMゥォ@


oョエ。ゥャLォセA ゥ アイャ[QQQ、@



Each Lotter of Credit must contain a clauca authorizing H.I.B.

to make all the amendments and arrangein en ts in the · relevu n L Letter of Grodi t and the eventua l amendments thereon necess:1ry for the

proper execution of the ordcr(s) concerned for the caGe that an

ョュ・ョ、ュ・セエ@ and/or arrangement in .t he relevant Letter o f Creuit wi ll

not have b een received by t he Bank from Dank Indonesia before the

d1:tt{1 of r ec eption by the Bank of the relevant 1:ri ttcn request

mcntJ.oned in paragraph (4)? in order t o enable r Ni セbN@ to alter the releva nt Letter of Credit in conformity with th e イ・。セ・ウエ@

there-to of P ol.Bo us menti on e d in paragraph (6). Furthermore セ。」ャエ@ Lett.;)r

of Credit sh alJ. contai n a clai.u=; e st:i.ting tlw.t pny mcnt undr?r the rel evan t Let ter of Credit shall only tnke plRce ofter receipt of a

rcque.st fr om

n.I .u.

1:w mcnt:i oned in para.e;ra.ph Ur) and thnt

GtJ. ch

ーッNケュNセZッNエ@ shall only be ma.de in fl. manner a.13 rnentioncJ in said reqncsi.:.

nnd also

afte r recGipt from

H.I.B a

of the


ccnfirmntio n

mentioned in'parugraph



The Bank sh all inform Bunk Indonesia of each amendment or a ltera-ti on nmdo b :; .R .. I.B. in any .J,etter of Credit.

(8) The Bank is not responsible for the conb:olling of the documents

ゥョセ ャオウゥカ・@ the written confirmation mentioned in paragraph

(5) .

Th8 Bank shall send all the documents inclusive tha written con-firmation of the rNiNbセ@ as mentioned in paragraph


receiveci from

R.lo B.,

to Bank Indonesia エッァ・エィセイ@ with a schedule of

remit-tru.1cc about the rele van t payment· made by the Bsnk on request of


Article :1-1 •

.,.._,_,,.'".,,.,..,_, _ _..·v-,,,_,,,., •. ..., .... .,, ...

In the caao that arrangoment(s) es mentioned in pRragra ph


of urtic :e


are rnad\7 between Borrower and the Government of the

Kingdom of セィ・@ Nctlic r lands by virtue of which arrangement(a) goods to

be financod out of the loan can be pu rch ased in a n eligible source country (not includjng Indonesia since payments to suppliers in this · c ountry \'Jil l be made in accordance with article 11+ below), the dra:winss

on the loan shall be made - such tontrary to article

5 -


D.) through an underto.king to :reimburse a b ank in the c ouetry of Bo:::·· r owor which lw.s o.uthori zed a bank in an eligible Gource country

to pay the supplier in.tha t country under a letter of credit against

etipulnted documents, the fo r mer 「セョォ@ hereinafter ref e rred t o as the

· 11o pen:i.:ng bo.:ukn; ::;.n d the 1attcr 「イセNョォ@ her eina fter referred to a.s the

11pe.y:i.:ne 「エNョォBセ@ An undertrdd. ng to re::i.mburE:e wi ll be concidered to

b0 E1. · dracdng . o n the loan on th.:: da te of reimbnr.c:icment

o r

b) by, reimbursement to BorroNer of the payments made by purcha.scrs in

the country of Borrower to t h e suppliers o:f the goodf> in an eligible r:; ource country

, or

c) in anotlier wny to


ngrrJed upon l.Jct\/con I3orrcr11e r and tlrn B.:tnk .

- Artie.l e ·12


•. 6

ZN|NイNセNエゥZセNセセNZQNウ@ セ@





011l wikkeli11gslnnc


(1) In tlw ca."w of artiG1•3 'l'l (oub a) the Bank shall undertD.l';e to ro··

i mburoo the opening bank after receipt of tl1e written request of Borrower for such an undn rtaking together wi th a copy of the rcJ_n-tive lo tter of credit.

( 2) ;l1b e r:,:q'.rn st imp1 i eG the


t ional and :i_ rre·;oca ble o.u


zn. \:ion



to mako the payment

02rsua nt

to the undertaking to tho

oponing bank or to the paying bank if the opening bank will request

t he Bnnk 13uch method of payment as the case may occur ..


