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Improving Students’ Competence In Constructing Noun Phrases Through Round Table Technique jurnal


Academic year: 2017

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Ediati1, JokoNurkamto2, Sumardi2

English Departemen, Graduate School, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, 57126, Indonesia

etiek_ediati@yahoo.com1, jokonurkamto@gmail.com2, arif_sumardi74@yahoo.co.id Abstract

The ma in objectives of the resea rch a re: (1) to identify whether Round Ta ble technique ca n improve students’ competence in constructing noun phrases, (2) to know whether Round Ta ble technique ca n impr ove the qua lity of lea rning process. The Cla ss Room Acti on Resea r ch wa s ca r r ied out a t one of Senior High School in Ka ra nga nya r, Centra l Ja va . The pa rticipa nts of this r esea r ch a r e the tenth gra de students consisting of 36 students. The da ta wer e collected by using observa tion, interview, document a na lysis, a n d test. The r esults of the da ta wer e: (1) Round Ta ble technique can improve students’ competence in constr ucting noun phr a ses. The impr ovements include the students wer e a ble to construct: (a ) (Deter miner )/(Qua ntifier ) + P remodifier + Hea d with two elemen ts, three elements a nd four or mor e elements; (b) (D/Q) + Hea d + Post modifier a nd (c) (D/Q) + P re Modifier + Hea d + P ost Modifier. (2) Round Ta ble technique ca n improve the qua lity of lea rning process which includes (a) the students’ motivation, (b) the cla ssroom situa tion, (c) the students’ mastery on material, a nd (d) communica tion/interper sona l skills. Ba sed on the r esults of the r esea rch, it ca n be concluded tha t a pplying Round Ta ble technique ca n improve students’ competence in constructing noun phrases and the quality of learning pr ocess. Ther efore, it is r ecommended tha t the tea cher s ca n use Round Ta ble technique a s an effective technique to improve students’ competence in constructing noun phra ses.

Keywor ds: Cla ssroom Action Resea rch, noun phr a ses, Round Ta ble technique


A sentence is obviously constructed of a number of words, but the sentences are not formed simply by putting words together. The sentence has more internal

structure. According to Hinkle (2004: 65) an example of a basic sentence structure can consist of an optional adverb/prepositional phrase, subject noun (phrase), a verb, and an object if the main verb intransitive (requires a direct obje ct). The

essential elements and their positions relative to one another are sometimes called slots, and in many sentences some slots can be empty. Furthermore, Hinkle (2004:

67) states that in fact, subject and object slots are usually filled by a noun phr ase


rather than a single-word because in real language use single-word nouns are relatively rare.

The existence of noun phrases in a text is very important either in the oral or written text. As stated by Vadas (2011: 53) noun phrases are a crucial part of natural language, and can have a very complex structure. In addition, referring to

noun phrases Pastor (2008: 29) proposes that conveyed information is presented in a shorter, more direct and condensed fashion, thus having greater impact upon the

reader. Nevertheless, noun phrases are more often found in formal writing than in natural speech. Many ideas in writing are normally expressed much more concisely

as noun phrases so there is less repetition or redundancy.

The researcher found some facts that students had problems referring to

noun phrases. Those problems are as follows: (1) some students were not able to construct noun phrases correctly. They were still influenced by Indonesian patterns.

This can be observed in the following examples, She likes boy ba nd English. It must be she likes a n English boy ba nd. (2) Sometimes, students failed in employing a

suitable word in constructing noun phrase, e.g. Her ta ll is a bout 160 cm. The correct sentence is her height is a bout 160 cm. (3) Some students failed in

constructing complex noun phrases.

Parts of noun phrase are basically consisted of three elements. They are determiners, head and modifiers. According to Biber, et al. (2004: 97) a noun

phrase in the strict sense consists of a noun as head, either alone or accompanied by determiners (which specify the reference of the noun) and modifiers (which

describe or classify the entity denoted by the head noun). Leech, et al (2003: 251) state that the head noun can be accompanied by determiners (the, his, a , etc) and

one or more modifiers. Modifiers which precede the head are called premodifiers (e.g. new, ver y a ttra ctive), and those which follow the head are called postmodifiers

(e.g. in his office).

