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MANAJEMEN PROYEK PERANGKAT LUNAK (MPPL) Software Project Management. Pengantar MPPL


Academic year: 2021

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Software Project Management

Software Project Management








Memahami pengertianpengertian umumumum tentangtentang MPPL MPPL dandan urgensinya

urgensinya dalamdalam pengembanganpengembangan PLPL Memahami

Memahami karakteristikkarakteristik proyekproyek PLPL Memahami

Memahami kriteriakriteria sukses/gagalsukses/gagal sebuahsebuah proyekproyek PL







Pengertian umumumum: : proyekproyek, , manajemenmanajemen dandan PLPL Pengertian

Pengertian dandan urgensiurgensi MPPLMPPL Perbedaan

Perbedaan MPPL MPPL dengandengan proyekproyek lainlain Pemangku

Pemangku kepentingankepentingan ((stakeholdersstakeholders)) Aktifitas

Aktifitas dalamdalam MPPLMPPL Kriteria

Kriteria kesuksesankesuksesan dandan kegagalankegagalan sebuahsebuah proyek

proyek PLPL Problem


Project is

Project is

A specific, finite task to be accomplished A specific, finite task to be accomplished

A temporary endeavor undertaken to accomplish A temporary endeavor undertaken to accomplish

a unique purpose a unique purpose

A specific plan or design A specific plan or design

A planned undertaking A planned undertaking


Jobs vs. projects

Jobs vs. projects


Jobs –– repetition of very wellrepetition of very well--defined and well defined and well understood tasks with very little uncertainty

understood tasks with very little uncertainty


Exploration –– e.g. finding a cure for cancer: the outcome e.g. finding a cure for cancer: the outcome is very uncertain

is very uncertain






Terdiri daridari nonnon--routine tasksroutine tasks


Ada perencanaanperencanaan Ada

Ada tujuantujuan yang yang spesifikspesifik yang yang harusharus dicapaidicapai atauatau ada

ada produkproduk yang yang spesifikspesifik yang yang harusharus dibuatdibuat Dibatasi

Dibatasi oleholeh waktuwaktu dandan sumbersumber dayadaya Pekerjaan

Pekerjaan yang yang dilakukandilakukan untukuntuk melayanimelayani konsumen

konsumen Melibatkan

Melibatkan berbagaiberbagai keahliankeahlian Melibatkan

Melibatkan beberapabeberapa fase/tahapanfase/tahapan pekerjaanpekerjaan Berukuran


Project dimensions

Project dimensions

People People Process Process Product Product Project Project People Project Product Process Management Structure Business Environment Tools Methods


Relevant issues (partly)

Relevant issues (partly)


People faktorfaktor vitalvital

– PersonilPersonil yang yang lemahlemah: : motivasimotivasi, skill, skill –

– PenambahanPenambahan orangorang padapada proyekproyek yang yang terlambatterlambat –

– FriksiFriksi antaraantara developer developer dandan konsumenkonsumen –

– KoordinasiKoordinasi dandan komunikasikomunikasi antarantar anggotaanggota timtim

Process Process

– Requirements volatilityRequirements volatility –

– Domain Domain permasalahanpermasalahan dandan kebutuhankebutuhan konsumenkonsumen –

– PerancanganPerancangan yang yang tidaktidak baikbaik –


Relevant issues (partly)

Relevant issues (partly)

Product Product

– Requirements goldRequirements gold--platingplating –

– Design goldDesign gold--platingplating –

– ResearchResearch--oriented developmentoriented development –

– UnjukUnjuk kerjakerja yang yang rendahrendah

Project Project

– PerencanaanPerencanaan yang yang lemahlemah –

– JadwalJadwal yang yang terlaluterlalu optimistikoptimistik –

– ManajemenManajemen resikoresiko yang yang kurangkurang memadaimemadai –

– ManajemenManajemen kontrolkontrol yang yang kurangkurang baikbaik –


What is management ?

What is management ?


Serangkaian aktifitasaktifitas yang yang meliputimeliputi planning, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, monitoring

organizing, staffing, directing, monitoring controlling, innovating

controlling, innovating dandan representingrepresenting untukuntuk mencapai


Management functions

Management functions


Planning -- deciding what is to be donedeciding what is to be done Organizing

Organizing -- making arrangementsmaking arrangements Staffing

Staffing -- selecting the right people for the jobselecting the right people for the job Directing

Directing -- giving instructionsgiving instructions Monitoring

Monitoring -- checking on progresschecking on progress Controlling

Controlling -- taking action to remedy holdtaking action to remedy hold--upsups Innovating

Innovating -- coming up with solutions when coming up with solutions when problems emerge

problems emerge Representing

Representing -- liaising with clients, users, liaising with clients, users, developers and other stakeholders


What is project management ?

What is project management ?

The application of knowledge, skills, tools and The application of knowledge, skills, tools and

techniques to project activities in order to meet techniques to project activities in order to meet

project requirements [PMI

project requirements [PMI –– Project Management Project Management Institute]


A system of management procedures, practices, A system of management procedures, practices,

technologies, skills and experience that are technologies, skills and experience that are necessary to successfully manage a project necessary to successfully manage a project


What is software ?

