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Uptown Cleaning Services


Academic year: 2023

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Our Unique Approach to Cleaning Your Home

We send just one member of our trained and trusted professional staff to meticulously clean your home. A reminder email and text are sent prior to your scheduled appointment and a follow-up email is sent after the job is complete.

Our standard cleaning services are listed below and are anything but "basic". Please let me know if there's anything extra, you'd like done and we'll be happy to take care of it!

All rooms:

Dust and damp-wipe table tops, picture frames, and ceiling fans

Sweep and mop hard-surface floors

Vacuum carpets and rugs

Remove cobwebs and dust window sills, ledges and blinds


Empty and re-bag wastebaskets and remove trash

Remove, launder, dry, and replace bedroom sheets/pillowcases


Clean and sanitize toilets (base, bowl, seat, and tank)

Clean and sanitize sinks and faucets

Scrub clean and dry bathtubs and showers

Damp-wipe and dry vanity counter tops

Clean and shine mirrors


Load/run dishwasher

For Weekly clients we also put away the dishes and wipe out the oven

Clean and sanitize counter tops

Clean surface areas of oven, range, and range hood including drip pans

Clean microwave oven inside and out

Damp-wipe refrigerator doors and top

Clean and shine sink and faucet


Move-outs and Make-readies:

If you're moving out of your apartment and want to improve the odds of getting your deposit back, let us take care

of your post-move-out cleaning after your furniture and personal belongings have been removed. We do an excellent job and include the oven, fridge, and all

cabinet/drawer interiors. Your apartment will look great for your walk-through inspection. And if you're moving in and would like to start with a spic and span apartment, let us clean it before you move in!

Our Guarantee:

We guarantee our work. If you’re home when our staffer has finished cleaning and something has been missed, just let her know and it will be taken care of on the spot. If you discover we’ve missed something within 24 hours after we’ve cleaned, we’ll return and take care of it at no extra charge. If there’s any area with which you’re not satisfied, we want to know so we can make it right!

Add-On Services Available

Declutter & organization

Laundry: wash & fold

Interior of refrigerator & oven

Interior of cabinets & drawers

Patio & balcony sweeping


Services NOT offered:

Cleaning neglected or overly soiled homes, areas or items

Cleaning pet waste

Cleaning bodily fluids

Cleaning the exteriors of outdoor windows

Grout or mold cleaning

Carpet/upholstery steam cleaning


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