Quirk et al in Vanestal (2004: 38) states that the internal structure of prototypical English noun phrase is defined as a cluster of words with a “head”, typically consisting of common noun, preceded by one or more “determiners” (also called determinatives) and preceded and/or followed by one or more “modifiers”. In addition, Leech, et al (2003: 251) states that the head noun can be accompanied by

determiners (the, his, a, etc) and one or more modifiers. Modifiers which precede


the head are called premodifiers (e.g. new, very attractive), and those wh ich follow the head are called postmodifiers (e.g. in his office).

Aspects of noun phrase in this research consists of elaborated premodifiers and post modifiers. The indicators of this research can be shown in the following table.

Table 1 The Elaborated Noun Phrases Based Complexity

Elaborated NP

c. Participle (Part)+ Head(H) Healing thoughts (pg 23)

d. Noun (N)+ Head(H) ginger cookies(pg 34)


The problems of noun phrases were caused by some factors. The causes of noun phrases are (1) the students did not understand the material of noun phrases,

(2) the students did not have enough experimenting in implementing noun phrases in writing, (3) the teacher did not enough time to give exercises for the students, (4) the material of noun phrases did not state specifically in syllabus, it was only part of

another material in English.

The problems presented previously happened because of some factors. From

the students, first they tended to lose the focus on constructing noun phrases. Second, they had limited vocabularies. Their vocabulary development depended

greatly on the teaching of their teacher. From the teacher, the lack of teacher’s understanding of teaching technique was another source of problems. Furthermore,

the researcher also found that the students had low motivation in learning English. In the class, some students did not pay attention and did not participate when the

teacher started the discussion. They did not show efforts optimally. They looked bored and played something. There were also students who were sleepy and talked

with their friends.

Because of the above problems, the researcher came to a conclusion that it

was necessary to find out a strategy to solve them. One of the strategies was using Round Table technique. Round Table technique was one of Cooperative Learning’s techniques and it was applied in this research. As explained Kagan (2009: 6.34)

offers steps in applying Round Table technique. Set up: each team of four needs a paper and pencil. 1) The teacher provides a task to which there are multiple

responses, and provides think time. 2) Students take turns passing a paper and pencil or a team project, each writing one answer and making a contribution. The

teacher signals time, or students place thumb s up when done with the problem. The objectives of the research are: (1) to find out whether Round Table technique can improve students’ competence in constructing noun phrases (2) to examine whether Round Table technique can improve the quality of learning process.

Aspects of learning qualities are (1) students’ motivation, (2) classroom situation and (3) students’ content mastery.


The research was carried out in one of Senior High Schools in Karanganyar, Central Java. The subjects used by the researcher were the students of the tenth


grade. They were 36 students totally, consisting 10 male students and 26 female students. It was carried out about 6 months from July to December 2014. The

researcher acted as both as a teacher and an observer. She collaborated with another observer as a collaborator

The research method used in this study was a classroom action research.

This research was conducted in three cycles which each of them consisted of four steps as Kemmis and Taggart in Wiriatmadja (2007: 66-67) offer. In each cycle, the

procedures were: planning, action, observing and reflecting.

The data in the research were collected by using quantitative and qualitative

data. The quantitative data of the research was collected by using writing tests. The test was carried out before and after each cycle was implemented. The purpose of the test was to know whether the students’ competence in constructing noun phrases improved or not. Meanwhile qualitative data, the data was taken from the result of

interview, observation, and document analysis.

The interviews were done twice, before and after research. The researcher

interviewed the collaborator and four students to get information about their personal perception, experiences, opinions, and ideas related to the Round Table

technique implementation in the classroom during teaching learning process. The information covered their ideas about the use of Round Table technique in constructing noun phrases and their motivation. Ary (2009: 438) purposes that

interviews are used to gather data from people abo ut opinions, beliefs, and feelings about situations in their own words.