What is software ?

Computer programs and associated documentation such

Computer programs and associated documentation such

as requirements, design models and user manuals.

as requirements, design models and user manuals.

Software products may be developed for a particular

Software products may be developed for a particular

customer or may be developed for a general market.

customer or may be developed for a general market.

Software products may be:

Software products may be:

– Generic Generic -- developed to be sold to a range of different developed to be sold to a range of different customers e.g. PC software such as Excel or Word.

customers e.g. PC software such as Excel or Word.

– Bespoke (custom) Bespoke (custom) -- developed for a single customer according developed for a single customer according to their specification.

to their specification.

New software can be created by developing new

New software can be created by developing new

programs, configuring generic software systems or

programs, configuring generic software systems or

reusing existing software.


Software characteristics

Software characteristics


PL ituitu direkayasadirekayasa, , bukanbukan difabrikasi/diproduksidifabrikasi/diproduksi PL

PL tidaktidak bisabisa dirabadiraba ((intangibleintangible)) PL

PL tidaktidak mengalamimengalami keausankeausan Sebagian

Sebagian besarbesar PL PL dikustomisasidikustomisasi ((customizedcustomized))

idealized curve change actual curve Failure rate increased failure


What is software project management ?

What is software project management ?

Concerned with activities involved in ensuring Concerned with activities involved in ensuring

that software is delivered

that software is delivered on timeon time and and on on schedule

schedule and and in accordance with the in accordance with the


requirements of the organizations developing and of the organizations developing and

procuring the software procuring the software






Project management is needed because software Project management is needed because software

development is always subject to

development is always subject to budgetbudget and and schedule

schedule constraints that are set by the constraints that are set by the

organization developing the software organization developing the software


Software project

Software project




Invisibility –– the product is intangiblethe product is intangible Complexity

Complexity –– more complex than othersmore complex than others Conformity

Conformity –– to conform to the human client to conform to the human client requirements

requirements Flexibility

Flexibility –– subject to changesubject to change Many software projects are

Many software projects are ““oneone--offoff”” projectsprojects

Software processes are variable and organization Software processes are variable and organization

specific specific

The technology changes very quickly The technology changes very quickly


What are stakeholders ?

What are stakeholders ?


Orang--orangorang yang yang berkepentinganberkepentingan dengandengan proyekproyek Menentukan

Menentukan caracara berkomunikasiberkomunikasi Kategori


– Internal Internal –– dalamdalam satusatu timtim proyekproyek (e.g. Project (e.g. Project Manager, Analyst, Designer, Programmer,

Manager, Analyst, Designer, Programmer,

Configuration Manager,

Configuration Manager, dlldll.).) –

– EksternalEksternal daridari timtim proyekproyek, , tetapitetapi dalamdalam satusatu organisasiorganisasi (e.g. Accountant, HR Manager,

(e.g. Accountant, HR Manager, dlldll.).) –

– EksternalEksternal, , baikbaik proyekproyek dandan organisasiorganisasi (e.g. customer, (e.g. customer, end user)






Feasibility study

Feasibility study –– estimasiestimasi kelayakankelayakan proyekproyek Planning

Planning –– perencanaanperencanaan proyekproyek, , jikajika layaklayak Execution


Success criteria

Success criteria

Delivering the software to customer at the

Delivering the software to customer at the agreed agreed functionality

functionality to the to the required level of quality on timerequired level of quality on time





Planning for software projects is generally poor. Planning for software projects is generally poor.

Procedures and techniques for the selection of Procedures and techniques for the selection of

project managers are poor. project managers are poor.

The accountability of many software engineering The accountability of many software engineering

projects is poor, leaving some questions as to projects is poor, leaving some questions as to

who is responsible for various project functions. who is responsible for various project functions. The ability to accurately estimate the resources The ability to accurately estimate the resources

required to accomplish a software project is poor. required to accomplish a software project is poor.

Success criteria for software development Success criteria for software development

projects are frequently inappropriate

projects are frequently inappropriate unreliable, unreliable, difficult to use, and difficult to maintain.




Decision rules to aid in selecting the proper

Decision rules to aid in selecting the proper

organizational structure are not available.

organizational structure are not available.

Decision rules in selecting the correct management

Decision rules in selecting the correct management

techniques are not available.

techniques are not available.

Procedures, methods and techniques for designing a

Procedures, methods and techniques for designing a

project control system that will enable project managers

project control system that will enable project managers

to successfully control their projects are not readily

to successfully control their projects are not readily






Proyek terdiriterdiri daridari aktifitasaktifitas--aktifitasaktifitas nonnon--rutinrutin yang yang harus

harus diaturdiatur Proyek

Proyek PL PL bersifatbersifat intangibleintangible sehinggasehingga tidaktidak mudah

mudah untukuntuk memonitormemonitor kemajuankemajuan proyekproyek Manajemen

Manajemen proyekproyek PL yang PL yang baikbaik akanakan menentukan

menentukan keberhasilankeberhasilan proyekproyek Keberhasilan

Keberhasilan proyekproyek PL PL tidaktidak hanyahanya diukurdiukur daridari jalan/tidaknya


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