The Bank ahall take the appropriate mensuros to cover if possibJe \:.he exclw.ngc ri_[;k between tho Nctherle,nds currency and the foreic;n cu1Tcncy in which payment under Urn letter of credit hci fl to be

per-formed, at

th a





undertaking to roimburso in conformity wi th the foregoing paragraphs nntl to hold the e x chnng e riak cov e red ·subsequeutly, being tho exchange risk in all

circUm-stan8es for a ccount and risk of Borrower.

(4) Tho costs of thG coverage mentioned in the precedinG paragraph ore

for the ac:.:;ount oi' .Borrower ttnc\ th •3 Biu1k iF.l herowi th irre v·ocably a:.ithor:tz.ed by Bo:'.t'O\rer to d raw on the loan for the pci.yment of thes1;;l costs.,.

( ,1) ) Th·;o: Bank slw.11 :reimburse the opening bank or the paying bsnk ns the

ca ao rnuy be. R。セ。ァイ。ーィ。@



(5) 6f



nre applicable mu te.tis ュオエ。ョ、ャZGN^セ@


In oo far as the proviaionsi mentioned in


article, call ヲッイセ@

further clD.bo.r·ation in n Dpcc:i.fic case, l)<::rties ::;hall ngr":le thereoa ..

Article 13.-. - - - · - · -... セᄋᄋN^@ , .. .,._,..,,.,,.. ...

....;-In the case of er ticln 11 (sub b) the Bank


reimburse Borrower


n」エャカセイQ。ョ、ウ@ 'gu:Ud er;:: through the intermed:i.rn:y of an authorized be.nk

in 'rhe Netherlnndc for the pay ments me a nt 5.n article 1 ·: (sub b) c.0.fter roceipt of the


イ・セ オ・ウエ@ theteto from Borrower, tho supplier's ·recc :i.pt, the ccr ti fi cute o.f payrr!cnt fr-or:i the b.;:u1k making the payment

and a co py of the ーオイ」ィ。」・M」ッョエイ。」エセ@

Art:1.cl0 ·j li- • ... .,. ... セM ... ,... ... , .... .

In the cnse. th:_i PQUNァゥNセャッ@ イ[ッ[ョZᄋ」エセ@ country in uccordunce with article 11 (sub a) is lndonosia anJ puyrnont has to be made to a supplier in

iョ、ッョ・ウゥセ Q@ bッイイッキ。セ@ shall request the Bank to pny the said supplier

by c ending the Bank n request thereto accompanied by a copy of the

£;up:plier1 o. invoice d11J..;1 approved by bッイイo|セ・Zイ@ and a copy of the pu;:chs

se-contract concorned.

Art:i.c1c QU セ@ .. _._._ ... -.. - ... Lセセ@ .... ,.-. .. t"---... セN@

In the case of parci.graph 2 of Artic1ir; lt, the Bnnk sha ll ymy to Borrov1t:r

the nmount concerned after receipt of tl1e written reque6t thereto from

Borrower· 9 、・ヲゥョゥョセ@ spoci fically to which project the funds concerned are

der;tin·ad nnd_defin:i.ng t>.f.1 rmcJ.i as ーッウセョNエオ・@ the lrne Hhicn i .s to be r1.9.dc of

the ウイZZQゥ」Zセ@ ヲセQNョ、セ[ᄁ@

ArticJ.e: 1().

(1) The loan shall be rcpayAble in twenty-three consecutive annual

in-stn1me nto, U1e first of which shall bo duo ョ イセZ M ャ@ p[lya.ble on ttrn l ast dny o _\." the n:l.ncty·-s:Ld:h calende.r month a.ftcr the date :first above written and so on.

"' (2) Tho

セ ᄋ ZᄋG@ .. セMᄋ G BG@ .; ;'' .,., ..-; ·,--ᄋᄋQョNᄋ N セ@ ·"'"''


セ ᄋ@

.• 7

-. ( 2) rJ'he firGt rcpn;ymcnt ,d.th respect to the 1om1 will orr.01..mL to

Hfl,. Z⦅ILI[RIQセNLャゥooLMᄋM (fi·.:0 million four hundred and thirty··four

thonr.:;.si.nd. fou.1' hurnlred Nether1e.nds guilders) o.nd the follO\d.ni;

... セ@ ... " " ' ' ... GNNNNNNNZZZ^GMセ@

ャョカ・Fエ・ イゥイQ セAaaNQZ|iNH@ \'()()I'

0: ;: wikl,.elirxrl 11 :d,-lt


onei:; to 11 f}.