Observation was carried out for collecting the data. The data gathered were related to the students’ activities and behaviors in the classroom during teaching learning process. The observation was focused on students’ competence in constructing noun phrases using Round Table technique. Observations are argued

by Morrison in Cohen (2005: 305), enabled to gather data on: 1) the physical setting (e.g. the physical environment and its orga nization); 2) the human setting

(e.g. the organization of people, the characteristics and makeup of the groups or individuals being observed, for instance gender, class); 3) the interactional setting

(e.g. the interactions that are taking place, formal, informal, planned, unplanned, verbal, non-verbal etc.); 4) the program setting (e.g. the resources and their

organization, pedagogic styles, curricula and their organization).


Documents were analyzed to get the data. The documents included the students’ worksheets, field notes, and diary of the research, interview transcripts, questionnaires and photographs. The Questionnaires were given in the beginning and the end of the research. It was done to know the students’ motivation in learning English. Ary (2009: 442) adds that the term documents here refers to a

wide range of written, physical, and visual materials, including what other authors may term artifacts. Documents might be personal, such as autobiographies, diaries,

and letters; official, such as files, reports, memoranda, or minutes; or documents of popular culture, such as books, films, and videos.

The researcher used interactive model in analyzing qualita tive data as Mile and Huberman in Denzin (1994: 427-428) offer. The components in analyzing the

data were data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion (drawing/verifying). While in analyzing quantitative data, a descriptive statistical technique was used to find the students’ mean score of test. The test was evaluated to know the students’ competence in employing noun phrases. The test was carried

out before and after each cycle was implemented.

The researcher measured the students’ competence in constructing noun phrases. The formula to measure the students’ competence in constructing noun phrases was suggested by Olateju (2006: 14). The total noun phrases answered correctly by the students are divided with total noun phrases made by the students

then the results were multiplied with one hundred percents.


After analyzing the data of this study, the researcher found several findings to answer the problem formulation. In the pre research, she found that 26 students of class X

MIA 2 had low score in employing noun phrases. Considering the fact, the researcher proposed this research by using Round Table technique as a solution and an interesting technique to improve the students’ competence in employing noun phrase. The result of using Round Table technique showed that the students’ competence in constructing noun phrases improved. The improvement can be identified by comparing the mean

score among pre-test, post test 1, post test 2, and post test 3. The detail results are described in the table 2.


Table 2 Scores of Noun Phrases Based on the Complexity

The Scores of Each Aspects of Noun Phrase

No Indicators Pre Test Post Test 1 Post Test 2 Post Test 3

1 P1 67.25 84.21 84.62 91.41

2 P2 38.39 63.39 65.79 82.18

3 P3 5.56 18.98 23.61 31.25

4 PM 21.06 50.72 62.41 76.75

5 PPM 13.89 17.45 57.59 77.45

Score total NP 57.76 70.99 80.21 85.75

Table 2 shows that the level of the students’ competence in constructing

noun phrases improved. The research analyzed that mean score of pre -test and post-test. The results of mean score of pre-test 57.76; the mean score of post test 1 was

70.99; the mean score of post test 2 was 80.21 ; the mean score of post test 3 was 85.75. Based on the data above, it could be concluded that the students’ competence

in constructing noun phrases increased. The students’ mean score for each score increased significantly. Moreover, the level of the students’ competence in

employing noun phrases based on the complexity also improved. It can be seen from the each aspect of noun phrases. It improved from post test 1 to post test 3.

This research also proved that there was a change for the quality of learning process after implementing Round Table in the class. The quality of learning process consists of students’ motivation, class situation, the students’ mastery on material, and communication/interpersonal skills. From the result of questionnaire,

the percentage of the students who were motivated in learning English before the implementation of the technique was 66.48%. After the implementation of the technique was 91.57. The score increased 25.09%.

The class situation in the pre test showed that many students were not involved and were not enthusiastic in the teaching learning process. They were

sleepy and some talked with friends. When she asked them to do the exercise, they did it individually. There was no cooperation among them. After the researcher

implemented Round Table technique, the classroom situation changed. They discussed actively.


Before implementing Round Table technique, the students had difficulties in understanding the concept of noun phrase material. After the researcher

implemented Round Table technique, gradually they understood and knew how to apply noun phrases in a sentence. Even though there was one indicator that could not reach the passing grade 70, that is indicator P3, it was generally said that the

students mastered noun phrase material.

The research was Classroom Action Research using Round Table technique to improve the students’ competence in constructing noun phrases. The researcher observed two major points as follows: (1) Round Table technique can improve the students’ competence in constructing noun phrases and (2) Round Table can improve the quality of learning process.

The result of data analysis of noun phrases in English revealed that th ere was improvement of students’ scores from cycle 1 to cycle 3. The implementation of Round Table technique could improve the students’ competence in constructing noun phrases. Round Table technique is a part of cooperative learning showed

positive influence to the students’ achievement in constructing noun phrases. Slavin in Barkley, et al. (2009: 18) concluded that achievement under cooperative

learning structures was significantly positive. In addition, Loom (2011: A67) states like many other active learning strategies Round Table ensures that every student in the classroom is generating knowledge and contributing to a discussion

simultaneously. It improved the achievement of the weaker students when they were grouped with higher achieving students. Furthermore, it also developed higher

level thinking skills.

In constructing noun phrases, the most important thing for the students is they

have to understand the concept of noun phrases. They have to recognize the head. The head is the element which carries the key meaning of the phrase. It is

positioned next to the premodifiers or postmodifiers. Indonesian students should understand this position. So, they will not find difficulties to understand the process

of identifying and constructing expanded noun phrases.

There are many patterns of noun phrases. The patterns are from the very

simple structure until the complex ones. The patterns are as follow : (D)/(Q)+ Premodifier + Head with two elements (P 1); three elements (P 2); four or more

elements(P 3); (D/Q) + Head + Post modifier(PM); and (D/Q)+Pre Modifier + Head + Post Modifier (PPM). In applying the patterns, in a concise or academic


writing, the patterns are not able to be separated each other. They are usually applied together or one or two patterns are sometimes not employed.

From the patterns above, the most common pattern was the two- element pattern and the least common one was the four or more-element pattern. The students did not get difficulties in constructing noun phrase with the two element

pattern. But if the students often apply this pattern in their writing, it will i nfluence the quality of their writing. Their writings will not be concise and interesting.

On the contrary, the four or more-element pattern was rarely employed by the students. There were reasons why this pattern was hardly ever used in their

writing. The competence of the X grade students in vocabulary and grammar was limited. So, it would influence their competence and creativity in their writing. It

will be different if the object of the research is higher -leveled students. They might have high competence in vocabulary and grammar. They should not have

difficulties in applying the pattern in the writing. Moreover, the use of multi premodifiers was not a common structure. According to Bibber’s, et al. (2004: 597) findings, the use of multiple premodifiers is certainly very efficient, packing dense informational content into as a few words as possible (when compared with the use

of post modifiers or separate clause). However, the use of multiple premodifiers places a heavy burden on readers and listeners, since the logical relations among constituents must be inferred.

To achieve the purpose above, Round Table technique can be implemented in constructing noun phrases. The steps of Round Table technique can be combined

with the process of constructing noun phrases. The students start by finding the concept of noun phrases and its indicators by writing in a piece of paper. Then,

his/her friend next to him / her continues his /her writing until all the members of the group get a turn and until the time ends. Finally, when they are asked to employ

noun phrases in the writing, they can create a good writing. So, the implementation of Round Table technique can improve their competence in constructing noun


The implementation of Round Table technique can also improve the quality

of learning process. According to Millis (2014) in Round Table, the multiple answers encourage creativity and deeper thinking. This activity builds positive

interdependence among team members because of the shared writing sur face, but


because students see in action the value of multiple viewpoints and ideas. In this study, the indicators of quality learning process are the increase of the students’

motivation, class situation, the students’ mastery on material, and communication skills.