セィSャヲ@ セ@ 800, .,,_ ( fi 1re rn:l.llion four hJ.mdred and thirty-four

thou.ci:..nd eight hun dre d Netherlancis gui lclerc;) ・。」ィセ@

Art:lcle 1'7.


... ,.._ .. __.


.___ .. _ .. ,. .._

In cace Borr ower fails to pay interest on the respective d110 date,

tho nmount unpaid will be i.nc:ree.sed by a corr.pensation eq :1;1 l to

nineteen forty··lLi..ght h of one per cent ( 19/ii[l,

?1; )

per calende,r month as l ong as the failure

continues -

a part of a month to



u. full month .

In ca ae Borr owe r fnils to ー・イヲッセュ@ any of its obligationa under this agreeme nt and/or any other lonn agreement between Dorrower and the Bank, Borrow er shBll no longer be entitled to dra\1 on th e lo a n and the outstunding amount under this a greement and any other l ou n agroemont betweon Borrower nnd the Bank shall be due and ccllect-uble at once upon セッエゥヲゥ」。エゥッョ@ in writing of the failure and the said amount plu c interest and compensation chall be paid by Borrower to the Bank for thwith . H ovrnver, n.s far as the t hen prcvaiJ.:i. ng cir-.

」オュセエ。ョ」・ウ@ nt the discretion of the Bank wi.11


the Bunk shalJ.

grant the opportunity to Borrower to fulfil its ッ「ャゥァセエゥッョウ@ within

a term of


most sixty


(1) ·All payments received by the Bank will be applied


the ヲッャャ ッキゥセァ@


a .. t () :payrncnt of eon1pel1Ba.t i on;

「セ@ t;o

payment of




payment of




ーQセケュ・ョエ@ of the


amount of the loan,

provide d that in the above order earlier matured




above later matured onesQ

. (2) All payments by Borrower to the Dank must be made in Netherlands

cu.1TGncy in tho account of the Bank with dイNセ@ Neder-landsche Bank No 'l. _a t Amaterdnm, without uny reduction or set-off.


Thia ョァイ・・ュ。ョセ@ shall be free from any taxes (including duties, fees


ゥセーッウゥエゥオョウス@ that shall be imposed under the laws of Borrower or

lawG in effect in its territories on




with the

execution of tho ac;reernent. or the performance thereof by the Bank .

HlセI@ All rny rnen tc of :intcreG t ::i.nd :cedempt:i on ard all other 1ny1r,ents to be made by Borro ·,,1c:r blw.ll be .rnac!e w:\.thoui; deduction for, and free from c.ny lオクセ[ᄋッ@ (i ncJ.ud:Ln.g dut:ies.1 fees and imponitioi.ln) thnt c;hall

be ゥューッセ」、@ under tl 1c ャッセッ@ of Borrower or Jaws in effect in ilG

territories and free from all restrictions impoacd under the lows of Borrower or lawn in effect in its territories.


\\ .






"l, •· ( I




ャュ・ウ[」NセゥイQ^[ᄋjj Z Qイャォ@


oョャキゥィヲセ セ ャイョ|j GNNャゥャャャ、IG@


セlGィッ@ Bank shall scrnd to bッQセイッキeゥイ@ a wri·ttcn statement of al:!. entr icG in the

books of t he Bank in c onnect ion with th i s agre ement . This cta t ement sha ll be deemod to have be en ncknowledged as correct by Borrower i :· objectionn

cf Bo?:rower to the Bank du ly ju.st.ified in wri ting ィQGQNvHセ@ not been made known to tho Bank uithin


days after the セエオエ」ュ・ョ エ@ relating to

those entries 」セョ@ ransonably be expected to have been received by Burrower.