There was a collaboration which was shown by the students in their groups.

When Round Table technique was applied, they made groups. Each group consists of four or five students. They did it happily and enthusiastically. They passed their

paper to their friend and the situation of the classroom looked noisy but it did not become the problem as long as they were focused on the teaching learning activity.

They participated actively in the classroom activity. There was positive interaction in this stage. Mandal (2009: 97) points out that cooperative learning is a successful

teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a

subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating atmosphere of achievement.

There was also improvement in mastering the material of noun phrases. In this research, the students understood the concepts of noun phrases. When they

applied Round Table technique, they were motivated to learn noun phrase materials. Mandal (2009: 97) states that Round Table technique, as a part of Cooperative learning, facilitates and deepens learning. It results in higher levels of

understanding and reasoning, the development of critical thinking, and the increase in accuracy of long – term retention.



The researcher concluded that (1) Round Table technique can improve the students’ competence in constructing noun phrases and Round Table technique can improve the quality of learning process. Based on the findings above, the researcher made conclusions as follows:

The improvement of the students ‘competence in constructing noun phrase can be indicated by some aspects. They are able to fulfill indicators of noun phrases

in their writing, such as (D)/(Q) + Premodifier + Head with two elements (P 1); three elements (P 2); with four or more elements (P3) ; (D/Q) + H + Post modifier

(PM); and (D/Q) + Pre Modifier + H + Post Modifier (PPM). The improvements occurred in the student’s mean score in constructing noun phrases from one cycle to

the next cycle.

Round Table technique can improve the quality of learning process. By

applying Round Table technique, the quality of learning process improves. The improvement can be seen from the indicators. First, the students’ motivation improves. During teaching and learning process, the students were motivated in joining teaching and learning process by applying Round Table technique. They had

high enthusiasm and participation in constructing noun phrases. It stimulates the classroom situation more enjoyable. They sat face to face. They wrote in turn and passed the paper to their friend. They involved fully in the class. When one of the

students in the group presented their findings to the whole class, the class would give respond so there would be lively discussions. The students tried to understand

the concepts of noun phrase constructions gradually. They applied noun phrases in a sentence and in a paragraph. They needed more practices and many examples.

Applying Round Table technique can help the teaching learning process running well. This attractive and challenging technique can increase the students ‘competence in constructing noun phrases. It is very effective and provides the chance for the students to apply noun phrases in their writing. Round Table

technique used to teach noun phrases can make the process of teaching and learning more alive and challenging. It can be known from the students’ motivation to learn more and more. The class situation became better because the student s involved cooperatively with their group. If the students enjoy the class, they will be

motivated to learn; therefore it can improve their learning achievement.


The researcher provides several suggestions after she conducted this research. There are some suggestions which are addressed to the teachers, students,

and other researchers. For the teachers, Round Table technique is an alternative technique to teach how to construct noun phrases. In applying this technique the teachers should know the steps of teaching noun phrases. The teachers have to teach

the concepts of noun phrases first. It starts from the simple patterns o f noun phrases to the complicated ones. Then, for more exercises they are able to implement this

technique. They are also able to apply some variations, such as using picture s and dictionaries. For the students, using Round Table technique is not the only problem solving technique used to overcome students’ problem in constructing noun phrases. It can be said that using Round Table technique is included as one of good strategies to overcome students’ problem in constructing noun phrases. They should be able to motivate themselves in learning and don’t depend on teaching

technique from the teacher. For other researchers, this research is expected to be a reference and contribute to solve the same problem. It is hoped that Round Table

technique can be a way to improve the students’ competence in constructing noun phrases in their writings. The findings of the research are expected to use as a

starting point to conduct the further research in the same field.


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Table technique can improve the quality of learning process. The Class Room Action
Table 1 The Elaborated Noun Phrases Based Complexity
Table 2 shows that the level of the students’ competence in constructing


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