Ul-_.,.,. • ... M•".,._><°'..,_,.., .• N⦅NNLN⦅N⦅LLN⦅N[PNMセNjNNM[@

As long as this agreement is in force Borrower shall furnish t o tho Bank such information a..s ョセ。ケ@ cセSー・」ゥ。ャャケ@ be requ ired f(.1r the impJe mentation nnd administration of the agreement •

. Article 21"

(1) Borrower herewith irrevocab ly autl1orizes Bank iョ、ッョセウゥ。@ as its representative in the 'erformance of this ッァイ・・セ・ョエN@ The specimen signaturea of the pers ons entitled to represent 3ank Indonesia towards the Bank ahall be furnished to the b。セエN@

HRセ@ Bank Indonesia ahall b ind Borrower fully to any amount and in any respect .


The authorization mentioned in the first paragraph of this article shall not apply in th e case R.I.B. is enti tled to draw on the loan

as mention0d in artic le




loan agreement.

Articlco RセRLN@



in exercising or omission to exercj.se any right , power or remedy

accruing t o eitl1er part y under this agreement upon nny default shall impair any auch right, power or r emedy or be const rued to be a waiver

セィ・イ・ッヲ@ or an acq u iescence in suoh default, unless otherw is e ーイッカゥ、セ、@

for in this ag!ccmcn ta



rights of the Bank purstiant to

this agreement shall



onl y


itself but also t o its sucoesaors and 。ウウゥァョ・・ウセ@

Art:i cle zli fl

... セ@... セ L LM ... BBセ BG BᄋMBBBBQNNLNNL@

Borrower sliall re:i.mbur t:'8 to tho Bank on first requent all costs deriving

from any default by bッイイッセ・イ@ as incurred by the Bank in c c nncction with the imprementation of this agreement.

( ... '\

I / Any d:i.13pute bct.Y.rei;:n parties shH11 be g」セエャ・、@ by arbitration, In

such 11 co.oe the regulations of sHセ」エゥッョ@ ᄋQッセP Qエ@ of the Gc?tieral Condi

·-tions applic&.bJ.c to I,(x1n and Gu<.:t.rv.11 :;ee Agrecmcr,t:r;, da tcd !·larch '15,

19711 of the Inte rnat ional Ennl-;: for Reconstruction and Dcvc1oprncnt

shnll be npp:Lierl. 。」」ッイ、ゥョァャケセ@

( J)

' <- Thifi nc;rcement




セ@2ed ·rl.1rKhe

ャョカ・セ@ te<itig_;!1;;0!<




l ' l ' t

H[[セI@ SChis ngrcernont and the intorprct a. tion of nny article thereof, the

General Conditions mentioned in the forer;oing parngra.ph included1

shall be

governed by the l aw of The HetherJ.andn.

Thia Agre ement sha11 not bec omfJ effective until either rarty ha.ving signed the agreement, hns furnished evidence sntisfactory to the other party that itc signnturo is legal, valid and binding nnd that all nocescnry authorizations have be en obtai ned.

( ·1) For the por:f:'ormence of this contract and for the c:::;rving o f legal process Borrower irrevocably elects domicile at the Embassy f

Indoncaia at The Hague and the Bank elects domicile v.t






(2) In witne,2.s キィ・イLセッヲ@ tho par'L:tes hereto? acting thr-:>'..l. gh their duly a uthoriz ed representatives have caused this agreement to be oigncd



in thBir

respectiv e names nnd delivered in The Hague Ra of the day and year f irs t above writt e n.

For rind on beh n lf of tho

Governm ent of the

Republic of Indon e sia





voor[Pntwikkelingsland セn@


Mana,j7j ng Off:i cers:




Ger ing

db mヲ ゥ|@

N .. V



Garis besar

Dokumen terkait

tugasmengunjungi SLB terdekat untuk observasi pembelajaran anak dengan kebutuhan


Dengan seizin Ketua Pengadilan Negeri yang bersangkutan, Penyidik dapat meminta Pejabat Penyimpanan Umum (pejabat yang berwenang terhadap arsip negara, Catatan Sipil,

Pekerjaan : Normalisasi Drainase Jalan Mistar Cokrokusumo (Paket 7) yang bertanda. tangan dibawah




Kombinasikan minterm dalam n peubah dengan kelompok lain yang jumlah ‘1’- nya berbeda satu, sehingga diperoleh bentuk prima ( prime-implicant ) yang terdiri dari